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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. hundreds of drone missiles. iran launched a massive attack on israel. russia calls for restraint. increased. the number
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of victims of the ukrainian attack on takmak in the zaporozhye region, a child was found dead under the rubble. powerful strikes on the fortified areas of ukrainian militants. russian troops were able to advance forward in several directions at once. the road to death, thousands of ukrainians are ready to risk their lives to escape the country and evade conscription army. entire neighborhoods in orenburg are flooded. the water moves towards the mound. rescuers are erecting temporary dams under the threat of flooding on the right bank of the city. and the murmansk port for the first time began transporting fish delicacies to asia by rail. war! in novosibirsk , robots help grow roses in greenhouses. and in the stavropol territory, local pump rooms have already opened and the flow of tourists is growing every day. so tel
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aviv will respond to iran's attack at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner. the israeli defense minister just announced this following the results of urgent meeting of the government of the jewish state. the final decision on what the answer will be is planned to be made today. according to the israeli news portal winet, among the options under discussion are damage to iranian nuclear facilities. hit the iranian nuclear plant. american republican hawk, former assistant to the us president, john bolton. against this background, the new york times claims that israeli prime minister netanyahu is inclined not to respond with military strikes to tehran’s attack. allegedly, during this us president joe biden convinced him in a telephone conversation. however, iranian authorities are already taking precautions in preparation for israeli retaliation. at the airports of the islamic republic it has been extended. flights until
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tomorrow morning. this afternoon, israeli fighter jets have already carried out retaliatory strikes deep inside lebanese territory. according to the idf, a large hezbollah weapons production facility was hit. let me remind you that fighters of the shiite movement, as well as other pro-iranian forces in iraq, syria and yemen, joined the night attack on israel. it, as stated in tehran, was a response to the israeli bombing of the iranian consulate in damascus on april 1. in total , about 300 shells were fired into the territory of the jewish state, most of them were intercepted by air defense systems. about how events developed that night in the middle east, reports from our own correspondents in the region, sergei pashkov and alexander belibov. today's daytime israel is completely different from the nighttime, open cafes, public institutions. on business, without putting off until tomorrow
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what you can do today. the night before the city was empty. the townspeople tried to stay close to the bomb shelters. a message about the first wave of launched combat vehicles appeared in local media at 22:45 on saturday. an hour later, a new wave of attack was recorded, then another. an army representative live-streamed a warning to citizens about the approaching air force. tonight, iran launched a large-scale, coordinated attack on israel. the iranian regime launched drones weighing more than 200 kg, winged and ballistic missiles. together with allies and partners across the region, we are acting at this very moment to defend israel from iranian attack. so far, we have been able to intercept the vast majority of attack drone missiles. and cruise and
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ballistic missiles beyond israel's borders. several iranian missiles fell on israeli territory, causing minor damage to a military base without causing casualties. personnel. flights of iranian drones over the territory of iraq were shown on the news of world television channels. drone launches were recorded from iran, yemen and iraq. the first wave was met and seriously countered by the air defense and air force of the kingdom of jordan. aman announced in advance that they did not intend to allow iranian combat vehicles through their airspace . after some time , confirmed reports of ballistic missile launches arrived. they were under...
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a girl, a resident of a bedouin village in southern israel, who was seriously wounded by a fragment of a downed rocket. also to the south in the negev desert, minor damage was caused to a military base. 15 minutes after the raid, tsahal will report that it has intercepted 99% of iranian missiles and drones. in total, according to military sources, the iranian army launched 185 drones into israel, 36 winged and 110. this campaign is not over yet, we must be vigilant, pay close attention to the instructions of the israel defense forces and the logistics command, and be prepared for any scenario. at the same time, we repelled the first wave of attacks and we did it with great success. a little later , experts will calculate that the operation to neutralize
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the enemy drone missile was costly israel's military budget is approximately $15 billion. an iranian attack in israel has been expected for the last 2 weeks. will be responsible for the building of the iranian consulate in damascus destroyed on april 1 , the general officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps in israel who died under its ruins had no doubt that the multi-stage missile defense system had already been brought to a state of full combat readiness the day before. benjamin netanyahu warned citizens about a clash with iran just minutes before the drone attack began.
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calmly and decisively. israel has reintroduced partial wartime restrictions. the skies over the country were closed until sunday morning, school classes and public events were cancelled. beaches and parks are closed after the iranian air attack and the incident is not considered over. a senior israeli government official said the response on iran would be serious and powerful. the fate of the retaliatory strike will be determined by the members...
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using all types of available weapons that are in service the aerospace forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps began before midnight, with heavy attack drones being the first to take wing.
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it was the largest drone attack in history. the following photo illustrates this well: in the sky there is a whole swarm of mine drones, various modifications, drones behind... in several waves, later missile units also joined the attack. iranian state television showed footage of the launches. opening command. fire was heard from the operational headquarters of the iranian army, after which from the launch silos one after the other launched dozens of ballistic missiles. that night , a unit of the lebanese hezbollah group, as well as pro-iranian forces from iraq, also struck israel, and although their strikes were not as large-scale as the iranian attack, they carried out their task, as a wave-like main strike from the islamic republic, one of the best in the world . in any case, until this night , the israeli air defense system iron dome was overloaded, simply unable to cope
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with so many simultaneously approaching drones, shells, rockets artillery and missiles, some of which reached their targets. according to the head of the general staff of the iranian army, the targets of this operation were an information center that provided information for an attack on the iranian consulate buildings in damascus, which is located on the border of israel and syria. and the sahal nevatim air force base in the south of the country. from our point of view, this operation is completed and we do not plan to continue it. however, if israel takes any action against the islamic republic, whether on our territory or in centers belonging to us, syria or anywhere else, our next operation will be much larger than this. official tehran, through its representatives at the un , stated that everything that happened last night was nothing more than... iran's military actions, carried out on the basis of article 51
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of the un charter, concerning legitimate defense, were a response to the aggression of the zionist regime against our diplomatic missions in damascus. the issue can be considered resolved, however, if the israeli regime makes another mistake, iran's response will be significantly more rigid. this is a conflict between iran and the israeli regime that the us should stay away from. the iranian operation was a natural outcome of the situation that had developed in the region, and although the israeli command reported that 99% of iranian ammunition had been shot down, tehran itself recognized its own strike as a success. these words should not be taken literally, to the extent that success is determined by the number of targets hit, because in today’s attack it is not even the result that is important, but the fact of what happened. first, iran has demonstrated to the whole world that it is not afraid neither israel nor the united states, if anything happens i’m ready to deal. with any enemy, secondly, it clearly showed what the military-industrial complex of the islamic
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republic is capable of, the products of which have in fact proven that they can bypass the best western air defense systems and against which the country’s adversaries do not have absolute protection; thirdly, having essentially caused any significant material and physical damage to israel, iran, like no one else has ever hit the image of the jewish state, forcing it to answer for its own. tehran responded blow to blow, and at the same time was able to show restraint, not going further than it was necessary, but it is too early to draw an end, israel has already stated that they will not just leave this, and that same restraint is not in the habits of tel aviv, so in the middle east, we can expect a new round of escalation in the near future, the consequences of which can now hardly be predicted. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov, maria bolotvina and evgeniy kononov, lead the middle east. on board a commercial vessel hijacked iran, the day before there was
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a russian in the strait of armu. this information was confirmed by our embassy in tehran. according to media reports , the container ship belongs to the company of an israeli billionaire. the ship has already been driven to the coast of iran. now our diplomats are doing everything possible to ensure that all legal rights of russian citizens are respected. the embassy is in constant contact with local authorities to clarify all the details. presence of russian citizen timofey kolchanov on board the sea vessel iris in order to provide necessary consular assistance, we maintain contact with the relatives of the sailor. the sharp deterioration of the situation in the middle east will be discussed today at an urgent meeting of the un council. the world cannot afford another war - this is a quote from a statement by un secretary general antony guterres. i am deeply alarmed by the real threat of destruction. escalation in the region, i call on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid any actions
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that could lead to a large-scale military clash on several fronts in the middle east. moscow is extremely concerned about another dangerous escalation in the middle east and calls on all parties to show restraint. this statement was distributed in our mid. the unsettled nature of numerous crises in the middle east, primarily in the area of ​​the palestinian-israeli conflict, which are often fueled by irresponsible provocations. from the conflict in the gas sector. the most urgent task is to effectively implement the provisions of un security council resolution 27-28 and end the conflict in gaza as soon as possible. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence, to play a constructive role in maintaining regional peace and stability. the eu and
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nato, as well as its member countries, including britain, germany, italy, canada, and the czech republic, condemned the iranian attack. poland, france and the usa. joe biden reaffirmed washington's commitment to supporting israel. however, according to nbc, in private conversations biden expressed concern that tel arif is trying to drag the united states even deeper into middle east conflict. as cnn reports , citing sources in the white house, biden made it clear to israeli prime minister netanyahu in a telephone conversation that washington would not participate in tel aviv’s retaliatory actions against tehran. against this background , there is a guard in the building. the revolution said the united states would regret participating in attacks on iran and would receive a decisive response from the islamic republic. meanwhile, the frigate of the russian pacific fleet marshal shaposhnikov crossed the soet canals and entered the mediterranean sea. this was reported in ministry of defense marshal shapochnikov is the carrier of the latest caliber cruise missiles. according to
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the military department, in the mediterranean sea the frigate will operate in accordance with the previously approved combat plan. preparation for other news: 16 of them have already died, among them children, the number of victims of the ukrainian attack on takmak in the zaporozhye region has increased again, rescuers pulled out the bodies of four more people from the rubble, one of the dead was a child, another victim died from his injuries in the hospital, out of twenty wounded, 12 people remain in serious condition condition, let me remind you that the day before ukrainian militants targeted residential buildings and... rescuers are still continuing to clear the rubble in search of victims. now to the latest data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation. the defeat of manpower and military equipment in the armed forces of ukraine was inflicted in 129 regions, in
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particular, in the kherson direction , the launcher and radar station of the arst air defense system produced were destroyed.
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i am not in the car, i go to a safe distance for myself, the division in constant motion turns around in a matter of minutes. at the firing position of the s-400 anti-aircraft missile division there are several launchers at once: 1, 2, 3, 4, and this is a kind of brain center of the division, a control machine, called
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the black pearl, this is where all the information about air violators flows, namely.. from here the crew gives the command to destroy any enemy target, there is a target, speed 180, height eight, range 75, attention, bush on the first, c400 triumph controls the sky within a radius of 350 km, it looks like a ship, each crew has its own call sign. shift, well black pearl, everyone had to listen more... they decided to put this name on it by ear. the division includes the pantsir s1 anti-aircraft missile and gun complex. protects our triumph from kamikaze drones of the ukrainian armed forces. qualifies. the target is like an unmanned aerial vehicle, launch, consumption is one, there is a launch, on the first channel the target is destroyed, consumption is one, accepted, maneuverable and
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fast shell is effective in the fight against air, ground and surface targets of the enemy. we hit all targets flying on a collision course with a probability of 0.9 to 100 m/s. beginning from a small quadcopter, ending with a ballistic target. the car sees well. the rocket also shoots down perfectly. combat duty around the clock, constantly changing positions, the special purpose anti-aircraft missile division acts proactively. alexander katsyuv, alexander malyshev, lead. now to the flood situation, the level of the ural river in orenburg today began to decline for the first time since the beginning of the flood. however, entire neighborhoods remain flooded. particularly dangerous areas are being evacuated to eliminate consequences of the disaster and assistance to the population. today an additional group of the ministry of emergency situations from kazan headed to orenburg. but in the kurgan region they are preparing for a sharp deterioration in the situation. the level of the tabol river
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is rising every hour. now it has already exceeded 5.5 m, if the water reaches six, it threatens to flood the right bank part and the center of kurgan. rescuers are laying protective dams to minimize the consequences of floods. murat zaripov and albert musin have all the details from the scene. every hour without news about another rise in the level of the urals, as a long-awaited respite in the fight against the water that surrounded the city, but the pause could be interrupted at any moment by the sound of an emergency siren , so people still leave their homes, moving to safe areas. this is a new microdistrict still under construction, not all the houses are inhabited and not all the houses have been reached by water yet, but it’s almost impossible to get out of there on your own right now, the only road is the one leading to the land, the water is about the same length in the deepest areas and is blocked on this island right now hundreds of people, walking is far and difficult, someone leaves the microdistrict in the bucket of a tractor,
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but mostly people use cargo transport, instead of the usual minibuses, now kamaz trucks ply here, you will sit down carefully with your head, don’t hit them, but here wheeled vehicles are already useless, the depth in some places reaches 5 m; it was the suburban and holiday villages that suffered from the flood. most of all, just the entire village, where 600 houses went under water, local residents give a tour of the places where just recently their houses stood, road signs were almost invisible in the water, they didn’t know the area, strangers wouldn’t get by even on a boat, so they relied only on themselves, they evacuated on their own, they also helped their neighbors get out of their flooded houses, it occurred to me that i was thinking of saving myself, here human life comes before saved everything. each other, so they didn’t have time to take anything out of their homes, only what they were able to lift to the second floor survived, there’s water from the ceiling 10 cm, somewhere like that, i
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think there’s no point in going downstairs. gorny ilievsky shows the situation in his house neighbor who is waiting for us in the boat. the two of them lived here for several days when the water began to rise. the goron house opposite is one-story, so you can only see it. roof 2 months ago we finished repairs in the winter , we just moved in. almost all the houses were built on high foundations, taking into account possible flooding during the spring flood, but no one predicted such a flood. we did it with the fact that our house could withstand 950 cm, but not a single house can withstand 12 m. those who were left without housing, things, and sometimes even without documents, they now live with neighbors.
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it is only possible to estimate the scale of the disaster, the water level will drop significantly according to forecasts, only in orenburg in a few days. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, lead orenburg. for a week now, kurgan and its surroundings have been living in constant anticipation of big water, the flood wave is already at the very approaches to the city, they began to prepare for its arrival in advance. continuously, hundreds of sandbags are sent up from here, with their help it has already been possible to build up the main nine-meter dam even more. by half a meter, and they say this is far from the limit. in some places it is increased by almost a meter; entire factory shifts, student groups and creative teams work. folklore. tsveten ensemble, and we tour, sing folklore songs, on our list, we will notify people about the evacuation. the entire right bank part
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of kurgan is under attack, it is located in a lowland and will be the first to go under water, a preventive evacuation has been announced there, our children have already been taken away, so my husband and i are left, my husband works on the dam, for example, we have nowhere to transport our property, we are all so they raised you to the second floor, this is your only housing, of course, the only one, experienced volunteers of the united russia come out to help the volunteers, some joined the ranks of the dam builders, others conduct house-to-house visits informing the emergency service. threatening directly the regional center and the bridges across the tobol, so that the entire body of water could pass freely, employees of the ministry of emergency situations began clearing the riverbed. the goal is to remove all old logs and dead branches from the river path that could create an unwanted natural dam, which in turn could would lead to the accumulation of a large volume of water , threatening the destruction of the bridge. the ground is
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flooded. in the regions , the population and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations are being vaccinated against hepatitis a; then, rescuers are continuously watching from drones and helicopters to see how the flood is moving and what settlements may be in its path. some units monitor the level of the tabol directly from its water area. at the same time, rescuers are building up sand dams and deploying water-filling dams. work goes on around the clock. in the city of kurgan, where a significant increase in water in the river is expected tabol, employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations. they are installing water-filling dams around the clock in three areas. a water-filling dam is a special sleeve that is filled with water to create barriers against flood waters. the tense situation remains in the tyumen region, where a sharp rise in water in the ishim and tura rivers is also expected. now we are strengthening the old barriers and laying out new ones. employees of the contractor are strengthening the dam. however, by human standards, an incident can turn into a sudden
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increase. for nature, a large spill, according to ecologists, will increase fish populations several times, which has not happened for many years. however, it is too early to count the catch as damage in the kurgan region; first you need to wait for the peak of the main wave, the count is almost on the clock. albert musin, nikolai starosttin, dmitrikomov, elena goleeva, news from the kurgan region. watch my colleagues’ extensive reports from the drowning zone today at 20:00, in news of the week with dmitry kiiselev. more than 400 tons of fresh frozen crab were sent by rail from murmansk. this the first transportation in the history of the port using refrigerated containers. the delicacy will have to travel almost 10,000 km by land for further export of vaziio. oleg pasobin found out when the new route will be made regular. a huge truck crane lifts a refrigerated container, in which almost 14 tons of crab products
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are placed with pinpoint precision... for the first time in modern history , refrigerators with delicacies are sent from the murmon port by rail across the entire country; they have to cover almost 10,000 km by land, and then get to asia by sea. the crabs were caught and frozen in the barints sea, then placed in a refrigerator, and from there they loaded a refrigerator into this container, this is how it is now loaded onto the platform, then this whole train will go east... to the east, this is footage of crab fishing under water, a special trap on at a depth of 80 m with the aroma of herring, after a few minutes the first crab appears at the hole, it slowly makes its way into the net frame, then the second one appears, and so the rockiforms are shaken out of the trap. after special processing, the crab meat is transferred transport ships that deliver the delicacy in the refrigerator of the murmansk port. in
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murmansk they are counting on the next one. such containers will be delivered directly from ships to the railways, this will save the refrigeration capacity of the port and preserve the quality of the goods. this has never happened before, sending fish products by rail to the middle zone from moscow to st. petersburg, it loses from the point of view of logistics to road transport, but over a longer distance the railway becomes competitive. new railway the path appeared largely due to foreign sanctions, which cut off fishermen from european ones. now our companies are redirecting products to asia, and some to the domestic market; according to calculations, the new route is beneficial for everyone. here now we are loading about 400 tons, since the times of the ussr, the first shipment from the port, well, of course, our port has never sent such volumes. the new route is going to make regular containers of fish and crab products,
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they expect to send them by rail. several times a month. oleg posobin, anton klimovsky, dmitry kvastnyuk, lead murmansk. look at the news, this is what will happen next in our program. in the donetsk direction, russian troops occupied more advantageous positions. the ssu lost 450 military personnel and 20 vehicles. river of death, thousands of ukrainians are ready to risk their lives to escape the country and evade conscription into the army. local pump rooms have already opened in the stavropol territory. the flow of tourists is growing every day. about this and more immediately after the advertisement. it was you who arranged everything, yes, not only the career deprived me, decided to finish me off, alla taxi, premiere on monday on rtr, discover
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just like i trust him, it means you have an ideal marriage on saturday, you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse. why didn’t you tell him anything? no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, you like men, and you’ll be in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you,
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mikhail, i, damn it , damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he preceded me, and what right do you, baby, have? to destroy someone else's family, would there be anything to destroy? “this is you, the world, an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, on saturday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed , any remedy has a downside with the most necessary health. let’s dispel the myths and help you find out the truth. how to act? in order to land well, you need to warm up before doing so. what to pay attention to? must have its own pill. where to look for help?
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you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. the most important information - from the most competent sources, take care of your body as a whole, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. in the donetsk direction, russian troops occupied more advantageous frontiers. the fire was inflicted by a unit of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of andreevka, kleshcheevka and kurdyumovka. the gun is attentive, the enemy has lost more than 450 troops and...
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the suu is being destroyed by soldiers of the sudaplatov battalion, which operates on the zaporozhye front. you have to work at night and get as close as possible to enemy trenches. but there is a higher probability of covering targets behind militant lines. anton stepanenko will continue. from the point of permanent deployment to the unloading point it takes about 45 minutes. pyatikhatkinskoe the direction of the zaporozhye front, despite kiev attempts to break through the defenses, survived. positions together with neighbors. holds the volunteer battalion bars 32, better
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known as the name of sudoplatov, the driver turns on the night vision device, then without headlights, they work very much during the day in the pub, and in general the activity has increased significantly for the month, a company stronghold, the distance to the enemy is from one and a half kilometers to 600 meters -700 depending on the trench, the first impression was that you were blind, you couldn’t even see outstretched arms, such a black night, unmanned aerial operators... go out on a night hunt, trying to set up a rotation, night movements, where they go, why they go, where they come from, they observe regularly, the reconnaissance schedule is ragged so that the enemy cannot get used to it, the transport is clearly visible, because that it heats up, it happens that you can confuse people with animals, with hares, because when you stick your head out of the trench and the hare runs around the landing, it’s very similar, you have to fly to, to reconnaissance, the storm is an experienced operator, even... on such on a small screen to see the target,
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observes, double-checks that there are no errors, finally gives out coordinates, then the commander’s decision on what to destroy, reconnaissance itself most of all gives a great result, that without reconnaissance, neither artillery nor fpv, nothing will work, the peculiarity of the position is the closer to the front line , the deeper in the enemy rear they will be able to cover targets, the downside is a high probability of a retaliatory strike, a shot, a battle feature is paid...
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the musicians have not yet made it to their concerts.
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tiger takes jang and sergei babunts to ovdeevka. there was enough space in the armored car for both tools and passengers. in the windows of the armored car are the streets of the city where battles had recently taken place. on the way, instructions on how to behave in a place that is not yet entirely safe. when astana, we’ll buy now, first of all , we’ll unload ourselves, leave the tools, okay. yes, it’s better not to linger in open areas, but even these few minutes were enough for a group of people to be noticed by an enemy copter in the shelter where the musicians got to. guitars, there won’t be even a dozen spectators, these are the residents of avdeevka who lost their homes now they are staying in the shelter, but it is important for sergei and alexei to play for them, they were leaving
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the kamikaze drone, they jumped into the basement, our guys seemed to be there, they say, well, since you already came here. with the guys after our performances, they are very warm, with such people we will win. the museum of labor and military glory of donbass, here is the story of the destruction by the ukrainian state of its cities and its people. the museum has a lot of enemy weapons, mostly trophies, but there are examples that literally flew onto the shelves. the museum itself
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once suffered from shelling, he is in a troubled area, shell fragments entered the window, pierced this display case, leaving a hole like this and one of the fragments remained on the shelf. the musicians donated trophies from avdeevka to the museum, the soldiers asked for this, and also something from themselves. so i will also leave the pick that we played for the fighters in ovdeevka. the first concerts and the first trip with this lineup are just the beginning of a long front-line journey. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. thousands of ukrainians are willing to risk their lives to escape the country and evade conscription into the army. the new york times writes about this today. according to the publication, one of the main routes for the colonists was to escape to romania through the tisza river. since the beginning of the conflict, over 6.00 ukrainians have already entered the country this way. dozens of people drowned.
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according to the authors of the article, because of this, the tisa has already received the gloomy nickname of the river of death. at least it's in the hundreds. from the combat zone, citing the words of the ukrainian military, the publication emphasizes that for many residents, conscription into the army is like a one-way ticket to the front, so now, when ukraine’s prospects on the front line have noticeably worsened, the number of draft dodgers is constantly growing. let me remind you that this week the verkhovna rada adopted a scandalous bill to tighten mobilization, which will make it possible to mobilize hundreds of thousands more ukrainians. it is expected that zelensky will sign it within the next two weeks. after which one part of the new rules will come into effect force immediately, some in a month, reported in kiev. about the main events of the last seven days, the news of the week with dmitry kiselev, watch today at 20:00, this is the news of the week and
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i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. big trouble from the urals to siberia, where the water is...
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attacks on the crimean bridge strikes belgorod. help! the murder of daria dugina by vladlin tatarsky. assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin. and now an event in crocus city. financing of what other terrorist attacks was revealed by the ukrainian company with biden jr. burisma. and 10 years war for donbass. we will also demonstrate what our deeds were like during the great patriotic war. there was a battle here.
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in the stavropol territory , the flow of tourists is growing every day, local pump rooms were opened earlier than usual and now they are open around the clock, those who come to the local sanatorium are first of all recommended to take long walks and drink artesian water, and for those who are not satisfied with this, minerals can be... get otherwise from the dirt. report by bulat shakieva. the first milliliters of mineral water flow from the tap of the summer pump room this year. after winter storage it was opened almost a month earlier than usual, the tourist flow had already begun to grow, so 24-hour access to water was organized for city guests. by the way, you need to drink mineral water using a special device called a bell mug. you see, i have a branded one. so, you need to drink from it without tilting it, but as if sucking the mineral water through the spout, it’s delicious, it
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will help protect the enamel of your teeth from staining with minerals, however, many people don’t think about it, there are still more benefits. mineral water is just a miracle, something, something it’s incredible that it comes out of the ground. treatment in local sanatoriums involves daily walks and drinking water from different sources, everyone here is treated with something different, and for some this is not enough. minerals can be obtained differently, from mud, they bring it to zheleznovodsk from the famous tambukan lake in tons, they even had to build a special storage facility, from where it is supplied for procedures through a pipeline? the mud is applied directly to the body, doctors say the closer the contact, the more the body will absorb useful elements, and almost the entire periodic table is there, so you can smear yourself completely healthy for prevention. for the procedure, the mud is heated to 40°, me. now it’s so hot, because when they wrap you up like that, it feels like you’re in such a warm cocoon, and it doesn’t look like a bathhouse, a sauna, or
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a hammam, it’s something separate, but definitely very pleasant. sergei tuchkanov from tomsk has been coming here regularly since 1992, when his kidney suddenly fell ill. doctors performed an operation, but the prognosis was disappointing, in order to increase the chances of recovery, one of the surgeons recommended taking a rehabilitation course at the zheleznovodsk sanatorium. after the operation, when it was performed on me, it was like dirt, in fact, well, it saved me, i can compare it from abroad, yes, as if my soul still lies, so to speak, where you rest and where it is more convenient for you in the benefits in russia, and this is probably the best recommendation for those who are still thinking whether to come to zheleznovodsk this year or not, ladshakiev, evgenny radaev, andrey chastyakov, news from the stavropol region, greenhouse worker the complex near novosibirsk will be able to grow millions of roses per year, flowers occupy about 2 hectares there, but to service the huge area only 16
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employees are needed, all thanks to the complete automation of the complex. the main agronomists there are robots. the only thing that happens manually is landing. the rest is done by machines. they also maintain a special climate, temperature, humidity, and artificial warm light in greenhouses. and convenient logistics allows us to deliver fresh flowers not only to the regions of siberia and the far east, but also... abroad, all the news is always available on the media platform, look, and by this time we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you, see you, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket, it will protect the plants from frost and keep them warm, will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, will extend the gardening season, the presence of windows with zippers. will provide quick access for watering and maintenance, we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses 120x60x60 cm.


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