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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  April 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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well, well, it was the same thing, well, everything was the same, nothing, everything repeated itself in history, a civil war, an ordinary civil war. the wind blows dry dust into the rural cemetery, 100 meters from the school , his students, the defenders of donbass, lie under the weight of granite, a lump in their throat, words forgotten, from his school years until the day of mourning, oleg nikolaevich remembers every dead boy, they look from the portraits as if they were alive. danil, born in 2002. both he and
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his father were called up from the same family, and died there under the moraine. there are 10 of them on the memory wall: former students of a small rural school in samoilovo. mother forbade hanging the portrait of the eleventh nikolai shamolin, he is alive for her, only since the summer of twenty-three there has been no communication. vera nikolaevna has been leaving the gate open for a year now, in case her son returns. i pray for the living, i go there and pray to the lord for health.
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ma, well, who will take our place, this is our homeland, this is how their front-line life began, there were 20 if 30 in the van, the first battles of the guard, then shirokin was freed, in one trench stocky men and young guys stood in defense of their homeland, pour, pour it, drink it, and we live in novorossiya, it’s a must here. there will be heaven, the youngest son was wounded, but she didn’t tell her mother about it, after she saw the uniform torn into shreds , she understood everything, when the sons came to leave, vera exhaled for a while, i look when i’m seeing him off, i’m standing on the road and i think, this is what i need have the willpower from a warm bed from a tv from the internet, a backpack,
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a unit and send it to donbass. we meet alexander khodakovsky, who was then at the origins of the resistance, at saur mogila. for donbass this is a significant place, sacred. the mound, rising 278 meters above the ground, was turned by nazi military engineers into an impregnable citadel. they dug catacombs, protected from artillery aircraft, and built several defense lines. at the top of the kurgan there was an observation post of the sixth army of the wehrmacht. bunkers were equipped on the approaches to the heights; the battles that took place here were sometimes called little stalingrad. the slopes around saur grave were thickly watered with blood, and there was a battle for every piece of land. for soldiers and commanders of the red army, assault commanding heights turned out to be tantamount to the liberation of the entire shakhtyorsky region. 71 years later, the donbass militia liberated saur grave from the ukrainian nazis. who owned this mound. ring and cut off from
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canonical russia, the vostok battalion then stood in their way, it became clear that these were nationalist battles.
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he was not a georgian at all, he just looked like that, dark-skinned, with a sharp nose and big black eyes, when the war began in donbass.
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brave, courageous, determined, but their lives were cut short unfairly early. arsena pavlova they blew up in the elevator of his house, mikhail tolstykh in his office at the base of the somali battalion. i knew, and he knew, that after motorola he would not exist. and when they were burying mishka, when they were already remembering mishka, zakharchenko came and hugged me. and says, mother, next time, i, it so happened, they called him dad, alexander zakharchenko inherited a republic with infrastructure destroyed by the war, under constant shelling, shutdown enterprises and thousands of unemployed. the scattered
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militia units were more like partisan detachments. i understand that he it was very difficult. and it became very difficult for him, as... the head of state in his fifteenth or sixteenth year, when ukraine did everything possible and impossible so that nothing would come to donbass, so they blocked the roads, they didn’t give us permission to take them somewhere- then coal, so that we would not trade our coal, so that our metal would not go anywhere, although the factories were destroyed, there were few people, but we slowly still worked in donbass. it was zakharchenko who began the fight against looters, speculators, corruption, and crime. prices were raised in stores, and he tried to explain that this was impossible. the only thing i asked him to do was sit, i was preparing tea for him, something like this, i went up to him, hugged him, i said: sasha, son, i have
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one request for you, so that the price of bread does not rise. and the pensioners were not offended. yes, mom, she says, this is the main thing, this is the main thing. “when the russian spring began in donetsk, his parents lived in artyomovsk, on the territory of ukraine, it was difficult to leave, especially with such a surname, zakharchenko accidentally let it slip in an interview with journalists, he says, i came home, he says, i didn’t know, what to do, he says, well, i succeeded, he says, i gave you up, they will look for you there, well, that’s how it happened, they started looking, well..." they had an order there, then we found out, which means they immediately they shot her, but if they had caught her, it means they would have bargained, let’s say we have the blue one, they begged the blue one for her, the details of that special operation are still classified, they left
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in a hurry, they didn’t even pack their things, our guys did , that we, it seems, like parents went for their son, the boy was wounded. so he was in prison in vsk, we took him and went to this same donetsk and never returned. alexander zakharchenko's parents were no longer there. to separate we must be together. russian spring 2014 became a long prologue to
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a special military operation. the nationalists then chose the language of force to speak with the residents of the south-east of ukraine, but it was impossible to talk to them in such a tone. yes, we were in no hurry to start a war, it was imposed on us, i’ll be honest , we are a hardworking peaceful people, but it was forced on us, we tried peacefully, peacefully way to build, to live, but you give us. is de-energized, now, following an accident, we are releasing people
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, just before your arrival, the mine is now out of the mine, 100 people are underground at a depth of 1200 m, now the management of the enterprise administration , together with the vgschi detachment, is carrying out emergency work to release people to the surface, this is ours, roar our artillery is strengthening, shells are rushing into position with a crunching rustle. do not believe in the magic of numbers, on april 13 they decided to become husband and wife, enter the violator,
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are declared husband and wife, met for several months before the start of the northern military district, zhenya signed a contract and went to fight, he just returned from the front line yesterday, the commander gave him leave for 3 days, the bride was waiting in gorlovka, we need to continue living, yes, yes, before the war, no , that’s probably not the case there was such a rush. now at this time people, they are trying to live faster, probably to have time to do everything, suddenly, this suddenly happens to us often, let’s say, lately, we hope that everything will end soon, during heavy shelling, the wedding is stopped, they go down to refuge when the guns fall silent, triumph continues, the spring sun plays in the empty window openings of the destroyed zaksa. it’s hard to believe that each of these people will have a war again tomorrow. elena erofeeva,
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vitaly kaydanovich, natalya novgorodova, news of the week. on tuesday, the russian investigative committee announced the initiation of a criminal case under the article on the financing of terrorism. the notorious ukrainian company burisma, whose board of directors included the son of us president hunter biden, came under suspicion. burisma is known. become another sponsor of terrorists who kill russians, this is already beyond the bounds.
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vitaly kormazin has all the details of this scandalous case. on your knees, on your knees, on your knees, i say, fsb soldiers are detaining six suspects, they are being taken out of the apartment one by one, squatting in the house, two improvised explosive devices and grenades, with which the detainees, on instructions from ukrainian curators, were supposed to blow up a military facility in donetsk . and some of these ukrainian terrorist attacks are financed from overseas, we are confident in the investigative committee, which this week opened criminal case about western sponsorship of ukrainian terrorism. the investigation, in cooperation with other intelligence services and financial intelligence, is checking the sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars. involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public and commercial organizations in western countries. the bombing of the nord stream, and the attempted
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murder of zakhar prilepin, the death of daria dugina, murder. tatar, all these facts are described in our statement. in the hands of a deputy state duma by yana lantratova, an impressive brochure with a list of crimes in which the western trace is visible. she and her colleagues turned to the investigative committee to initiate a case, naming specific names. biden's son and biden himself is actually a business partner of a company in ukraine, which donated a fairly impressive amount of money, among other things. to an army of drones, which are used to bomb our border territories, and bomb donbass. we are talking about the famous feeder of the biden family, a ukrainian company burisma. it was founded by the former minister of natural resources of ukraine, nikolai zlochevsky. 2 months after the maidan , the son of us vice president joseph biden, hunter, a close friend of the family
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of secretary of state john kerry, devon archer, the former head of the cia anti-terrorism center, joined the board of directors of burisma.
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at the disposal of the military unit of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine, here is the number of this unit, this is a secret decision, no one has seen it yet, after a period of time the northern streams begin to explode, attempts are made on dugin, prilepino, tatarsky, the heads of the ukrainian special services do not hide the fact that they carry out political assassinations and terrorist attacks for... there are no official expenses, no reports, no evidence of the operation in all, judging by the court decisions, zlochevsky and kicha transferred about 20 to the ssu millions of dollars, part of which went to the project of an army of drones, those drones with which ukraine carries out terrorist attacks on civilian targets in russia, so initially corruption machinations degenerated into the financing of terrorism,
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former rada deputy derkach is confident. biden's partners in corrupt business in ukraine. operating on the territory of ukraine over the past years have been used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures. causing economic damage. 2 months after the transfer of money to the special services, the nord streams were blown up in the baltic sea. russian parliamentarians also published new data about ukrainian technical divers who swam in the zone explosions. it is indicated that they were led by a career intelligence officer, roman chervinsky. the leader of the group was sergei kuznetsov. he was assisted by captain first rank anatoly burgomistrenko, former vice-mayor of the city of belaya
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tserkov, operative ruslan rudenko , and a fifty-two-year-old technical diver with the call sign marisha. they were trained in romania at a nato base, then transferred to zhitomir, where divers trained in the reservoirs of local quarries. the operation was supervised by the deputy chief of mission of the united states in ukraine, christopher smith. but their location in the baltic sea, according to data deputies was just an imitation operation or simply a cover to hide the real role of the united states. at the direction of the central intelligence agency, which gave instructions to the general directorate of intelligence.
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nato bloc in international terrorist activities in foreign countries, on the territory of foreign states, including on the territory of the russian federation. experts
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talk about the geopolitical benefit of america, the weakening of the united states’ main competitor in the european union, which supported the economy with russian gas. i suffered from this germany, directly, is the largest donor to the european union and the largest supporter of us military assistance to ukraine. who agrees. interested in the deindustrialization of germany, in the competitive struggle with the european union , only one country looms again: the united states of america. on all the facts of the terrorist attacks, the russian prosecutor general's office sent official requests to western countries, including the us department of justice. against this background, another criminal case is being investigated about a terrible terrorist attack in crocus city. according to russian intelligence services, his traces are also lead to foreign customers and organizers. crocus city, i went to see sima a few days ago.
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herzegovina, one of the poorest countries in europe with the capital in sarajevo, population of 3 and a half million people, more than half of the bosnians are muslims, approximately 30% are serbs. the country is a candidate member of the european union and a nato partner. bosnia and herzegovina is a remnant of the former socialist yugoslavia, where
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bosniaks, montenegrins, croats, kosovars, albanians and serbs coexisted peacefully after world war ii. but after the west led by the usa began the operation to collapse yugoslavia, the country was engulfed in bloody interethnic conflicts. in the nineties against the serbs. everyone fought: kosovo albanians, croats, and bosnians. often the confrontation resulted in inter-religious conflict, muslims against orthodox. in bosnia and herzegovina the fighting was particularly fierce. the serbs killed the bosnians, and they, without a twinge of conscience, slaughtered the serbs. according to the most conservative estimates, up to 100,000 people died there during the 5 years of the war. only at the end of 1900. ninety-fifth year in the region managed to achieve a fragile peace, according to the dayton agreement, the state of bosnia and herzegovina is a confederation of two approximately
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equal parts, which includes the federation of bosnia and herzegovina and the republika srpska. in addition, a small district of brčko was allocated within the country, which is under international supervision. brčko district connected or. separated the two parts of the republika srpska. the country is led by a presidium of three people: one bosnian, one croat and one serb. every 8 months one out of three representatives of ethnic groups, according to the principle of rotation, becomes the head of state. a nato contingent was brought into the country, which at the beginning of 2000 was replaced by eu forces. from the very beginning of the armed conflict in bosnia and herzegovina, the united states and europe opposed the serbs. nato bombed the bosnian serbs in 1995, supposedly forcing them to make peace. from the republika srpska,
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head of our bureau in the balkans. russian volunteer day is celebrated in the republika srpska on april 12. russian volunteers participated on the side of the serbian people in the nineties in the wars after the collapse of yugoslavia, today the serbs are grateful. it was near the city that the enemy was, he was very close, so he was shelling the city with mortars, artillery, so it was important to knock him out of there. alexander kravchenko was one of those hundreds of volunteers who decided to stand up for the orthodox brothers; he was seriously wounded in bosnia. in general, i am very
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grateful to the serbs for many things. and most importantly, i am grateful that they taught me to love my country and my people, because just as they love us, we ourselves we don't like it. the war in bosnia between serbs, croats and bosnian muslims lasted from april 1992 to december 1995. during this time, more than 100 thousand people died. after 3 and a half years of death, ethnic cleansing and destruction, the parties signed an agreement in the american city of dayton, ohio. in fact, all these victims. could have been avoided, even before the start of active hostilities in march of ninety-two, all three parties signed a settlement plan by european diplomat josé cutileiro, but in at the last moment, the leader of the bosnian muslims, izidbegovic, withdrew his signature on the advice of the american ambassador. the united states promised support to the bosnian muslims, despite the obvious role that the states played in starting the war, in ninety-five president clinton
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proudly calls america.
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republic of srpska, physical violence, attacks on villages and churches, everything so that the houses where the serbs lived before the war remained empty. the orthodox cemetery in the town of plamenitsa was desecrated quite recently. vandals set fire to the old grass here, but it not the first time. in this cemetery , almost all the tombstones have already been destroyed. there is no peace for the bosnian serbs on the territory of the federation, even after death. near the destroyed old cemetery there are no longer any churches or serbian villages, even before the war. serbs made up the majority here, 52% of the inhabitants of the municipality, its center, the town of klyuch, is known for its medieval fortress, now in klyuch 94% are bosniaks, muslims. when the fire brigade arrived it was already late, then the fire chief told everyone that my house had been set on fire in several places, but the police did not investigate further. and this is already the case in the village of busovoch, pensioner sava bilanovich was left
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without a roof over his head. unknown people burned his house, firefighters were in no hurry to respond to the call, the police did not even begin an investigation, but in addition to violence, the serbs are faced with quiet opposition from the federal authorities, problems arise with returning to their homes, with the restoration of their rights to real estate with the allocation of funds from the budget. is there any difference between serbian municipalities and the rest, naželost. to unfortunately, there is a difference, it is huge, especially when it comes to the distribution of funds for infrastructure construction. the municipalities of drvar, glamoci, grahovo are the three largest municipalities where serbs return to live, they receive the minimum compared to other municipalities in our canton. we don't even get a tenth of it. the municipal buildings were restored after the war only last year, and then with money from neighboring serbia. at the same time, the city of drvar
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considers. if we talk about the serbs, who returned to live in our municipality, then mostly they live peacefully, but where the serbs are in small enclaves, incidents occur every day, the serbs constantly suffer from attacks from unknown criminals, but the police do not even want to deal with it. there are still echoes of war everywhere in the city; before the collapse of yugoslavia, drvar was a point of attraction for tourists from all over the big country. joseph bros titus took refuge in caves near drvar in 1944. for the headquarters of the people's liberation army of yugoslavia, they built a small shelter. in may 1944, the germans tried to liquidate the marshal in drvar. the operation was called a knight's move, but they did not achieve their goal. tita and his
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staff hid in the caves. after the war, forming a new state, tita separated bosnia and herzegovina into a separate republic, clearly not expecting how quickly the ideology of the yugoslav brotherhood would give way to nationalism. now, 30 years after the end of the last fighting, bosnian serbs fear a return to war. i hope that was the last war. i was talking to you just now i remembered what happened. my house was burned down, my entire household was burned down. everything where i grew up, we had nothing, we fled from here, where they asked, i don’t wish this on anyone. hereditary shepherd, lives in the village of strichichi, this is the republic of serd. we were bombed by nato, they killed us, and i can never forgive them for this . i was still a child, but i remembered what they did to us, that they poisoned us, that they infected us with poison. and it is the irreconcilable
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position of the serbs that keeps bosnia and herzegovina from joining nato and joining anti-russian sanctions. according to the dayton agreement, the president of republika srpska has the right of veto, and now the western partners. it is quite possible that this resolution will be adopted, this resolution is bad, it will only complicate relations within bosnia and herzegovina, if this happens, i think that bosnia and herzegovina will not survive. now, in the un resolution on the events in srebrenica, they plan to name the serbs as the people
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responsible for the genocide. this document creates not only political pressure, but the possibility in the future to annul the status of republika srpska within bosnia. hardly bosnian serbs would so easily accept being deprived of their rights. voices on their own land. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, reporting for the week from bosnia and herzegovina. this is the news for the week, we'll be back after the commercial. i recommend that you, alla, look for a new place of work. premiere on rtr. we can open our own taxi company. too much interference. as for yours, did alla sing along with it? choke, let's discuss, and take your hands off, otherwise there are too many warning signs, what if something happens to you, i'm scared, too many dangerous intersections, trouble, seryoga crashed, he’s alive, alive, but she
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can’t stop, your mom can handle it, she’s a strong woman, alla taxi, on monday at rtr, titanic delluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe. the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. kalinon belleq is a place where time stands still. immerse yourself into sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on
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the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg. where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection boudrum. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. always. will help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly,
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will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, it’s a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted
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to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you together, you’re a predator, what else, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how is everything running, i really want to check it seriously? this is flirting obviously, just to have a look, let’s go, it
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must be edible, i had in mind, of course, the bear when i said, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if zhenya doesn’t add 1000, then what enjoyed by many, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one, five-on-one program, on saturdays on... today in russia the day of air defense forces is celebrated, protecting the sky, as recent events show, is becoming an increasingly necessary, but difficult task. the only higher education institution where they train specialists of just such a profile, located here in yaroslavl. dmitry petrov to
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take up combat duty to protect the air borders of the russian federation. everything is like in a real combat service, command post, tablets and even a border post, because air defense troops also guard the borders of the homeland in the airspace . after a whole series of reforms and reassignments, and at one time the yaroslavl air defense school. was part of the structure of another military university, now it is again an independent higher military educational institution institution. currently, 2,000 cadets are studying here. after the start of the special military operation, recruitment almost doubled. among the cadets there are many former conscripts and contract soldiers with combat experience in air defense. they carried out tasks directly for the safety of weapons and military equipment. belgorod region. volokonovsky district, republic of belarus,
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machulishche, airfield, then rostov.


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