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tv   S privetom Kozanostra  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 1:05am-2:48am MSK

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but he begins to swim more and more unpredictably, more and more difficult, he begins to swim, so in this sense , of course, the question arises: is it possible in 2024 to live according to those, and i will emphasize, ideological guidelines, because a floating ruble is was part of the economic ideology that was being implemented here.
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fire of a special military operation, water, water of resilience of civil society, water of resilience, public administration systems, because now a lot depends on, there is no need to rely on resilience and the patience of our population, of course civil society must also get involved and the public administration system must show what it can do in a crisis mode. by the way, i want to say that i am very impressed.
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history, this is a story of exclusively israeli origin, a legend, not a legend, i don’t know, but this is the only thing that can be compared with what happened.
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today, but i’ll tell you this, there are several discoveries that will weigh heavily on the american ones for quite a long time, discovery number one, well... actually, even this one is quite, well, i can’t call it a weak, but not a strong attack, but a couple of times it completely broke through this iron dome, the second, and most importantly, that the americans found out that they have one ally in the middle east, and this is not israel, only one state completely fits the american line of behavior, this is jordan, jordan, of course, no one else. and this, i think, is the biggest, greatest discovery for americans that ever happened, but in general i’m like this i’ll still put a small comma, there’s no need to judge the processes in the middle east by
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information noise, in the middle east they know how to do this, but we don’t really understand those tectonic shifts.
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sometimes they give it too, but in principle the range 09 095 099 is fantastic. by the way, israel is the only country in the world that, due to its, so to speak, very limited territory in area, managed to create
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the country’s air defense, they have four, four echelons, this is an iron dome, goodbye to david, petriot and eroo the third. but even then, this system is far from impenetrable, i am absolutely sure of this, by the way, this is not the first time that an attack was carried out on israeli territory, i am like... a long-range bomber is very modern, so to speak , at that time we did not deliver it to anyone, but with all due respect to you in libya, in libya, i dealt with them, i’m exactly with shill, this is a slang name, i dealt with it, he stood, and i was on it, who piloted it, who was levit? no, but not to everyone, but they
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were delivered in the last year, 10 bombers, for sure, well, in short, in the ninety-first year, here are the eraks they launched, as far as i remember, 10 scads, six intercepted, four so to speak, 36 cads of shingal they launched, that’s right, and several flew, and four, four penetrated this system in such an elevated special area, they managed to drag the stingrays there and launched from there. now uh - that now there are yet another, so to speak, reasoning from this minister of foreign affairs of the ukrainian kuleba that - they lack uh, that is, well, it’s clear their uh problems are air defense, terrain engineering equipment and ammunition, so as for air defense, kuleba threatened his partners.
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wants to create a country's air defense system that will cover the entire ukraine with a dome. well, first of all, it is impossibly insanely expensive. kuleba is more modest, he asks for seven batteries for what? in order to cover the six main cities one, and have one battery in reserve, somewhere closer to the line of combat contact. so i must say that the patriot system due to its architectural design. this system, there is only one a battery cannot cover a large city,
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a city in general cannot, because this inclined guide, the battery holds the sector, it cannot work in a circular manner, so to protect any city you need to have at least four batteries, but not just one, one is about nothing, but kuleba believes that these seven batteries, so to speak , will become, so to speak, they themselves decided to supply one battery from kuleba’s generosity or supply it to ukraine, but for now they have operating ones, although they say that the battery that was destroyed near kiev, already somehow repaired, although it was hit by a dagger, they showed the wreckage, i don’t know how they managed to repair it, but they say they repaired it, so all the lamentations
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of the ukrainian leadership that the whole world owes them, especially the united states and the europeans should give them back, then the kuleba says that it surprises me, some, some unfortunate european airfield and there are as many as two patriot batteries standing there, although one is clearly enough, and kindly give one, so i repeat once again that air defense problem system ukrainians are unlikely to decide in the near future and... a few words about the latest statement of the british, this is dragonfiire, a laser system that they, i don’t know, hits a pound coin at some unthinkable distance, some kind of miracle system, which by the year 27 will be deployed will amaze everyone, well, i must say that firstly, a laser, as all
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these are now called directional weapons , laser, electromagnetic, beam, so... this is not a wand, a lifesaver, because, especially for use in ukraine, because it is very depends on weather conditions, rain, snow, fog, they reduce the impact of the laser there by a factor, the americans have been working there for 20 years, here is lockheath martin, they are a pioneer in laser weapons, they are working on laser systems with a power of 60 kw, here are solid-state lasers, uh, they are planning coming out in about five years.
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that soon they will hit the whole world with laser weapons that will shoot down drones, these are all lies, well, we are also working on something like that, of course, well, we already have re-intelligence in our arsenal, so, well, we are especially we don't brag or we say that soon we will, so to speak, destroy everything with our laser, all all ukrainian drones that fly in the territory, although the idea is not bad, the idea is not bad, but...
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missiles, six types of cruise missiles, cruise missiles from 600 to 1,600, ballistic from 300 to 2 s so far they have that they have hypersound, well
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, hypersound, they didn’t say that they have hypersound, but i think that their industry has two hypersounds, one hypersound is enough - it’s old, can it mean hypersonic 5.00 - kilometers, which means, well, five machs - this is this is not yet hyperzoic this is.
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they have all the drones - they took them from the american ones from the israeli ones, which they got, they mounted them, changed them and distributed them, yes, vadim frantich, yes, there was a lot of belarus on the agenda this week, but still, as we showed, moscow, the kremlin putin , yes, i won’t retell it, but as dmitry gennadievich said, everyone is a little orientalist now, i would like to argue with leond ivanovich, but not like you rustling marxism, furiously, i urged you not to rustle, yes, so i won’t rustle, i'll say that well... then when we say that all this is beneficial to the americans, did they stage a provocation, it seems to me that sometimes we overdo it, seeing the hand of washington in everything, they are so cunning, the centers
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are right there, they are doing all this they govern, well, they do the same thing, if someone now declares peace, they are right there and say: this is the hand of moscow, this is a spy, we all know, he studied, he was bought, the fsb is there, everything is there, and this is how it goes such a point, i think that there is no american provocation here, there is...
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such an important date has not passed for us, today is april 14, and exactly 25 years ago it was alexander lukashenko who visited belgrade, belgrade was under bombs, then when he landed to meet with... with slobodan milosevic, literally not an hour had passed there, a siren sounded, these were important negotiations, because at that time milosevic’s assembly voted for the union republic of yugoslavia to join our union; there was no union state yet, there was a union of russia and belarus. president lukashenko emphasized that he came there as chairman of the supreme council of this union, and the question was discussed, maybe to deploy the s300, as well, you know, i remember then the analysis of experts, including russian ones, he said, well, what, well, well, how, how will we , how will we accept it, although there was access to the sea then
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with black was still a mesterbia, it was a single state, well, bombing and far from it, we have no time for that, you understand, when we talk about the revolutionary nature of the process , what has changed, we stopped talking like that, we stopped making our strategic line dependent on what someone else thinks they will say or, in principle, this is initially impossible, when you ask why this is impossible, well, don’t you understand why this is impossible, everyone understands this, because it is so accepted, we have stopped acting according to other people’s rules, as we did back then , because president lukashenko brought that idea, well, let’s remember, well, russia in the spring of ninety-nine , the ruling circles, what they imagined then, but even then the most important changes took place. the current revolutionism began then, i would like to remind you of the meeting of the permanent american embassy, ​​how it happened, when people came out, the rally was unauthorized,
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they expressed their point of view,
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a lot was explained, in fact, i would even determine the ideology and logic of the actions of the russian leadership, which made some changes in strategy, there was a very fundamental differs there from the western or from the kiev regime, which they said, yes, we are striking at the energy sector, yes, we are striking at the infrastructure, but we are doing this in response,
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to do it to every russian, every russian, this sounds in every word, in every statement, even in the expression on their faces, this is fundamental, it says that we are on the side of good, the next point is the situation around possible negotiations, peace plans and so on, well, first, we cannot ignore what is happening there in western diplomacy , just not noticing that they will gather there in switzerland and discuss something, this is wrong.
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here are two key topics, of course, for example, for the kiev regime they obviously say, well , it is imperative that it be overthrown there, listen, if in the current conditions the kiev the regime in one way or another will accept this formula, it will be overthrown anyway, another important question, i would note how alexander lukashenko back in the spring of twenty-two, then patiently
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spoke in twenty-third, addressing kiev, if you are not now if you go to sign an agreement that you don’t like, you definitely won’t like it, the next one will be worse for you, in the twenty-second year , in my opinion, in march. or in april he said, in principle, this could end in capitulation, now these dates were announced at a meeting of the two presidents, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, may 20, 21, 22 of twenty- four, zelensky has this deadline to come to his senses, we now have mid-april, the end of may, after the end of may the question will arise that this is an illegitimate head of the regime, even. and how can you talk to him about something, sign something, generally take him into account, if his legitimacy, even according to ukrainian laws, if you approach them strictly, is called into question, and anyone who replaces him will simply
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will say that i do not recognize what he signed, that is, any of these efforts, they will gather in switzerland in the conditions of zelensky’s illegitimacy, you can, of course, conditionally accept something political. but this will be any convention when concluding a potential peace, it is worthless, so the only one you can talk to at all is the americans, as alexander lukashenko said, if america says, it will be heard in kiev, but you can talk to the americans provided that they will acknowledge the realities that exist in earth, and the realities existing on earth indicate that the russian political system, as was said here, is standing... strong, the economy is developing, the russian army holds the strategic initiative, in principle we see the emergence of a new world order, if we want to build a strong peace, peace that will be ensured by victory, the world must take these realities into account, any, any
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political decision without taking into account the realities will simply lead to a new war, this is simple life logic, and of course i also enter into this logic so that there is no one there is no doubt about it, we do not trade our territories. we don’t discuss them, according to our constitution, the borders are defined absolutely unambiguously, certainly to less, we do not agree, we still have to take away the russian lands occupied by the ukrainian-nazi regime, but what is already enshrined in our constitution, and this is that very reality , these are living conditions, continuing your, your discussion of what the iranians hit, a message has just appeared from the iranian state agency that it has been tested. seven hypersonic missiles, none one of them was not shot down, as arkaevich correctly said, it takes 2-3 days for all the information to arrive and be analyzed, but it is clear that iran used this precisely as testing, warning, understanding,
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in general it should be noted that the west is not at all understands the logic of the oldest, well, one of the oldest empires on earth, that is, they don’t understand at all, notice how interesting it is, they once accepted the law. they united there those who are now, by and large, losing, well, this is the law in which they united china, i don’t remember, there is whether china is there or not, russia, iran, north korea, there are definitely three, china china , in my opinion, also somehow fits in sideways, well, this is countering the enemies of america through china is not there, but they talk about china all the time in their other strategic materials, like, guys, do you want us to unite, we will unite, are you sure you will like it, now advertising. after that we will continue, there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it’s to congratulate you on your birthday,
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it’s joseph, a holiday with gifts, and now this my talisman, the singer has sons, i somehow can’t fit into this... kind of modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well , maybe, well, it’s not necessary anymore more. valeria, an amazing song that you created with maxim fodey, maria zaha, for me it was generally a shock, just then, to find out a second from hello, the same one, once upon a time, that same one, in the world. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just as i trust him. so you have a perfect marriage on saturday. you
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have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child. why do you need such a wife? even a perfect marriage can fall apart. did you say anything to him like that? no. if it is based on... lies, you spend so much time at work, men like you, then you're in trouble, i don't want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i need you. damn, damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me, and what a child you are, you have the right to destroy someone else’s family, there would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world is piecemeal, it’s true, an ideal marriage, on saturday on rtf, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear
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weapons, i already demanded, return the nuclear weapons to me, like at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight equipment, and we have a home attack, the second tank flew in from krop. hero of russia will be on the tour, we are all with you, including me, to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, to destroy the gang in your head with zelensky, i’m not being a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look twice at day, see you, love is when you look into one thing.
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arrested all assets belonging to the family of mikhail yuryevich, who, after a series of corruption scandals, fled abroad, taking fortunes worth several billion. our international investigation, we found ex-disgraced politician mikhail yuryevich in london, how he spends his time there and what mikhail yurevich’s lawyer will say to his defense. malakhov on monday on rtv. since october
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of the twenty-second year, almost every week, our film crews, thanks to the help of the ministry of defense of the russian federation , find themselves behind the lines where they pass in peaceful life, a completely different reality begins, the reality of war is a special military operation - this is with ukraine, but we are really at war with nato, that’s it over and over again... artillerymen are generally amazing people, they are
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such an elite, this is necessary all the time calculate, this is mathematics, behind this , the calculation affects everything, temperature, weight of gunpowder, condition of the gunpowder, condition of the metal, cold barrel or not, i don’t take coriolis acceleration there, i don’t take the wind, well, there are a million factors , at the same time, you also need to understand that the artillery is aiming backwards. where he has a bead, when a person says: show me where you are trying to get, how he will show you, there the target can be tens of kilometers away, that is, you just won’t see it, artillery, artillery, of course, now that fvedrons have appeared, the logic of combat operations is changing in many ways, everything must be taken into account, but artillery remains artillery.
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i visited fighters from the 238th guards brigade, they are working in the donetsk direction, based on the results of several months already, this brigade is showing outstanding results, it always turns out to be among the best artillerymen of our army, watching their
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training, you can once again be convinced of professional growth our military personnel. let's watch the movie and then go back to the studio. here we have the launch point of the drone itself, this is according to the previous profession, that’s for sure. what did you achieve, rose to the rank of junior lieutenant, mobilized, no way, left the service, so that - that is , he joined the volunteers, yes, that’s right, he signed a contract and so on, but it’s not a shame that the rank is not transferable, no way, the most important thing is to defend the homeland .
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ready, ready, plus, afraid, plus, plus, attention, launch, go dear, we haven’t seen each other since the fall. the change is big, there are changes, colossal, now, if you stand still and not to develop, well, we will definitely lose in something, in a fire defeat, in some other issues, we are developing, the enemy
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is developing, the main thing here is to keep up and move forward somewhere. means half a step per step. at the end of the twenty-second year, i began to create a freelance drone cover group in each division. at first , i equipped these groups with electronic guns and some means that were available at that time; this was still the end of the twenty-second year of suppression. now in these groups and...
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something that must fight, including with drones, well, i’m forced to do this, they give him this crew or gun crew, they provide him with means, that is, they give him electronic guns, that’s all, but you have to understand, the gun commander, let’s say, he has a different task, he has a different task , his task is to fire, of course, this task of covering himself becomes task number two for him, and he often sacrifices it at the expense of, well, he needs it.
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and that is, the task is just a green dot all the time that was on the can , put the dot on your feet a little, well, look, let’s say so, on the internet, yeah, that is, it turns out to be a leveling for... that is, in general, even without an aiming device, yes, well, the main thing is to practice the skill, the movement of how to hold
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a machine gun with your body, it doesn’t make you sick, you don’t just really know, because i’m watching so , well monotonously, when it’s hard, i don’t see where she is, where she is, and he in general, that is, you just need to follow him in general. psychologically, it’s hard to hear this buzzing noise, people need to get used to it and stop being afraid, they know that they can
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be easily fought, the task is to listen to the sound determine where he is flying, try to at least try to aim the machine gun, the fighter is blindfolded and he is obliged to determine by the sound the direction of approach of the ethereal aircraft, it comes at you from the ground up, i hear, i hear. already used to it, as it were, now there’s one there, one
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there, yes, he’s coming at you in the field, that’s right, he’s come out, he’s afraid of you, he’s coming at you in the field, now at least he’s hit me, okay, okay, now that’s right, yes, now, yes, you probably became active almost before everyone else.
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i repair it again and again, here it is four times, it’s the highmars and the excaliber that flew in and the babaiga was working, well, that is, he ’s already done, i’m already doing this sometimes, the head of the engineering service considers how much the investment has returned, and he’s like that , that’s all, i say, your task , so that they hit him and he’s done, he already has asart, we ’ll cook him now, we’ll cook him now, give us half a day’s konik, give us half a day, i say, that’s it, come on, you once asked me how
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the fight is carried out, i say , well, shotguns, now one of the moments has appeared, you i also remember, this idea was voiced about the stand performers, this is your idea, by the way, that’s how it is, i’m saying this seriously, without a bit of exaggeration, of course, the exercise they perform is a little different, it’s not like with... steel, that is, its own nuances, plus we change it in different ways, but the percentage of drones shot down in a combat situation has increased after this one, here we train fighters, and so that there is a sharp reaction to drones. and so that they can shoot in advance, the main thing is that we train the reaction, and ourselves studied so that guns, what they are in general, how
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to work with them, so that they understand the recoil and so on, what kind of cartridges are there, these are grandfather ’s... ladies, yes, that is, they bring their own, and they asked for permission, i say, to bring, i i knew that you would take yours, the tourist is ready to shoot, watch, disc, target, just... watch, disc, no, second hit, hit, second, when you aim, do you seem to cross it out or just not, lead
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, take care, well, yes, take lead, take care, that is , just right away, or you lead it, and you already. we moved a little, from where we are from, from altai, that is, we hunted there, yes, that is, if i see a one-eyed squirrel, you may have had a gun all my life, but since i was 14 years old, that is, my hands already feel themselves, everything i understand that you need to take aim, the main thing is how to understand, to catch everything ahead of time. then you get there, a trophy, no, four children, contract soldier or mobilized, signed a long time ago, a year ago, why so, but tired of watching on tv how they kill peacefully, my brother and i came together, the first drone was the heaviest, yes, the most, and incomprehensibly, they ran out and shot, it
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exploded over their heads, and then somehow they started getting excited. with drones they started counting among themselves, you shot down, no, i shot down, at a long distance i took it, well, up to a long distance from a rifleman with a 5.45 with a machine gun, that’s who hits at close range up to 40 m already with a gun, that is, this is such a distance, that is , you have time, yes you have time, he sometimes approaches, first looks, and then at the target moment, we are now going to the firing position, there i have two gun crews, in the end february, early march, the enemy removed nato caliber artillery, 20-25 kilometers deep from the line of contact, so that
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our systems would not reach him, but he did. the front line, one gun, it’s almost 2, about 800 kilometers somewhere, give or take, well, it’s very risky. the guns worked there for a week and a half, then i naturally removed them, during this week and a half there were m3 sevens, more than 10 pieces, m198 - this is also 155 caliber, there, plus a nato self-propelled gun, they clicked, they started counteracting fpv, it flew until,
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probably. six attacks per day on a gun, namely, and the attacks are different, there, starting from two drones in the attack, they arrive one after another, ending, probably, with eight, there were even up to eight, there were such serious attacks, when we drank a lot of blood from them, let's say so, as far as 1800 1.200 in artillery terms is considered close, this is very close for an artilleryman, this is this, this is a big need, this is impudence, i would say, comrade colonel was very rude, he said that then rolling forward caused colossal damage, you still need the enemy. not just to frighten, but also to amaze, that then they attacked, well, mainly artillery systems, to be honest there were
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all sorts of different non-towed and self-propelled ones. covering the gun, now we are covering the guns, we started using them relatively recently, there have been no cases of entanglement yet, it was his gun that worked on the front line, these guys, almost straight to the line, practically yes 1,200 m 1,200 m from the firing well from the front end, completed our task, pushed the enemy even further, and we hit there are several targets there, that is , an enemy weapon and... they drove them even further to the rear so that they wouldn’t work so hard on our boys on the front end, what were they rewarded with? uh, st. george's cross, well done, well done, like
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guys, everything is fine with us, you picked them all for yourself, you know, like twin brothers , we gave everything like, well, like a family, it turns out, we united, mobilized, that's it two people, one contract soldier, what did he work with, shells, ordinary ones? fragmentation fugue, that is, slow, fragmentation and without a cap, there are many for us, what do we need the team came, we worked it out, that is, it turns out that we had to bring a bunch more bulls with us, and in different assortments, well, the car didn’t approach them directly, of course i had to carry the distance on foot, but i had to walk, the physical labor was colossal, that is, they didn’t really lose weight because they walked, but i feel like i probably already have 15 kilograms. where is the enemy now? the enemy is now 6 km away from us, that is , if there is a command, you open it, i open the gate, i begin my work, i raised the bird,
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i looked, i couldn’t see you, yes, yes, they lifted me up, looked, literally even yesterday, well, this is a daily process, that is, they shot off branches somewhere, now the greenery is coming, the foliage has withered somewhere. replace, well, that is, it can’t be stopped, i’ve disguised myself, i’ve calmed down, no, it’s constant, well, i’m just looking at it so seriously, now we’ve come to the point where we’re making several rolls over the gun, i’m already getting to the point where we ’ll now more boxes with earth, with sand on top, that is, shelter from here, but she goes to the dacha, here they are uninformed, you can see some kind of one right away. it goes right far from you, of course, but it’s not by hand, yes, it’s an excavator, it was made by an excavator, yes, they covered it all, there are three rolls, the guys themselves carried it all, of course they did,
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i wonder how much i visited you, all the guys have something in common, that’s how you keep it so special. atmosphere, that all the fighters have such a calm confidence, and this influences the result, in fact , very strongly, this is exactly the situation, because if some element arises, well, i’m not talking about panic, but some kind of, i don’t know, twitching, something like that, that’s all, the result immediately suffers. what rank do they remember you from? from a lieutenant colonel, there was such a story with a dog, in the seventeenth year i was in syria, on business trips we stopped in a populated area,
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there was a large dog, something like an alabai, so big, and next to it there was a puppy, well, my heart skipped a beat, i said: stop, stop by car, i took the puppy with me. i don’t know the girl’s gender, but the syrians said that this was some kind of their breed, bred for herding sheep, so she grew up, this dog with me, she guarded the tent with everything, while i was there on a business trip for six months and the time for the replacement was already approaching, well, this situation turned out, and she was wounded, a dog, a shrapnel, and i even remember her as a veterinarian , everything was there, well, they didn’t save, they didn’t save, i fly to
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russia, my wife, even when we were studying at the academy, we lived there in a dormitory, always tells me, let’s get a dog, it’s just, i say, what a dog, we wish we had that somewhere, well, life is nomadic. we’ll be patient for now, until we start one someday, of course, i ’m coming back from a business trip, i’m somehow, well, there was a dog, oh, here, i was serving in the caucasus then, i remember, well... i just take it, go to avito, puppies, shepherd dogs in vladikavkaz, i went to vladikavkaz, bought it, well, it’s been with me for 6 years, mikha, show the way, forward, another forest, not the one where you and i first met, even in nature. the other
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first time was pine, and there were pine trees, yes, but there was just a resort there, a resort, although in kremennaya, well, probably the most difficult period was, then it was not easy, then the enemy stopped where the firing range of my guns ended, yes , then there was loudly, when i remember, we just worked at the red one, but with a gun, right? yes , about five minutes later, yes, it flew back then it flew back then immediately back again, how many years have you been in armenia for 7 years already 7 years, and at the same time you started the war against private contract soldiers, yes, definitely not, i started the war as a gun sergeant, then i became a sergeant, no, well, not it’s just that you’re a weapon commander, you’re a gun, you know for mariupol how it happens that units are given the rank of guards, just like that, and you received a personal call sign. why
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red? well because i worked very hard with high-precision supplies krasnopol. the best among the people, oh, this is the ammunition that i saw, well, we mainly used it in mariupol, because the nazis, the natsiks, placed their guns and there were tanks and grads. without hesitation , even near kindergartens, near residential buildings, well, don’t be shy, of course you won’t get in with the usual supplies, krasnopol is right on target, the shot is on target, that’s it, well, for mariupol, i remember, you received georgy, that’s right, you got gorgiy, a degree, and then there was flint, flint, there was no guladar, then donetsk, flint a lot very directions, i came to see you then for the first time, but we arrived at kremina, they just
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worked it out, it hit you right away, and after 5 minutes when you left, well, we got further away and went away, the arrivals began, well, you managed to say that everything was already worked out right away what kind of story was it with the drg, well, there was such an abandoned abandoned settlement, not a populated area, but an abandoned building, well , there we lived not far away, a fire started, we heard fire on our car next to us, there were cars there , bullets were flying through the house. i immediately raised the crew on command, well, for battle, contact, that’s when i walked first, these people were dressed in civilian clothes, well , that is, of course, with a machine gun, he saw me, i was the first to walk in the head, well, the rest sat down behind me, and i just walked in the head, well, i think, you never know who among our people a man walks through the garage and opens fire on me, hits me with a bullet, and i’m already falling out of the cooking zone, so i start shooting at them, he immediately fell, that’s all for him, the second one started to run away,
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well, it’s also the end for him, of course, that is, the second one - then you’ve already taken it off or not, it’s already ours, ours, well, too, then i’ll be in your hand through it arrived, that’s right, well, then they quickly tied me up, restrained me, naturally, sent me to rostov, well, everything started flowing there and the formation fell back, this is the commander of the crew, what are you finishing with me? faculty of topography, that's right, military space academy, that is, we made him into an artilleryman, a reconnaissance officer, now we are preparing to launch an unmanned aerial vehicle, we have operators here, the control center is here, hello, everything is fine, not scary, in the dark, on the contrary, i don’t know, oh, i look, it’s armored, yes, yes, it’s looking out. yes,
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we are waiting, when the launch starts, yes, yes, when the technicians power up the board so that we can start going through pre-flight checks, yeah, and then everything will happen according to your command, that’s right, this is exactly the calculation vladimirovich who entered the bridge, m, who saved, then the bird, carried it to the house, yes, that’s right, on the twenty-eighth, when we were working, as usual in that area, we received the task of adjustment. across the bridge, knowing that rep was strongly opposed there, we moved there and how we usually met with him, at about 2 o’clock we tried to break through, and uh, when the next time... we came in, well, we didn’t believe that we would come in, we heard nevada’s words on the radio, and he said: “vadik, come on, don’t let us down.” ". as if by a miracle, we finally broke through, took the observation position, after two shots, the third hit the target, the target was destroyed, and
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how did we manage to break through the refft? well, probably thanks to kamrig’s words, that is, i should have said earlier, yes. vladimir rudolfovich, this is an innovation from the body, yes, launch from the body, we are working to start at low speed when the car is moving, well, from a standstill we are already confident, while in motion we are still finalizing certain points, the system, yes. is accumulative, the scatter of the accumulative goes in five directions, that is, not in one beam, in five different ones, that is, even if
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it falls near the target, that is, it will still hit something somewhere, it turns out five jets go out, criss-cross and one goes to the center with a five-beam, which means its detonator is electric, it turns out to be electric and... yes, a cool team, we’re afraid it’s like that reasonable, that's it, after that we connect, for clarity, look. i put up a light bulb, now listen to what he says, the circuit is red, we understand, now it will be green again, that is, if it is red, in no case should it be connected to the charge, the detonator, clearly, the advantage of this complex is that
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secrecy, secrecy , firstly, yes we have it, secondly we have mobility, well, you launched it, then the guys control it, yes we launch it, go to cover, and the guys already give it to the target after the fact. what was the most interesting goal? we had a vampire, yes i liked it, here is the tank bank that we had the second leopard, that is, you and the leopard collapsed, but our crew would, where are your birds, right here, yes, it is moving here, now, well , the target is not visible yet, but for now it is hidden look at the rolls, maybe you’ll find something there, but it’s necessary. look, now we’ll fly a little closer, well , they started to press us, no, they started to press us, yes, yes, when something like this happens, it means the reb is jamming, fly around, but you need to change, gain altitude, but if they turned on the reb,
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it means there there's something they're trying rush, that’s right, yes, they changed the channel, the connection was restored, like that, 3 hours, hard, careful work. we constantly need to monitor communications, because we can lose the board, that is, it turns out that we must always have a calm character, and be very attentive to what you did in civilian life, a welder, worked as a welder, and you and i have been for 10 years already, yes, yes, you recently , a volunteer came here in the twenty-second. who has the advantage in unmanned control now, us or them? i think in reconnaissance drones, let's take something like wing, we definitely have an advantage in attack drones, like the lance, we have
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an advantage in fpv, i think, somewhere, probably, parity, approximately, but here. some people destroyed a bridge with a hurricane, yes, but this is the most extreme case in the history of military art, yes, yes, the crew, this one, who carried out the hurricane, well, they are great, they presented it to vograd, yes, definitely, everyone is represented, here, but here it is necessary understand, there is still a large proportion of spotters here, and we still had to fly to this bridge. but they are for area work, yes, this is the minimum area goal of 500 by 500 i have, and depending on how many...
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this is the number of important targets destroyed by this machine, by this calculation, his machine has two dzmki, one battery, one in the support vehicle, the machine has worked, the other is on duty, that's according... 4 km to the front line, close, close, well, there was a temporary position, we turned around,
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were shooting, reached the waiting area, by the way, the bridge fell, six rounds fired .
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weather forecaster, because i change the weather on the other side, you are at times hail, and hurricane, and
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hurricane. that's all. see you tomorrow. oh, lord, i'm sorry, nothing, nothing
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, it happens, forgive me, please, let me help you, yes, no, no, i myself, i haven't been home for 2 years, i'm bringing gifts, you know, be careful with your hands, i understand, that's it, we're putting the purse away aisle, under the seat, please, yes, yes, of course, give your bag under my seat, come on, uh-huh, come on, oh, listen, maybe we can switch places, huh? svetak place in the window, well, what did he see, what in the window, are you afraid of flying? can i go to the window? oh, let's, now, oh, oh, carefully, yeah, let's, oh, well, let's get acquainted, maria, pavel, maria, it’s hot,
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but zhenya doesn’t want to eat soup, so son, we need to have breakfast, dopa, we don’t have anything other than soup, i’d like to eat a sandwich, a hot one in the morning is good for us, yes the house, yeah, what are you doing, oh, yes, something makes me feel sick, i wish i could hurry up, but dad, give me money for lunch, you can have lunch at home, i have football, he has football, maybe... a soda and a soda for him, i don’t eat a hundred soda for so what after training i was at home , boy did i understand who will help shake out the rugs today, no, yesterday, don’t look at how he talks to his father, well, where did you go? yes, my lesson starts in 5 minutes
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, so should you leave him alone, i’ll somehow shake out the rugs myself, or will my aunt ask him to help, but you won’t? by the way, he walks with big boys every day until late, come on, look, he’ll have the police come to us, why would they, they’ve already come, and he walks with their dimka every day, who is he like, you seem calm, but in manku, manki nagina, 100%. you have such a character, okay, tom, i’ll run, you didn’t understand anything, i don’t have time, call me if anything happens, i initially agreed, he told me he’ll let you go sooner, but it’s too early to tell, that’s for sure, well, yes, well, that’s all anyway. well, how are you going to go? that's it, i ran, that's it. like this. he says i have to deny you leave. i say, what does it mean to refuse? i haven't been on vacation for a year. he says, well, either you stay, or we are looking for another person. well, i had to stay, but what should i do? i
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haven’t seen my family for 2 years, 2 years. no, of course, he offered me some kind of compensation for the fact that i did not have a vacation. oh, my god, how i miss them, i carry this photo with me all the time, you just don’t think, i worked there, not that there ’s anything there, and now i’m going home, my heart jumps out of joy, so happy, i can now imagine how they will greet you, with flowers and music, it’s like
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at least, and i bought them so many gifts, how can i look at everything here. it’s just packaged, it’s delicious, why don’t you eat it, pour it, i can’t, mine, jam, plum, my favorite, hmm, you’re lucky, but i have apple, and i’m generally lucky in life, look, he’s looking at me, oh , excuse me, please, no, no, nothing terrible thing, wash it, lord, well, well , crooked one, give me a napkin, wait, girl, clean it up from us, please, now, don’t worry, you can, yes, you don’t go anyway, no, give me a napkin, give it to us, please , yes, calm down, everything is fine , lord, everything is so good, it’s not scary, i still have it, let me give you a new shirt, well, here’s another thing, not serious, i bought my husband, you know how much, no, really, give me a bag, no, come on, give me the bag, stop it, come
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on, give me the bag, well, lord, yes i have there are a lot of these shirts, but he still has nowhere to wear them.
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oh, oh, i scared you, hello tomochka, how are you, hello val, i’m okay. i decided to clean up here, otherwise victor said that you weren’t doing well, he told me to come in and see how you were, yes, aunt val, you can’t help me, i need to shake out the rugs, yeah, well...
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aunt val, i’m here for you i brought tea before the cookies, yeah, help yourself. vit, zhen, vitya, zhek, mother has arrived,
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is anyone home, guys? aunt val, what are you, great, great, man, who are you? hello, where is vitka? did he know what are you coming? why should i warn him? i’m going home, not to visit, i wanted to make it a surprise. yes, it’s really unknown who surprised whom? what's going on here? there’s something i don’t understand, vi,
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viter, yes! i understood what it is, sit, beat, yes, bear, what to give birth, yes, what, but not a birth, your casanoza has arrived, what, your cazanos has arrived, come on, come on, come on, run, run, run, beat! and what happened, yeah, to judge the gates,
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well, you’ve had this for a long time, you see for yourself, male dogs, huh? so what, you are the slop of my men i was going to feed you, but i like it, i don’t like it, and why are you standing? just quickly pack up your clothes so that in 5 minutes you won’t be here, don’t make me angry with your belly, i’m not responsible for you, you understand me, rubbish, but let vitya
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decide who should leave, because this is his house,
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may , well, you could at least warn that you want to come back, but then i would probably hate you, you brute, it’s not enough to kill you, you need to be castrated so that it won’t bother others.
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okay, thank you, herodsky, that’s it, yours is over match for today, valery georgievich, well , there was a goal, why shouldn’t i score now, or something, go home, son, your mother has arrived, yarotsky, mother, mother, mother, mia, that’s why they sent the ghanaian. let's play, i'm not
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going to live in a commune, that's not why i rubbed the italians' asses so that i could share my own house with someone unclear, okay? well, we have nowhere to go, whatever you want, i’ll drive us out onto the street, but no one is chasing you, let this one of yours go wherever she wants, and tom also has nowhere to go, have you even seen her, why should i look at her, i don’t care, i wanted, where will she go?
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you know, what, well, well, what, what, i wandered around there in my italy, then came back and said, i was wandering around, yes, yes, i worked for you like damned, yes, everything in this house was bought with my money, at least you once he asked me, how come i got them, you bastard, i told you, come back, well, look, she came back, cut herself off like a fool, well, what do you want from me, well, what do you want from me, right? i have a new family, if you want, go to your italy, no one is waiting for you here, this your new family, yes, and in your head you thought about your wife, and you thought about zhenya, you in general, you generally thought about how we manage here, and i thought, yes, i was only thinking about you and zhenya, uh-huh, i’m for you i earned this money, i wanted to buy my beloved husband a car, you bastard, i hate you, may, well, you, well, you didn’t warn me that you wanted to come back, you’re a fool or something, and if i
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had warned you, what did you do, you would have gone to the closet hid her, with her belly, man, well, vitenka, i’ll probably go, so listen to me , both of you, collect your coins and get out of here, it’s clear that, what, what, what, what, forgive me, look, it’s disgusting, maybe i’ll drink some water soon, ah, on, on, on, on, on, on, i ’ll go somewhere, well, where you go, tomochka, well, where, where are you going, i don’t know, somewhere, let’s go to the room, or what? let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go to the room, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they me ... they carried me away, another shelling began, they they laid me down, they lay on top of me, one field is still inside me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, she’s hungry, but she’s carrying this kurba, the drive and says, feed me baby
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dogs, to lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, to support. in a word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, with monday to thursday on rtr, titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment... this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here
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for you, well, how can my heir not play pranks? saturday. punishment, my sister was offended by a freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child, demand the club, this is varonsov’s eldest son, there’s a lot of hassle with petty things, stop immediately, otherwise i ’ll shoot, a bouquet of old flowers, well
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, you know why i was kidnapped, they brought me here, the premiere in saturday on rtr, i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh you’re good. he loves to grab there, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry to feed me everything, guys hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on tr, and why don’t you go home? have you seen your mother, are they fighting? baval, if i run away from home, they will look for me, but why do you run away, are you feeling bad, or what? mom finally arrived, brought some gifts, but where
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are we going to live with her now? babval, that’s what everyone in kazanostraya calls mom? dad says she has character? so heavy, but she ’s good, i hate her tomka, what is this for, she looked after you like you were to my family, she replaced your mother, but i don’t need another mother, i have my own mother. mother! mommy! mom! good, what have you
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become? i wouldn’t recognize you, honestly, if i saw my good child like that on the street, mommy, you ’ll never leave me again, you’ll never leave me again, of course not, of course not, you know how much i love you i brought gifts, this bag, zhek, mom, well, promise me that you’ll never leave me again, and i didn’t leave you, what are you talking about, i left for a while, but now i’ll never leave again in my life, i swear to him that i’m good, my boy, what can i do with my stomach now, you promised that she wouldn’t come, you said that we’d get married, tom, that’s it, don’t erase , don’t erase it, manka won’t throw you out of the house, this is my house, i inherited it from my parents, that’s all. well, with the wedding, well, well
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, wait, we lived without a passport there, because you love me, of course, and the little house, of course, and how will we continue to live now? zhenya didn’t love me before, but now she’ll just hate that he’s getting along, i don’t want to live in the same house with her, i’m afraid of her, that’s it, that’s it, don’t whine, don’t whine. stays, then i’ll go somewhere, or i ’ll throw myself under a train, you’ll see, well, i ’ll think of something, i’ll think of something, vitya, vitya, are you? well, how about going to work, i promised, how
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about going to work, how are you going to leave me here, because i’m afraid of her, well, i can’t sit here all day, i’m crawling, well, you deal with the manga yourself, okay, i i'll deal with him, tell her to leave, that's your house, well, yes, this is my house, well, where will the wives go, and if she does anything to the little one, her eyes and... listen, i'm off, okay, let's talk in the evening, that's it, in the evening, in the evening , in the evening, everything, well, i guessed right, yes, he sits like a glove, oh, handsome, well, admit it, the girls are already running after you, and, well, they’re running, well, i’ll go, yes, go, of course, just don’t spoil me that's it, first day, okay, i'm not little. yes, i won’t
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leave, i won’t go anywhere else, listen, i’m going to go to the baby, maybe you’ll come with me, yeah no, i’d rather be with the guys, well, run, wait,
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i won’t give it to you.


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