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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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betrayed, and what right do you, child, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world, an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, on saturday on the mouth, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to the home, we are starting, he will always help, we will train how to walk on ice correctly. will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can cause pain, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, pizza, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. you will be happy, well, i can’t
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guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, sunday. it’s so good that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child and your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or ours children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between.
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veda vodka, a product of stellar group. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea.
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discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. rum. castro, a product of the stellar group. good morning, says dr. mesnyakov, we are starting a program about the most important thing, that is, about our health. today there will be a lot of educational and interesting things, in particular, my old friend, editor, will come all my books, and i’m just finishing my second dozen. but she herself
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is an interesting person, she once found me, made me write, just made me write, and she herself is a doctor of biological sciences, so we will talk to her, tell you how to slow down aging, how to live until you are 99, well, in general , we begin, today in the program about the most important thing, we strive for the centenary.
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what exactly can irritate the intestines and how to distinguish it from other similar ones? disease , what worries you the most is constant pain, you you see, it’s really painful for you somehow, let’s talk about how to live to 100, we all want to live happily for a long time, well, to 100 is not to 100, let’s talk about how to live to 99, why am i putting such a frame, and therefore that in order to live to 100 there must be genetics, there is a large danish study on twins, it turns out that if... you have one of the direct relatives who has already lived to be 100 years old, your chance of living to 100 years is 17 times greater than someone who does not have such parents. raise your hands, somebody's mom, dad lived long enough here in the hall, grandma,
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well, that’s good, grandma, so let’s talk about how to live to be 99, active, normal, happy, i have a friend, very... how to slow down the old days and live to at least 100 years? the answer to this question is known to physiologist and candidate of biological sciences, olga shestova. for more than 25 years, her life has been connected with publishing. she writes books about health herself, and also publishes publications in collaboration with the most respected doctors. it is olga who is the editor of all dr. myasnikov’s books. what this, i haven’t finished talking about you yet, i wanted to say again that you also wrote a number of books, she has a theory: hug, hug, hug, you will be happy, you will have energy, that’s right, that’s right, she has her own performances, so say, let’s turn this cabinet, see what we have there, we are striving for
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the centenary, what is important to do, well, you know, i think this is alexander leonidovich’s favorite topic, we’ll start with it, but we love to eat, uh-huh, yes, but you showed a little bit of the wrong food. what to do here holding back stimulants, i would like to eat here, here? well, maybe, yes, you know, there are fresh vegetables, yes, but we have always said that eat more fruits, vegetables, fresh, in fact, in fresh vegetables and fruits, at least in very many, the bioavailability of those elements that there are vitamins and other useful substances, it is very small, for example, it is better to eat tomatoes in...
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cut into pieces, but whole, this is what if it is boiled in the peel, it is not necessary. so, is sausage good or bad? eating delicious food is generally good if sometimes sausage, then why not, but the point here is in the ratios, it’s one thing you ate one piece, another thing, your main diet is sausage. you can have one, do you want to eat, well, eat? yes, i want it, here, you eat it, because this sausage is made from turkey, from poultry, but if it was made from red meat, then i would. i probably didn’t recommend it to you, but i eat indians for my health, in general, white meat is generally good, look, we eat the right fruits and vegetables, we process them correctly so that the bioavailability of good substances was normal for us, that is, these substances were absorbed, on the other hand, it is necessary
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to restrain aging stimulants, aging stimulants are simple foods, that is , simple carbohydrates, sugar, white bread, white rice, well, in general, everything is white, therefore. salt, i ate sausage, turkey may be healthy, but you yourself know, i ate too much salt, in the morning you look, lord, who are you, your face is swollen, you’ve gained weight, let’s move on, look, the most important two principles, two factors that contribute longevity, which prevents creation, this is communication, living communication between people.
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no, i’m just asking about oxytocin, while i was walking with the cat, i heard, that’s right, well done, you’ve developed oxytocin, everything is fine, well done, well, let’s move on, communicate with people, animals in alexandralinovich, talked, 3 years life plus a healthy life, you understand what’s the matter, it’s written to communicate with animals, i agree, communicate with people, it depends on who you communicate with, and another will take 3 years in 5 minutes.
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we are all afraid of stress, in fact, almost all of us stress, all diseases are from nerves, except for
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pleasure, yes, but the point is that in small doses stress, it is not just useful, but it is simply necessary, if we all say, absolutely, we are all brought up, this is precisely the doctrine of stress , he just deduced this, we are all, that’s all who are here and in general all the people on earth, evolutionarily. under conditions of stress, imagine an ancient man, but there is no food, there is failure with a mammoth hunt, there is disease, there is cold, we all survived in these conditions, and we need stress for us, well, in small doses, we can ourselves, we have enough stress around us, but in order to be resistant to external stress, we can organize these stresses for ourselves, in small doses, i had an episode in my life when... our car was attacked by an elephant, i ’ll tell you that stress, and the hippopotamus also
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attacked you, remember, and i even have a video of how the hippopotamus ran after me, i ran away, so, what is this, oh, i know that, your rule is 5s, then 10s, 105, what you, you had 10s, 10s, well, 10s, we’ll probably highlight the most important ones, and you can probably guess for yourself, here sleep, they say, good, yes, sleep, sex, absolutely, well, you don’t mind, sport, sport of personal achievements, just please, not the sport of great achievements, sport of personal achievements, today you laugh, today you walked - 100 steps, tomorrow 1.200, personal achievement sport, if i hadn’t read your book, i would have said sex, but they already said that without you, but they already said it?
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second, you know, what they don’t know about, you don’t know me at all other than this, you didn’t ask for this, but i immediately thought by analogy, kidneys, for sure, then for she will have kidneys, behind her there will be kidneys, great, so let’s be attentive to our health, read our books with olga, then everything will be fine with you, thank you, next, what does a rash with orv indicate and how
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does cervical erosion affect on the development of cancer? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. former honeysmith, i got it. i recommend that you, allah, look for a new place of work. premiere on рrt. we can open our own taxi company. too many memories. and as for your this scarlet, her sang along, we’ll choke, we’ll discuss , and take your hands off, otherwise there are too many warning signs, suddenly something happens to you, scary, too many dangerous intersections, trouble, seryoga crashed, he’s alive, alive, but she can’t stop, your grandmother can handle it, she’s a strong woman, alla taxi, today on rtr, you sleeplessly
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toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up, completely overwhelmed and tense, now that’s over, we present the dremalina swan pillow, a comfortable pillow for relaxing, which hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremalin cvon pillow is made
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of breathable hypoallergenic or otsel fabric. it perfectly adapts to any body shape and size and supports yours. the sling in all positions during sleep ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you'll sleep better than ever. and most importantly, the dremalina swan pillow is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and those who sleep on stomach. the drimalina cvon pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call to order. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalinost swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly
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limited and valid for a short period of time, please get acquainted and roll call, possible without construction, i'm very glad that you came. everything is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything, with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i held on, no money will help if she decides to leave before end, and what are you going to stop me from doing, sitting and waiting for them to come for me and lock me up for this terrible article,
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a bouquet of wildflowers, premiering on saturday on prt. i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, he likes to grab the stake there, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr time column questions from the doctor, we ask questions for you based on previous programs, if you answer correctly, you receive a prize, if incorrectly, then you practice, and so on, whoever is ready, raise your hands, come here, well, you raised your hand, no one forced you,
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no, let’s go. what is your name? natalia! natalia! what are we doing? former paramedic? i got it. well, let's spin it. no, well, a former health worker, the appearance of a rash on the body during an acute viral disease is a dangerous symptom. well, this is absolutely, well, actually, when , if it’s just prickly heat, for example, or something like that, this is one situation. if a person with a high temperature and so on develops a rash, it could well be, say, meningitis, or some other disease, that is, it could be
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a manifestation of a serious illness that requires immediate attention to the doctor, it is from these relationships that we say that this can be dangerous, maybe, but not always, so what kind of laborer are you, you didn’t work in the personnel, i worked in... and so on and so on, so that i didn’t say, no matter what other doctors say, no matter what they write in foreign journals, we in
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the medical community have a firm belief, which we will now see, oh, well done, well, well, well, you don’t always have to climb there, quickly clean up, quickly operate, well done, no, it doesn’t lead, erosion is a wrong word, there’s no erosion. the scar, you survived, it narrowed, you survived, it narrowed, and you get pregnant, as if you were walking through this deformed uterus, which you burned with a coagulator. therefore, if
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your doctor has already told you what to do with it, today there are gentle methods, special gentle methods that do not leave any changes on the cervix, that’s it, no, no burning, well, yes there too, it depends on the situation, in in any case, this is a variant of the norm; this happens more often in adolescents and pregnant women. she appears, she disappears, in in general, this is a variant of the norm, it doesn’t turn into cancer, no, that’s right, sea salt is healthier than regular salt, and you know, if it’s with food, then it’s healthier, write, so, doctor, you haven’t screwed up, no, if we we buy judied salt and sea salt, they are the same, but we only have judied salt in our country now.
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now we will check the omen, i have omen in red clothes, in a red jacket, they don’t always open it the first time, take your time, i won’t, no, it didn’t work here, okay, second, i want your book, no, yes, i have the right , give to a colleague.
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but now the doctor is one of the best in the department of our seventy-first hospital, and i studied with him at the institute, even yes, and he was such a hairy fighter, and how he loved girls, and not him, i’m not talking about it from that point of view i say to him, oh, i’m so glad that i now have such a book from you, you have no idea, here you go, i’m very glad, thank you very much, low cover valuchi. thank you, well , you see how interesting it can be, yes, you want to review us, this is a platform, look at the application, and we move on.
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flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, similar symptoms torment many people, most simply get used to them, but in vain, irritable bowel syndrome may manifest itself, it is important to calm it down, then the symptoms will go away. what are the signs to distinguish irritable bowel syndrome, what exactly irritates it, and for whom is this disease dangerous?
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diarrhea, which is replaced by periods of constipation, in order to meet the roman criteria, and there are such concepts, gastroenterologists there said in many respects, it should be at least once a day for at least 3 months, these are various other criteria, but behind this there can be everything including intestinal cancer, so irritable bowel syndrome is always a diagnosis of exclusion, if someone comes to me, that’s how we have guests: with this diagnosis he will say: i have irritable bowel syndrome intestines, i’ll ask only one question, what question will i ask? i’ll ask , they did a colonoscopy, they did it, after that we’ll talk, until we’ve done a colonoscopy, we can’t talk, crohn’s disease might say, this could be due to inflammatory colitis, this might be the cause there are a lot of conditions with such diagnostics, so they haven’t done it yet, we don’t talk at all, we all went, didn’t find anything, they find them...
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walks, walks and walks, you look at the patients’ records, again, like the last name, filipenko, again filipenko, that means , will now complain again, what are we complaining about, sick filipenko, irritable bowel syndrome, elena filipenko, 41 years old, moscow, a young woman recently became an executive director in a small company, elena has been working towards this for many years, it would seem that the goal has been achieved and we need to rejoice , but not it turns out, along with elena’s new position.
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they prescribed these prokinetics, probiotics, antibiotics, i just started drinking them, they also put me on antipsychotics, but in general nothing is helping me so far, so i wanted to tell you about the symptoms, the symptom is constant pain in the lower abdomen, it intensifies after eating, accordingly bloating, constant discomfort, abnormal stool, but
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actually, what worries me the most... is the constant pain, so to speak, it’s nagging, it radiates to the back, i saw a neurologist, i had an mri done by a gynecologist, but actually i have nothing they found it, and what did the gynecologist say, what did he say, and that i don’t have any inflammatory processes, they did the same, everything is fine, you see, the symptoms are understandable, they did a colonoscopy, then, as he says, there’s already a bunch of pills, that’s it, everything is in a heap, as i understand it, everything is in this firebox, as i say, she walks and walks, they have already given her, they have already given her everything, they have given her everything they could, she has been given neuroleptics instead of lying like this here on the ground, she still walks, it’s a sting, although, by the way, i don’t know about neuro-abletics, you should have been given antidepressants first generations of amitreptyline, it usually reduces these sensations, we usually treat speech disorders, if diarrhea means diarrhea, if constipation means constipation, well, pain plus or minus is correct in an antispasmodic, i just think, you know, in
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your patients it’s somehow not so painful , the fact is that irritable bowel syndrome is not the only diagnosis, since we don’t really know what, although this is a violation of the innervation, definitely from a violation of the axis. brain, intestines, all this comes from the head, hence the antipsychotics, antidepressants, somehow your pain doesn’t hurt so much, usually it’s after all, there is a connection associated with stool, before diarrhea, if it is diarrhea, it is precisely cramping pain, it should not be constant, here is someone who wants to bend you, sending you to the woods, and these irritable bowel syndrome very often goes along with fibromyalgia, non-cardiac syndrome , non-cardiac chest pain. with a variety of pain syndromes in general, chronic fatigue syndrome, in fact there is such a pelvic pain syndrome, it is even more common than irritable bowel syndrome, this is when there is pain in the pelvis, there is no
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inflammation, there is no inflammation of the appendages and so on, but there is pain from those muscles there are twenty-odd muscles that sit on the pelvic floor, ligaments and so on, and this is very common, somehow they don’t talk about it here, all of us... adj and so on, which can cause diarrhea, i’m not talking about antibiotics, and we often don’t know what they are for you, what causes them, a serious thing, by the way, behind it , celiac disease, gluten intolerance, can really be hidden, sometimes, sometimes we
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give a really gluten-free diet, i i’m very, so to speak, annoyed by this popularity of the gluten-free diet, because it’s stupid, they don’t attribute anything to it, but in fact, 1% of people have... uh, a genetically determined gluten intolerance of 1%, and you ’re doing all the other 99 in vain , but it still cannot be excluded, and if tests have not been done, then you can simply try a gluten-free diet. by the way, about irritable bowel syndrome, 15% of people, more women, are susceptible to this disease, and 15% is a lot, this is from this studio, it’s necessary here, let's say, roughly, there are, well, roughly 60 people, 6-7 people. your fellow sufferers. next, how is irritable bowel syndrome treated, and why do you need to take antidepressants for this? even through this pain, because
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what are your options? well, which ones? the fugitive ex-governor of the chelyabinsk region and his pasta factory. the investigation seized all assets belonging to the family of mikhail yuryevich, who fled after a series of corruption scandals. abroad, taking a fortune of several billion. our international investigation, we found the exorbitant politician mikhail yulievich in london, how he spends his time there and what lawyer mikhail verevich will say to his defense. malakhov, today on rtr. they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except for
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the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, titanic deluxe hotel, belek golf, where every moment is exclusivity, wrap yourself up in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your rest is your rule. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed
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comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lackshiry collection bodrum. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just as i trust him. this means you have an ideal marriage. on saturday. you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child. why do you need such a wife? even a perfect marriage can fall apart. why didn’t you tell him anything? no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn, damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he spun me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be you, the world, an honest thing,
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really, an ideal marriage, in saturday on rtl, you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i will go on vacation for you to any resort in the country, men are excited. completely different, she looked at me as if i had just missed a penalty kick into an empty goal, it was the most powerful effect of art on a person, parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, program about the most important thing continues, we are talking about the syndrome... which is probably necessary,
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since it is quite a disease like chronic fatigue syndrome, today it is called exercise intolerance syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome, that is, there is no pathology, just like that, so you know, in the gut, the microbiome has become agitated or there is some kind of disturbance, as with whole cells that are absorbed. or there are some kind of super spasms and so on and so forth, there are no violations, this is , roughly speaking, a violation of innervation, as in all the other things listed, why the number one medicine for this treatment is precisely the first generation antidepressants, because in these doses they act not on the head, not as an antidepressant, but as a medicine acting on receptors, which turns out that the intestine has a lumen. there is always normal peristalsis, so that food
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passes, peristalsis, normal peristalsis, but suddenly for some reason the receptors that respond to stretching, they begin to rearrange, you know, like someone reconfigured to a different frequency, but as your thermostat was set there at, say, 23°, and you set it to 15, and now it will turn on earlier, so here the movement is essentially normal, normal, as always, as all life, the receptor now accepts like abnormal. he became more sensitive, and he says: yeah, the brain is signaling, look, the stretching is strong, he says, strong, yes, but what does he care, he’s far away there, come on, and accordingly gives a signal, and they begin to shrink, then there is that normal stimuli, receptors they begin to take it as abnormal, that the stretching, and so on, that the narrowing, hence the constipation, so when we give amitriptyline drugs, they seem to reconfigure the receptors to the opposite row, yes this...
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i think that of course, that’s why we always say, well as soon as we start feeding people, correctly, with fiber, we try to run away.
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in terms of props to the family, so that you understand, find yourself a strict diet, stick to it, because firstly, this is what i would do if i were you, probably, but i’m such a radical character, i would throw everything away i would take the pills and throw them away, just antibiotics, that’s all, then i would probably still try to deal with this pain, either... you have it from irritable bowel syndrome, or it’s some other kind... then chronic pain syndromes, i would probably still stop with ametreptyline, but no more and no less, it either helps or it doesn’t, and then i would function even through this pain,
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because what are your options, well, what are your options, i don’t know who to go to, i ’ve been thinking so much already, then it would get better, i i would move, i would walk, but it hurts. something always always hurts, i would eat right, the main thing here is that you don’t miss any soreness, i would then repeat the clonoscopy, i would see a gynecologist, i would do tests if there are no inflammatory reactions, nothing if it’s just that this axis is rebelling, well, i would like to live with this axis and live with it, but that’s my character, yeah, there’s another option for you, take handfuls of pills, the result is the same, even worse, so here you have to choose, okay, we will. it will be fine, now raise your hands, you guys attentive to your health, all of us who have questions, because now the column is on the air: ask the doctor, good morning, doctor, i often have pain in the lower right
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corner, side, that is, i did an ultrasound, the abdominal cavity, nothing was found , not to me, nothing. they didn’t find, no, nothing, no, that i was so unlucky, otherwise they would have sent me for surgery, but i have it all the time, that is , often, even if i don’t follow a diet, i ate something, i’m already starting to feel sick, the question is, what do you advise me, what other examination can you undergo to understand that this is no examination, well , there are such pains, all caused by the stone, no, and it’s not connected, if there was a stone, nothing would change, it’s not from the stone, it’s what we we call it dyspepsia.
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i wish i could lose a little weight, why lose weight and move more, move more, well , look, i just see, you have a good figure, you’re a well-built woman, well, of course you’re overweight, well, of course everyone is there, why is there excess weight, i don’t care i eat, well, yes, well, somewhere there is sugar, somewhere white bread, somewhere uh-huh, somewhere i took some kind of sausage, somewhere i drank some tea and cake, and when to move, when to move, i work until the morning, in the evening i came there, here i hear these excuses all the time, with your figure, your appearance, you should take care of yourself and in general, my whole life would have gone differently, yes, movement is life , thank you very much, good morning alexandridovich , my sister has motor reenitis, well, all her life she has been suffering from a chronic runny nose, but in
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recent months, blood clots have appeared when blowing the nose and nosebleeds, well, how rule from one nostril to the next, is it dangerous and can it shine. isn’t there this problem, maybe not under the influence of the medicine at all, so i would generally say to any person, if you have an adult person, it happens that blood flows from the nose like this. not so, once a year, check the blood, just a general blood test for platelets, sometimes a platelet in a pin can
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manifest itself like this, thank you, doctor, hello, hello, my name is vera, i have a question, please tell me i have headaches very often, over the course of many years, plus my temples began to hurt, first on the right side, now on the left, i was craning. repeatedly, the same therapist, neurologist, asked for a referral for an mri, they won’t give me one, well done, they say go and do it for a fee, for a fee, we all know it’s not cheap, i have a question, what should i do, how can i get a referral too on an mri, and what’s wrong with me, why have i had a very bad headache for many years, well, first of all, i want what the name of the therapist is, and there are different therapists, who refused. orlova, well done, doctor, that’s the way it should be, i’m surprised that you ’re facing death, usually, you know, they’ll grab you by the throat and say go ahead, that’s right, he says
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why, mri doesn’t cure, it’s not a cure, it’s a diagnostic tool, but what should you diagnose ? , even such a short description that you say speaks of a tension headache, everything, a tension headache, when neither the brain, nor the blood vessels, nor the nerves, the tissues surrounding our head, neck, muscles, face, variety, musculoskeletal, hurt pain and more often than one tablet every other day, this is already it could be a drug-induced headache, it’s treated differently there, i think yours too may be talking about amitreptyline on
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a regular basis for a while, but mri in this case does it wrong, it’s not done anywhere in the world, the installation doesn’t do it, thank you great, i answered all your questions, good luck to everyone, next in the program, women's health, what products? holds hidden sugar, and what can stop your craving for sweets, well, how does my heir not play pranks on saturday, nannies and i’m just not happy, anna i’m completely satisfied, beautiful, smart, modest, no need, why are you breaking down, quietly, he invited me into his office and... raped me, i forgive you for slander, let’s part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is a punishment , my
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sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child and demand a ransom, this is varonslov’s eldest son with a lot of petty troubles, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, do you know why they kidnapped me and brought me here? on saturday on rtr. you you toss and turn sleeplessly all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken and stressed. it 's over now. introducing the dremaliina swan pillow. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and
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feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows, dremalinost one holds the spine is in an ideal position, and the neck is at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow with one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremalin cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic or otsel fabric. it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you'll sleep better than ever. and most importantly, the dremaliina swan pillow is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers, and those who... sleeps on his stomach. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best
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direction. look look. look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for one, two, three, sign let's look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, they tried to come to an agreement with him more than once, but he remains the most honest detective, eduard petrov is 50, i had to.
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the average resident of our country eats sugar in his entire life. 39 kg. and if we add to this a sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of fatty foods, it is not surprising that the country has recorded an increase in the number of patients with diabetes for years in a row . i was not lazy and thought that this was approximately. 1,114 bottles of soda per year, 1,230 cups of chocolate ice cream and 3,800 cookies, that is, 10 cookies per day. when we eat foods like this, we at least think about the fact that we actually eat direct sugar, then sometimes we eat foods that seem to be healthy, but which contain
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a large amount of hidden sugar. ignorance... the sugar content in ordinary foods can also lead to the development of diabetes, we will talk about this today, but first, let's find out the story of maria alexei. good morning, hello, the program is about the most important thing, my name is alexey, hello, my name is maria, the fact is that i have a terrible sweet tooth, i really love sweets, we really have them on the table all the time. cakes, pastries, chocolates, they never disappear here, but one day i went to donate blood, my sugar was found to be elevated, i somehow didn’t attach any importance to this, but lately i’ve somehow begun to really notice that i i began to get better, i began to get very tired, but if my wife and i used to constantly walk, who now my wife constantly refers to fatigue
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and we often just stay at home. in my family, my mother has high sugar, and i know from her experience that it means living with this constant restrictions, high blood pressure, skin problems, and i wanted to ask you, maybe you can convince my wife that you shouldn’t joke with your health . maria alexey, in our studio, please come to us, good morning, good morning, good morning, the poet’s husband came to us, who is so for...
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well, in the morning i just drink coffee, eat boiled egg and low-calorie yogurt. let's just see what low-calorie yogurt is? it seems like a healthy product, but as a rule, yoghurts are low-calorie, contain a very large amount of sugar, the amount of sugar in them is equal to 2.5 donuts, these are exactly the hidden carbohydrates that we talked about at the beginning of our section, and there are quite a lot of such hidden carbohydrates, and in order to understand foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates, and what to do with high sugar levels? i want to invite to the studio of an expert doctor. aleftina nikolaevna oranskaya, endocrinologist, associate professor of the department of endocrinology, medical faculty, state budgetary educational
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institution, higher professional education, moscow state medical and dental university named after alexander ivanovich evdokimov, candidate of medical sciences. aleftina nikolaevna, good morning, glad to see you, good morning, aleftina nikolaevna. please tell me, people around us say that these are low-calorie foods - this is the very thing, and then it turns out that there are 2.5 donuts, you need to deal with the products very carefully, low-calorie products are not products that do not contain light carbohydrates, we are talking about colorage, but we are not talking about carbohydrates, this is a bit different things, so you need to pay attention, first of all, to what carbohydrates are in the products, in what quantity, based on... we will understand whether there will be an increase in sugar, whether there will be an increase in fat mass or not. examples are best. we have specifically divided the products into products with high carbohydrate, medium to
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low. foods high in carbohydrates are not just candy and not just soda. these are also artificially prepared sauces, factory ones, pasta, potatoes, this is quite large. quantity of cereals, such as semolina, barley and, by the way, millet, they also contain a fairly large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates to a lesser extent, despite the fact that they are considered sweet potatoes, they have a lower glycemic index, beets, apples and such cereals as rice and buckwheat, here it is also necessary to take into account the processing of the product when we say buckwheat cooked with milk. foods with a low glycemic index are usually all green vegetables, berries and
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nuts. nuts contain a large amount of fat, but have a fairly low glycemic index. diabetes mellitus is a disease of the whole body. what complications can there be? well, first of all we will talk about complications in the form of diabetic foot. complications, these are silent heart attacks, these are strokes, we will talk about cardiovascular diseases that are poorly restored, this is chronic heart failure, which is very common in the world now, we will, of course, talk about chronic kidney disease, because this is also a scourge that is developing, what? to do and to avoid such cravings for sweets, we have inulin. inullin is what is found in chicuri. inullin, which, in principle, reduces this need for sugar consumption. it
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is not a pure sweetener, but nevertheless, taking this substance will make you feel better give up sweets. inullin contains fructose. fructose enters the gastrointestinal tract much more quickly. is absorbed than glucose, and gives that very necessary energy, thereby you are deceiving your body, you seem to have received energy, your muscles have received energy, you don’t want sweets so much, but you also need to take into account that fructose, it is very short, it will be used up very quickly , so try to always move under any conditions, then it will in no way be deposited in fats and gymnema extract. extractive helps reduce glucose levels, that is, or rather, not even an increase in glucose levels, less carbohydrates are absorbed, less of them enter the blood, but our main problem is that when we talk
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about the combination of inulin, we are talking about the fact that we can control eating behavior, we no longer need such a volume and we can limit ourselves to eating healthy food, the combination of these substances changes the way we eat. it should be noted that the combination of these two active substances not only allows you to regulate glucose levels, but also that allows you to control your food intake. behavior, this all leads to the fact that our patients lose abdominal fat, lose that fat that is toxic, it is the loss of this abdominal fat that insures us from getting diabetic complications, which we talked about, when this abdominal fat is lost, the effect that we we get it, it is more long-term, gymnema and chicory will help us with this, we should take them together, of course, we recommend choosing
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tablets that contain both of these components, and the extract we squeeze inulin in appropriate proportions, that is, we have two different directions that create one effect, if we get both at the same time and squeeze inulin, the effect becomes higher, so it is very important for us that this is a combination, it is important for us that this there were high-quality products, high-quality... so that these were proven products, that is, that they were effective, non-toxic, therefore it is very important to pay attention to the gmp symbol on the packaging, this is evidence that this product is manufactured according to international standards quality. the russian diabetes association shows that it is necessary to combine these two active elements in one product to increase the effect of action and for... thank
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you very much for coming to us, i hope that maria, you will take charge of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle take care of your health, thank you, thank you, alestina nikolaevna, thank you for being with us, the world has really taken over, in fact, a pandemic of diabetes, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, knowing your blood sugar level. will allow you to avoid development of this disease, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, you had a program about the most important thing, you arranged everything, and not only did my career deprive me, you decided to finish me off, taxi, premiere today on rtr. we stand up
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for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. there is more and more water in the tabol river. she tore off the floater. now it will all go towards the city. in kurgan they are intensively preparing, a dam is being built from thousands of bags. when filled , their height will be about a meter.


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