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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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17 m/s, and residents of the capital region are also faced with sharp daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, the so-called boric saw in some areas of the moscow region, almost freezing was recorded for motorists who have already replaced their tires with summer ones and are urged to refrain from operating vehicles. well, today, for the first time this year , sakura blossomed at the spring festival in the apothecary garden. look at the news. bye, hello, on the rossiya tv channel, broadcast in the studio by rina rossius and the main topics for this hour: this is part of the earthen dam in tomsk in area of ​​the communal bridge.
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100 years ago from april 18 in all cinemas in the country. a new center for the rehabilitation of svo participants will appear in astrakhan. governor igor babushkin reported on the president’s project today. vladimir putin just had a working meeting with him via video link. astrakhan region.
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has developed 24 of its own programs to support military families, one and a half billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes, and local enterprises purchase equipment for fighters on the front line. astrakhan also took patronage over one of the regions of the lpr where it is restoring infrastructure and houses. doubled rates of housing commissioning directly in the astrakhan region. during the meeting, the conversation turned to the upcoming gubernatorial elections. support my nomination for a new term about
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closing plans, we need to look, of course, maybe the deterioration of networks is 92%, of course, this is very large, it can be a deterrent, in any case, your letter, here it is in front of me, i read it , got acquainted and already issued an order to the government, or rather even the deputy prime minister khusnulina maratuchnovich, who is leading this topic, is in charge of the ministry of construction, so i will talk to him again so that he unconditionally supports you, this needs to be done as a whole. igorevich, everything is working out for you, but of course, you need to reach out to people during the preliminary election campaign, before voting on the relevant candidates, you need to get their assessments of their instructions, their opinion on what needs to be done for the development of astrakhan, the astrakhan region in the near future. i wish you success. all services in russia are in full condition mobilization. floods this was reported in
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the kremlin. the total number of flooded houses exceeded 15. in the coming days, the peak of the spring flood is expected in the tyumen and kurgan regions, where the evacuation of the population has already begun. on the tabol river, rescuers are dismantling dry branches and fragments of wooden structures that impede the passage of water. its level increases every hour. water dams are being built in kurgan. in buryatia , the settlement is threatened by the selenga river. sappers are planning to carry out explosions to free them. largest quantity victims of floods in the orenburg region, residents have already submitted more than 300,000 applications for payments; for those who did not manage to be saved on time during the evacuation, even documents help them quickly restore order; 2,000 police officers are monitoring order in the flooded areas. in the tomsk region, a state of emergency has already been introduced in four villages, in flooded areas. energy workers
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turn off electricity from tomsk, reporting by andrey malanov, and from the orenburg region by ruslan bikbulatov. a large piece of the shore just collapsed behind me, this part of an earthen dam in the area of ​​the communal bridge, we see how water easily carries away reinforced concrete blocks. the elements are looking for a way out; a powerful ice jam has formed in the area of ​​the river station, and another one remains near the village of kazanka. at a staff meeting with the governor today, it was noted that, despite the difficult situation, there are positive trends, in particular, from kalarov to the communal bridge, the river has cleared of ice. no increase in water level was noted overnight in the iushta of the black river; in the area of ​​the villages of baturino and vershinino observers even record a decrease of 10 cm. kazanka maturina, the most powerful was the break, the overflow. yesterday, even through this overflow
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, the highly cross-country ural three-axle vehicle could not get through, it was already starting to demolish it. this morning , cars are already passing through, and this indicates that there is a logistics connection. there are 326 household plots and 30 residential buildings, in which 74 people live, including six children, all of them were evacuated to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers that were deployed in schools in vershinino, baturino, sinemutyos, kaftanchikova and kislovka.
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representatives of municipalities, operatives of the ministry of emergency situations, andrey malanov, evgeny lisenok, vesti tomsk are on duty at the flooding site. water. which caused so many troubles, first in ortsk, and then in orenburg, continues its movement, now it has reached the village of nikolsko, where a siren sounds from time to time and an evacuation is announced, the water has already flooded the first streets of the village. there is a sharp rise in water in the ural river, we ask you to collect documents and valuables. rescuers of the ministry of emergency situations are ahead of the flood, they come to the houses where they live disabled people, elderly people, small children.
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and not everyone, all the attention is on the districts and the center of ile, where the water is now moving, where they are strengthening the group of rescuers from samara, ufa and kazan. construction and municipal equipment has been sent to the settlement, and concrete slabs are being transported. in ortsk , disinfection began on the dry streets, hundreds of teams were involved, in orenburg, the level of the ural river slowly began to decline, literally by a centimeter in a few hours. residents of one of the microdistricts celebrate victory over the elements. the more water came, the higher they an earthen embankment was erected. the elements surrendered at the threshold before incredible cohesion and unity. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, vladimir minyailov. news: orenburg region. now the latest data from the nwo zone.
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supersonic su-34s delivered a series of precise strikes against vysu’s manpower. the fighters worked on the southern donetsk sector of the front. they dropped the volume. detonating bombs with a universal planning and correction module. as a result , the command post of the ukrainian armed forces was liquidated. and in just one day in this direction, zelensky’s troops lost almost half a thousand soldiers, two dozen vehicles and up to ten pieces of equipment. among them is the nato paladin artillery mount. it was burned by our zalansett drones. in the kherson direction, with the help of fpv drones , a car with militants, communication antennas and several enemy dugouts were destroyed. liquidated in the kharkov region.
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operation of the buk missile system in the southern donetsk direction. the soldiers of the eastern group are repelling another air attack. buk installations protect the sky around the clock, covering our infantry on the front line and at the same time civilian objects, creating an impenetrable air dome. right now buk is leaving for another combat mission; the crew is on duty in the area of ​​the village of novomikhailovko, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. now we are on standby alone, we are waiting for... the crew can fully deploy all the equipment in just 3 minutes, almost immediately
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the first potential target is detected, i am the second one accompanying the azimuth 340, range 9, altitude three, speed 1020, understand this or alien, the command post operators can, in a matter of seconds, it’s our artillery that’s firing, which artillery i’m depriving of ours, they move up from us when the enemy attacks us, that is, we are watching from above... down a few minutes , another air target is detected again , honeycomb i am the second accompanies 270 11 2 10 20 loudly approaching, this crew has already hit hundreds of aircraft and missiles, but one still flew back, fortunately everyone remained alive, at that moment we were working, we captured the target, launched one rocket, but since we are a single-channel complex, we cannot accompany two targets at once, so the second target flew nearby, but thank god we missed, here’s one...
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cnn reports today on russian retaliatory strikes on the critical infrastructure of ukraine, attacks on energy facilities are not isolated , as it was before, but more concentrated, journalists report. this tactic led to the fact that in a few weeks the year-long efforts of ukrainian specialists to repair the power plant were reduced to zero. this is what it looks like now evenings on the streets of kharkov. in a city of one million people, there is practically no street lighting,
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traffic lights do not work, but there is light in supermarkets and shopping centers, and there is enough electricity for advertising. people's artist of russia olga volkova, whose filmography includes about 200 roles, celebrates her anniversary today. she has been in the profession for almost 70 years, and she is rightly called the queen of the episode. olga vladimirovna plans to celebrate her birthday on stage. but in between. charming, elegant, greets you with an incredible smile us at home, where it’s really difficult to find her, tours, rehearsals, filming, the actress admits that she has practically no days off now, and never had before, it’s impossible to work for me, it makes you feel very bad, because well, in the profession, especially in the theater, it is excess energy.
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what else do i remember, she is a master with incredible experience, you have to catch her every word, i learned a lot from her, she is mischievous, she has a sharp character, she is a delightful actress, olga volkova was one of eldar ryazanov’s favorite actresses, she played the waitress violetta at the station for two, very nice, violetta, i was also very pleased, she was french. madiskoy in a cruel romance, saiman and fik, which is wonderful, a vigilant colleague in a forgotten
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melody for the flute, i respect you very much, but in my opinion you made a mistake, why did you live with this person, played the homeless katya in the film the promised heaven, the director wrote this the role was especially for volkova, how are you separated, what... between scenes, filming took place in the center of moscow, they started asking the actress how to get to bulyshnaya? i stood with a loaf of bread, with a white one, which the dog then drags, and he... where are you, i have a bruise, where did you get it, where? i say, around the corner, but at what cost, showing the bruise, he didn’t believe it, he took me there too. olga volkova was born in leningrad into a theatrical family, but she never thought about acting. my mother, who had not succeeded as an actress, saw in me something that no one saw. even her grandfather, a wonderful actor at home hood council, she cannot be
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an actress, absent-minded, ugly, small. hero of russia anatoly kvucher. fight in georgian parliament, the reason was the bill on foreign agents and 100 years ahead from april 18 in all cinemas in the country. we'll see you about this not only after the commercial. would you like some tea? i won’t refuse tea. that is great. on saturday. quiet. do not
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do it, please. our wonderful nanny wrote. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. hotel titanic
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deluxe golf belk, where every moment is exclusivity. treat yourself to comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum.
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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the exhibition russia, sunday, how good it is that i have you, your husband’s friend. judging by the photo, do you know each other? you knew that your father had a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or ours. come on, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr,
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they tried to come to an agreement with him more than once, but he remains the most honest detective, eduard petrov is 50, i had to change my place of residence, because family is the most important thing, they can suffer - only for that i’m doing my job, our every visit is perceived with alarm by the local authorities, i say: listen, we just came to relax, boris korchepnikov’s program, life and fate, on tuesday on rtr, this is news, we continue the release, the famous pilot has passed away -tester, hero of russia, anatoly kvocher, he was 71 years old. he was called a legend of russian aviation. he was one of the ten leading test pilots on the planet. he holds 11 world records. the captain made an ultra-long flight on sud-27 in
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australia and two flights over the north pole. he was one of the first to lift into the sky the latest combat fighters and bombers of several generations. in total, he mastered almost 90 aircraft models. his skill in piloting at ultra-low altitudes was admired in dozens of countries around the world. aerobatics performed. managed, he directed the plane to a small he had only 7 seconds, but the driver had a free section of the airfield, he ejected himself only after he was convinced that the car would not fall on the spectators. moscow calls on middle eastern countries to show restraint in the background. iran's retaliation to condemn the israeli attack on the consulate
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was a direct consequence of western reluctance to the islamic republic in damascus. our diplomat called this position a parade of hypocrisy and double standards. what happened on the night of april 14 did not happen in a vacuum. iranan's steps were the answer. the shameful inaction of the un security council in response to israel's blatant attack on damascus, and not the first. syria is constantly being bombed by israel. more problems than benefits. this is how polish pilots speak about the south korean f50 combat training aircraft, which entered service with the polish army. according to the local press, when purchasing usiul fighters, the minister of defense wanted to get it quickly. political success, but in a hurry in warsaw they forgot to order simulators and weapons for new equipment from the koreans, as a result , combat vehicles worth a total of 3 billion dollars are on the ground, and
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the pilots do not know what to do with them. deputies fought in the georgian parliament, a representative of the opposition in attacked the majority leader live on air , hit him in the head, and immediately joined the brawl. other lawmakers had to interrupt the broadcast for about 15 minutes. the bailiffs escorted the pugnacious oppositionist out of the hall, after which the meeting resumed. well, the cause of the discord was the law on foreign agents. its purpose is to identify foreign influence in the country. the entire western diplomatic corps is acting on the same front as the opposition. other topics. in the kherson region, representatives of united russia from the krasnodar territory donated assistance from the region to the soldiers of the northern military district. to the volunteer battalion named after. margelov received a shipment of auto parts, as well as quadcopters and medicines; in the krasnoyarsk territory, the luka krymsky medal was awarded to military medic alexey kazantsev. he
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volunteered to participate in the special operation as a senior doctor in the therapeutic group. alisa selizneva, kolya gerasimov, space pirates and robot werther return to the big screens. the premiere of the blockbuster 100 years ago took place in moscow . film based on the work.
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in my childhood, when we watched a television series, i she said that i would play alisa selezneva, it somehow flew out of me automatically, so my grandmother said that this was impossible, because alesa selezneva, she is alone, she has already been played. nothing is impossible, with the help of the cosmion device, alice will travel through time to save her family, our planet, the milky way and 13 galaxies from space pirates, their roles were played by alexander petrov and yura borisov. of course, this is something new, something new. there is a line, but it has always been there in me. yura's make-up took 5-6 hours, make-up took two hours, all this on his feet, while yura treated this quite calmly, cheerfully, what do you want, to conquer your underdeveloped planet. 100 years ago, a great adventure movie that has everything for everyone. an interesting plot, bright special effects, sparkling humor and
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of course, love. cinema for a wide variety of wide audiences, which means it is clear that on the one hand, at the center is the story of a family, on the other hand, our main characters are schoolchildren, high school students. moscow, moscow. the first viewers have already appreciated the premiere. i haven't felt such emotions in a movie theater for a long time, i'll tell you honestly. i am absolutely delighted, i shed a tear, very cool special effects. don't miss the truly cosmic premiere 100 years ago from april 18 in all cinemas! anton demidov, evelina kornaeva, gennady lladyka, news! forecasters are warning residents of central russia about the pressure saw this week, while the atmospheric pressure is 15 degrees behind the norm, by thursday it will rise sharply, but on friday it will fall to the bottom again, and besides , the whole week will be cool and rainy, in
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the studio ...we have the beautiful tatyana antonova, tatyana, it turns out that spring is slowing down again? irin, yes, it’s slowing down, because at night in the center it’s 0 +5, frosts are possible in the second half of the week, but during the day we can still count on +8 +15°, and this is quite a lot for april. well, cyclones are bringing coolness to the middle zone. tuesday will probably be the driest day of the week. short rains will occur only in places in the center, in the black earth region, in the bolzhye region, south of kazan without. and up to +17. a real hot summer is rushing to the south, tomorrow it will reach 27 by wednesday in kuban the first +30. dry, windy, fire hazardous. i will have to mention the winter in the russian north in the arctic , snow, frosts up to -15 in arkhangelsk, petrozavodsk tomorrow only +3 and rain, and even in kaliningrad only +7, as well as in st. petersburg there is also rain there. in moscow there is light precipitation in places, windy, but 12:14.
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thursday is the heaviest rainfall. only +8, well , then, as you can see, it’s warming, and we’re with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, in retirement vtb the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum vtb, everything will work out, and tonight on our channel is a continuation of the allataxi series, the owner of the taxi company changes, this immediately affects the fate of the main character, she is fired: there is also a divorce ahead and a fight for her son, but in the meantime vasya, who has become a director in the updated management, meets the personnel officer snezhannaya, she will overshadow it with its beauty, but we’ll find out what the new plot twist will turn out to be at 21:20 only on the russia channel. the federal part of the broadcast has now been completed, regional news is ahead, inspections have begun on the farms of the altai territory before the new season
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agricultural machinery and direct communication from barnaul. my colleague nikolai pateshkin comes out. nikolay, hello, who is conducting it for what purpose? hello, irina, tractors and other machines are inspected by state technical supervision specialists. such control is necessary primarily to ensure that the machine is in good working order and to prevent accidents while working in the fields. last year, 14 work-related injuries were reported in the region due to broken equipment. therefore, inspectors pay special attention to the condition of the brake system, presence of contra. serviceability of the sound signal. in total, 2.0 agricultural enterprises remain to be inspected. thank you very much nikolay, good news for you. we move on to salihard, where we celebrated the anniversary of one of the iconic battles in the history of russia, the battle of the ice , my colleague dmitry usov joins us live. dmitry, hello, how was the celebration?


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