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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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already at 21:20 only on the russia channel. all news can always be found on the media platform, we look in the application or on the website, but the news continues to follow the developments of events. stay with us. the governor of the chelyabinsk region has changed. the number of high-profile corruption cases in the chelyabinsk region has already grown into the dozens. the assets of mikhail yuryevich and vadim belousov are of corrupt origin. about 2 billion rubles are transferred annually to the defendants. these shots show the scandalous ex-governor of the chelyabinsk region mikhail yureevich. disgraced the official turned out to be an underground billionaire. he hid his business empire, the country's largest pasta concern, and dozens of other companies behind growth.
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they did what they needed, they didn’t do what people needed, he made a profit for himself, yes, he built a bridge, he built a shopping center, the interests of business, the interests of people here, no one supported here, but corruption the whole region knew yurevich, what is the story with a personal helicopter, which turned out to be more expensive. than that of
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the british queen according to local residents used as a vip taxi for friends and relatives. in the port, the twenty-meter executive-class yacht marcus was already waiting for the chelyabinsk managers of legislators; in monaco , deluxe rooms were rented for the guests of wealthy deputies in a five-star hotel. we began our own investigation in several countries and found a scandalous ex-official. today , for the first time, mikhail yuryevich’s side is ready to answer everything. questions in our studio lyubov vladimirovna mikhailova, we must say that in addition to the macfa pasta factory, yes the prosecutor's office estimates the current assets , according to the newspaper izvestia, at 22 billion and the first bakery at 3.7 billion. the annual revenue of the enterprises exceeds 31 billion rubles. in a year, we must say that the former governor promised.
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twenty-story buildings, everyone knew that it belonged to the current governor, naturally, the advertising was powerful and the apartments were sold like pie, as a result, the promised 2 years dragged on for 6 years, but it turns out that yuryevich was removed from his position in the fourteenth year right there all apartment construction has stopped instantly at the same time, but also at the same time...
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but as i understand, there are still local residents who are still waiting for housing, and let's see, our correspondent visited the place of the promised one. we see that the places that were not needed for construction were only overgrown with weeds, everything remained as it was, they occupied the territory that they needed, improved it, and the rest remained as it was in 1946 year, in the person of
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mikhail yuryevich, they did what they needed, they did not do what people needed, he made a profit for himself, yes, he built... a bridge, he built a shopping center, come on , sign up, sign up with us, what is it about, what kind of villages, problems, what, roads, light, what else, the children can’t walk, it’s dark, there’s dirt everywhere, that one denis was driving, he lives with the children, the children tell him, they washed themselves in the bathhouse, he says, dad, let’s smell it in the bathhouse, they had a rest room, he says no, send them home, they went home, that... day there was a strong wind, the wires were swinging, these are the emergency ones, he both the bathhouse and the garage burned down, it’s good that they didn’t stay there overnight, the interests of business, the interests of people here, no one supported here, you see the bushes, the house stood here, it probably stood for about a year, but they couldn’t deal with it come to an agreement, we were also
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indignant, but he said, don’t want to be nice, the tractor is coming, someone started screaming, someone was indignant, and he said, what are you doing with your shacks, what do you want here? “some year we gave you apartments here, and now you are demanding something else, even if these are old, dilapidated houses, frail, but this, as they say, is a home, it is in any form, it is dear, but for mikhail yurevich it seemed that these were dens, i don’t know, slums, and that you could come at night with bulldozers to demolish everything, i i think so, that is, it turns out that they promised to build houses, just build?
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they didn’t, that is, instead of the final finishing, i had to hand over the rough finishing, plus the screed, and i had to take out a loan and pay off the loan for several more years for repairs, but this is where our survey group found the cottage of ex-governor mikhailovich, let’s use ours we will see with our own eyes how the official lived while others waited for years for their housing. the village of tarasovka in... many people know, the mid-nineties - this is a local ruble, representatives of local political and business elites build houses here, here is the house of mikhail yuryevich, here it is on my right hand, but neither a house nor a plot, the former politician never indicated it in his declarations, because according to the documents, the house belongs to his
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parents. today, houses that are sold in the village cost from 70 million rubles. how much will such a house cost, located on an area of ​​one and a half, imagine. in addition, there is a huge amount of plantings here, blue spruce trees, its own football field, there is even its own hockey rink, many people know that this is at home, i live from the same place, in 2005, he flew here on the helipad, sat down when i was on i rode a bicycle as a little girl, do you generally know something about this person, where he is now, unless he has no brains, there are some unnecessary things to say, why is this necessary, and there are also family connections. is behind me, i know it's yurevich, but i never i didn’t see anyone there, well, in general, well, how long have we been living here, well, it’s probably been quiet for six months, but someone always cleans up, well , that is, they look after the house, i’ll say so, but for someone to come directly, it’s not i saw, len, and what
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the audience says in general in chelyabinsk, you know, andrey, after we started working on this topic, our correspondents were just...
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the chelyabinsk meteorite, the chelyabinsk meteorite about your ex-governor, when he fell, he extended his governorship mikhailovich for exactly a year, a meteorite fell, many were damaged buildings, glass flew out, many people were injured, thank god, not a single death, not a single death, but there were many wounded, and accordingly, they did not change the governor in such a crisis situation, and he had to eliminate the consequences of this meteorite strike. and it’s true that he was not in the city at the time when the meteorite fell, and they were looking for him for several more days, they say
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that this is what knowledgeable people said among the people that the governor of the chelyabinsk region, he has a three-day working week, he works monday, tuesday wednesday, for the rest of the week until next monday , he flies to some warm countries or travels on a yacht, but at the same time, when he was found... his comment that he gave, it became a meme, all television programs, the entire internet is still laughing at the way he commented on this, of course, there is something to do, i don’t have time to follow, but as far as i know, no debris has been found, well , it’s possible that the meteorite was gaseous, that is, hard gas, ice from gas , here is gas ice or what, interplanetary bodies, that is it is possible that its structure was not metal, but ice made from gas, yes.
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seryozha, tell me how it was even possible to choose such a comedian for the post of governor, listen, but as a resident of the chelyabinsk region, i can say that he is generally a legendary person, about whom there have always been whole rumors, whole legends, that’s what we’re saying, there wasn’t and so on, according to rumors among the people in general, when the meteorite fell, they couldn’t find it in... at all, but it was just the governor’s birthday nearby and they say that he was celebrating at that moment, he don’t bother, you understand, but the only thing i want to address is, well , to address my fellow countrymen, listen, everyone has been waiting and everyone has been offended all this time, and it’s so nice that now, at least after 8 years, we get such satisfaction, retribution for mocking people, now at least it will be... for this the person at fault will bear the responsibility, and by the way, andrei was one of the first
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to write exposing articles, the fact that everything was copied to drivers, relatives, some girlfriends , and as i understand it, there were the best lawyers have been hired against you, i started working at the newspaper, in addition to various business assets, yuryevich also has a very reputable media holding in chelyabinsk, which includes several. newspapers, tv channels, radio stations and so on, that is, now too, now too, but they seem to be registered with other people, for example, the newspaper where i used to work, called evening chelyabensk, it was recorded with the driver yurievich moskalyuk, who is in israel and while working in his newspaper, i witnessed how he began... to develop his business when he realized that to protect and increase his
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business he needed to go into politics, he was first elected to the state duma twice, after that he decided to become the head of chelyabinsk, the mayor of chelyabinsk, because the current mayor vyacheslav tarasov did not allocated him a plot of land for the construction of a shopping complex, the spring shopping complex. it is true that during the election campaign. controlled most of the market, fas constantly expressed complaints to him about this, that he occupies a monopoly position in the chelyabinsk market, he managed, well, somewhere perhaps at a loss, having such a serious position in the bakery products market, to keep the price of bread very low, which contributed to the ruin of his competitors,
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here on with this he won his first election campaign, then naturally the prices rose - another slogan was, stop the bread mafia, he called his competitors the bread mafia, which does not want to lower the price of bread, but he is a good man and for the sake of voters he lowered the price of bread and kept it below profitable, and why did they throw pig heads at you, say, cut off pig heads, there was such a story, i made a choice in favor of the current mayor then, because i realized that... that the person who will concentrate in the hands, that is if in the position of state duma deputy, he did not have such an administrative resource at the local level to develop his own and expand his business through corrupt means, i realized that if you appoint him as the head of the city, he will become practically the godfather and owner of
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chelyabinsk, a city of over a million people, so i made a choice in favor of the current mayor tarasov, but he... lost, this began my conflict with yurievich, i founded my website, left his newspaper, began to actually write about yurievich, what i knew about him, yes, during this conflict , his representatives, his mutual acquaintances expressed complaints to me that he was dissatisfied, early in the morning i heard a bell, at 6 in the morning, the doorbell rang, i opened the door, there was a package there, i opened this package, there was a cut off pig’s head, at the same time my mother and mother-in-law receive similar parcels, also pigs' heads, that is, they make it clear that they know not only where i live, but where my relatives live, naturally it was not a gift, there was no greeting from yureevich and so on, but i regarded it
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as a threat, so no less, i continued to write. make revealing publications on your website, and after that a criminal case was fabricated against me, i was under investigation and on trial for 3 years, i suffered a heart attack at the age of 43, my family broke up because of this, because my wife couldn’t stand it , the ex-wife could not withstand this pressure, uh, thank god i fought back, just at the end of my criminal case, the contract was under the accompaniment...
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they reported that immediately after the flight, yurevich went on vacation to nitsa and monaco. in these footage, taken by one of the random eyewitnesses, the head of the region and his retinue board a charter plane, which within half an hour was heading to european resorts. the publication new tuesday wrote that the head of the chelyabinsk region flew off to celebrate the birthday of his friend, state duma deputy sergei weinstein. this is confirmed by documents in which contains the list of passengers. the campaign was allegedly compiled by senator konstantin tsypko. in the port of nice, as chelyabinsk journalists write. the twenty-meter executive class yacht marcus was already waiting for the legislators' managers; in monaco, for the guests of a wealthy deputy, according to the publication , deluxe rooms were rented in a five-star hotel, their cost can reach almost 4,000 euros per night; with the terrace of this hotel it is good to watch, for example, races formula 1. interestingly, just the other day in a similar the chelyapinsk management of material resources was also exposed in the luxurious scandal. bloggers
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noticed on the government procurement website a new order for two expensive cars, which the ruler needed for some reason. areas. here she is. the dream car of chelyabinsk officials. the order stated that the car should have a heated leather sports steering wheel, an armored body and velor floor mats. the most curious thing, according to bloggers, is that the maximum price of such cars will not exceed 9 million rubles. but chelyabinsk officials seem to they were willing to pay 13 million for their rent. however, this is not the first time they have shown a love for luxury. last year, a scandal erupted when it became known that the regional government had bought a bell-429 helicopter. is spent on its maintenance, all this against the backdrop of high-profile corruption revelations. employees of the local fsb department detained two advisers to the governor in just 10 months. one of them is the former driver
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of the head of the region, alexander moskaluk. a man without a higher education became the richest businessman in the southern urals in just a few years. another adviser to the governor, ivan sarakun, got into the so-called bathhouse case. he , along with the regional health minister vitaly teslenko, was detained in a bathhouse. according to the investigation, officials there were collecting another kickback for contracts for the purchase of customs tags. the number of criminal cases of corruption in chelyabinsk is already in the dozens, now we will just have to break for advertising, before we even leave, i would like to remind you of an interesting story that thundered everywhere, this is a hockey match, there were headlines that michael yuryevich then actually manually beat a man with a stick in front of dozens of people, businessman andrei valeev, and after that valeev said that he himself fell on the ice, hit the stick, claims. does not have, left the country for israel, advertising post, lawyer, mikhail yuryevich will for the first time comment on
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the trials that are now taking place in chelyabinsk, all the details in a few minutes stay with us, i couldn’t resist. money won’t help if she decides to go all the way, but what am i supposed to do if you’re going crazy, sit and wait, when they come for me and put me in jail for this terrible article, a bouquet of wildflowers, premiere on saturday at rkr. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on
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on the media platform, watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. once again, good afternoon, ex-governor and his pasta factory, we are looking into the loud scandal in the chelyabinsk region, ex-governor mikhail yuryevich. according to the investigation, while in office as governor, he created a false appearance distance from business projects and re-registered the makfa pasta factory, which the prosecutor's office is now from...
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the ultimate faith in justice, which , unfortunately, it seemed that everything was not at all simple, but this crisis led us to the understanding that in chelyabinsk they would not give us develop, when yuryevich became governor, it was clear that they would not be allowed to work throughout the chelyabinsk region, so almost all projects, including large-scale ones that require credit, after a five-year war, a person becomes governor, it’s clear what to say, absolutely all the levers will be used there, perhaps
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he didn’t...
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became a deputy of the state duma, and also becoming a deputy, immediately the bulk of the assets began to belong to his mother-in-law margarita butakova, who, as a pensioner, began to appear in the scandal of giving the largest bribe at 3 billion rubles. now we see her leaving the courtroom, and vadim belousov is also remembered by the whole country for the following statement at a meeting of the state duma, when he proposed to take... taxes for every bee located in the hive in the country. attention. and in in conclusion, i would like to turn to the topic of bees. until now, these insects fly without having laws regulating their activities. two bills from opposition parties were rejected by the ministry of agriculture. i hope the legislative process in this area will still be completed, which will bring undoubted benefits not only to bees, but also to people involved in honey production. this will allow you to get more healthy, tasty products. thank you for your attention. amer,
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look at that tan. andrey, andrey, can i continue the topic of biology, since here excuse me, the topic of biology about bees has already begun, you know, from a slightly different angle, you know, i have a very difficult emotional state when i listen, because there was a tragedy in the crocus and no one cared about how many they had there yachts or whatever they don’t have there, because people suffered, and i would like to return this conversation to those 15 thousand people, and... these 1500 people who suffered, if we start checking all these people, then we we will see that there are heart attacks, strokes, suicides, and people who died due to the fact that they lost everything they had earned in their lives, and there will be no less victims, i want to say that such gentlemen are a very terrible phenomenon, because they bypass the t-lymphocytes of our society, cancer is when the body ceases to recognize an external
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threat, here we have it. they help us determine that yes, this is a malignant cell and he kills it, here is an external enemy, when you understand that this is an external enemy, you caught him, destroyed him, and society received it. satisfaction when it is an internal enemy who got through, who, look at what a terrible phrase: for bread, for bread, with this phrase he deceived the t-lymphocytes of that entire civil society, and the cancer metastatic cascade, this collapse of the tumor, that’s what you now you show, this is what it is, when the tumor begins to disintegrate, it’s scary, the scary thing is that thank god that this conversation has come up today, but i’m absolutely sure that these... 16 people who work there are highly qualified specialists, they they will find a way so that, in general, there will be a million reasons why this person will still end up somehow somewhere on the sidelines from everything. these 15,000 people would understand
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how many victims there could really be connected with what happened. tell me, here is belousov’s mother-in-law, who is now ascribing a bribe of 3 billion, as i understand it, she is under house arrest now -
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they combined business with work in government, later mr. belousov and his mother-in-law got into a corruption scandal, they were convicted of receiving the largest bribes in history countries - 3.5 billion rubles. in august 2022 , the verdict was read out in the moscow city court for 2 days, on the first day mr. belousov appeared at the trial, and then disappeared, his lawyers vaguely made excuses to journalists, he was going to appear today, we hope that’s all with him.
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look, there are assets on russian territory, this is important, but secondly, secondly, we need to not be shy about taking away assets, yes, we need to, don’t be shy, don’t be afraid to do this, we need to take away these assets, ideally,
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of course, this is a trading rodnik center, pick up take it away by the court, yes, sell it to build houses for people, that would be the cup of justice, let’s call it that, yes, now it’s his business, pasta, bread. they are discussing, i think that there should be nationalization, they should be taken away in favor of the state and used for social needs, this would also be fair, i would like us to applaud andrey, he’s great, it’s really hard work to be in the region and fight with the governor, you are great, i think that in this part we need to understand that justice still, the fact that he fled the country, and he fled, triumphed. and his colleague, who is a former deputy, also fled the country, and the road is closed for them here, but the second question, it’s clear, the british won’t give them to us, because they need our criminals there, there are a lot of them there, why, because they
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go there they ran with the money, we know that, i want to give my word, because nastya knows mikhailovich from a completely different perspective, you know, in fact, i really personally know mikhail valerievich, i had a tour last year by...
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on this one on social networks these are photographs of mikhail yurevich and here is the history of the origin of this
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photo it’s definitely him it’s definitely him just yes please there are several photos of the hairstyle this photo ended up on the internet as follows: yurevich really loves beautiful girls, the first is beauties the city of chelyabinsk, according to the residents of the city of chelyabinsk, were repeatedly noticed in his company, and he thought that no one knew about it, but the whole city knew, then one day mikhail... only already felt like it’s calm that i sent my next beloved a series of such photos, and the girl really wanted to share this joy somehow, and i started sending the photo to my friends to show my new status, well, my friends posted it on the internet and these photos are walking around here. they send them to us too, please, but tell me, is his wife oksana, who bore him two children, where is she now, somehow there is no information at all about her, but yuryevich is married for the second time, his first wife is oksana, i... know her well , she gave the impression of a woman
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who was a little intimidated, and he married her only when he was going to run for the state duma for the first time, but his political strategists said that with your reputation as a lava and a person who uses the services of various frivolous women, this is a minus in the second image, i need to get married, so he legalized the relationship. with his wife oksana, and then she disappeared somewhere, well, most likely she was given money and told to disappear from russia, but nevertheless, where is this oksana yurevich’s first wife, no one knows, well, let's go back to the hall here, the meeting took place on tuesday last week, 47 defendants and 35 lawyers are defending, this is the first last meeting, which was made open to the press, all the details. 59 volumes, 16 lawyers, almost
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fifty journalists and about 5 hours of debate, these are the results of the first meeting on the high-profile case against the former governor of the chelyabinsk region mikhail yuryevich, at present our procedural opponents are launching such a large-scale quite a feast company and i'm trying to do something in the media. presents reliable information for the purpose of obstructing the trial, it clearly follows from the case materials that all these companies were originally founded and they belonged specifically to mikhail yurievich. in fact, delevich once owned a certain number of small shares in makfa, but at the same time both his father and his mother owned these shares, it turns out that when he came to ... a public position, he transferred his shares and more to
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had nothing to do with these companies, the arrest was imposed on all the property, all the money that the prosecutor general’s office knows about, which it indicated in the application for taking measures to secure the claim, that is, there are shares and shares in foreign companies, well , mostly these are still shares and shares in russian companies, accounts in russian banks, vehicles, cars, real estate, everything, everything, everything. in the future, the press will not be able to attend the trial; at the request of the prosecutor general's office, the hearings will be held behind closed doors. but i want to say that before for the last 15 minutes we waited in this studio for igoryach trunov, the president of the union of lawyers, lawyer mikhailovich, an hour before the broadcast, he said that he went towards the gorky studio, from where we go on air, but for the last half hour the phone has been turned off, he does not
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answer , assuming that this could happen, the day before our correspondents talked with igor. and he is sure that this business is easy to ruin, let's listen to what he says: we have been conducting this business for 8 years, it began when yurievich was governor, 8 years ago yurievich left in russia, now the prosecutor's office, here a month ago, yes, filed a lawsuit, the statute of limitations in russia is 3 years, we... when all the property is taken away, the criminal case will die, and if there is no criminal investigation, there is no search,
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there is no threat of prison, well you can come and start a new business, you know, so this is what it might look like, anton, that is, is mikhailevich ready? return to the country to do business again, raise the chelyabinsk region, the best lawyers, turning a blind eye to the fact that money doesn’t smell, that mr. yuryevich’s lawyer is simply mocking everyone victims, and if earlier, before the start of the special operation, we treated corruption as something that has accompanied us for many years, i wrote there and there and so on, but today we can clearly understand that a corrupt official is an enemy of the people. because it’s one thing when some drones shoot at us, people die or property is damaged, and another thing when people in expensive suits and ties sit decorously in offices, rob people, people then lose their health, die, damage is caused to the state, they are the same enemies
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of the people, only they sit here in high positions, they drive expensive cars, they buy helicopters at our expense. the region’s budget had a surplus of 14 billion rubles, when he left, the budget became deficit by 20 billion rubles, that is, such a huge hole was formed in the budget of the chelyabinsk region, while governor yurievich built roads, many say, but at what cost , due to the fact that trees were cut down, due to the fact that rainfall in the city
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completely stopped working, i think any chelyabinsk resident will confirm that as soon as there is a little rain in chelyabinsk, the city immediately floods, so come on? we will now take another short pause, immediately after it our international investigation into where mikhail yurevich is currently hiding his billions, do not switch gears. zoya boguslavskaya, a legendary woman and the widow of the poet andrei voznesensky, celebrates her centenary. unique memories. i ’m telling you first, don’t tell this to anyone. chagall and tseriteli, oleg menshikov, alexey rybnikov, dina. malakhov will soon be on the russia channel, it was you who arranged everything, yes, not only
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real feelings know no boundaries, i sit here and can barely hold back my tears, the beauty of the soul, the trepidation, the words of love are clear to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture. this is the gold fund of the soviet and russian country, hello andrey,
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andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr. once again, good afternoon, if you just turned on your televisions, the fugitive ex-governor and his pasta factory. the focus is on the former head of the chelyabensk region, mikhail yurievich. and the official turned out to be an underground billionaire; he hid his business empire, the country's largest pasta concern and dozens of other companies behind relatives and his driver. before advertising in our studio, residents of chelyabinsk talked about the juicy details of the work of the runaway ex-governor. but i want to say that our investigation has gone beyond the borders of russia and now you will see it on the screen. that the famous pasta factory makfa, which is now being talked about so much, has a subsidiary
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makfa europe, we sent a correspondent to the indicated address, let's see what valeria zaslavskaya discovered, the largest factories, which are estimated at 22 billion rubles. attention, we are now in the capital of the czech republic and prague, this is where, according to our data , the subsidiary company of makfa magfa europe is located, which is registered directly in this city, now we will go to the address that is listed in the register of european companies. right now we are at 15 nafalimantse street. it is in this building, in some office or perhaps in some apartment, that the macfa europe company is located. and according to the register of enterprises, it is registered to a certain dmitry mishkov. and as we see from the extract from the documents. he is from russia and is registered in chelyabinsk, in a house on lenin avenue. thus, we understand that this czech company definitely has direct
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attitude towards the chelyabinsk pasta factory. but what is much more interesting is that in the documents we see the ultimate beneficiary of the company, which is located in the british and virgin islands, which means that all traces of the macron empire lead to the uk. let's see if we might be lucky enough to have someone answer the doorbell . good afternoon. good afternoon. do you live here? hello. yes, i am a resident of this house. you are familiar with mcfa euro. no, i don’t know such a company, there are residential apartments here, but among the residents there are russian people, but i haven’t heard the name dmitry, now the russians have disappeared somewhere, maybe they went back to russia, well, that is , a billion-dollar company, and the headquarters is in a residential building, on the fourth floor, you know, some kind of secret story, just to
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withdraw money there through several pads somewhere, but the main thing is that there is an address. he’s gone, but where is he now? do not know? i don’t know, maybe you can at least tell us, well, he, he is the owner, right, according to the documents? no, what are you talking about? no, no, no, that's a who does he work there then? well, just a manager, senior, senior manager, with mikhail yuryevich, does he even know each other, does he communicate? well, how can he communicate with him
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if he is far away? well, that is, we see luxurious mansions where the ex-governor lived, and the owner of a billion-dollar business in a five-story building, you know, an old elderly woman opens the door and doesn’t know where he is, who is this dmitry, do you know him? dmitry mishkov is a friend of yurievich, he represented, how to say, a small pool of yurievich in the legislative assembly and he now. colleagues from registration are sitting in a communal apartment, but our russian newspapers also confirm that the company’s assets have all been re-registered to
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foreign offshore companies and how is the money... the amount of income daily is more than 2 billion rubles. let me remind you that by carefully monitoring social networks, our editors and correspondents discovered that mikhail yuryevich is now in london and did not deny himself the pleasure of putting his morning exercises on the internet, so we now see how he keeps you in good physical shape, bye. the international search is trying to find him, he is always involved in sports, like this, yes, he is a sports person, our correspondent, vgtrk bureau in london, alexander khabarov, contact comes out, and the main question is, yureevich has been arrested in russia, alexander, and some minimal is there a chance that great britain could extradite him? good afternoon, andrey, well, the question is quite logical, especially
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considering that it is almost impossible for russian law enforcement officers. russia was expelled from interpol, and in turn, the ministry of internal affairs the uk, if it receives such a request through interpol, of course, does not have the right to resist, it must provide some assistance, but as i understand it,
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it will not show much zeal in this situation, and the third, of course, is the british courts... which, under various pretexts, refuse to extradite those persons requested by the russian country, but various arguments are given, for example, there is no independent monitoring of the conditions of detention. there is always something in russian prisons, it should be added that most fugitives, as a rule, are wealthy people and can hire expensive lawyers and thereby protect themselves from extradition. here i insist on this position, i tell my colleagues, deputies, for this kind of criminals everything should be without a statute of limitations and without geography, then maybe you should bring this up for discussion? from the level he understood that if he follows this model, he will have one fate,
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understandable and clear, which is why the discussion is so difficult, because those who plan in different strategies in the future, they will of course be against this proposal, you know, now i can’t say that it has become easier in the sense that, firstly, there are no sanctions now... so that those who fled, they understand, here we won’t let them back, only to prison, that’s fine, it’s one thing not to let them come here, but these are the richest people who may not need
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to go back anywhere, they have billions in their accounts, so we need to take everything away; another question is that we need to take it away, return them and bring to justice, let me just historical reference absolutely, 18th century, 1719 , first governor. moscow, held everything in his hands, took over all trade with china, bribed everyone around peter i, and brought his sense of impunity to the point that he decided that siberia could separate and become a separate state, he was brought to petersburg. hanged right on the palace square in the presence of everyone, i’m not hinting at anything now, but i think that bribery, extortion is probably the most terrible sin in russia, which needs to be punished, because
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patri depends on this, you can, you can have one remark, a small remark, i would say not only in russia, because the british are keeping them for a reason, they pay them money, of course, they pay them money, yes my friends, the time for the program has come by the end, we follow the development of this high-profile case.


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