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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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we also invite his pasta factory, goodbye!
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live for 60 minutes, the most important thing, we are starting with sensational news, according to financial times, moscow will begin the liberation of kharkov at the end of may of this year, by the beginning of may the task is to liberate the settlement of chasyar, the information was disseminated by the ukrainian head syrsky after a trip to the front. head of ukrainian military intelligence. budanov just confirmed that the end of may, june is the beginning russian offensive. in our ministry of defense. today they said that for the first time in the special operation zone, the british l-119 howitzer and the ukrainian rep khmara station were destroyed. previously , the department did not talk about the defeat of such equipment; the total losses in the ssu per day were almost 200 people. russian units.
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improved their position in the kupinsky, avdeevsky, yuzhnodonetsk and donetsk directions; in the last section of the front , our fighters defeated brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​avdeevka, kleshcheevka and kurdyumovka. this is also the avdeevsky direction, filmed by ourselves ukrainian militants footage, the destruction of three highly promoted american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. near the very village of berdychi, where american abrams tanks burned en masse, well , incredible ones. footage of the destruction of the german irist air defense system and trm 4d radar in the kharkov region. the strike was carried out by kha-35u guided missiles from the fighter of the su-34 bomber. at the same time, german air defense systems were located as much as 40 km from the border with russia. against the backdrop of the advance of the russian army, the morale of the armed forces of ukraine is lower and lower. the footage shows the ministry of defense, also in the pavdeevskoe direction. mass surrender
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ukrainian soldiers were captured, the soldiers of the twenty-fifth separate airborne brigade of the ukrainian armed forces as part of an entire unit surrendered, that is, as many as 200 ukrainian soldiers laid down their arms at once. in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, as the ukrainskaya pravda newspaper writes, militants from the sixty-seventh separate mechanized brigade abandoned their positions. this allowed russian units to expand their control zone in the vicinity of the city. it is important to note here that we are not talking about the random spoils of military commissars and ludolovs who were abandoned on slaughter, so they surrendered, no, we are talking about ideological banderaites from the so-called ukrainian volunteer corps, as the right sector is now called, an official investigation is underway against the commander of the sixty-seventh brigade, look. last
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check, the drone is working, igor and sasha press the button, they have only a few hours to complete their reconnaissance mission. the only guide in the dark is the red light. be careful, the russians are less than 5 km away, they have eyes everywhere. there is a great danger that they will will be discovered from the air, we will find out about it when they start bombing us. are you ready? come on, let's go.
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now the russians also have so -called fighter drones in their arsenal, these are homemade small nimble drones, most often equipped with a single grenade, all these russian fighter drones are kamikaze drones. they find ukrainian drone bombers flying into them at full speed, meaning this war has turned into a real drone war. the ingenuity in it seems to know no bounds, and almost every day something appears in this war. new news, a high-speed target of unknown origin
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is heading towards the front-line konstantinovka, at first the anti-aircraft gunners thought it was some kind of new drone, everyone reacted on time and opened fire, opened fire. the bomb is equipped with aluminum wings, which were probably deflected by a rapid-fire salvo. this is a guided russian air bomb, which was shot down by ukrainian border guards, and this is part of the universal planning and correction module, which, in fact. what makes this bomb manageable is its simplicity, multiplied by the huge number of stocks of such weapons in russia, makes it the most dangerous for our defenders, for our defencists, a fresh arrival, a fresh arrival just 100 meters from us, the chain is a matter of our life, so we will not take risks in vain, so
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controlled with bombs, russia attacks the strategically important city of chacha yar every day, from a distance of up to fifty kilometers, without aircraft entering the air defense zone by bombing.
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areas, the roof and walls collapsed, there are fragments of concrete blocks and bent reinforcement everywhere instead of transformer power units there are piles of iron. some of the equipment was destroyed by the explosions themselves, the rest was damaged by flying debris. the destruction is truly catastrophic, it will not be possible to restore the operation of the facility in the coming months, or maybe years, that is, the russian h-69 missiles performed excellently.
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loan or rent, but the main thing is to give. one of the fresh ideas of mr. dmitro is to beg the patriot installation from warsaw to install it in the westernized region, in order to not only protect the territory of ukraine itself, but also the border zone in poland. allegedly, negotiations have already begun. in poland itself, the information was not officially confirmed. on the contrary, president duda ruled out the possibility of supplies for the rkk patriot, arguing that such protection was needed themselves. one hope. now on germany, chancellor scholz has already allegedly promised to transfer
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the third patriot system to kiev. in total , germany has 12 of them, so add ammunition for the german irista air defense system to the load. kuleba said that if air defense is not installed in the end, then ukraine will continue attacks on russian oil refineries, despite the us ban. what sounds like blackmail? due to the intensified airstrikes of the russian aks, president zelensky has recently repeatedly asked to provide ukraine with more air defense systems, but germany finally decided to supply the ukrainians with another patriot air defense system. in total, this is the third patriot battery directly. was in service with the bundesphere, the german ministry of defense reported. zelensky has already thanked the german government and called on
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other countries to follow germany's example. something that could now protect our energy sector and not only the patriot systems. first of all, this is not an anti-aircraft system, but an anti-missile system, that is, air defense. apro, which instantly changes all its parameters, from the method of action to the price. by the way, petret is not even a name, but an abbrevi. huge radius of up to 125 targets, action, then a lot of tasks, the patriot radar can shoot down planes, the cruise systems of this system can simultaneously track missiles, drones at a distance of 160 km, and ballistic missiles up to 40. we found 100 patriot systems, but no one even wants to lend them, i feel that...
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i like our successes in, i would say, extinguishing the country's gas stations, i mean attacks on oil refineries. they talked about gasoline prices rising. i love everyone very much and respect our partners, but we need to think in our own interests. ukraine has ppo. our interest is that ukraine has air defense systems in the required quantity. if partners say: “we give you seven batteries.” tomorrow.
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kiev, cherkassy and zhytomyr regions, the first disappointing conclusions of the station burned down to the ground'.
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that night, five regions were under the enemy's guns; the russians, as in previous times, used a combined attack, but there was a significant difference in this strike: among the weapons used, they discovered what military experts call the russian analogue of stormshadow and taurus, which, according to their assumptions, was hit the trypillian tes, the russians used the poet to strike. power plant of the modern h-69 rocket. axis out. this is the same x69 rocket. a rocket of an unusual square shape in order to accommodate a larger warhead, but most of all it differs from the others. these are launches from fighter-bombers, that is, from the so -called sous, which are located close to the front line and which are difficult to track.
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the x-69 has enhanced guidance accuracy, the maximum deviation from the target is up to 5 m. made it subsonic, the flight range has also been increased, in contrast to the previously declared 290 km, this time it has overcome 400. the use of this weapon and active attacks on the ukrainian energy system - this is essentially new a turn in the tactics of the russians, here in the tactics of the russians, a very loud, historically important, but maximally limited in its consequences blow was dealt by iran against israel. saturday night, the military operation against israel, in which, according to various sources , 36 cruise missiles, 110 ballistic missiles, several hundred attack uavs and even eight hypersonic projectiles were used, was completed, allegedly went as successfully as possible, iran does not yet plan to continue,
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statement by the head of the general staff iranian armed forces are proposed to be considered a conflict exhausted, the name itself: a true promise indicates a refusal to escalate. tehran promised to respond to the israeli attack on its representative office in syria. tehran responded. and now tehran promises that if tel aviv does not try to take revenge, then the conflict in the middle east will not develop according to the scenario of the third world war. israeli prime minister netanyahu deciphered the message on the urgent recommendation of the united states not to respond for now. abstained, iran's ambassador to the un, amir said , told sky news reporters in a brief interview that israel will not dare to respond, because tel aviv understands that a new iranian strike could be much more deadly. and if the united states had done its job and dissuaded tel aviv from the illegal
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attack on the embassy in damascus, then this saturday night in israel would also have been peaceful. the g7 leaders unanimously condemned iran's actions. sunok said the region needed calm. macron, who has the olympics on the horizon, opposes any destabilization, scholz recommended that tehran come to its senses and not continue moving on the warpath. but washington hawks perceived biden’s peacekeeping tactics as another manifestation of the weakness of the elderly hegemon. republicans say the white house has embarrassed the world by abandoning its main middle east ally despite a direct call for military intervention. it turns out that hail on a hill can be easily
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intimidated. the head of the white house himself, according to already established tradition, commented on the situation and limited it. a wave of iranian weapons has been intercepted. the israeli military says its goal is became more than 200 unmanned aerial vehicles.
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iran in the syrian capital and damascus earlier this month, resulting in the deaths of islamic revolutionary guard corps officers, including high command. during the attacks, the severity of the coordinated strikes was evident as president biden and his national security team monitored events from the white house situation room. a...according to senior administration officials, the president told prime minister netanyahu by telephone overnight that they would not participate in any israeli counter-offensive. could this
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escalate into a larger war? i don't think there is any reason for this, but is it possible that we are approaching the epicenter of a larger war? does not believe that it is necessary to move in this direction. it is almost certain at this point that none of these missiles had a nuclear warhead, but it is impossible to predict when the next attack will be, the next ballistic missile attack, already with nuclear warheads, so i believe this is an opportunity to destroy the iranian program nuclear weapons, i hope president biden is not trying to dissuade prime minister netanyahu from doing so.
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did you risk escalation towards a larger war? no, no, not at all, it was a different, legal right to reply, because they began aggression against our diplomatic missions. in this house you have been convicted of a reckless act that risks escalation. americans in particular say the us must hold bas accountable. we say that we condemn them for their inaction regarding israeli aggression against our diplomatic facilities if they had done their job.
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i don't want america to be the world's policeman, but i also don't want these guys to be the world's policeman, with these guys, turning the other cheek will just get you in the neck, increasing the sheep population will not solve the wolf problem. my advice to the president today is to support israel with respect. go to amazon and buy yourself a ridge.
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elephant in the middle east, it distracts the world's attention from russia and ukraine, and russia likes to watch this, as far as she understands, she would prefer the united states and the international
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community. it’s impossible not to talk about yet another humiliation of the ukrainians, who also seem to be allies of the west, the west, in theory , should also stand shoulder to shoulder with ukraine, but no, the difference between kiev and tel aviv was voiced today by british lord david cameron. on sky news, uk head of foreign affairs. stated that london and the west in general will not help ukraine shoot down russian missiles and drones over ukrainian territory, as was the case during the iranian attack over the territory of israel, because this, cameron said, is completely different, and no one needs a big war. cynically, but honestly, biden’s main competitor, donald trump, also took advantage of the never-before-seen search in the middle east. trump said...
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aid to ukraine in the us house of representatives. republican majority leader in congress steve scalise has already said that republicans will now try to bring aid to israel to a vote separately. at the same time, trump said that he supported assistance to ukraine, but only in the form of a loan and not a gift.
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he stated that europe itself. should give more money, because this war has a greater impact on europe. including these words, donald in the united states has already been called a dictator, they say donald wants a split in the west, a civil war in the united states, biden’s dictatorial habits are already openly calling on his supporters to fight, for example, the american media have kept silent, although 34 criminal cases have been brought against donald. new york, where the trial will begin literally, donald just arrived in court for the first of his four criminal cases, the former the president is accused of hiding a $130,000 payment from his company's accounts that was intended for porn actress stormy daniels in exchange for her
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silence. during the last election campaign, that is, he gave a bribe. the porn actress claims that many years ago she had an affair with donald trump. the trial could last 2 months, and trump will have to spend 4 days a week taking time off from campaign business for 4 days a week. this is the protocol. trump theoretically faces several years in prison if the most humane, most independent court in the world recognizes trump.
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the fact that i am here is an attack on our country, and this is a country that is heading towards failure, this is a country led by incompetent people who are involved in this matter. this is an attack on a political opponent. that's what it is, so it 's an honor to be here, thank you very much, former president trump here in pennsylvania rallies supporters before the start of jury selection and his criminal trial in manchetani on monday morning, the first time a criminal trial has been held against a former president over an alleged scheme to give hush money to adult film star storm daniels before the 2016 election , nbc has now learned that... about 600 new yorkers have been summoned to appear in manhattan criminal courts next week as potential jurors. as a defendant, mr. trump is required to be present in the courtroom for the trial, which could last up to 6 weeks. there is a list of witnesses who
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are expected to be called to testify by prosecutors, including former trump aide home hicks, stormy daniels herself, and trump's former personal lawyer, michael cohen, who has already served time for his role in the alleged scheme. what america is expected to face. trump's team is already working on plans for a radical restructuring of the state. our country comes first, borders, economy, energy - this is reasonable. we
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need someone who leads, protects and supports donald trump. i feel safe with him, he is the best leader of this country. donald trump is a fighter who wins. people notice this, perhaps they think that he will fight for you. if donald trump had accepted the results of the election, he would likely have been forgotten, or at least lost in importance. instead, he created a movement that strengthens him today and prepares him to achieve his goals in the future. we don't want our election victory to be stolen by radical left-wing democrats. look what they do. this is war rhetoric, he says that we have been taken away from us what rightfully belonged to us, and the only option is to fight, and as soon as
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he said fight like the devil, the crowd started chanting fight for trump. they went to the capitol chanting, we are fighting for trump. what followed changed america, it was an assault on democracy. social polls currently indicate a tight race between the candidates. at 81, biden is the oldest president in us history, and for many americans he is too old for the job. even democratic voters admit that this is true. joe biden appears sluggish and fragile, and it is he who projects the image of weakness, while time, donald trump looks energetic, and this essentially hides his shortcomings, mistakes, which are also due to age. joe biden, as we know from our own experience, when we watch an hour-long
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press conference with him, mentally he is not entirely present, he should be in control of the process and respond spontaneously to all sorts of challenges and issues, but this does not happen, because his physical fragility indicates his weakness . he believes that... during his first term as president , trump imposed tariffs on trade with eu members, withdrew from the paris climate accord and , most shockingly, repeatedly questioned the us commitment to the nato alliance. now he is conveying the same
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messages as part of the election campaign. politically, nato will begin to fragment and find no consensus on what it thinks about its future relationship with russia, if trump is elected, this process will begin. the capital of niger and the names of thousands of anti-american rallies , the government that came to power, general chani, demands. immediate withdrawal of american troops from territory of the state, we are talking about the main us air force base in the african sahel region, where the americans have mq9 ripper drones, c-17 aircraft and even american special forces. that is why the americans are in no hurry to leave, trying to return niger to a democratic path, in other words, to turn a free country into a colony again.
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that they will side with the new government of niger. white people, but algeria and guinea announced that benin, nigeria, cuddivoire and senegal, which were supposed to send their troops into niger, suddenly announced that they had withdrawn from pro-western coalition. to die for the interests of western countries, just in africa, they now understand that the american occupation is definitely evil. niger itself today sets a shining example of decolonization, despite pressure. these days the russian delegation from the russian ministry of defense is being received into the country the day before. military personnel of the russian african corps, who will train local military personnel. the financial times writes that russia is making impressive progress. africa, filling the vacuum left by the west, in the battle
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for great power influence in the sahel region, moscow won. russia is taking up the anti-terrorist fight in the sahel and is very actively developing relations with the countries of the region. european diplomats in moscow complain about the constant string of visits by african leaders to the kremlin. well, perhaps one of the few countries that continues to believe. into the good uncle sam, who brings democracy, freedom, liberal values, is in our neighborhood, that is, in africa they have seen the light, but the ukrainians are not yet capable, we need to help them.
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the nigerians are back in the game. last year they took to the streets to demand the withdrawal of french troops, they succeeded. this time they are demanding the closure of american military bases in their country. we with all our souls and bodies demand the immediate withdrawal of american troops from our land, yes, not only the americans and the french. the country will be freed from all those who harm niger. of course, we want to cooperate with the united states, but not so that their soldiers settle illegally in our country. the us has about a thousand people providing security in niger as part of its counter-insurgency mission. groups in the sahel region, but protesters say washington is stationing soldiers in their country differently.
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niger was a key us ally in the region until the military government seized power in niomey last year, now niger has turned to russia for support, the protest took place the day after ... a russian military plane carrying equipment and instructors landed in niger, the military government terminated the agreement with washington last month. on the runway a russian cargo plane has just landed at niomey airport. this footage was filmed and published by the riya novosti news agency, which is directly connected to the kremlin. they show russian and nigerien soldiers at the unloading site. a day later, the national television channel tele sahel broadcast its own.
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niger also left the western regional bloc of the economic community. african states by joining the military regimes of burkina fasso and mali to become part of an alliance of trading states or aes. the countries say their goal is to create a federation. according to national television, the leader of niger's military government and vladimir putin were in contact on march 26 last year to talk about this
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cooperation. strengthening multi-sectoral, comprehensive strategic collaboration between.
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shamelessly falsified, they report that more than half of young french people are ready to defend the fifth republic if it gets involved in a war in ukraine. 31% of respondents share the idea of ​​macron sending to ukraine french soldiers, and exactly twice as many, 62% believe that it would be good to return compulsory conscription to military service in the country. in general, young frenchmen. supposedly they are eager to fight, they want to sit in dirty trenches in ukraine, under russian air raids, to die for zelensky. doesn't look very plausible. the warlike emmanuel himself, who is about to fight the russians, demonstrates his inability to ensure security even in
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paris. today he said that the opening ceremony of the olympics may be limited the eiffel tower area or in general. moved to the stadium due to the threat of terrorist attacks. plan a is to hold the opening ceremony as a posene parade. the seine itself. let me remind you that it is contaminated with feces, which is why eco-activists have already called for not holding open water triathlon competitions. at the same time, macron himself is not afraid of feces. today he confirmed to reporters that he would personally take a swim in the dirty canopy to prove safety. we are waiting for these video frames. in addition, macron said that during the games he would convince russia and ukraine, as well as countries in the middle east to observe the olympic truce. at the same time, emmanuel demonstrated western double standards, answering a direct question:
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why the russians can’t, but israel can. macron confirmed that the athletes are from israel. from the country that hit the iranian consulate in damascus, is right now exterminating the palestinian civilian population at the olympic games, they will still perform with the anthem and flag, but russian athletes will not be allowed to participate in the games, why? because israel is an ally, and russia is a strategic enemy. there are external factors which they brought every time. terrible events, but these are not athletes, showing that such a structure is possible is very important, besides, this is what ensures peace, when the guns fall silent, you need to renegotiate the terms therefore, you must be at the same table with those you fought against, we we will do everything possible to achieve the olympic medal. you still hope
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so. so, obviously you are referring to israel, the gas sector, and also ukraine. day dismissal, compensation of 600
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euros, and also stated that she could still to remain a sailor, and on the same ship where that same sailor served, and she was even lucky. another woman, ninom mad, received double punishment for her story about rape, she was kicked out of the service, and she herself is right now on the verge of suicide, all because ninom subjected her. an attack by his boss, whom the command decided to get rid of. other women also file complaints, but to no avail. moreover, after four applications, chief nenon received a promotion. and not about any sexual facts there is no mention of violence in his official file. well , that is, if she were a transgender woman, she would definitely get help. the tolerant agenda does not apply to heterosexual rape. well, this is new york, a symbol of western civilization, the city is being taken over by rats. experts estimate that there are about 2 million
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rats in new york city. a huge population was able to appear not only due to the high survivability of rodents, but due to the large amount of garbage. by eating everything , not only in landfills, but in residential buildings, rats transmit diseases, which decent people forgot a few. years ago, huge hordes bred in landfills, devouring the wealth of what is called american prosperity throughout the city. nbc dares that new york's main attraction is now also a rat. people complain that thunderstorms are absolutely everywhere, in eateries, at metro stations, on the street in the park, the tv channel cites statistics, and when it turns out that there is a rat crisis. started exactly when joe biden sat in the oval office. experts believe that it will not be possible to eradicate rats. like even
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trying to reduce the population would be the giant victory of the decade, but bidon truly believes in the power of the united states. there are no rats in new york, it seems hard to believe. what the hell is going on? recent videos show that the city is drowning in... a pest control company's survey showed that the rat population in the city has jumped since 2020 from 2 ml 300,000 to 3
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million in just 2 years, experts attribute this jump to the abundance outdoor restaurants and with the city's sanitation budget being cut, it's a rat, the latest reaction regarding rat population control is: it's a war on rats, obviously the rats are winning, urban. the new york city council is considering a way to place food pellets throughout the city that will target both the male and female populations, preventing them from reproducing. to put it into perspective, a pair of rodents can produce 15,000 offspring in just one year. there are better ways to deal with a rat crisis and it's not bullying, that way just doesn't work. rat poison can be dangerous to people if someone will accidentally eat it, and it is also unsafe for wildlife, for animals , birds, and vice versa.
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on sidewalks, which rats can easily tear up and eat the contents, and regarding the issue of rat fertility, the mayor's office said they remain focused on this issue, and this problem is also being addressed through new legislation, although complete eradication of these furry friends is unlikely, limiting them numbers could be the big victory of the decade. the rats really run the city 100%. although we laugh, there is nothing funny here, it is disgusting. they're going to give these rats a contraceptive, this is their first time trying something like this. they actually tried this about ten
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years ago, and even in the sixties they were running around with birth control too.
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ukrainian air defenses are stationed, from where our il-76 military transport was shot down and from where they are hitting the belgorod region. previously, one of the arrivals in chuguev was recorded in the area of ​​the industrial zone, which is used by the ukrainian armed forces for dual goals. one more, really important news: semyonovka, ours, is a settlement that is located nearby.
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good evening, olga, yes, apparently our semyonovka, because this morning the assault began, and the last position of the last fortification, which was located there in the north-west of this settlement, which remained there by this morning, now news is coming about that this fortification has been taken, this stronghold has been taken, and semyonovka comes under the control of our troops, our heroic guys who...
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is at a dominant height, now there is a fairly large group, and by the capture of semyonovka and further berdychi, we have an operational space in order to go directly to ocheretina, this is an important fortified area that we have to take, forces are released that can go respectively to the north-west and can also help our soldiers who are now storming umanskoye, which is located. trap after the liberation of pervomaisky, and accordingly they can also enter the flank there from the north and complete the encirclement of uman, but in any case we are waiting for official confirmation from the ministry of defense, well, we are all keeping our fingers crossed for the guys and praying that they will move on with the least losses, but again the vks is also working, using fabs, and this is very strong helps our attack aircraft
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enter and move further west. pash, what is ours?
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was taken by the heroic 155th guards division and why don’t we repeat it by april 30, well , again, we won’t guess, syrsky designated this date, and we’ll live, we’ll live y... if we talk about the situation directly in this direction, then yes, the battles are hard, really hard battles, they are resisting very aggressively, they have a very high concentration there, this is true, fpv, and also the so-called yoga women, modified farmers , they use drones at night, but nevertheless our fighters are advancing, and street battles are already taking place on the eastern outskirts of the watch. the heroic ivanovo guards paratroopers are now fighting there, and in parallel with severny, with the cleanup bogdanovka, also guys from the 200th brigade, other units
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of the volunteer defense corps, are also moving towards kalinovka and grigorovka, this is a small settlement at a dominant height, accordingly, having captured it, operational space opens up from the north for hours, very important news has arrived now . that the primary task of our military leadership is, of course, to preserve in order to minimize losses, therefore , as many personnel as possible, again
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our aerospace forces are actively used there, they use fabpk, which also makes the task easier and leads, let’s say, to the horror of the ukronazis, again there was information that the third brigade was former azovites, banned in the russian federation, refused to once again enter the hours, again, i repeat, probably phantom the pain they have after avdievka is present on this topic. pasha, are you ready for the olympic truce? today macron, who promised to send french troops to ukraine, remembered that he turns out to be a peacemaker, and suggested that we not fight for a while, like this called, i'm not strong.
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another starts new caesars, of course, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, yes, that is, the person is of course absolutely illogical in his actions, but again they... they only want it when they start to burn, as they say , under them, under them, under their feet, the earth immediately begins, here we understand that these are tricks, certain tricks in order to take a break, take
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some kind of pause to comprehend, because now, of course, they are in a very , in such a state of disarray, emotional, psychological and well , close to panic, this is of course evident from their convulsive... headquarters offensive, kharkov itself is partially evacuating, what kind of hysteria is this in the west, in ukraine, well, that is, this is a direct mass trend, the beginning of the liberation of kharkov, everything about this. well, again, we don’t forget that the ukrainian kiev regime is, of course, a pr master of begging, shaking out
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help and weapons in every possible way, and they also use kharkov as an attempt to convince them that the russians are about to come and take over kharkov, well, first of all, as the president said, we need to secure it. bryansk region, and the threat to these regions comes precisely from the kharkov region, so of course there it is necessary to push back the ukranazis, who are enough there. a serious fist has been formed there, there is a fairly large concentration of personnel and armored vehicles, so of course we need to move. the question is whether they will storm kharkov, but it seems to me, again, that it is unlikely that we will storm kharkov, this is a large city, where there is a fairly large number of civilians citizens who, by the way, many do not want to leave the city, and i am sure that many sympathize with russia and, well, let’s say, have not... been subjected to ideological indoctrination,
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well, they are just now under a certain pressure , it is clear that it is purely human they are afraid to express their opinion, but the fact that some movements will take place in this area is clear from the fact that we have formed a new grouping north, and which will now specifically deal separately with the kharkov direction, well, this is also obviously understandable, what can we say here, we’ll wait and see. well , of course, i really want the liberation of the russian city of kharkov, let me remind you, which was the capital of the krivoy rog-donbass republic in 1918, which was founded by comrade artyom, which was part of the russian federation. thank you, great war correspondent pavel kukushkin, the front line is in direct contact, as for kharkov, the city really should be friendly, the city is firstly russian, and secondly only 40, even less than 40,
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a large-scale attack in late spring or summer, in the hope of capturing more territory in the donetsk, kherson, luhansk and zaporozhye regions. officials in kiev are also concerned that moscow may be planning an attack on kharkov, ukraine's second-largest city in the northeast. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army, syrsky, said that warm and dry weather, which made much of the open terrain accessible to tanks, contributed to russia's advance. russia's main efforts are concentrated around mining town of chasov yar. it probably will. important battle, the clock is located on
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a defensible high ground, said rob lee, a senior fellow in the eurasian program at the foreign policy research institute. if russia takes the city, they could potentially increase the speed of their advance deeper into the donetsk region as part of an expected summer offensive. in the russian city of kharkov, they are actually waiting to return to their native harbor from under the ukrainian occupation , a video is circulating on ukrainian telegram channels with pensioners, filmed somewhere on...
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what awaits them when the black sea pearl is de-occupied by the russian army, in expressions, of course, he was not shy about excessive cruelty, but in general the direction of thought is clear. the russians will come and cut you, go ahead, you won’t understand that the russians are cutting because you gave them, you hear, go, yes, to your ass.
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when the russians come here, you don’t give a fuck, but i already know, the russians will come, you’ll be an ass, because you’ll all be dead, die while your children are alive. i'll give a fuck because you the only important thing.
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let’s refute the myth that israel is a key partner of the united states in the middle east. there is no such thing as a mutually binding treaty between the united states and israel. the only thing they have is a 1964 agreement on israel's right to purchase american military equipment on preferential terms. all. if we take the package of agreements, the key ally of the united states is saudi arabia. the usa is in front of her. much greater obligations than to israel, followed by kuwait, the united arab emirates, but even before them there are not nearly the same obligations that the united states has to japan and south korea, therefore any us administration has every right to leave israel without
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support, saying that we have no agreement that the united states would be subject to obligations simply no, israel can only put pressure on... this is his idea of ​​the olympic truce. we already had experience. remember, the beginning of our special operation at the end of february, march, when they conducted endless negotiations with us, then the gomel negotiations, then the istanbul ones
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and they constantly said: “you will suspend the special operation, you will suspend the special operation for at least a few days.” during this time they brought up ammunition, during this time they... ukraine carried out mobilization activities, so i do not rule out that this is an olympic truce, they simply want to use it to make an operational pause and rearm the ukrainian forces on the front line. now the second interesting point is that macron said that he would attract sidzenping for this, or rather, he wants to attract, let’s say, sidzenping in order to to... ensure a truce, an olympic truce, that is, he wants to drive a wedge between us and china, a long-standing dream of european diplomacy, for china to make a statement that it, together with france, supports the idea
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of ​​an olympic truce, after which the french will shout: yeah, russian, look , what kind of ally is china, it is not your ally, china... abandoned you long ago, betrayed you long ago. then the americans will appear to us with the words: “guys, maybe you will think that china is not your ally at all, china is your not such a friend at all? that is, the idea of ​​driving a wedge between us and china is constantly present in european diplomacy. well , the third, of course, is macron’s absolutely wonderful statement, that israel is allowed, but russia is not, because israel is a friend.” and this enemy, europe, is simply returning to its old traditional state called shevinism, which flourished there before the second world war wars. well, here's an example for you, remember, at the end of the 19th century they had a famous philosopher, gustave le bon, who
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said, absolutely, a person already has it, i don’t like our photographic plates, the french ones, i ordered german plates from a german... trading house, they were delivered to me perfectly, because they are the best. then he takes the pen and writes: but the tiftons, the barbarians, are a threat to beautiful france and war with them is inevitable, that is , no soft power, nothing had any effect on these people. here we see the same thing, they are our enemy, everything is allowed in relation to the enemy. in conclusion, i will say, olga, you said correctly, the russians will not, yes, when...
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the united states of america as a state, by the way, the same paris, olympic, there are not only similar scenes in the paris subway, where there are also a lot of rats, but paris today is the world's bedbugs, let's not forget that... shifts and sports fans who will come to watch the games paris olympics, they will simply be bitten by bugs, even in the most luxurious french hotels, this is also an indicator of the degradation of the state, no matter what anyone says, we are not being ironic, we are just saying the degradation of the political elites of western countries is accompanied by socio-political degradation, and of course this is not...
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what this insistence of the ukrainian foreign ministry speaks about, this means that our strikes are very effective, and of course, if earlier we, well, the strikes were, i would say, such a gentle nature, then when critical objects are destroyed their electricity generation cannot be restored, they cannot be restored either in six months or a year, well, at least in order to re-introduce a turbine shop with turbines that generate electricity using one type of fuel or another, well, at least 2 or three are required, maybe 4
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year, this means that the persistent requests of the kuleba, give patriots, give irist, this suggests that ukraine today is very seriously feeling the consequences of our attacks on critical infrastructure facilities, we are not hitting social facilities, we are hitting those, let’s say critical ...
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the iranian retaliatory strike, from the same position of harsh pressure, not only do not respond, do not even think about responding to washington, but also london. this means that the world centers of western thought and power understand perfectly well what is changing irreversibly geopolitical alignment. today, iran actually , due to not only the possibility of a direct attack from its territory, strikes israel, but at the same time we are talking about iran’s ability to attack a hostile state through the use of its own. proxies in countries like iraq, in countries like syria, in countries like lebanon,
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seriously change the overall balance of power not in favor of the west. and of course it must be clearly said that everything that is happening today, this series of wars, a series of conflicts, the west is not can today focus on solving the problem, exclusively the fight against russia, in africa what is happening, again , footage was shown, the russian african corps is forming a new space for the fight against neo-colonialism, dozens of modern african... countries where patriotic military men are coming to power , choose a partnership with russia and demand the withdrawal of western military bases, both french, american and other nato member countries. that is, there is a serious reshaping of the geopolitical world maps. and the most important conclusion we must draw is that the west has lost the skills
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of strategic thinking and goal setting. they can't read the next steps. feels that the ground is slipping from under his feet, in this regard, of course, the key importance is the progress of the special military operation, these tactical successes of russia, the use of new types of weapons, effective, effective strikes on critical infrastructure, this is also a signal to the west that any western military contingents that suddenly decide to enter ukraine will be wait for the same fate, a priority military target that must be destroyed, this task will be set, and most importantly, completed. about the french, who obviously tweaked their opinion polls in order to cheer themselves up, every second, every second is ready to fight for france for ukraine on the territory of ukraine with russia. look. defense day and army advertising seem to be
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influencing the younger generation. there is a resurgence among eighteen to twenty-five year olds. patriotism, says the unprecedented study “youth and war," carried out in 2023 and published by the ministry of defense. the study revealed strong trends in the perception of military issues, there is a revival of patriotism that meets the need for meaning, commitment and the desire to feel useful, said study author anxel. but the question is, if the defense of france demanded that the country would have to enter the war in ukraine, would you be ready to join the service to defend your country? 51% of respondents answered yes, a third of young people are in favor. french presence in ukraine. in addition, almost a third of young french people - 31% - were in favor of sending french troops to ukraine even before this issue was raised by emmanuel macron on february 26. and
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an urgent statement from the minister of energy of ukraine, galushchenko. i just announced that... alla is a taxi in the previous episodes, are you planning on taxiing or something, alla easily drives not only the car, good, but all taxi companies, guys, hello, consider this my personal request, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, thank god you suit me as a director,
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having survived the betrayal, alla is ready for a new relationship, please come out, only her ex- husband is not ready to leave her path, i feel that you love me, no, i, damn it, love my taxi driver, i’m buying a taxi fleet, let me introduce the new director, did you jump, i mean, you got what you wanted, alla taxi, continuation, look at rtr today. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect the plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and
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support various people in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, sunday, how good, that i have you, your husband’s friend. judging by the photo, do you know each other? did you know your father had a child? from your friend, my family, it’s you, but any problem can be solved, either that
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child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday on rtr, so, british foreign secretary. stated that the royal air force will not help the armed forces of ukraine shoot down russian drones over ukraine, as they did with israel on saturday night, when london and washington helped re...
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i think the difficulty with what you are suggesting is that if you want to avoid escalation in terms of a wider european war. i think, the only thing you need to do is to avoid a direct clash between nato troops and russian troops, this would create a danger of escalation of the conflict. well, speaker of the us congress mac johnson for this week. aid to israel will be put to the vote, but not aid to ukraine. it’s not the republicans who are preventing kiev from being defeated, it’s pure mathematics, as american senator jady vance wrote about this in an article for the new york times. ukraine needs more soldiers than even the toughest mobilization can provide it with more weapons than washington can supply. in such situation in the armed forces of ukraine, it is necessary to go into deep defense in order to gain time for...
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they continue to move forward. in the avdeevsky direction, our unit was entrenched on the outskirts of snt. dawn in the novobakhmutovka area. in semyonovka, russian assault groups advanced no less than 700 m and took control of more than half of the village. according to some reports , the village has already been completely liberated from the special operation zone. we are waiting for confirmation from the ministry of defense. the russian aerospace forces attacked the dam of the karlovy reservoir in the novokalinov area. to
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complicate the supply of the ukrainian armed forces group in this sector of the front. in the zaporozhye direction. fierce fighting in progress. this is how the village looks from the air, the footage taken by the enemy shows the ruins of houses, everything around is littered with craters from explosions. and this work of our fighter-bombers with the u-34 ministry of defense shows how russian aces destroyed the enemy’s command post and manpower. half-tone volumetric. tinting bombs with a universal planning and correction module. well, the footage of the day: mass surrender. it is too avdeevsky direction. let's see. these images from a thermal imager show the mass surrender of a unit of the twenty-fifth airborne brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the village of vodyanoye. this is the avdeevskoe direction.
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the militants walk without weapons, take off their bulletproof vests and unloading gear, and several more quickly destroy the dugouts on their bellies. all nine prisoners spoke about poor planning of military operations, colossal losses in manpower and equipment, and panic. the command of the twenty-fifth brigade belongs to to us like cattle. our bosses don't care about us, they don't care about themselves. wants to go to the position, assess the situation, it’s better to surrender than just like that, i didn’t understand, they sent us like waste material, and they themselves are somewhere on the sidelines, when we were taken prisoner, ours, in our own way, started it we are under fire, invincible brothers, three destroyed bradley infantry fighting vehicles immediately fall into the lens of a ukrainian
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army soldier retreating from berdychi just a few meters away. a deep crater that hit the positions of a high-explosive aerial bomb, and here it was blown apart by a russian artillery landing, burnt-out cleopard 2.4 with dynamic protection contact one and tracked armored personnel carrier m113, militants with severed limbs, evacuate from the battlefield not in armored vehicles, in civilian pickup trucks. bravo, bravo, alpha is on his way, one having lost his identity, the other one without. the american institute for the study of war makes disappointing forecasts. the offensive operation opens up prospects for significant operational advances for russian forces within hours. this is what the city looks like from a bird's eye view.
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every yard is dotted with craters. the largest strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the dpr, konstantinovka, druzhkovka and the southern part of kramatorsk are under threat. the airborne forces unit is supported by attack aircraft and su-25 pilots. after the loss of the most important positions in the east of chasovo yar , checks began in the sixty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, ukrainian pravda reports. the investigation showed that the command of the posryad.
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134 at an altitude of 11 km is removed from the ground, the trace of the jet stream and the subsequent anti-missile maneuver after the release are clearly visible, to hide from gliding shells,
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the militants were forced into the craters of past arrivals, head, in short, and there was a door, there was a hut, there was a basement, there were sheds, here are the remains, in short, there was a door, there was a hut, a basement, a barn, the remains, there was a hefty barn, here there was a basement, there was also a kitchen, there was a building, there was nothing, these were the gifts from the factories, these were the gifts from the hubs. the irist air defense missile launcher and the trm-4d radar station were destroyed by kh-35u surface-to-surface guided missiles. as the german channel ntfa reports another battery of the patriot complex zelensky was allocated in berlin, seized from his own army. expert belda röbki calculated that the bundeswehr has already transferred three of the available twelve batteries to ukraine, while the united states has given zero out of sixty to the undeniable advantage of russian uavs of all classes, the washington post points out.
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drones in ukraine are changing the situation in the same way that tanks did during the first world war, the massive use of drones combined with widespread minefields and the lack of ammunition for soldiers now makes it almost impossible to... return lost territories, if we don’t get enough ammunition, we will lose this war,” said denis, commander of the uav operator unit, 45th ukrainian brigade. students of the kiev polytechnic institute have their cards blocked to enter the dormitories; they can enter only after visiting the military registration and enlistment office, as they say, to clarify the data. in front of the ukrainian consulate in prague , there is a line of mostly males , 200 meters long. hundreds of conscripts are hopeful. have time to receive documents without a military ticket until the new mobilization law came into force. the new york times pays special attention to the western border of ukraine. the uhillians are not afraid of high mountains or stormy yew trees, which have already been
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dubbed the river of death. ukrainian men cross the border illegally by the thousands to escape conscription, preferring to risk swimming and even drowning crossing rivers in the west of the country rather than going to war. but not everyone succeeds. washed up the bodies of twenty-two men on both banks, but most likely drowned even more, which is why tisa received the nickname river of death. financial times experts, citing the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, predict a large-scale russian offensive in four directions at once. sirsky himself admits that the situation on the eastern front has worsened to a critical state. the russian army is achieving tactical success by developing offensive operations across the entire width of the front. former commander of the united kingdom's joint forces richard baroms said in an interview with the bbc that kiev could lose this year without western help to fend off the onslaught of russian forces ukrainian. russia is increasingly using
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guided bombs with devastating effect, and ukraine simply does not have enough air defense interceptors to protect the infrastructure in kiev and other cities. now the advantage of the russian army in terms of artillery is five, or even 10 to one. ukraine found itself in a numerical minority, without the proper number of shells. they are on the defensive. the spring
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legislative initiative of the german authorities has been completely saturated, commented representative mitrosiya maria zakharova, she said that not even two weeks have passed since the legalization of drugs in germany, and the bottom has been broken again. the point is that germans are now allowed to change the gender on their documents from the age of 14, independently until the age of 14 at the request of their parents, while they can change gender once a year. not more often, zakharova is ironic, perhaps, if more often, the new gender simply will not heal. well, against this background , another triumph on the agenda of germany , the world's first lgbt nursing home was opened in berlin, for elderly perverts, it creates a comfortable, safe environment. many employees are also gay, lesbian, and transgender. in general, for the germans it turns out that it’s spring.
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a special approach to care is aimed specifically at people belonging to sexual minorities. we have a diverse group and everyone is welcome. everyone who comes here is greeted and asked how they would like to be... treated, what their marital status is, what life situation the person is in, who they would like to see as a caregiver, a man or a woman, what are their preferences? all this so that everyone could freely express his opinion and not have to worry about being looked at negatively because of it. the manuel center for seniors is located in schoneberg, an area of ​​berlin with a vibrant lgbt community. gender-sensitive signs and language, as well as a collection of films and books on the topic.
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there are also heterosexual residents here. michael kesner, for example, likes the atmosphere of tolerance, as well as organized trips to the annual lesbian and gay festival. yes, the focus here is on people, not the structure itself or something else. this is where you can really be someone who exists. diversity of lifestyles is also evident among nursing staff. many employees are themselves members of the lgbt community. and how offensive
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it is in reality to be not a sovereign, independent, but a completely controlled country, zelensky just called, well , he called, asked the western country to protect ukraine the same way they protected israel during the recent missile attack, iran missile attack, explaining this by that ukraine is no worse israel, and also calculated. please, macron is worried about the olympic games, on the one hand it is commendable that he is at least worried about something, but on the other hand, of course, this shows the planning horizon, we will hold the olympic games, then further, that is, unfortunately, this is the scale, the scale analysis and the scale of political forecasting is limited to such events, then... the flood, as one of his predecessors said, this is of course very sad
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and sad, because in a situation where the international security system is wearing out like old pants, you can, of course , try something, try to stop military conflicts during the olympics, although i can hardly imagine how this will be done, why this issue needs to be resolved with the chinese leader, and what, for example, will happen what was done with israel in this situation, that is, there are quite a lot of questions here, unfortunately, this is such a lightweight approach to the organization of today’s world in general. which we observe from many western countries, because too, you see, it’s strange, just recently macron said that he would send his troops to ukraine, moreover, he continues to talk about this, suddenly he remembers, yes, that the olympics, he says, oh, by the way, the olympics are here, let’s at least for the period before the olympics, why would we have announced
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before the olympics about sending troops? well , i would have waited, kept silent until the end of the summer, and then i would have made these statements, but... unfortunately, that is, there is neither logic nor plan, if he is counting on our consent, then he is a sick person, well, apparently, on ours consent, he seems to be calculating somehow crookedly, because apparently he is not going to contact us, he is apparently going to turn to the chinese so that they turn to us, that is, there is some kind of large-scale combination of negotiators, again for what , that is, the world is on the verge of a serious catastrophe, macron is thinking about how to cunningly hold the olympic games so that they will write about him beautifully, unfortunately, this is the scale, so that a nuclear war not before, but after, cannot be avoided, let’s at least after, by the way, jokes are jokes, but i wouldn’t be surprised if indeed, god forbid, we imagine such a situation that macron would find out that hypothetically, where the use is being prepared, i sincerely think that he could
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ask some leader there to say, or you can, here’s a nuclear war, here we are at the olympics let’s finish and then begin, i wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case, i hope. that this model is absolutely abstract, but from the point of view of the individual, unfortunately, it is quite, quite real, again we are in a situation where the whole world in reality is, excuse me, on our ears, like this was at the end of last week, expecting, but now this is all the beginning, the final beginning of global, already completely global events, like dominoes, when the dominoes will definitely begin to fall one after another, the middle east, taiwan there and so on. or we still have some time, well, let’s give the iranian leadership their due, it is clear that iran’s military potential allows for much more serious responses, i appreciate, in fact , i sincerely appreciate that iran handled this retaliatory act very carefully, because what not
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he could not answer, but nevertheless , everything was done to prevent all this from developing into a global story, but again now we will wait for the answer - israel. and there, too, we see, there are such cocky guys who, in the collective west, condemned iran, although iran was only responsible for the destruction of the iranian diplomatic mission in the city of damascus, and israel did not condemn for genocide, because israel is in its right, so they tell us , and iran is not in its right, because iran, as it were, has no rights. yes, i agree, again how macron is going.
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is still at the level of 90 dollars, which is generally a comfortable figure for us; at this rate, it, of course, may well exceed 100, but this is not, in fact, the price that we would be happy about, counting on that this conflict will overflow its banks, we actually soberly understand that a major conflict in the middle east is a serious catastrophe that we would like to avoid, well, at least i would definitely like to, but this is a frivolous attitude. uh, this is an attempt there, let's play here, let’s play here and raise the stakes here, we’re so cunning, we’ll outplay everyone, we’ll scare everyone, this is a very sad story, i’ll give another example from the economic sphere, well, it’s just a classic situation, last week the united states, great britain, great britain introduced sanctions - against russian non-ferrous metals,
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aluminum, nickel, copper, what is happening on world markets, prices for these metals are rising by almost 10%. as if why, why was it necessary to do this, we were just discussing that the united states is very unhappy with the rise in oil prices, even kiev dissuades from attacks on russian factories, because it is strong... iran, why is israel allowed, the logic there
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is about the same as macron’s for the olympics and olympic athletes, but here there seems to be a threat of the third world war, but still, it was bad or a good decision to strike the iranian sovereign territory of damascus. this was what the israelis decided to do. i will answer this question this way: i can completely understand the frustrations that israelis feel when they look at the iranian revolutionary guards for the terrible things that they have done. which they carry out around the world, including the support they provide to hamas. but what about iran's disappointment that part of its sovereign territory was destroyed? well i would say there is a huge difference between.
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that's a big difference, and i think iran has acted in a recklessly dangerous manner. i think the whole world has been wondering what the true nature of iran is, and here it is, in black and white. netanya just directed the army to propose targets in iran that attacks would send a signal but would not cause casualties, it could be a target in tehran or a cyber attack, writes the washington post, well, that is, one would like to answer, but the americans today made it clear to netanyahu that he needs to take a break, at least until the elections in the united states. we'll be back. whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not lend our memory and do not renounce our words,
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we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where all inclusive except the head, we know everything about holidays, relax, anex, titanic deluxe hotel, golf belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the exquisite dishes of the best
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golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging valera for you in
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the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, also ... it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to his house himself, we let's start, he will always help, we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure,
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i guarantee that your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, i have my sights on you, so do i, premiere on rtr, well, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll get down on my knees, and i’ll bite her. well, she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and to this taxi driver, yes, she chose me, it’s obvious, you’re seriously starting to think that you have doubts, so i ’ve decided everything with mine, alla taxi, today on rtr, there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s also very nice
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to congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph. holiday with gifts. and now this is my talisman. the singer has a son. somehow i can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted. and no more is needed. valeria. an amazing song that you created with maxim foday. for me it was generally a joke.
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the first president in us history to be involved in a criminal case, he could face up to 4 years prison on each of 34 charges. 4 for 34, that is, a total of 136 years in prison. in the first photos, while from the courtroom, donald looks confident in himself, apparently using the trial as part of an election campaign, they claim
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that the trial is a witch hunt. in general , be invigorated. there's an element of political lunch in all of this, and you heard donald trump mention it, he said he was proud to be here. we just saw the first image of donald trump in a courtroom, where he sits at the defendant's table. photographers were allowed be present for a few brief moments. the initial version of the case is that trump falsified business records and because of what he did. to cover up another crime is a felony in new york, but that other crime he was allegedly covering up is essentially just a federal election violation . defense could simply be that, no, it was not for election campaign purposes, it was simply to reduce the embarrassment that i would have experienced with milania, just because it was a personal matter and i wanted to hide these payments, or
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the defense may be like this, i don't know anything about it, these are all other people, michael cohen acted on his own, you know, i was told that he learned some lessons from how his behavior affected the outcome of civil trials, he faces prison time for the first time will be interesting. footage from karina also flew around the planet, it is obvious that the united states is waging several wars at once, now another one has begun in the middle east, karina is not discouraged, many, of course, are now talking about see the topic of how it would be better to dance in principle.
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this poor trump, and he really faces 136 years for the fact that he once upon a time there, either slept, or didn’t sleep, and they had something like that, it seemed, what’s your business, get away, get out of here , no, i ’ll explain what it’s all about, they’re now and i’ll repeat it again, like rats, they’re attacking him from all sides, what they ’ve spotted in the usa so as not to mislead the public, but they’re not putting them away yet. for a bribe after all, well, yes, that ’s not because he gave money, yes, money he gave, which means she didn’t tell, not only a little, maybe he gave, someone read it, and so on, and yes, that’s the point,
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now he’s being sued from all sides, and his money is just going to be taken away from him, he has to pay 500 million dollars in some courts, all the courts are just as fake, yes, but by the way, i don’t understand why they are so fake? finds trump, who is also a major billionaire, businessman, he has violated real laws, i think, throughout his entire career, for several life sentences, they come up with him, dig in with him with these fake accusations, in short, the task is to tear him apart for money, but how they also found this one, went to this, what’s his name, i don’t know, porn star or someone, yes, they pressed him on some other his former lawyer's case. they told him: either you’ll go to jail for 50 years, or you’ll lie something about trump, so trump says: he lied, that’s it, you pinned him down, which means you’re ready to give him almost life for life, and
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i’ll tell you another one like this karista vazna to you, what is happening behind the scenes related to israel and iran, and there just in general, everyone thinks, that everything is fine now, and that iran bombed, and bombed demonstratively. so that, god forbid, nothing really hits israel, and now everything will be calm, and no, it’s not like that, what a fuss there is, biden’s main thing is to kill trump, which means winning the election, and he, so to speak, is smashing his allies, and netanyahu is one of trump’s main allies, who is pushing this very powerful financial empire that exists in the states to trump, well... netanyahu, he’s all failed. this hamas attack, everyone understands that if the war ends now, elections begin, netanyahu loses the elections, an investigation begins into why this
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happened on october 7, with a high probability netanyahu will go to prison, so that he does not go to prison, he needs to either continue the endless war of hamas, or somehow- then quarrel with the friends of the americans, because biden knocks the bell on him straight from washington and says: netanyahu, hold elections, stop trying to excuse yourself from elections, stop endlessly fighting with hamas. netanyahu came up with a cunning combination, let’s, he says, i’ll quarrel with the enemies of america and iran, i’ll hit this consulate, as a result, all my friends in america there say to biden, what are you doing, what are you doing, our dear israel is ready to throw the suba, and biden has nothing to do, he has to. he would strangle this netanyahu, but he has to call him to congratulate him on his victory. now the next thing is biden’s taka, a creative interpretation, and what a creative interpretation.
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they tell me this straight from there, where? that means from there, that means it means that what can happen next is connections in massad, but not in massad, no, we are not dealing with intelligence, well, with the usual, listen, well, politics, well, political strategists, deputies, former members of paz, they are all our friends, they all still remember how i performed at pas, they are still happy to be friends and tell such little secrets, so what more now?
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there is a blow to iran's nuclear facilities due to the fact that biden has lagged behind netanyahu, or he is not still in the dust, this is what i call rat politics, when people they have completely lost their sense of responsibility to their people, to world peace, and are ready to return a huge part of the world to monstrous disasters for some of their petty squabbles. donald. in this regard, trump also holds on and is cheerful, he says: if i were your american president, there would be no wars, when i become your american president, i will end all wars, i’ll just finish it, wonderful, what’s happening in the world , what's happening, everyone is fighting with each other, russia and ukraine, israel, the middle east have flared up, everything is on fire, china and taiwan are next in line and all because of weakness, china is next in line. according to
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american law, if donald trump, who wants to return to the oval office, is nevertheless sent to prison for 136 years, then even from a prison cell he can still run for office, just as he will rule from a prison cell if he wins, of course. conversation, but legally it is allowed to run for office, we will be back, alla taxi in previous episodes, are you planning to do something like this, alla easily controls not only by car, pine, yeah, good, but to all taxi companies, guys, hello, consider this my personal request, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary.
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thank god, you are making me comfortable as a director, having survived the betrayal, alla is ready for a new relationship, please marry me, only the ex-husband is not ready to leave her path, i feel that you love me, no, i, damn it take it, i love my taxi driver, i’m buying a taxi fleet, let me introduce the new director, well, huh? we are watching the continuation today on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process. turning into torture for you, your back and arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan and use bulky items. a vacuum cleaner
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that can't clean the hardest to reach places is a thing of the past, now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper electric broom. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating. brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. rotary
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the head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only... today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, anti-scratch skirting boards and walls can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call and order now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount. and the livington dipper swipper will get you for incredible 6995. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, quick, easy and effective transformation of the interior at an affordable price is a reality, we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century, with it you will not only update and decorate your familiar interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and
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she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. a bag like this deserves. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal, black and noble brown. call now to order an exquisite bag. 67 67 roles and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress, a heart-to-heart conversation, my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such, i didn’t
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have such a thing that i was lying when i was fifteen, but there i repeat my role of juliet, and then i’ll have this, this is a family conversation, i’ve just been surrounded by conversations since childhood. you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course, yes, such a delicate moment, katerina spitz, despite what i always felt fate, i had the feeling that after all, i myself was not a failure, and i was also deciding something. grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would do business, i’m generally very glad that i am your son. checker 2 on friday on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want
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to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we we sign up at the same time... we subscribe, we look, we look, maybe we’ll go come to me, just watch a movie, so, kiev is going to launch a combined attack on the crimean bridge in mid-july, the british edition of the sun reports, citing ukrainian officials, and even publishes a map of the attack. bcu will be used.
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will be as long as it takes for the kettle to boil the water in it. a nuclear attack on britain by a hostile country such as russia would likely involve one or more atomic bombs with the explosive power equivalent to one megaton of dynamite and that is 80 times greater the power of the bomb dropped on hiroshima. such a bomb would most likely kill everyone and destroy all buildings within a 2 km radius of the epicenter of the explosion. the first step is to find a suitable shelter. stay away from tall furniture. face the... when the bomb hits, the first thing you'll notice is a blinding flash. within 10-12 minutes
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, deadly radioactive debris will begin to fall from the sky, comparable to a sandstorm . remember, high doses of radiation melt the body from the inside. cover your nose and mouth with a cloth or p-2 face mask. put it on glasses, plug your ears with cotton wool and treat open wounds. if you plan to go outside, arm yourself with knives, machetes or clubs. don't rely on the police. otnye. to the nuclear apocalypse, alexander khabarov is on the line. sasha, hi, is this serious? ol,
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what can i say, just to paraphrase professor preobrazhensky, god forbid, don’t read english newspapers before lunch if you don’t want to harm your digestion, because of course, these are the publications that are trying to instill fear in people in this way the british, still to convince them that russia is about, either preparing or is about to... is about to attack the unfortunate island, and thus you really need to look for bomb shelters for yourself, develop some plans, well, judging by some recommendations, train even harder, go to the gym, since everything will be decided on the streets of london, brute force. of course, all this causes some bewilderment, but on the other hand, maybe more such materials are needed here, then at least the british will vote for those politicians who is not in favor of creating tension.
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well, from time to time such statements come from the mouths of various political figures, here you need to understand that, in principle, well, i can name you a politician like jeremy kurbin, who at one time headed the bar party, but he was quickly removed from there, and even i remember the bbc showed him almost in a red hat, or rather in a hat, against the backdrop of the kremlin, and somehow they humiliated and insulted him in every possible way for this. no less said that with russia it is necessary first of all negotiate, and not rattle weapons and not
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show off your muscles, here is one such example, there are other politicians, the fact is that it’s just a general trend, you yourself quote english newspapers, the english press, it basically pumps up the audience with this kind of material, it seems like someone here should speak against this background and say, let’s actually look soberly at what is happening in our relations with russia,
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president macron, and isn’t it time to send some nato expeditionary forces to ukraine, cameron once again stated that this should not be done under any circumstances, and in general the policy of london, i have also spoken about this more than once, that they, in fact... talk about this all the time - they declare to pump kiev with weapons, there money, anything, provide any kind of support, but under no circumstances try to, as they say, get deeper into ukraine, in order to avoid a direct clash with russia, to avoid escalation, this is the step, in fact, the journalist provocatively asked him about this , what indeed, you shoot down drones that
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fly towards israel, why don’t you shoot down drones that fly towards ukraine, but cameron said that... iran would naturally respond to israel’s nuclear facilities, well, then on an increasing scale.
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here's a look at how iran attacked israel. i've been tracking. well, in real time, i watched all night how it was all developing on our television, on everything. the knowledge that the message that missiles and drones had risen became known 2.5 hours before them, before their approach towards israel, then they reported that a second wave of cruise missiles was rising, then they reported that there were ballistic missiles. israel managed to take off the plane, like at our military air point. strategic management, well, they also say a doomsday plane with the leadership of israel, fighter jets were scrambled, even on the territory of jordan, about 100 out of almost 200 drones 138 were destroyed, even in the pictures, six of which were destroyed were
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representatives of the royal family, the kingdom, well fighters shibli about 100, even in these pictures. it’s not visible here, these are the ones who showed when the drones were coming, they were approaching, they were going at high altitudes, drones always go at low altitudes in order to go under an umbrella, under the observation zone of radar posts, under the reach zone of anti-aircraft missile systems, then they reach the target, they don’t need to do any hills, this is how we hit in ukraine, here they are, look, they are going at high altitudes, you can even see it in the pictures, that is, ideal conditions were created. for operation of the israeli air defense system. so what did iran do? iran, on the one hand, demonstrated the power and determination of the strike while saving face. on the other hand, he did not give israel a reason to launch an immediate retaliatory strike. and now in response, a toy war. well, i’ll say, this is
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a classic, this is a classic, what i say periodically here, when there was no operational art in this strike. there was a refined and wise policy in this strike, this is an interesting picture of modern wars, when uh, just curious that this is the first strike with territory of iran itself, absolutely true, if literally, i don’t know, years ago, iran would have been wiped off the face of the earth, but here the americans seem to have swallowed it, but they hit, they hit, that’s how we say now, it was political, it turns out , wisdom, almost no one was hurt, we need to take a break. “i have a grudge against you, me too, the premiere on rtr, well, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll get on my knees, and i see her askance, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and to the taxi driver this, yes she chose me, this obviously, you are seriously starting to think that you
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have doubts, so i decided everything with mine, alla taxi"? today on rtr. ordinary shovels do not do their job well in the garden. introducing the hammer smith razer shovel - the ideal tool for digging, clearing soil and cutting for maximum results. the saw's sharp edges make it easy to dig through roots, and the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel ensures that your hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. delete even the most. roots, plants, shrubs and weeds are thicker than ever, quickly and effortlessly. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels struggle
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with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, allows you to cut through the toughest root systems like butter or... ripping off roots in one. after another. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools. but why, if you can do even the toughest garden work with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel with razor -sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened v-shaped blade, made of carbon steel, i do. its strongest shovel for working even with the hardest soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle, with which the gripping area increases by four times and only if you call
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now, the incredible hammersmith razer will get you at an incredible price for only 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time, bored with your old fence, want to update your bathhouse? terrace, but repair or replacement will hit the budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repair and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and
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will fit perfectly into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24/95. we tried to come to an agreement with him more than once, but he remains. the most honest detective, eduard petrov is 50. i had to change my place of residence, because family is the most important thing, they can suffer only because i do my job, our every visit is perceived with alarm by the local authorities, i say, listen, we just came to relax. boris korchepnikov's program, life and destiny. tuesday, on rtr. i resisted, no amount of money will help if she decides to go all the way, and what do you tell me to do, sit and wait until they come for me and put me in jail for this terrible article,
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a bouquet of dusty flowers, premiere on saturday on rte, the abnormal heat in moscow is replaced by abnormal cold, heavy rain, hurricane winds and even snow towards the end. week, well , footage from krasnoyarsk, there is a double rainbow, a rare natural phenomenon and the atmosphere of a real mars, because of the sand mules, watch the news on the tv channel. bring ernest matskevich to the studio.


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