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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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but if he is found guilty, he will definitely go to jail. democrats, of course, would like another 136 years at once; for each of the charges, trump faces a maximum of 4 years in prison. however, taking into account the absence of previous convictions due to his age, trump is 77. the punishment, if any, will be rather conditional, but even in the worst case scenario, that is, behind bars, he, as a former us president, is still entitled to protection from the secret service. and you can get elected in america even from your cell. this lawsuit will not have significant political consequences, although many are counting on it. people look at it like a reality show. you can at least combine all four different cases into one. it’s bad that trump will be in court 3 days a week and will not be able to work on the election campaign. but this has been going on for over a year now, and his rating has never dropped due to prosecution. it’s not a fact that trump will even attend his youngest son’s graduation, as far as he’s concerned.
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the trial in georgia has still not been scheduled, so manhattan justice is now trying to fend for itself because of washington guy. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and denis sokolov, news from new york. today , almost several hundred parishioners tried to storm the church building and lynch the criminal who attacked the priest with a knife. the bishop of the syrian church of marie, emmanuel, was conducting a service when an unknown assailant attacked him. the special forces even had to shoot in the air to force people to disperse. the injured priest is very well known in australia, he holds extreme right-wing views, and should speak out. against vaccination on his block
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religion and politics signed by more than 100,000 people, it is possible that his position was the reason for the assassination attempt. according to media reports, the attacker belonged to one of the left-liberal organizations, and today a mourning ribbon was installed at the famous sydney opera house in memory of the victims of another crime, the day before yesterday in the shopping mall in the center of the suburb of sidnye , six people were killed by an attacker with a knife. this evening the first prize was awarded in moscow. named after anatoly losenko, educator, creator, creator, among the laureates are not only famous workers media, but also cultural and artistic figures. from the very beginning, the organizers decided to go beyond the journalistic profession to create an educational award, which is exactly what anatoly grigorievich was doing. a report by olga meshcheryakova about those who deserve to be called professionals in their field. in this room there are people of different professions, but the main thing unites them, they are masters of their craft, creating new forms, whose...
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father saved thousands of lives. it was through the efforts of anatoly grigorievich’s daughter that this prize was established. he invested without dictating to me very much many things that well make up the meaning of my life. so, to be able to incorporate global concepts for formation, for spiritual growth, for the formation of an absolutely unobtrusive character in general, well, probably, few people can do it. the prize is awarded in three categories for
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personal contribution and for achievements in philanthropy. one of the laureates is valentin lazutkin. it was his merit that the fm radio station appeared. largely thanks to him and his efforts. a new russian television broadcasting was organized, non-partisan, addressed to the viewer, educational and entertaining, they were like-minded people, valentin lazutkin and anatoly lysenko. i was lucky enough to be friends with him for more than 50 years, to work in the same team for more than 30 years. everyone knows that the founder, a great man, raised everyone, everything was right, but it is important to emphasize that he founded everything he founded in russian. modern television was heard from scratch, from zero. among the laureates are not only representatives of the journalistic profession. the symbol of the award, here it is, is called the television dinosaur. it is very difficult, like that mission, carried by people who truly create
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something new and important and leave a legacy. one of the laureates, sergei ursulyak, his films from liquidation to quiet flows, truly united several generations on television. the large-scale restoration of the st. petersburg conservatory is nearing completion ; the first concert is planned in the renovated building this year. due to unscrupulous contractors, work on the restoration of a valuable cultural heritage site was delayed for almost 10 years. on the situation with the historical
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even the president noticed the long-term construction. the head of the northwestern vesti bureau, sale mariev, talks about how the country’s first music university is being restored to its original appearance. and the dramatic restoration of the st. petersburg conservatory is coming to an end, for 10 years there was no music in this building, but during this period the noise of construction work was not always heard, the contractors were unlucky, they changed, contracts were broken, the building stood abandoned for years without heating, until the situation the president didn’t pay attention, but now the work is finally reaching the finish line. when the forests were removed, st. petersburg saw the conservatory in its historical beige color, and not in the usual green. the facade is already ready. there is a construction anthill inside, they work in two shifts and at night too, this is the main staircase, larch railings, marble steps, the rare dark bardizhleo had to be completely replaced, the white karer one was better preserved. we were very lucky, and we
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found the last piece of marble and in russia the italian bianca carara. the upper part is historical marble, this insert, it’s new, it’s not different at all. which frames the picturesque image of apollo and continue to conjure over the chairs, the backs are perforated in the shape of a harp and the chairs are made of...
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heating, in addition, transparent domes like these were installed over the courtyards, thereby increasing the usable area of ​​the conservatory by 700 square meters. where there used to be a smoking room, there will now be a public space; one of the tasks of the restoration is to return students and professors to the feeling of belonging to the first music university in the country, where rimsky korsakov, rubenstein and glazunov studied, where they studied cheikovsky, prokofiev and shestakovich. blog, going to the opera here, wrote carmen. meirholt and mayakovsky worked together on this stage; mravinsky, timerkanov, and gergiev are from here. the st. petersburg conservatory deserves better conditions, and as soon as possible. our dates have been moved from the twenty-fifth year to the twenty-first, december
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of the twenty-fourth year. the contractor makes every effort to complete, on time, ahead of schedule, even. they promise to play the first concert here this year. salim azarev, sergeishchenko, dmitry lukashevich, galina orlova and ekaterina bobkova. news: northwestern bureau. we move from the federal part of the news to the regional one. my colleagues in our branches. are preparing to go on air with the main news from their regions, now we have the opportunity to find out what news viewers outside the moscow metropolis will see. state television and radio broadcasting company kaliningrad is in touch with us, where polina ogloblina is broadcasting today. the avtotor plant in kaliningrad has launched production of chinese brand cars. polina, good evening, how many cars and which ones does he plan to build? this year? good evening, ernest, the first model was an urban crossover. this year, as part of cooperation with... chinese partners, the kaliningrad plant plans to produce 10,000 cars, but
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the automaker’s capacity allows it to assemble more. already next year the level of localization of production will be increased, that is, the share of russian parts will increase. after the introduction of sanctions, the auto tour was reoriented to china. the company works with several brands from this country and negotiates with partners from friendly countries. palin, thank you, we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast, we will have time to connect balkaria to abordino. aminat bazaev is already in the studio; harvesting has begun in the new greenhouses of the republic. aminat, good evening, which crops are ready for harvest in mid-april? ernest, good evening. tomatoes of several varieties up to 50 tons daily. the greenhouse complex is one of the breakthrough investment projects in the north caucasus. seedlings are planted here in the middle of winter, and by mid-april they get a harvest. the main priority in the work of the enterprise is environmental friendliness for... watering solutions use the drip method, pests are controlled almost manually.
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the harvest is harvested every other day; most of the fruits are sent directly from the bushes to regions as far as khabarovsk. one of the key objectives of the enterprise is to oust foreign manufacturers from the market. aminat, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. strong almost gale wind, leven igrad. muscovites were able to feel everything today brink of changeable april weather. in the freezing cold passage, a tree was uprooted and fell into the parking lot. the driver needed medical help, a similar picture on lilac boulevard. there were no casualties, but the debris severely damaged several people.
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all this is now in the new school building in khovrino, it was opened today, more than 500 high school students from the school of the future can now engage in science and creativity there, maxim oparin. from these shots it’s not even immediately clear that you are at school, it’s noisy here during recess and during class, it’s an engineering laboratory in which high school students learn to write programs for robots to control them. in this case, these are the robots that they program and control them, just like control, and there is also control of ground vehicles. and here schoolchildren control manipulators, or rather their smaller copies. the program, which describes the algorithm for the machine’s actions, was also created by children in computer science lessons.
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in addition to the usual offices, there is a laboratory and research complex, an it training ground, an information center and a media library. we decided that the media space, we will not conduct lessons there, we will give the children the opportunity to show their activity, that is, they will sit there, it will either be a movement of the first, or these will be some kind of school clubs. began in the twenty -first year, the school was built according to an individual project, this place is called an atrium, something like an assembly hall,
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at least in my school it was called that, by the way, entry there was always prohibited outside of any events, but here it’s the other way around , access will always be free, students will be able sit and chat during breaks or after classes, you can charge your gadgets right there. the atrium can be a lecture hall, a concert hall and a theater stage; there is even an artistic backstage. the school is modern and looks very amazing. there are even specially designed wide window sills from which no one is driven away. when i was studying, everyone at school, 10 years old and 11 , told me: don’t sit on the windowsill, and you and i are sitting on the windowsill now, how is that?
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today, the capital's arbitration court held a preliminary hearing in the work case.


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