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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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events, here, on the contrary, access will always be free, students will be able to sit and chat during breaks or after lessons, and they can charge their gadgets right there. the atrium can be a lecture hall, a concert hall and a theater stage; there is even an artistic backstage. the school is modern and looks very amazing. there are even specially designed wide window sills from which no one is driven away. when i was studying, i was told at school when i was 10, 11, don’t sit on the windowsill, and you and i are sitting on the windowsill now, how can this happen? be? it's called the new world. the mayor of the capital attended the first classes at the new school today. everything that happens to us during our school years is very important to remember, so it should, of course, be comfortable, light, and of course, there should be the wonderful teachers that you have here today. tomorrow the results of the school theater festival will be summed up on the new stage. today
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, the capital's arbitration court held a preliminary hearing in the case of the work of star surgeon timur khaidarov's clinic without a license. let me remind you that in february after the famous producer died after the operation was carried out there. now the activities of the medical institution are partially suspended. anna balan decided to check it out. the notorious clinic of plastic surgeon timur khaidarov in the north of moscow has been cordoned off. ambulances enter the area one after another. the main entrance to the clinic is closed. but we’ll try in a roundabout way, you see, here the tape is tightened, there are security guards, the doors were also locked. we only let you in by appointment, nothing else. is there someone here from manuals? i can't tell you anything, sorry. is timur khaidarov here? sorry, i can't say anything. timur toshniyozovich himself was under interrogation at that moment. the day before , operatives conducted massive searches in his house on rublyovka and in all clinics owned by khaidarov. investigators seized expired medical products. and
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identified violations in the activities of the medical institution. due to identified violations by the management of the clinic, at the initiative of the investigation, the provision of a number of services provided in clinic of timur khaidarov. the operating premises have been sealed and the investigation continues. the reason for the inspections was the initiation of a criminal case after the death of the famous producer pyotr gavrilov. 2 months ago, in this very clinic, he underwent surgery to reduce his stomach, but instead of an ideal figure, he was a thirty-five-year-old man.
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when i woke up, i discovered that i had no breasts, and after 3 days i discovered that i was experiencing partial necrosis. the clinic offered to work on the mistakes and redo everything, but it only got worse, it turned out there was a fistula under the chest, it took a very long time for everything to chew up, the little finger could go into the hole, there was such a hole under the chest. previously , rosdravnadzor came to iq plastic with an inspection, it turned out that at least. they immediately lowered him, but here we see, the lights are really on in the offices, patients are being received, here are the doctors sitting, if khaidarov’s guilt is confirmed, the plastic surgeon faces up to 6 years in prison. anna balan ilionovikov and maryana pepanyan, news. now about other events, briefly. tverskoy. moscow court sent
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blogger dmitry portnyagin under house arrest until june. the business coach will serve his stay in a country house without internet access. he is accused of tax evasion and money laundering. his wife is a suspect in this case. according to the investigation, they did not pay more than 120 million rubles. but later the debt was repaid. the sovremennik theater museum has opened in moscow. the exhibition included about a thousand archival materials, including unique documents. these are photographs, posters and programs of all performances since 1956. the museum space is divided into two zones. the first is dedicated to the period of leadership of oleg efremov, the second to the era of galina volchek. the opening is timed to coincide with the theater’s birthday. a unified online service for booking gazebos for picnics in city parks has launched in moscow. special rental sites are available, including in kuskovo-silver forest in the natural and historical park. kuzminki
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loved. on the website you can choose a convenient time and place. all gazebos are equipped with barbecues, boxes for coal and sand, as well as trash cans. garbage. it took place in the capital. the first screening of a blockbuster 100 years ago, filmed with the participation of our channel, an exciting film about time travel based on the works of kir bulychev, returned everyone’s favorite heroes, alisa seleznyova and kolya gerasimov, to the big screens. together they will have to confront serious opponents, space pirates. about the fantastic premiere anton zemidov. 100 years ahead, these are the new adventures of alisa selezneva. all your favorite heroes are returning, if...
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i said that i would play alisa seleznyov, this somehow it automatically flew out of me, so my grandmother said that it was impossible, because alisa selizneva, she is alone, she has already been played. nothing is impossible, with the help of the cosmion device, alice will travel through time to save her family, our planet, the milky way and 13 galaxies from space pirates. their roles were played by alexander petrov and yura borisov. of course, this is something new, some new facet, but it has always been in me and has been. yura's makeup took 5-6 hours, make-up took two hours, all this on his feet, while yura took it quite calmly, cheerfully, what do you want, to conquer your underdeveloped planet, 100 years
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in the future, a great adventure movie that has everything for everyone, an interesting plot, bright special effects, sparkling humor and of course love cinema for... simply charming, truly, space premiere 100 years ago, from april 18 in all cinemas, don't miss it! anton demidov, evelina kornaeva, gennady lladyka, news. the developer demonstrates mystical immunity coastal zone of the sinichka river. we have already
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talked about nikolai goggol, the writer’s mother, who, instead of a recreation area, builds cottages for sale. and during the filming of the next material in the krasnogorsk village on ours. the film crew needed the help of doctors, i was given an injection, i’m now on painkillers, but i don’t know, we still need to see if there is a fracture in my arm, we came here at the request of the residents. they complained that their road had been broken, here, construction equipment had broken the road, this was not the first time they had been driven to maryana, according to locals residents, the river bank here was deceived into being acquired for development by a certain visiting gentleman with a very distinguished surname. nikolai gogol rented the entire bank, the entire bank of the senichka river,
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which was intended for the construction of the park and should be, we constantly walked on this bank, walked, relaxed, we had a gorgeous slide here, where. in winter we rode behind me , a multi-storey building is under construction, three underground levels, six floors, in accordance with the territory planning project, the entire river bank was intended as a recreation area, one gogol knows how the famous writer pulled this nasty trick, so the developer promises the village a luxurious park. this project provides for the development of a coastal strip of 20-20 m width, that is, 2000 m2. there will be an equipped embankment, plus 50 acres of land - this is 50,000 km of square. but all this mysteriously disappears from the project. the investigative committee opened criminal proceedings five times. nikolai gogol somehow received an examination that shortened the length of our river, that is,
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ours is more than 10 km, but according to the examination he received, it is 9.5 km. due to this , he reduced the water protection zone and reduced the coastline. from 20 to 5 m, and this is the upper reaches of the senichka river, further on is the source, but unfortunately, this entire bed, this entire watercourse, it is not taken into account in the developer’s documentation, the passage to the river and the forest. from maryan the other day they blocked it with a fence, but the last straws for people were roads broken by heavy trucks and fights from a security construction site. the driver starts to run into us, at this time he comes at us from behind three healthy men from a construction site with a security patch and badges on their chests attack, they just stupidly begin to encircle me and start beating me. with these questions, we looked for the head of the site. we were told that you are the boss, but what is happening, why are the guards behaving this way? it’s not for me at all, why they beat up the locals, it’s not a question for me, i’m saying, i’m an ordinary worker, a gigantic dusty construction site, that’s
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what the once blessed bank of the senichka river is now, where not only the residents of marinin came to relax, but the residents of all the surrounding villages, when a huge residential complex grows here, no one will set foot here at all, this is where the attack began, which was apparently led personally by the head of security dmitry pogodin. we won’t figure it out, i’ll shoot, all this, to the surprise of the marines, was observed by a local official, what was happening here, why nothing was happening here at the moment, how nothing was happening, that well, i didn’t see any attack, that’s it, i then left , don't wait, wait, you're with the residents you will speak, the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided, police officers have identified a resident of the kaluga region who may have been involved in the attack. currently, the police are conducting investigations into this fact, interviewing witnesses and eyewitnesses of the incident, but so far
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, alas, no one has been detained. alexander karpov, selvat savichev, mikhail utkin, lika dzhevakhishvili, lead. we will be following developments in this case very closely. this concludes our issue, all news is always available on the media platform, look at application or on the website ernest motskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, straight away. now we are watching the continuation of the film alla taxi, alla taxi in the previous episodes, are you planning on taxiing or something, alla easily manages not only... having survived
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the betrayal, alla is ready for a new relationship, please marry me, only the ex-husband is not ready to leave from her way, i feel that you love me, no, i'm damn. no, i love my taxi driver, i’m buying a taxi fleet, let me introduce the new director, well, i jumped, i mean, i got what i wanted, alla taxi, continuation, we’re watching rtr right now. speak, speak, i haven’t listened enough, i have become
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so obedient for you, a white mare, i am strangling, say that i have become beautiful, beckoned, beckoned, given wings, showed a look. i poured water into my palms, said that you won’t touch me,
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i forgot how much? yes. why did you move to this floor? i didn’t think that medicine could cost so much, so we were flooded on the third day, and do you think that this could somehow affect the price? i don’t think so, anton karlovich, the main thing is that the medicine will help the grandson, the doctors are sure, we have a month to sell the taxi fleet, it won’t work out earlier anyway, there will be an auction, so please, everything needs to be formalized clearly, antonich, i will try
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to do everything in the best possible way, thank you, for you only hope. you see, if you sell it, you need to sell it as expensive as possible. okay, go ahead. okay, you're the main thing, don't worry.
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well, anton karlyich, we have gathered here, a few guys, excuse me, until your grandson, thank you, everything will be fine. is this park really selling something? yes,
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exactly. will mom be fired now? i don’t know, but don’t worry, your mother will cope, she’s a strong woman, i agree, you understand what this means, i’m digging my own grave with my own hands, a new hearing in court is only in 2 months, and what will i say in court? i have no job, no education, no housing, if only they would reschedule it earlier before the sale, so, calm down, we will
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act as problems arise, okay, okay, that you have a lawyer now? " get it together, yeah, thank you, right, here's more information on the employees, thank you, snezhan, we still need figures on salaries, actually the working day is already over. really, oh, you know, but i already have to go, forgive me, please, let’s continue tomorrow morning, yes, of course, don’t worry, everything will be in the best possible way, thank you, i just really really need it, i’m late for school ,
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goodbye, everything is peeling off for me too. edik, when did you start trying out new products? i don’t remember, for a month or two, i don’t remember. well, a month or two ago everything started to come unstuck. allah, well, is there any news? not yet, we are preparing the documents. what's here? here you go look, ala, you see, it’s the same with me. edik began to try new means. well, what does edik have to do with it? well, of course this is a matter, it needs to be changed, and do you need to be in time for the auction? who did we order the stickers from? gorokhov ordered. gorokhov? i'll figure it out, okay? how will she figure it out, yeah, she’s preparing her own coffin with stickers, strange, are you burying her?
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oh, well, we didn’t have time to enroll, and we’re already late, yuri petrovich, you can give me a certificate stating that i’m studying here, no, i’m in the secretariat, as long as you want, thank you. hello, we didn’t have time to enroll, already we're late, we're running, let's go, let's go, ugh, i made it,
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come here, i'm busy, good afternoon, i'm your teacher of business psychology, anastasia igorevna roshchina. and our topic today. empathy in business. i said something funny. empathy in the broad sense of the word is the ability to step into another person’s shoes and understand how they feel. young man. if you are not interested, attendance at the lecture is not required. well, why isn't it interesting? on what basis did you draw this conclusion based on cognitive empathy or
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predicative empathy? so, empathic business. a i have another question. but theodore lips wrote about empathy in the theory of the influence of art, but that a person spiritualizes an object of art. so you also want to spiritualize business, we are now talking about the basics of modern business, and not about art, but then, okay, student, sit down normally, why bother anyone, what is your last name? you were asked to sit down normally, you are in the way, woman, your sympathy is zero, say that the person is sleeping, excuse me, is it possible,
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yes, are you sick, i showed empathy, i i thought you were feeling bad. thank you, continue, mom, hello, hello, vasily, yes, hello, i plan to come to you tomorrow to see what you filmed there.
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i don’t understand who you are having a family evening with, alla? vasily, are you delirious there now, or what? wait, what, have you been drinking? mom, we have a son, well, they were stupid, she also understood, since she didn’t come to the divorce, you know, she kind of gave me such a sign, what a sign, she’s just spinning the dynamo for you, she’s twisting it for you, and she’s twisting it for this driver too . chooses who will benefit her, but she chose me, that’s obviously, vasily, one thing is obvious, that allah is yours, she, mom, don’t do that, well, she’s mine.
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wife, after all, well, you know, this is wrong, to put it mildly, vasily, please, now come to your senses, come to your senses, oh, yurka is back, mom, that’s it, uh, i can’t talk, bye, hello, wa, vasily, hello, yur, listen, what are you, where are you, this is the most important thing, eh, how? my heir doesn’t play pranks on saturday, nannies and i are just dissatisfied, anna completely suits me, she’s beautiful, smart, modest. no need, are you breaking? quiet, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive i’m slandering you, let’s part on good terms,
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scum! every crime has its own punishment, my sister was offended by a freak, vorontsov’s child needs to be kidnapped, you need it, this is varontsov’s eldest son, there’s a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i’ll shoot, a bouquet of dusty flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped, brought here, premiere on saturday on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a holiday, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included except for the head. we know
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everything about holidays. relax, anex cognac old barrel product of stellar group. cnop gin is a product of stellor group.
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titanic luxury collection productlar group discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum titanic luxury collection bodrom exceptional service incredible culinary sheds. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic collection bodrum. how many films have you starred in? 67. 67 roles. and after that you you say, i want to study to be an actress. intimate talk. my breakthrough into the profession
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happened. without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying, being fifteen years old, and there i repeat my role as a zenlet, and then i will have this, this, this is a conversation like a family, i was just surrounded by conversations since childhood, so you will to continue the dynasty, that's how dad is, of course, yes, such a delicate moment, katerina shpita, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had a feeling...
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thank you, goodbye, see you thursday, see you goodbye, thank you very much, goodbye, all the best, goodbye. thank you very much anastasia igorevna. what, are you upset because of this fool? no, everything is okay. did something happen? it's okay, go ahead.
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well, i knew it. how can this be because of some kind of pimple? you know what, i’m going to go to the dean now, i’ll find out his address and you and i, i have people like that in every class, no one gives a damn about me, what happened, are there problems at work? at home, husband, yes, husband,
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beats, what are you, beats, no, of course, cheats, i don’t know. but what do you not know, i don’t know, without whether he changes or not, he smells of perfume, smells, smells, home, comes late, stays late, the main thing is that the main thing is that he... doesn’t love me, listen anastasia igorevna, you can just nastya, yeah, i’m allah,
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why you if you don’t want to talk to him, you’re a psychologist after all, i can’t, i’m such a shoemaker without boots. why? afraid. nastya, what are you afraid of? what will he say is true? i understand you perfectly, like no one else. you know, i’m getting a divorce myself, i caught mine with someone else. what are you doing? yes. at first i was it’s very hard, now i understand, if not, i wouldn’t have met another man whom i truly love, i understand, only i
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still love my husband for real, nastya, what does it mean for real if you can’t talk with him if you suspect him? so it turns out that something is not right between you, it turns out that it is so, and you talk, yes, well , that means yes, no, then no, so i decided everything with mine, this is your new man, no? no, just the opposite, well, i won’t interfere,
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but this is impossible, vasya, you and i are 100 times this we discussed and discussed and discussed, but you didn’t come to the divorce. don’t you know why? yurka didn’t tell you? vasya, our man has disappeared, but what did he say? listen, well, this is some kind of nonsense, excuses, well, no one died, well, grandpa was on a spree there, what do you mean by nonsense? this is amazing, you’re all in this, vasya, everything is nonsense for you, but do you know what your main problem is? you have zero empathy, why do i have zero? empathy, vasily, is when you can put yourself in another person’s place, when you can imagine what he feels, but this, no, why, i can do this, for example, if i put you in your place, you understand that if you loved your taxi driver, you would not still be living in the lodge of this mikhalych of yours. and most importantly, you wouldn’t miss the divorce, alka, well, well, that’s enough already, really,
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well, well, i see that you love me, you just want to prove to me that i’m to blame, yes i’m to blame, i’m already admitted it, well, well, what can i do to make you forgive me, well, if you want, i’ll get on my knees, no, you, don’t, that’s enough, please stop everything, well, we, we i’ve been with you so much, i know, i feel that you love me. no, i used to love you, i really, really loved you, but love has passed, vasya, it happens, it’s over, damn it, i love my taxi driver, seryozha, yes, i love him with all my heart, well...
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you can’t, lie down sleep, did you see how much time it is, i’m thinking, we still have to somehow. no, i’m still here with the documents, but well , try rescheduling the court hearing earlier, before the sale of the taxi fleet, well, it’s a sound idea, i’ll call you tomorrow, well, anyway things like this can't be done over the phone, you have to come with me, well... yes, i’ll go, i don’t have time, i ’m preparing for the auction, so let’s
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think about it tomorrow, now go to bed, yeah, good night, kiss, i kiss you, right. no longer fits into any gates, sorry,
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i didn’t notice how i fell asleep, what is it, i went to court, the hearing was postponed 2 weeks earlier, seryozha, how did you do it, well, how did you call kiri, kiri called in full, suliko called his mother-in-law , from the mother-in-law's godfather, the secretary in court, that's it, i took candy, flowers, well, right... closing, i adore you, thank you, eat, come on, hello, mom, here i am, yes, well, well, grandma she arrived, oh, darling, higher and higher, she brought apples, yes, yes, yes, everything is there, everything for you, just the platform... well, show me, well, this is
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the bedroom, yeah, yes, well, okay, here you go, uh-huh, so, where is yurkina’s room, and yurkina is here, yeah, this, this is the toilet here, yeah, let’s go, here it is, oh, well, oh, like this, oh, where is alla? who loves you so much that she didn’t even come to the divorce, but she can’t hear something. how her famous potatoes squeak in the frying pan, which she cooks for her beloved husband, son, well, well, you know that i’m right, i see her through and through i see, but she is lying, and she is lying to you, and
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to this taxi driver, she is lying to everyone, and she will continue to lie, this is the way of the breed. well, that’s it, this is not the time to be sour, we need to do something about it. “of course, it’s high time for you to update, look what’s being done, uh, wait, i still have to go with this, i like this option, guys, how do you like it, well, yes, it will be more beautiful, well, it’ll do, what’s the difference, what the difference, this is the face of your company, they greet you by their clothes, that’s it, we decided, do the math for us,
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then, okay, tomorrow we’ll send you an offer, thank you, hello?” "that's it, yes, hello, hi, this is nastya, nastya, well, the teacher, remember, i have the phone numbers of all the students, but it’s clear, i’m sorry that i’m bothering you, well , i just really don’t have anyone to consult with, you’re busy, so tell me, what happened, you know , i forgot to say, vitya stopped going to work in the morning, so he sleeps for half a day only then goes, what could this mean, i don’t know, well, you can talk to him, what are you afraid of, i don’t even know how to start, nastya, just
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start, okay, sorry for plunging you into my problems, bye. nasyuzh, make some coffee, please, do you want to tell me anything? for example, an anecdote, a fairy tale, for example, what ’s been happening lately, with whom it’s happening, with you, with us, yes, nastya, yes,
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you’re right, i should have told you right away, in general... damn, in general , nastya, i quit the taxi company, what? i left, that’s it, that’s it, that’s enough, i’ve had enough of these goleras, thank god, which, in the sense
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that it’s okay, i, i understand everything, you’re just tired. yes, i’m tired, how much can you use me, urbanos is always dissatisfied with everything, and blames me for everything, he found some woman, creepy, now let him mess with her, why didn’t you tell me anything, i’ve already made up something like that in my head, i thought. i’ll find a new job, then i’ll tell you why so abruptly, you always tell me the truth, everything is as it is, okay, what do you want? really, come on, borscht, i really want
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borscht, let’s cook it, let’s start, yes, son, mom, can i spend the night with you today, grandma has arrived, and we only have here... he can’t have anywhere to spend the night with you today, well, stop playing the fool and come to me, otherwise i’ll i’m seriously starting to think that you have doubts, seryozha, well, that’s enough, that’s enough, it’s as if you ’re deliberately avoiding this topic, well, if they ask me in court who i live with, what will i tell them, and you’ll deny the fact in court my existence,
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advice on love, thank you, in the recent past you were a famous psychiatrist and scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you killed me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera. in the most dangerous place for you, what a predator there will be it hurts, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we
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know everything about holidays. anexc. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. hotel titanic golf beel, where every moment is. exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rom castro is a product of stellor group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined
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tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to
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donetsk, you are with us, yes, when, my soldiers, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself , but she carries this kurba to the guards, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people who are not indifferent, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, well, you did the right thing by quitting, it’s not yours, but what are you doing? yes,
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i’m looking for vacancies, oh, there’s something interesting, maybe creative, yes, it’s all kind of boring, well, the main thing is don’t rush, since this has happened, find something you like, by the way, i’m with my students i’ll ask, they all work somewhere, okay, oh, there are no carrots, let me go, sit, look for a job, okay, i myself, by the way, if there is something interesting in another city, also look, we’ll move, if that happens, ok, let's move, but what's wrong, okay, i ran.
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oh, please, thank you, hello, hello, how are you, okay, i asked for time off from work, how are you, okay, i’ll come, yes, come on, only in half an hour, okay, okay, listen,
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buy some fish. it’s good that he’ll come now and that you’ll accept him and what not, suddenly he’s decided , you know what you want, what true love.
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well, that's right, what should i do here? semyonich, how are you, how are you like your daughter, what have you decided about the apartment? all this is nonsense, okay, my daughter and i are together now, thank you very much, we’ll figure out everything else, come on my girl, thank you you, come on, be healthy, guys. well , yurka and i will go later, just don’t be late, okay, i’ll run into the office, i’ll wait for yurka to come straight to you, yurochka, well, you don’t have to leave at all,
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in the end, we can quickly and temporarily throw a mattress on the floor for you. no, woman, i already agreed with my mother. you understand that now it can be very offensive for dad that you are going there, and now, by the way, it’s even more difficult for him than for your mom, and he really needs our support. in my opinion, now dad is interested in just lying in bed, but mom she really needs support, she is worried, she is selling a taxi company, in case she gets fired and works at night. i don’t understand how they sell parking like that? well, i don’t know, but my mother said they’re selling it urgently, yeah, well, i’ll go, go.
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basil! do you know what urbanos taxi company sells?
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mom, is it true that after a divorce children always stay with their mothers? not always, but for the most part, yes, that's probably correct. although i love dad very much, i will often go to him, son, dad and i will forever remain the closest people to you, now let's go celebrate the housewarming,
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fry some potatoes, what are you talking about, potatoes, potatoes, let me tell you, now, hello, hello, nastya, yes, ah, something happened, i don’t know what to do, please come. why didn’t you buy a fish? i didn’t, i thought, she was kind of sad, sad, well, we don’t need a sad fish, yes, yes, oh, you changed your hairstyle, you like it, not your style, then, it seems to me, dry it out. it also seemed to me that there was a taxi company there, but nothing new, everything was the same, urbanov found a buyer, but what kind of
10:20 pm
there will be an auction, i’ll go, take a shower, and what about allah, allah is preparing the documents, digging his own grave. stupid, stupid, where do you say you lost your mother? yes, someone there called, something happened, she said that she was quickly running somewhere, eat, of course, and i ’ll eat alone, i’ve already eaten.


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