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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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they, along with the great masters, play a huge role in shaping the traditions of the baroque era. the exhibition of flowers, fruits, musical instruments in italian painting of the baroque era is being held at the pushkin museum until may 26. slav, time with you and with the whole country flies by. so with me or with the country. and with the country with you. if you are with us until tomorrow, at least, then turn on your tv early. let's start a new day together. you and i. hello, on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the vin rossius studio and the main topics for this o'clock. in the kurgan region, the water level in
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tobol rose by more than a meter overnight, almost a thousand houses were flooded, the highest, this is the tyumen region, an urgent evacuation was announced. a firestorm of hurricanes hit the enemy near the border with the belgorod region; nine boats carrying troops from the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed on the right bank of the dnieper. why is the head of magathe, speaking about the shelling.
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protective structures, employees of the ministry of emergency situations from tatarstan and the samara region are building an earthen embankment and installing a dam in the village of elek, where the water has risen above 9 m. anyone?
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4,500 rescuers are fighting the consequences of the flood, and police officers in boats patrol the area from kurgan. reports by albert musin from the orenburg region by murat zaripov. over the past few days, the alarm siren in kurgan has been sounding almost continuously. this is a signal to evacuate. right bank part of the city. mostly low-lying embankments, suburban villages and snt gradually find themselves surrounded by water. yesterday we stood there, now the water has reached the street like this. employees of the ministry of emergency situations urgently go to places of flooding, they know that there are people there who themselves can't be saved. in the garden settlement behind me, about thirty families now permanently live, it is no longer possible to get out of here except by boat. the depth of the water in the central exit is more than one and a half meters, so even in such a suit it can easily flood. or
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be carried away by a strong current, those who are trying to get out of there barely overcome this distance, their boats are carried away by the strong current. elena zakirova and her husband barely managed to get their things out hours before the flood. they took everyone's things away, as if they already knew what would happen flood. it remains to save alabai; due to his aggressive nature, he remained on the site. now the couple are trying to go back to get him out. it's a busy time for small boat inspections. now we’re just waiting for him to come close and we’ll hook him. specialists, including from yekaterinburg and chelyabinsk, patrol the tabola water area around the clock, preventing garbage from accumulating in the city dam. the water is already in the garage and rising. the water continues to rise, the novocheusovsky bridge, leading to several microdistricts at once, is flooded kurgan. the strength of the current in this place is such that it can easily carry away any car, so now the bridge is completely closed to passage. i feel very sorry for the people who ended up in...
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buses and temporary temporary detention centers have been organized to get out of the flood zones; the housing of those who evacuated is immediately taken under police protection. albert mosin, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov, elena goleeva. news from the kurgan region. so do you have a registration? yes, ural. only those who live on it can get to the island. the police are strictly monitoring this. instead of the usual there are minibuses with highly cross-country vehicles running here; there is no way to get on another one yet. flights to the microdistrict cut off from the outside world leave every few minutes. people don't even have time to gather at the stops. on the only road leading to the housing complex, you can already see the markings under the water. this. a sure sign that the level of the urals has begun to decline; in another day or two the water blockade will be lifted, but for now hundreds of those who decided not to leave their apartments remain in their houses. it’s wonderful on the island, even though we are cut off from the outside world, but with with the help of neighbors, we are one big friendly
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family here, in those houses where the water has not yet receded, there is still no electricity and there are interruptions in the water supply, but there are fewer and fewer of them, the level in the surrounding country cottage villages is decreasing, although... in some of they can still only be reached by water, there’s really nothing to do there, we opened the door, it just floated off its hinges, we barely got it back in, they took the documents, people clean up their homes every day, documenting the destruction , which brought the largest flood in recent decades to the region, and until the last minute they are trying to save their property from domestic animals encountered along the way, who were forced to spend several days in icy water. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! in orenburg , more than 5,00 houses, 10,000 household plots, as well as many villages and snt remain flooded, but their number is already beginning to decline. in gorsk we have a decline of 60 cm,
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so of course this makes it possible to start cleaning. but such a mass of water cannot go away quickly, so the disappearance will be gradual and may take several weeks. to the east in the central. parts of the region , the peak flood is already behind us, but in the coming days the situation is expected to deteriorate in the western part of the region downstream of the ural river; the rise in river levels has already begun here. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, conduct the orenburg region. within 24 hours, the russian military occupied new, more advantageous positions. and in which directions, in the donetsk and kupinsky directions of the northern military district. in the avdeevsky sector of the front, clearing of militants from already liberated settlements. our attack aircraft destroyed one of the ukrainian armed forces' support forces, and it was discovered by drones. in the kharkov region, the hangar organ with enemy equipment was destroyed; in this forest belt, our aircraft dropped 500 kg bombs on a concentration of militants.
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mi-35 helicopters are striking unguided air missiles at uaf strongholds and manpower, while infantrymen of the black sea fleet destroyed camouflaged positions. this firestorm hit positions in isu, not far from the border with belgorod area, a scorching night strike was carried out by crews of hurricane multiple rocket launchers. the crew of the first combat icebreaker ivan popanin, which... was built at the admiralty shipyards, moved into the ship, sea trials at sea are planned already in the summer, popanin is the lead ship of the project, designed to protect shipping areas in the arctic, equipped with various types of weapons, has on board helicopter, drones and landing boats, reportage, it hurts, this
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process is rarely filmed, housewarming of a military crew. there is to begin inspection, launch, this is a unique opportunity to be on board, perhaps, the most secret ship of the russian fleet, ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker, these have not been built before, until now it was generally believed
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that icebreakers were purely civilian ships, but this one will be part of the navy , he is completely new, has not smelled the sea, in the windshield wipers of the wheelhouse. the plastic hasn't even been removed yet. have you ever thought that you would serve on an icebreaker? i couldn’t imagine this, but in general i want to serve on this ship, i want to be like verva.
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this is how, under tchaikovsky, papanin and his crew begin a new life, ahead of them are sea trials and acceptance into the fleet, many combat missions of glorious achievements, a big story begins today. sale mazarev, evgeniy kostin, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova, lead the northwestern bureau. chief russian. tv detective celebrates his anniversary. today eduard petrov is 50, and for 30 of them he has been
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in legal journalism. if you made a program and there is no lawsuit, this is the quality of your work. it's on the radio the voice of eduard petrov was heard for the first time. it was the summer of ninety-three. in moscow there was a terrible accident with a fuel tanker, kamaz trolleybuses. petrov was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy. and soon the aspiring reporter was noticed on television. invited to the vremechka program. nineteen-year-old eduard petrov had to plunge into the criminal world of the dashing nineties. one of the first emotional reports was about a pogrom at a center for children with cerebral palsy. these animals made a toilet out of it. not just tell show what the criminals did, but trace the entire chain of events. this is how eduard petrov’s investigations were born. we will continue to do so. monitor the investigation of this high-profile case. after bright work in
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the ntv information service, including in hot spots, a new round of career. 21 years ago, eduard petrov’s original program was aired on our channel. for the first time on television, journalists working as investigators were given the opportunity to speak on air on the accused, defendants and even convicted persons. viewers also saw the inner kitchen, attempts at threats and bribery, so that this or that the other investigation did not air. yes, you know, in fact, someday i wanted to take someone red-handed during a program, we even had such thoughts. in all the years of work, no one has been able to silence the honest detective. in the wake of the programs , new criminal cases were initiated and departmental inspections were carried out. and the stories of crime victims have more than once left scars on the heart of the journalist himself. the most difficult test for petrov was the interview.
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channel russia 24. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program. why does the head of magathe, when speaking about shelling from the au, carefully avoid the word ukraine? israel is preparing a new attack on iran. tehran promises to use its entire military arsenal in response. and how the conscription campaign is going in russia. about this. not only after the advertisement, see you, romcastra, a product of stellor group,
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they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where the sun is. sea ​​on the first shore, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex whiskey mancacher - stellar product group.
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titanic luxury collection cognac monte shococa product of stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures to rock.
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necessary knowledge - health, dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need means, there is a downside , warm up just before that, what to pay attention to, there should be an idea for each factor your own pill, where to look for help, you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , therefore.
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they tried to come to an agreement more than once, but he remains the most honest detective, eduard petrov is 50, i had to change my place of residence, because family is the most important thing, they can suffer only because i do my job, our every visit is perceived with alarm by the locals authorities, i say: listen, we just came for vacation. boris kotchepnikov's program, life and destiny, today on rtr. people's taxi. premiere on rtr. this is a new taxi company, it was opened by alla kopylova, our former director. there will be no public taxi. you did your best. but no. what have you
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forgotten here? i didn't ask you where i should be. do you understand? seryoga crashed. what? accident: alla taxi. today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. ukraine, with the connivance of the west, is attacking the zaporozhye nuclear power plant on a systematic basis. this was stated by permanent representative of russia vasily nebenze in sabbezion. our diplomat called on western countries not to sacrifice their security to crazy ideas.
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actions of kyiv regarding zayas. we fully agree with them, this person clearly demonstrated the level of threats to nuclear and nuclear security created as a result of attacks on the plant.
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the state of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, from the point of view of its safety. after kiev ignored us demands to stop attacks on russian oil
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refineries, exhortations not to hit the zaporozhye nuclear power plant will most likely also not be heard. the last argument for the ukrainian authorities may be western money. this week , congress may finally consider a package of financial assistance to kiev, but there is still no confidence that this law will be adopted. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the united states notified israel that in the event of an attack on iran , tel aviv would deal with the consequences alone. however, the decision to operate zahal has already been made. only the targets of the attack are unknown. in tehran, in the event of an attack, they promise to use in response, the entire military arsenal. the us congress is rushing to supply tel aviv with weapons. washington decided to split the aid bill for israel and ukraine. this caused discontent in the american administration. the pentagon acknowledged that the russian army has achieved success on the battlefield. the situation is difficult for kiev, but the white house is not going to provide zelensky with the same help as netanyahu. different conflicts, different airspace
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, different threat landscape. president biden has made it clear from the outset that the united states will not be involved in the conflict in ukraine has a military role, and we are not participating in it. to other topics, first to stavropol. conscripts and conscripts went to serve in the army. in total , they plan to call up about 2,000 people from the region this spring. bulat shakiev spoke with young people who had already received the military rank of private. strictly according to the list, conscripts say goodbye to the last attributes of civilian life. zhuravel, second. after successfully passing the medical examination and a classic army haircut, all that remains is to put on the uniform: cap, jacket, suit, t-shirt and underpants. there are only 21 new elements of their everyday wardrobe, even soap is given out here, this, by the way, is a bath towel, there is
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a scarf, some items of equipment are taught to use by the father-commanders on the spot, there are those who first learned that there is a trouser waist belt, they wrap it around a fist, put it in a bag, at the beginning they are taught to carry out the first drill commands, you level it, head to the right, this is officially a formation. i sincerely wish that your victories will be over the external enemy, over the internal enemy, and sometimes, which can be useful over yourself. all that remains is to get to the place of duty, but first there is a reception according to the daily schedule. food is one of the main joys of a soldier, the guys already understood this, there were soups, buckwheat, and rice, in principle there was almost everything,
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there was even a vinaigrette, the vinaigrette was the most delicious. i understand, but there is such a thing that what are you hunting for in the distribution? usually for a large piece of meat, it’s not so bad here, it’s even more than excellent, like a sanatorium, only with a uniform according to the schedule, here, of course, a lot depends on what part you end up in, this spring from the stavropol territory plans to call up about 2,000 people, half kiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestyakov, lead from the stavropol territory. voter registration for the preliminary vote of united russia in the amur region was among the first to submit documents from the director of one of the lyceums in the city of blagovishchensk, the chairman of the city duma and the mother of a svo participant, elena yavglevskaya. she heads the regional committee of families and warriors of the fatherland and coordinates the party project of the women's movement. every month they send from the region to the operation area more than two tons of various cargo for fighters. the award named after
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an outstanding journalist was presented for the first time in moscow. an educator, creator and creator, it will be awarded annually to figures in culture, art and the media. about the first laureates, report by olga mishcheryakova. in this room there are people of different professions, but the main thing unites them: they are masters of their craft, creating new forms.
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in one harness, everyone knows that the founder, a great man, raised everyone, everything was correct, but it is important to emphasize that he based everything that he founded on the russian television, modern, founded from scratch, from scratch, among the laureates are not only representatives of the journalistic profession, the symbol of the award is here, it is called the dinosaur of television, it is very heavy, like the mission that people carry out, indeed. his films , from liquidation to the quiet don, united several generations on television screens, truly folk, but smart and subtle cinema, a fresh and unusual look. there are people, there are wonderful professionals, there are simply decent people who continue to do your business and your work the way it needs to be done. it is extremely important to return to this criterion when the tv does not work for
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destruction. he was the creator, he was not in the frame, but everything that happened, everything happened through him, then it was very interesting with him. is awarded for the first time and will become an annual event. mikhail altorkop, stanislav petrov, alexander merkuriev, anastasia serikova, lead. we have all the information by this time, irina rossius and my colleagues were with you, all news is always available on the media platform, look at app or on the website, see you.


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