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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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you kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, she’s a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into the head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many families there will be 8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work , a lot of? and speaks loudly if
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answer, then with humor, i chop down oak trees, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches and god forbid now beep, if you win, then 100 to one, on saturday and sunday on rtr, how come my heir doesn’t play pranks on saturday, the nanny and i are just dissatisfied, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, shy, no need, why are you breaking down, quietly , he invited me into his office and raped me. i forgive
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you for slander, let's part on good terms, scum! for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child and demand a ransom, this is the eldest son of the word, there is a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped, they brought it here, the premiere is on saturday. on rtr, vodka veda, product of stellar group. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops.
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discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. rum castro, a product of stellor group. dr. myasnikov says, shows, good morning, the program about health, that is, about the most important thing, is starting, look, it will be informative. it will be interesting, let’s start,
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today the program is about the most important thing, rabies, from which animals you can get it, who is at particular risk and what to do to protect yourself from rabies, what to do, our rabid wolf bit 11 people, don’t touch it , no matter how cute and good they are, when it is necessary to remove the cyst. ovaries and what is yogurt healthier, full-fat or low-fat? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnyakov asks, do you answer? i'm just extremely interested. how will you exercise in such an outfit? walking. how can you use it to reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases? and what rules should you follow when walking to improve your health? i persuaded them to do speed walking. we are going. the spine curves smoothly. a resident
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of the omsk region died of rabies after being bitten by a dog. the volgograd woman died of rabies. after a cat bite, thirty-seven a resident of the yaroslavl region died of rabies after being bitten by his dog. such news can often be seen on the internet, while many are sure that rabies is an extremely rare disease, but this is not at all the case. almost every one of us is at risk. what is this connected with, what other popular misconceptions exist about rabies, who most often infects people other than dogs and cats? and is it necessary to give 40 injections in the stomach if you suspect rabies infection? let's figure it out. well, in fact, these myths, they are visible even in in this story that you saw, three or four people were listed, here is rabies,
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so that you understand, 60,000 people on the planet die from rabies every year, not two, not three, but 60,000. rabies is a fatal disease with virtually no options, without vaccination, he talks like, although there are cases of recovery, we know about 30 cases of recovery from rabies, all of them in india, these are the cases, and unvaccinated people, that ’s how lucky they are, in fact there really are genetic predisposition to rabies, there is genetic protection, but these people are just a few. not all animals are equally dangerous in terms of rabies, but forests are one of such animals, because when you are either bitten by an animal, or you come into contact with a sleen, and bites and bites are transmitted, the deeper, the worse, the closer to the head, and
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this is brain damage, the more dangerous it is, but it can also be through sleep, in an experiment it can even be through breathing, because who else is very dangerous in terms of blood? "bats, bats in general are rich in everything that people die from, and two spiliologists were known, died from rabies, it was after exploring caves, they became infected from mice, and two more researchers died working with the rabies virus, uh, don’t get hurt, just by inhaling, my bunny, who is not a bunny, i’ll let you go now, ok, you and i will go too. by the way, about these two dead, there is a book called 100 stories from the history of medicine, i highly recommend it, you’re mine, the way she talks, you’re
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right, well, let the person talk, not the person, they want to get to know each other, so and it was described there, in fact, louis pasteur, because there was a huge problem, he studied viruses. played rabies on dogs, injected them into the dogs' brains, then further and further made them faster-acting, but less virulent, when one boy in alsace, i think his name was peter meyer, was bitten by a dog, it bit 11 times, then bit the owner, him they took him to paris, because there were newspaper publications that yes there... pasteur was working on vaccination, then he took the courage, this was the first test of vaccination on a person, this the boy was vaccinated, he was there through rabbits , they vaccinated the brains of rabbits, after drying it, they injected an extract,
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so the boy was given an extract of the brain of an infected rabbit, because the virus is highly concentrated in the brain, and the boy survived, so i started with the fact that why am i in i read in this book that in pasteur’s laboratory, two of his employees were working and entered the laboratory with a loaded revolver, not in order to shoot back from rabid dogs, but so that if someone became infected, injected themselves or became infected, so that he would shoot himself, and then they would imitate suicide, because no one wanted to die from rabies in such flies, it’s just about science, you know, they die without options, who is the carrier, well, basically 90%. dogs, cats, can small animals get sick? yes, they can, squirrels, mice, mongooses, but extremely rarely, much less often than is commonly thought, much less often, so rarely that if you are bitten by a squirrel or a mouse or a rat, we don’t even
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vaccinate against rabies and don’t even do tests for it animals, pets, yes, there is an algorithm, we then use it let's touch on whether an animal can be in quarantine, has it been? provoked or not, with a provoked attack, when we are talking, for no reason at all the dog attacked me, i mean unprovoked from the point of view of the animal, but if... now i try to drag the dog away between them, they get to know each other , but it bites me, it’s not provoked, of course it’s provoked, why are you climbing, we’re talking here, you’re climbing, that is, it must be provoked, not provoked specifically in relation to the animal, so kisya can also be, you’re my good one, what eyes, the basic rule, if you don’t want your animal to become a source of trouble, what is this? it is necessary to vaccinate animals, she is vaccinated, no, you know, this is
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a sterilized pet and it never leaves the apartment, yes, this is also an option, a sterilized pet that never leaves the apartment, yes this is an option, although in the studio -you brought it, but in the studio we were already fighting to get infected, probably not from anyone, but yours, this is your dog, no, but the girls with the fox, the girl with the fox, what’s his name, who, fox or? animals are a must, i can’t add them, i can’t subtract them, especially a fox, a fox, a raccoon are especially dangerous, wolves, you know, the same story with the rescuer, then when the boy was rescued, he became very famous, we all started going to paris, everyone started, it turned out there was a lot of rabies, after this story, russia, what to do,
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we have a rabid wolf bit 11 people, go to paris urgently, only one person could come in time, a priest, and he was vaccinated, he later survived alexander ii awarded the shepherd. order and money, such there was also a story with rabies, which is interesting, it can have a very long incubation period, months, up to several months, or even years, the largest case was 7 years, in brazil a dog was bitten, after 7 years a person developed rabies , if you are bitten by a dog, once again motivated and motivated, a very big question, pet, can they go into quarantine? if you can quarantine an animal for ten days, then you
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don’t have to give an injection, you have time to watch, if you can’t, then you have to go to the vaccine, if you have been bitten by exotic animals there, like there are many , many more of these now, they keep it longer, well, yes, we still do an analysis on them, well, it’s vaccinated, it’s very important to know whether the animal is vaccinated, no, if the animal is documented to be vaccinated against rabies, then in principle it’s possible not to worry. how old is he? he is 6 months old, are you teaching him to talk? does he speak almost human language? yes, yes, he must have had all his vaccinations, isn't he the first dog? yeah, it's crazy, isn't it? yes, you are so persistent, oh, oh, yes, dogs are mine, and animals in general, any of them are mine weakness, i have a question from... the viewer, katya, what do you want to ask, but if a street cat scratched and did not bite, it can
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be transmitted through a scratch from the claws, maybe even through a scratch from the claw, maybe, in general the law is that we we do when we see a cat or a dog on the street, we run, we start to caress her, kiss her, but she doesn’t understand, she doesn’t wait, she doesn’t need it, she can react, not to mention fleas, all these diseases of cat scratches are carried not only by scratches, fleas that live on cats, they switch... to dogs and so on, that is, well, as we know, it can happen there right up to the plague, it can be heard, that is , it is advisable, when we were taught, do not touch animals on the street, do not touch , no matter how cute and good they are, everything will work out, you were turned off by the dog running away, it may not be rabid, but you will then get vaccinated, you need it in general, yes, so it’s probably calmer, but you may not get vaccinated , but understand that if you become infected, the option... you are zero, if out of 60,000 people killed per year there are only 30 only hindus survived, you are not indian, and
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what are the chances? and therefore, there’s probably no need to even discuss here, the most dangerous thing, probably, i’ve already said, are bats, two spiliologists after the bat cave, and two laboratory employees who did not walk around like pop-painter employees with an infected revolver to shoot a colleague , if he is bitten by a dog or he... injects himself, gets infected, and then fakes suicide, yes, well, more questions, i wanted to ask, if the animal is worth anti-cats, we have grids and the animal never leaves the house, but at the same time we know that vaccinations, every vaccination has some kind of reaction on the body, that is, for the animal, how harmful it can be, well, you know, it’s clear that no , both humans and animals do not have a 100% safe vaccine, 100% effective, but you see, today here it
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is, today it is in the house, i don’t want to say, but really. it happens that an animal outlives its owner, ends up on the street and becomes a problem, so those are some tiny fantastic risks, well, yes, but it’s always better, the animal must be vaccinated, well, i told you what i had time, so let’s be attentive to our health, you all have wonderful animals, everything will be fine with us. next, when is it necessary to remove a cyst in the ovary and which yogurt is healthier, full-fat or low-fat? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. i’m just extremely curious, how will you exercise in such an outfit? premiere.
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oh, what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings. so, yes, i won’t accept this. angels area. from april 22 on rtr. you sleeplessly
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toss and turn all night with your old pillows, only to wake up completely. if you're feeling stressed out, now that it's over, we introduce the dremalinost pillow, a comfortable relaxing pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the drimalina cvon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, palms and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. in contrast. compared to regular pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalinost one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremalina cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric.
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for a short period of time. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. with you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, please, acquaintance and roll call, you can without formation, i am very glad that you have come to my place. no matter how much tea i drank, how many stories were told, i was a daredevil in a white tuxedo. kizikov.
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is fulfilled, i surrender everything with joy, let’s i foresaw my fate, now we’ll just all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur on sunday on rtr. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just as i trust him. this means you have an ideal marriage. on saturday. you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child. why do you need such a wife? even a perfect marriage can fall apart. why are you doing this to him? i didn't say anything no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, then you’ll be in trouble, i don’t want
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to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn it, damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world is an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, mom, on saturday on rtf, column time, questions from the doctor, i will ask questions to you, you answer, answer correctly, get a prize, answer incorrectly, let's go practice, who's ready, raise your hands, who do you think i'll choose? i want to watch her practice, come here, what's your name? my name is olga, what does olga do? i'm
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a professional model, yeah, okay, how about some medical knowledge? well, 50/50, because why did i choose you, i’m just extremely interested in how you will practice in such an outfit, well, we’ll see. let's twist, the bacterium hiliobacter pylori can cause skin disease? don't rush you know what kind of bacterium this is, kelabacterium pyloria, i’ve heard about it, what it does, where it lives, in the body in the stomach. “i’m starting to like her, she answers correctly, somewhere in the abdominal cavity, i think the stomach is in the stomach, so
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there are no problems, ok, we found out that the bacteria starting with the letter x lives in the stomach, yes, yes, she can cause skin disease? i think not, write, i don’t see the logic either, this is a local bacterium, it doesn’t live in anything else, it can only live in an acidic environment, ph3 everything else is a fatal formation for her, so the answer is correct, hurray, i’m very glad, a cyst was discovered in the ovary after menopause, it definitely needs to be removed, we know what the ovary is, yes, yes, of course, yes, it can it could be a cyst, maybe, or maybe it’s malignant, benign, you’ve never had a cyst before, no, very often there’s a functional ovarian cyst, a simple ovarian cyst, and we don’t always remove it, but
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this happens in young people before menopause, the situation changes dramatically before and after menopause, so hence the question, exactly if it was discovered, if it appeared after me, it wasn’t, it wasn’t, it wasn’t, it wasn’t, mennopause, bang cyst, what to do with it, i think... delete it, then write, it’s a must needs to be removed, but no, i think yes, that’s right, it needs to be removed, because a cyst that arose after menopause has a very high risk of degenerating into oncology, and there’s absolutely no point in wearing it, especially since the ovaries seem to be no longer there why, so my third question is simple, so i won’t see you on the mats, not a fact, yeah, low fat. yoghurts are healthier than full-fat yoghurts, just think, low-fat yoghurts are not healthier than
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fatty yoghurts. just like low-fat cottage cheese, write, no, she’s not only beautiful, she’s smart, well done, you’re sitting for the prize, all three keys are yours, open it, one doesn’t fit, you haven’t even put it in yet, put it in, the next one, right. oh, oh, well done, so, choose, whatever i want, uh-huh, only in one copy, only in one copy, so that i want to take it here, well, there are just so many temptations that you’ve been reading for so long, i want to take a mug for remember, well done, you took it wrong,
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take it, and now look. wow, sit down, if you want to review us, we’re looking at the platform, the app or the website, and we move on, well, who has such an electronic watch, they periodically buzz and say: you’ve walked 1000 steps... you’re doing great, and this is correct, because 10,000 steps or even walking, it has been proven to prolong life, this is probably the most physiological load, because we walk, we can regulate the pace, we can regulate our breathing, pulse, and this brings tangible, well , tangible, this is what we live. barbell,
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glands, all these things, on the contrary, in principle they shorten life, but let’s say about american football there is clear evidence that these people die earlier, the fact is that this is simply a risk factor for playing such sports, it all leads to inflammation when lack of cardio exercise, and what is useful, only what is physiological, what we do, we walk, swim, ride a bike, well, when we have to, we have to run, but running... this is, so to speak, you are drawing out your resources, we know that physical inactivity is responsible for 15% of mortality, this includes oncology, naturally heart disease, say, and what does walking and oncology have to do with it, just like that, here those systems that are triggered when walking, with dosed aerobic physical activity, they fight the insensitivity of the tissue to insulin,
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fight the action. rogens, and today physical inactivity is considered a huge risk factor for, and practically all diseases. before we go further, i know that we have a guest, he has beharie's disease, he came up with some kind of his own walking system, can you tell me, can you show me, first of all, what is your name? my name is dmitry. dmitry, very good, here we go, here we go, here we go, great. how can walking improve your health? and get rid of many diseases. the answer to this question is known to dmitry yurchenko from moscow, a walking instructor and the author of the russian max health technique. its main idea is to when walking, engage the muscles of the upper torso, chest, and back of the shoulder girdle. for every step of a straight arm, we squeeze
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the wrist. it is included in the work, if with normal walking 45-50% of the muscles, then with the scandinavian and russian swing up to 85, but dmitry came up with this method of walking for a reason, the man has been suffering from several serious illnesses for many years, doctors have forbidden him any physical activity: i have an illness bekhtareva with damage to the entire spine and most joints, i have... arthrosis, i have arthritis, i have hypertension with damage hearts, in general, overall i feel great, this walking helps me directly with this, i look at your rings, yes, i turn on my hands when walking, well , we all turn on, we turn on all our hands when walking, well, yes, i i turn on my hands as natural ones, i turn on my hands as natural
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weights, that is, the straight hand goes up to the horizon line, respectively, the finger goes up, the second hand goes back , the leg goes in the opposite direction. that is, accordingly we walk and the spine smoothly bends, the muscles of the chest and back of the shoulder girdle work, at the same time we at the top point we squeeze the expander for each step, we train the muscles of the forearm and the walking itself is activated; the process itself becomes much more effective when we walk for a long time, what happens to us, who walks for a long time, what happens? but with us, when we live, we move our hands, yes, when we walk for a long time, even if we swing, our hands swell, they become like this, you can’t even clench your hands into a fist, because due to the fact that you you walk for hours, they are below, you don’t do something at the same time, they begin to flow away, so i’m even here
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i’m standing, if my hands are down for a long time, i feel that they are swelling, this, of course, drives away the blood, they don’t point a finger, here’s a crazy man waving his hands, no, he doesn’t point a finger, because there is another way, everyday walking, when we. .. we walk at 45°, we raise our hands, that is, here we are walking somewhere along the street, then they often ask, did you forget your sticks, that is, no finger, they don’t point, in principle they ask a question, okay, sit down, please , well, you see, everyone for themselves, some walk with sticks, by the way, too it’s also useful, but you need sticks, you need, well, a certain passion, because they will really ask there or something. and walking, walking, walking is of course very good, what’s the pace? but usually we tell untrained people, at the beginning you walk so that you can talk to the person walking next to you, so that you don’t get out of breath, so that you can talk without getting out of breath, then this pace
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is comfortable for you. decades ago, when we talked to cardiac patients, i persuaded them to do accelerated walking, you walk slowly, then faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, then back to nothing, this is the kind of walking with acceleration, because you can still, you can control your breathing and pulse, that’s really what i like walking, it is accessible to absolutely everyone, all you need to do is get up, go out and just walk along the street, just walk along the street, and we’ll estimate how long you walk there and how long you walk here, that’s all you need. but life clearly goes on, because one of the biggest risk factors for early death, this is physical inactivity, sitting on the sofa, even sitting at work is deadly, and in many countries they make large
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standing stands so that people stand while working, and varicose veins will form, but it is better to have large veins than lie in a coffin with normal veins. next, how often should you practice walking so that it brings maximum benefits, the body immediately begins to think, you can relax, public taxi, premiere on rtr, this is a new taxi fleet, it was opened by alla kapylova, our former director, there will be no public taxi, you did everything in your power, well, no, well... did you forget here, i didn’t ask you where i should be, you understand, seryoga crashed, that there’s an accident, allah, taxi, today on rtr, they say,
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you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to know how to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but... you need to go where the sun and sea are, on the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, annex hotel titanic deluxe, golf belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort at our swimming pools, relax in the life salon! and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanics codroom. sunday. it's so good that i have you. your husband's friend. judging by the photo, do you know each other? you knew that your father had a child with your girlfriend. it's you, any problem can be solved. either that child or our children. there will be no other way. from heaven to earth. sunday on rtr, where is your homeland,
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my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives, the program of boris korchevnik. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ. you are not allowed to love me, but the enemies will give you everything, sell you, buy you, he went over to their side, we will show you what it means to attack innocent people, and we will beat you so hard that the stains will be taken away, taras bulba, what a son, yours helped you dancing, movie? vladimir bortok on friday on
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rtr. the program about the most important thing continues, we talk about the benefits of walking. here it says: exercise once every 3 days. well, that means once every 3 days. once every 3 days is considered zero, because according to international standards you should do aerobic exercise five times a week, 40 minutes a day. what is once every 3 days? did you go once every three days? never rest more than one day from one day, if you rest more than one day, the body immediately begins to think, you can relax, you can rest, on the third day you will no longer push yourself, by the way, i do for myself absolutely the same algorithm, i always study quite a lot, i go to the taiga with yaroskol, on all business trips with yaroskol, i always have them with me, i hotel, everywhere on transfers, at the airport, on long flights. i’m doing, you know, how they look at me when i
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find a corner somewhere in a big airport, i understand that i have nothing else to do, i do my stubberpies, they think i’m crazy, well , i probably am, but i want you did the same thing, i say again, no one requires you to do any complex exercises, well, just go out, in the rain, in the snow, the weather doesn’t matter at all, i recently demonstrated how i used snowmobiles in siberia... got lost, but i fell into the snow, i couldn’t raise the low income, it was stuck there, the guys thought that i had left, well , what did i do, i made the mistake of everyone else, because -45, it was cold, after 2 o’clock in the morning i went along i’m following back, so you know, it’s even interesting, you’re walking and it’s not cold, the snow is crunching everything, only the only thing you think is, if there are wolves at night, well, well, but you can go, you can not freeze.
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the upper fasciculus actually works, and this is physiological, because it goes into rhythm, this is all absolutely correct, i read a work where it says that yes, obese people are almost twice as likely to die compared to the normal body index, but if they engage in physical activity, even while remaining overweight, then they have a life expectancy, the risks are the same as for people with a normal body mass index, it’s interesting that physical... even physical activity eliminates such dangers as obesity and excess body weight. who has questions? come on, good morning, good, and my name is anya, i know that walking barefoot is very common now, and there are such barefoot paths, yes, that is, it is kind of good for health, but it is not always possible to visit them.
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is it useful to walk barefoot in our everyday conditions, for example on asphalt, or is it still better to use some kind of, well, sports shoes, and so on and so forth, how can this affect? here we go fast great, but of course i wouldn’t walk on asphalt, listen, yes, this is the time, and you thought about such a simple idea that we haven’t stood on the ground for a very long time, because on asphalt, yes, on concrete, yes, and where is it? the earth, that’s good, the city of moscow, i want to stand on the ground, i need to find a lawn, should i go in, no, we have a wonderful place, this is elk island, a forest, that is, if you go into the forest and there certainly.
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walking in a beaded pattern is gorgeous, thanks to the foot, there’s no point in pricking your leg, but in general it’s great, also, good morning, natalia, please tell me, is northern walking, it’s more useful than usual, northern, what is it, walking in the north, well, it’s with poles, this is a candidate, yes, of course, of course, of course, it’s useful, we once had a program , here... there was an athlete, an enthusiast, well, you understand, this is similar to dmitry, you are also waving your arms, in principle, the principle is the same, only you are pushing off, yes, there are other groups working, which are additional, but this you already need sticks, you already need to walk, but i’m in favor of you just getting out and just walking along the street, not
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waving neither arms, not without, without attracting attention, just thinking about his own things, got up, walked, walked, walked faster, came back, that's what i'm for, so let's move, then it will still be good, time for our traditional section, ask the doctor, ask a question, raise your hands, good morning doctor, my name is anastasia, i have a question, when i go up and down the stairs, there is a sharp pain in my knee, it hurts for 2-3 days and it goes away for 2-3 months, everything is fine then it arises again. tell me if it's worth contacting to a doctor, who exactly? well, i think, most likely, bursitis, the periarticular bursa of our joint is such a sac, sort of fluid and so on, it sometimes crawls into anatomically weak spots, it becomes inflamed, it hurts, it hurts,
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because it hurts to go up and down, as i understand it, probably and pressing, pressing does not hurt in these places, no, it does not hurt. everything comes to my mind first, but if it constantly bothers you, then it constantly bothers you that everything could be there, connections are unlikely, but maybe it makes sense do an mri of the knee on the direction of a doctor and a rheumatologist or a traumatologist, thank you very much, aleksandryanich, here’s the question, a year ago i used electronic cigarettes, which are like tobacco, but they are like steam, i actually noticed. during use, that my gums began to bleed, i bought specialized pastes - against this, but it went away after some time, now it has appeared again, again like... it’s bleeding gums, i don’t use them anymore, these are electronic cigarettes, here i don’t know what to do, that is already rinses once, wait, wait, wait,
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what’s your name, yaroslava, yara, yes, we didn’t try to see a doctor, i went to the dentist, they don’t see any stones there, nothing, that is , i’ve already gone several times, no, you know, corotophila with gums, but i understand that when a smoker gives off smoke, well, probably, electronic cigarettes do not improve the condition, but... to sharpen here a certain symptom of gingivitis inflammation, you need, as you correctly, paste, rubbing, or maybe on a very long-term basis there are low doses for months an antibiotic like tetracycline riad, there are different approaches just like that, so if you constantly have carvochal gums, this is the reason to find a doctor not to treat teeth, not stones, but to treat gums, gums are the organ that hurts in this case, it hurts you , it will settle.
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the dog is very bad for him at the age of 2, from the age of 2 to 2, he was registered with a cardiologist, the diagnoses changed, but the treatment did not go to a cardiologist, to a cardiologist, and the dog had nothing to do with it, well, for some reason, after the dog got scared, he started having symptoms such as he cried and yawned, his upper lip was turning blue, we didn’t notice this before, so it’s another matter that you didn’t notice, there is a born threshold of the heart, most likely. well, in short, they didn’t prescribe treatment, they said that in the transition period it might outgrow,
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which means it hasn’t outgrown, now he is diagnosed with neurocircular distance of the bagatonic type with hypertensive reactions, how old is the child, now he’s 32 years old, but just 30 years old passed, medicine, as it were, probably still... throw out this nonsense, forget it, let him work, live, about it will forget, what is written is nonsense from the first to the last word, there are no such diseases, there are no decirculatory problems with some kind of reaction, and what is written is all nonsense, and what you say is also what 2 years old, now at 32, what do you mean, he works, he works, yes, well, let him work, he has a wife, no, then let him do more.
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absolutely no free time, contact me, i’ll go on vacation for you. but any the resort in the country of men excites something completely different, she looked at me as if i had just missed a penalty kick into an empty goal, this was the most powerful effect of art on a person. parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. well, how can my heir not play pranks on saturday? nyan and i are just dissatisfied, anna completely suits me, she is beautiful, smart, modest. are you breaking down? quiet, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, let's part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is one
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punishment. it’s not my sister who was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child and demand a ransom, this is voronslov’s eldest son with a lot of petty troubles, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, you were their bouquet of flowers, well, you know why they kidnapped me, they brought me here, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, zoya boguslavskaya, a legendary woman, the widow of the poet andrei voznesensky. celebrates its centennial anniversary, unique memories, i’m the first to tell you, don’t tell this to anyone, vanga and mesing, chagall and tseriteli, oleg menshikov, alexey rybnikov, dina korzun, daria dontsova, satya spevakova, evening, declarations of love, congratulations. malakhov, today on rtr. “hello, the problem
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of excess weight is as old as the world, but after the coronavirus pandemic, this problem has become more urgent because, firstly, for quite a long time most people sat in a confined space, and accordingly, they adopted a very sedentary lifestyle, and secondly, the coronavirus infection itself, which has been suffered by a fairly large number of people, leads to weight gain, to excess weight, from which..." later it can be very difficult to get rid of, not only older people, but also quite young people are faced with the problem of excess weight, and a new term has appeared - sarcopenic obesity, what is it, why does it become quite difficult to get rid of excess weight, how to fight this, this is what we will talk about today. our tv viewer tatyana contacted us,
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let’s find out her story. hello, the program is about the most important thing, i’m asking you for advice, my name is tatyana, about a year ago. ago i got sick with covid, i was seriously ill, i was in the hospital, they put me on ivs, gave me oxygen, then i recovered for a very long time, i didn’t have the strength to cook or clean, so i started eating fast food, because of this i gained a lot of excess weight, and a few months ago i got sick with the flu, again everything was the same... it continued - fatigue, no strength, i can’t lose this extra weight, but i was an active person, we went for a walk, now i have no strength for anything, and no desire move, do something, please tell me how you can return to your previous healthy life. tatyana, today in our studio,
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please come to us, good morning, good morning, hello, good morning! tatyana, please tell me, did you gain excess weight after covid? i’ve always had it, but after covid it has already acquired catastrophic proportions, how many have they gained? what other complaints do you have? i get tired quickly, after work i forget my friends somewhere, i say: no, i don’t want to stay at home anywhere. and indeed, this situation is faced not only by people who have suffered from covid, but also those suffering from a severe viral infection. how to regain an active and vigorous life? to talk about this, i want to invite an expert doctor to the studio. andrey nikolaevich zolotarev, integrative doctor. indeed , very often after viral infections, after
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the flu, after covid, especially there is this terrible weakness, where does this come from? this is due to the fact that the first thing that happens is a metabolic disorder, the second is pathological changes in the liver, fatty hepatosis and changes in the pancreas gland, which... in fact most often leads as a complication to various diabetic manifestations. among other things, most viral infections enter us through the respiratory tract, and here the bronchopulmonary system is also damaged and occurs in a state of hypoxia. this is where fatigue, apathy and a complete lack of desire to do anything come from. and you can’t even imagine, my friends, how quickly our muscles lose muscle mass. let’s imagine that this is our muscle. it contains muscle fibers, and quite often these muscle fibers, muscle cells, they begin to gradually be replaced by adipose tissue, that is , a person reduces his physical activity,
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the fibers dry out, decrease in volume, adipose tissue is immediately formed here, that is , the volume seems to be the same, but adipose tissue appears there, for this reason , at first we do not notice these changes, it is the composition of the muscle fiber that changes, but as soon as this critical condition occurs, the person loses activity, and after that, please, obesity, and not only that, these cells begin to increase, their number increases, they also attract water, body weight gradually begins to grow, these fat cells begin to be deposited not only in the muscles, a sedentary lifestyle, but in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is why sarcopenic obesity begins, and how to identify does tatiana... have pineal obesity or not, you can do a simple test, for this we just need a chair and a stopwatch, sit down and you need to get up five times without using your hands, let's try: one, two, three, that's it
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already, pay attention, five, if you ... did this in more than 15 seconds, this is already the initial stage of sarcopenia, but if you didn’t even get up, then this is already quite serious degenerative destruction of muscle tissue, 22 seconds is enough a serious indicator, my friends, what we are doing, first of all, we need to pay attention to our diet, so let’s just take a look, my friends, these are the foods that contain a large amount of, first of all, sugar and fats and salt, which smells delicious . sausage confectionery dried apricots seem to be a useful product of potassium, but with all this it contains a large amount, this is a very large amount of calories that
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must be compensated or burned through active physical work, in any case, of course, it must be replaced with more healthy products, which is why in the first place in turn , you need to pay attention in your diet to those foods that are rich in protein. is the main structural element of our entire body and muscles , including if you already have a really the first signs of sarcopenia, then here it is already necessary to consume in the diet at least as much protein as approximately an actively developing young person, that is , 150-200, and it is necessary to use easily digestible protein, that is , one that is truly guaranteed to be maximally absorbed from food, this includes seafood and dairy products. these are definitely eggs, a very easily digestible protein, we must not forget about vegetable protein, legumes first of all, and of course low-fat varieties, better not even meat, better after all, poultry, the same turkey, the same chicken,
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this is the most optimal source of protein, 100 g of chicken does not contain 100 g of protein, protein is present only in a certain percentage relative to the total mass of the product, approximately 100 g of chicken breast contains about 20 g of all protein, if we... force ourselves to at least 30-40 minutes a day, at least to walk, gradually increasing the load, gradually increasing the duration of the walk, this physical activity will speed up the metabolism of your body, but if we weren’t doctors with you, andrei nikolaevich, if you hadn’t given another very important hint, cornazine is a substance that has been present for quite a long time in the diet of people for whom physical activity is a profession, especially professional athletes, cornazine is a substance. which helps
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deliver and transport this very protein into the muscles, and, in fact, thereby enhances the activity of our muscle mass. in general, cornozine is a geroprotector, that is, in fact, if translated literally, it is a substance that stops aging, well, accordingly it accelerates the metabolism and regeneration of all our tissues, including muscle fibers. this substance has tremendous antioxidant properties, which further accelerates recovery, especially after viral loads. a lot of cornazine is found in the heart muscle, in the myocardium, and indeed, the myocardium is the most actively working muscle in our body; it also suffers from sarcopenic obesity. this substance, cornazine, is found naturally in our bodies, but in fact, it is not synthesized in us; we need to take it from the outside. recently there were studies that showed that cornazine reduces with constant use. claim
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of insulin resistance and many endocrinologists add it to complex therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. of course, it is better to purchase carnazine at a pharmacy. cornozine should be taken in fairly long courses, at least twice a year, and if you already have sarcopenic obesity , three to four times a year. the russian manufacturer is currently entirely completely competitive, but there is a big advantage, it is more economically profitable. be sure to pay attention to the packaging. a gmp certificate is a certificate of international quality, this will guarantee that the drug you are buying is really safe and there was full control at all stages of its production; you should not try to buy a cheap drug either, because either the quality will be lower, or the dosage will not be good enough. tatyana thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that you will start leading an active lifestyle again ... you will feel better, lighter, thank you
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very much for the recommendations, i will follow them, andrey nikolaevich, thank you very much, well, my friends, following all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, correct eating habits both physical activity and additional intake of nutritional supplements are the key to the prevention of sarcopenic obesity after severe viral infections. and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you about the very the main thing. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio evgeniy rashkov, hello, the main thing for this hour.
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the water in the tobol river in the kurgan region has risen another meter. critical situation in tyumen.


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