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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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all the rules of a healthy lifestyle: proper eating habits and physical activity and additional intake of nutritional supplements are the key to the prevention of sarcopenic obesity after severe viral infections. and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, we had a program with you about the most important things. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the water in the tobol river in the kurgan region has risen another meter. critical situation in tyumen. the water level in the ishim river has reached
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criteria for the hazardous phenomenon of flood. evacuation is underway in the tomsk region. reports from our correspondents from flooded regions. in uman, cherkasy region , a large transshipment base of the ukrainian armed forces with boats and military equipment was destroyed. several high-precision strikes on infrastructure military targets were carried out tonight. fsb officers detained an agent of the ukrainian special services who blew up the car of a former sbu officer, critic kiev prozarov, in moscow. i was told to assemble a bomb. housewarming party for a military crew. like officers and the sailor is being trained by ivan papanin, who will guard regional shipping in the arctic. and let's start with an urgent message from
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the fsb. department employees today detained a russian citizen who several days ago blew up the car of former sbu officer prozorov. as the suspect said, after the start of the special operation, he went to ukraine, where he was recruited last fall, and then, on instructions from the kiev curator, returned to moscow. for surveillance and a few weeks later mined a car, in november 2023, i was recruited by an sbu officer, in february i was given the task of just monitoring the car, which i did, then the task changed and i was told to assemble a bomb, and... the car
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of former sbu officer vasily prozarov was blown up april 12 in the north of moscow. prozarov , a consistent critic of the kiev regime , decided to go over to russia in 2014 after the maidan in order to fight the illegal government. shortly before the attack, in an interview about the attack on krok city hall, prozarov said that the terrorist attack has a ukrainian trace, and the actions of the criminals resemble the tactics of ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups. and today is the anniversary of another crime. the kiev regime killed journalist, writer, and defender of donbass oles buzina 9 years ago. the nazis of the ssbu shot him at the entrance of his own house. the perpetrators were detained, and then simply released from custody, and never suffered any punishment. even then, the kiev regime admitted its terrorist methods. the military infrastructure of ukraine was marked new blows. that night, explosions occurred at the airbase in starokonstantinov. kherson,
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novobug, near nikolaev and mirgorod, poltava region. in uman - this is the cherkasy region. the strike hit the warehouse of the railway station. a large transshipment base of the ukrainian armed forces was located there. every day , trains with equipment, including boats, arrived in the city, which were then sent to the dnieper coast. shot! over the past 24 hours alone, the russian military destroyed nine boats with landing troops in the kherson region.
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the flood map now looks like this: in the tyumen region, there is a critical rise in the level of the ishim river, which threatens the city of the same name. in the city of kurgan, the tabol river rose further within 24 hours. a flooded area, a barn where chickens drowned and equipment that could no longer be restored, everything was in the water, you see, the village, the water had gone, that’s where the water came from, everything was covered in sand and sawdust, how can you save it, the house of pensioner andrei plyut,
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a resident the village of vershinina, tomsk region, one of those that suffered the most from the flood , the water is still standing here, the land we lived in, i don’t know how it is now, i don’t know. came to tomsk region on the night of friday saturday, dozens of houses were flooded, rescuers evacuated local residents in inflatable boats, a temporary accommodation center was organized at a local school, nowhere to live, and we can’t wait for this ice to leave here, when the river starts flowing, you’re already here it’s the third day, but there are chickens at home, now my husband went there, did they burn them? no, i don’t know, the water is gradually leaving, but many streets, such as this one, are still flooded, the water level here is about waist-deep, there is ice and frozen ground below. rescuers daily monitor the flood situation, including
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from the air, using drones. the channel is light, the water does not move, the ice stands still, in this place, while the level is stable. in order to control water flows on the tom river, they have been blasting ice for 4 days in a row. the water level is gradually decreasing, the rescuer considers the situation stable, but the ice drift has not yet passed. warming is expected in the coming days in the tomsk region, the situation may change. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, vasily peredkov. vesti, tomsk region. water level in the ishimu river. lyinki of the kazan region gives criteria for the dangerous phenomenon of flood, today is april 16, the authorities reported this, residents of ishim, for example, today at 6:00 am they received sms messages calling for an urgent evacuation from houses that may be in a flood zone,
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water in the river ishim may reach a critical level of 800 cm in the coming hours. and temporary accommodation centers for residents have been deployed in the city. areas, another problem point is the tobol river and those settlements that are located along its channel, not far from tyumen, the increase is small, only + 1 cm, upstream, there is already a serious increase, that is, the water will reach here in the city of yalutorovsk,
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water is expected here, the dam is being strengthened now, volunteers are building them, they are now raking bags of coal in order to strengthen the dam, we are already doing fills, bags of sand, raising them by about 30 meters, this is with a margin, we need to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will reach the level and close the apartment buildings accordingly. three pvr are already in operation, 40 people have voluntarily evacuated, evacuation is proceeding as usual, another 17 temporary temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for resettlement at the municipal animal shelter, where cats and dogs will be taken in for respite, so people don’t have to worry. stanislav bernwald, sergey ukhvarenok, danilo kuznetsov, conduct the tyumen region. the main russian television detective is celebrating his anniversary . eduard petrov is 50 today, 30 of them, he is in legal journalism. for the first time his voice was heard on the radio. it was the summer
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of '93, soon to begin the reporter was noticed on television and invited to the vremechka program. 21 years ago, eduard petrov’s original program was aired on our channel. for all the years of work.
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the award named after the outstanding journalist anatoly lysenko was awarded for the first time in moscow. in the nineties, he was the general director of vgtrk, then participated in the creation of the tv center television company, and later headed public television. the time dedicated to his memory was called “enlightener, creator, creator” and will be awarded annually by a figure of culture, art and media sphere. about the first laureates, olga mishcheryakova. there are people of different professions in this room. but what unites them is the main thing, they are masters of their craft, creating new forms, whose ideas work for the development of society,
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this is being said here today at the presentation of the award established in honor of anatoly lysenko, it is called educator, creator, creator. i hope that this foundation will continue to live and live in the ideology of anatoly grigorievich. the award is being presented for the first time. those for whom anatoly lusenko was more than friend and colleague, teacher. and for maryana lysenko, the head of the fifty-second moscow hospital, where thousands of lives were saved at the height of covid, a father. it was through the efforts of anatoly grigorievich’s daughter that this prize was established. he put into me, without dictating, many things that well make up the meaning of my life, so he was able to put in global concepts, for formation, for spiritual growth, for the formation of character in general.
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i was fortunate to be friends with him for more than 50 years, to work in the same team for more than 30 years, everyone knows that the founder, a great man, brought up everything correctly, but it is important to emphasize that he founded everything that he founded, based on russian television, modern, founded from scratch, from scratch, among the laureates are not only representatives of the journalistic profession, the symbol of the award is here , it’s called: the dinosaur of television, he very difficult, like the mission carried out by people who truly create new and important things
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and leave legacies. one of the laureates , sergei ursulyak, his films from liquidation to the quiet don, united several generations on television screens, truly popular, but a smart and subtle movie, a fresh and unusual look. there are people, there are wonderful professionals, there are simply decent people who continue to do their job and their job as it should be. it’s not important to return to this criterion, when the tv does not work for destruction, but for creation. vladimir molchanov, author and presenter of one of the most popular programs of the perestroika period before and after midnight, is a symbol of the new time. the first person to congratulate him on the premiere was anatoly lusenko. he was the real creator of television, but with us all the creators, either presenters or there, i don’t know, faces, he was the creator, he was not in the frame. but everything that happened, everything happened through him, then it was very interesting with him.
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the award is being presented for the first time and will become an annual event. stanislav petrov, alexander merkuriev, anastasia serikova, news. now there is a very short pause, after which we will continue immediately. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we
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we know everything about vacation. anex. kalinan. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where
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luxury collection bodroom. how's my heir?
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on tour all over liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchekov’s program. fate from monday to friday on rtr. can you ask our team to find one car? i personally need this, but i need to make sure that no one knows what i need. allah, taxi, premiere. today on rtr.
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we continue to broadcast. the safety of nuclear facilities has always been an absolute priority. play along with the kyiv regime. china stands for a peace conference that will be recognized by both moscow and kiev with a fair discussion all proposals. the chairman is talking about this today. day spoke at a meeting with the german chancellor. scholz arrived in kiev on a three-day visit to discuss the most pressing issues of bilateral relations, and, of course, global problems. the leaders' conversation
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takes place in the diao yai palace complex, known for its beauty and named after the famous imperial fishing. it was in this situation that xinping reminded the head of the german government that in order to quickly resolve the conflict in ukraine, it is necessary to pay attention to peace and stability. but not pursuing one's own interests. the crew of the first combat icebreaker ivan popanin, built at the admiralty shipyards , moved onto the ship. sea trials at sea are planned for the summer. the lead ship of this project was damaged. and he will take care of protecting shipping areas in the arctic. it is equipped with various types of weapons, has a helicopter, drones and landing craft on board. report with eli mazarev. rarely does anyone manage to film this process, the housewarming of a military crew, the crew boarding a ship that will become their home for many years,
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officers and sailors are accommodated in the cabins, the cabins are as comfortable as on passenger liners, first of all, the places on the shelves are occupied by portraits of loved ones, let them stand here, they will help me serve here, it’s time to take delivery of the ship, the shipbuilders of the admiralty shipyards hand over the crew to the rescue... there is a start to check, launch, this is a unique opportunity to be on board, perhaps, the most secret ship of the russian fleet, ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker, these have not been built before, until now it was generally considered that icebreaker ships are purely civilian, but this one... will be part of the navy, it is completely new, has not smelled the sea, the windshield wipers of the wheelhouse have not even had the polyethylene removed yet. have you ever thought that you would serve on an icebreaker? i couldn’t
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imagine this, but in general i want to serve on this ship, i want to be like a rope opener, papanin’s ice class is ark-7, that is, ice 70 meters thick is not a hindrance for him, he is formidable, in addition to an artillery installation he can be armed. now the anchor-mooring mechanism is being checked, it is necessary make sure that everything is working properly, the chain moves easily, it’s interesting that the deck here is closed, this is necessary so that the mooring crew does not freeze in the harsh arctic conditions. the shipbuilders really tried their best; the sailors were not used to such conditions. there is a gym, a swimming pool, and an elevator. so. kambus lift. having boiled a pot of soup, the cook sends it upstairs to the officer’s wardroom. in all the years of service as kokom, that is, this is my first such campus with such
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equipment, all the equipment is new, everything works great. and here is a completely unusual sight for a warship. he himself took the initiative in this direction. can you play for us? yes, sure. that's it, to tchaikovsky, papanin and him. the crew are starting a new life, ahead of them are sea trials and acceptance into the fleet, many combat missions of glorious achievements, a great story begins today. sale mazarev, evgeniy kostin, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova lead the northwestern bureau. zoya boguslavskaya, writer, theater literary critic, playwright, celebrates her centenary today. author of many famous cultural projects and muse of andrei voznesensky. about life.
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a great poet in her age, as in a literary work, a living poem by oz. you know, evil, now our paths diverge without chatter. a literary critic, playwright, author of books, and in general a married woman with a son, never liked sentiments and pathos, but always tried to save pity, and voznesensky just at the same time became a disgraced poet. you can say that now there is no longer a thaw or frost, but frost.
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cabbage soup as a bathroom of peredeltinskaya glory, so we lived with andrei peredelkina for a long time, that this is already an apartment, lilya brik lived on a parallel street, young voznesensky brought zoya to her, as if for approval, why for many this magnetism mayakovsky’s muse is incomprehensible, but zoya boguslavskaya, who has written more than one book , explains it perfectly about such significant meetings. was some kind of, well , one could roughly say, a barometer, in fact, a peacemaker of what kind of person a person is, her intuition was so strong, lililina’s, that she very rarely came to life in people, meetings, and therefore books, became more and more, bridget bordeaux, gabriel garcia marquez, pierre cardin,
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american cycle with wives. these are all with some kind of flavor, she has a story about only german, but french, english, boryshnikov and brodsky, about friendship with marc chagall, about the fact that the film andrei rublev from tarkovsky was accepted by the commission 22 times, and boguslavskaya joined because director. a thundering taganka with performances based on voznesensky's poems goes to visit andrei and zoya at kotelniki, vysotsk is a frequent guest, so you talked about genius,
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how would you tell the difference? talent and genius, and that's it very individually, those whom i perhaps considered a genius, he was only talented, but history illuminates everything, those who stay for a long time, they are geniuses, she also believes that there should be a critic, literary, theatrical talented, actors, directors, playwrights, poets...
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antonova and tatya, well, to be honest, we could use a little warmth. evgeny, alas, it’s rainy, cool here, without wonderful temperatures, in general, you won’t have to sunbathe like in the south. let's be patient. well, here in siberia, the peak of cooling has already passed, the temperature growing. in krasnoyarsk -10, in kozyil , barnaul and omsk - up to 15. contrasts are intensifying on european territory. in the north we have winter, in arkhangelsk -5 snow. we are also expecting wet snow in the leningrad region. but in the center. rains, they are local and mostly at 10:15, southern warmth will come to the banks of the volga, as well as in chernozem, in samara, in saratov up to 25, well , the south in krasnodar looks really hot on our map 30-32 to 27 in crimea in sochi. in st. petersburg at this time there is only + 4° wet snow, in moscow it is 10° warmer 12:14, then it will get colder. and we with gifts, where
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did all this come from, you’re retired, retired insert... the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum vtb everything will work out in our program today the story of the hero of russia eduard dyakonov. at the very beginning of the special operation, at the cost of his life, he saved 13 colleagues in mariupol. how the memory of the hero is preserved by his dear comrades. more on this at 15:00. immediately after the big news, don’t miss the continuation of the alla taxi series, but the news continues to follow the developments in russia over abroad. stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, live.


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