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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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and we with the gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, in vtb retirement the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18% per annum vtb, everything will work out, in our program today is the story of the hero of russia eduard dyakonov. at the very beginning of the special operation, at the cost of his life , he saved 13 colleagues in mariupol, as the heroes and his dear comrades preserve the memory of, more about this at 15:00, immediately after the big news. don’t miss the continuation of the alla taxi series, but the news continues to follow the developments in russia abroad. stay with us. hello, dear friends and comrades right here. the russian army is preparing to
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encircle a populated area and for this purpose they are setting up positions from the eastern flank, the goal is to approach the work from verbovoy, so as not to take the populated area, as they say, frontally. the ukrainian military portal, deep state writes that... now there are battles in the southern part of the village in the artyomovsky direction and the offensive towards chasov yar continues. this is what the city looks like right now from a bird's eye view. the footage shows our work aviation artillery. on the northern flank there are battles between bogdanovka and kalinovka on the southern. the advance of russian troops west of ivanovskoye continues. at the kupinsky division, the west group of troops improved their positions. attacked
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the fifty-seventh motorized infantry, 144th infantry, fourteenth and twenty-first mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, as a result of which the enemy lost up to 200 militants. footage of what remains of the landing is published by the vssu officers themselves, demonstrating literally mown-down positions against the backdrop of a damaged american bmp m-113. and this is the moment the antenna of the starlin satellite internet terminal was hit. impact... tactical missile product 305, fired by the crew of k-52 helicopters. another shell demolished the temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces unit; after its arrival , the building was formed like a house of cards. with a terrible prophecy, an article in the american magazine national review was published in this regard. the eastern front of ukraine will collapse this summer. this is a consequence of the blow. drone comics
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on a pickup truck of the ukrainian army soldier filming everything on gopro, oleg, our old friend, he and his former colleague, were sitting in a mitsubishi when the first drone hit them, a moment later the second drone flew into them, then... this is oleg, and this is the story of his amazing luck, whether this is a white or black streak of his life, you decide for yourself . since the start of the russian invasion in 2022, he has been wounded twice and has found himself in dangerous situations several times. this incident occurred near bakhmud. a fragment of a shell hit where oleg was standing just a couple of seconds before. this projectile arrived almost once... we first
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met oleg the day after after he was released from the hospital. shrapnel tore off part of his ear, he took us to an hour near bakhmud. at that time the city was under heavy artillery fire. as you can see, he is riding at the head of our convoy in his four-wheel drive suv. such vehicles are strong and reliable for this type of military activity. they are vulnerable to projectiles, high caliber fire and fpv drones. one day last summer we were driving along the front line, not far from liman, in one of oleg’s pickups. in addition to approaching russian positions, the driver used night vision device instead of headlights. it was then that we experienced the growing threat from russian drones. as soon as we entered the trenches, we heard an enemy drone hovering directly above us. the next morning,
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as soon as we left the trenches, the russian drone appeared again, looking for ukrainian artillery, oleg hid his truck in the bushes for a couple of moments. we were scared of being stuck here. since then, the threat posed by russian fpv drones has increased radically. these drones are changing the face of war. when you are driving a car, you are not you hear the noise of an approaching drone, fpv drones kamikaze, extremely fast. oleg and his colleague were driving through the countryside near the front line and not far from the occupied gorlovka, the situation was just asking for trouble, there was none around. oleg says that he did not see the first drone until it hit the roof from the trunk side, the explosion tore off the trim, and the interior was covered with glass and shrapnel. oleg and his colleague were wearing helmets and body armor, this saved them, they
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ran out of the truck at the moment when a second kamikaze drone flew into him and hit the rear bumper. both soldiers lay on the ground for half an hour before approaching the remains of the mitsubishi, they understood that... and what is even more surprising, in a car into which two drones flew, they managed to leave the sector under fire. they managed
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to drive this wreck for 30 km, after which they loaded it onto a trailer and sent it to the depot. dawn has come, the tankers rush to their positions as quickly as possible. our group is accompanied by the commander of a tank squadron, a twenty-four-year-old soldier with the call sign veres. he says that fpv drones do n't fly here very often, but reconnaissance drones fly overhead all the time. russian eagles and supercams fly most often. tankers always carry electronic suppression systems with them, but they do not provide 100% protection against strikes. in our direction, the enemy usually uses the same frequencies, but he can
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change them. the battle is something like a shield and sword. modern warfare is a battle of drones and electronic devices, that is, one hundred percent no protection? no, there is no 100% protection. russian reconnaissance drones can remain in the air for up to 4 and a half hours, so the attack could begin at any moment. today it became known that kiev, it turns out, thwarted the agreement with russia on the safety of navigation in the black sea. according to reuters, secret negotiations are mediated by turkey. lasted more than 2 months, agency sources, on condition of anonymity, said that the final text had already been drawn up, but at the very at the last moment, ukraine withdrew from the agreement without explanation. official representatives of russia, ukraine and even turkey
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refused to comment, so rators cannot confirm the fact of so-called quiet diplomacy. but zelensky continues to shout about his diplomacy to the whole world. and finland, the chances of reaching an agreement with the united states seem to be virtually gone. white house strategic communications coordinator hirbi said that washington will not help ukraine shoot down air targets similar to conflict in israel, as he said, different
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conflicts, different airspace, different picture of threats, in short, israel is israel, and ukraine is something else, sorry. so in the ssu you will have to rely solely on your own strength; as a pr for the ukrainian defense industry, zelensky was shown a ukrainian analogue of the lancet, supposedly a drone, a comicad. can fly at a speed of 140 km/h over a distance of more than 100 km, a warhead of up to 3 kg of explosives, paired with a ukrolancet , a drone repeater must also work, it is he who will seek to direct the attack uav to the target using a machine vision system, additional security will be provided by the built-in turnip suppression unit, in addition there is an automatic up to...
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i can tell you frankly, without this support we will have no chance of winning, you
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must be much stronger than their enemy. today the ratio of artillery shells is one to ten. will we be able to hold our position? no. in any case, with statistics like these, they will push us aside every day. to protect 100% of what is under our control, we will have to move from one to comparable figures - 10 from 10. we are just saying. we are simply saying, at least give us, share some share of the air fleet, give at least some percentage of what russia is using against us. but how can you have airplanes in a ratio of 1:30 and artillery in a ratio of 1:10, how can you wage a war against russia in this form? most likely, aid to israel will be approved this week, but it is not yet clear whether aid to ukraine will be part of this effort or not? this weird.
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of course, france, jordan, great britain, and the united states responded and supported, defended israel, created an indestructible barrier around israel, which is very important. on its own, israel would not have been able to defend itself against such a powerful, massive attack. and of course, air defense, aviation and much more were used here, which, frankly speaking, ukraine lacks, and this is a demonstration of alliance not on paper, in the air, not on paper, on the ground, in action. do you think the same message is being sent to the world about ukraine. i i’ll give you one example, a very simple example, the trypillian power plant, the power supply of the kiev region depends on it, 11 missiles were sent in its direction, when someone says that our allies. they cannot provide us with this or that weapon or they cannot be present in ukraine with this or
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that force, because this will be perceived as ukraine dragging nato into a war. well, after the iranian attack, i want to ask you a question: is israel part of nato or not? and here is the answer: israel is not is a nato country, but nato allies, including nato countries, defend israel. this is the answer to any person on any continent who says that we need to help ukraine very carefully so as not to drag nato countries into the war. the fsb today detained an sbu agent who blew up the car of former ukrainian security service officer vasily protory in moscow. according to intelligence services. the detainee, after the start of the special operation, went to ukraine, where in october twenty-third he was recruited by the ukrainian security service, an explosion occurred in the car prozorov occurred on the afternoon of april 12 last week , an improvised explosive device detonated when a former employee of the sbu of ukraine prozurov turned on the ignition. according to the
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database, the power of the explosion was approximately 300 g in tnt equivalent. the sbu is clear. held the position of senior expert consultant, several years ago he moved to russia, in 2019 prozurov gave a press conference in moscow, where he said that since april 14 he had been helping the russian intelligence services and the hunt began. last february it was reported that russian special services have already prevented an assassination attempt on prozorov. the detained terrorist himself, a man of eighty-three.
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in which he told his former ukrainian friends that i will quote, it’s a little rude there, your comrades won’t get a damn thing from you, look, do you need a weapon? no, detained after the start of the svo, he went to ukraine, where in october 2023 he was recruited as an sbu officer. on the instructions of his curator, who acted on the direct
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orders of the head of the sbu vasily malyuk, he arrived in russia in march and received components of a radio-controlled explosive device. was recruited by an sbu employee, in february my supervisor told me that he was given a task personally by the head of the sbu malyuk that i had to go to moscow to track
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a toyota prado car located at korovenskoye highway 3. and what did i do in february month i was given the task of only monitoring the car, which i did, then the task changed, and i was told to assemble a bomb, my curator helped me with this, explained with the help of instructions, i assembled and... on the ninth of approximately 2:00 night, i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, well , there will be no law on demobilization in ukraine, the nordic is without a corner, which is often used as a lightning rod for publicizing the most unpopular decisions in
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order to divert what is called negativity from zelensky, this was the case with the resignation of zaluzhny, for example. stated that dismissal from military service is possible only after the end of martial law, that is , ukrainian militants who ended up at the front, who have not yet been eliminated by the russian army, now literally have a greater chance of dying than returning home, especially those who have been fighting since 2022, the latter, by the way, begged for this new law to be adopted, just because of the line. mobilization, but the line was removed, and as you understand, the deputies and zelensky personally spat in their faces, causally banal, the west does not give money. i believe there is no need to explain how all this will affect the morale of the ukrainian soldiers, as has already affected the ukrainian boys who managed to escape from their native nenka, in these
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frames, look, warsaw and prague, our days, ukrainian men are lined up, as you understand, not to to help the ukrainian armed forces get into the war with russia, as they say, there are no bad people there, all these people, please note that there are almost no women. they are trying to get new documents before the new law on mobilization comes into force, then consular services will become unavailable to them. none of these guys want to stay in europe with expired documents, because in this case they will be deported to ukraine with an automatic bonus. trips to the eastern front with a machine gun in hand, most likely not for long one way, and so absolutely.
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i often meet people who think very badly about us, they just run away, don’t even come up, others start to come up with the idea that i’m there, i’m there, i don’t want it, i don’t need it, but who needs it, we saw a man , approximately of military age, we approached him, good afternoon, introduced ourselves, showed our id, we ask him for documents, i don’t owe you, you’re nobody, people didn’t want to serve, they still don’t, everyone refuses.
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this is what the passport service looks like in prague. there was a fight on saturday and right there in passport service, the men didn’t share something, or someone jumped in line, well, i don’t know, it was such a bustle here, the police arrived, in short, after a fight at the passport service in warsaw, that’s it, there’s no longer a queue, now online registration only.
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trump has more information on the situation in ukraine than any other news or government source of information. after trump comes the pentagon, only the media follows him, and the media is not democratic. and the so-called conservative ones. the state department is the least trusted. 27% of respondents said they trusted blinken. survey.
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took place amid concerns about the spread of russian narratives. moreover, the head of the congressional foreign affairs committee, mchall, said that moscow had infected a significant part of the party members. the result of the work of insidious russia is this. opinions were split right down the middle. 50% believe that the united states should provide ukraine with weapons and military assistance, and 50%. then they shouldn’t, although it would be more appropriate to ask whether the republicans even want to know anything about the events in ukraine, according to according to the previous same survey conducted by yu, 60% of republicans were not at all interested in what was happening in some distant country, which they are not able to indicate even on a map, but israel is capable. speaker of the us congress johnson once again laughed at...
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and proposed dividing the military aid bill into four parts: israel - separately, taiwan separately, the mexican border separately, ukraine also separately, that is, it is delaying. in this case, the document will again have to go through the bureaucratic act. here it is enough to recall the february epic in the senate. and the new york times adds more to ukrainians today. business, which hastened to leave russia after the start of the special operation, is partially returning to moscow. one of the main reasons, he writes, was the psychological factor. they say that western businessmen have lost their emotions about the start of the special operation, and therefore seem to be frozen. business is returning as usual . rbc, citing the central bank , reports that goods were exported from russia in
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march. increased by 40%. trade surplus reached the maximum since the end of 22 years. in general, it’s a shame, there are also our dolphins. the kievpost publication writes that putin is again using combat dolphins to destroy ukrainian divers and spies. the principle is this: animals warn their trainer if they see a saboteur. visible on satellite images. that near sevastopol their number has doubled, while the ukrainians contradict themselves. literally six months ago, a ukrainian telethon solemnly declared with one hundred percent certainty that during a storm in the black sea, all russians escaped from their cages. fighting dolphins, but apparently returned to their home harbor and entered service again. dolphins are
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highly intelligent marine animals, distinguished by their dexterity and echolocation skills; they reach a length of up to 3 m and can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. dolphins surpass even the most experienced swimmers in this regard. to understand, michael phelps is the most decorated swimmer in the history of the olympic games, the winner of twenty gold medals can reach a speed of no more than 10 km/h. however, russia has. unique history of the use of dolphins since the soviet times dolphins are trained to perform a variety of tasks, including intelligence gathering . these animals are mainly designed to detect, identify and repel ukrainian combat divers. in other words, the dolphin is a spy. now on your screens you can see a similar dolphin with a camera, and the russians also attach cameras to their fins. today russia uses dolphins to attack ships and
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divers. of course, russia does not report this, but they use them for different and also less lethal tasks than in the ussr. nowadays, dolphins are also engaged in surveillance and intelligence gathering. russia has doubled the number of combat dolphins tasked with protecting the naval base at sevastopol in crimea. at the start of the full-scale war, russian troops moved trained dolphins to a harbor on the outskirts of sevastopol in crimea. satellite images showed that the number of dolphins in havana has almost doubled. the uk ministry of defense said trained marine mammals have been added to the defense of russian armed forces. russia also stationed dolphins at another naval base northwest of sevastopol. it is common knowledge that russia trains dolphins to perform combat missions. dolphins are used in naval training programs. the level of intelligence that dolphins possess makes them easier to train as they have cognitive abilities and communication
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skills. in crimea. their task is to protect the russian fleet from underwater attacks. the images show dolphins belonging to the russian navy. here they are floating near the crimean port in the sevastopol. they confront ukrainian divers who are planning to sabotage warships in the port as the conflict continues. the us naval institute, which studied satellite images taken of sevastopol harbor, concluded that there were two dolphin pens near the city. were built in february, that is, at the beginning of hostilities in ukraine. the dolphins may well prevent ukrainian special forces from entering the harbor undetected underwater to commit sabotage. russian marine mammals are not only used
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here. judging by satellite images, the dolphins that are now at the disposal of the black sea fleet were previously also stationed in the mediterranean sea, at a russian base in syria. experts say that. dolphins, although before that there were four. sevastopol currently has seven military ones . not far from the port there was a center for training dolphins and beluga whales; it was built back in soviet times. german chancellor scholz's three-day visit to china ends today. the trip began with humiliation, the highest-ranking official who met olaf upon landing in china was the deputy mayor of the city of chongtseng, that is , not even...
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menacing, but we have been hearing such speeches for the last two years, well, where did anything about ukraine go without ukraine? , remember? probably, precisely in order to stop the war and repel putin, scholz brought with him a whole carload of top german business leaders to china, that is, he simply went to promote his trade interests and his business under the cover of ukraine. first shots of the meeting. c on your screens you can see with what with contempt or something, representatives of large german business, the schulzes, shake hands with each other, and then walk around the siege in the residence. in general, applying pressure again failed.
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the russian foreign ministry said today that russia, of course, will not withdraw troops from ukraine, and will also not go to any peace conferences to discuss anything with some zelensky. maximum return to the istanbul agreements, but what is this? this is kiev’s refusal to join nato. the bottom line is that schultz, in china, for some reason publicly stated that he had never smoked weed. at a meeting with students tongzi university in shanghai. one of them recalled the law adopted in germany on the legalization of marijuana and asked scholz directly: why do you need drug addicts and what should i do? “if i find myself in germany and at the same time i don’t want to try your marijuana at all, in china the use of marijuana is illegal, the death penalty for drugs, scholz allowed me to come to germany and not use,
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firstly, we must give priority to maintaining peace and stability and refrain from seeking self-interest. secondly, we must cool the situation, not "a very difficult trip, a very difficult task for chancellor olaf scholz. federal chancellor scholz met with the chairman of the people's republic of china, syden pinn, surprisingly , quite sharply commented on the role of china in the war in ukraine and beijing's ability to influence moscow. made it clear to sizenpin that the war in ukraine affects the key interests of europe and that the chinese state could certainly influence russia and vladimir putin to put an end to this war at the beginning of his visit to china. scholz has already stated that he hopes for
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chinese participation in the peace conference in switzerland in june, meaning the war in ukraine , china's ability to influence russia and vladimir putin was definitely the main topic of these negotiations between scholz and sizenpin. so much time. chancellor scholz has never devoted one single country during his trips abroad; he is in china for 3 whole days; during this visit, scholz has to demonstrate the wonders of balancing act, carefully. choose between cooperation and confrontation, because in its strategy in in relation to china, the federal government has called beijing a partner, but at the same time a competitor and a systematic adversary. and during the trip, scholz already had to discuss many crisis topics, in particular china’s loyalty to russia in the war in ukraine. can china really decide the outcome of the war in ukraine? german chancellor olaf scholz, although he arrived on his second official visit to the prc, was, however, ahead of him by the foreign minister. russia is a very close partner
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of china, there is a large trade turnover between the countries, the prc buys energy resources from the russian federation and supplies them with dual -use goods, while russia uses them for the production of weapons, and the chancellor really doesn’t like this, he would like to put an end to this, he already managed to speak out on this matter during his visit to... we even found out that scholz brought with him a list of products that china supplied to russia, supposedly this list confirms that beijing is really helping moscow produce weapons and scholz brought them so that the chinese would not get out of discussing this topic, but china is tough pursues his own.
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the dprk is an important ally for china, which not only ensures its own security, but also represents a significant military force in the region. in addition, beijing and beijing have the same list of strategic enemies, in particular the usa, south korea, and japan. during talks in washington with biden, japan, for example, said that tokyo would create a whole network of satellites called upon. china and north korea, in
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addition, the united states is counting on japan's help in countering china's growing military power. this footage shows japan's self-defense forces on ishigaki island, where tokyo has built a missile base to deter beijing. however, the return of militaristic tendencies in japanese politics. don't like the place, they fear that the island will become a legitimate target of beijing, moreover, chinese warships are already patrolling menacingly nearby, declaring their claims to the island, but kishida, who studied at the new york school, continues to pretend that he is completely not scary, and through his military he conveys that maintaining peace in the region is possible only through show of force. visitors to ishigaki
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come here for the white sandy beaches and tranquil sunsets over the east china sea. but there are problems in paradise. the japanese self-defense forces have built a missile base right in the middle of this tiny, peaceful island. 600 soldiers with batteries of powerful weapons have arrived at the base and some of the island's residents are unhappy. we feel completely powerless, helpless, the residents of ishigaki have reason to worry, they are on the very edge of a war that is just waiting in the wings, just 150 miles across the sea lies taiwan. commander uira inu is well aware that if china attacks taiwan
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and the united states intervenes, then japan, with its powerful american military bases, can get involved in the battle, putting ishigaki on the front line.
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harsh, so harsh that in japan , global and regional realities are very confident that only weapons of war aimed at the turquoise sea will help preserve peace. well, the pre-summer olympics in paris are less than 100 days away. today in greece there will be a ceremony,
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solemn ceremony of lighting the olympic flame. the greek national olympic committee confirmed full readiness for the ceremony immediately. after the lighting , an eleven-day relay will begin in greece, 600 athletes will carry the torch across the country, after which it will be handed over to the host games of france, which, unlike the greek authorities, seems completely unprepared to host the olympics. one can literally talk for hours about the problems that paris faced before the large-scale event: homeless people, illegal migrants, and the ubiquitous rats. which, in fact , the athletes will have to compete, now pigeons have been added to the problems, there was already a ban on feeding birds in the city, a fine of 135 euros, but now it looks like it’s time to introduce more stringent measures.
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correspondents of the leparien newspaper, walking along the streets, were horrified by the state of the buildings and sidewalks. the benches are literally covered with bird droppings, and flocks of birds occupy the balconies and underground metro stations. a famous american film studio even made a film with the title under the hay. according to the plot of the film in the summer on twenty-fourth. paris is hosting the world triathlon championships for the first time, the athlete competes in the waters of the river, where there is probably terrible pollution. a bloodthirsty monster has settled in, and the sports festival, according to the film's script, turns into a real massacre. in general, the hint is probably clear. political provocations are expected at the games due to the conflicts in ukraine. the international olympic committee did not have the right
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to completely exclude russia, and the ukrainians are categorically not happy with this. despite the fact that russian athletes could take participation. of them deserve to be hit in the face by ukrainian athletes. i don't think sports can solve this problem. in december
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2023, the international olympic committee confirmed the rules for the paris games. the key points are that russian athletes can compete individually, but only if they are not members of the military and were not supporting a so-called special military operation. in addition, not a single russian team will be allowed to participate, and those athletes who still will perform -
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the money he won in international competitions, pay taxes and these taxes go to killing our people, he could simply be fooling himself into thinking that these measures
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will prevent the cynical use of games. now urgent news is coming on ours, although it is not ours, on the olympic theme, just a few minutes ago the nalipi fire was lit, that is, preparations officially started. at the 2024 paris olympics. peskov has just announced a pro-olympic truce, which is being promoted by macron; he was the president of france the day before announced that he would approach russia with a proposal to cease fire during sports competitions. this is the same macron who promised us to send the french army, either to odessa or to the city of kiev, and now he is offering us to almost not fight. peskov says moscow has noticed that kiev uses such ideas for rearmament, regrouping, in this regard, the answer
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is negative, all those who follow the ukrainian war, which began back in 2014, know these very well endless truces, grain, school, christmas, easter, there were many truces, but not once during these truces did the ukrainian army... we say we are captured, they say, what is happening there now? active hostilities are now taking place there, and now in general along
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the entire front line, especially just in the rabotin area with... from the enemy howls are heard practically, they don’t have enough ammunition now, they can’t, despite attempts to attack there, they can’t hold promotion of our units, essentially this military machine of the neo-nazi kiev regime, it is now, well, if not being liquidated explosively, then at least our specialists, our soldiers are systematically dismantling it, then one detail...
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probably it’s more visible, if by may 9, then there’s a little left a little, 3 weeks, what's that? well, these are their fears, i think that pushing our military in this sense to some dates does not make sense, there is military logic and necessity in case we succeed by the ninth, well , okay, this will please us, maybe additionally, but the main thing here is to fulfill the task not by a certain deadline, but having received a certain one. the effect is not only the liberation of territory, but also the dismantling, i repeat, of the enemy’s armed capabilities and preserving the lives of our units, our fighters. now this task is being effectively carried out on this section of the front, artillery, aviation, assault groups are working systematically around the clock,
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there are successes, while the enemy is also not completely deprived of the ability. resist, but this military machine, at least systematically is being dismantled, nevertheless it still somehow rattles and snaps, including the enemy now has quite a lot of drones at the front, yes, which creates certain difficulties, nevertheless, our units have already learned to cope with them, continuing their systematic advance practically along the entire front line, but now in this sense the pro... has a certain strategic importance from the point of view of control of roads and logistics routes in this part of donbass. if they also continue the conversation, whine, suffer, cry, zelensky publicly stated that if it were not for the americans, who refused to supply air defense, in particular, the kiev tes would have been intact and the entire infrastructure would have survived. in this
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regard, this is the opinion of our military now. what is the enemy lacking, well, an air defense system, we understand, what else, where do we feel limitations and deficits on their part? well, here the main thing that the enemy lacks is confidence in their provoking among those who serve in the armed forces of ukraine, moral spirit, after all, many of them are driven very hard and do not understand why they are the regime is driving the slaughter, from the point of view there... of technical equipment, ammunition and weapons, because if it weren’t for nato countries, the military potential that the current kiev regime had there 2 years ago, it’s, it’s then they have long been blown away, but they are not holding on to what they were given, so here, on the one hand, they should not be underestimated, because after all, any weapon, it works one way or another
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, creates problems, but... there is understanding that there is no outside support in this sense, it will compensate for the losses that the kiev regime is suffering thanks to the work of our units, it is impossible to compensate, and here the dismantling of this neo-nazi military machine is inevitable, there is detail by detail, how long it will take, of course, it can be predicted in different ways, depending on many factors, this will happen, but we... we just see how - one unit after another is being liquidated, uh, and the moral state is peculiar, yes, more and more often they are surrendering, by the way, in several directions, and we measure, we know what the mood of the opponents is v ranks, at the same time, the issues of technical
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equipment there, they are not zero, they still pose a serious threat. this is not uh, so to speak, not everything has ended there and disappeared, but nevertheless, the difference in potential between the russian army and... and the enemy’s armed formations is significant in our favor. thank you very much. thank you very much, our war correspondent, nikolai dolgachev, from the front line. ask. well, today i would like to talk about european politicians. germany, france, friends, competitors, it happens differently. as part of his preparations for the olympics, macron makes not only a statement about the need for an olympic truce, which, of course, does not suit us, and we are absolutely convinced. that it will not happen, but also once again, in which it has already confirmed our understanding of the falsity of those same double standards that the west demonstrates all the time. we are talking about today's
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statement by macron, why israeli athletes can compete at the olympics, as they say, on the entire track. it turns out that israel was subjected to macron’s logic, attacks, acted in self-defense, and it is possible not... if russia, in accordance with the agreement of the dpr, lpr, protects the russian-speaking population, the indigenous population of donbass, which has been attacked by the kiev regime since 2014, then from
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macron’s point of view, this is a completely different situation than if nato, which attacks yugoslavia within the framework of the civil war that exists there, without having any treaty and no state recognized by nato at that time, then... this is again a completely different situation, it seems to me that we need to put aside attempts to something with from a legal point of view, to prove that there is simply a part of israel, israel is in its right in relation to the gas sector, meaning the terrorist attack on october 7, when a huge number of israelis were killed, but israel is not in its right after the attack, where iran’s representative offices are in the territory syria, this is generally a separate state, this is the city of damascus, israel attacked. iran responded, it means israel is showing aggression, where are the sanctions, dear friends, where is the condemnation from the council for the un, where is the exclusion of israeli athletes from the olympics? more
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moreover, iran promised not to respond to israel if they were simply condemned at the level of the un security council, they refused, well, that is, we prove to ourselves every time that they are liars, hypocrites, scoundrels, in general in this context. i’m absolutely sure, this episode is about athletes, let’s see, we have, we just have a rule, it is determined by the olympic world and sports federations, and then a vote is taken. russia decided to start an aggressive war, which has been going on for 2 years, so it was decided to admit only those athletes who will be condemned. in my opinion, it is proportionately fair. israel was the victim of a terrorist attack.
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what would the us do if a country attacked their embassy killed their staff, what would they do, they would make a statement everything, they would invade the country, after the terrorist attacks with this whole problem on september 11, 2001, what the us did, they erased afghanistan off the map, 20 years of war, they erased iraq from the map, more than 5,000 soldiers were sent there, escalation of a conflict that is a product of the nazis.
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okay, next, here's the best example of double standards, look, it was a bad or good decision to strike iranian sovereign territory. this was what the israelis decided to do, i will answer this question this way: i can completely understand the frustration that the israelis feel when they look at the iranian revolutionary guard and the terrible things they do around the world, including the support they provide hamas. but what about iran's disappointment that part of its sovereign territory was destroyed. well i would say that there is
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there is a huge difference between what israel did in damascus, and as i said, 301 weapons were launched by iran at israel, the first attack by one state on another, 101 ballistic missiles, 36 cruise missiles, 185 unmanned aerial vehicles, that's a big difference, and i think iran has acted in a recklessly dangerous manner. i think the whole world was wondering what the truth was.
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was, they pushed it aside, they asked another politician who does not have the olympics, which means there is no need to answer this question, to which, well, it’s impossible to answer, the best way is when it is not asked, which is what macron and i actually see, but a few words about german logic when scholz goes with a large delegation consisting mainly of businessmen and does not take the foreign minister with him anulina berbok, well , really, why take her with you when diplomatic negotiations can only ruin everything. when he flies to china and says that he is flying for two things: first, to convince china not to cooperate with russia, second, he would really like to economic cooperation, which means it somehow went a different way, and then, as a result of this statement, as a result of this meeting, we see a statement that we discussed the importance of not using nuclear weapons, that is , something else in general, in common with... what will
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most people around the world agree on? we understand that they were talking about something else, and most likely they didn’t agree on anything. here i just wanted to explain what is happening. so, uh, china exports more to europe than it buys from europe. this difference for 10 years grew from 40 to 400 billion euros. china exports mainly goods with high added value and buys little. china sold more to the usa than it bought from the usa, what to do in this?
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they will still be forced to break ties so that this balance of foreign trade in favor of china is reduced to zero, it can be reduced to zero only either by china’s consent to stop its factories, which it certainly will not do, or by an explosion in china’s foreign trade with the united states the states of america with europe, as they did with the nord streams, that’s what the idea will happen, but scholz is trying to maneuver like all his office. he is trying to correspond to american interests , trying to at least somehow correspond to the interests of germany. well, what the hellen said and what german chancellor scholz cannot afford, to quote directly... the lady said that the explosive growth of china's productivity threatens the world economy, give up production, it would be easier for us, once again, this is a direct quote, well , so shamelessly, as they say, please, you know, i think the british can be more cynical
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only a briton, this is what you showed, of course, this is a clear demonstration of double standards, then the journalist asked him a question, what would great britain do if the enemy erased our embassy, ​​but with...
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no, he didn’t even understands the importance of israel for the americans and the importance of ukraine for the americans, well, he has no, no such idea, yes, ukraine, which is in europe, and israel, which is a strategic partner, including in the field of security for america there in the middle east, just procynicism is very important, a different picture of threats, they asked a direct question why you are not saving, here the question arises,
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mobilization, you know, in fact, mobilization, it seems to me that this is not so much a story about the front defense of ukraine, but a story about money, here we are we say, there will be no rotation, and why there won’t be a rotation, not because, relatively speaking, one part of the people there cannot be replaced by another, it’s clear in terms of quality, they will be completely different people,
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there are risks at the front, but this cannot be done based on that any attempt to reduce the army, and there was such an attempt, there was an idea to increase the salaries of those who are motivated and... to dismiss from the army those who do not want to fight, but they, they realized that if, so to speak, this idea was implemented, the west would stop altogether give them money, they cannot take a single soldier away from the front, this is their asset that they trade, but here the question arises, why are you even fighting there on the eastern front, why are you fighting for rabotino, would there be an idea, let’s say, yes , we fight because we want to preserve what remained in the rear, well, there is logic in this, however, it just turns out that...
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as i understand it, uh, the issue of financing, mr. johnson will put four separate projects to a vote, four, that is, let’s state the fact that the republicans achieved their goal, there will be no package votes on the issue of financing ukraine, it will be four separate packages, the idea is brilliant, just like a corner of the house, the americans say: yes, we will probably finance it, but you know for what? what means we probably we will finance them using the funds from confiscated russian assets, but the point is that even if some decision on financing is made, it will still... take an unknown amount of time to
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resolve the issue of confiscation within the framework of american legislation russian assets in order to provide these assets in the form of loans to ukraine. the americans don’t want to give either weapons or money, well, this can be understood or not, well, this is the situation that’s developing, they don’t want to, i’m convinced about this, they have a consensus and between republicans and between democrats, both of which act exclusively. in the interests of the united states of america. one last thing regarding scholz and macron. this is good. let them meet, share information, say what they really want, what their goals and objectives are, all this is clear. the two world leaders, after all these private conversations and noisy campaigns, will sit down at the negotiating table, as part of putin’s official state visit to china after the inauguration, and discuss everything that has been received. offer and accept appropriate decision, because if there is a strategic partnership, then it can be seen in
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the example of china and russia, and if there is none, then it does not exist within the framework of the strategic partnership between ukraine and those guarantors who signed all these agreements, and not scholz, johnson, let's listen anyway, this was really a long story, the main stumbling block, moreover , they sent him, tried to send him... to resign if he linked the help of ukraine, with the help of israel, with the help of taiwan, with the help to the mexican southern american border, well, thank god, what happened happened, i say in quotes, of course, thank god, and now these packages will be officially divided, which means that the bureaucratic failures will increase when they get to the vote on ukraine, in fact, only god knows, we have developed a plan on how to... finally resolve the situation with additional help to the allies, they are triggering events around the world
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that we are all watching very closely and we know that the world is watching us to see how we react. all over the world there are tyrants and terrible leaders such as putin, sidinpin and iran. and they are watching to see whether america will support its allies and its own interests in the world. and we will what i presented today at the conference is our call. what will we do? we will put independent measures into effect. we will not vote on the senate companion bill as it stands, but we will vote on each of these measures separately in four different parts. we will vote for aid to israel, for aid to ukraine, for aid to the indo-pacific region, and then for other measures that are consistent with our national security priorities. in other words, dictators are watching us and our reactions, we will support our allies, but not everyone.
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there won’t be any power, you did everything in your power, but no, have you forgotten here, i
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didn’t ask you where i should be, you understand, seryoga crashed, that there was an accident, allah, taxi, today on rtr, mega sale , a system for moving furniture conveyor along the low price for only 9.95 simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible offer. call to order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. mega sale, the machine for dumplings and dumplings is the most delicious at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will be they will turn out to be in perfect shape, will not fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be
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an order right now, then you will receive an incredible discount in... it was a famine, here comes a grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this cereal to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that i need to take the guys in, i have such caring people, they can support you in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without
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your help you would not have survived, only ours can. there is also praise for you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, how come my heir doesn’t play pranks on saturday, the nannies and i are just not happy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest, not need it, are you breaking?
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i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, premiere on saturday on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting,
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so, white the house is not noticeable bill on aid to israel reports the action document, which was prepared by the speaker of the house. colleague nadine dorris, and after the boat she happily poses in a boat from her walk, the photographs are very funny, the main
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ideologist of the war with russia expresses his concern to the last ukrainian, weakening of support for kiev from the united states, that is, everyone is turning to the united states as the leader of this entire procession. at this stage, western support for ukraine will weaken. of course, this will require time and strategic patience on the part of western partners and us allies. so, yes, i'm concerned, but that doesn't mean i don't think the ukrainians can win. i think they can, i think they will win. will they be able to do this without us help? no, the history of the war over the past 2 years is that everyone just when we think we've given them enough, it turns out. that this is not true, we need to keep giving more, but we are always too slow to give them what they want, now they need more long-range weapons, which could put putin's presence in crimea at risk, they
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can do it. well, you know, boris johnson even in military uniform looks somehow comical, well, he’s not taken seriously by me, but what can’t be said, by the way, about kirby, who, in principle, said very, in principle the right words about why they don’t defend ukraine, because... they defended israel, and these are really different conflicts, and conflicts of different levels, and different for the united states itself, which, in my opinion, is the basis of the power of the anglo-saxons, this is the power over money , power over trade routes and technological advantage. now they are clearly losing their technological advantage, because in china there has been an explosive growth in technology and labor productivity, that is, the imbalance that is happening with america is hardly in vain so - i was really angry with europe - this is a fact, because both europe and america are really behind technologically, because why don’t they buy a european or
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an american electric car there, even a chinese one is better, and accordingly, in america, chinese ones are cheaper, cheaper, yes, and they have a range even more, outwardly they look better, that is , there are many advantages; in fact, about chinese cars it is a very, very controversial statement, especially bearing in mind that now every second, well, maybe third russian has a car, everyone has an idea of ​​what kind they break down regularly, there is no need for a power reserve, a competitive advantage in price is good, that is, in principle, i agree, i won’t argue, as for trade routes, america has a serious problem precisely in the pacific ocean and in the southeast , southeast asia, this problem that they constantly talk about is their uncontested territories, these are... these are the northern mariana islands, in principle, even hawaii is under the problem, but the fact is that nato will not defend them , because firstly, this is not us territory, but
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with the exception of govaya, the second is located south of the tropic of cancer, that is, it does not fall under the treaty, the united states has no allies there, before they didn’t bother much about this topic, because well, the strongest boy, as they say, is in the yard, now this is no longer the case , and accordingly the trade routes that run there, china begins to lay claim to certain territories, certain passages and... this is noticeable, the united states has two direct agreements, this is with japan and the philippines. in the first year, with japan a little earlier, a mutual assistance agreement, that is, these countries, if something happens in the usa, must fight together with them in this region, and in addition they formed the aokus union there, that’s where they start pumping up, air defense systems go there, on the seventh, in principle, i’ll say this , for the first time in history since the moment the united states withdrew from...
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china will also suddenly install some kind of complexes, that is, now such an interesting round of these missile technologies and missile challenges is beginning, which are becoming quite... dangerous for peace. america is fighting for its hegemony by any means ways, by any means and i think, by any means. therefore, in this situation , she will not now get involved in the defense of ukraine, just like that, completely, that is, get involved in a completely full-fledged, powerful conflict, because iran’s attack was light, demonstrative, in general, like in the movies, that the war that is taking place in ukraine, the americans would not have shot down even half of the attacks we are delivering.
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maxims on the topic that russia is at war with the north atlantic alliance, which until recently seemed to some to be propaganda cliche, they really became the truth and were true from the beginning, but only earlier this truth was broadcast by us, and now the ukrainian president zelensky himself, there is no ukraine, and there are no armed forces of ukraine, there is no ukrainian military-industrial complex, that is, the demilitarization of ukraine is officially completed, precisely for this reason,
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third interview in a row, by the way, in the first... in the past 2 weeks i haven’t said so confidently that without american help ukraine will lose the war, and now officially, without american help ukraine will lose the war, that is, russia is fighting with american help with the united states, the north atlantic alliance, look, in war, they risk every minute, at any moment they can make a breakthrough against the rising enemy forces, infantry - lightly armored vehicles and tanks. this drone footage shows the mass exodus of the ukrainian army from the yaar sentry position. the squad hastily leaves the landing, leaving behind their weapons, equipment and bags. some of the militants are limping, trying to keep up with the main group. at these moments, the russian army is approaching the city from the flanks, from bogdanovka in the north and ivanovsky in the south. nato's longest-range self-propelled gun. the german galubitz ptskh-2000
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is our artillery. we know that russian troops have already occupied most of the donbass, in recent months they have advanced forward, back in february they captured the key city of avdeevka, according to some reports, they are now on the verge of capturing another key city, chasovyar, and of course, the russian army is relentlessly hitting kharkov in north-eastern ukraine, which is ukraine's second largest city. it will be a major achievement for russian forces and a demoralizing position for ukrainians. the ssu is now facing problems in all three key areas. in these frames , the lancet loitering munition will land on a ukrainian group of operators of a baba yaga-type heavy drone. one fragmentation charge was enough to destroy both vehicles along with the crew. and here a ukrainian t-64 tank is firing in open areas. camouflage
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nets and the crew were not saved after. so-called fighter drones are homemade small nimble drones and drones, most often equipped with only one grenade, all these russian fighter drones, these are kamikatsia drones, they find ukrainian drone bombers flying into them at full speed, that is, this war has turned into a real drone war in the air, the ingenuity in it is similar, knows no bounds, and almost it's not every day that something new appears in this war.
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the bandera positions in krasnogorovka are opened by the world's most powerful self-propelled mortar 2s4 tulip with 130 kilogram shells. and this is a missile strike on the site of accumulation of military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine on avdeevsky direction. objective control confirms the destruction of 15 personnel and five pieces of equipment. at the command post in the southern donetsk direction , tactical aviation carried out a volumetric detonation. part-time work for the rotation of attack aircraft of the armed forces of ukraine on a tracked btr13 cuts through a mortar. for the calculation of the dnepr group. bandera's men, sneaking along the burned leopards, were unable to deliver ammunition to their own position. over the harvest, uav operators of the fifth tank brigade drop hundreds of vssushnikov on the heads of
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leaflets calling for surrender. in the west to southwest. the russian army is preparing a springboard for a broad offensive, taking advantage of ukraine's frantic shell hunger. the russians now want to use this one. impulse, but this is not yet the beginning of the major offensive that everyone is talking about and which everyone is expecting, i believe that it will become possible only after a period of so -called thaw, probably at the end of april or mid-may, but already now we see all the signs of that the russian side is currently in more advantageous position, both in terms of the number of weapons and ammunition, and in terms of personnel . the spirit of optimism in the ukrainian army has finally dried up, reports the los angeles times. the publication assures that it is being discussed more and more often in kiev.
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they are fighting at the front for the second year in a row, there are no more volunteers, many propose to mobilize first those who have no motivation, i don’t think they will be able to influence the balance of power on the battlefield. speaker of the house of representatives johnson has officially confirmed that a bill to provide aid to ukraine will be introduced for voting in a separate package. according to new york, 79% of republicans oppose further funding of kiev. information. almost 61% of respondents believe about the state of affairs on the battlefield from the mouth of trump , there are signals from our partners, they look like this issue should be resolved this or next week, the issue regarding assistance to ukraine, and
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the only thing is that i can say on my own, in my opinion, if there is any failure in this matter again, then perhaps this year we in general, we will be left with our own resources, that is , without the assistance received from the united states. zelensky himself is asking the banks for an additional air defense system from the minister of foreign affairs of norway, bartheid. voslo vowed to increase the production of sams systems to convince other countries to transfer as many patrion air defense systems as possible. between high receptions and inspection of fortifications. the ukrainian president is giving out the fourth interview in the last 2 weeks, all according to the same methodology. without washington's help, kiev is doomed. if there is no us help will come, how much time will your troops have left, is it a matter of several weeks or months, will the ukrainian armed forces be able to withstand the coming russian offensive? i can tell you frankly, without this support we have no chance of victory, we must be much
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stronger than the enemy. today the ratio of artillery shells is one to ten and is not in our favor. will we be able to hold our position? no, in any case, with such statistics, the russian army will push us back every day. able to protect them from terrorists. visual confirmation of this is sent immediately 2.0 foreign soldiers, police to ensure security at the olympics in paris. french defense minister elie carnu spoke about this, and this is happening while
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macron himself is announcing the sending of the french military to ukraine. at the same time, he himself admits that he may not be able to ensure security even at home. if risks arise. the event, which is planned in the format of a boat parade along the seini, will be moved to the stadium. mass protests that have become commonplace in france also threaten the holding of the olympic games. civil servants are outraged that during the olympics they will be prohibited from taking vacations and will be forced to work after hours, without additional payments. trade employees and doctors went on strike against harsh working conditions. this time the gendarmes... did not interfere with them, batons, water cannons, tear gas, they did not enter, apparently, the security forces simply agreed with the protest; in january, hundreds of police officers themselves took to the streets.
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et vus ensemble, lus ensemble, vous etes la cgc, on est la securité, vous etes la cgc. so we are in the square the opera is the site of a march
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organized by the trade union szht to protect civil servants who will be very involved in government work during the olympic games, they are demanding compensation payments, in particular remote work leave. the state promised them only a bonus of up to 1,500 euros, but obviously this is not enough for them. work on sundays and at night, refuse to be fired during the olympic games, this does not suit some trade workers. they know very well that this will be a farce, we are in first of all, we are concerned about the work of doctors, daily overtime during all the games, and this will happen throughout paris, if we do not receive an answer, we will come out again, of course, during the games, and now the news, an increasingly inclusive western one. science faculty of mathematics at the university of waterloo in
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ontario canada is hiring a professor of mathematics, but there is a caveat: the teacher should in no case be a man; work is offered exclusively to those who identify themselves as women, ideally as gender minority, that is, such as transgender people, genderfluid people or some other non-binary person, the gender of the applicant is of concern to job creators. much more than education, professional skills, gender requirements are higher than everything else, well , in the american state of idaho, on the contrary, a rare glimpse for the west, the state attorney general, a republican, labrador achieved a strict ban on surgical and drug changes in the us supreme court gender for minor children. previously, they were criminalized for...
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made himself an impressive chest, shows it off to everyone who wants it or not, wearing clothes with a deep neckline, a trans lawyer works for the washington state bar association, even for tolerant western presenters are somewhat shocked at the prospect that they or someone else could be represented in something similar in court, and in general, where is the united states heading. so we meet 8:45 on may 6th, it suits me,
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this movement is trying to be progressive, and that's for sure, there was an article about the lawyer trance stephanie mueller, who is 70 years old, and that the lady you'll see on the screens is a lady, as i understand it, my name is stephanie miller and i work for the washington state bar association, you can come see me. she showed off her huge surgically enhanced breasts while wearing a low-cut blouse. she paired this blouse with black leather pants, black boots, bright yellow earrings and bright makeup. to me, the whole image looks bright. progressives seem to be trying to reinforce the sexualized image of women by using very outdated stereotypes. this is some kind of costume show, isn't it? it seems to me that a lot of what these people do is only harmful to women. no one will take
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a woman seriously, a biological woman, if she shows up for a job in this form, with such, let’s say, improvements. here it's a man doing it, progressives are trying to pretend it's completely normal, it's fair to say that if transsexuals want to be treated like women, they should be held to the same standards as women. i think, that we in western countries have reached a point where we are so afraid of being rude and not being politically correct, that we are almost allowing the mentally ill to escape from hospitals, how will you feel if you are in court...
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in fact, what wants again - is it the biden administration? now they want to carry out a certain combination: first, yes , it is to maintain control over nato allies, and the best way to always maintain control is to rally against a common enemy. and the second point, for the time being, if in the future administration there is inevitably some clash with china, then drive a wedge between them in advance.
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the president, his name is joe biden, he once again mixed up the state, or rather, he did not mix up the state, he obviously lives in a slightly different paradigm, but that is, he lives when czechoslovakia was still in, he thus addresses the current leader of the country of czechoslovakia , while our land is no longer on the map, look, we appreciate your frankness and support of the people of czechoslovakia, that is , the czech republic in protecting the people of ukraine. congress must pass additional funding, it's a big deal for the united states to pass a bipartisan national security bill, they need to do it now. there is overwhelming support in the house and senate. the speaker will simply allow the vote to take place. and as
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czechoslovakia remembers, russia will not stop at ukraine.
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ukrainian officials say vladimir putin's beloved bridge will be destroyed by mid-july, giving them roughly 100 days to complete the nearly impossible task. stream of stormshadow missiles, sea drones and newly arrived f-16s could destroy russia's only land bridge
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to crimea, a weapons expert told the sun. the destruction of the bridge is the number one goal for the ukrainian authorities; for them, this is an important step towards victory in the war, since this will allow them to cut off the main routes of russian military supplies. a senior fellow at the hudson institute and director of the center for defense concepts and technologies, he believes that ukraine is quite. can do this if she has the necessary weapons for this. he added that to achieve this goal , the ukrainian armed forces need to use stormshadow missiles to destroy the upper part of the bridge, as well as blow it up at the base using explosives. president putin has just met with the head of the electoral commission center, alla panfilova, panfilova presented the president of russia with the certificate of the head of state, you see a close-up, the certificate. vladimir vladimirovich putin, president of the russian federation. we'll be back in a minute.
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premiere. so stop it. alexander pankratov black. next time i won't miss. wings are rising, it means so, i won’t accept this, angels district, from april 22 on rtr,
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discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel. where life turns into a fairy tale, indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reоrts: we are here for
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sunday on rtr, catch it, fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats as carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation
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decreases, the pain decreases, can it? be enjoyable fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this is uplifting. mood, that’s for sure, food formula, on sunday on rtr, bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ, you can’t love me, we are your enemies, i’ll give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we’ll show you what it’s like
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to attack innocent people, and we’ll beat you so hard that the stains will be taken away, that son, they helped you your keel of vladimir bortok on friday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. so, speaker of the house of representatives johnson divided the bill on assistance to ukraine and israel in order to pass it as soon as possible, the wall street journal assures, according to schicker, such a way out of the current situation will help vote for the document this week, finally unlocking funding
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kyiv. zelensky himself, in an interview with pbs, called the decision a disgrace. the west, as he put it, doesn’t care how many people die, everyone only cares about their ratings, donald trump was not without a stone in his garden, according to zelensky, he doesn’t care at all who will be the president of america, as long as this one continues give money. what about president trump's role in approving aid to ukraine? because it's an election year and he has enormous influence in the republican party, which is opposed. this help, he previously criticized american aid to ukraine, do you believe that the former president is standing in the way of you getting the help you say you need. i'm very careful.
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crimea, ukraine can return crimea, we need to help it, and cameron says: we need to provide everything, universal support, give everything that it wants, then ukraine will return crimea. johnson says: let's, he says, long-range missiles, yes, they already gave missiles to ukraine, these storm shadows in the amount of 10 units attacked the city of sevastopol, all the missiles were shot down, when the sun newspaper starts drawing some plans about f16s coming from the sea of ​​azov, well... they probably think that we don’t have air defense systems, we do, we’re knocking everything down, that’s why these drawings, wishlist, this suggests that britain, when it got involved in this conflict, when it became its
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sponsor, it pursued its goal, they wanted to return crimea, the pain has not gone away since 1853, probably won’t go away for a long time, but at the same time, of course, the issue of supplying ammunition is very relevant for... therefore already zelensky allows himself, if you don’t give air defense there, we will start hitting the refinery, and in general we don’t care who, the main thing is that they give shells, money, and so on, well, biden got ready there, the pennsylvania plant, a very interesting plant, one of the largest , which produces ammunition in calibers 155, 120 and 105, is 155 howitzers, and 120 are tanks and 105 are the same howitzers that? now in ukraine they have become the main caliber, and there was a fire there, they say it was a very good fire, however, the scale of damage has not yet been said, how much what burned there and what burned, but the fact that
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there was a fire there says, perhaps, one of the reasons is the loss of skills in the production of so many shells, it’s quite possible, we’re looking at factories, there’s a lot of manual labor, despite the fact , that some means of automation are used, even robotics, but... apparently not everything is good with security there, they recruited workers, working hands, and maybe this played a negative role there. well, returning to air defense issues, we shot down a balloon. if we remember the story with a chinese balloon, where the entire royal army watched the passage of the chinese air balloon to the chart region. yes, we shot down, the air defense systems worked normally, that is, the drones are over, let's send balloons. the chinese balloon created a whole world sensation, well, in political terms, someone didn’t go there, but the most important thing was the means they used to shoot down, they raised the f-22, which was able to get this
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balloon almost in direct line of sight , beat him up, it turned out to be just a weather umbrella, well, it was carried away by air currents a little out of place, but this speaks about approaches to air defense and its capabilities, we know that the capabilities of western air defense systems...
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can fight onex, but with hypersound, how many years they will need is unknown, but all this is know-how , which periodically pops up, the british promise to supply a laser installation there, which will supposedly solve the problem with drones, in fact it does not introduce any weather, which is what ukraine is fighting now, and there are a lot of drones, and the total number there daily fluctuates from 500 to 700 drones on both sides along the combat line. this is probably the most widespread use of drones during a military conflict, which modern history now knows, and well, we shoot down drones from them...
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they fly over the city of kharkov, see how we go exactly where there, strike, show all these pictures, then there is an enemy losing all strategic operational-tactical capabilities to conduct full-scale combat operations along the entire line.
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next, vice president haris met confidentially with vladimir zelensky at munich security conference. she told the ukrainian leader what he didn't want to hear, to refrain from attacking russian oil refineries. the request angered zelensky and his top aides, according to officials familiar with the matter. however, instead of submitting to us demands, ukraine doubled the intensity of its strategy and struck a number of russian targets. the incidents have added to the strain in strained relations as kiev waits. to find out whether congress will take a long time a $60 billion aid package has stalled as russian troops break through ukrainian positions along the front line. the ukrainian strikes come as president biden steps up his re-election campaign and global oil prices hit a six-month high. ask! this afternoon four bills will be published: one will concern aid in eastern europe, one respectively in israel, one in taiwan and a fourth law.
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the project will concern the use of assets frozen in the united states, the ban on tiktok in one package and, accordingly , additional intelligence initiatives so that, according to the requirements in order to get acquainted with the bill , it will take 72 hours to vote will not rise on friday this week, the senate, the lower house of parliament will try, that is johnson will try to collect them in a package. and carry it out in a single package, so that just the main question is that the aid is divided between taiwan, israel, ukraine and the borders, this will help ukraine receive money faster or vice versa, more will delay this process more. the likelihood of the bill passing in full form, a separate one for ukraine, is very high, high, they will take them together in a package, accordingly, so that, that is, this is the scheme, he decides to make it official, as expected, that is, he wants it. .. all republicans
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voted in favor, usually according to the plan, there is a vote with the so-called bypass option, and there is a direct vote, this direct vote suggests that the majority supports the ruling party in the lower house in this case, and as a rule, in most cases these bills are not supported by the opposition, well, in this case , by the democrats, but the democrats will support it, this has already become known today, just what is the essence of the division, so there would be hope for what they don’t... vote for ukraine, those who want to help israel and against zelensky, and now that the packages are divided, it seems logical that no, they will leave ukraine, no, accordingly, israel is given a separate place here in order to carry it out faster , second moment, accordingly, they do whatever they want, the border also passes, taiwan passes, there is no border there at all, that’s the problem, why, the only way to delay the bill in only one way is if there is no separate law on the border, no, that’s the peculiarity, respectively .
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understanding , and some republicans don’t want to do this, this will become a problem, because the democrats will not vote for the bill that binds the border to the republicans, because there is a very tough bill that requires very serious tightening, biden will tighten, by the way, the border situation, but manually over the next 3 weeks, most likely, for sure, but the law... which is in the lower house of parliament, it is not passable, so if they fasten it to this bill, this is the only way during which, because of which there can be a restriction, and if it is not imposed, then this is some kind of failure for the republicans, for trump, and in general, why is all this, because it would be 6 months, that is, it started accordingly as would be an offensive, that is, from approximately november
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to april, respectively, there were direct contacts with johnson, information was passed on to him accordingly, that is, as i understand it, the task is to ensure that by may, in some form, to the end may. collect this bill, and most likely, with a high degree of probability, it is now estimated more, well, more than 55% exactly, all the packages will be passed en masse, they will then be collected into one, as it were, system and accordingly sent to the senate for a vote, in senate, if at least one senator begins to rest his head on principle, that is , to delay the process, then this can very seriously complicate the adoption, that is , in fact, everything depends only on a single radical republic, here is their caucus, here is freedom, and accordingly how much i will be attached to this. unpopular bills with which this law cannot be passed, because as johnson promised to put it to a vote, we said that it would be in mid-april, get acquainted with the vote in mid-april, accordingly, the basic scheme is like this, well, it’s naturally all connected with what is happening as a whole, that is,
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the ukrainian country, it tried to delay as much as possible before the vote, so accordingly it carried out as withholdings, accordingly, this is what everything was preparing for , apparently, to the presentation... financing is still a question in what form it will be presented, because the fourth bill involves the use of lend-lease, there is a third part, it assumes that it is possible to allocate funds on, well, on credit, so to say, and i remind you, the democrats opposed this, if this first law is bound by general lenlism, then this may also complicate the passage of the bill, but apparently, if the democrats support it, this is with a high degree of probability, then it can pass, on friday everything will be decided, accordingly the second very important point, today scholz just spoke, as we all understand perfectly well, from xi and before that with the prime minister of china, they discussed that including the situation in eastern europe, everything is generally packaged there, it is clear that the visit is mainly economic, he brought there, as he brought, as we said, everyone, respectively, there is a mercedes-benz, there and a bmw, there and simons, respectively, three
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federal ministers, he dragged everyone there and took them there, respectively, to negotiate on the economy, but the most important event was, in fact, this situation, when they discussed the situation, including the ukrainian component. and there, apparently, there is an attempt to deduce high-ranking representatives of china or india directly at the summit, which will be in switzerland in the summer, so far he has, as it were , put forward four of his positions, famous principles, regarding the negotiations, by the way, he will discuss the same issue in may on a visit to france, with with a high degree of probability, china will take a wait-and-see attitude, in fact, until may or june, respectively, to expect how everything will end, accordingly, it is not yet possible to introduce restrictive components...
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you can ask ours to find one machine, i personally need this, but i need to make sure that no one knows what i need, alla taxi, premiere, today on rtr, mega sale. system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on
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1:46 pm
well, how can my heir not play pranks on saturday, the nannies
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and i are just dissatisfied, anna completely suits me, she is beautiful, smart, modest. are you breaking down? quietly, he invited me to his office and raped me, i forgive you, let's break up. scum for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child , demand it, this is vorontsov’s eldest son, there is a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped, they brought it here, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, and...
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you're looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbelly, the name of which character from pushkin's works everyone knows, what is 7.8? who talks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water and light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, not god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray! 100 to one, every
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saturday and sunday on rtr, i have the best husband in the world, and he completely trusts me, just like i trust him, that means you have an ideal marriage, on saturday, you have been together for 10 years, she cares about you i haven’t even given birth to a child yet, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal one? the marriage may collapse, do you think it’s okay for him? didn’t say, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i , damn, damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world is an honest thing, really, perfect marriage, mom, on saturday on rtr,
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there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it will congratulate you on your birthday, it’s joseph, a holiday with gifts. now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well , maybe, well, there’s no need anymore . valeria, just a second, the amazing song you created with maxim fodeev, for me it was actually a joke, just when i was in the crosshairs, i recognized the very one when i hit it, that very one, fate
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person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. we are transported to washington in a live connection by riya news' own correspondent igor mushin, hello, so they divided the package of financial assistance into four parts of ukraine , did the voting on friday become better or worse, what are the chances that the money will be received soon? olga, hello, yes, indeed, literally last night at night, early in the morning in moscow. house speaker mike johnson announced that the national security package biden had requested would be split into four parts. what concerns support for the bill from the democrats, here the leader of the democratic minority in the house, hakeem jeffries, said that first we will look at the documents themselves, and after that we will essentially voice our position, but
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the american media write that there is support from the democrats, at least in congress, because everyone, frankly, is already here... on the part of the democratic party , they are tired of waiting, in all likelihood, given the fact that these documents are going to the cops, four in one, they will get, they can get support from the democrats, and as for the documents, there are a couple of features, first of all, as has already been said, amendments can be made there if, within the 72 hours required by the procedure , those points are introduced with which the democrats categorically disagree, this will complicate the adoption process, the second question in the fourth document, which does not include money for ukraine, taiwan, or israel, there is a provision on the confiscation of sovereign russian assets, for which there is still no unified support from legislators, because some of them are strongly against this and say that this will hit the us financial system, the status of the dollar, so now in the coming days
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the position of the democratic minority and the republican one will be formed... court hearings may begin in august in miami, in the state of florida, respectively, for violating the rules for storing classified documents and in washington, this is what concerns trump’s attempts to prevent a change of power, essentially what led to the storming
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of the capitol in january 2021, that is in total, he is presented with more than seven. 500 years in prison, which he can receive, all the experts with whom we spoke say that there is still a possibility that he will be convicted in at least one of these cases, this cannot be ruled out in principle, but at the same time, as for trump’s ratings, everything that is happening around him now in terms of criminal prosecution only provides him with additional support from his electorate; according to the latest forecasts, according to the latest estimates, he is slightly ahead in the race with biden, again, they are going in vain... in vain, but now many american television channels are asking, urgently asking, for some reason - the white house will finally agree to a direct debate between biden and trump, it is quite possible that they will also have decisive in the candidate race. thank you very much, igor naimushin, on direct connection to washington, we will be back,
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pomfilova presented putin with a certificate of the president of russia, decorated in a special commemorative box made of mahogany. look how it was. let me tell you an achievement. thank you very much and all your colleagues, the local work in the cycle was difficult, i understand this, but it is very important for the country, for the internal stability of the state, especially today, thank you very much, thank you, see the news, bye. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. allow me.


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