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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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buy flowers angels of the area from april 22 on rtr, i said, i want a white cat, they come up, oh you’re good, he likes to grab the kitty there, ah, so, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their own beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, he says, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re in a circle. friends among friends a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just like i trust him, it means you have an ideal marriage on saturday, you already we’ve been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why haven’t you told him anything? no, if it’s based
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on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn it, damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, it’s you, an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, mom, on saturday on your mouth, in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe. we
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leave as defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program. since childhood, eduard dyakonov dreamed of becoming a military man; when he grew up, he achieved his goal. edward never hid. behind other people's backs and even finding himself under targeted enemy fire, he saved his comrades at the cost of his own life. by presidential decree he was awarded the title of hero of russia. posthumously. when he was in school, this was his favorite place, against the background of the screen; it is still his tank, which he installed. edik grew up with me as a sympathetic, kind boy, it was hard to raise him, she worked two jobs.
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after i got to the northern military district, in just a few days i matured a lot, he reassured me, said that he was going on a business trip, he was healthy, well-fed, i was in a very deep rear, so everything was fine with me, that was the last thing, he and i are like we talked, on march 24, 2022, a fierce battle in mariupol became fatal for eduard, after a year and a half i was able to visit the place of my son’s death. his mother,
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the task was set to clear the house, and she wounded him, at first, edik shouted to the boys, boys, move away, he was thinking - at that moment not about himself, but about others. eduard covered the grenade with himself and saved the lives of his colleagues, for which he was awarded the highest state award. and received the gold star of the hero of russia posthumously. edward was only 20 years old. why do edward's colleagues now call him olga by his mother. how did she cope with the loss? the details of the death of one of the youngest heroes of russia will be told by his relatives. in our studio we have the mother of the russian hero, olga dyakonova. hello, hello, olga, of course, our condolences. what's in your hands? i took
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with me his id, hero of the russian federation, left the star at home, and brought the id. july 2002, 2022, this is some kind of letter, but he was still in the line, uh-huh, and signed that respected earnest request to open only 8 march, and look, this is how children draw, this star, in general, march 8, you can read, dear mother, sveta, grandmother, all the women of our family, i congratulate you on international women’s day, march 8, on the holiday, i love you all very much i love you, i miss you very much and i’m looking forward to returning home, i wish you constant luck, universal luck,
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prosperity, beauty and long life, a warm spring, a hot summer, a sunny autumn, but... i cried, of course, i cried when i saw it and i saw that it was not signed, well that is, there is no address, of course i cried, read, smiled, cried, how he died, ol, what happened, the task was set to
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clear the house, that day they assembled a combined detachment, they asked who would go, he volunteered, so they went through one house , everything is fine, but when... they approached another house, mortar shelling began, grenades flew, and there was shelling, from machine guns and from everyone, the guy who was side by side with him, he was a little shell-shocked, other guys, well, they were nearby, well, they were distributed in their points, and he was wounded, when the next grenade arrived, well , as i understood, he made a decision with lightning speed. assessed the situation, he was covering it, well, before that, i was talking to the guy who was next to him, he said that he also shouted to the guys: guys, move away, and how many people were there, there were 14 people in total , that is, he
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saved 13 people with his own valuable life, yes, all the guys left alive, then he was 20 years old, yes, he did not owe 2 weeks until he turned 21. how did he end up? he joined the army, took a summons, said: “mom, this is not discussed, i’m in the army, this is my decision, i said, that’s it, at what age did he sign the contract? at 19 years old, it turns out, 19 years old, he switched to a contract in 2020, but what did you tell him? i came to him in novocherkassk, i persuaded him, i said, you are now studying at the polytechnic university as a correspondence student, that is, he came to the orientation session, let’s finish your military service?” you’ll weigh everything, where is it better in civilian life or will you still be a military man, he says: mom, i’ve decided everything, if i do this now, as you want it, something goes wrong, i will blame myself for everything, and if i do as i decided, something goes
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wrong, then i will blame only my responsibility, my responsibility, olya , do you blame anyone for this? well, probably at first she blamed everyone, she was angry at the whole world. then time passed, i understand that apparently everyone has their own mission in this world. and who brought you this news that my son is no more, a man in military uniform came from the military registration and enlistment office, i was just returning home, i have a dog, dasha, she brought her son in the sixth grade, we were just going upstairs, and the men came out in military uniform, i looked again, didn’t understand at first, i think, emchnik or something, and the bell rang, olga nikolaevna, we want to talk about your . “control yourself, hold on, be strong, your son died, i didn’t believe it,
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i have a big photograph of the house, i came up to this photo, i look at him at my son, i hear these words, your son died, your son died. naturally, i don’t believe it, i look at edik, you won’t believe me. i just clearly heard his voice, it was as if i didn’t know where he was coming from, mom, i’m sorry, but it’s true, mom, i’m sorry. march 18 and 21 march he already called for literally 2 minutes, well, he said that everything
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was fine with him, so that i wouldn’t worry, that at first he said that he was in the deep rear, i was very deep in the rear, when did you find out that he directly, that i began to understand already somewhere on march 9, i began to understand that he was there, because when he went there, he said that i was going on a business trip, that i wouldn’t be able to go out, maybe two weeks, no worry, i’ll get in touch myself, when he started getting in touch with someone else’s phone, i already began to understand that he was out there somewhere, and i wanted to raise my whole commissariat, uh, i started to find out from him where he was, how, what he still has a military unit, because he transferred to this new military unit literally before the new year, i sent him a voice message, i say, at least tell me what military unit you have, because i say, now i’m going to contact all authorities and raise the alarm. he again, he calmed me down in such a firm voice , he already said that there was no need to call anywhere,
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nothing, much less come, don’t think that everything was fine with me, everything was fine, when he called me on march 21, we also talked for literally 2 minutes, that is, he, he didn’t call by voice, but he already called directly, we talked for about two minutes, that’s all, and i calmed down a little, then it was already 25, i wrote to the guys: pass on the news from him, this is also the third day, why doesn’t he answer me, what ’s going on? i see that my voice messages are being listened to, read and not answered, it’s natural for me to be nervous, jittery, have bad dreams, some premonitory dreams when a person has already arrived and i didn’t believe it until the end, that’s all you ’re talking about ethics now, but in a man’s way? an adult, very brave, what he was like as a child, he was always so brave, as a child he
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was decisive, open and responsive, judgmental, well, more mature, but older than his age, yes, his age, yes, i was surprised when they in kindergarten they asked what you would be, at first then, well, i didn’t pay attention to it, i just i was wondering why i wanted to become a scout, he wanted to become a scout, right? let's watch a video when he was little, hello, my name is edik, when i grow up, i dream of becoming a schoolchild to study for straight a's.
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“our status today is depressed, and we are just a little sad, now the day of farewell has come, and a long journey awaits us, and when i grow up, i dream of becoming a military man, i will do reconnaissance, so that i will be a reconnaissance, to defend my homeland, so that there will be peace , always calm. i wonder how i wanted to become a military man. specifically a scout, where does such a dream come from? well, since i often brought him to kazakhstan to see my grandmother, my mother, they often watched the scouts last battle, the film, the saboteur, the end of the war, the liberation, these are the films he watched, the right films, it stuck. i didn’t attach any importance to it then, well , i was proud that he said that, because
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someone there is a manager, a salesman, a banker, yes, and he is a military man, there is such a profession, to defend the homeland, yes, he played chess there , and what else was he interested in as a child? he loved football and an aquarium, karate, i started him in karate at the age of 6, that is, in kindergarten, well, sometimes they bullied him, he couldn’t always pass, but i, since i raised him alone, i need men he was surrounded and given some parting words, instructions, just like a man, but i myself tried, just like for my dad and for my mom. because of you, because of this guy, but still a man’s hand was needed, and i decided, i really liked kyokushin karate, this sport, i transferred him there at the age of 6, uh-huh, she brought me, he had such eyes, especially when at the demonstration performances there the kids
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were anywhere from five to 18 years old, they had this cry - cue and they screamed, he was scared at first, i came home, talked to him, i say, let’s go like this, go twice, if you don’t like it, we won’t go there, see how you like the coach, whether you like it, don’t like it, how you find a common language with the guys, i tried not to force him, but i always interested him so that well, not under pressure, no matter what, what do you need, let's see, if you like it, that's it. a coach came to our studio, just his karate mentor, igor vasilyevich tamilov, please come in, hello, hello, igor vasilyevich tamilov, karate coach, tell us at what age eduard came to the section, what kind of student he was, eduard he came
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to me at kio kashenkaya karate at the age of 6, but he was not usually different from all the kids. well, he was so skinny, right? yes, very skinny, very, let's say, so flimsy, well, some time passed, i saw among all the kids, he had such perseverance, perseverance in training, that is, i didn’t know him very well yet, then i had to leave, because, it means, the gym changed and my mother was it’s hard to bring him there, so he grew up and returned to me, at what age did he return, he returned at the age of 12, that is , he was already stronger, probably stronger, yes, when he started studying, he already began to show his character, and i constantly talked to him, that is, from training along the way i i brought him home because it’s close to me there, and since he was raised without a dad, for me he was like a son, and we constantly talked to him, there are competitions somewhere, i see he’s moving out somewhere, i tell him, you can’t
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give up, your enemy, your opponent is also afraid, if you win... you will win, yeah, and i told him, always go to the end, so over time he began to win, in almost every tournament there was either a champion or a prize-winner , you just had to see his eyes when he won, that is, for it was all about failures, the way he treated failures, he treated them very meticulously, that is, he experienced every failure, well, in training he always tried to give his best to the end, when they said that he died with... accomplished a feat, everyone says , well, for you , i say, well, that he died, yes, but the fact that he accomplished a feat, i’m not disappointed in him, that is, he is a hero, well , naturally, he was very worried, and worry now, that is, he he grew up disciplined, which means he was such a very good guy, that is
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, and when i remember, he had another mentor, also my student, uh, participant in many military operations. just for a scout, but he wanted to go to the rkhbz, but by chance, that is, when he was already drafted, yes, and andrei and i found out, he was in intelligence, he first wanted to be a scout in kindergarten, and now closer to the army in the tenth and eleventh grades, since he attended the svyatoslav military-patriotic center. and he participated in military parades for 4 years in a row, their boxes did not take first place, closer to the army he wanted to get into the rcbz troops, that is, radiochemical-biological protection, when he already joined the army, but it really turned out that he was hired as a military cook, he still laughed at himself, he said: mom, imagine, he says, i’ll get married, there will be children, and they’ll ask me who i was as a dad, he’ll say
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cook, well, then from a military cook, when he had already transferred to a contract, he... had already achieved that he was taken into reconnaissance, already before the twenty-second year he had achieved that he was taken into special forces reconnaissance, and he had already transferred to this fifty-seventh a separate special forces company, and the profession was senior horde reconnaissance. igor, how you found out that eduard went to sign the contract, what did he tell you? when he left, we didn’t communicate much, because he was already in the patriotic club, it was rare for other people to call me back like that. they said that he was in intelligence, and how did you react internally to internally? for me, of course, intelligence is, i think, cooler than the rkhbz, well, you see, after all, childhood dreams come true? they found out that he died, one person, also a coach, called me and said, he says, here he is, he says, that is, someone says, one of yours died, i only give his last name,
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when she said it, she scalded me, let’s see the story about how eduard is remembered in irkutsk, this is... the desk where edik was sitting, it’s always something like this with a smile , we remember him when the news about edik’s death, there was no doubt that he was saving someone’s life at the cost of his own, to protect someone, to help the weak, to protect himself, well, this was always his thing, each of them became a hero, saving us our faith, freedom, soldiers of the fatherland museum. asked me to make a small one exposition, from the age of 10 or eleven, he asked me for a real flask, with
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gloves on, he was a patriot of his country, wore a t-shirt, russia, there is the anthem, here is his uniform, here he wears it, here is a copy of the certificate of awarding the hero of the russian federation , of course, they haven’t done much yet, school, army, everything, i look at myself and don’t believe it. that this is happening to us now, recently my child lived, now i’m showing all this to people, but while we remember, our guys live with us, we have eduard’s best friend arseny shpakovsky in our studio, hello arseny, hello, hello arseny, arseny, what a friend he was, what kind of person he was , first of all, he had a lot of friends, besides me, he knew. if not the whole city, but half the city for sure, i’m sure of it, he was a very good friend, i met him in the tenth grade, he came to us, we
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were reorganized, we somehow formed such a company, quite large, of five, we had even more people, and he was caring, that is, he would give everything for the sake of someone else, a loved one, he was very - those who are curious about hiking and various active events. we ran together, he specially came to my area, and we ran with him, he trained me, so to speak, he loved nature very much, in fact, he told me a lot about kazakhstan, and how he walked there and what kind of hikes i went on grandiose trips, nikolaevna wouldn’t let me collect them, but he taught me a lot, he and i went fishing, he taught me hiking, and the most memorable one was probably the last winter one. on a winter hike we wanted to spend the night in the forest in the january frost, this is in irkutsk, yes, in the january frost, the temperature is -35, yeah, so, we had
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this, well, idea, for this we went to lake baikal, took a tent, a summer one, we had, uh , yes, a summer tent, we, uh, decided to heat it with a finnish candle and shaped tubes, so, first of all, we, of course, equipped it, took a saw. in general, there’s a lot of things, but we bought two dry rations, my boots broke and somehow i didn’t want to ask my loved ones for help, so he bought me ankle boots, that’s where he is did you take the money for the beret? he just came out of his own pocket, went into the forest, there we sawed logs, made finnish candles, there were four things, and in 2 hours in the cold we warmed up the tent. the temperature difference was about 7°, in the end we decided to spend the night in a hotel, but it was a very interesting experience, but they didn’t push, but they didn’t pull up, it’s cold, listen, but they were hooligans,
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well, real people, well, boys it’s like they sometimes skipped classes, but no, well, even excellent students do this, they even skipped classes, dima, you were a hooligan, of course, and, by the way, in our class there was the son of the school principal, and even he played truant with us, you understand why we were also going crazy. there are many abandoned objects in russia and we decided to study one of these, the route consisted of a 15 km walk from the city to the place, and we collected our backpacks, in fact, here was a photo with us from there, this is on the way back. when we were returning, we saw an owl, on a branch, she was sitting with a broken wing, something happened to her, she did not react aggressively to us, and we decided
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to take a photo with her like that. here's to the object we finally got there, on the way we lost our compass, we ran out of water, we drank from the stream, we were disarmed by this lemon juice, the night was quite, no, not cold, it was alarming, alarming, yes, because 300 meters away they were barking dogs, you knew about it, yes, i knew about it, i was very worried, because there was a great distance, there was a connection, there was a connection before...
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i heard it sounded like truth, something like that, well, that is, you climbed right into the most common, and then we ended up there at night, with eduard it was not scary, with eduard not, he was very brave, very courageous, by the way, we also went to karate together for 3 months, it was on edik’s advice that i went there, i liked it, vasilyevich’s game is a good coach, once a story happened to me that, well i had an argument with some boys from another district, so to speak, and i got scared and i went to see him. in the evening, somewhere after 11, i probably came to see you, which means edik walked me home and said what that's it, don't be afraid, if anything happens, we 'll scatter them, that's all, he saw me off to the house, reassured me, ol, there is an exhibition at school dedicated to eduard, you are probably
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going to baikal with you, he says: you walk slowly, someday i will come and you and i will definitely go to baikal together. your son olga really wanted to go to lake baikal, let's see how you fulfilled his dream. together with my son, i have never been to baikal, it takes me about 3:30-4 hours to go there by car, i always didn’t have time, because i worked two, three jobs, how
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lucky we are that we are. .. we live on lake baikal and here we are we are now walking along this legendary lake, which is 25 million years old. edik loved baikal very much, when he already joined the army and came home on leave, he said that mom and you will definitely go to baikal to different places that are very interesting, i feel that he is happy for me, that he says mom, well, i finally got out, well, of course i would tell him that... sleepy, i love you, and if only for a minute, here, here i would like to see him now, i would like to hug him, later in the program, for whom eduard dyakonov has become family a person who still can't come to terms with his loss? he even came out via video link then, when we saw him, we saw
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that he was shaking all over. and his first words were: edik died, it was very difficult. can you ask our team to find one car? i personally need this, but i need to make sure that no one knows what i need. allah, taxi, premiere. today on rtr. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need
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a sharpened v-shaped blade made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even in the hardest soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle that capture area...
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for every crime there is one punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we must kidnap vorontsov’s child, demand this. zoya boguslavskaya, a legendary woman and the widow of the poet andrei voznesensky, is celebrating her centenary anniversary, unique memories, i’m the first to tell you, i don’t tell this to anyone. vanga and messing, jackal and tseriteli, oleg menchikov, alexey rybnikov, dina korzun, darya dontsova, satya spevakova, evening of declarations of love, congratulations. malakhov, today on rtr. previously in the program.
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olga dyakonova is the mother of the hero of russia. in the studio , she spoke about her son’s feat. this. died in mariupol in 2022, at the cost of his own life he saved his comrades. i have a photograph, a big one at home, i approached this photograph and i hear these words... the words your son is dead, your son is dead, i naturally don’t believe it, i look at edik, you won’t believe it, i just heard him clearly voice, it’s as if i don’t know where it came from, mom, i’m sorry, but it’s true, mom, i’m sorry, but it’s true, we know that very soon a park will open in mariupol in memory of eduard, let’s watch a story about it, well, we we are located in the city center, lenin avenue, this is part. was very badly damaged as a result of hostilities, so we
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will update it all here, there will be a great place for a garage, on the left side there is a park area where a monument dedicated to the hero of the russian federation, eduard dyakonov, will be placed, a guy from distant irkutsk, so it would seem , where is mariupol, where is irkutsk, but we have one common country, he was a volunteer who...
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wanted them to come, as my son dreamed, to invite his colleagues, his friends to visit him, get together, go to lake baikal, show they are beautiful places. let's watch a story about your son's comrades. from the first days where he served, eduard diyanov surprised with his maturity; he could be entrusted with any task. as they say, units are based on such people. thank you for raising your son, i
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make a promise that at the first opportunity the guys and i will get together and come to see you, we will never forget the brave feat that he performed that day, because by covering the grenade with himself, he saved us all , your comrades, you raised a hero, thank you to you again. eduard was very brave, responsive, and was always ready to help in any difficult situation. and no matter what tasks were assigned to us, he always fulfilled them with pride and honor. thanks to him for saving his comrades at the cost of his life. eduard dyakonov remained in my memory forever as a reliable comrade who never refused to deal with a situation, who had a strong backbone, leaving his point of view. olga nikolaevna, thank you so much for the courageous upbringing of your son, for a good and honest person, in general for great guy. i hope we can do it. to you with great gratitude for your upbringing
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dear olga nikolaevna, we want to address a true warrior, friend and comrade, he gave his life so that many of us live now, we raised him as a worthy warrior, his name will always be in our hearts, glory russia, victory will be ours, all these guys were saved by your son olga.
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we were very worried, worried, the only thing we always told him was that take care of yourself so that you return home safe and sound. in one of the first joint my colleagues went on vacation. where nikolai’s parents showed his friend, a native siberian, the southern don. and he says to me, i would really like you to come to me, he says to irkutsk, and i would take you to lake baikal. this is the room in which eduard lived when he came to us, for us he was like a son. and therefore, the news of edward’s death
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was perceived here as a bolt from the blue, as if someone close to him had died. when his son announced the death of edward, his voice trembled, there was such a feeling. as if he were crying, a piece of his heart was torn off. dear olga nikolaevna, we express our deep gratitude to you for raising your son edward. he was a good guy. we loved him very much. yes, we loved him as much as we could say our son. thanks a lot. olya, have you never met nikolai’s parents? no, i’ve never met, but i think that... we talked to them, talked that when everything is over, i think that they will definitely come to me, i communicate with his wife, now his daughter was born to nikolai, i think that we will definitely meet him someday, definitely, you will meet today, right now, nikolai shurkevich’s parents came
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especially to meet you personally, yes, elena and vasily, please come in, even unexpectedly, out of the blue, hello, hello. hello, accept our condolences, such a great fellow for coming, hello, accept ours, hello, edik told me how big your house is, how much land you have , a lot, how much time you have a little, uh, how i communicated with you nikolai's dad, he says, mom, like this, he says, dad, at nikolai's, and mom too, i always tell him, write to him: i say, like mom, i say, i’m also worried about you here, i say, at least a voice message, at least a little, but be sure to write so that i can hear you, elena vasilyevna, hello, hello , hello, i’ve been sitting through the whole program, tears tearing me apart, because i perceive edik as family, you talked about this story, yes, it’s true, for us he
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was also like family, uh, they were very good friends with our son , they were together in reconnaissance. then in december before they transferred together in the new year too, well, in general, they were always together everywhere, they supported each other, helped each other, they didn’t get there together either, connections of course didn’t come out often, it was very rare, we waited for any news -something so that they would at least say something that they were alive and well, just before... eduarda, our son didn’t get in touch for a very long time, we didn’t know what was happening there and how, we also sounded the alarm and wanted to contact to the unit and at least find out something, some data, what is there and how, then it turns out that
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late in the evening he was able to get in touch with us, he even came out via video call then, of course, well, not... from his phone and not from his number, when we saw him, we saw that he was shaking all over, and his first words were, he didn’t even speak for himself, but he immediately said that mom, edik was dead, that was, of course, even in the first minutes i didn’t even know what to say, what to answer, it was very difficult, you know, even his eyes, when they opened him, his eyes were slightly open, well here his hands were damaged, apparently of some kind, well, they were wearing a bulletproof vest, you know , there wasn’t a drop of fear in his eyes, it was so, they were so determined that they had to have time,
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they had to have time to do something so that someone... then to protect him, i didn’t even plow the dead man away from him, i’m holding him close to me. people are walking, some old woman came up to him , it’s right in his eye, i say, what should you do, he’s dead, she says, he’s not dead, he’s alive, look, he’s alive, and he
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gets up in my head , hugs me and says: “mom, i’m alive, there’s a detonator on the grenade it worked, but i stayed alive, you see, everything is fine with me, and i tell him, let me now restore your documents, i ’m telling you this now, because i had this dream, you know, as if this happened to me on the eve , so i say, let's do it now.' we restore the documents and i hug him, which means i’m crying and happy that he’s alive, he says: mom, everything is fine with me, everything is fine with me, everything will be fine, i’m alive, that’s it, i wake up, i understand, i think, probably, he awarded the title of hero, in the evening i go to my email and from the president of the russian federation, i received this news and i analyzed it and realized that i was saying that edik, now you will really be forever alive in people’s memory. that is, people will come to thank you for your feat, you immortalized yourself with your feat, ol,
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you can’t say it better, later in the program, who will come to the studio to say important words to the hero’s mother, about eduard, i didn’t know, it’s very painful , this is very scary, i realized that ’s why my son is still silent. but in my heart i understand that something is happening there, that there is all this, but when he always says: mom, everything is fine, this is all the same, this is for mom, for mom, thank you very, very much for raising such a son, the heroism that he completed, not everyone, everyone can’t, it’s, well, think for yourself, this is some kind of moment, it all needs to be comprehended,
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the premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov is black, next time i won’t miss, alexander ropok, comrade district police officer, take off the handcuffs, let’s go under escort tomorrow to apartment twenty, okay? anna mikhalkova, assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i’m working hard for you all, maybe he’ll kill you or hurt you, maybe fyodor lavrov, look what a beauty and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels district, from april 22 on rtr.
3:45 pm
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eldar zhuzhuev is not a frequent guest; when he manages to take time off from work, the whole family meets him here. children, go and drink tea at the table, he graduated from the ministry of emergency situations, after the ministry of emergency situations, casual service under a contract, this is his choice, well, the future is already in the northern military district, he was awarded more than once, not
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twice. medal for courage, there is a medal. for military distinction, for mine clearance, military valor of the second degree, eldar does not tell much about what is behind each award, he protects his parents, they did not immediately find out about that fateful battle in mariupol on march 24 , 2022, i raise my head, but i see another grenade flying at my comrade, as if there was not a second of thought, the frostbite just took it and covered everything. thanks to him we got out of there , i just didn’t know about his heroic deed until recently, he said so, unfortunately, our comrade in arms just like that, olga nikolaevna, you raised such a brave, courageous, courageous man, thanks to his heroic deed, we
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can hug our son today. with eduard we ended up in the same company for not so long, 2 months before the start of the northern military district, now for eldar’s family, he is like a son, he is such a person, he must have such a big heart. we also communicated with voice calls, when i went to mariupol, in october, i really hoped that he would come, but it didn’t work out, the guys were on the front lines for tasks, only sergei came , here’s kolya, i was very glad to see him, neither
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eltar nor the other guys , they didn’t manage to come, i was going to pray to god that all this would end as soon as possible, let everyone be alive remain victorious and return home, i was very disappointed in god. because i prayed, i prayed every day, but the miracle did not happen, nevertheless, now in my soul i still believe, and i pray for those guys who are there and may all the living return home, a miracle happened for 13 people, because, whom he saved, you know, ildar zhuzhuev’s parents also came to meet you today,
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what did your son tell about eduard? we recently knew about this story, in general, he tells us practically nothing, well we ask how what? everything is fine, alive, healthy, everything. why do you think he didn’t tell me? military secrets, probably, but no, so as not to traumatize you, for 2 years, i only hear from eltar.
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thanks to eduard, before filming, somehow he had to tell me what you felt, it’s very painful, it’s very scary, i understood, that’s why my son is still silent, but in his heart, i understand what’s there something is happening, that all this is there. but when he keeps saying: mom, everything is fine, this is after all, this is for mom, for mom, yes, but does dad believe that everything is fine? no,
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of course, well, he shares a little more with me, of course, but we don’t tell her so much about this feat, as soon as i found out, he called somehow, well , literally, he said i’ll come for 2 days. novocherkassk, we're getting ready, let's go, we went with her, 2 days is already quite a lot, we see each other, at least, we arrived, met, talked, late in the evening, she left, went to bed, so we 're talking to him, sitting, like, what, why, so, this is the case, he says, my military man...
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i also think about this every time, he you know, in his life he always somehow quickly made decisions, instantly, yes instantly, when he went to the military patriotic center svyatoslav, i remember he was about 15 years old, he went for the first time the first year, he and the guys were returning to the market, two girls were walking, looked at the phone, they were hit by a car, he quickly... occupied the situation, cordoned off,
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called an ambulance, called the police, called, looked at their pulse, which means he looked at how they were feeling, and waited until all these services arrived , he organized the guys, then at the first parents’ meeting, uh the head of this club, he told the guys about him that take an example from eduard, he quickly assessed the situation and quickly figured everything out, quickly did everything, that’s it. so in general in life in relation to other guys, he and the guys went to lake baikal with excitement, someone there almost fell apart, but he quickly realized, quickly grabbed it. we went for a week to celebrate the birthday of our common friend artyom, and there we went to collect chebrets, there was a steep cliff, there were railway tracks, there was a steep cliff with sharp stones, meters about five, uh. it was there that they collected
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thyme, climbed these steep rocks, at some point georgy somehow slipped there, something else and edik grabbed him by the hand like that and thereby prevented a not very good coincidence in in principle, he really made a decision quickly, he lived a short but very bright life, edward, he did not have time to do much. he didn’t have time to build a house, he didn’t have time to raise a son or daughter, but at the same time he saved 13 people, 13 people continue to live thanks to him, he accomplished a feat, he is a hero for all of us, and of course, we will all remember this and thank his mother for this and cherish the memory of this wonderful man, who did not pass long, but brightly, left such a bright memory of you, and god grant that all our boys return home alive. with victory, olya, a deep bow to you,
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thank you, olga, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, the program, it was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. on the russia channel, present in the studio evgeniy roshkov. hello. the main thing for this hour.


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