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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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a feat, he is a hero for all of us, and of course, we will all remember this and thank his mother for this, and keep the memory of this wonderful man, who lived for a short time, but vividly, left such a bright memory of you, and god grant that all our boys returned home alive, with victory, olya, low bow to you, thank you, olga, thank you very much, the program, it was our program, real stories about our people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you, on the russia vesti channel, in the evgeniy studio roshkov, hello, the main thing is for this hour.
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the water in tobol exceeded 7.5 m. the minister of emergency situations flew to kurgan. the water level here is approximately waist-deep, with ice and frozen ground below. this is the tomsk region, we will also tell you the situation in the orenburg and tyumen regions. i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car. an agent of the ukrainian special services was detained in moscow. who blew up the car of vasily prozorov, who went over to the russian side. lancet hits the french self-propelled gun cesar. our city is covering positions in ssu in the chasovo yar area. all news from the special operation. presidential id. vladimir putin was presented with a document in the kremlin electing him as head of state for a new term. in copenhagen
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, the 400-year-old stock exchange building burned down; the united arab emirates was hit by such a downpour that people no longer drive on the streets of dubai, they float. vladimir putin today received a certificate of election as president. in russia, for the new term of office , the document in a special case was delivered to the kremlin by the head of the center of the election committee, ella ponfilova, the id is a small book in a burgundy leather cover. let me give you a certificate. thank you very much and all your colleagues, the work in the investment cycle was difficult, i understand that, but it was very important for the country, for the internal stability of the state.
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our border, these explosions, killings of people, all together, our commission members faced the same thing, we have created an unprecedentedly transparent, open system, it is very stable, it shows everyone what is really happening, thank you big and to all your colleagues, the president of iran called vladimir putin today, as reported in the kremlin, the leaders discussed in detail the situation in the middle east, after israel's attack on... the iranian consulate in damascus and the retaliatory measures taken by tehran. the russian president expressed hope that all parties will show restraint and will not allow a new round of confrontation. in turn, ibrahim graisi noted that iran’s actions were forced and limited in nature and emphasized that tehran is not interested in further escalation. the leaders also stated that the root cause of events in the middle east is the unresolved palestinian-israeli conflict. and in this regard, russia and iran. reaffirmed
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their principled approaches in favor of an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector, the solution of humanitarian problems and the transition to a political diplomatic settlement. now to the situation with spring leashes, only in the last few hours the level of the tabol river near the city of kurgan has risen by another 10 cm and exceeded the mark of 7.5 m. in the tyumen region critical rise of the ishim river, evacuation announced in two more areas, in the tomsk region, flooding along the tom and op rivers, in orenburg region all attention is paid to the ural river, which threatens the strength of ilek. the selenga river overflowed in buryat, in ulanud in alginsky and pri. a state of emergency has been introduced in the baikal region; flooding of residential buildings is also recorded in the krasnoyarsk and khabarovsk territories. the head of the ministry of emergency situations assessed the operational situation in the kurgan region today. alexander kurenkov, together with the regional leadership, flew over the most difficult areas in a helicopter. with news from
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tomsk region, our correspondent ksemia klimina. a flooded area, a barn where chickens and equipment drowned, which... can no longer be restored, everything was in the water, you see, the village, the water left, that’s where the water came from, everything there is in sand, in sawdust, how can you save the house pensioner andrey plyut, a resident of the village of vershinin, tomsk region, one of those who suffered the most from the flood, the water is still standing here, the lands we lived in, i don’t know how now, i don’t know, big water came to the tomsk region at night since friday saturday, dozens of houses have been flooded, rescuers evacuated local residents to...
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there is about waist-deep ice and frozen ground below. rescuers monitor the flood situation daily, including from the air, using drones. in a light channel, the water does not move, the ice stands still. in this place, the level is still stable. to control water flows on the tom river, ice blasting has been carried out for 4 days in a row. the water level is gradually decreasing, the rescuer considers the situation stable, but the ice drift has not yet passed. in the coming days, the tomsk region is expecting warming, the situation may change. ksenia klimena, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, vasily peredkov. vesti, tomsk region.
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the volume of investments in the russian economy in 2023 increased by 10%. head of government mikhail announced this at a strategic session on the development of financial instruments. and tax deductions have become wider, allowing people to save significant amounts on this. since january of this year , a long-term savings program has been launched; this is also a new tool that helps citizens invest their own funds in the funded part of their future pension, they
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will receive additional income, and the economy is another very important source of long-term resources. the federal project of professionalism will cover everything. 89 regions of our country by the twenty-sixth year, and the first graduation of young specialists will take place in a few months. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova spoke about the prospects for the development of a new format of personnel training at the site of the international exhibition russia. college curriculum is becoming more intensive and shorter lasting and is being built jointly with leading enterprises. young people can quickly master the current profession and immediately get a job. we expect a post-graduation employment rate of 85%. in the twenty -fourth year there will be the first graduating class of professionals, we understand that the guys are in demand and we understand that most likely, if
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not in the first year, then in the next 2 years we will be able to achieve these indicators. 400 years of danish heritage turned out to be. on fire today. the famous spire of the stock exchange in copenhagen is made in the form of the intertwined tails of four dragons topped by three. crowns that symbolize denmark, norway, sweden, collapsed in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses. many tried to save valuable artifacts, including paintings. at the time of the fire, one of the oldest buildings in the city was under reconstruction. well, all of these are already comparing the footage of the fall of the landmark with an almost similar fire in the cathedral of notre dame in paris. and by a strange coincidence, noterdam caught fire exactly 5 years ago. on the evening of april 15. 2019, but also no less impressive footage from
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dubai, which suddenly went under water, heavy rains flooded dozens of busy streets and the first floors of luxury hotels, many cars received hydraulic damage, lost the ability to move under their own power, 17 airliners were transported due to bad weather, all football matches were cancelled, the storm was so strong that streams of water flooded not only metro stations, but...
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the most pressing topics: problems of domestic violence, street teenage gangs, poaching, illegal deforestation, defrauded investors, every time victims of crimes, victims could find real... protection for millions of television viewers in an honest detective story. eduard petrov is an example of objective journalism, and for many colleagues he became a mentor among his students, military correspondents nikolai dolgachev and alexander belibov, our colleagues alexander baletsky and alexey petrov, the entire large team of the duty unit, which he has headed for 18 years, and see eduard petrov’s new investigation this saturday on russia-24 tv channel. and then in our issue, the fsb operation, the law on mobilization,
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signed today by zelensky, we have new footage of the destruction of ukrainian armored vehicles, don’t go anywhere, people’s taxi, premiere on rtr, this is a new taxi fleet, it was opened by alla kopylova, our former director, no people’s taxi it won't, you did it. everything in your power, but no, have you forgotten here, i didn’t ask you where i should be, you understand, my seriousness is broken, that there’s an accident, alla taxi, today on rtr, rest means leaving yourself in peace, rest - this is not thinking about anything when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is
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rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train, how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to properly... taking medications will always be supported by a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but this is not advice for you to do, a doctor who can be trusted 100%. you will be happy, well,
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i can’t guarantee happiness, but health for sure will increase. dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr, you won’t refuse tea, i won’t refuse tea, that’s great, on saturday, quietly, don’t, please, our wonderful nanny wrote a statement against you to the police, yes, as if you raped her, that’s yours, this... that ring, some kind of mistake, my wife caught you at the time of theft, and in revenge on her you decided to slander me, this is not true, a bouquet of wild flowers, premiere on saturday on rtr. on the air , we continue the broadcast: russian armed forces hit warehouses in ukraine
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ammunition and fuel workshop for the production and storage of drones. explosions occurred at the air base. in starokonstantinov in kherson, novy bug, this is near nikolaev, and mirgorod, poltava region. in uman, the attack hit the warehouse of the railway station, where a large transshipment base for the ukrainian armed forces was located. over the past 24 hours , nine landing boats were destroyed in the kherson region. we leave and start moving further, then we start moving further. with the support of drone operators, the infantry cleared out enemy firing points. calculations rszzo grad. stram paratroopers worked on positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the vicinity of chasov yar. in the southern donetsk direction , lancet operators tracked down the french wheeled sava cesar and disabled it with an accurate hit from loitering ammunition. fsb officers detained an agent of the ukrainian special services, who last week tried to blow up a former sbu officer in moscow
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who had defected to russia. a terrorist who turned out to be a citizen of our country was recruited. last autumn. for treason and terrorism, the traitor faces life imprisonment. report by mikhail fedotov. fsb officers snap handcuffs onto the suspect's wrists. no. according to operatives, the detainee organized an attempt on the life of former sbu officer vasily prozarov, who defected to the russian side back in 2014. the suspect admitted guilt and said that he was recruited by the ukrainian special services last year. in kiev, where i fled after the start of the special operation, my curator said that he was given the task personally by the head of the sbu malyuk, that i must go to moscow and follow the car toyota prado, but already in moscow the task changed, i was told to assemble a bomb,
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my curator helped me with this. i explained the instructions, so i assembled it at approximately 2:00 a.m. i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, and the surveillance camera footage shows the suspect performing some manipulations near the suv, then leaving, and these shots were taken during the day. vasily prozorov goes to the car, opens the driver's door and almost immediately an explosion is heard. when the car exploded, he opened it, he didn't even go in. he i opened the car, it was all torn apart at the bottom, and he was thrown away, the wife’s car deployed airbags on both sides in the cabin. received a slight concussion, so he is being given first aid. the next day , the ex-sbu officer will record a video in which he will point out the assassination attempt against those who ordered it. don’t worry, everything is fine with me, i’m alive,
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healthy, arms, legs, everything works. uh, what happened, i have no doubt, this is another attempt at a terrorist act committed by the kiev regime and its secret service. prozorov, who headed the internet resource ukrliks, the kyiv regime was annoying. the project published an investigation. it was impossible to do otherwise, this power had to be fought, because this power itself from the very beginning did not even leave for itself any other way to resolve issues, how to drown
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these, say, regions in blood. the kiev regime is trying to drown in blood all those who disagree with their opinion - this is not the first attempt on former political and public figures of ukraine who left the country. mikhail fedotov, news. the investigation confirmed it is now procedurally consolidating connection between the direct perpetrators of the attack on the crocus cityhole and ukrainian nationalists, but the organizers will suffer a well-deserved punishment, no matter where they are hiding. nikolai patrushev spoke about this today at a security meeting in arkhangelsk. the secretary of the security council emphasized that having failed to achieve success on the battlefield, the kiev regime, with the support of the anglo-saxons, commits sabotage on civilian targets and against civilians only. i would like
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to draw special attention to the situation in the migration sphere: illegal migration still remains a breeding ground for committing crimes, including those of a terrorist extremist nature. the president of russia has defined the task of radical renewal. migration policy approaches taking into account ensuring national interests and the safety of society, preserving our cultural and linguistic identity. the kiev regime has mined two dams in the kharkov region; today the head of the local community banned swimming and recreation on the banks of the pechenezh reservoir on the seversky danets river. on sunday there at the anti-infantry a fisherman was blown up by a mine. at the end of march, residents reported. dams of the traven reservoir. the ukrainian armed forces militants examined the dam for several days, and they brought engineering equipment with them. let me remind you that in june last year, before the start of a failed
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counter-offensive in the ssu, the kokhovskaya gas station was destroyed. the platinum was hit over and over again from the heimers. then dozens of people died in the kherson region, thousands lost their homes and were evacuated. china advocates a peace conference that is recognized by both moscow and kiev. with a fair discussion of all proposals, chinese president xidin ping spoke about this today at a meeting with the german chancellor. scholz arrived in beijing on a three-day visit to discuss the most pressing issues in bilateral relations, as well as global problems. the leaders' conversation takes place in the jiawu palace complex, famous for its beauty and named after the famous imperial fishing. it was in this situation that xi zen ping reminded the head of the german government that as soon as possible.
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mall employees are increasingly kidnapping people in the middle of the day right on the streets, as in transcarpathian mukachevo military authorities stopped the courier and took him away along with the moped on which he was delivering orders. in moscow, at the central house of writers, a book about the leader of the communist party of the russian federation was presented today. this is the name of the work by gennady zyuganov. it contains a complete biography of the politician, including the difficult period for the communists in the nineties, when efforts. about
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the era in which i lived, about the comrades, friends with whom i worked, with whom i fought, who also served the great soviet homeland, i must thank first of all anatoly petrovich zhetnokhin, who for the third time i was forced to work on this publication, and the young guard, with whom everything connects me, my entire adult life, centenary... today zoya boguslavskaya, writer, playwright, art critic, and, of course, muse of andrei voznesensky, celebrates. you can now learn about the life and creative path of zoya borisovna at an exhibition that opened in moscow, in the center of voznesensky. ilya filippov conveyed congratulations on the anniversary from our program. at the voznesensky center on bolshaya ordynka, the name oza is written in large letters, she and zoya boguslavskaya. zoya borisovna,
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hello. this is an exhibition, a journey through her books, through her meetings, her life with the great poet, through her century, as through a literary work, a living poem by oz. you know, it’s evil, now our paths diverge without chatter. a literary critic, playwright, author of books, and in general a married woman with a son, never liked sentiments and pathos, but always tried to save pity, and voznesensky just at the same time became a disgraced poet. let's! "you can say that now there is no longer a thaw or frost, but frosts, that’s when they ended up together and lived for 46 years, the knife whistles all the way to the south, sanata, between the kitchens, gasoline, cabbage soup, like a bathroom ozonator, the peredelkino nightingale, so long ago we lived with andrei
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andreevich peredelkina.”
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evening news, don’t miss it today continuation of the alla taxi series, well, we continue to follow the developments, be with the news, millions, millions, millions of scarlet russians. from
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the window, from the window, from the window, you see who is in love, who is in love, who is seriously in love . i will turn you into flowers. a cult song written to the poems of andrei voznesensky, who.


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