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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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you will become stylish even in the garden or garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. well, incredible footage of the apocalypse. dubai is going under water. heavy rainfall and hurricane flooded one of the largest shopping centers in the world, dubai mall. the metro station went under water, this is what it looks like. on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio arnest motskevich, hello, the main events of this tuesday in our issue. at
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2:00 am i attached this bomb to the bottom car, the criminal who blew up the car of ex-sbu officer prozorov has been detained, the customer is known. they say they are paying off karmic debts to the ukrainian people. in the same way, they killed the writer buzina exactly 9 years ago. the work was difficult, i understand that, but it was very important for the country. iran will face the consequences of its actions, we will choose an appropriate response. israel has not yet decided what to do, but promises a wise response to tehran, which vladimir putin spoke about today with the president of iran. tobol rises, continues from kurgan evacuation.
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benches blow up from the balcony, cars float along the highways, airliners do not land but splash down, a water disaster in dubai, the international airport has stopped accepting flights, in brussels the police dispersed an international conference of conservatives from seventeen countries, even the former head of the british ministry of internal affairs braverman and nigel farage. orpan was expected at the conference tomorrow. the poet's muse, it was to her that voznesensky and voznesensky introduced her to lilia brik. 100 years of zoya boguslavskaya, what did she tell ilya filippov on her anniversary? vladimir putin today i received a certificate of election as head of state for a new term of office. the document was brought to the kremlin and personally presented to the president by the head of the central election commission. summing up the results of the elections, ella pomfilova called them unprecedented, despite all our attempts. well-wishers, primarily
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of the kiev regime, disrupted the campaign, turnout reached a record level, and voters showed unprecedented consolidation. about the natural election results, alexey konopko. let me present you with an achievement, alexander, thank you very much and to all your colleagues in the cycle investment, the work was difficult, i understand that, but it was very important for the country, for the internal stability of the state. thank you, especially today, thank you very much, last time the head of state and the chairman of the central election commission met in person very close to each other in the commission building, when candidate putin handed over his documents, now putin, who won the elections, receives a certificate of being elected to the highest government post. the most important thing is that how wise our people turned out to be, this unprecedented consolidation of society , the understanding that these are not simple, not just presidential elections, but what is this actually...
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some important stage in the battle for russia, this was among the people, within our system, it is so complex, against which it consists of representatives of many parties, but this consolidation, solidarity.. that we are now all fighting for the country, despite the incredible, i would say, hysterical machinations of our ill-wishers, thank you very much and to all your colleagues, ela pomfilova brought with her a thick folder with a report, for her this is the second presidential campaign at the head of the central election commission. , for the whole country, the first under such pressure, those who helped organize these elections, in some regions simply allowed them to take place, the president thanks without exaggeration for their heroic work.
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russia will respond to this with even greater unity. who did they decide to intimidate? russian people? multinational people of russia. this was not sure, it would never happen. they fired rockets and drones at cities and villages, and used artillery. the drgs tried to break through the border. the terrorists wanted to disrupt the elections, but failed. the ordinary citizen of the country understood, understood in his heart, that he in demand. the country needs him, the future of russia depends on him, people felt this in their hearts, they came in order to create conditions for the development of strengthening the homeland. and on march 6, when the preliminary voting was underway, saboteurs of the ukrainian armed forces blew up the car of elena
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ilyina, a member of the precinct commission, in berdyansk. the president awarded her the order of courage posthumously. with the hands of their ukrainian accomplices, that is, those sitting in kiev, that is, they practically organized it.
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suspected of blowing up the car of former sbu officer vasily prozorov. a forty-year-old russian citizen was recruited on the territory of ukraine and acted on the instructions of a curator who received orders directly from the head of the sbu vasily malyuk. the confession of the perpetrator during interrogation is yet another confirmation of the terrorist nature of the kiev regime and the indiscriminateness of its western patrons. our columnist andrei grigoriev talks about the methods by which the leadership of ukraine has eliminated dissenters since the maidan. a forty-year-old russian citizen was detained by the federal security service. no, after the start of the special operation he fled to ukraine and
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was recruited there by the sbu. in february , my supervisor told me that he had been assigned the task personally by the head of the sbu. is that i have to go to moscow to look after the toyota prado car. he returned specifically to kill the former security officer. in the morning, when the owner opened the driver's door, these frames show that there are a lot of people around, the time was just when everyone
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was getting ready for work, this car stood next to the one under which the bomb was planted, it had holes all over its side, everything happened on parking lot in the courtyard of a residential building, in a residential area, there is a children's playground just a few meters away at each entrance, there is a cctv camera, one of them was caught by an intruder, so he runs away after attaching a bomb to the bottom of the suv, prozorov was lucky that he was left with kiev since the murder of oles buzina, this was exactly 9 years ago, when the conflict in donbass was just flaring up. i try to do everything to...
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tell everyone, but is it really possible to kill for this if a person thinks differently? previously in on the anniversary of buzina’s death , whole demonstrations of those ukrainians who shared his civic position gathered in kiev. now it is too dangerous to show such views; only a lonely pensioner mother looks after the grave. my son, my dear, the most important thing is that for nothing, for nothing. the perpetrators were arrested without delay. ideological ukrainian nazis polishchuk and medvedko, but under pressure from street protests
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the court released them, the killers are still at large, like those who shot a verkhovna rada deputy in 2015 kalashnikov in the entrance of his house. modern ukraine cannot exist without the dispensation of dissidents. today we are talking about uzin, he was one of the first to die, but throughout the entire period of time from the maidan, from 14 , during the maidan, yanokomys were killed.
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a weapon of 9x19 caliber, short rifled, fired in the chest area, then a control shot in the head, and he remained forever near his place of residence in the moscow region. this is him about the murder of former verkhovna rada deputy ilya kieva, nuances that could only be conveyed to the customer perpetrator, murder of daria dugin and vladlin tatarsky, attempted murder...
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of this terrorist attack with ukrainian nationalists. the perpetrators, accomplices, organizers of this monstrous bloody terrorist attack, and other affiliated persons. no matter where they hide and no matter how they try to confuse the traces of the crime, they will receive a well-deserved punishment. russian armed forces hit ammunition depots and a fuel workshop for the production and storage of drones in ukraine. explosions occurred at the airbase in starokonstantinov, kherson, novy bug, near nikolaev and mirgorod, poltava region. in uman, the attack
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hit the warehouse of the railway station. there was a large transshipment station there. ukrainian armed forces base. trains with equipment, including boats, arrived in the city every day. shot! over the past 24 hours alone, the russian military destroyed nine boats with landing troops in the kherson region. the total losses in the ukrainian armed forces per day along the entire front line exceeded 1,100 military personnel. in the southern donetsk direction , lancet operators tracked down the french wheeled sau cesar and disabled it with an accurate hit from loitering ammunition. and this is footage of the work of the russian aerospace forces, the defeat by factories of enemy positions in the residential buildings of chasovo yar. in the avdeevsky direction, detachments of the first army corps stormed a strong point. enemy positions were discovered by air scouts. we leave and start moving further, then we start moving further. with the support of drone operators, the infantry
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cleared out enemy firing points, thereby improving the position of our units along the front line. about how the advance of our troops to the west from avdeevka is supported by grad crews, a report from the military correspondent vesti pavel prokopenka. there are usually two people in a hail crew, but the realities of combat work suggested that a third is needed. just like that, the siberian dodges the branches as he walks. the assembly of the car follows the sky, rode with the breeze all winter. you carry out a combat mission and then only remember that you seem to be outside in the cold. but it’s quite normal, it will be colder here in siberia, the jet fighters of the central group of troops are mastering new positions, the new firing point is good because it has not yet been copied from the air, but together with the topic takes more time to target and adjust. in position, everyone
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knows what to do without words, they understand each other at a glance. the faster and more competently we do our job, the greater the chance of hitting the target, the faster we will help our infantry move forward and bring our common victory closer. the reactors are working towards berdychi and ocheretin, the package leaves in 20 seconds, hail, a combination of firepower and mobility, it is maneuverable, it is fast, you are not tied to one place. it's really better in one place.
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it’s also fun here, it also has its own interesting moments, hanging, excitement, but here there is no room for error, without room for error the calculation successfully completed the job, the alligators will finish what they started, we meet the combat helicopter troika on the way back, passing by avdeevskaya liberators square, on this in a small spot in the middle of the destroyed houses, the flags of those units that drove the enemy out of these streets flutter. pavel prikopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead. the situation in the middle east after damascus and the retaliatory measures taken by tehran, israel's strike on the iranian consulate became the main topic of a telephone conversation that vladimir putin had today with the president of iran. the conversation took place at the initiative of tehran. as the kremlin press service reported, the head of the russian state expressed hope that all parties
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will show restraint and not allow a new round of confrontation, which threatens with catastrophic consequences for everything. in turn, ebrahim raisi noted that iran’s actions were forced, were of a limited nature, and tehran did not interested in further escalation. the presidents also stated that the root cause of events in the middle east is the unresolved palestinian-israeli conflict and confirmed the principled approaches of our countries in favor of an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector. however, tel aviv, judging by its actions, is ready for further escalation. a few hours ago. the idf reported the liquidation of one of the commanders of the lebanese hezbollah movement associated with iran. it was he who was responsible for the recent missile launches against israel from the lebanese coastal area. at the same time, israel demands to enter.
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have already concluded that israel violated international law by striking the iranian embassy in damascus. experts noted that israel did not provide any legal justification for the strike and did not report it to the security council, as required by article 51 of the un charter. israel's attack therefore ... violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state, according to article 2, part 4 of the charter. a group of un experts working with the office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs notes
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that tel aviv has not provided any evidence that iran was in any way involved in the attack on israel. thus, there can be no talk of self-defense. four anonymous american senior officials told nbc news that washington is expecting a response from israel that will be limited in scope, that is. more likely to save face than to cause any significant damage. since the iranian attack did not result in israeli deaths or widespread destruction, us officials said israel could retaliate one of its less aggressive options is strikes outside iran. u.s. officials expect that targets other than high-ranking iranian officials will be targeted, such as storage sites for missiles or missile components shipped from iran to hezbollah. white house advisor john kirby has been around for a long time. we respect their sovereign decision-making process, what we want
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is a de-escalation of tensions, we do not want an expansion of the war. well, besides, the united states does not intend to take part in israel’s military response before giving it, television trying to inflict economic damage on the enemy, the israeli foreign ministry asks 32 countries. impose sanctions against tehran. i expect that we will introduce additional sanctions against iran in the coming days. we do not talk in advance about the sanctions we intend to apply. however, according to reuters, what definitely will not happen is the introduction of sanctions against iranian oil by the united states. biden does not need rising gasoline prices at gas stations on the eve of the election. iran's unprecedented strike on israel is unlikely to entail serious sanctions from by the biden administration. against iranian oil exports due to concerns about rising oil prices and the anger of iran's largest oil buyer, china. prime minister netanyahu today held another military council, and at a meeting with fellow party members, he stated
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that any further actions must be coordinated with washington. the white house made this demand, fearing that due to tel aviv's unpredictable steps, american troops could be in danger. we will respond to iran, but we need to act wisely and not act on emotions. they need to be put under stress. just like they made us feel stressed. this stunning formulation resonates with western claims that israel escaped with a slight scare during iran’s attack, while at the same time, according to non-western resources, tehran only wanted to intimidate. the potential has been demonstrated without unnecessary escalation and unnecessary casualties. the operation to punish the aggressor was carried out successfully. we now firmly declare that even the slightest action against iran's interests will definitely be met with a terrible, large-scale and painful answer. and one more thing, in the sphere of international law, unlike israel, iran feels much more confident, which it speaks about openly. iran does not intend to aggravate
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regional tensions. i emphasize once again that iran complies with the principles of the united nations charter. from international platforms, russia calls on the parties to show restraint. today , the head of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, flew to egypt and met with the president of assisi. first of all, we discussed ways achieving stability in the middle east. situation in gas, as it became known, israel decided to postpone the ground operation in the city of rafah in the south of the strip due to an attack by iran; the united states had previously warned telyaviv against such actions. israel's political elite increasingly resembles spiders in a jar against the backdrop of war, accusations of genocide on different sides, and the partial loss of support from allies, the struggle for power flared up with renewed vigor between longtime enemies, prime minister netanyahu, defense minister gallant and minister without portfolio benny gantz. ganz he unsuccessfully tried several times to overthrow netanyahu, an experienced politician who is called a magician in israel for his ability to avoid political problems. now netanyahu, as a politician, is weakened by the war. will hans and
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perhaps even holland finally... end his fifteen years of political dominance. the three men had previously been unable to agree on how to attack where, how to free hostages, and how to manage the post-war gas sector. and here is a direct attack by iran on israeli territory, the first in history. and in this is the main danger; the boundaries of what is permissible are moving further and further. possible israeli strikes on iranian nuclear facilities are seriously predicted. then a full-scale war is inevitable. evgeny reshatnev, denis sokolov and alexey mashchikov. news. now to the situation with spring leashes. the level of the tabol river near the city of kurgan has risen by almost 20 cm over the past few hours and exceeded 7.5 m. the evacuation of residents of several more urban areas has begun. operational situation in the disaster zone today from a helicopter appreciated by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov. emergency evacuation warnings
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were issued again today. in orsk, in one of the large villages within the city limits , due to the overflow of water over the reservoir dam , there was a threat of flooding. attention rescuers to the village of ilek. the level of the ural river has exceeded critical levels by 25 cm. protective structures are now being built in dangerous areas. the flood situation in buryaati has sharply worsened today; due to the flood of several large rivers at once, including the selenga, a state of emergency has been introduced in ulana d, as well as in ivolginsky and pribaikalsky regions. more tense, according to roshydromet forecasts , the situation in the tyumen region is becoming all year, the historical maximum water rise on the ishim river will be broken, the flood...
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has come to several settlements, and the fonkina of the kazan region is already cut off because the water has crossed the road, the current is quite strong, it sounds like a waterfall, and accordingly the water carries with it trees, grass, the road in this direction has already been blocked, taking into account the rising water, the regional authorities called people are urgently evacuated, the administration is helping those who cannot use personal transport, it’s scary, of course, i’m already in my sixties, this hasn’t happened, it happened in the seventeenth, but it reached the top, and so it stood, stood and left, residents villages are being taken out with livestock, there is a real threat of undermining of a populated area, we suggest that you evacuate immediately and take care of your safety in a timely manner, the plenipotentiary representative in the ural federal district, vladimir yakushev, and the regional governor, alexander mor, convinced local residents today. not here
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there should be none. there is talk that someone will be carried away, the water will be high, so it is best to evacuate in advance, the strengthening of hydraulic structures continues, the dam crest is being increased, heavy equipment is working, since 5 am local residents, volunteers, dozens, or even hundreds of people are now pouring bags with which to strengthen the , we brought 500 bags from that point, we already loaded them, and we brought more, i don’t know, probably about 200 more were brought, additionally in the neighboring area. downstream of the river, where the water will come a little later, schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning, military engineers continue their work here, they are clearing the river bed of ice to avoid congestion. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. the ice on the tom river apparently won’t go away anytime soon. the hummocks are almost as tall as a one-story building, made of steel. something
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like a local landmark, it’s so high, it rises very rarely, due to a congestion on the river, several streets with flowing water have already been flooded, you have to go through the city storm drains nowhere. in the upper reaches of the tom river, water spilled in several settlements; the village of vershinino was hit the hardest; rescuers evacuated local residents in inflatable boats. a temporary accommodation center was set up at a local school. i can't go out now. so the house is waist-deep in water, the doors were opened , the boat was dragged in, it’s such fear, your hands, legs are shaking, you don’t know what to do, what to take, take only the most necessary things with you, andrey swims in high rubber boots, carefully makes his way through the icy water to feed the cat, she is already in her fourth day i’m alone at home, don’t be scared, don’t be scared, you’re my good friend, but don’t be scared, a pensioner’s house, one of those that suffered the most from the flood,
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standing on... floodplains, the water level here is about waist-deep, there’s ice and frozen ground below . rescuers monitor the flood situation daily, including from the air, using drones to control water flows on the tom river, and have been blasting the ice for 4 days in a row. water is gradually leaving the villages, but there is still a long way to go before the ice drift ends. in the coming days, the tomsk region is expecting warming and the river level can rise sharply.
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plant, in particular, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the work of the oil refinery has been suspended in orsk , that is, the orenburg region needs to closely monitor the provision of farmers with material and technical resources, and seriously monitor the availability of fuel; regional veterinary services should, if necessary. promptly organize places for temporary housing of farm animals and monitor the provision of biological safety in the flood zone. the first russian combat icebreaker ivan popanin is preparing for water tests with
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his team. the crew had already taken their places. important missions in the arctic lie ahead, including protecting the northern sea route. ivan popanin is not only designed for patrol duty, it can carry cruise missiles on board. about the meaning. will become her home for many years, the crew boards the ship, where officers and sailors have cabins, the cabins are as comfortable as on passenger liners, the first places on the shelves are occupied by portraits. let them stand here and help me serve here, therefore, i always go with my family, so to speak , it’s time to take delivery of the ship, the shipbuilders of the admiralty shipyards hand over the rescue equipment to the crew, show how all the systems work,
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by the way, they are all domestically produced, start checking the auxiliary diesel generator, start checking, launch, we know how it works. we studied at a special training center, we were taught everything about this, now we will directly master the material part, the time of the right to course 51 i suggest right 15. before moving in, there was a whole month of preparation on the shore, this is how they practiced swimming in the kola bay in difficult hydrometeorological conditions on a simulator. special scenarios were created for this crew, because they will have to serve on a special ship. this is a unique opportunity to be on board, perhaps, the most secret ship. russian fleet ivan popanin, the first combat icebreaker, had never been built like this before, until now it was generally believed that the icebreakers here were purely civilian, but this one will be part of the navy. he is completely new, the sea is not sniffing, the windshield wipers in the wheelhouse,
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the plastic has not even been removed yet. have you ever thought that you would serve on an icebreaker? i couldn’t imagine this, but in general i want to serve on this ship, i want to be like a discoverer, that’s it. there will be something new for us in the tactics of using the same navy. why do we need a combat icebreaker at all? for the protection of the arctic zone and the border of the russian federation in the arctic zone. popanin's ice class is ark7, that is, ice 70 meters thick is not a hindrance to him. he menacing. in addition to an artillery mount, it can be armed with an anti-aircraft missile system. popanin is three in one: an icebreaker, a tugboat and a patrol ship. it's being checked now. mooring mechanism, you need to make sure that everything works properly, the chain moves easily, it’s interesting that the deck here is closed, this is necessary so that the mooring crew does not freeze in the harsh arctic conditions. the shipbuilders really did their best, the naval
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marines were not used to such conditions, there is a gym, a swimming pool, and an elevator, the kambus is also equipped with a lift. having boiled a pot of soup, the cook sends it upstairs to the officer’s wardroom. for all the years of service as kokom. that is, this is my first such campus with such equipment, all the equipment is new, everything works with a bang, that is, there’s a lot of know-how here, so to speak, that is, there’s just even a slab of amenities there. in the center, this is a completely unusual sight for a warship, he himself took the initiative in this direction, you can play for us, yes, of course, like this, to tchaikovsky papanin and his crew are starting a new life, ahead of them are sea trials and acceptance into the fleet, many combat missions of glorious achievements, a big story begins today, news: northwestern bureau. how to attract capital to
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the russian economy to support promising projects. today , a strategic session of the government was devoted to the development of financial instruments. among the tasks of replenishing internal long-term resources is to improve the well-being of citizens, who should have additional opportunities to receive income from savings. in studio our economic observer tatyana remizova. tatyana, without investment there is no development. how. will attract them. ernest, as prime minister mikhail mishustin noted, russia already has a whole range of measures to support business activity, thanks to them, the volume of investments in our economy last year increased by almost 10%. direct assistance is also provided from the federal budget, for example, this year it is over 8 trillion rubles. a private investor, that is, any of us, can also give impetus to development. many citizens can now get passive. v
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shares, from this year it became possible to open simultaneously three individual investment accounts of the third type, which in banks, as well as purchasing bonds, funds, replaced the previous two, restrictions on the volume of investments have now been lifted and tax deductions have become wider, allowing people to save on this significant amounts. a new type of individual investment account became operational in russia on january 1, 2024. previously , no more than 1 million rubles could be deposited into an investment account. now the amount is not limited. to obtain tax deduction it is necessary to open an account for at least 3 years, and two types of tax deduction are available at once: for a contribution, here you can return 13% of the amount deposited into the account for the year, and a deduction for income. you don’t have to pay tax on income from trading on the stock exchange, but the amount of income is limited to 30 million rubles. an important nuance: individual investment. accounts, unlike bank deposits, are not included in
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the deposit insurance system. you may not be an investor, but sooner or later you will definitely become a pensioner. and here, of course however, the possibility of attracting additional income becomes especially relevant. in this case, a long-term savings program is suitable. the deposited funds will be insured by the state in the amount of 2,800,000 rubles. which is twice as much as for bank deposits. since january of this year , a long-term savings program has been launched; this is also a new tool that helps citizens invest their own funds as a funded part of their future pension. based on the results of the first quarter of this year , approximately 280,000 people. to join the program, you need to conclude a special agreement with a non-state pension fund. you can save through voluntary contributions, as well as transfer existing pension savings to the program. the state will add up to 36,000 rubles to the citizen’s contributions. within 3
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years after joining the program. the accumulated funds can be used after 15 years of the contract or upon reaching the age of 55 years for women and 60 years for men. our country can use the so-called long-term money for internal development of joint projects with companies from friendly countries. thank you, tatyana, this was our economic observer. tatiana remezova. zoos in moscow and crimea said they were ready to help the burned menagerie in yevpatoria. tonight, the flames completely destroyed the enclosures and almost all the animals in them. experts from the fire testing laboratory of the ministry of emergency situations are now working on site to determine the cause of the fire. about the first versions of the emergency about who was saved from the burning zoo from the scene, reporting by yana shcherbata. everything died. the veterinarian is trying
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to find anyone alive, but even more than 200 animals died in a terrible fire in evpatoria. nothing was saved, the inside of the zoo was completely burned out, this is what it looks like now, despite the fact that the fire was put out a few hours ago, it is now unsafe to be here, the roof continues to collapse, there is a burning smell everywhere, all that remains from the cage enclosures is ashes, tropics the park is known throughout the city, it was possible here. see feed rare exotic monkeys, crocodiles, insects, rodents, birds, the favorites of not only evpatoria residents came here from all over crimea, these animals died in terrible agony and were burned. alive, they, locked in cages, had no chance to get out, at 3:00 a.m. the fire engulfed the building, there was a woman caretaker inside, she managed to escape, the rescuers were able to put out the fire only by noon, the peculiarities of extinguishing this fire were that the high fire load, there was hay in the room, and on top of that there was
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a strong wind, only these two bears were saved; at the time of the fire they were in an open vault... outside the building, so the fire simply did not fit here. experts have already examined the clubfoot; their lives are not in danger. i examined it visually, there was no damage, of course, they are not stupid animals, they saw this horror, this fire, against the backdrop of stress there could be some problems, well, the bears will be watched, this is masha, she is a little younger, there timoshka, when we read the news today, we thought that they died, it was us. very upset, thank god they are alive, to the burned down zoo volunteers come, they say, this is not the first time that these bears have been fed, now investigators are finding out in what conditions the animals were kept in the tropical park, whether fire safety precautions were observed, we just know that they are fed porridge, well, that is, the
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same thing, of course, but we always bring them variety, we really ask, we beg them to be placed somewhere. the further fate of the bears is unknown; the capital's and crimean zoos have stated that they are ready to shelter them. the owner of tropicpark refused to answer our questions, now an investigation is underway. a procedural audit is carried out to determine the provision of services or work that does not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of the population. an examination has been ordered to establish the exact source and cause of the fire. whether it was arson or negligence remains to be determined based on preliminary data.
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our correspondent anna semyonova talked to the author and main character of the biographical work about what was included in the updated volume. thank you, in the central house of writers the leader of the communist party of the russian federation is signing autographs, there are so many people willing, that there were barely enough books for everyone. the small hall of the central house of writers is packed to capacity. a book dedicated to gennady zyuganov was published in the “life of remarkable people” series. the biography continues. the third edition is presented today. the first one appeared 17 years ago, since then he has become the leader of the communist party of the russian federation.
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everything has been signed, there will be merciless mobilization, men are leaving the country as best they can, cars are abandoned on border roads. it is proposed to receive assistance to kiev and tel aviv separately. but parliamentarians are not happy with this option either. it's such a scam, people are tired of it. will they take it out?
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congressional voting papers? a peace conference recognized by moscow and kiev. to defuse the situation, and not to pour fuel on the fire, which is what the german chancellor heard during his visit to china. a fiery spire, due to the intertwined tails of dragons, falls onto the central square of the danish capital. why did it burn? oldest buildings in europe on the anniversary of the fire in notre dame de paré. benches are blown off balconies, cars float along the highways, airliners do not land, but splash down. water disaster in dubai. international airport stopped accepting flights. in brussels, police dispersed an international conference of conservatives from seventeen countries. even former british interior ministers braverman and nigel farage were taken out onto the street. orban was expected at the conference tomorrow. the poet’s muse, i sent him an approximate telegram, you will remember her, i said, andrezh, we also saw
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that it was voznesensky who introduced her to liliya brik, 100 years of zooey boguslavskaya, what she told ilya filipova on her anniversary, people’s taxi, premiere on rtr . this is a new taxi company, it was opened by alla kopylova, our former director, there will be no public taxi, you did everything in your power, but no, have you forgotten here, i didn’t ask you where i should be, you understand, seryoga crashed, that there’s an accident, allah, taxi, today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest
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fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in to me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she’s carrying this kurba, shelters, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need take the guys in, i came across such caring people, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday through thursday on rtr. well, how can my heir not play pranks?
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saturday, not me. dissatisfied, anna completely suits me, beautiful, smart, modest, why are you breaking down, quietly, he invited me into his office, raped me, i forgive you, let’s part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is a punishment, he offended my sister one freak, right.
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in just an hour, the us congress will publish the text of a new bill to help ukraine; members of the house of representatives will be given 72 hours to review before voting. we are talking about allocating $60 billion, and this step american authorities have been unable to agree on this for several months. about whether congressmen are now ready to say yes, what kiev’s support could mean for the speaker of the house of representatives, and how biden is trying to solve the problem of financing ukraine at the expense. allies in a report by our own correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov. in the north atlantic alliance, the czech republic now has a reputation as the most disciplined eastern european barracks. on the ukrainian march, the czechs are sometimes even ahead of the poles. and recently in prague they also announced that they would spend $4.5 billion for the us purchase of f-35 fighter jets. that is, the czech
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prime minister petr fiale at a meeting in the white house had reasons for... for a person who serially confuses angela merkel with helmunt kohl, and emmanuel macron with francois meterand, in principle, there is nothing wrong, but the context from which fiale is important it could become uneasy. the leadership of slovakia mentioned by biden has diametrically opposed views on ukraine, from prague to bratislava it won’t even be 300 km, and how different
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their values ​​are from washington. we are partners. panato and us together we work in defense and business matters. i appreciate your leadership in supporting ukraine. i was a little boy in 1968 and saw russian tanks on the streets of my city. i don't want to see them there again. but making money on soviet tanks is always welcome. in an article from bloomberg, details of how the owner of the csg concern, mikhail strnad, became a billionaire after the outbreak of the conflict in ukraine. in ninety-five, father strnado. yaroslav began buying decommissioned t-72s throughout eastern europe, sort of for scrap. fast they realized that trading in serviceable weapons is much more profitable than selling recycled metals. they began to cover africa; as of 2022, 100 tanks have already left for ukraine. csg is thriving, with heavy ammunition production more than tenfold and workforce numbers nearly tripling
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to 10,000 across the plant. in eight countries, peter fiala is increasingly involved in arms brokerage, this is from his financial times column, which was published on the day the czech prime minister arrived in america. we are working to get another 3000 shells already signed contracts for the first 180 thousand. they will be delivered to the ukrainian front in the coming months. there is no change on the ukrainian front, no matter how much you give to zelensky, he is always looking at someone else’s plate. now it’s especially attractive. they say that our allies cannot help us with certain weapons, because this will be perceived as involving ukraine from nato countries in the war. well, i want to ask you a question: is israel part of nato or not? here's the answer: israel is not a nato country, but nato allies, including nato countries, defend israel. the person who was upset urgently needed to be calmed down, because with such
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conversations he puts his curators in an uncomfortable position. assigned to john kirby. if the us and its allies can shoot down iranian drones over israel, why can't they do the same over ukraine? yes, i knew this question would come up. look, different conflicts, different airspace, different threat landscape, and the president made it clear from the very beginning of the conflict in ukraine, united the states are not going to participate in it in a combat role. we provide ukraine with what it needs to protect its airspace, and unfortunately, even with this, we now have problems because we do not have additional funding. reproach in the address. republicans from the house of representatives, where speaker mike johnson is now desperately trying to create the word happiness for the white house from four bills. the contours have been determined for the allocation of finances totaling $95 billion
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for israel, taiwan and ukraine, will vote separately. kiev is owed approximately 48 billion, including in the form of loans using frozen russian assets as collateral. we will vote on aid to israel, on aid to ukraine, on aid to the indo-pacific region. everyone will have the opportunity to express their views and make amendments as they deem appropriate. for everything about everything, congressmen have 72 hours, that is , until friday, but representatives of the right wing of republicans from the so-called freedom cooks have additional time to think and is not required. these 30 parliamentarians are categorically against any assistance.
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the istanbul agreements thwarted by the west two years ago, it turns out, determined washington’s role as a guarantor; in the event of an attack on ukraine, the united states would be obliged to participate in the conflict on the battlefield. the publication publishes the text of the agreement and explains that the americans were afraid of real responsibility. ukraine did not consult with the united states before reaching preliminary agreements with russia in istanbul in march '22 . at the same time, the agreements provided obligations for washington as a guarantor. this condition in itself would make the treaty invalid for washington, since it would mean a possible direct
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clash with russia. therefore, the west did not accept such agreements, but increased military support for kiev. as a result , it turned out to be easier to fight by proxy, but for now there is someone to fight for? if you vote on johnson's package. if it works out before friday, then they will return to military assistance to kiev on capital hill no earlier than may. congressmen again holidays, during which, by the way, there will be an opportunity to compare notes with an ordinary voter, but he is full of doubts, 61% of republicans are already against sending weapons to zelensky. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and evgeny samsonov, lead the usa. today. a bill to tighten mobilization in ukraine. the first part will come into force immediately after publication, the second in a month. in the morning, lines of cars abandoned by drivers appeared on the border with moldova. those who
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did not have time to leave the country are caught on the streets by tck employees and sent to prison by force. medical examination. the new law defines sanctions for draft dodgers and also expands the categories of persons subject to conscription. persons liable for military service will now be able to receive consular services only after updating their data. if ukrainians have more than one vehicle, it may be seized for the needs of the ssu. russian troops ensured the safe conduct of the next rotation of magathe mission observers at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. before the start of the movement, russian sappers examined the area for unexploded foreign ukrainian ammunition. after engineering reconnaissance , military personnel, together with units of the national guard, ensured the safe passage of mission observers and their delivery to the station.
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china stands for a peace conference that is recognized by both moscow and kiev, with a fair discussion of all proposals. chinese president sidin spoke about this today at a meeting with the german chancellor. scholz came to china accompanied.
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germany, which suffers from its own anti-russian sanctions. this year is only 2%, and scholz needs urgent chinese help. the name of the fork in the residence where scholz's sinimal wan liu is translated from chinese as 10,000 willows, but in the same way, wan liu in chinese also sounds like the phrase “persuade to stay.” it’s as if he was just a rogue who flew to china to persuade beijing to allow german companies to remain in the chinese market. the dilemma is akin to a political balancing act, how being an ally of washington and brussels will alienate you. from
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beijing, but so that business in china continues to earn money, the answer from the head of the prc is, in no way, to build productive relations with beijing, europe needs to look for common ground. human society faces numerous risks and problems, these problems cannot be solved without cooperation between major countries. in brussels, ahead of tomorrow's eu summit, at which ukraine will once again be in the spotlight, they are actively discussing how to win china over to their side in this conflict, and also... china and germany intend to intensively and positively coordinate efforts to facilitate the holding of the conference at high level in switzerland and future international peace conferences. the statement of the chinese foreign ministry is word for word about efforts, the search for a political solution and even switzerland, but there is.
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china supports the holding of an international peace conference, which should be recognized by both russia and ukraine, at the appropriate time, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all peace plans. that is, scholz failed the mission, just like a year and a half ago, and the european commission will not appreciate this, in an interview with lemont, barel already reproached european leaders. will come to their door with
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requests for purchases of air defense systems for kiev and


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