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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 10:20pm-11:19pm MSK

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yes, at least i cut the bread, no, no, mom, i myself, like this since childhood, myself, myself, syrup, mom, but vadik didn’t call, no, yes, for some reason i can’t get through to him .
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well, why are you, i’m such a fool, stop it, you ’re not to blame for anything, seryozha, it’s good, also that you persuaded tatyana vasilievna not to tell anything, well, let ’s celebrate her birthday, then we’ll tell kira everything, let him decide for himself, what if he finds him? this, that, he’s not 5 years old, a grown man, let him go to the police and they’ll sort it out there, you can’t leave something like this unpunished, let’s go, help has arrived for garya, okay, soliko egorov is probably on the line.
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tseleko, this bastard here, drove right up to the entrance to the house, let’s start, of course, let’s start. yours, mine, what 's the matter, they gave you a flat tire, oh well, when they had time, bastards, yes, thanks, guys,
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is everything normal for you or me, of course, for me, guys, what are you, who are you, i don’t understand, guys, mi, your nightmare, who are you? open, let me out, let me out, let me out, yes igorova, i paint my nails, i have you're right, it's a premiere, you've become old, yes, but you're like a cucumber with us, you know, i'd marry you, well, you're here, hello, hello, what's next, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers. angels of heaven from april 22 on rtr.
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cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true
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excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbelek, where life is. old barrel cognac turns into a fairy tale product steller group. titanic luxury collection сnop productlar group hotel titanic dellux golf beleg where every moment is exclusive. wrap
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yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, your favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite music never gets old, real songs are played, wonderful .
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foundation of soviet and russian estrana, hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr, hello, hello, washing. yul, hello, hello, hello, happy birthday to you, thank you, what fate, vadka with you, no, i thought he was already here, he called me yesterday, told me everything, and then the phone was turned off again, what he told me, well, about this situyovina with a guitar, with what guitar, what
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situyovina, the vazik called yesterday, said that allah told him, and he supposedly will fix everything, allah, allah ordered, what did allah tell? kiri, lord, we wanted to tell you everything after your birthday, but what can i tell you, it’s probably my fault, kiril, the men and i agreed, we’ll throw a dark spell for this bastard, kiss kiri, kiss kiryuha, we have a gift for you, what's happening? like a surprise, come on, come on, get out, you're so untied, let's go, come on, come on, let me go, wait, what a circus, you won't be able to fight, don't even think that you really got caught, vasilyevna,
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forgive me , i was robbed myself, hello, why are you standing there, you know, tell me what to say that you deceived me too, i ordered in another city, shut up everyone, what is happening here, can it explain something? wait, let me try. so , look, here he is, he took money from your mom to buy you a guitar as a gift, then he disappeared, then he came to her, stole an expensive ring from her, and then told her that he himself had been robbed and he had no money , so she gave him money to buy you a guitar as a gift, okay? where's the guitar? yes, there is no guitar, of course, he stole the money, he stole the ring, but listen to me, everyone, stop, shut up, vadka couldn’t do that, i’m telling you, he couldn’t, but kiri, you just don’t know, you know, you don’t know, if
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vadka says he’s not guilty, then he’s not guilty, that’s it, stop, he i'm like a brother, i really ordered it by courier, i swear to you, i'm done, i'm not playing, i promised you, how is he breathing? kirill nikulin is like this, well, i’m delivering in your name.
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there’s also this, an additional service, happy birthday, brother, live 100 years, wake up ipa, this is a gift from my mother and friend, hurray, sign it. thank you, hurray, hurray, hurray, thank you, or maybe three times, hurray, hurray,
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he’s late, well, we don’t take latecomers, it’s logical, hello, hello everyone, so this folk art is not registered anywhere, it’s a complete amateur performance, even so, just like that, snezhana, dear, but do it - give me some coffee, please. of course, well, how
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are you and her, mom, leave me alone, everything ’s fine with me, well done, and as for your ala, i sang along with her, we’ll choke you. my fire shines in the fog, the sparks go out on the fly, at night no one will meet us, we will say goodbye on the bridge, i wash my shawl goodbye. tighten the knot for me, like the ends of it with you, we
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met these days, someone will predict my fate, someone tomorrow, my dear, will untie the knot on my chest that you tied. remember, if another, loving friend, will sing a song, playing on your lap, my fire shines in the fog, the sparks go out on the fly, no one will meet us at night, we forgive.
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ilyevich repkin, recently appointed to this position. we asked deputy mayor ivan to talk about what awaits residents on this day. ivan ilyevich, tell us what... surprises you have prepared for the townspeople, you see, the day of family, love and fidelity, we are celebrating the whole city already, well, not for the first time, we have prepared an extensive program, here in the city park,
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sorry, i thought i would sell the tv, it didn’t work out, nothing is needed, it’s not necessary , you know, i myself was recently in the same position, so let’s forget everything, help you, maybe convey it, no, no, no, hold it, take it, thank you. wait, give everything to mom, thank you, otherwise our dad left and there’s not enough money, mash, help, mom, let’s do it now, valenya, it won’t work now, come on in,
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snezhana, dmitrievna, they told me that you wanted to quit. i had other proposals, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, i don’t object to your salary increase, but you must understand that we are talking about a probationary period, now we are in a difficult transition period, this increase implies that sometimes you will have to work on weekends, but then you will have a job in a successful company, by difficult period you mean the transition of our drivers to... their own taxi, this will not last long, they will return, yes, yes, they will return, because there is no there are no public taxis and there won’t be, so work, all the best, goodbye,
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can i ask a question, excuse me, why should they come back? they work illegally and the company is not registered, in general it is not registered. yeah, and zenaida aleksandrovna did everything to keep this company from being registered for as long as possible, right? yes, i didn't say that. and now the news. and the main news: in our city this weekend there will be a day of family and fidelity.
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i'll take it, oak stop, waiting time 10 minutes, wait, black car, 227, week before ours, i started collecting papers, yes, well , continue, i won’t return to the wheel, golden words, tick. where is semyonich? so he has a day off. clear.
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at our administration, we only have a week to complete the documents, why a week, but you can’t get it done in a week, in general, ugh, by the way,
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it’s very good that i called, wait for the call, yes, we are waiting for you tomorrow at 15:00 on interview, no, you can’t do it earlier, okay, agreed, all the best. hello, little light, how are you, how did you quit? no, they asked me to stay, and they also increased my salary, so how’s that? yes, ah the new director invited me to lunch, well , damn, you’ve already managed to hit the wedge, you keep your mark, maybe i’m in love? he will say the same thing, but he made me laugh, you understand that this dumplings competition is a personal idea, the mayor, oh, you feel bad,
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maybe an ambulance, what, the ambulance will help me find participants in the competition, that’s who will do it, that’s who when, there’s a person ivanich, he organizes everything at a high level, an icon with dumplings and a 100- meter run in truchel bags, what kind of person is this, a reliable person? i trust her as i trust myself, right? necessary, for any money within reason, no money is needed, you just need to help in one matter, help, bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith in christ, you cannot love me, we are your enemies, i will give everything, sell, buy , he went over to their side, we’ll show what it means to attack innocent people, and we’ll beat them in such a way that they’ll stain... a film by vladimir bordok on friday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest,
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you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but need to rest. where there is sun and sea, except for our heads, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, steersman's bourbon is a product of the stellor group. liu resorts, we are here for you. rum, castro,
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product of steller group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures. judging by the photo, do you know each other? you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, there is no other way there will be, from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr, there are so many new reasons for conversation, but a holiday with gifts. now this is my talisman, with the singer, with my sons, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life, with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well
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, maybe, i think not we need more. the amazing song you created with maxim fodeev, for me it was generally a joke. on friday on rtr. for a business lunch, this is the best place in the city. yes, thank you, it was tasty. vasily, did you hear, tomorrow in the park? there will be a holiday, a day of fidelity, love, don’t you want to go, you need to take a break from work sometimes, i don’t know, it’s just the whole situation on my part, oh well, it’s business, nothing personal, but only if you, of course, still see her if you don’t love me, i love you, that’s it. meet,
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hello, kopylova, the genius of all the organizations, the genius of pure beauty, look, what a beauty, the director of the taxi company, and yes, but not with the registration itself, but with the registration time, you know, ivan ilyevich, we could do it all in a week be on time, we have all the documents, everything is in order, everything is in order with the documents, so, let’s do this, we’ll hold a competition and i will personally give orders in a week, very good, i’ll carry out everything at a high level, excellent. thank you, because besides this competition we have a full major, and the governor, ivan ilyevich, ivan ilyevich, ivan ilyevich, trouble, ivan ilyevich, where, ivan ilyevich, there weren’t enough buses for guests from the region, there were more guests, we need to order another bus , there are no more free buses, we are already done, you order a taxi, we will do it for you with a big discount, cool idea, super, definitely, taxi, although
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there is no one. you don’t have registration, taxi, taxi, whoever we have there, wheel, thank you for the tip, we’ll do everything, yes, we’ll deliver everything in the best possible way, of course, a wonderful, simply wonderful holiday, a day of family, love and joy, what's her name, well, yes, fidelity, yes, fidelity, yes, uh-huh, okay, thank you, thank you.
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hello, evgenia potapovna, yeah, did you apply for the dumpling competition? yes, tomorrow, great, then we’ll be waiting for you, yeah, right,
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maria. dmitrievna, that is, we are going to a certain maria vasilyeva, who applied to participate in the competition, but the phone number does not answer. why are we going to her and not just crossing her off the list? well, because maria vasilyeva submitted an application, and at the last moment, which means she really wanted to. to be in the competition, if this maria vasilyeva does not participate in the competition, then the world will turn upside down, no, the world will stand, but she will be upset, because she so wanted to participate in this competition, for example, there were some problems with calling , and if we come to this maria vasilyeva and she won’t be at home, you will look for her all over the city, no, i won’t have time, the list needs to be closed today, do you
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know the address where we are going, it seems to me that i was already there today, yes, i gave a lift if i’m not mistaken, mother and daughter, this city is too small for a woman like you. oh, hello, hello, well, i knew it, our town is small, you remember me, i dropped you off today with the tv, and oh, sorry, i didn’t know it was masha. "no , no, what are you talking about, i have a completely different matter, you registered for the dumpling competition, i didn’t, why not, but wait, your address, phone number, no, this is
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some kind of mistake, it’s me, it’s me who asked my grandmother, my mother to write it down, baba shura is our neighbor, i’m with her i’ll leave the machine.” when they didn’t find someone working, no, bye, mommy, let’s go to the competition, make the best dumplings, they’ll give you a prize, and we ’ll go to the store and buy ice cream, mashenka, i can’t, dad said you’re the best do you make dumplings in the world, masha?
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how did he die, masha told me, he just left? so we say he left, it doesn’t sound so scary, it’s a nightmare, he was sick, no, he electrocuted him . we were sitting, having dinner, the lights went out, he went into the entrance to check the electrical panel, i
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don’t know how to live now, because we loved each other so much, and we were one, i’m at home with mashenka, she... plays music, she’s a talent, and lyosha is a breadwinner, then he left, and i don’t know, i need to work, i can’t do anything. how scary it is to lose loved ones, what are you wondering,
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what if something happens to you? i'm scared, stop it, there's nothing wrong with me it will happen, everything will be fine. good night mom, good night son!
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hello, don’t sleep, good evening, no, i was just thinking that i’ll probably go to a party, okay, go, of course, don’t keep company, you don’t have any other plans, no, then i’ll pick you up, fine. “then good night, good night,
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her condition is like feeding her daughter.” in their house there is nothing but pasta , you know, al, all people experience grief differently, for some, life literally stops like that, yes, you know, she is so lost, but she has depression, pain, despair, despair, she needs time... she will start living again, just like i can
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help her now, of course, when there is a job that she likes, loved ones to whom she can switch, this is support, i understand, eat, i’ll fry the potatoes tomorrow, thank you, mom! good morning, i’ll go, good mashenka, hello, hello, and i bought you everything for the dumplings, you know, for some reason the filling always breaks out during cooking, but it doesn’t break out for you, hurray, dumplings, mom, i’ll according to the dumplings. i’ll even be a cook too,
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we take a circle like this, it means a circle, yes, it’s repeated right away, and then just like that , we put a spoon here in the middle to fold, yours is also clean, it’s closed, that’s great, take the next one, just like that, no need to grow, back here, yes, yes, yes, like this with handles around the edges. oh, well , when he sees you, he becomes so anime, you don’t need to be anime, he’s not very talkative anyway, although he’s handsome, you’ll see for yourself, you’ll come, well, i didn’t plan, but now i’ll come. at least he’s not as broke as he turned out to be at the beginning, and he’s almost divorced, maybe this is yours
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fate, you won’t refuse tea, i won’t refuse tea, that’s great, on saturday, quietly, please don’t, our wonderful nanny wrote a police report against you, yes, as if you raped her, this is yours, this is mine, ring, some mistake, my wife. got you at the moment of theft and you decided not to slander her in revenge, this is not true, a bouquet of dusty flowers, premiered on saturday on rtr.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. titanic luxury collection cognac monte chococa product stellar group hotel titanic delux golf belleg, where every moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by
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our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. cognac, old barrel, product of steller group. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they... laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, someone was hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this cereal to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, we olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys
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in, i came across such caring people, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, that you do it, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, zinaida aleksandrovna, you we came directly in person, well, there was no need to worry so much, come on, ivan ilevich, personally communicate with a good person, come on, especially since maybe we will continue our cooperation with you. i hope, i hope, yes, yes, and also that while you haven’t been given a personal car, we will give you our car as a driver, so to speak, your personal complete order, well, why do i need a driver, i can somehow do it myself, well this is not your level, delegating authority is the main skill of a manager, then thank you, if very much,
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by the way, i need nikita sergeevich now we need to meet, well, you see, today you will honor us, oh, to be honest, taxi, the wheel greets you, please, what have you been drinking? no, how can you, i ate something wrong yesterday, right?
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this is brilliant, it’s very tasty, i ’ve never eaten anything tastier, mom, will you make the same thing at the competition? well, i don’t know, maria, please, you need this. “masha needs this, i need this, in the end, come to the competition, mom, come, mom, come, okay, great, agreed, hurray, order in the city is the tenth thing, wipers, sprinklers, that’s all so clear face
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you have to be with the working man, that's what, listen, i have to ask you. we are about to meet not the very last person, so could you please shut up, it’s like these drivers, and you are one of these, which means one of these, well, who shut everyone’s mouth, of course, please, repark the car. there's a puddle here, so what? where can i park it for you? do you see any empty seats here or what? we need to expand parking for taxis, not money. to make a fuss on stupid holidays, no, you’re still drunk, but how can you prove it? can a witness with
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shall we go with you or what? some kind of madness, i will complain to your boss, oh, yes, complain, you hear, yes, call, call, my boss and i, my buddy, i understand, are you, priests, teaching passengers to live again, you again, listen, you should get out of here ? i’m on a vip trip, that’s all, i’m not going anywhere with you, excuse me, you’re a taxi driver, what kind of a taxi driver is he, bullshit, he’s a private owner, a leftist, take you, i need to meet a person, help, yes, of course, please, and to hell with you, you both will, you might think i won’t find any clintos for myself, taxis are inexpensive, taxis!
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so what do you think? very good. what about the suit? the suit is also good, but the dress is just amazing. well, let's take both. it's summer, i want some updates. i understand you. yes. and cut off the tag. i’ll go straight away in it, okay, oh now one little thing, and yes, yes, ivan ilyevich, yes, i didn’t understand you as someone, but that ’s not, no, maybe that’s how i’m punching, that i’m punching,
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but yes, yes , yes, well, son, you brought us under the monastery, what kind of driver is this, you sent repkin, well, they hired such a priest recently, but what? who, what is this driver of yours... oh, little things, little things, in a wide field, in the presence
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of a familiar domun, a horse was walking in the field, a sign of a kamune, the yard was walking in the field, you with a little paper, he really really likes you. not waiting, what happened? he’d better tell you everything himself, yes, okay, ivan ilyevich, here comes alla, sorry, i won’t be long, alla, great, i need you, yes, hello, urgently, i’m hiring your people’s taxi to deliver guests from the region , like oh, yeah, ugh, good afternoon, in general, what?
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yeah, participant, smirnova, sit down, smirnovo, right, hello, hello, meet me, this is chairman of our jury vitali yakovich ogurtsov, raccoon restaurant, vitali yakovich, this is alla, please, excuse me, excuse me, but the dumpling competition is taking place here, yes, participant, yes, yes, here is my apron, surname nazirov, nazirov, please sit down, eat such. nazirov stanislav, so, where are you?
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relatives are actually celebrating, but this is how you pretend to be close to the people? well, i want to tell you very mediocrely, yes, you ’re there too, well, it doesn’t matter, it’s none of your business, but what is it, where can she be, she promised to come, but promising doesn’t mean getting married, you think from... vitaly yakovlevich, let’s check the products, we’ve already, and we’ll do it one more time, come on, what’s there to check, well...
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i mean, he was discharged there like this reenactor, some napoleons, but he doesn’t know who, farmers, but no, he didn’t dress up as anyone, he just has a new business, business, yes, i don’t understand, but why did he say that he was moving forward, he has prospects there, horizons , oh, you never know what he said, he sold a taxi fleet, his grandson was seriously ill, he needed money, he died, no i know, i was sick, they say... that he’s such a valuable competitor, very valuable, well, just wait for me, where can i go, thank you, farm vegetables,
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hemp village. nice village, vegetables from the ground, come up, buy, move, hold, eat, well, how do you come home empty-handed, or buy them something chemical on a stick, please choose, everything is here, everything is healthy, everything is tasty and fresh, apples, how do you like them, sweet apples, just honey, smell it, yeah, let's take it, yes, okay, let's take it, how many children, two, two, then 3 kg, it will be very useful, it will be very tasty, our apples, farm apples,
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who do you take me for, when should i cook, i work hard in other fields, hello!
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you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you bourbon сtirsman - a product of the stellar group.
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veta vodka is a product of the stellar group. i resisted, no amount of money will help if she decides to go to the end, but what do you order me do, sit and wait for them to come after me for this terrible article of dust flowers, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. everybody show up. well, dear viewers, our competition is about to begin. our masters varenikov is already ready. i give the countdown, all together. 5.4. i'm sorry, for god's sake, what are you doing here, have you forgotten here, i didn’t ask you where i should be, you understand, so let’s get out of here,
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it’s not up to you now, we’ll talk next time, well, what are you, girl, where is your toilet, there it is, are you a liva, what? are you the main one in this people's taxi? can i just be a minute? certainly. let's go, do we know each other? no, show me if anything happens, hi. what are you doing here? let's? a friend asks us to hire him, but to tell me how he doesn’t want to give me an ugly car, that he’s driving, hello, this nit ruined my car.
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