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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 3:45am-4:35am MSK

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stock exchange in copenhagen. people tried to remove paintings and antiques from the burning building. according to preliminary data, the source of the fire was in the room where restorers were working. valeria kudryavtseva has details. 400 years of danish cultural heritage in flames. this is what the danish minister of culture jacob engel schmidt said about what is happening. the ancient burson stock exchange building, one of the main symbols of copenhagen. broke out early in the morning, since then world news agencies have shown increasingly dramatic footage of what is happening, the fire covered all floors of the building, the roof partially collapsed. about 120 firefighters and 60 military personnel are on site, helping to save valuables. the historic börson copenhagen stock exchange building was built in 1625 on the island of slots holman in the center of copenhagen. the striking work was created by order of the king of denmark in norway and the creation of the brothers
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florenz and hans van steenwinkel opened a new page in architecture. until the 19th century, the building housed a commodity exchange, then until 1974 there was a stock exchange there. since then since danish chamber of commerce. since 2022 , large-scale repair and restoration work has been carried out here, which was supposed to restore the historical facade of the exchange by 2029. the fact is that the building was damaged in the 19th century. very unsuccessful restorations, the 19th century in general is a century of unsuccessful restorations, and not only in the north of europe, but also in france, and perhaps everywhere, and just denmark, the danish authorities, architects, right now wanted to restore the building to its original appearance, and there the work itself was carried out, apparently this served the reason for this misfortune, the exchange building was...
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moreover, it was crowned with an extremely rare completion, that is, a helical-shaped spire; i must say that such forms are generally rare in architecture. evacuated employees of the danish chamber of commerce, who were located in this building, help save paintings from the fire. already managed to bring out one of the most famous works of the artist pedor severin kroer. a canvas from 1895 with a self-explanatory title from the copenhagen stock exchange.
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is a group portrait of employees standing in on the floor of the stock exchange, one of the oldest in the world. footage from local tv channels shows a canvas measuring 2.5 by 4 m being moved to a safe place. the sense of this picture is that - well, it’s like, you know, a living situational portrait of those people who worked in this building, who were actually engaged in this stock exchange trading, and in fact owned this building, yes, that is, this such for for history. well, what is called such a history imprinted, so to speak, in the faces of this building, while the causes of the fire are not determined, they are determined whether the fire is related with restoration work is still unknown. valeria kudryavtseva, culture news. man, feeling a miracle, the motto of the eighth arctic international film festival golden crow, which opened in anadar. participants and spectators will enjoy 2 action-packed weeks. he will tell you what program the organizers have prepared. the golden
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raven spreads its wings. for the eighth time , the arctic international film festival has opened in chukotka. what makes it different from other film screenings? well, first of all, this is a constant transformation. every year here something new appears, new programs, and of course, new films. the opening ceremony took place at the polyarny cinema; of course, the chukchi eskim ensemble ergeron performed; you couldn’t do without it. participants of the competition were also presented. a program of events has been announced, the program is extremely rich, interesting and, it seems to me, very audience-friendly, we have selected films from all over the world, from china, from india, from turkey, and from russia, of course, there are a lot of films that tell about the lives of strong, interesting people , at completely different points in our planet, we have a separate movie marathon throughout russia, which will end on april 30, it still has to end, at the moment... and
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more than 20 thousand viewers have already watched the screenings of the movie marathon, this does not count those viewers who will be there today join as part of the avandra film festival. a film by mikhail lukachevsky was shown at the opening. where the siberian cranes dance, this is a yakut film, the action takes place in the sixties, the main character vanya is trying to recover from a spinal injury received in early childhood, but fate prepared another serious test for him. the message is that don’t stop there, always dream and believe in the best, because the north is a harsh region, whatever one may say, in winter... we especially don’t have enough sun. the golden crow festival is not only film screenings, but also a business and industrial program. at the chukotka heritage museum center , filmmakers discussed how documentary and feature films contribute to the popularization and preservation of indigenous culture peoples, in the case of ethnographic
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cinema we can talk about the study of traditions and rituals, including those that have long disappeared. but look at how people lived and how they live their national craft. very important, it seems to me, because it adds a picture to the history of our entire planet. this is an opportunity, i repeat, to convey some of your unique history, experience and your view of this history. the golden crow festival is truly a spectator festival; audiences of different ages can find something to their liking here, and guests film screenings can get to know chukotka better. stanislav anisimov, alexander kapustyansky, culture news, anadar. it ’s not just movies that help you get to know the northern territories better. the st. petersburg museum of the arctic and antarctic brought together those who study the biographies of the conquerors of the arctic, as well as those who intend to continue the exploration of the far north and the far south. details from yulia vasilyeva. the artist konstantin brilevsky
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has never been to the pole in person. along the northern sea route with the merchant sidorov, the author of this series of paintings traveled without leaving the museum of the arctic and antarctic. century, what the port of pechora was like, what the pioneers wore, the artist learned from the memoirs of participants in polar expeditions in the book north of russia, written by the merchant himself. let’s say, when they started talking about graphite, i studied a lot about what graphite is needed for, what graphite crucibles looked like in foundries, that is, i seriously studied this, this year is filled with important dates in the history of the exploration of the poles, perhaps. therefore, st. petersburg artists and writers headed to the extreme north and extreme south. historian mikhail savinov, author of books about the northern sea route and antarctica, was faced with an unexpected problem. for his readers , poles are some kind of abstraction. if we take a soviet schoolchild of the thirties,
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and for him the arctic is a space in which he does not leave anywhere or from his city, but due to the huge number of publications in pioneer truth, and in children's magazines, on some radio.
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the purpose of such trips is to search for artifacts, some of which complement exposition of the museum, so the collection included a barrel of bread and pea sausage from a food warehouse, a mention of which attentive readers found in the library archives, this book from 1900, the ascent of prince luigi of sovoy to mount st. elias, an unknown polar explorer took it with him on an extreme joseph's march to the land of france. vyacheslav rakov, evgenia. specialists from the state museum of the history of religion are restoring unique masks of buddhist monks. after restoration they will become the same as the participants and spectators of the mystery saw them. tsam at the beginning of the 20th century. this is a special cleansing ceremony in buddhist
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monasteries. experts carefully examined the masks using a digital microscope with 500x magnification. now they are removing the old varnish to get back to the original paints. the main character, the lord of hell, has already shown his true color. his vk head mask is bright blue, you can see it in places here. the color has already appeared, exactly the author's color, bright blue, on top it was covered with darker paint, and i hope that at the end of the restoration it will acquire its true bright color. this concludes our episode, all the best and see you soon.
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guys, can you tell me how there are samples on the street? get out of there, otherwise everything at the station is dug up, there must be a through passage somewhere? i think it’s over there, but the house there
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is occupied, maybe there’s no more draft, thanks, i’ll try, go ahead. guys, guys, it seems like there are dead women there, let's go, i'll show you, let's go, let's see, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on here.
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that's it, you're welcome, hello, hello, oh, sorry to bother you, you know, i have a corpse in the apartment, my woman is dead there, who is she to you, no one, i don’t even know her, red-haired, yes. how many years have i been testing everything fine, oh-oh-oh, some kind of nightmare, how
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out of place this is, how out of place, listen, are you sure that she’s dead, you yourself said that there was no blood, you approached it’s close to her, maybe the woman just felt bad, come and look, oh, my god, what a disaster, oh, what a disaster! marina mikhailovna, you
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’ve been renting out this room for a long time, for a long time, i know, i’ve been renting it out on a daily basis, for retirement, but my salary is a pretty penny, you won’t make money, but it’s very profitable for me, and there’s no risk, and money right away, there’s nothing to take from me here, well, yes, but how do you place an ad, as there are a lot of people hanging on my kiosk. well, i have a kiosk opposite the station, people need to turn over from train to train, check-in at the hotel starts at 12:00, and i’m already at 8...
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i came to ask about the apartment, she needs until 3 o’clock it was, well, she shouldn’t spend money on a hotel, well, yes, well, she gave me the money, and i gave her the keys and a card with the address, it’s clear, marina mikhailovna, how do they return the keys to you, bring them here, no, when , when, when here, when they leave her under the rug, i know, time has passed, so i went to hurry her up. i saw that there was no key under the trunk, i pushed the door, but it wasn’t locked, i immediately felt something was wrong, of course, i’m listening, gentlemen, well, well, in the apartment, yeah, i say, great,
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my favorite area. and who will go from them? well , okay, okay, wait, just tell me, what about the redhead? yes, yeah, yes, i understand, i understand, i understand, i say, i thought so, there already cadaveric death, call forensic doctors. here i am, as the english say, just change the devil, and he’s right there, well, another redhead, yeah, yeah, take over, honey, we’ve already lost count of these redheads, yeah, here we go, well, that's it, let's go, goodbye, all the best, and what am i first
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or something, and where is masha, well, the strangler, right? clearly, you see, i’m scratching my face, but my face is all cyanotic, there’s pinpoint hemorrhage in the conjunctivae of the eyelids, yes, there on the neck too, marks from nails, yes, strangulation, wait, what’s this? like that, so she’s not red, you know, i don’t play like that, take me...
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in perfect order, maybe he dressed her later, dear heart, and have you ever put nylon tights on a dead body, tell you the truth, lie, but i’ve never had to do this in real life, yeah, so i hasten to tell you, it’s practically impossible, well , it’s very difficult, no, no, they didn’t sleep here, you see, i won’t touch the bed linen. and the sofa is not plant-based, i don’t understand at all, but why did he do it then, guys, can’t you catch this villain, but what is he doing, it’s my the apartment has become a bit overlooked now,
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mash, do you really think that this color doesn’t suit me, or volodya has screwed you over, well... how can i say, it’s not very fashionable, it’s some kind of nonsense, the guys from the homicide department came here, that’s it as if out of luck, repaint it, repaint it, this color doesn’t suit you, it doesn’t suit you, poor patrick, patrick, who is this, a rabbit, can you imagine, i read it online, some idiot posted photos of a living rabbit on the internet, and if they won’t give him 5000 dollars, he promised to eat it, it’s terrible, isn’t it, well, listen, he’s on... oh, the car has arrived, well, wow, it’s time, yes, let’s go, march. i’ll invite guests, well
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, bye, happily, hello, so what’s wrong with this poor patrick, and most importantly, why didn’t the network operators intervene, and what can you do to him, it’s his own rabbit, he has every right to eat it, and well, yes, he he wasn’t threatening to eat a person, well, yes, by the way, “i’m sure there will be an idiot who will eat a person and post an ad about it online, believe me, it won’t be that easy to find him, it’s simply impossible, maybe let’s go already, come on, please, what a great guy, fed, let's go door to door, hello, hello, hello, oh, hello, well, finally everything is assembled, oh, it's great when everyone is together. and the soul is in place, volodya, raise the operatives, establish the identity, yeah, the distillers, well, who is there in the department, well, let’s raise everyone, yes, i’m waiting, so i look, beckon
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to you and think how much time has passed, you already have two children, i’m already a child twice, so marya sergeevna, all the witnesses will be there now, wait, i heard right, what are you doing twice? already, that’s it, and you keep poking me, grandson, at least have respect for gray hairs, just like that, what am i saying, that’s how much time has passed, yes, in our lives everything is the same, corpses, examinations, and you at least remember your first corpse, of course, a homeless person in the basement when you told me that maggots jump, but wait, wait, how does it feel to jump, they smell the fresh stuff, they jump like that, yes, we... we tell all the new ones this, so they scared zhenya so much, it’s nice that she remembers it , yes, damn it, it’s nice, right, fyodor, please, toilet, trash can, condoms, cigarette butts, receipts, come on, right,
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condoms, cigarette butts, right away fyodor, well , it’s clear, your styfia, excuse me, please, i can run to work, there’s a kiosk nearby, listen, by the way, i’ll see her off, let’s chat at the same time, it’ll be more useful, hello, great, come in, okay , again a redhead, if only you could, here... hello, he said, hello, hello, here’s a redhead, but not a redhead, so, take the masks from the corpse, i’ll take it, okay, maybe it’s better in the morgue, gentlemen, well, i asked , take it, what’s incomprehensible, yes , okay, okay, why are you so stuffy, didn’t you finish your vacation, i’m not stuffy, i’m ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, you just haven’t gone out with her for a long time. so i’m saying, comrade policeman, a man immediately came up behind her, to buy a magazine, that means he came up,
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looked at the magazine, looked, didn’t buy it, so marina mikhailovna, stop, tell me, are you sure that the man was not with her, yes, i’m sure that when she took the keys, she immediately left, and this guy, he was still standing, leafing through the magazine, but didn’t buy it, a magazine, yes, what a magazine, but should i show him? you can, of course, i can, let’s go, i have it in my stall there, i’m from the window, that means i took it and showed it to him, but, in my opinion, no one bought it from me, let’s go, ivan, so what? oh, it’s immediately clear that marya sergeevna came back from vacation, while she was away, no one was so worried. you know, i have so many examinations lying around for the first redheads,
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buevich never came for them, well, of course, who works for us, only you, marya sergeevna. ivan, tell me, is there anything new? well, what would you like? what would i like? i would like to, i don’t know, sit at home, eat chicken soup. vanya, well... apartments, and what could very well be, drag her to dectiloscopy, okay, by the way, give me your fingers too, why don’t you, come on,
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come on, are you crazy or something, i’m being careful. you, don’t paw, don’t meddle, but no, you always carefully took it by the very spine, you say this, as soon as professional luck shines, you immediately need to pay dearly, tell me, you agreed on a composite portrait, agreed, well, what time is eight, well what is there, but these are not your fingers, you have an arc, and there is a loop pattern, that is, it was impossible to find out in advance, you need to... take it and smear me with this disgusting thing, such a job , give me a napkin, where can i get this napkin, well, after all, they pulled me off, dragged me out of the theater, and hello, kolya, this good fellow again, what are we going to do, work?
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your work is not in full swing, it is not in full swing, you are not working very hard, here you are, marya sergeevna, what are you doing, specifically, i think, if the investigator is taken away from the opportunity of the duma, then now the city authorities will come here, you at least put some things on the table - documents, folders, pieces of paper, so that it can be seen that we are working, well, well, well, where are your documents?
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i grabbed our materials, photographs, copies of examinations, the fact is that i’m not ready to put forward versions until i get acquainted with the rest of the cases, well, marya sergeev, why are you breaking down, by god, well, no, nikolai petrovich, you they’re wrong, marya sergeevna has a very responsible approach, that ’s good, but i just ask you to report to me the circumstances of the case, i’ll try, yes, yes, “oh, you’re lucky, zhenya, you eat candy, you gave birth to a child and nothing is done to your figure, we poor girls have to limit ourselves in everything, the husband is still dissatisfied, not what was there to cling to, he was clinging to the hairstyle, he said, change the hair color, what do you think, he doesn’t like the hair color, he’s
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just from this soul. worried about what strangler? you do not know? no, a strangler has appeared in our area, he only kills red-haired women, you and i, zhenya, are at risk, pour me some coffee, oh, what risk group? for example, i don’t go to discos, i don’t talk to strange men, so he can’t get to me, but what kind of maniac? tell us, and we have two weeks. two corpses, both women, redheads, and in a sexual way, he doesn’t encroach on them in any way, the burglar, i don’t think so, you know, they are found not at all where he killed them, in a different place, well, have you ever seen a burglar , who would steal things, then hide the corpse, there’s something else here, zoya, yeah,
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maybe i should be patient with getting into this business from the outside? what are you saying, they haven’t been made public, please tell me, there are no relatives with whom you will enter into an agreement, and masha has no business, well, not yet, but i think that she has these two fillons pushes the corpse away, you think, uh-huh, i’m melting my throat , i’m painting my nails, i have every right, the premiere, it’s old, yes, but you’re like a little agurg among us, you know, i’d marry you, but you’re here, hello, hello , well, what next, mikhail andreevich, holy buyer, angels of the region from april 22 on rtr, rest. it's leaving yourself
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alone. rest is nothing to think about when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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titanic luxury collection bothrum. titanic the lux golf belleg hotel, where everyone moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, father
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of four children, volunteered at the front. a year ago, ilya was seriously wounded and spent several months in a hospital bed. now ilya wants to find the soldier who kept him alive, and also meet the girl camilla. to the authors of the letter he received in the hospital, he keeps this envelope next to his awards. when i read the letter, i just realized that everything was not in vain. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. so, which one is first? this is it, yes, volodya. yes. well, i hope that the search efforts to establish the identities of the two victims have been carried out in full. well, a standard complex, fingers on the papillon, photo guidance for the whole matter and a file of missing persons, and what about requests, well, answers for now no, only 2 weeks have passed, there are no missing women with such features,
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no clues, we need to connect the television, show these photographs, maybe someone will identify us, that’s what we were planning on, we’ve already practically agreed, so, and this is what i think second. yeah, what about her? the same. nothing. the second one was also found in the yard. and here is the third one, today. it seemed to me, from our series, in an apartment. yeah, this is starting to become a series after all? so, so what? what signs, by what signs? eh, what's typical? they all redheads. well, hair color alone is not enough. after all, we have them of different age categories. uh-huh, well, yes, this is about 25, the second is in the range from 35 to 40, the third is about 50, yes, but the method of murder, it seemed to me, is the same, oh, excuse me, please, these are just
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criminologists about today's murder , yes, of course, of course, what is the cause of death, asphyxia, strangulation with hands on the neck , semilunar abrasions... of the nails. fed, tell me. marya sergeevna. the point is that there is such a wonderful cartoon here. uh, our victim, that's when she took the keys from rented hut, then some citizen was hovering around it all the time. so our landlady remembered him well. yes. so the fact is that his fingers were found in the apartment at the place where the corpse was found. that's it, marya sergeevna. well, guess. eh, masha, i discovered these fingers, don’t let him show off here, he’s also a criminologist for me. tonight we'll take her to a composition portrait. by the way, should i send you a portrait?
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yes, go ahead, definitely. yeah, give me a few more words. kiss. let's. bye. take it. hello, hello, marya sergeevna. marya sergeevna, i assure you. i assure you, this is the most realistic candidate. look, the fingers are in the apartment, right? we have signs of him, so tomorrow we’ll give out the orientation; he’s in our pocket, but of course, well, i assure you, this is an ironclad proof, no one will trample on your fingers, of course. that's the thing, goodbye, i asked you not to tell anyone, uh-huh, okay, unfortunately, nothing interesting, it's clear that else, well, in all three cases, there was a complete absence of traces of a struggle, not a single one resisted, alcohol in blood. intoxicating substances, well, so far we can only
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say about the first two, it’s clean there, well, what about the third today is still unknown, but there was no smell of alcohol from the body, there were no external signs of the use of intoxicating substances either, it’s strange how they let him near them, what else on the clothes of the first victims, micro-overlays of dark blue wool fibers, identical. yes, homogeneous in composition, but different from the fibers of the victims. well, and you say there are no leads. any ideas, what kind of fibers, what? similar? well, for example, for a prosecutor's uniform. funny, although i would look for other versions. eh,
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marina mikhailovna, now we are going to draw up a composite portrait, you know what it is, but everyone knows it, you will need to remember the man who bought a magazine for our girl from the railway station, well, why should i remember him, he ’s standing in front of my eyes, you’ll need to remember very precisely what kind of forehead he has, what kind of eyes, hair, well, come in, come in, come in, watchman, hello, ready, ready, let’s begin, oh, what? ok, hair, what kind of hair does he have?
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hair, oh, i don’t remember hair, jaw, he still had a jaw, don’t rush now, vakhtank, make several options, yeah, maybe this option, let’s say he was wearing a hat, so you didn’t remember the hair, right? no, i don’t remember the hat, but you know, i see through the window, i don’t see everything there, i just see it like that. i see, okay, but what was he wearing? in something dark, in something so inconspicuous, look, looks like, looks like, listen, one face, very similar, print, print, oh, what is it, what happened, does anything need to be fixed? no, no, no, it just seems to me, you know, i ’ve seen him somewhere before. this is very important, oh, i can’t
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remember, no, i can’t, i don’t understand whether to print it or not, well, print it, print it, well, who cares where, please be kind, put me where you found it, yeah, you guys, i i called the car, now, leave the doctors, sit down. that's it, close it, gentlemen, well, the theater is already closed, it’s not my destiny to find out who magbit is with sewn efficiency, well, don’t be upset, i’ll tell you i’ll tell you, or you know, i’ll give you a book, after all, you’re an ulcer, masha, so, i left, and this, by the way, and this krayts is okay, in my opinion, a normal guy, fingers of faith. well , he came himself, you know, he didn’t disdain, yes,
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finally we have a normal boss, but you’ve already had such a boss for a long time, only you underestimate him, and masha, i ask you, tense up, tighten up, you know, heat it up, figure it out you are the business, we need to earn points, distillers, help, yes, stop, that means all these cases and all these corpses, they are also yours and like this. still from vacation i didn’t come out, but i’ve already done three things, you can hit me, but i’m glad, yes i’m glad myself, the slaughter is interesting, well, go home, wait, volodya, if you’re not in a hurry, let’s go around...
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maybe he’ll appreciate it ? yeah, already appreciated. you worked so hard for so many years, they made filonov your boss. said everything? no, not everything. thank you, they said it a long time ago, but they gave me a reprimand for some nonsense. if i were you , what would you do if you were me, what? no problem, i would have put everything into work. i don't care whether i'm the boss or not. but i love mine work. yes, i don’t know how to do anything else. in short, don't come with me, i went on my own. i ’m not... thank you dear, well, sit still, otherwise i’m alone, all day long a living face is in captivity, zhenya, you’re impudent, you
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were at masha’s during the day, i entertain you in the evening, you see, she’s either sitting in captivity, well wow, i had one busy day. zoya, please, well, people come to your office, well , ask around, maybe someone needs a lawyer, but well, i’m already ready for anything, but i’m not ready for everything, the distillers will kill me, you see, zoya, please, maybe he won’t catch this strangler, so i will defend him against the evil of the despot vinokurov, this is vinokurov a despot, but he’s a mattress, i ’ve known him for 100 years, i’ll ask you not to insult vinokurov, well, you yourself she told me it was wine. i can have my distillers, okay, okay, late, scary, dark, i'm off, thanks for the coffee, bye, bye.
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masha, are you sure that we need to come here right now, it’s so dark here, the devil himself will break his leg, i want to inspect the sites of the incidents before i talk to experts, so that means we’ll still drag ourselves to the construction site, for sure, listen, your boss is a bloody guy? do you like it? never mind. well, why didn’t you tell him everything then? it is your custom to release the first version you come across. this is the place. yes. but i still don’t know what i can tell him and what not. and she didn’t say anything about the wig. she became quiet. well, how do i know to whom he will blurt out what we
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tell him. perhaps there will be some kind of press conference tomorrow. maybe he was in a hurry, in a hurry, maybe he was really afraid of being more late somewhere, what to inherit, by the way, the station is not far here, he was in a hurry to catch the train, it may well be,
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listen, why did he then put this wig on his aunt, his hands were itching, but he didn’t come across a redhead, naturally, this is his trick. staroseltsev, staroseltsev. what are you doing? “listen, staroseltsev, why are you following me around, i’m not following me, are you
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following me or something, you might think that you passed here by accident, and why are you wandering around at night, where you ended up, listen, you and i are already strangers, we’ve been divorced for 100 years, and i can just be humanly worried, just as a human being, you know how people walk here at night because of the frost, and so you ’re just waiting for me to come”? i don’t need your protection, it’s clear, fuck off, i won’t, i walk here all the time and nothing, that’s it you know, all the time there may be nothing, now what, you know that there is a maniac in this area, he is hunting for redheads, listen, he has found some kind of terrible excuse , this is not an excuse, you are in danger in your inflamed state. brain, are you
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a fool, or what? i ’m speaking to you in russian, you don’t understand russian, i don’t. i’m kidding, this, this is serious, oh, starosertsov, you’re kind of strange, you’d think that you actually know this maniac, no, tell me, how can you know what might be in a maniac’s head, or does he have plans with you? shared his, yes, that yes, yes, sign, sign, shared, you, you’re drunk, i’m probably not joking, zoya, i ’m telling you seriously, he told me himself, you understand, he went hunting today, and today he is looking for his next victim, a redhead, you understand, i’m serious, okay, let’s go to my house, there you’ll tell me everything, just let’s go to the store, i’m rolling a ball, you, you understand, i’m serious,
4:34 am
i’m not joking, i understand it, you’re wondering how he came here, i’m wondering what kind of soil he has on his shoes, and in general, a fingerprint in the apartment, sand on the shoes, an interesting logical chain is being built, it will be easy to write about the venilovka, well, also a blue woolen suit, yes, isn’t it too early to talk about the accusation, you think, mash, we must first ... catch him right here, you know that it’s never too early to think about accusations, well, yes, yes, and in general, i have a feeling that he’s in our pocket, kurochkin is making a composite portrait, his appearance is very characteristic, so you’ll soon catch him, well, yes, i wonder where, mash, what do you think about him in general, i think that he is a typical strangler, i was surprised, listen, if you had read douglass or at least the exemplary one, you would understand what i’m talking about, i quickly read the decision of the boards, and it says open it quickly, even if he is a strangler, even if he is a ripper, come on, teach , come on, listen,
4:35 am
serial killers are divided into rapers and stranglers, ours, therefore, did not inflict bodily harm, so, did not enter into sexual contact, so, accordingly, he is driven by hatred, hates someone, looks for a similar type, kills, hates a woman of about fifty. older than himself and who has influence on him. wait, why did you decide that she was older than him? well, you saw all the victims, he’s not looking for young people at all, the last victims are about 50, oh, you have an envelope, i’ll take the sand. now, wait, i think i was somewhere.


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