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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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about two about 20 countries have already arrived and foreigners have arrived in 3 years, this year guests will be invited to become restorers themselves, first master classes, and then aromatic herbal tea from a real royal samovar. we will finish from tomorrow - our colleagues will greet the morning with you, but today you have a working day or a day off ahead, just spend it with pleasure, no matter what, it will be boring, come to our telegram morning russia. see you soon, bye! hello, on the russia tv channel, news in irin rossius studio and the main topics for this hour: more in a day. for residents of orenburg
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, the water is receding. a robot that can support stormtroopers and carry the wounded from the battlefield. the minister of defense inspected promising equipment created taking into account the experience of the northern military district. thousands of russians are stuck in dubai. oh, the water is thin today. and the clock turned into the sea when will air traffic with the emirates resume? dreamlainer 787 may fall apart. a boeing engineer reported defects in aircraft of this series. my whole life is organized around this business. the keeper of the main treasures of russia, director of the moscow kremlin museums elena gagarina celebrates her anniversary. in kurgan, the water level in
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the tabol river rose by 123 cm in a day and reached the level of a dangerous phenomenon, the scale of the disaster is clearly visible from the air, according to the latest data, about 300 houses were sunk , where yesterday it was possible to drive a car, today only boats will pass. the water arrived about 15 minutes ago, we stopped at the dacha, it was much less. even the iron rescuers have already evacuated more than 13,000 people at a dairy farm in a safe place takes out cows in the region there is a state of emergency on a regional scale. in the tyumen region , evacuations began this morning in 14 more settlements in the ishim region. people are asked to take only documents, medicines and essential items. in the orenburg region , the ural river is gradually returning to its channel. the decline is still slow but stable. all the latest data in the reports of our correspondents and.
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under the sound of rising water, the main wave of the flood came to the city, the gardens on the right bank were the first to be hit, here is the store ours, which we are driving, it’s generally bad to go further there, the left bank... will hold, but the dangerous mark has already been overcome. the depth of tabola is more than 8 m. the dam is strengthened to eleven in some places. so far, only the embankment and city beaches are under water, but some of the city roads running through the lowlands are already at the mercy of the elements. the tyunin highway is the main, if not the only, route leading from kurgan to the kitovsky district, which was also damaged by the flood. now it is impossible to drive along the road; the strongest flow of water can easily sweep away any passenger car. only trucks can overcome the obstacle. the same road leads to the village of poplar. until
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recently, people only heard about big water here; now it has flooded half of the village . we decided to stay here, now they have fenced off a place for us in the forest, we will build there, well, this is a pen, goats, birds. some refuse to leave, they say there is not enough water yet. if the water comes, you will have to get out. i don't know, i'm not alone here. no, you can't stay. they said that the water will be available in 2 days, a week, that’s all. pulling out in enhanced mode works local police, evacuated settlements need to be taken under protection, special technical devices are used here that allow them to examine from the air the territories abandoned by local residents, as well as aircraft to detect the suppression of acts, including theft of property from flooded houses. new temporary temporary accommodation centers are constantly being opened, most of them near evacuated settlements, but in a safe zone where water will definitely not reach. albert musin, nikolai starostin, mitrikomov, elena goleeva. from
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the kurgan region, today there are traffic jams in orenburg is much smaller, the water recedes, freeing up for movement, previously closed streets and highways, in those courtyards in areas where it was impossible to get through, equipment is working. the worst is already over, the ural river is retreating from orenburg, albeit slowly, but returning to its usual course. in orsk, where the decline in water levels began earlier, normal life is also gradually returning to normal. volunteers from many regions of russia are still working there, they are sorting humanitarian aid, people still need things essential necessities and deliver food, water and things under... the houses of those who suffered from the flood, our team has experience working in general in the zones, they have been trained in the field of safety and in extinguishing forest landscape fires, that is, our guys are trained the scientists are in a great mood, ready to help, but the peak of the flood has not yet passed throughout the entire region;
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the level of the urals in the village of ilek has been rising for several days. previously, there was already a small embankment at this place, which in previous years protected from the flood, now it was decided to strengthen it, increase it by several meters, otherwise this entire... microdistrict would already be in the water. a water-filling dam was laid on top of the embankment; it adds another 1.5 m to the structure . now this is the most guarded object in the village. residents constantly patrol the shaft to ensure that no one damages the structure and hope that it will withstand the pressure of water. sleep on the sofa, let's say, and the water is higher than you - the water level. and twenty steps from her, casa, what a wave, what a spit, but again, not only me one scythe, this is how people are all over elek now.
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means developed for the russian army. light and protected special vehicles are designed not only for transporting personnel, but are also equipped with machine guns, which means they can support the actions of assault groups on the line of combat contact.
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this operation lasted five days, our fighters managed to destroy seven militants, and four more who were sent to help them surrendered themselves. the knuno self-propelled gun hit a militant stronghold, destroying the target, our the mortar men quickly left their position to avoid a retaliatory strike. several more enemy defenders hidden in the forest belt were eliminated by artillerymen of the bars-10 volunteer detachment.
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the crew of sud-25 attack aircraft worked at low altitudes against enemy targets, resulting in the destruction of camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. more than 700 candidates have already applied to participate in the preliminary vote of united russia in anadar. the decision to participate in the elections was made by several veterans of the northern military district, among them alexey savchenko. now he is helping military. he will run for the council of deputies of the city district, elections will be held in the fall, the application is very easy, everything is done online, no documents need to be done, i recently filled it out, everything is very quick and easy, well, i want to contribute to the development of chukotka, our small homeland and not to stand aside and not be indifferent, two conflicts at once will be in the spotlight today . leaders of the european union who are meeting today for a summit. according to european journalists, the middle east
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is now much more relevant than ukraine, despite to zelensky’s desperate attempts to regain his former international popularity. the eu leadership, of course, promises to consider the issue of supplying air defense systems, but it does not have the determination to defend kiev, just like tel aviv. report by anastasia popova. iran's strike on israel slightly shifted the focus of foreign ministers' discussions at an informal video conference ahead. why not create a european analogue of the iron dome over kiev? they asked a question to joseph borel. you need to understand that the iron kubal system was created over decades, even if we had the resources to create such a system in ukraine; this cannot be done in a short time. the eu leaders who come to meet will learn about the needs of the front from... before the debate, he is scheduled to speak via video link. kiev desperately needs
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air defense systems amid russian attacks on the energy sector. barel promises to knock on all doors so that eu countries transfer their patriot systems, or give money to purchase new ones. but so far few people have responded to the knock, writes the financial times. currently we will not be able to offer any more systems at this time, the ministry of defense said on monday. this position has angered some. representatives of the opposition christian democratic union. norbert rödgen, a cdu mp and member of the bundestag foreign affairs committee, said that berlin could provide ukraine with two more patriot systems, especially since those provided to poland and slovakia have now been returned. where they are unlikely to respond to calls to arm kiev is in budapest, viktor orban in the morning brussels. before the start of the summit, i planned to speak at a conference of right-wing politicians, which was requested by the mayor of the district. the commissioner
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of police has just made a statement, he has been advised not to allow anyone into the premises and people can obviously leave any time they want. at first, the conference organizers were persuaded in a good way, then they were threatened with turning off the lights. as a result , the founder of the party, who was speaking at that moment, was literally driven off the stage.
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the european union requires changes, this was stated by the prime minister of hungary according to victor orbán, none of the tasks set by the leaders of the association were.
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the season of water excursions has started, navigation will last until the end of autumn, during which time river buses and boats will transport about 4 million tourists. this year , new routes have been prepared for city guests, why you should definitely plan a walk along the rivers and canals, and where you can now go along the neva and the gulf of finland, ekaterina fesenko will tell you. the six-month summer in st. petersburg is counted from the moment when the first pleasure boats appear in the neva, here go around the whole thing. you can see the city like this, sitting on the deck, magnificent palaces and bridges meet you, domes and spiers flash where you don’t expect, st. petersburg from the water is a completely different city, after winter and for no reason it becomes a wide avenue, from which streets and alleys of rivers and alleys branch off in different directions canals, the northern capital reveals its secret locations and tells stories, here is the troetsky bridge
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, i can’t believe that chkalov once flew under it, here is the masterpiece lattice of the summer garden, behind which in the thirties of the past century... the americans offered the young country a hundred steam locomotives, and the cruiser aurora is hiding around the corner. it’s still cold in st. petersburg, the ice has just melted, but this splash of water is the main sign of spring. there are still few ships, in the summer the neva will turn into a highway, there will be traffic jams in the rivers, but these are perhaps the most pleasant traffic jams in the world, the public is always happy to take such excursions. it's always very impressive; it's actually a boat trip. you appreciate such space, that is, the scale of the city, walking on the water is always interesting, unusual, last year, when we were in st. petersburg, we took a night trip to the bridge, it was also very beautiful, the network of routes is now huge, everything new is appearing, last year we launched st. petersburg, kronshtat, fortov island, in this we added kronshtat petergov, we we are introducing a one-day flight,
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st. petersburg, petergov, kranshtat and tourists will be able to choose. both one and the other direction, for example, in the morning go to karanstat, yes, then to petergov, getting with comfort on a high-speed catamaran in half an hour from kranstat to petrodvorets, and further to for example, after walking in petrodvorets, return to the city on our catamaran. there is very little time left before the white nights, then night excursions will be added, and the waterways will be seething around the clock. ekaterina fesenko, evgeny kostin, alexander burushkov, galina orlova. news petersburg. this is the news. this is what will happen next in our program: when air traffic with the emirates resumes, the dreamlainer 787 may fall apart, a boeing engineer said, and the director of the moscow kremlin museums, elena gagarina, is celebrating the anniversary. all the details are already after the commercial, see you. they say that
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you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex rum, castro, a product of stellor group.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum whiskey manque. product lar group cognac monte xococa product stellar group discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collem exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and atmosphere complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance. “we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with
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vladimir solovyov today on rtr, bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ, you cannot love me." against your enemies, i will give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it means to attack the innocent we will beat people so much that the stains will be carried away, taras bulba, what son, your dances helped you, a film by vladimir bortok on friday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us , yes, when my friends came running, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes
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my grandmother, she herself is hungry, but she brings this kurba to the house and says: baby, feed dogs, to lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, to support. in a word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, vasya is arrested, premiere on rtr. vasily would not damage the car so that a person would have an accident. there are facts, there is evidence, if he had an ironclad alibi, he would not have been arrested, we were together, just the whole day, you also think, it’s me, i know that you
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are not capable of this, i believe you, alla taxi, today on rtr, this is news, we continue the release, about 2,500 are stuck in dubai russians. their flight was delayed due to heavy rain that hit the city the day before. the annual norm of precipitation fell in one day. about the consequences of the largest natural disaster in 75 years. report by alexander bilibov. the strongest storm in the last half century that hit the united arab emirates the day before led to... a real collapse at the largest air hub in the middle east, dubai international airport. the airfield turned into a real sea, the air harbor stopped receiving and sending all flights until weather conditions improved, as a result
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, thousands of people gathered in the airport terminals waiting for the departure of their flights, among them many of our compatriots. the flight was first rescheduled for an hour and a half, then after we waited for our already rescheduled flight time, the flight was simply removed from the board until the nineteenth. no tickets, the travelers were essentially trapped, all flights were canceled, and there was no way to go to the hotel, because many roads were completely or partially flooded, we came to find out where we could get water, but what did they tell us, there was no water, food, food specifically they also don’t say where there is food, no one knows anything, all the operators are silent. passengers on the ural airlines flight from moscow to dubai spent 7 hours on the plane; due to weather conditions, the plane went to an alternate airfield in abu dhabi. few hours passengers were forced to remain in the cabin
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without any information before being allowed to leave, but the worst situation was at dubai airport, where people had to wait for several hours on a first-come, first-served basis to exchange already purchased tickets for later flights . they didn’t tell us what time our flight was rescheduled, no one contacted us, we weren’t given food vouchers, we weren’t given water vouchers, we weren’t offered to come to the hotel, we were locked out in an aeroport. the city itself, which survived the strongest storm in its history, is gradually coming to its senses, but many areas still remain flooded, while those whose vacation in dubai is still ongoing are forced to stay in hotels, because on... the streets, there are rivers, however. some decided to take advantage of the situation and swim directly surrounded by skyscrapers. oh, some water today. alexander belivov, dmitry cherbakov and maria bolotvina,
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news! buing must immediately stop production of the dreamliner family of airliners due to poor build quality, about this was stated to nbc reporters by an engineer from the corporation that is responsible for product quality. according to the specialist, the giant booing 7687 could fall apart in the air at any moment, and the company’s management is well aware of the problems. the engineer said that he would not put his family on this plane. let me remind you that defects were found in another 730.7 boeings, which were repeatedly banned from flying due to critical design flaws. the last high-profile emergency occurred in january, when a plane lost an entire door during flight. pay back the efforts in the fight against international terrorism, russian prosecutor general igor krasnov called at a meeting with cuban president miguel diaz canel. despite strong pressure from outside, russia and cuba are faithful to the universal principles of mutual respect and equality of justice.
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implementing the path set by you by russian president putin, the prosecutor's offices of russia and cuba interact on the widest range of relationships, including protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and combating crime. we will exchange modern practices on a variety of issues that are of mutual interest to us. the anniversary is celebrated today by the man who bears the answer.
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the moscow kremlin, what features does this museum have, what exhibitions should be done, she doesn’t fuss, and this is very important, she maintains the dignity that the director of such a museum should have, an art critic by training, elena gagarina started at the pushkin museum, studied english illustration xvi century, worked for a long time under the leadership of the legendary irina antonova, finding herself in the post of director of the kremlin museums, very quickly deserved it.
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he couldn’t enter a passenger plane and just sit down, he always immediately got to know the pilots, asked to be given the helm, and that was always the case. this is what she and her father have in common: the ability to devote themselves completely to work and draw inspiration from it. it's very nice in the kremlin when it's quite deserted. there is truly wonderful architecture and a wonderful atmosphere. therefore, for example, in winter, in the evening, when it’s snowing, and standing on the cathedral square is just a pleasure, but plans to leave the kremlin walls, it has already been decided that the museum will receive the buildings of the middle shopping arcades, when the restoration is completed there, some of the exhibits will move to a new site, but the main treasures will remain in the armory, darekuneva elena fenoshina.


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