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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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take care of yourself, because the symptom is really very unpleasant and extremely interferes with life, take care of yourself, thank you very much again, varicose veins, unfortunately, have very serious complications, we talked about them today, in particular such as thromboembolism, pulmonary arteries, and of course , like any disease, it is easier to prevent it with preventive measures, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you about the most important thing. on the russia vesti channel, in the evgeniy studio roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the water is rising, the tabola level is still plus a meter.
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here is our store, which we go to, there further from kurgan, where the most difficult situation is, we are waiting for albert musin’s report from orenburg from murat zaripov. this technique has been tested in real battles. we need such a machine as quickly as possible and as much as possible. sergei shaigu examined the rabatized systems and suggested strengthening them with machine guns. the emphasis is on iran, and no longer on ukraine at the brussels summit. the leaders of the european union are gathering, what kind of scandal could turn the trip? how are american intelligence agencies trying to hack social networks, what did the founder of telegram tell in an interview with tucker carlos? how to fly from dubai, hundreds of russian tourists are stuck at airports, the emirates received as much rain in one day as has not fallen in a year. and the federation council has just appointed irina podnosova as chairman of the supreme court of russia. about
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an hour ago, a series of powerful explosions occurred in ukraine, a missile strike was carried out near the city of yuzhny, this is the odessa region, a column of smoke is visible, local residents report secondary detonation. in nezhen, in the chernigov region, an airfield was attacked. in chernigov itself , three missiles hit one target in a row, and targets in krivoy rog were also hit. in a special operation zone, russian paratroopers killed an experienced ukrainian sniper. it took our shooters 5 days to track him down. during the duel, a sniper in the ukrainian armed forces was eliminated along with a cover group of seven people. the crew of the su-34 fighter bomber hit the equipment and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces in the west of chasov yar. and this is footage of the destruction of the bradley infantry fighting vehicle. operator fpv drones of our center group in the ovdeevsky direction. the ministry of defense
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will simplify the procedure for accepting new weapons systems as much as possible; we are talking about developments that have already been tested in real combat in a special operation zone. defense minister sergei shaigu spoke about this today. in less than 2 months, our army will be replenished with 30 new robots. alexey boranov has all the details. this medical robotic complex is being demonstrated publicly for the first time. defense minister sergei shaigu carefully inspects the equipment equipped with all the necessary equipment vehicles whose main task is the quick and safe evacuation of the wounded. there is nothing more expensive than human life, which means, based on this, we need such a machine as quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible. in patriot park, sergei shaigu inspected robotic complexes and advanced weapons systems, developed taking into account the experience of combat operations.
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means developed for the russian army, lightweight and protected special vehicles are intended not only for transporting personal composition, but are also equipped with machine guns, which means they can support. and this is a multi-purpose robotic complex for fire support, protection of objects and evacuation of the wounded from the front line, after inspecting the vehicle in action, the minister of defense ordered that it be equipped with additional machine guns so that it could also be used by assault units, if we take it and make it like an assault one . deliver here with a machine gun and
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then our assault troops will be provided with this, so to speak, this complex of fire support is already supplied by units operating on the line of combat contact. and this is a multifunctional sleeping module and washing complex developed taking into account the wishes of military personnel, which is designed for long-term work in field conditions. the minister of defense, completing the inspection, instructed to simplify the procedure for accepting promising equipment into service as much as possible, provided, of course, that... it was tested in the combat zone. alexey baranov, news! over the past 24 hours in russia, the number of houses flooded by floods has increased by more than a thousand and exceeded 16 thousand. the greatest attention of rescuers now is to kurgan. the level of the tabol river within the city
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has risen by almost another 30 cm over the past 4 hours and is approaching critical levels. the scale of the natural disaster is clearly visible from the air from dangerous areas of the region. and near orenburg , the sakmara river has increased by half a meter in a day and is threatening several villages. the latest news from the kurgan region from albert musin from the orenburg region is reported by murat zaripov. today there are significantly fewer traffic jams in orenburg, the water is receding, freeing up previously closed streets and highways for traffic. in those courtyards and neighborhoods where it was impossible to get through, equipment is working. the worst thing is that the ural river is already behind us, retreating from orenburg, albeit slowly, but returning to
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its usual course. in orsk, where the decline in water levels began earlier, normal life is also gradually returning to normal. volunteers from many regions of russia still work there . sorts humanitarian aid, people still need basic necessities and delivers to their homes those who suffered from the flood, food, water and things. our team has experience working in general in the zones, they have been trained in the field of safe life activities, in extinguishing forest landscape fires, that is , our guys are trained, educated, in a great mood, ready to help, due to the flood in the region there is a risk of an outbreak of intestinal infections , tap water should not be consumed as food without boiling, but it is better to use only bottled water for... stabilization of the sanitary situation, it was decided to begin mass vaccination of the population against hepatitis a, vaccination will be launched in clinics, of course, in temporary accommodation centers, in orsk this work has already been completed, in the orenburg region, in orenburg, it is just beginning, but the peak of the flood has
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not yet passed throughout the region, the level of the urals has been rising for several days already village of ilek. previously , there was already a small embankment at this place, which in previous years protected it from floods, now it was decided to strengthen it by... several meters, otherwise this entire microdistrict would already be in water. a water-filling dam was laid on top of the embankment, she adds the structure is still one and a half meters high. now this is the most guarded object in the village. residents constantly patrol the shaft to ensure that no one damages the structure; they hope that it will withstand the pressure of water. here's a sleeper on the sofa, let's say, and the water level is higher than you. and twenty steps away from her, what a wave, what a spit, but again, i’m not the only one.
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along with the howling of the sirens, for the second day now the mound has been waking up to the sound of rising water. the main wave of the flood has arrived in the city, and the gardens on the right bank were the first to be hit. this is our store that we go to, everything from there is already bad to go on. the left bank is still holding, but the dangerous mark has already been overcome. the depth of tabola is more than 8 m. the dam is strengthened to eleven in some places. so far , only the embankments and city beaches are under water, but some of the city roads are still under water. passing through the lowlands are already at the mercy of the elements. the tyunin highway is the main, if not the only, route leading from kurgan to the kitovsky district, which was also affected by the flood. now it is impossible to drive along the road; the strongest flow of water will easily demolish any passenger car, only trucks can overcome the obstacle.
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the same road leads to the village of topol. until recently, people only heard about big water here, but now it has flooded half of the village . we decided to stay here, now they have fenced off a place for us in the forest, we will build there. some refuse to leave, they say there is not enough water yet, if water comes, we will have to get out, i don’t know, i don’t... stay here, no, you can’t, they said, there will be water, we have to get everything out in 2 days, in a week, works in low mode local police, evacuated settlements need to be taken under protection, special technical devices are used here that make it possible to examine from the air the territories abandoned by local residents, as well as means to identify suppressed acts, including facts of theft of property from flooded houses, new temporary detention centers are constantly opening, most of them nearby evacuated settlements, but... half an hour ago the
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federation council unanimously appointed irina podnosova as chairman of the supreme court. a competition for the position has been announced after vyacheslav lebev, who served as head of the court since 9, died at the end of february. irina podnosova has been working in the judicial system for more than 48 years. hundreds of russians found themselves hostage to bad weather
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at the dubai airport, all because of the heavy rains and hurricanes that hit the gulf countries the day before, in just a few hours they turned the united arab emirates into a disaster zone, dozens of flights were cancelled, cars and people are still moving along the streets in a flood, and emergency services are struggling to cope with the consequences. report by alexander belibov. the strongest storm in the last half century that hit the united arab emirates the day before led to a real collapse at the largest air hub in the middle east, dubai international airport. the airfield turned into a real sea, the air harbor stopped receiving and sending all flights until weather conditions improved. as a result , thousands of people gathered in the airport terminals awaiting their departure.
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trapped, all flights were canceled, and there was no way to go to the hotel, because many roads were completely or partially flooded, we came to find out. passengers on the ural airlines flight from moscow to dubai spent more than 7 hours on the plane; due to weather conditions, the plane diverted to an alternate airfield in abu dhabi; passengers were forced to spend several hours in the cabin without...
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we were not offered to move to a hotel for water, we are stuck at the airport. the city itself, which survived the strongest storm in its history, is gradually coming to its senses, but many areas still remain flooded, those whose vacation in dubai is still ongoing, we are forced to stay in hotels, because on the streets of the river, however, some decided to take advantage of the situation and swim right in the middle of skyscrapers. oh, the water today is a bit runny. alexander belivov, dmitry cherbakov and maria bolotvina, news! today in moscow they say goodbye to the hero of russia anatoly kvocher. he was one of the ten leading
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test pilots on the planet and became a legend of domestic aviation. pocher was one of the first to fly the latest combat aircraft into the sky, mastering almost 90 models in total. his the skill of piloting at ultra-low altitudes was admired in dozens of countries around the world. in 1989, he accomplished a real feat in lebourg, taking a mig-20 away from the stands. according to tradition, the pilot was given a fighter flyover. well, further in our program, orban demands to radically change the european union, the fbi is trying to penetrate our social networks. elena gagarina, director of the kremlin museums, is celebrating her anniversary, i won’t talk about everything in a couple of minutes. hello. friends
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on the air your favorite program 60 minutes 60 minutes today on rtl. rest - is to leave yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when. you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration
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of exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. liu resorts, we are here for you. discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic laksary collection bodrum. bless the mother of your children. pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ. you can't love me. we
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enemies, i will give you everything, sell you, buy you. he went over to... we’ll show you what it’s like to attack innocent people, and we’ll beat you so hard that the stains will be taken away, taras bulba, well, your vladimir bortok’s films on friday on rtr helped you, there are so many new reasons for conversation, well this time it’s still very nice, it’s to congratulate you on your birthday, this and... i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, maybe, but there’s no need anymore. valeria, the amazing song you created with maxim fodeev, it was a total
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shock for me. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i won’t go to jail because i didn’t do anything, i’m an honest person, if you go to jail, i won’t survive it. alla taxi premieres today on rtr. you watch the news, we continue. ukraine, especially since, according to the same
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politicians, two conflicts at once are much more pressing in the middle east, and as foreign publications write, repelling a night attack on idf targets cost israel as much as at least a billion dollars, and talyavi is now deciding how to respond to tehran, anastasia popova from brussels. iran's strike on israel slightly shifted the focus of the discussion of foreign ministers at an informal video conference on the eve of the summit from ukraine to the middle east, but the journalists still did not allow the head of european diplomacy to go far from the already well-worn topic, why not create a european analogue of the iron dome over kiev, they asked question for joseph borel. you need to understand that the iron kubal system was created over decades, even if we there were resources to create such a system. the eu leaders who come to meet will learn about the needs of the front from president zelensky; before the debate, he is scheduled to speak
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via video link. kiev desperately needs air defense systems amid russian attacks on the energy sector. bareilles promises to knock on all doors so that eu countries transfer their patriot systems or give money to purchase new ones, but so far few people respond to the knock, writes the financial times. to the present. we can't offer time no more systems, the defense department said monday. this position displeased some representatives of the opposition christian democratic union. norbert rödgen, a cdu mp and member of the bundestag foreign affairs committee, said that berlin could provide ukraine with two more patriot systems, especially since those provided to poland and slovakia have now been returned. where they are unlikely to respond to calls to arm kiev is in budapest, viktor orban in the morning. v before the start of the summit, brussels planned to speak at a conference of right-wing politicians, which, at the request of the district mayor, they tried to disperse; under pressure from the authorities, two
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venues at the last moment refused to host the event; the police raided the third and blocked the entrance. the commissioner of police has just made a statement, he has been advised not to let anyone into the premises and people can obviously leave any time they want. at first, the conference organizers were persuaded. the rise of right-wing sentiment in europe is causing particular concern in connection with the upcoming european elections. research shows that the right can enter
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the top three in eighteen countries at once. it is no wonder that one of the topics of the summit will be another spy scandal, which belgium has added to the agenda. the point is that some european parliamentarians are allegedly being bribed by russian agents, paying them money to promote the kremlin’s narratives, influence public opinion and increase their chances of being elected, because in... the european union generally requires changes, he said prime minister of hungary, according to viktor orban, not a single one of the tasks set by the leaders of the association was fulfilled, and the bureaucrats are only engaged in political blackmail in order to maintain their power. now we have leaders in the european union who themselves chose the main projects, such as the green transition, sustainability policy, migration, sanctions and military policies, they all
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failed, the current leadership of the european union must leave, we need new leaders. american intelligence agencies are trying to get hidden access to the telegram messenger. its founder pavel durov spoke about this in an interview with tucker karls. according to durov, with everyone. his visit to the usa, fbi officers force him to meet, trying to figure out how the social network works and how to control it. durov himself believes that none of the western internet platforms can do without total surveillance of users. last time i was in the states, i had an engineer with me who works at telegram, employees or agents in the cybersecurity field tried to keep my secret with my back to recruit him, that’s what he told me. they wanted to know how the codes for these worked.
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industry leaders, developers and governments are working together to ensure our businesses have the technology they want. the anniversary is celebrated today by elena gagarina, general director of the moscow kremlin museums. it is she who is responsible for the main treasures of russia, including the monomakh cap and the crown of the russian emperors. daria
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okoneva congratulated. the chiming of the chimes has not been a distraction for a long time, more than 20 years, her office is in the very the heart of the country, elena gagarina, keeper of the main treasures of russia. my whole life is organized around this business, so yes, i get great pleasure. it’s hard to even imagine the level of responsibility; there’s not a single random thing among the kremlin exhibits; it’s here in the armory.
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coincidentally, he came to the kremlin on the day of the fortieth anniversary of the space flight of yuri gagarin, her father, it’s her on the right in the famous chronicle, on the left, sister galya, we will find, a mystery, he could not enter a passenger plane and just sit down in the seat, he he made sure to immediately get acquainted with the pilots, asked to be allowed to sit at the controls, and this has always been the case, he and his father have a common ability to completely devote themselves to work and draw inspiration from it, in the kremlin... it’s very nice, it’s very good when there’s enough here deserted, there is really wonderful architecture here, a wonderful atmosphere, so, for example, in the winter evening, when it snows, and standing on the cathedral square is just a pleasure, but in plans to go beyond the kremlin walls, it has already been decided that the museum will receive medium-sized shopping buildings rows, when the restoration there is completed, some of
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the exhibits will move to a new site. but the main treasures will remain in the armory. daria okuneva, elena fenoshina. news. today on the program is ours, the head of the emergency psychological assistance service, dmitry rossokhin. he could not stay away and went to the combat zone to support his comrades. watch at 15:00. immediately after the big news, today don’t miss the continuation of the alla taxi series, well, all the news is always available on the media platform. let's see. the news is being followed developments, stay with us! hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes on the hot trail,
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starting with: solid news.


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