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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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from monday to thursday on rtr. the morning in st. petersburg began stormy. in mid- april, snow fell in the city. there's a real blizzard there right now. st. petersburg residents are taking out down jackets, scarves, and mittens. according to weather forecasters, temperatures in the northern capital will not rise above zero. until the end of the week. peter, hold on, summer is coming. look at the news, it was 60 minutes before simeon. hello, on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the studio by irina rossius and the main topic for this hour: a record rise in water in the entire
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history of observations has been recorded, construction is underway in the kazan region dam, in kurgan the level of the tabol river is already above 9 m. a powerful attack on chernigov, the hotels where the meeting was held by general vysu, the commander of the north unit, were destroyed, and around the hour , attack helicopters mi-28 and k-52 worked on enemy targets. a robot that can support attack aircraft and remove the wounded from the battlefield, a machine gun for assaults, the minister of defense inspected promising equipment created taking into account the experience of the northern military district. runways are under water, cars are flooded under the roof, hundreds of tourists are blocked at the airport, go to a hotel is impossible; in dubai , one and a half years' worth of rain fell in 2 days. my whole life is organized around this business. the keeper
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of the main treasures of russia, director of the moscow kremlin museums elena gagarina celebrates her anniversary. a missile strike was launched today against military targets in ukraine. there are three arrivals in chernigov at once. accurate hit by iskander. the hotel in which the military personnel were accommodated was destroyed, as local sources explain; at the time of the attack, an important meeting was taking place here with the participation of lieutenant general krosilnikov, he commands the ukrainian group of troops north, a large number of dead and wounded are reported, in photographs and videos, exclusively people in uniform. thick columns of smoke appeared in the sky over odessa today; reports of explosions in recent hours also came from krivoy rog and dnepropetrovsk. powerful strikes on
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deployment points in the armed forces of ukraine in the special operation zone in the suburbs of chasov yar from the work of catching unguided aerial missiles were fired at targets by mi-28 and k-52 helicopters. and in these shots , sud-34 vks russia destroys a concentration of armored vehicles. attempt to rotate fighters disrupted in the rabotin area using a kamikaze drone. the enemy suffered losses. and like this. it is impossible to escape from this fiery force; one full salvo covers an area of ​​4000 km. on the zaporozhye sector of the front, dugouts and armored vehicles in the ukrainian armed forces are being destroyed by drones. the same devices managed to blow up the tank. the militants placed him in the private sector. another one wanted to attack the positions of our military.
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domovsk direction, but was also disabled. after the impact, he lost control, rolled in reverse and drowned. in kurgan region, the water level in tobol has increased by another half a meter in recent hours; this is not the limit; according to forecasts, the situation will only worsen in the coming days. in the kitovsky district there is even more water; you can only move along the streets by swimming. the flow is so strong that it even blows away all-terrain vehicles. in kurgan on the right bank, the water rose to level one. more than 300 houses in the area were flooded, roads and bridges were damaged, one of them was covered with water right before our eyes, and the iron structure could collapse at any moment. in the tyumen region, the evacuation zone is being expanded, people are being removed from 35 settlements, the forecast is extremely unfavorable, a record rise in water has already been recorded on the ishim river in the entire history of observations. in the kazan region , rescuers are building a dam, and volunteers are actively involved in the work. well, in the khabarovsk territory there is still ice drift. is gaining strength, and
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a powerful stream has already demolished one of the bridges; on the embankment in the regional center, huge blocks of ice damaged the fence. in the orenburg region, the water , albeit slowly, is still leaving. residents who managed to defend. their homes, watching the elements recede, well, the situation by this hour from kurgan, reporting by albert musin. much water is already in the mound. the depth of tabola within the city is 9 m, the level continues to rise. the water has already come close to the bridge on kirov street, but there are still two meters left before the overflow; the edge of the large dam is 4 meters. gardens and residential villages on the right bank were the first to be hit; you can only get to them by boats, up to the windows water and a store with the symbolic name ta. this is our store that we go to, it’s generally bad to go there, bericle it’s holding out for now, but the dangerous mark has already been overcome, here so far only the embankment and city beaches are under water, some of the city roads running through the lowlands are also at the mercy of the elements, we decided to stay here, now
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they have fenced off a place for us in the forest, we will build there, well and this is a pen, a body, a bird, some refuse to leave, they say there is not enough water yet, if the water comes to... we will have to get out, stay, no, we can’t, they said, there will be water, we need it in 2 days, in a week that’s all pull out, there is an emergency evacuation of cows in the clay, do it by water this will definitely be impossible, so the herd is driven while it is dry. the local police are working in an intensified mode, more and more evacuated settlements are being taken under protection, special technical devices are used here that allow them to inspect from the air the territories abandoned by local residents, as well as aircraft to detect the suppression of anti-frozen acts, including theft of property from flooded houses. new trps are constantly opening, most of them near evacuated settlements, but in a safe zone, where water goes under current conditions. forecasts definitely won’t happen. albert musin, nikolai starosttin, dmitry komov, elena
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goleeva. news from the kurgan region. hundreds of russian tourists are blocked at dubai airport; they simply have nowhere to go, since the city is cut off from the outside world by floodwaters. authorities. united arab emirates stated that the rain was the heaviest in 75 years, one and a half annual rainfall fell, the vast majority of streets do not have any drainage system, it is believed that there is no need for it, since rain in this region is a rare phenomenon, it could not be done without victims, one person drowned in a car. the federation council unanimously appointed irina podnosova as chairman of the supreme court. before her election, she was deputy chairman and head of the economics board.
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the federation council today approved a law banning the transfer of housing and communal services debts to collectors. disputes about housing and communal services, according to marina podnosova, are one of the main topics when citizens appeal to the supreme court. she spoke about other problems that require special attention. almost half of these cases amount to 13 million. cases include arising from credit legal relations. because as the chairman of the judicial panel for economic disputes, i know that the results of consideration of such cases sometimes become a reason for declaring citizens consumer bankrupt. the information technology industry in russia employs
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850 thousand people, and the register of domestic software already contains more than 20 thousand items. mikhail mishustin spoke about this today, speaking to participants in the international conference data fusion. he noted that the state provides all the conditions for the most modern solutions to be created and applied in the country within the framework of the federal digital technology project; over 5 years , more than a thousand projects to promote russian programs have received state support. the head of state set the task of achieving independence from foreign software . for accelerated replacement of foreign digital products with russian analogues, including engineering software. provision, we have launched special competence centers. leading industry business developers and governments are working together to ensure our businesses have the technology they want. the new national project data economy to support it developments will help
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the cabinet of ministers allocate grants, subsidies and preferential loans worth 130 billion rubles. special attention to the development of artificial intelligence, including in the provision of public services. the most important task in the banking sector is the organization of international payments without reference to western systems; we included the following indicators directly in the national project, how... the american authorities, or rather, it’s not about the banks, can easily cut off entire countries from payments, this will no longer work, we have
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american banks for payments in dollars, we must definitely create new systems, the person who is responsible for the main ones is celebrating his anniversary today treasures of russia, including manomakh's cap and the crown of the russian emperor. it’s the birthday of the general director of the moscow kremlin museums, elena gagarina, about what she has in common with her father. the first cosmonaut on the planet and how to find inspiration in work, she told dara okuneva. the chiming of the chimes has not been a distraction for a long time, more than 20 years, her office in the very heart of the country, elena gagarina, keeper of the main treasures of russia. my whole life is organized around this business, so yes, i get great pleasure. the level of responsibility is difficult to even imagine. among the kremlin exhibits there is not a single random thing, here in the armory,
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anna ianovna's carriage, catherine's coronation dress, the collection of carl fauberge, all that have come down to us are symbols of state power. no state can think to present oneself adequately, without keeping state regalia, which never leave the country’s borders, it’s like a regimental banner; if the banner is lost, then the regiment no longer exists. there are more than 6,000 exhibits in total, elena gagarina can give a whole lecture about each, be it the crown, the russian empire or the main symbol of the moscow princes - manomakh's hat. she is a very good director, she understands how to develop a museum, she understands what the moscow kremlin is, what features this museum has, what exhibitions need to be done. she doesn't fuss. and it's very what is important is that she maintains the dignity that ... the director of such a museum should have. an art critic by training, elena gagarina began at the pushkin museum, studying
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english illustration of the 16th century. for a long time she worked under the leadership of the legendary irina antonova, and once in the post of director of the kremlin museums, she very quickly earned the respect of her colleagues. it is very, very difficult, to put it mildly, to be the director of a museum, where there are cathedrals next to you, where services are held, and where the president’s residence is next to you. the kremlin is a very special thing and this.
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when it is quite deserted here, there is really wonderful architecture and a wonderful atmosphere, so, for example, in the winter evening, when it is snowing, and standing on the cathedral square is just a pleasure, but there are plans to go beyond the kremlin walls, the decision has already been made that the museum will receive the buildings of the middle shopping arcades, when the restoration is completed there, some of the exhibits will move to a new site, but the main treasures will remain in the armory. daria okuneva, elena finoshina, news. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. shaigu showed a robot that can support stormtroopers and take the wounded from the battlefield. dreamliner 787 may fall apart and fall. this was stated by a boeing engineer. well, the season of water excursions has started in st. petersburg. more details about everything. after the advertisement, see you, vasya was arrested, premiere on rtr, vasily would not
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have damaged the car so that a person would have an accident, there are facts, there is evidence, if he had an ironclad alibi, he would not have been arrested, we were together, right all day, you also think it's me, i know you're on i’m not capable of this, i believe you, alla taxi, today is rtr rest. it's leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. hotel
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titanic delluxe golf beel, where. every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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titanic luxury collection bodrome.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air. 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear one, like at the front , the weather is cloudy, in places it’s gravel, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, it’s coming 8 , equipment, and we have a second tank.
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you won’t refuse tea, i won’t refuse tea, that’s great, on saturday, quietly, no need, please, our beautiful nanny wrote a statement against you to the police, yes, as if you raped her, this is yours, this is mine, the ring, some kind of mistake, my wife caught you at the time of the theft, and in revenge for her you decided to slander me, this not true, a bouquet of dust flowers, premiere on saturday. on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. the ministry of defense will simplify the procedure for accepting new weapons systems as much as possible. we are talking about developments that have already been tested in real combat in a special operation zone. sergei shaigu stated this today. the head of the defense department personally inspected the promising technology.
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alexey baranov has details. the wait for the car is absolutely incredible.
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lightweight and protected special vehicles developed for the russian army are designed not only to transport personnel, but are also equipped with machine guns, which means they can support the actions of assault groups on the line of combat contact.
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i wouldn’t put my family on that plane. let me remind you that defects were found in another 737 boeings, which were repeatedly banned from flying due to critical design issues.
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shortcomings. the last high-profile emergency occurred in january, when a plane lost an entire door during flight. a grand holiday in north korea. pyongyang has completed construction of a new residential area. the colorful ceremony attracted many tens of thousands. one of the most important tasks of the state, this was discussed today by the participants of the third all-russian congress “right to life”. they discuss what needs to be done to reduce the number of infertile marriages, how
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to strengthen the institution of the family, what measures to take to reduce maternal and infant mortality. we must pay enormous attention to our youth, our women must return to the birth period of 18, maximum 39. every family should. to have at least two children, the state works for this, the president and we dream about this, let’s do it. the season of water excursions has started in st. petersburg, navigation will last until the end of autumn, during which time river buses and boats will transport about 4 million tourists. this year, new routes have been prepared for city guests, so you should definitely plan a walk along the rivers and canals and where you can now go along the neva and the gulf of finland. the six-month summer in st. petersburg is counted from the moment when the first pleasure boats appear in the neva, so you can go around the whole city like this, sitting on
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the deck, you will meet magnificent palaces and bridges, domes and spiers flash where you don’t expect, st. petersburg from the water is a completely different city , after winter and completely becomes a wide avenue, from which streets and alleys of rivers and canals branch off in different directions, the northern capital reveals its... secret locations and tells stories: here troetsky bridge i can’t believe that chkalov once flew under it, here is the masterpiece lattice of the summer garden, behind which in the thirties of the last century the americans offered the young country a hundred steam locomotives, and the cruiser aurora is hiding around the corner. it’s still cold in st. petersburg, the ice has just melted, but this splash of water is the main sign of spring, there are few ships yet, in the summer the neva will turn into a master.
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you appreciate, that is, the scale of the city, walks on the water are always interesting, unusual, last year, when we were in st. petersburg, we took a night trip to open the bridge, it was also very beautiful, the network of routes is now huge, new ones are appearing, last year we launched st. petersburg, kronshtat, fortov island, this added kronshtat petergov, we are introducing a one-day flight, st. petersburg, petergov, kronshtat and tourists will be able to choose how one or the other... there is very little time left until the white nights, then night excursions will be added, and the waterways will be seething around the clock. ekaterina fesenko, evgeny kostin, alexander burushkov, galina orlova, vesti petersburg. hydromicentre warns
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residents of the center. rains and thunderstorms on thursday , weather forecasters predict the heaviest precipitation on the night from thursday to friday, and the temperature will also increase in the region. tatyana antonova is already in the studio with the details. tatyana, well, the forecast is not at all encouraging, how long will this cold snap last? the weather will clear up over the weekend, but the next 2 days, especially thursday, will be stormy, saturday night the temperature may approach 0°, so it will get colder. well, the weather in the northwest is not at all like spring. there will be a break in precipitation very short, already on friday wet snow will sprinkle the streets, and the temperature even during the day will be slightly above zero. tomorrow a balkan cyclone will enter the middle zone with thunderstorms, rain, a maximum of 8-13° during the day, the further south you go, the warmer it will be in the black soil on thursday up to 26. in the south it is not just hot, abnormally hot, but on friday we are expecting a sharp drop in precipitation. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +2-4, mostly without precipitation. muscovites will have a rainy tomorrow.
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a sixty-two-year-old businessman and a thirty-nine-year-old teacher of one from perm universities. a criminal case has been initiated under the article of organizing illegal migration. thank you, konstantin. good news to you. we are already transported to bashkiria. the season for collecting birch sap has begun there, and now sergei zakharov will be leaving ufa. sergey, hello, how many liters can you get from one tree? hello irina, on average up to 10 liters per day, this year’s collection can continue until approximately the end of april. and in our republic they are processing a natural drink, syrup, vinegar and even kvass are made from it. these products are also popular because many people know the healing properties of birch sap. it cleanses the blood and removes toxins and waste from the body. thank you, we will drink birch sap, have a good broadcast. well,
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right after the big news, don't miss it. we are simply terrified of what is happening to our house and our worries are not unfounded because of the renovations in the basement, the walls are literally cracking, don’t tear them down, take pictures. primroses have appeared in the capital region, you can admire them in the natural environment, and those who rip them off face not only a fine, but also criminal liability. you yourself know what the situation is going on in the country; it would be impossible without this. the traffic police conducted a night raid in moscow, were they able to catch the offender? and a new electric bus route was launched in the north of moscow, on the sokolnicheskaya line, and now you can ride on a new themed train.


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