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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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immediately after the big news, don’t miss the continuation of the alla taxi series, then we continue with the residents of moscow and the region, we are simply horrified by what is happening to our house, and the worries are not groundless, due to renovations in the basement the walls are literally cracking. don’t pick them, take pictures, primroses have appeared in the capital region, you can admire them in their natural environment, and those who pick them face not only a fine, but criminal liability. you yourself know what the situation is like in the country; it would be impossible without this. in moscow, the traffic police conducted a night raid to see if they managed to catch the violator, and a new electric bus route was launched in the north of moscow; on the sokolnicheskaya line you can now ride in a new themed train.
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more than 40 km of roads will be built in the capital near the business center in the coming years; in the future they will become the basis of a new transport framework, and now experts are laying a route that will stretch along the moscow river embankment and connect bolshaya filevskaya street and the third transport ring with bagartion avenue. more details about everything, report marina gromova. the third transport ring and even the metro line surround this construction site on all sides, a very small area where large-scale work could unfold. the new overpass follows the bend of the river, some supports stand on an embankment and turn into a road; it will stretch along the water to the large filevskaya street. construction of the interchange began in the summer of twenty-two, the site was cleared of unnecessary buildings, the terrain was leveled, today more than half of the work is behind us. the object is very interesting, the length of the road is 3.6 km. this is a large
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filevskaya street along with the intersection of the third transport ring. 75% readiness, as we promised both the mayor and andrei yurivich, readiness number one in september, we can open this interchange completely, 3.6 km, in september, and i think there will be a big relief for residents. the transport accessibility of the dorogomilo, filevsky park and presnensky districts, where more than 300,000 people live and hundreds of thousands work in offices and business centers, will improve. the new interchange is part of the huge work to create new transport framework around moscow. the road system of the big city continues to actively develop, last year we launched the bogration toll highway, now about 40 km of various road network facilities are being built, dozens of engineering structures, one of such facilities is the one we are on today, a connection between bolshaya filevskaya street, bogration and the third transport ring.
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new treatment facilities were built here on the shore. this is also part of the project. wastewater from the road before entering the river, there will be several stages of filtration. marina gromova ilya novikov and mark kazakov, lead. a new electric bus route has been launched in the north of moscow. eco-friendly transport replaced 15 buses on route t-43. electric buses run across six metropolitan districts at once from mkat along the leningradskoye shosse to khoroshovo mnevnikov stop. twelve metro stations, mcc and mcd-2. moscow is among the world leaders in developing the use of electric transport. today in the capital there are more than 1,600 innovative russian-made electric buses. electric buses are taking over routes instead of buses. new technology increases travel comfort and reduces the impact on the environment. a new themed train, cybersecurity, was launched on the sokolniki line of the moscow metro. the composition is completed. in
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bright colors, each of its carriages is dedicated to a specific topic: communication on the internet, travel and online shopping. passengers can learn how many characters a secure password should consist of, why it is important to update the application on their devices, and also about what data should not be entered when making online purchases; the recommendations are written in a brief form and adapted for reading while traveling. residents of a high-rise building in the nagatina sadovniki area are trying to stop the destruction. lost access to all communications. igor carried out a grandiose redevelopment, from which the agienko building moved into place. check, it's cracked, and what's more, people , please open it. for six months now, the residents of house number 8 on koshirskoe highway have not been able to get into their basement, since it sold at auction, it is impossible to get close to communications. without outside help,
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we called the state budgetary institution housing officer, he opened it for us, they looked, it was completely broken down in the basement, in short, concrete, the walls were already weakened under the walls, the house was in... there have been emergency beacons on the building for several years, and recently one of them cracks have spread in the walls, irina shmytkova and her family live on the first floor, they literally feel the walls cracking, they are deepening the foundations, they are moving load-bearing walls, although this is strictly prohibited for this type buildings, we are simply horrified by what is happening to our house, it was done in violation, with a deepening of the floor, the pipes are lying on the bricks, accordingly the pipe sagged and leakage began, this is what we managed to remove when the locks were opened by the housing worker, apparently to increase the distance to the ceiling, the floors in the basement were removed, the floors were deepened, openings were made in the load-bearing walls, how the boiler room, electrical panel
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and other communications ended up in private hands, these questions still remain unanswered, why are repairs being made here and what will happen in basement, local residents do not know, but they suspect that most likely there will be a hostel here. this can be seen from the batteries installed in double-glazed windows; they are unlikely to be needed for a warehouse. it turned out that the basement can be bought in parts. on a popular website, an advertisement is selling underground plots from 9 to 80 square meters. we contacted the owner of part of the basement, but the conversation did not work out. why did you decide to show all this in my basement? is the basement a common property? no, please study the legislation. it's never was common property. you are talking all sorts of nonsense, you first study the issue, let’s somehow manage without rudeness, firstly, lawyers believe that such transactions contradict the current russian legislation, article 36 of the housing code of the housing code says that the premises that are intended for maintenance - let's say,
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common property, it cannot - be owned by any one person, but this is the same as if you privatize the elevator and take money from everyone who wants to use it. as it turned out, later, after our call , the owner decided to talk to the residents. the owner of the basement walks around our entrance and tries to dissuade everyone from our processes. the conversation begins with smiles and talk about the fact that she, too, can catch us all with checks on layouts and flocks, and ends with curses and tears. by the way, in favor of the residents is the fact that the stairs in the basement are marked on the cadastre as common property, that is, the residents themselves can prohibit the new owners of the basements from entering them. use here in particular here this entrance, the owner of this pink basement must hold a general meeting of owners and obtain the consent of two thirds of the owners to use their common property, and if they do not agree, he cannot then use it, accordingly, how he will enter, and meanwhile,
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the inspection regarding the redevelopment of the basement , she scheduled an on-site inspection for april 22. game yagienko, sergei vdakimov, alena felatova, lead. moscow prosecutor's office. the identities of the attackers are already known; they were identified using surveillance cameras. which are installed in the trains. the violators turned out to be two visitors from the smolensk region; a criminal case was opened against them under the article of vandalism. spring cleaning continues in the capital; public utilities are being flushed. the city fountains are manually cleaned, spring showers this morning received the water cascades of the northern river station, the whole process begins with the fact that we
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treat the granite surface of the pipe inside the bowl with a neutral detergent, rub it with brushes to remove winter dirt. after which, using a high-pressure apparatus, everything we wash this matter off properly. utility workers carefully cleaned the sculptural composition. after cleaning, the bowls will be filled with water. let me remind you that the fountain season starts in moscow at the end of april. rainy weather in moscow will continue until the end of the week. temperatures will not rise above 130° today. but thanks to the hot days at the beginning of april, the leaves on the trees began to bloom 10 days ahead of schedule, and rains also have a beneficial effect on flowering; recently, 2/3 of the monthly precipitation has fallen. together with buds on trees in moscow the first flowers have also bloomed, picking them
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is strictly prohibited, but this does not stop lovers of profit, plants, including those from the red book, are sold right on the streets of the capital. why is collecting primroses prohibited and what is the punishment? back they were already trying to cross the road, but for some reason they stopped for a short conversation with one of the drivers. the ministry of environment reminds that even street sales require permission. and if this is something that you grew in your garden plot, but again, if it is allowed to be sold in this area, then why not, sell. if these are species included in the federal or regional red book, well, of course not. that is, you cannot sell, for example, wild lilies of the valley and snowdrops. since the very beginning of spring , raids have been taking place in the capital to identify the illegal sale of such flowers. for those who pick rare plants, not only a fine, a fine is provided in the amount of 2.5 to 5,000
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rubles. for sale, criminal liability will follow, this is the same as forced labor, such as correctional labor, compulsory work, imprisonment up to 9 years. florists say there is no point in buying, for example, snowdrops, they only live for a day or two, it’s so fleeting that, unfortunately, the joy ends very quickly, it’s better to admire it in nature, but primroses are a huge list to admire even outside the capital you don’t need to leave, the main thing is to know what to look for, these bells of the undergrowth. i was delighted, of course, that they were such delicate, early, beautiful flowers. tulips are already making their way nearby, these lush balls are primroses and also in different colors, and primroses and all primroses in general are like a litmus test. this comparison is not accidental; if they appear in the city, it means from the environment. everything is normal, they are indicators of the cleanliness of our parks and forests,
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they react to any anthropogenic activity and various air pollution. most of the primroses that are visible now are quite small. these are the little ones, the buttercup anemone, but there are so many of them that you can’t miss them. these purple flowers are the dense corydalis, it is in the red book. it won't bloom for long as soon as the grass grows a little, the purple here will change to yellow. very soon the geese will open the buds. onions are also called yellow snowdrops, in the forests and parks of the moscow region, primroses are also everywhere, here are fragrant violets, and this is a siberian scilla, citizens are asked to be extremely careful with it, this is a small plant up to 20 cm high, with beautiful blue-blue buds, by the way, this plant is listed in the red book in many regions of the russian federation; all primroses are important poor-bearing plants, so collection can lead to disruption of the entire ecosystem, so it’s better to just take a picture of these very first spring flowers, and do no harm to nature; the picture will remind you of their
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beauty all year round. igor yaroslavtsev, arthur nurmukhometov, ekaterina cherusheva, nikita shchuchkin, timofeev alileev and maryana pepanyan. news. this season, 10 aircraft will monitor forest fire safety. patrolling will begin on may 1 and will affect the moscow, vladimir, and kaluga regions. there are eight regs in total. reports of fires will be transmitted to the russian ministry of emergency situations to the federal forestry dispatch service. air patrols were organized for the first time last year. the regional stage of the all-russian job fair took place in dolgoprudny. representatives of the country's largest university companies gathered on one site. they told visitors about the professions most in demand on the labor market. at senda fisteh college one could learn about such an area as the operation of unmanned aerial systems. future drone operators use simulators to learn how to control the drones and also go on special testing grounds. engineers. do the assembly, and programmers implement neural networks. we now have a developed neural network,
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the guys made it, which determines, when flying on a copter, it determines the mesentery where it grows, and sends the coordinates to the operators, then come and remove it. in total , more than 500 students are currently studying at east college in the field of operating unmanned aircraft systems. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin spoke about this today in his telegram channel. more commissioned this year three new buildings, 18 were handed over for settlement . also, 12 more territories were selected for new objects. about 147,000 city residents have already signed contracts for apartments, 136. 25 have celebrated housewarmings, and now thousands are moving. after completion of the program , a million will move to improved apartments. residents, tomorrow the outer side of mkat will be temporarily blocked, when and where, we’ll tell you right
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after the advertisement, wait, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where... the sun and the sea, on first coastal where everything is included, except the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax! annex kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbelek, where life is.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here! for you.
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we gathered about ten in the first group man, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this , let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she brings this curba to the shelter, saying: baby, feed the dogs. lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people, they were not indifferent, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your you wouldn’t have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is
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simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss it next time.
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from april 22 on rtr, this is news, we continue the release: a serious accident involving nine cars this morning occurred in the area of ​​​​the krestovsky overpass; traffic on mira avenue towards the center was difficult for several hours. according to the data , the female driver lost consciousness while driving and drove into another car, hitting it turned right in front of the dump truck, six more cars were hit, no one was injured, the culprit of the accident was examined by doctors, and by that hour traffic on mira avenue had been restored. identification of fake documents, search for stolen cars, large-scale raids by traffic police officers are taking place on
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the roads of moscow, and drivers are also being checked for the authenticity of their licenses together with state traffic inspectors. alexander sandzhiev went on a night raid. hello, goy from the northern district, traffic police inspector, night road, moscow state traffic safety inspectorate officers are conducting a raid to identify counterfeit licenses and prevent car theft. the operation takes place on the busiest highways; traffic police stop almost every second car. state traffic inspectors have special mobile devices with which they establish the authenticity of documents. we check them for authenticity using a small magnifying glass like this. with ultraviolet light you can highlight it, there will be watermarks there, either visible or not visible, you can also use a magnifier to look at the microfont, they check not only the rights, but also the content. interiors, trunks, drivers treat such checks with understanding, agree that this is a good preventive
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measure, raids are needed, as if to say, because , as if to say, well, you yourself know what the situation is going on in the country, as if to say, without this , as if you can’t, of course, it’s normal if they stop you, it’s not their job, i don’t mind anything, also during the raid they monitor changes in the markings of vehicles, for example, it is forbidden to use a coloring even vaguely reminiscent of the cars of the investigative committee, police, ambulance and others. according to russian law, an expired license is equivalent to a completely absent one, so the driver will have to pay a fine, as in the absence of one, from five to 15 thousand rubles. driving after deprivation of your license is also a malicious violation, which provides for the following types of liability, a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days or. for the use of fake licenses, there is already
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criminal liability, possible sanctions, a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, compulsory work term up to 480 hours, or correctional up to 2 years, i say, your documents are all in place with you, yes, probably over the past night, drivers with fake licenses were not... personal police officers detained online swindlers, on one of the sites selling mobile phones they they purchased equipment in installments, however, they registered everything not for themselves, but for other people, using other people’s data.
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they sold the goods they received through buyers and pawn shops, and eventually detained five members of the groups; they turned out to be employees of a communications store. in orenburg, moscow and vidnoye five people were detained. during searches of the suspects' residences, police seized mobile phones, a laptop, bank cards and cards. they were sent under house arrest, three more were left under a written undertaking not to leave, now the police are establishing whether cafe drivers were involved in another fifty similar episodes. important information for drivers tomorrow from 10 pm the outer side of mkat will be temporarily blocked, there will be no traffic from minsk. to novoryazanskoe highway, also cars cannot drive along part of volgogradsky prospekt and novoryazanskoye highway, from the third transport ring to kotelniki metro station, restrictions will be in effect until 2:00 a.m.
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motorists are advised to plan routes in advance. today on the program is our head of the emergency psychological assistance service, dmitry rosokhin. he could not stay in the country and went to the combat zone to support his comrades. watch at 15:00. coffee is not far from my house, well , the next episode of federal news will be aired at 16:00, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website, we’ve got it all, see you. in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, frequency in some hertz, silence,
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even if you don’t breathe, we are leaving, defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts, and to... the depths of our souls, hello, this is the program ours: many combatants, once at the front, experience physical and psychological trauma. the most important thing is not to leave it inside yourself, but to go to people who know how to help, because there is a way out. my husband and i met in 1996. he was then cadet at the academy of communications.


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