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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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yes, taking into account the time in the pre-trial detention center, it is considered that he has served his sentence, while roman guselnikov himself has less than half left to serve, plus udo, obviously, will be released as a wealthy man. alexander karpov, yuri zabolotnikov, oleg dobin, lead. moscow city services have been put on high alert due to the impending bad weather. according to weather forecasters, winds are expected to increase in the capital tomorrow, gusts will reach 20 m/sec. also he will. this weather will continue until friday morning; up to 40% of rainfall may occur in two days. monthly precipitation norm. in the area of ​​the business center of the capital, a new transport framework will be created, this is 40 km of roads that will be built in the coming years, and now a new route is being built along the moscow river embankment, it will directly connect the large filevskaya street with the third transport ring and bogration avenue. about all stages of work. marina gromova.
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the moscow river, skyscrapers, the third ring and even the metro line surround this construction site on all sides. in cramped conditions, on a small plot of land, we managed to deploy serious construction. there is a metro on our left side; the metro has never been stopped. there, although there were certain difficulties. on this patch, we simultaneously built local treatment facilities, which discharge 17 cubic meters per hour in one hour. this is a very colossal volume. the overpass is only part of a larger project. a new street on the map of moscow, on the site of a former industrial zone, almost 4 km of road that will connect several metropolitan districts. using this overpass , cars will move from the third transport ring to the new embankment, already along the river you will be able to get to the big filevskaya street. the roadbed is ready, only the top layer of asphalt is missing, it is just being laid, a lawn separates the road from the river, workers have already begun landscaping. the most difficult section in terms of backfilling is precisely because here we took away a little. land near the moscow river,
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now we seem to be walking on water, as if we were walking if we were walking with you a year and a half ago. public transport will also operate here, builders are installing stopping islands, and there will be a a pier for electric river trams, this is a foundation for the future of the quarter, which is growing before our eyes. the houses have not yet been built, but the infrastructure is almost ready for them. yes, yes, yes, that is exactly what these roads are built for. the effect of launching this road will be noticed. only future residents of the new residential complexes, it is much wider, the dorogomilovo, filevsky park and presnensky district will go faster, and this is more than 300 thousand people, plus the business center nearby will be more convenient for those who get to offices, all this is part of the huge work to create a new transport frame of a big city, the road system of a big city continues to actively develop, last year we launched the bogration toll highway, now about 40 km of various road network objects,
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dozens of engineering structures are being built, one of such objects is the one where we today we are located, a link between bolshoye ofilevskoye street, bogration and the third transport ring. the advantages for motorists have already been calculated, the time savings will be 21 minutes, in the coming years more than 40 km will be built around the business center new roads. marina gromova, ilyan novikov, mark kazakov and olga sukharukova, lead. now about other events briefly. a themed train dedicated to cybersecurity was launched on the sokolnicheskaya line of the moscow metro. the composition was decorated in bright colors. the carriages are dedicated to various topics, including communication on the internet, travel and online shopping. this train will run for six months. spring cleaning took place in the park of the northern river station. today the fountains were washed there before the start of the new season. it starts at the end april. cleaning it up. everything is done by hand with a special
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detergent and brushes; after cleaning, the bowls will be filled with water. under her watchful eye are priceless treasures, the diamond fund of russia and the entire historical and cultural museum-reserve of the moscow kremlin. its director, elena gagarina, celebrates its anniversary today. vladimir putin sent a congratulatory telegram to elena yuryevna, noting his significant contribution to preserving the richest historical and spiritual heritage.
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museums, she understands what the moscow kremlin is, what features this museum has, what exhibitions need to be done, she does not fuss, and this is very important, she maintains the dignity that the director of such a museum should have. an art historian by training, elena gagarina
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started at the pushkin museum, studied english illustration of the 16th century, worked for a long time under the leadership of the legendary irina antonova, ending up as director of museums... the kremlin is a very special thing and it is a special thing in very good hands. the order for her appointment to the post of director of the kremlin museums coincidentally came on the day the fortieth anniversary of the space flight of yuri gagarin, her father. this is her on the right in the famous chronicle, on the left is sister galya. he couldn’t enter a passenger plane and just sit down; he always immediately got to know the pilots, asked to be allowed to sit at the controls, and that was always the case. this is what she and her father have in common: the ability to devote themselves completely to work and
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draw inspiration from it. the kremlin is very pleasant , very good, and when it is deserted enough, it is truly wonderful.
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since 2019, this residential complex at avtozavodskaya has been serviced by the management company comfort, but owners are dissatisfied with the quality of services. we had oil leaking, for example, in the elevators, people began to wash their clothes, oil was leaking straight from the roof. not only was oil leaking, a pipe burst in one of the buildings right during filming, and recently the entire complex was left without hot water for a day; this was comfortably explained by an accident on the mayak highway. the lighthouse gives written back.
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this means that to do things like this, the technopark residential complex is not apartment buildings, and apartments and the norms of the housing code do not apply to them. unfortunately, on today there is no special legislation that would regulate this issue, in particular, apartments are not residential premises; if our apartments are located in apartment buildings, then apartments are located in multifunctional buildings. it looks like the residents of the technology park will have to endure this until the end of the trial. and with this our release is completed, all
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news is always available on the media platform , see in the app or on the website ernest matskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, we are watching the continuation right now allataxi film. speak, speak, i didn’t listen, i became so obedient to you. i’m white, i’m strangling, say that i have become, i’m beautiful,
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i beckoned, i beckoned, i gave you wings, i showed with my gaze where to fly, speak, speak, chanie, you just didn’t keep your promises, i beckoned, i beckoned, i gave you wings, i showed with your gaze, where to fly, he gave him something to drink, he gave him water to drink, water from behind his palm, he said that you won’t touch him, he forgot, the bolts seem to be twisted, yes,
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what are you, who needs it, maybe he didn’t please his neighbor, or the teenagers were having fun like that, what freaks, o, grigoryich arrived. “great, guys, i wish you good health, what do you have here, as for me, it’s a clean criminal case, the bolts are twisted, yes, let’s put it that way, the examination will show that they were taken away in an ambulance, but who are you? a friend of the victim, a colleague, we are taxi drivers, leave the scene." “
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well, everything is fine, he will live, thank god, but we have a question, saving the leg, amputation is likely, you see, nerves, bones, and soft tissues are affected at the same time, we need to do a computed tomography.
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secret, a case has been opened about intentional damage to the car, i can’t say more, maybe someone was joking, but yes.
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strange, please, thank you, i’ll give you a ride with the breeze, oops. how did you, oh, come to your senses, hello, i’m in the hospital, the accident happened, you were taken over, the accident,
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i remember. whatever, don’t think about it, everything is fine, you ’ll recover, seryozha, everything will be just fine, tyotnin, i don’t know why i sent him home, just think, he
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stained his shirt, al, al, you give it up, this by chance, what do you have to do with it? mom, don’t cry, and now, how can i, i don’t know how to say that he maybe i will become disabled, but he, he, al, well, don’t say anything, wait for the final result, then say, uh-huh, that’s right, natasha, that’s right, and let the doctor speak, not you, you say hello to him from all of us said, yes, yes, of course, of course, yura, okay. stop crying, i beg you, everything will be fine, that’s it, i won’t do it anymore, i won’t do it until,
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today or tomorrow, i’ll do a computer test. homeography and decide what to do with the leg, leave it or should you go to him now, yeah, he prepared food, you know, sick leave is no good no good, so you’re here on your own without me, what’s wrong with the car? well, she’s undergoing an examination now, then we’ll see, okay, then i... ran, well, i ran, i ran, let me give you a lift, thank you, let’s not tell her that the car was violated by someone else, no, let her wait for the cat, and we will wait for the examination, yes, i agree, will they really cut it off,
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believe me, no, this is the first time i’ve had an accident. a branch, but a mark, yeah, how long does it take for a fracture to heal? well, look at this, okay, it’s still healing, we need to work on the leg, well, that’s us we'll work it out, no problem, good afternoon, hello, hello, sergei proskurin, it's me, yeah, me, investigator, why investigator? can you go out? i could have left, of course, okay, but i have to warn you that everything you hear here
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is strictly confidential and is not subject to disclosure to third parties, up to and including criminal liability, yes, no problem. so, sergey, we saw, and an examination later confirmed, that the bolts on the wheel of your car were deliberately weakened. no, yes, yeah, with anyone lately we had conflicts for a while, no, well, you just
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remembered someone, well, with whom did you quarrel? sergey, you understand that the task of the investigation is not to detain or arrest someone without evidence, but we must check everything, with whom did you quarrel? well , let’s just say this is my current ex, clearly, no, of course he’s an asshole, but he’s not capable of this, well , that’s what we’ll check, since you say the name of this one, your current one, is vasily, isn’t it a coincidence that his name is alla? allah, do you know her? of course, sergey, yes,
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let’s try to restore as much as possible here is the day of the accident, right from the very morning in detail, right from the very morning. yes, hello, they called, hello, coffee, oh,
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thank you, sit down, i was just talking to our washer, do you know what happened, what happened? proskorin is our former driver, i know who proskorin is, he crashed, had an accident, is alive, is now in the hospital, well, he needs to drive less, perhaps he will remain disabled, disabled people, hello, here i am, your morning fairy, what do you want? they let me in right in the morning, i made an agreement, then i have 24-hour security.
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breakfast, cheese, porridge, egg, oh, you know, i brought mine, and well done, and you’re still without your utensils, you ’ve been lying here for so long, is there really no one to bring it, well, boom , by golly. oleg, no one comes to you, give it to me, i’ll bring you everything you need, no, thank you, i’m fine as is, it’s really not difficult for me,
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are you a newcomer? local just no relatives, grandfather domsky, no, grandmother raised her, died last year, parents crashed in a car, a nightmare, so you’re lucky, appreciate it, you're lucky, that's for sure, yes, of course, of course, seryozh, the main thing is that he remained alive, and the fact that the leg is such nonsense, that's all, now there are so many of these modern things, hello, what kind of things, you about what, how? lord, crutches, prostheses, what prostheses, what are you talking about now? oh, i, it’s not exactly, in the sense that, but there are fears that not everything is in order with the leg. don't they want to cut off your leg? yes, they don’t want to, they can, but a whole council will gather there, they decide. and you
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were silent, i didn’t know how to tell you this inaccurate, premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov black, another time.
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they grow wings, which means so, i won’t accept this, the angels of the region, from april 22 on rtr, they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group.
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cnop gin is a product of stellar group. titanic luxury collection boudrum. borbon
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stersman is a product of the stellar group. open for yourself a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. tomorrow at rtf. sunday. it's so good that i have you. your husband's friend. judging by the photo, do you
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know each other? you knew that your father had a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven. to the ground, sunday on rtr, well, i told him, kicked him out, said that now he wants to be alone, well, yes. does he now need to somehow accept it himself when he has a cat? maybe even today, there’s a line there, how will there be a place, listen, here’s his neighbor oleg, he has no relatives, no loved ones, he
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actually has a girlfriend, how come he has no relatives, he has a whole there’s an older brother, they’re really in a mess there, in a mess, i wonder, what kind of mess do you have to be in to have your own brother in the hospital? to hate, well, i don’t know, if you want to go, ask, and i’ll go and ask, but not this brother, that older one, what’s his name, you know the address, hello, konstantin, yes, zakharov, yes, what’s the matter, we need talk. upoly, so everything seems to me, you have everything, but for some it’s all just beginning, why are you upset ahead of time, nothing is clear to you yet, nothing has been decided, so, oh, this
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we were on time, yes, now we saw everything, i don’t know, i don’t know, i also saw something in the bathhouse, no, well then the perspective was a little different, well , yes, yes. so i am now like this here we are like this like this, hello, hello everyone, here we are. who is this his varieties were not in the trash were seryozh you cat did no what did you break somewhere, yes , complete the settings successfully, they told you that
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you need thanks here as in general, well, take away the garbage, your wife was baking, and you stayed as you were, so you can think, you have changed, and what
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was it that you didn’t share? this is a plot babkin, he wants to buy out my share, i’d rather die than sell it to him, but what happened, he arrested me for being a hooligan, he just got a job with the police, and out of stupidity i got into the museum of applied art, i wasn’t even guarded , i took a wooden spoon as proof, and the price was 3 kopecks, then i... kostya acted on principle and detained me, as if i don’t know, he robbed the bank, and then what, what, you
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got away with a fine, i just don’t forgive this , i haven’t spoken for 5 years, you think he needs a plot of land, it’s going to be built, but to hell there, purely out of spite for me, but what’s good? is the area expensive? it’s not worth anything, it’s a forgotten factory on the corner of the queen factory, all its value is that we grew up there, that his grandmother? she pricked or lay with strawberries there from that crawl space until her legs gave out, she made such a will, it’s funny, you can’t sell the plot until you dig up the beds there together, she even marked the place, as if there was a treasure buried there, a treasure that your grandmother
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would reconcile i wanted you and your brother to work together, remember your childhood, well, we ’ll go, if this is the case, let’s go, suleko, yes let's go to work, get well, seryozha, i'll find out about your cat. well, you understand, right? yes, i understood that the brothers had a fight, and that the guys in my family had a fight, your guys, do you understand what’s going on in this area? strawberry? there is a treasure, a treasure, there
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the grandmother buried it, don’t go to fortune tellers, but the older brother guessed that the elders are always smarter, no, the elder is not always in my family, come on, even alla guessed that the treasure was, indeed, herself i didn’t understand what i guessed, i sensed it in my heart, but didn’t catch up with my brain, genius, you put yourself on it place, you’re getting a job, trying to show your best side, now you’re faced with a choice: to act according to your conscience according to the oath, or to shield your brother, who is so damn between us that he tricked, of course, his brother into choosing what job descriptions, if if he had been covering for you, then it would have been revealed, he would have been fired from his job, even banned from work, but what about his alli? you don’t tell her ex about your suspicions, do you cover for her? that who is covering for whom? well,
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let's make a choice, there's basically an investigator here came and said that the accident was a set-up, a set-up, like, well, someone wanted to kill that guy, who? in general , he asked if i was in conflict with anyone, and well, i said that i was in conflict with vasya, with vasya, you said so, well, yes, it’s obvious that you said so, but vasya could not do this, like the name of the investigator, business card left.
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that is, he is now in the hospital, yes, they say he may be left without a leg, tell me, why do you care so much? well, it happened, what does it have to do with you? no, it has nothing to do with it, well, that’s it, you should only be interested in business, let alka deal with her taxi driver herself. tell me what’s going on with your staff, we’re patching up,
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well, patch up, that’s it, bye, bye, hello, tell me, olya grigorievich, he should return to the field. no, i don't see it. so, i don’t see, look further, yeah, i don’t see, oh, i see my head and leg, so why are you here, and i’ll call the police now, no, no, no, no police, we are the police, you can’t you see that an investigative
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experiment is going on, comrade major, but what we are looking for specifically, you can say, everything is unusual. oh boot, unusual, no, oh maybe it’s unusual, what are you doing with your hands, come on, i don’t understand why you threw it, well, you said it yourself, so, so, so, hello, pavlech, great, listen, can you take the prints before this evening? yes, we found something unusual, yeah, that's it, yeah, come on, fruits, what
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do you think, i played with this thing, everything is possible, i found it. exactly here, exactly, exactly, sure, yes. the same thing is all overgrown, yes, a metal detector is needed here, but what are you doing here, who are you, and we
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are, we are the buyers, here is the plot, look, there is a buyer, this land is not for sale, that’s right, i i wish i knew, we had nothing to do with it, we were told to look at the ground, so we looked, looked, yes, well, go with god, we’ll be back at night, we’ll have time to find a metal detector, what to look for, my neighbor has one, a bomb. well, i couldn’t wait, i left, there was some kind of endless fuss, an investigative
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event, in general, seryozha, i went home, well, i did the right thing, but what was the right thing? well, they’ll sort it out, we don’t imprison innocent people, i’d like to believe that, okay, good night, good night, we had a fight, but no, it’s just an unpleasant situation. yes, it couldn't be worse to quarrel with relatives, he grandma didn’t come up with anything to reconcile us, the story with the vegetable garden with this, well, in general, the request to dig the beds together is quite strange, but maybe she really buried something there, but what about family jewels, we don’t have anything it was, maybe it wasn’t, or maybe you just
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didn’t know anything about them. would you like some tea? i won’t refuse tea, that’s great! on saturday, quietly, please don’t, our wonderful nanny wrote a police report against you, yes, as if you raped her, that’s yours, this is mine, the ring, some kind of mistake, my wife caught you in the act of theft, and in revenge on her you decided to slander me, this is not true, a bouquet of dusty flowers, premiere on saturday. on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest
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is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is relaxation! we know everything about vacation ax vodka veda - a product of the stellar group, allow yourself a first-class vacation with luxury details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rum, castro, product of
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stellar group. hotel titanic de lux golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group.
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you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i’ll go on any vacation for you resort of the country, men are excited by something completely different, she looked at me. as if i had just missed a penalty into an empty goal, this was the most powerful effect of art on a person. parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just as i trust him. this means you have an ideal marriage. on saturday. you ’ve been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why
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haven’t you told him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you you spend so much time at work, men like you, you'll be in trouble, i don't want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, i damn , damn
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, damn, brother, let's get started, let's get started, brother, my heart feels, there will be a holiday today, your words, yes to god, that as soon as you spend your share, i’ll buy a sopar, masha, what holes?
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i drew some guys there this afternoon. “yours, and i’ll hire you to work, i’ll hire you to work, fire you, hire you again, we’ll have two of them, and we’ll take all of these and they’ll work for us, they’ll be stunned that does it at night, maybe hides some kind of forbidden thing, what? forbidden, what kind of forbidden, which one needs to hide one, call the police, eat, dig, oh, how many of these
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lottery tickets did i buy, no matter what, and i... played 100 rubles. on which i congratulate you, it seems we have it, we’ll get it. as if it were a small thing, but who would bury the small change, i bet you, open it then, what are you standing, now, good evening, hello, hello, what are we doing, and here we are, this one asked us, who
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asked, what did he ask for? what's in your hands? box. take the box. let's travel with us, citizens. ask. dear, we are saying, we were asked, asked, to dig up a garden, asked with a metal detector, yes, so as not to break the shovel, in a jar, what is it for worms, for fishing, but how would they dig up a garden, well, for fishing later, who asked, when this, what 's his name, what's his name, oleg, he 's in the same hospital with our friend, there are terrible
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fractures, his leg can be cut off, who asked for his last name? zakharov, his last name, zakharov, zakharov, zakharov, oleg zakharov, well, yes, it’s not brother of our kostya, it may very well be, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, wait, hello. why, the owner is coming now, we’ll sort it out, by the way, we also have the right to call, i’ve seen enough of the movie, dear, well, we didn’t kill anyone, huh?
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yeah, i'm listening, what, what? soliko kire, that's what it was, illegal entry, that's what, wait, what's in the bank, a treasure, and 50% according to the law, ours, what the hell a treasure, presumably gold coins. so what's there? well, say, we were like that in childhood, but
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let these idiots go. my dear grandchildren, kostya, olezhek, there are no words how i felt about your quarrel, i didn’t know how to make peace with you fools, maybe my death will help, i was looking through your photographs here, i remembered how you endlessly played with these soldiers, how you buried secrets. and i myself decided to do this, if you found them, it means you respected my last request, dug up a garden bed in my part, remembered how
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you ate my strawberries and how you played with soldiers, and most importantly , you remembered that you are brothers, that you are closer to each other after my death, there is no one and never will be, live long, my dears. anton karlich, good afternoon, i would like to consult with you about the taxi fleet, i’m still new to this, especially since you said that you are my debtor, i really need your advice regarding personnel, i understand , i’m loading the cart, let’s load it. zenaida aleksandrovna, i am very glad to hear from you, with great pleasure, i will help in any way i can, but i have such a busy
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schedule now, maybe you could come here to me, talk, i would show you my new possessions, antonich , thank you very much, i i’m also very... busy, but i’ll find time, i ’ll come, send me the address, this is the smell, the aroma, it invigorates, right away. this is not chemistry, natural, hello, vasily, yes, mom, and
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i won’t be here tonight, so i have things to do, yes, i do the same thing, i’ll be late today, eat then, okay? yes, mom, let's eat, i 'll eat, that's it, bye, citizen kopylov, yes, uh, what, in fact, we ask you to come with us, on some issue, everything will be explained to you on the spot, well, okay.


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