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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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“yes, 100%, there are traces of gunshot products on the clothes, there is a dead end with the customer, well, you know what i’ll tell you, marya sergeevna, early on you sprinkle ashes on your head, at work the journalist had archives of his materials and asked who he was, what is he? no, of course, well, so, you see, you just need to do the necessary minimum of work, then some light will appear right away, right?” "yes, yes, and in general, you know, sometimes it’s useful to just sit in the office, think, don’t rush around, don’t run around the city, calmly, thoughts in bring order, yes, good, yes, yes, yes, thank you, viktor ivanovich, i’ll try, with god, stop, the hero of the novel, a living corpse who faked his own death, eight letters. protasov, so this is a play.
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“listen, how they banged felix just in time, just a little more, i feel sorry for the guy, he was a well-structured guy, well, textured, not textured, but they would have kicked him out for his dear soul, and what would he have done then, well, yes, he has ratings there hasn’t been one at all lately, listen, katya from the advert told me that you can’t sell minutes for it, it’s a nightmare, can you imagine, it used to be king of the ether."
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zugunder, they say connections and all that, i didn’t hire him, you know, and neither did vuva, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, horror, horror, such a tragedy, such a loss for... us, for
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all the people, you can’t imagine how felix was loved, how we all loved him, and how things were going for him in general, he was in demand as a journalist, of course, he was a brilliant journalist, a high- class specialist, and he worked only on your channel, yes, and we held on to him with both hands, and you were not going to terminate the contract with him, and no, that you under no circumstances, hmm, just me other information, like... what information? you were going to kick him out of the channel, his popularity began to fall, there were difficulties with placing advertising in his program, wasn’t it? hmm, i don’t know who gossiped to you, but since you know, i don’t think it’s necessary to pretend anymore, but we wanted to break the contract with him, why see? it’s hard for me to talk about this, felix
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was my friend, but the board of directors insisted on terminating the contract with him, and i could not convince them. what is the reason? he was an odious personality, an idol of the crowd, and then he filmed his sad, famous report about chechnya, yes, about chechnya, strong material, but not politically correct, and many turned away from him, and so did the public, the public, the public - these are, first of all, those who adored him to death, began to hate and hold on. on the channel, such a scandalous figure became more expensive for itself, he, of course, tried to raise his ratings as best he could, well, he lost it, we only had time to disentangle it, so where is he? well
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, last year i went on a business trip to transnistria, the paper came from there, i was drunk... i shot at the border guards booths, they barely hid it, can i make a copy, yes, take it, why do i need it, eh, felix, felix, that’s how fate decreed, if there had been an attempt on his life, and he had survived, everything would have turned 180°, he would become would again be an idol of the people. and so, yes, what can i say now, the premiere, so stop it, alexander
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pankratov, black, i won’t miss another time, alexander robok, comradely, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort to the twentieth apartment, clearly, anna mikhalkova, one outbuilding . to the police, another to the clinic, i’m pushing for you all myself, they’ll kill you or maybe fyodor lavrov will sing, well , look at what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from april 22 on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest
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means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself
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in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious cuisine the best restaurants. here, every room is a journey into comfort and... sports, your vacation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, but talyan was ambushed in chechnya, three of them were caught, they were taken to shoot, two were killed, talyan survived, and the wound did not seem to be serious, but his head was completely damaged. i began to hear some voices, whose? i don’t know, he seems like a normal person, but as soon as he picks up a weapon, everything is gone, when he left the hospital, he
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was caught during the first shooting, that is, he was a shooting ranger then i almost put him in half a car, but they sent him back to the hospital. so why, and then you didn’t see each other in civilian life? i don’t remember, in 2007, i think we met by chance on the street, well, i fed him. otherwise, at the most crucial moment, everything will turn its head, therefore, you haven’t seen him in the last days, well, how else can i explain it to you, well, i didn’t see him, and neither did vova. hi, is it possible? oh, you're about to explode, sit down, take a break,
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listen, no, please tell me, do you have anyone in transnistria? wow, what do you need? look, our krivitsky is there behaved like a hooligan, shot at border guards, not weakly, do you want a character reference for him from there? no, i want you to call there and ask them to send us a ballistic examination, if they did it, of course, but why do you need it? i don't know, i don't know yet, but i want to check something. well , call, okay, okay, now, yeah, lyokha, bugrov, uh, tell me, buddy, there was someone in your department in transnistria, not so long ago, yeah, don’t touch the woman, i didn’t touch her, she's alive, we agreed. i have three shots, all tangent, no woman
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touch, doctor, bye to the patient, quickly, thank you, hello, hello, here is investigator shveytsova, thank you, hello, oh, marya sergeevna, hello, what are the fates, i really need you, please take a look, what is this? well, this is your ballistics on the journalist, and this ballistics was sent by fax from transnistria, where a journalist committed a hooligan a year ago and shot. marya sergeevna, do you want me to take a fax photo from this?
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thank you, and what does this give you? i don’t know yet, but one thing is clear, that krivitsky was killed from that the same weapon that he himself had shot a year ago. and what does it mean? i don't know yet. thank you. yes.
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it’s clear, the same handwriting, i’m not sure that we can talk about anything with him, but if we try to give him strong ones. happened, but i would like to know for sure, well , if you do not record the interrogation, i myself, in principle, imagine that i can offer you another option, which one, you don’t need sedatives, it is unknown how the body will react to them and whether it will speak, let's... try hypnosis, hypnosis, but i don't really imagine how it would be it will look at least
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safer for him and for you and me, yes, well, only i can film it, yes, let's go, yeah, but first i will need to make a call, of course, of course, call criminologist, how are you feeling, normal, good. close your eyes and count to one hundred with me. one, one, two, yeah. three, three, four, four, five, your eyelids become heavy, fill with lead, your arms, legs fill with lead, your breathing
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is free, light, you feel nothing, a warm wave covers you, it passes through your body, from top to bottom, you fall asleep, you fall asleep, i call, everything is possible! listen, stop fidgeting already, it hurts in the eyes, what can you do for so long, well, the doctor puts him into a trance, do you believe that an adult man can be put into a trance, i believe, i generally believe in medicine, oh, let's go,
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let's go, let's go. how did you meet felix krivitsky? i asked for a melostan from the target center. he came up, gave me money, asked where i fought, asked how i shot. i told him everything. and then he asked for help. to him it was very necessary. what were you supposed to do? years old, drew a picture of how to get to his studio, asked him to come and shoot him, why? he said that he was being fired from the channel, and if there was an assassination attempt, he would not be fired, he wrote that there were three shots, all tangentially, and there
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would be another woman there, so don’t touch her, i... didn’t touch her, she’s alive, me they took her to see her later, you did as he asked, did, did everything, but how did you find out when you needed to come, he called, asked to come in the evening, and also told me to pick up the recording of the last one material on the head of the administration, why? it’s so necessary that they think that the assassination attempt was because of this. where did you put this post? i threw it away where i don’t remember. so you shot at krivitsky? he shot, three times, all tangently, but
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did not touch the woman. i didn’t touch her, the woman is alive, they took me to her, then it’s time to finish, is there anything else you want to know? yes, why did i go to court? why did you go to court? the journalist said that tomorrow in court someone would be arrested for this, whom i don’t know, i got up in the morning, watched tv, and they said that the journalist had been killed, i realized that did something wrong, after all, it was i who killed, accidentally, i had to confess, don’t touch the woman, the woman is alive, i hope they will at least
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recognize him as insane, well, most likely, although i don’t know, marya sergeevna. you know, i’m impressed how they put everyone into a trance like that, is it possible to put everyone into a trance, or what? maybe we’ll take this doctor, invite him to work with us, and why should we interrogate the defendants? talk to him, oh, wait, a second, marya sergeevna, viktor ivanovich, i’m not distracting, yes, a question, a hero who staged his own death, nine letters, krivitsky, uh-huh, thank you, how long should we wait?
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i hope many of you know how much i love to talk about preserving cultural heritage and increasing its volume, and how much i love meeting with our guests to find out again what new achievements and successes they have, that’s what i want to talk about today talk. fyodor, hello, greetings, we talked. i would like to know about your work in amster in general, how it’s going, what ’s new, what’s happening, what you want to talk about, what you don’t want to talk about, maybe now i’ll start about something that i don’t
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want to talk about, but i won’t, but i won’t during this period that we haven’t seen each other, quite a lot of events have happened, but i won’t even mention my achievement, a book came out, it’s amazing, and such a researcher, a local historian, i don’t know, a historian, one might say, mikhail beryukov, is called the master’s ark.
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nikolai prokopyevich kova, yes, we can congratulate him on this, that in our hands there is still the opportunity to preserve another object, exactly what you are talking about, that it is growing, growing, the volume of culture that you preserve and reproduce is growing, yes, this is important, with quiet steps, but we are scaling, scaling, combing it out of such a positive way that one can say. we are introducing a very important milestone in the development of the internal community, so that people begin to feel that what i do has come, it also essentially belongs to people, they can get involved in those ideas in the projects that we are launching, so we prepared a bridge project, prepared a project beach, well, these are all such small details that ultimately add up to a big, big picture, we are moving towards this, in short, already on...
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such a practical implementation, nothing has been done so far, nothing, bureaucratically, i don’t know what kind of bureaucratic system they have, i communicated with all levels, in words everything is supported, yeah, that’s it i would move from words to practice, how to set up this mechanism of practical interaction so that it is effective, it is clear that this is a resource, it is clear that there are many nuances that arise, but the model that i have assembled exists, i am in it - first her.
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about the bar that we set for ourselves, of course mster will become more recognizable, and we will go there, the infrastructure that needs to be created will be created, partly because we are such small bricks, but it confirms the fact that people can also do big things with small things business, you know, i want to wish you, no matter how it sounds, patience, strength, undying desire. to implement all this, i hope, i sincerely hope that you, as a clear passion and the driving force of all this, will still be included in groups, in initiative, focal, in workers and others who can make decisions on such projects, after all, that such projects will be noticed, because i believe that if people, if the community, you, a visitor and a local , want and are passionate about it, then it remains simple
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a little bit... just light this match, and god forbid it will further turn into what you and this community see in themselves, success to you, success and patience, thank you very much for doing this, see you again, mutually, like some some of you know this program before me...
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yes, perhaps i imitated him, why is this, then it is clear that this is just a small part of a thoughtful look, but the behavior of a parent can be transmitted to the child, what the parent does not say, but shows, including this hidden, for example, aggression and discontent, is probably well read through the language gestures, how it works and how to make it so that even if you suddenly have a hard day, there’s something you don’t like, how to put aside everything about being with the child. loving parents in all forms, not just verbal, i love this topic, let’s talk, it’s very important for children have significant figures in their development, of course they also have genetic programs that are embedded in their depths, they will certainly manifest themselves, no matter what society they grow up in, that is, there are programs embedded in them, embedded mechanisms for reacting
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to something then, those people... who are significant figures for us, mainly our parents, certainly form our principles of reaction to some events, mainly these are events associated with a fork in the decision making, how i will behave and how i will be, how will i feel inside, what kind of body will i have inside, outside, will i be ready to confront some stressful event? more of these forks appear in children in childhood, and the more consciously they pass along these forks, the easier they will react to the increasingly emerging variability of events in their lives, that is, in general, i am not doing wrong, not that i’m forcing, but pushing my daughter to make a decision on her own, that is, i try...
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no matter whether it’s the choice of clothes, food, spending time on something, i say, well, what are we doing, yeah, over time i see that, of course, it becomes easier for her to choose, but at first it... drove her into a stupor, great, you’re doing the right thing, giving the child the opportunity choose, and i also cultivate, i have two children, i have a 10-year-old boy and a 12 -year-old girl, i give them both the opportunity to choose, and what is most important is to bear responsibility for their choice, the ability to bear responsibility, accept the consequences of themselves, especially for men, even if small, i think it’s very important, here it’s the concept of pmr, protocols of motor reactions, that is.
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protocols of motor reactions, they, thanks to this evolutionary mechanism that grows in every child, like ducklings after their mother duck, immediately begin to understand how to paddle with their paws, it’s nice to hear that i’m not making a decision here, what kind of mistakes they made, in front of us i have a tablet, on it i see an image of a family, yes, this is my family, we specially filmed several scenes to make it all more visual, and i’m ready to demonstrate what we filmed there for you. i would like to show how body language and non-verbal communication in the family are important so that children absorb what would help them in life and not hinder them, that is, they would learn to see what is not very
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correct, not very effective, not very caring, we’ll see , yes, with pleasure, let’s look at the usual example, how my dad comes home from work in the form of me, tired, a little drooping, and i see how my family greets me, everyone is buried in their gadgets, my wife says there’s soup on the stove, go ahead, for some reason i’m not okay, i’m not used to it for such a meeting, it was very difficult to play, usually he kisses everything, and here what the children do, the children absolutely clearly absorb the model of the wife’s behavior, let me remind you that these are all staged walls, the son curled his toes, yes, apparently he is trying to hold back, yes, as much as possible. that don’t run to dad this time, hold on, don’t run, and for them, since they spend more time with their mother, they see that oh, this is the norm, which means i will behave the same way, this is again an evolutionary mechanism, if i want to survive, i will lead
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behave like an adult whom i trust, who is a significant figure for me, he behaves like this, he is alive, that’s it, i will do the same thing that my father is experiencing at this moment, what? he is not really needed, he is not that important, he is not that interesting, at best he goes to his room, at worst he slams the door and may even go somewhere to have fun and get emotions there, with from the point of view of what characterizes the bodies of children, that is, this twistedness, attention to the gadget, not attention to your loved ones, your own children, this is very readable the silhouette itself collapses. the child ’s ability to notice something around him collapses, here ’s another scene we filmed of how the same gadgets are taken away from a child during lunch, yeah, here you can politely and kindly say,
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please give me the phone, you, we agreed with you, that while eating we don’t look at the phone, but you can rudely snatch from a child what he considers his own, here you can talk for a long time about how it seems like we gave the phone to the child, gave it as a gift, it’s your phone, and then it turns out that he not so yours, come on, give it here, uh-huh, what does the child feel at this moment, that he is small, does not solve anything, and trust, yes, that this seems to be mine, but they took it from me, again the child begins consider this the norm, then he can take away the same phones from his brother, from his dad. children, with their children, and so on. would a mother who uses such gestures, hard, rude, piercing, want it? these kind of gestures are called conflictogens. would a girl like that mother then want to tell something,
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as a result, she, we also see that she loses her volume, decreases, understands that she is not solving anything here, mom has a hard fist, sharp corners, yeah, the danger of overhanging. how does this mom feel about her children's dad? the child is doing his homework and out of the corner of his eye he watches what is happening at the table, how mom also comes up, violates the personal space of dad, who is working, she completely calmly violates his personal space, takes his earphone, drinks from his favorite cup, in general this is the feeling that dad is on in general, something in this family has the right, dissolves, the model of such behavior becomes completely clear to the child, that it turns out that you can infringe on a person just like that. uh-huh, invade, invade, you see, she invades, and what we see from
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the father’s bodily reaction, here, shrinks, the head goes into the shoulders, takes up less and less space, curls inward, and the child sees absolutely clearly, yeah, the model is such that a woman is always right, a woman can come up like that, break in, push everything around, drink from mugs, move it, and he can... take his own life, then also perceive it all as the norm, no one asks dad here, just pat him like that, come on, come on, and the child will see it all, absorb it, take it to his life, exactly the same thing happens to a child, the child does his homework, and even by the way the mother approaches him, by his bodily reaction, we absolutely see what is happening, it’s scary, such a mother’s figure poses a threat, bodily. the child’s reaction will naturally be compression, to reduce volumes, to close and
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confidential communication, you can’t find it here either, you see what a tough, rough hand, we all, as we have already seen in the cycle of our programs, trust the body much more than words, we perceive all this through the body, and no matter how soft and friendly the words are, mother i didn’t say here, but the child’s body will be in absolute stress. he will want to shrink even more like a sparrow, yeah, you see, weak arms, weak body, i’m small, i don’t decide anything, i messed up something again, i don’t deserve to be here at all, why is all this necessary, but i would like to tell our viewers that not a single child was harmed during filming, it was all a lot of fun, we really had a lot of fun filming it all, because it was absolutely perfect, these are the best shots. this video, yes, because this is completely atypical for our family, we
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don’t have such rules, we are always attentive to each other, help each other, happily spend time in this attentiveness, in caring in warmth, which can be expressed not only in words, but also through the body, oh, thank you for this mikhail, for the fact that your family is like this, and you show what you can, and not necessarily what you can be, it’s better of course to be, yes, absolutely, thank you very much, big greetings to your family and gratitude, see you again, definitely, thank you, philip, the place that probably made the strongest impression on me in russia is the altai republic, this is the altai mountains, i was there by car, i was on business, i was able to spend, in my opinion, 3-4 days traveling and vacation, and i
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would really like to return there, but of course i thought about returning there by car, and in our studio today, a person who knows him not as a motorist, but as a cyclist, sergey, hello, hello, i went there through some passes, well, small passes, the roads cannot be said to be completely flat, you drove how much in the mountain altai a kilometer? i drove 1220 km across the altai mountains in 10 days, what do you mean, that’s a long time, in fact, i was traveling with reconnaissance of a future route for self-sufficient races, that is, i myself developed a route throughout the entire altai mountains, that is, so that the route would cover completely different natural areas and i tried to live in such a way that he would stay away from... that is, well , if suddenly something happened, so that
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no one would find me here, you noticed very correctly, i even registered with the ministry of emergency situations, but i also understood that i no one will find it, you were there for 10 days, i can’t even imagine what beauty you saw, is there a plan to return there, look, what is the overall purpose of this event, i’m developing the russiapacking project, these are self-sufficient rides on bicycles. tourist route, since we do not have enough mountain routes this kind of thing, i decided to make one for altai, that is, i drew a route of 1200 km and drove it. naturally, it will already be carried out, how to say, well, an analysis has been carried out, and adjustments, that is, some pieces are thrown out, because it’s just not interesting to ride there, for example, or some roads on which it is better for cyclists not to appear, well, because you you will walk there, yeah, that is , some others are added, guys from the regions
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from there, from neighboring regions help, someone from here goes there, that is, well, people help, we want make such a, how to say, concept... well, not a conceptual, but a laconic route, so that it catches all the beauties of altai, and you can ride a bike with pleasure. i watched a little about your project, well, for example, our viewers now understand that they want everything, they are ready, uh-huh, they, roughly speaking, can ride 100 km on a bicycle in a day, uh-huh, what to do? look how all this will be created, that is, when the route is fully approved, tested, that is, that’s it... it will be put on display website, there will be a track that you can download along it, there will be useful markers on it, that is, there are shops, possible overnight stays, all the dangers on the route will be described, and how, as they say, to negotiate with them, yes with these dangers, that is, so that a person understands
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that this is not such a ride, but around the house, what is the beauty of such races is that you are going... with like-minded people, that is, you start, there are the same people around you, like you, who are eager to travel through this altai, but you are going each on your own, without being responsible to each other, so if someone wanted to stop, please, he stops, you move on, this is how people along the route, they intersect, share their impressions, this is quite interesting, it seems to me, a moment that is not enough in ordinary tourism, because everyone travels along a different route. there and somehow you can’t compare the emotions of the impression, but here, please, what other places in our homeland have you been to that you would like to share, now, along the way, we are developing a route along dagestan, it’s almost finished, it also runs entirely through the republic of dagestan, uh, they made a route, also a thousand and a half, but no,
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well, at the moment there are 830 km, they did a run-in in october, it’s great, well... amazing, but it’s safe in in general, well, that is , it is clear that we are not insured against accidents, but in general you can spend these several days there in relative comfort, that is , with drinking water, cellular communications or at least satellite there, well, with some communication points , well, there in the absence crime, let's say, in terms of communication, both dagestan and altai are categorically different, of course, because in altai, well, roughly speaking, in wild places somewhere...
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there were no animals, all the problems were from domestic animals, so i was attacked by a yak , yes , i had to jump down the slope from him, because when ... the carcass flies there under a ton, well , it’s not pleasant enough, and dogs, yes, in dagestan, i stopped at a herding farm, and there i had a small conflict with dogs, fortunately the owner came running, scattered everyone there with a rag, escorted me out of the territory, everything was fine ended, thank you very much for coming,
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for telling us, good luck to you and of course, i probably won’t join yet, but i hope that maybe one of our viewers... will definitely download this route and share their impressions, but i would he said that it’s definitely worth a trip to altai, no matter in what format, it doesn’t matter at all, car, horses, bicycles, on foot, water, anything, you’ll never forget, this one has simply cosmic potential, it’s a must for you, thank you for inviting me, it was a pleasure come and tell me, thank you.
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posters on the tv channel culture. theatre, music, visual arts, april 18. the world premiere of alexander tchaikovsky's opera mercy based on the only play by nicholas roerich will take place in the zaryadye concert hall at the controls of the state symphony orchestra of russia named after svetlanov mikhail tatarnikov. in the concert hall. the creation of the world exhibition is taking place at the andrei rublev museum of ancient russian culture, the theme of the exhibition is christian ideas about the creation of the world and man, reflected in religious art. among the exhibits are icons, sketches of temple paintings, engravings, books, objects of decorative and applied art from museum and private collections.
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in general, so to speak, we fooled around, had fun and came up with something in this process, in a joyful process something was born for us. the artistic association presents the premiere of the ballet defile russian river time on the stage of the variety theater , directed and choreographed by yegor druzhinin with the participation of kristina kretova, anna tikhomirova, hermann barsay, elena solomyanko. premier the play impostors is shown at the theater on pokrovka, staged by mikhail milkis based on the works of pushkin and shili.
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williams, conducted by antonio popana. barbara hannigan begins a series of concerts with the
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santa cicilia academy orchestra. the music for theater program included works by gaidan, ofenbach and copland. in petit paul, paris , the exhibition “voice of the forest” is taking place, the theme of which is the work of theodore rousseau, the founder of the barbezon school, which united the first artists who painted on pliner. ruso made nature not only the theme of his creativity, but also their refuge in life. according to wadler, he was a naturalist striving for the ideal and created a new school of french landscape painting in the mid-19th century. tv channel my planet presents. if you type in grozny or chechnya or the name of some chechen
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village in the region in search engines, then besides military reports from the nineties, early 2000s, you will find little, but people here have been living peacefully for a long time, how they live, in what and where, what they do , do they honor traditions, what do they joke about, sing and dance, what do they eat, if there are theaters, museums, libraries, finally, as soon as i arrived in grozny, i immediately went to... and went to get acquainted with local folklore, there were no people inside, the eid al-adha holiday, government institutions were not working, but they let me in, i found a volume of caucasian fairy tales on the shelf, i made myself comfortable, chose a longer fairy tale and began to read. once upon a time, there lived a husband and wife. and they had a little son. at that time , many tales and legends were told in the mountains about the beautiful girl chingas. years flew by,
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my son grew up. planned to marry her, parents they told their son: this is a beauty from a fairy tale, no one knows where to look for her, the young man became sad, his strength began to leave him, then his parents said, saddle your horse, take a weapon and look for your chingas yourself. what do we actually know about life in chechnya today? we know that it is headed by a young, energetic leader, that the republic is actively developing, and its population growth rate is the highest in the country, if only it were the same throughout russia. the republican capital, the city of grozny , is growing wider, becoming prettier in height, and is being built up with skyscrapers. probably the builder here is the most a respected profession? judging by chechen
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proverbs, this is so. to build a fortress means to build. people, says one of the chechen proverbs, a collection of which i took with me to try to understand the chechen character. khavazhi, yes, hello, hello, your grapes are very sweet, and what do you do with grapes, with grapes, we just eat them. khavazhi is an honored builder of the republic, he has a plot of four and a half acres, almost all of it is occupied by a house, the owner spent 3 years building it himself according to his sketches. khovazhi has three sons and wife, eldest 22, youngest in fifth grade,
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excellent student. hello, hello, what's your wife's name? aiza, aiza, hello, and the chuchen wives, they sit at home, do not work , or can work quietly, they are rarely at home, when you work, and you work, conde social, the kitchen itself, like a builder, is dissatisfied, says little, it is covered by a large canopy , under it the family escapes from the heat in the summer, the children, when they grow up, will live completely separately, probably yes, well, usually with us chechens, as is customary, here the youngest son remains, he stays with the parents, or rather the parents stay with the youngest son, yeah, and the older ones, they usually live separately, the younger ones are the most beloved, it turns out, well, yes, the youngest
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are always the most beloved. in 2008, there was a serious earthquake here, many private houses were damaged, look for a house with some kind of seismic belts, additional reinforcement, he explained it to me, but i still didn’t understand, it turns out that it shakes here periodically, look, i read a lot before going to chechnya proverbs and sayings, and some of them are completely incomprehensible to me, well, for example, it’s useless pure...
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herbs for 50 rubles, a pretzel with cinnamon for 100, here’s a light breakfast in vyborsk, in general the fortress street is very atmospheric, there is an excellent texture for photography, and what’s not a house is certainly a monument of historical cultural heritage, this one is completely special, by the way, the oldest residential building in our country, and although its address is fortress 13a, it is on... located somewhat away from the street itself, which is further proof that it was built even before the city redevelopment mid-16th century century, now it is also residential, old, but residential, next door are the best vybka hotels, where the cost of a single room starts from about 3,000 rubles. the finnish factor affects
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the quality, but not cheaply, the solution for... is this: a considerable part of the local streets and driveways are carved directly into granite rocks, and the houses are literally placed on these rocks, for which they received the nickname sheep's foreheads.
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and now the serious thing you need to know during a divorce and division of property donated by relatives of the spouses, legal advice through a couple of minutes. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuzsik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. dams, evacuation and new levels of flooding. the water in tabul in
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the kurgan region is approaching the 10 m mark. flood map, how are they helping people? there are no problems with either goal. because russian weapons are better. successes of our military in the special operation zone. nato missiles don't fly far. the air defense was destroyed. ramadan strikes on the gas sector should cost israel sanctions, a statement from the russian post to the un security council. 13 thousand people were evacuated from flood zones in the kurgan region, temporary accommodation centers were prepared for people, three meals a day were organized there , psychological assistance to those in need, volunteers rescued pets, the water level was in the taboo. in the mound it is approaching the 10 m mark, parts of the embankments are flooded, in one of the gardening communities a clay dam built by residents has broken through. a special board from moscow arrived to help the rescuer with equipment
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that is used during search operations in the dark. in tyumen region, sappers are blowing up ice jams on the ishima river, builders are strengthening the dam and building them up with sandbags. in the orenburg region, caring citizens help those who find themselves in difficult situations. activists. the victims are transported to the mainland in off-road vehicles. the consolidated unit of the yasninsky missile formation provides drinking water to municipal enterprises. in buryatia, where. the elements have retreated to house-to-house inspections, assessment commissions have begun, and cash payments will begin in the near future. in the naovdeevsky direction of the special operation, russian anti-aircraft gunners repelled an air attack by the ukrainian armed forces. all targets were intercepted and destroyed by the buk anti-aircraft missile system. ukrainian nationalists launched several western- made missiles towards our positions. the bet was that the air defense systems would not cope with the latest...
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the united states, nato, in general, there are no problems with any target, all targets can be shot down, calmly, comprehensively, this is calculated. defense , russian aviation firmly maintains its superiority in the skies. on the south donetsk direction, supersonic fighters and su-34 bombers broke through another gap in the enemy’s defenses. heavy aerial bombs destroyed the infantry stronghold that had settled in it . having received confirmation from intelligence that the targets had been destroyed, the crew returned to the airfield to replenish their ammunition. our job is to ensure high-quality preparation of aviation equipment and weapons for work. according to the identified goals, we carry it out
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efficiently with great responsibility, since the lives of our comrades located in the north-east military district zone depend on our work. in kherson region, on the right bank of the dnieper, an ammunition depot of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the storage facility was destroyed by several shots from t-72 tanks. the crews fired at... from a distance of more than 2 km, thereby protecting themselves from a retaliatory strike. then the tankers left the position as unnoticed as they had appeared. approximately 80% of the money that washington can allocate to ukraine will remain in the united states. as explained on cnn, speaker of the house of representatives mac johnson will use the funds to replenish american weapons stocks. kyiv will receive old missile shells, which are now in pentagon warehouses. joe biden has already promised this in an opinion piece for the wall street journal. on
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wednesday evening it became known that congress had prepared a bill to allocate more than $60 billion to ukraine. the first hearing is scheduled for saturday. some republicans have already criticized the documents and said they will vote against it. the un security council should immediately consider imposing sanctions against israel for failure to comply with the ceasefire resolution for the holy month of ramadan. about this at at a meeting dedicated to the situation in the gas sector, vasily nebendya, the head of russia, said. the diplomat stressed: no humanitarian efforts in the conflict zone will bring results without a sustainable truce; china approached israel with a demand to abandon plans to attack rafah, but as it became known on wednesday evening, at least seven people, including three children, died in as a result of the airstrike , this city was destroyed. in addition , the israeli military began to move new units into the gas strip. at headquarters the alternative for germany party underwent large-scale searches. the prosecutor's office is conducting
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an investigation on suspicion of violating the law on party donations. according to some reports, the top leadership of the political association guarded tens of thousands of euros in private accounts, which came from well-wishers. earlier, the head of the european commission, ursula vonderleen, accused representatives of the alternative for germany of speaking out against eu policy. the last ice crossing in yakutsk has officially closed. the crust on the leni river has become too thin for that to. it was possible to move safely not only by car, but even on foot, while the residents were helped out by hovercraft, they were not afraid of any obstacles, they could move on any surface. during the period of ice drift, river workers will launch more powerful machines, aerobots. navigation will open in about a month and a half, then ferry crossings will begin to operate. and in altai, the navigation season is about to begin. the first ships were launched in barnaul. in krasnoyarsk, the employees are veterans. the russian national guard held
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subbotnik at the burial sites of their fallen comrades, members of the northern military district, fighters of the amon and sobor detachments. volunteers from the regional branch of united russia, as well as state duma deputy yuri shvidkin, joined the action. spring cleanup days are now taking place throughout the region. concerned residents are putting in order the streets, memorials and monuments dedicated to the great patriotic war. further regional news. do not switch with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region. he will accompanied by thunderstorms and winds up to 20 m/s. atmospheric pressure will drop sharply and amount to 730 mmhg. due to bad weather, city services have been placed on high alert. today from 10:00
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pm to 2:00 am traffic on the outer side of the moscow ring road will be limited. it will be impossible to drive from minsk to novoryazanskoe highway. also , due to construction work, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 20. in april, the lane will be closed in some places of the south-eastern expressway. the capital's traffic police will conduct a raid from friday to sunday among those who move on electric scooters and bicycles. its main goal is to improve traffic safety. five more pvdr dogs have started training in the moscow metro. they are taught to accompany visually impaired passengers and to help train carriages descend on escalators. service dogs undergo training every week. in 10 years we received certification. 350 four-legged animals, more details about events in the capital region, in less than half an hour, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. tai egorova, i paint my nails, i have
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absolutely right. premiere. you've become old, yes, but you're such a little girl among us. you know, i would marry you, but we have you. angels from monday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, it will take a while. what character's name from pushkin's works everyone knows, what is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i
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would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know. what else is geometry? algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. good morning! hello! the work week continues, it’s already thursday and for the next 3 mornings elena nikolaev denis stoykov will be with you, as for the date of april 18. as for what we have left behind, it is mid-spring, summer is coming. and here's a pumpkin canoe, take
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the largest one to make a floating craft from it, and go on it along a stormy river. such a plan matured among the people of australia when in his friend’s garden, he saw a pumpkin weighing 407 kg. the friend did not mind, although he raised her to feed cows. the man made a canoe for several days, then put on a captain's cap and set off on a long voyage. about a thousand people escorted him from the shore, however, they met him just a mile later. after the trip, the pumpkin was fed to the cows, as planned. well, from water transport to automobile transport, the closer summer gets, the more tinted cars there are on the roads. drivers explain their love. to dark glasses with fear of color, will traffic police inspectors accept such excuses - ilya davidov found out. the april sun in astrakhan is already as hot as summer, but owners of heavily tinted cars will have to work hard. during one raid, 280 violators were identified. novosibirs
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sets anti-records for night accidents, partly due to the fashion for tinting. the police are educating drivers that front windows must transmit at least 70% of light, and some are selected.
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obtain a preliminary technical examination report on the design of the vehicle in the test laboratory, obtain permission from the traffic police, then submit the car to the testing laboratory and receive a safety inspection report. you can still complete this quest to install a tow bar, but people are putting fly swatters on the hood without asking. the inspector... turns a blind eye to such trifles, and as a result , the strict prohibition is nullified by the optionality of execution. the traffic police understands
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that if they now take a tough approach to this topic, they will simply turn all motorists against themselves. therefore, in my opinion, in this situation they act, i would say, nobly. thank you, of course, only the absence of fines is perceived by many as a card blanche, there are masterpieces of collective farm tuning, from which it is better to stay away, but there is good news: registration of standard alterations will be simplified if the owner drives a car. it’s these changes that can be made to the design, it will be possible to immediately install it, then go to the laboratory in order to evaluate whether it was done correctly and whether it complies with safety requirements, the question of control will again arise, in a number of countries tuning is not prohibited, but if an accident happens, all the alterations will be identified and the author will be billed, you will think twice about whether it is worth changing something in the car? changes are overdue in another area, the state duma in the first did not approve the draft on criteria for the reliability of heat supply, the document obliges the municipal authorities. heat supply organizations and utility companies ensure proper preparation for the heating season.
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clear criteria for readiness will be established and responsibilities will be spelled out. the law may come into force as early as september 1 this year. let's discuss with our guest, or rather with guests, in the morning studio, member of the central headquarters of the popular front yulia belikhova. yulia alexandrovna, good morning. good morning. well, in general, every year we hear about complete readiness for the heating season. then suddenly these breakthroughs happen, people are without heat, underpaid, and so on. this. the project that is being discussed today regulates the issue: first, it is an assessment
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of the reliability and readiness of heat supply facilities for the heating period. can you give me a specific example, based on the evaluation criteria, what should be in order for then it didn’t explode. first of all, conduct an audit, an audit of the network itself, and a boiler audit of the networks themselves that connect to the apartment building there. or to a private facility or to some others, and here you need to understand that today, just now, by the way, when the heating period is over, preparations begin, which urgently needs to be done, okay, we conducted an audit - before new heating season, assessed according to the criteria, found out everything, not ready - what to do, who will bear responsibility, well first of all, of course, there is a balance holder, both for networks and for an object that directly produces heat, this is a boiler room, and of course there are requirements here. to it, because it is necessary that everything be ready for the heating season, and it should not be the case that in the month of august or
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, god forbid, in september, it turns out that some colossal work needs to be involved here in order for heat to come into the houses at all , but directly into the pipes, the bill will oblige the creation of backup heat supply systems in case of emergency, everywhere is this possible, let us see, because in fact we have been waiting for a very long time to have backup heat supply sources. i would like, of course, for this to be 100% possible, but it is unlikely that this will be the case. well, if they say that they will oblige and in general a document is being prepared, then there are those responsible, who will be responsible for the ministry of energy if something goes wrong? if somewhere this cannot be done, then you need to look for an option under what conditions this can be done, somewhere this is an additional installation, somewhere additional pipes, yes, when, for example, reconnection is possible to another boiler room, somewhere this is when the number actually increases there.
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yes, well, let’s just say that something went wrong, and some kind of emergency situation of a different nature, here how quickly and efficiently the service will be delivered to the house depends on the speed, on the timeliness of the measures taken, that’s how since this emphasis is one of the most important in this bill, because here we are working proactively, well, as they say, chickens count in the fall, they count in the fall, apparently we’ll talk later, how will the bill go through the state duma, and... how will it be implemented before the heating season, thank you very much, our guest was a member of the central headquarters of the popular front, yulia belikhova, all the best to you, have a good day, at the little girl, she is a smart woman, such men rub around her, what are you going to do, nati zhenya stepanova, angels of the area from monday at 21:20, amazing people, amazing
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seventh season, everything works here, cinema, cinema, we are crazy about you, the most soulful open-air cinema opened in in havana, residents of one of the seaside neighborhoods are preparing for screenings of popular films before dawn, setting up equipment, convening spectators, well, there are more than enough of them, film fans are coming from all over the city and its outskirts, it is best to come here by car. so to speak, with their own seats, the cinema is free, but this is not the main reason for sold-outs, cubans simply love to have fun in the open air, relax with large families, it’s very soulful, but moscow receives guests from the future today on the big screen the long-awaited fantasy film, 100 years in the future, based on the story of the same name by kir bulychev with alisa
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seleznyova and her enemies , the first viewers have already met, music, special effects. everything is simply amazing, it’s a very cool, mathematically verified, at the same time national history, it’s awesome, an incredible plot, which, well, it’s somehow in our blood. meetings with old, beloved friends always evoke vivid emotions. once upon a time, a girl from the future, alisa seleznyova , was probably the dream of every soviet schoolboy. now she has changed, matured and is ready to win the hearts of modern teenagers, even if they have not read the story by kir bulychev, based on which director alexander andryushchenko made the fantastic film “100 years”. forward, in general, this is something from the future, go crazy, we wrote, but well, a new story, a new movie, about fantasizing what the heroes would be like and not in the soviet present, but today, today it is in moscow in 2024, precisely in our time, schoolboy olya gerasimov is tormented by unrequited love,
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hanging out with friends, listening to music, playing video games, until one day his life is turned upside down. do you remember that gravitational bullshit at school, it was cosmion, because of him i can now jump to a century in the future and back, in the future he will have a fateful meeting with the touching rebel alisa selezneva, now the year is 2124, it sounds plausible, fate, the script of the film brings the heroes together just like that, they have to fight evil space pirates and save the world, present and future, the fate of the milky planet way and thirteen, three. by the way, the villains glot and veselchik u are played in the film by yuri borisov and alexander petrov, there are such human , generally spiritual sides of veselchuk, including his love for life, love for the present moment, and just love, it is generally the driving force in this story , a very soulful line of love between parents
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and teenage love, which, as it turned out, looks great against the background... tactfully they prepared large-scale activities for the release of the film in wide release. users can ask questions to the actors and director, take part in a game based on the film. they say that you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to know how to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but
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relax on... yes, where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except your head. we know about rest. that's it, relax. anex. you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i will go on vacation for you to any
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resort in the country. men are excited about something completely different. she looked at me as if i had just missed a penalty into an empty goal. this was the most powerful effect of art on a person. parade humor. premiere on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuing the conversation. in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, the first podcasts we watch,
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there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s also very nice to congratulate you on your birthday. this is joseph, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well, maybe he and there is no need anymore. valeria, an amazing song that you created with maxim podeev, for me it was just a joke.
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the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, you have an important matter tomorrow, they’ll divorce everything, and suddenly something happens to someone, and you’ll forget about the divorce. si in the final episode, i’m married, but i’m getting a divorce, just about then, then i’ll ask you to marry me, i want you to leave my son alone, if the road to happiness has reached a dead end, allah, didn’t show up, i feel something happened, look for a detour, what does it all mean, let's talk, alla taxi, final episode, on my command we rush in there, one, two, three! today on rtr. statistics, as you know,
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know everything and they tell us that about 15% all divorced couples in russia are formalized for the division of property in court. and one of the most controversial issues is the determination of the share of ownership of expensive things and real estate purchased as a gift by the parents of one of the spouses during the marriage. lawyers advise you to think in advance about assigning ownership of such property to yourself if you do not want to divide it during a divorce. kristina sorokina figured out how to do this. our nephew is getting married, love, a young family, that’s all. and we, we have a big family, we come from all our large family decided to give them a car for their wedding. and ksenia kuznetsova approaches such an expensive gift as a car with all seriousness, love, love, but i would like it for my nephew in case of separation. with her chosen one, she didn’t have to cut the car in half, the woman is worried. in the event of a divorce, if they have this joint property to be divided in half, we are naturally against it, because this is
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a big gift from our family, yes, that is, her relatives do not invest in it in any way. we offered him to conclude a marriage contract, but he doesn't even want to offer it to her. and in this case, lawyers advise to draw up a deed of gift for property, that is, first buy an expensive gift, a car or an apartment yourself and only then, along with the documents, transfer it to a loved one. for spouses, this is the best way to separate their property from the common one in marriage; according to the law, it will not be subject to division in case of divorce. in this case , it serves as evidence that the gift agreement, for example, money, rubles, the gift agreement must be in writing , it is imperative that the gift agreement is a gratuitous transaction, everything that is gratuitous, it is personal, to draw up such a document, you need to contact a notary, in the case of donating an apartment from a relative, you will need passports of both parties, you also need a certificate of ownership or an extract from the unified state register, a specialist will submit the documents to the russian register to register the rights of the new owner, it will take up to three working days. as for the costs of such
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a transaction, they depend on the stage. generation between the parties and the price of the property, also about the notary will charge 8,000 for technical work, plus a state fee of 2,000 for registering the right to real estate, that is, donating an apartment worth 1.5 million will cost approximately 16,000, if the gift is accepted by a son, daughter or grandson, 23,000 rubles, if a stranger, by law, after after completing the transaction , the property will be yours alone, but there is a nuance that should be taken into account: major repairs, and some kind of reconstruction, yes, this will also be a reason for the court. change the ownership regime of a given object, that is, then, but evidence will be needed that the second spouse contributed these funds, then this property will be divided in other shares, that is, one of the spouses, who invested personal savings in the overhaul of apartments that do not belong to him, during a divorce can recover his funds and demand a review of the division of property , in this case, you need to provide all the evidence, checks and bank receipts, the court will evaluate the entire amount
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of expenses and make... a decision at its discretion, then nature gives strength, now let’s drink juice, oh, what kind of method is this, well, that the method, that my grandfather uprooted the birch tree, that’s it, come on, try it, well, listen, it’s delicious, and rejuvenation has begun, about the unique properties of the birch, immediately after the news, and the birch is intact, you see, further... look at the news on the channel russia, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today: 13 thousand people have been evacuated from flood zones in the kurgan region, temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for people, three meals a day are organized there and psychological assistance to those in need, volunteers are saving their families animals, the water level in tobul in kurgan
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is approaching 10 m, flooding. on part of the embankments, in one of the garden associations , a clay dam built by residents burst. a special board from moscow arrived to help the rescuer with equipment that is used during search operations in the dark . in the tyumen region, sappers are blowing up ice jams on the ishima river, builders are strengthening dams and building them up with sandbags. in the orenburg region, caring citizens help those who find themselves in difficult situations. activists take victims to the mainland in off-road vehicles. the consolidated unit of the yasninsky missile formation provides drinking water to municipal enterprises. in buryat, where the elements have receded and assessment commissions have begun house-to-house visits, cash payments will begin in the near future. crews of howitzers d-30 destroyed a unit of the ukrainian armed forces in the zaporozhye region. shot! in the area of ​​​​the village of verboov, the enemy carried out
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rotations in the dark. in the hope of remaining unnoticed, but was discovered aerial reconnaissance. the blow was delivered with amazing accuracy. the d-30 cannon, artillery is called a sniper rifle. we work at any time of the day, in any weather, but we work against any targets, that is, against infantry, against armored vehicles, against launch points, against bull caches. near kupinsk, tankers of the western district are closed.
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a significant arsenal of explosive items was taken to a landfill and eliminated in the border region of the belgorod region. demining is carried out before the start of restoration work; residential areas are inspected houses and social facilities. many parts of rockets were found in the ruins. russian airlines resumed flights to dubai, more than thirty flights were carried out. air traffic was interrupted due to unprecedented rainfall. the runway at al maktoum international airport was flooded. highways were under water and public transport was limited on the street. the country's authorities ordered an assessment of the damage to provide the necessary support to the victims.
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a video of a cat being rescued is gaining popularity online. who managed to cling to the handle of the car. after the emirates, a powerful rain front hit yemen. tambour streams sweep away everything in their path. the finnish position demanded that the law on foreign agents be repealed. on wednesday evening, demonstrators filled the square in front of the parliament building in tbilis and issued an ultimatum to withdraw the scandalous document within an hour. after this time, demonstrators marched to the government house. clashes broke out with the police and two people were detained. residents of vladivostok joined the all-russian cleanup day. he dedicated to victory day. in the coming days , representatives of the regional branch of united russia and the youth wing will take part in the event. as well as victory volunteers. they will be joined by deputies, social activists, cadets of the naval school and state university. it is necessary to tidy up memorial sites and military graves, as well as plant several hundred trees. on a russian scale, the cleanup will last until
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june 22. an asian elephant has stopped traffic in a montana town. the animal was frightened by the sounds of the exhaust car, ran away from the circus. the walk through the streets continued. not for long, during this time viola, that’s the artist’s name, was caught on street surveillance cameras several times and managed to pose for amazed drivers. the journey ended in a parking lot near a residential building. with the help of a trainer, the viola was driven into the trailer and returned to its place. next, regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital region, more than half of the monthly precipitation will fall in the next 24 hours in moscow, it’s all because of the new southern cyclone, which is already heading towards the capital; the temperature will be 10-12°,
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but the atmospheric pressure will drop sharply by 12 units at once and amount to 730 mm hg . the cyclone, saturated with moisture, is already leaving the black sea to the north. rains will begin this evening, they will intensify on friday night, quite intense rains, wind gusts will reach 16-21 m/s. due to bad weather, city services have been placed on high alert. the capital's traffic police will conduct a raid among scooter riders from friday to sunday and cyclists. it is aimed at preventing violations. associated with the use of personal mobility devices. the moscow city duma proposes to increase responsibility for riding electric scooters and bicycles. we propose the following changes to the kaap: the first is to introduce a new subject of responsibility, a person using
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personal mobility devices to move, to provide for fines for leaving the scene of an accident, drinking alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances for transferring control. to all persons who are in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication. a bill introducing new fines for users of personal mobility devices has already been submitted to the state duma; their amount can reach 30,000 rubles. the investigative committee opened a criminal case into the murder of two women in the north-east of moscow. the police were called for help the night before. in the apartment , police found bodies with stab wounds and the alleged perpetrator, a 33- year-old man. according to preliminary data, he quarreled with his mother and grandmother and dealt with them. a man was detained in moscow for trying to obtain a bank card using a fake passport. the call came from a financial institution on lyusinovskaya
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street. upon arrival of the squad, bank employees said that the citizen had requested the issuance of someone else’s card using a false document and wanted to withdraw money. the attacker turned out to be a twenty-six-year-old native of one of the neighboring countries. newcomers are taught to escort visually impaired passengers into train cars and help use the escalator, how they are preparing puppies, saw artyom kuznetsov. ksenia and her labrador larson are together always and everywhere. the girl's vision began to deteriorate several years ago. at first i managed on my own, walking with a cane, and after the accident i decided to get a dog. conductor. larson - her eyes help her climb stairs and get around obstacles. you see, he walked around you so that you stayed on his side so that i wouldn’t bump into you. larson is already 3 years old. he became a guide only a year and a half ago; he begins training animals at the age of one and a half years.
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month. it takes 8-10 months to be transported from the nursery to the training unit, and there training takes place until the dog is one and a half to two years old. these puppies from the podmoskovnaya kupamny nurseries are making their debut in the metro today. training in the capital's subway is mandatory for guide dogs. they are taught to guide blind passengers through the lobby doors to the escalators, move along the platforms, and enter the carriage. or on the website, see you.
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bless the mother of your children. pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ. you can't love me. to your enemies. i will give, sell, buy everything. he went over to their side. let us show you what it means to attack innocent people. and we will beat so hard that the stains will be carried away. taras bulba. what son? yours helped you, lyakh. film by vladimir bordka on friday on rtr. how many films have you starred in? 67. 67 rolls, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress. intimate talk. my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such. i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying when i was fifteen years old, but there i repeat my role of juliet. and then i'll have this, this, this. family conversation. i was just
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surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course, yes, such a subtle moment, katerina spitz, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i was not a failure myself , and i’m also deciding something. grigory vernik. at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but that i would do business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. two vernik-2, on friday on rtr, good morning, hello, april 18 on the calendar, thursday morning , elena nikolaeva and denis stoykov greet you, we love you.
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the latest cctv cameras. they can not only track any intruder in pitch darkness, but also scare him almost to death. the all-seeing eye can shoot very accurately not with shot or salt, but with paintballs . wow, as soon as a stranger receives such a colorful volley, he forgets, of course, why... moreover, 35% were subjected to violence, dmitry zaitsev found out why it is not possible to end the relationship in an amicable way. the noise of the commotion in the stairwell on these. in the footage filmed by one of the neighbors, the father beats his own daughter right in the front door, once again
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beating the child, tearing his ear, knocking down my eldest daughter, as if i had to take the children to move out of the rented apartment, the soloist of the philharmonic nadezhda vazagova has five children nikolai and i lived together for more than 10 years, but mutually decided to leave, however, after some time, the former lover seemed to replaced, began to pour out threats, attempts to bring the ex-husband into a serious conversation led to nothing, now the mother of many children is a laureate between. life, and that you won’t have time to live, you
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won’t have time to work, you won’t have time to take care of your children, the woman admits that she and the children are experiencing extreme stress from this whole situation, and is considering... the whole family to seek psychological help. the main idea of ​​the aggressor is to cut the ground out from under his feet in order to completely subjugate the will of a person and break it, then the person will serve the aggressor, and that is his task. therefore, it is worth minimizing communication with the tyrant, or better yet, disappearing from the radar altogether. if the intensity of aggression only increases, it is worth collecting all the incriminating evidence on your offender in documents. if, for example, a person uses threats against you. or, for example, he writes everything on social networks, or in sms messages, it is imperative to record this fact, take screenshots, even better, record these screenshots with a notary, it’s one thing when the fact of persecution, as they say, is obvious, a broken car or a mutilated door is already a reason to initiate an article on hooliganism, it’s another matter when the intimidation
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is psychological or virtual, alas, in our country there are no punishments for the same stalking or gaslighting either in the administrative or criminal code, it must be denied. there is something to discuss with an expert, with us today is associate professor of the department of criminal law at kutafin university, candidate of legal sciences anastasia ragulina, anastasia, good morning, well, what do they think in the state duma, that it is necessary to introduce a new article of persecution, what is meant by with this definition and what does one plan to understand and what should be understood by this term? well
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, look, the fact is that the bill, in principle, in itself, even this initiative can really be supported, but it is clear that it is difficult to describe. from the point of view of how we will interpret, and they propose to describe the persecution, firstly, through systematicity, of course, we will not describe it in days, but here is a possible option, so he sent 300 messages in the morning there, yes , well, figuratively speaking, count this as once, or still as systematic, as it happens, you break up with someone, don’t write to me or call me, and then, as in the movie, it started snowing, but remember, that is, where is this border, when is this persecution, when is it you just, well, you ca n’t how to get out of communication? well , look, not only will systematicity be important here, but also that these actions are aimed at causing some kind of moral suffering, any lawyer will tell you, well, until he does something to carry out the threat, nothing can be done, no, practice is different now way, it has long been developed, article 119 is quite common, but the main thing is that there were
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reasons to fear this threat, that is , a person takes a screenshot of these messages, preferably records them with a notary, goes to the police, and they won’t tell him there, there is no body , no, it’s clear that it’s live, but it’s from another city, will it work? yes, it will work, because law enforcement agencies now have enough resources, yes, that can, in general, determine this situation. yes from what computer there from what ip address and so on and so on, let's say - they were able to prove - the punishment that is proposed for this 2.3 if using the phone five, if systematically, there is up to 15 days of arrest, will this have an impact? i think it will have an impact, firstly, that it is still
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a responsibility, this is the first thing, and the person will be considered subject to administrative punishment for a year, so if he commits it again, then he will have a 5.0 arrest 15 days, i think that in some... cases even an arrest of 15 days will be enough to the person came to his senses, okay, then this is my personal thing, for some reason, why is there a fine in favor of the state, it’s not the state that’s pursuing, it’s pursuing a specific person, how differently would we treat these calls, that is, they called you, you're like 2,000, now the bill will drop, well, that is, we are fined there if we violate traffic rules, all this comes to public services, that is, everything is already automated, it arrived here, everything earned money. maybe think about this topic, yes, that in such specific offenses, maybe it would be worth including the victim in this situation, and also somehow compensate, well , we need to think about it, in our studio the topic of protective or restraining orders has been repeatedly raised, which, in my opinion, exist somewhere abroad, and this also works , why not introduce such an option here, that, let’s say, if
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a person is proven to be persecuted , they were given a 200 fine and a prohibitory order was issued for approaching this person, it would be very good, because we have... there are actions, but just like this protection orders from we are not there, maybe, indeed, if such a thing existed, even this protective order, it can have such a meaning not only for physical, yes, approach, but also for approach there on social networks, maybe not even logging into the internet , yes, but specifically here is access to this social network, well, that is , you can think it over, we understand, thank you, thank you, our questions were answered by associate professor of the department of criminal law of the kutafin university, candidate of legal sciences, anastasia ragulina, all the best to you, dark eyes , passionate eyes, hard to believe, but on 3 years after his death, a monument has not been erected to the grave of the main gypsy of the ussr, people's artist nikolai slichenko. the million-dollar inheritance is divided between the children; only the rejected first wife, sitara slechenko, cries on the unkempt grave. i didn’t know where to go, out of shame. our
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investigation into the secrets of abandoned graves continues. malakhov, today at 16:30. firstly, your mother is alive, and secondly, i can move back with the help of this simion and pull her out. you have a better idea, you don't have a better idea, because it's initially a good idea, an agreement. 100 years ago. local cuisine is what many russians prefer during their tours. this is data from one of the travel booking services, and the majority of survey participants are generally ready to travel to another country or russian region just to try a new dish. well, we understand you. 65% admitted that they carefully study the gastronomic map so as not to miss an interesting cafe or restaurant. and for this they conduct entire studies. they look for information on social networks and communicate. with experienced food bloggers and travelers. but russian scientists know how to make food not only tasty, but also healthy. andrei
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negro tried some scientific developments to taste. birch, a tree that cannot be confused with anything, everything is made of betulin. it is this substance that is responsible for the white color of birch bark, and also protects plants from viruses, fungi, bacteria and other misfortunes. it’s no wonder that these compounds can be found in medicinal cosmetics and have been extensively studied. pharmacologists, believing that betulin can enter in a variety of medications . in addition to antidiabetic properties, it also has anticancer properties, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing, antioxidant, that is, it has a complex of useful properties. and just recently, this ural laboratory found that betulin has a positive effect on the functions of the pancreas and can be used as a means of preventing diabetes. birch bark. it soaks, swells, then we crush it and get a powder, like this one
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powder, from this powder we extract betulin and get a betulin emulsion, scientists gave this emulsion to rats with diabetes to see what happens to their body and how the blood sugar level changes depending on the dosage? in animal experiments it was shown that betulin improves glucose tolerance, this... means that the concentration of glucose in the vessels of all other organs. but the blood itself drops and therefore suffers less . interesting, this substance had a positive effect on the well-being of healthy animals, so scientists recommend adding it to the most common food products, such as yoghurts, cookies and even chips. by the way, as for the latter, they can be made super healthy without bitulin, but this is the work of siberian researchers; instead of potatoes or corn, they suggest
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using flax sprouts like this, the flax seeds themselves are initially tasty, and when sprouted, they become even tastier and healthier. berries are placed in sprouted flax, dates are used instead of sugar, and cinnamon is also added as a source of tryptophan, amino acids, which... affects a person’s production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, this mass is laid out in molds and dried, as a result we have tasty and crispy snacks that bring exceptional benefits to the body. and then, don’t feed him bread, why you can’t refuse bread, even with the most strict diet, in a few minutes we’ll learn everything from a nutritionist. discover the real one. exceptional service, incredible culinary
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delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise, revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on
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the shores of the mediterranean sea. here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellec is the best choice for unforgettable holiday, premiere,
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stop it, alexander pankratov black. from monday on rtr, the future is coming, now robots have the first generation, the first generation has changed,
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the world has not had time to see off one robot for its well-deserved retirement, when it was immediately replaced... another one came, anthropomorphic, fully electric, with improved dynamics, a new machine generation demonstrates impressive agility, flexibility and dexterity, it will be used in auto production, job responsibilities have already been described, sorting parts, carrying heavy loads, and the eldest the model with which it all once began will rest as it should, grumpily watching the successes of the young, for some reason they are itching for everything, and now in other cars, four-wheeled suvs in ours... suvs in russia are valued and respected, and it’s not just a matter of prestige , but in cross-country ability, a quality that is extremely useful in our difficult to predict conditions. let's compare three suvs officially presented in
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russia. let's start with the newcomer oting paladin under the hood of the two. gasoline turbo engine with a capacity of 218 horsepower, the basic version has a powertrain rear wheels, eight-speed automatic transmission, the starting package will include engine protection, sunroof, keyless entry , start, recommended price rub 3,800,000. and this is the 500 tank, already familiar to many, its three-liter six with a double turbocharger produces 299 horsepower, all-wheel drive with a multi-plate clutch. downshifts, nine-speed automatic transmission, all -round parking sensors in the base, plus 360 camera functions, transparent hood, warm options package, adaptive cruise control, three-zone climate control, cost starts from 6,300,000 rubles. another newcomer is the mhero hybrid suv from the donfan company, three electric motors produce a total of 816 horsepower
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, here is the internal combustion engine. works exclusively as a generator, electric range 175 km, combined 750, all-wheel drive, equipment list: air suspension, two hatches, valet parking, seats with massage and ventilation, dual-zone climate control, wifi hotspot video recorder, price from 15,990,000 rubles . so, otin paladin - this is a licensed chinese version of the nissan terra suv with a mitsubishi engine. in general, a real suv. the tank is aiming for a higher segment, where the luser, which has now become unreasonably expensive, used to reign. the 500th doesn’t give up on off-road, but in fact, such... tires rarely leave the asphalt, it’s a matter of prestige, but the amihira is a very special option in terms of equipment, technology and price, the possibilities for off-road are the widest, so there will be some connoisseurs. in general,
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we won’t be left without star walkers, these three already models cover almost all the needs of the off-road segment. some for hunting fishing, some for status, and some for both. we will continue to endure this neighborhood for a long time, actually this is my newspaper, and i drew this bath for myself, what is going on? quietly, it looks like he is the healthy one they have for the eldest, the invasion of beetles immediately after the news, denis, well, do something, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubsik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. dams evacuation and a new level of flooding water in tabul in the kurgan region approaching the 10 m mark, flood map, how do they help people? there are no problems with any target, because russian weapons
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are better, the successes of our military in the special operation zone, nato missiles do not fly far, air defense destroys everything, strikes in ramadan on the gas sector should cost israel sanctions, the russian statement has been betrayed. un dinner. 13 thousand people were evacuated from flood zones in the kurgan region. temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for people. three meals a day and psychological assistance are provided there for those in need. volunteers rescue pets. the water level in tobol and kurgan is approaching 10 m, and part of the embankments is flooded. in one of the gardening associations , a clay dam built by residents burst. a special board from moscow arrived to help the rescuers with equipment that is used during search operations in the dark . in the tyumen region, sappers are blowing up ice jams on the ishima river, builders are strengthening dams and building them up with
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sandbags. in the orenburg region, caring citizens help those who find themselves in difficult situations. activists take victims to the mainland in off-road vehicles. the combined unit of the yasninsky missile formation provides municipal drinking water. in buryat, where the elements have receded , assessment commissions began door-to-door inspections. cash payments will begin soon. strategic objects of ukrainian nationalists were destroyed in several regions of ukraine. explosions occurred in the kiev region that night. after some time, strikes were carried out on targets in the khmelnitsky region. according to the information agency the airfield in the suburb of starokonstantinovka was destroyed. starokonstantinov, this site was being prepared to accommodate fighter jets. in the ovdeevsky direction of the special operation, russian anti-aircraft gunners repelled an air attack on the ukrainian armed forces. all targets were intercepted
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and destroyed by the buk anti-aircraft missile system. ukrainian nationalists launched several western- made missiles towards our positions. the bet was that poe's systems would not cope with the latest nato technology. however, the ukrainian armed forces' strategy failed. buk complexes are capable of shooting down. any air targets, this has long been proven not in words, but in deeds. there are most of the new foreign ones, but there, that is, the european union, which supplies, or the united states, nato, in general, there are no problems with any target, all targets can be shot down, calmly, the complex is designed for this. but the ukrainian armed forces themselves have big problems with air defense. russian aviation firmly maintains its superiority in the skies. on south dani. direction , supersonic fighters and su-34 bombers broke through another gap in the enemy’s defenses. destroyed by heavy bombs a strong point with infantry entrenched in it. having received confirmation from intelligence that
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the targets had been destroyed, the crew returned to the airfield to replenish their ammunition. our work is to ensure high-quality preparation of aviation equipment and weapons. to work towards the identified goals, it depends on our work. the lives of our comrades located in the north military district zone. in the kherson region, on the right bank of the dnieper, an ammunition depot of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the storage facility was destroyed by several shots from t-72 tanks. the crews fired with a canopy from a distance of more than 2 km, thereby protecting yourself from a retaliatory strike. then the tankers left the position as quietly as approximately 80% of the money that washington can allocate to ukraine will remain in the united states, as house speaker mike johnson explained on cnn, the funds will be spent on replenishment. american weapons stockpiles.
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kiev will receive old missile shells, which are now in pentagon warehouses. joe biden has already promised this in an opinion piece for the wall street journal. on wednesday evening it became known that congress had prepared a bill to allocate ukraine more than 60 billion dollars. the first hearing is scheduled for saturday. some republicans have already criticized the documents and said they will vote against it. the fsb has published a series of secret reports on the work of smersh. year in ukraine. counterintelligence officers managed to identify 4,000 nationalists who joined the ranks of the red army. we are talking about radicals from the aun and upa groups. during the german occupation of ukraine, they brutally dealt with soviet prisoners of war, attacked partisans, and conducted propaganda against the ussr among the population. un security council should immediately consider imposing sanctions against israel for non-compliance with the ceasefire resolution for the holy month of ramadan.
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russia's post-president vasily nebendya stated this at a meeting dedicated to the situation in the gas sector. the diplomat stressed that no humanitarian efforts in the conflict zone will bring results without a sustainable truce; china approached israel with a demand to abandon plans to attack rafah, but as it became known on wednesday evening, at least seven people, including three children were killed, as a result of which an airstrike targeted the city. in addition, the israeli military began to move into the gas strip. divisions. large-scale searches took place at the headquarters of the alternative for germany party. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation on suspicion of violating the law on party donations. according to some reports, the top leadership of the political association kept tens of thousands of euros in private accounts, which came from well-wishers. earlier, the head of the european commission, ursula vonderleen, accused representatives of an alternative for germany in speaking out against eu policies.
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the first ships are about to begin in barnaul. further regional news: do not switch with residents of the moscow region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region, more than half of the monthly precipitation will fall today in moscow. heavy rain will begin in the afternoon. will continue on friday, it will be
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accompanied by thunderstorms and winds up to 20 m/s. atmospheric pressure will drop sharply and amount to 730 mm hg. due to bad weather, city services were placed on high alert. today from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am traffic on the outer side of the moscow ring road will be limited. it will be impossible to drive from minsk to novoryazanskoe highway. also , due to construction work from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, on april 20 the south-eastern expressway will be closed in some places. from friday to sunday, the capital's state traffic inspectorate will conduct a raid among those who travel on electric scooters and bicycles. its main goal is to improve traffic safety. to training in five more water dogs have started working in the moscow metro. they are taught to escort visually impaired passengers into train cars and help descend on escalators. service dogs undergo training every week. over 10 years, 350 quadrupeds received certification. and while that’s all, take care of yourself and
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see you, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on... where everything is included, except for the head, we know it’s all about relaxation, relax, anex.
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good morning, hello, elena nikolaeva, denis stoykov, we are glad to meet you, thursday morning, april 18 on the calendar, thursday,
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spring, well, this is all from the news, so many events in the world happen every day, but some people lack the thrill, so they want to experience everything, a deadly bite asian polynomy. in a live internet broadcast, for example, the american naturalist kayot patterson decided to continue the same game with death that the australian steve irving once played, who was bitten more than once, it must be said, and even died from the poisonous injection of a stinging stingray. peterson in in turn, he decided to become a victim of a giant scalopendra, the pain was simply hellish, the venom of the sponge contains a neurotoxin that causes paralysis, and also a cardiomyotoxin that provokes a malfunction in the work with... the heart, and although the doctors promptly gave the experimenter a life-saving injection, he suffered terribly for another 30 hours . well, everyone will probably tell him rightly so, why? yes, such large centipedes are fortunately not found in our country, but there are giant beetles that have become more active, we are talking
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about the black pine longhorned beetle, which feeds on wood. quarantine on him already announced in forty-eight regions, alena kashtanova found out why the insect is dangerous. well, maybe 60-70. centimeters, depending on what kind of trees, in early spring ivan viktorovich will not be caught off guard, he has everything he needs to treat fruit trees from pests on his site, before they used to spread lime, they used to plant them with kudron, but beetles need to be treated for pests, there are caries , weevils, this year it turns out that farmland and forests are threatened by another wood lover, the black pine longhorned beetle, a beetle that can reach 3 cm in length, its impressive mustache... serves as an organ of smell, feeds mainly on pine, hence the name. both the beetle and the larva cause harm. the beetle feeds on the outside of plants; it can gnaw on the bark of thin twigs and needles. strictly speaking, the beetle attacks mainly weakened trees, as well as felled wood, but during mass
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reproduction it can also attack healthy trunks. in practice, we see not only that the longhorned beetle damages already damaged plants, but also... it also damages living plants, especially soft wood, that is, coniferous species with soft wood, first of all , cedars or siberian pine, fir, spruce suffer, so their presence in forests is strictly controlled, a quarantine has already been declared in the omsk region, larvae of a dangerous beetle were found there, the larva overwinters there in the tree itself and then pupated in the spring. it can reach the size of a matchbox, while specialists carry out visual monitoring of the larvae, and in may they will begin to catch beetles with special glue and pheromone traps, biters they fly to this smell and, sliding along the surface, fall into a collection glass. the black
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pine longhorned beetle, among other things, is also a potential carrier of a dangerous microscopic pathogen with the basis of a stem nematode. she settles in the sinuses of his nose. when dolls. the beetle is in the wood, then the nemotodes penetrate into it, when the beetle already flies out of the tree, the nemotodes come out, well, for example, through the mouth apparatus or through the breathing hole and into these wounds, roundworms crawl, if you do not take measures, then the barbels can easily can come to neighboring regions, for example, with harvested timber, so quarantine zones are now established not only in omsk, but in neighboring regions, in total 48 regions, and in all the rest regular monitoring is carried out. the black pine longhorned beetle, also known as monogamus gala provincialis, is our common species, it is endemic to the moscow region, and during the observation period it did not show the formation of foci here. for humans, fortunately, the barbel does not pose any danger, since
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it is not considered as a food source. fear, perhaps, only in its appearance. and someone is intimidated by an extra bun, which will certainly be deposited on the sides, but is bread really that scary? he says, we eat it, about 90 kg, it turns out that bread is simply necessary for a balanced diet, the whole question is in quantity, obviously, but also in the quality of this bread, let’s deal with this, with an expert, of course, in the studio, a doctor, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, nurya dianova, good morning, well, bread has been rehabilitated, many will probably rejoice, but really is this such an important product, that’s how many people i know who are going to lose weight, get slimmer, the first thing they give up is flour and bread, of course, bread - you just need to understand what it is, it’s a complex carbohydrate,
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it’s the same cereals, it’s the same as pasta, and it’s the same as potatoes, this is the first thing, so you need to clearly understand how much you can eat, then the question is what kind of bread, we told you, yes, if it’s simple wheat or lavash, then we understand that this is just a source of complex carbohydrates, well, pure starch, energy, it is usually what it is, refined, this is about the question of what is boules. in most cases, they will be treated, unless it is fildepers, rye , you know, with something added, then it is conditionally healthy, but if it is a simple bun, groissant, by the way, in apala, here is my opinion as a nutritionist, that the most harmful of bakery - this, this is a croissant, because you know how many calories there are, dear mother, they say that bread that has been sitting for so long is stale, it is healthier than that which you just pulled out of... you are absolutely right, because from the point of view of gastroenterology, freshly baked bread
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is heavy, it’s really like a lump, a huge heavy stone rests on the stomach, and it’s hard, so now you’re still taking away fresh, hot bread, croissants and buns, everything goes into the firebox, as it is, but no, look, firstly, dried bread is the right story, the taste and organoleptic properties of bread improve, even the same body of one, you need to eat in moderation. of course, look, and if everything is fine with your weight, you can eat conventionally, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, the average serving of bread is 50 g. for a man of a very large, tall complex in physical labor it can be 100 g, this is a lot in fact, where bread with butter can also be used, but thin layer, this is an omelet with vegetables and this is your ideal breakfast, but they say not to mix protein, here are carbohydrates, no no, look, we have the most important digestive organ - this is... this is the pancreas, it does not understand ours all the stories about separate meals,
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now we eat one thing, then another, she produces all three main enzymes: about proteins, fats, about carbohydrates, it cannot do otherwise, it initially has such a history, so a person, as a result of evolution, he so, well, eventually led himself to the fact that he is on a mixed diet, we can eat potatoes with meat and vegetables, the problem is that as a rule we eat. protein, a lot of fat, carbohydrates, but mind you, if we eat dumplings, well , it’s the same story, we eat them with bread, that’s how wonderful it is, more expensive for the figure, yes, but women will say once a year, for example, you just need to add a vegetable salad to the pima, and you also understand, you can eat bread with lightly salted fish for breakfast, but you need to add vegetables again, we understand you, thank you very much, thank you, a gastroenterologist and nutritionist answered our questions.
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walked over the ball, the next one, yes, right, right, here, here, the fans probably
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recognized him, yes, he is the most multiple champion of russia and europe in rugby, peter batnorash. at the tula team sports center, opened thanks to the federal project sport-norma of life, a famous player deputy director for sports activities. the champion personally trains new trainers and conducts master classes with children. we work with almost everyone, we don’t have anything strict. gathering, since rugby is a universal sport, with almost 15 positions on the field, everyone will find a place right in the team. my team and i won the third one. place with girls played also with girls or with boys? boys played with girls. are you boys? yes, they just beat it. there is an open football field nearby , ideal for street training at any time. weather. when it’s cold, the coating warms up to 15°c. the field is of excellent quality, a very good field in tuley, uh, of such quality, well , i probably can’t even name a single field,
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it’s a good field, it’s nice to train and play on it. heating system, we just started training on this field in winter.. the heating system does an excellent job, the coach asked to pay attention to this boy with a serious face, now he is 12, 7 years old in football, central defender, does not miss a single training session, dreams to get into the national team, i watched the world cup on tv and i also wanted to play at a professional level. and this is a new sports and recreation complex in ufa, it’s immediately noticeable that beginners are playing table tennis, and zalya brought her son to football training, while... he’s kicking a ball, he’s also getting involved in healthy lifestyle with other parents, the parents are generally delighted, they sit in a comfortable place together, there is tennis set up, you can play, they even installed exercise equipment, everything for sports, the complex was built in record time in less than a year as part of the sports project, standard of living, national demography project, investors also participated in the construction, the scale
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of the facility is impressive, there are two football fields on an area of ​​about 300 km, parents are delighted, why? because we had a facility here, it was the so-called blower, which is already there for more than 15 years, which means that this is such a structure, well, unstable, yes, which has become unusable, here, here is such a wonderful sports and recreational complex, thanks to the federal project sport, standard of living, national project demography, in last year , 55 of the same modern sports and recreation complexes were built in different regions of russia. this year, 72 more facilities are being prepared for opening; in total, since the launch of the project , about 450 new sports centers have appeared throughout the country, where both children and adults can train. i couldn’t resist, no amount of money will help if she decides to the end
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what to do, sit and wait until they come for me and put me in dust flowers under this terrible article. in a bouquet, premiere on saturday on rtr, no need to make an appointment with him, just a joke, he will come to the house himself, we will start, he will always help, we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, eh? and how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor
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you can trust 100% and you will be... happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, in saturday on rtr. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just as i trust him. this means you have an ideal marriage. on saturday. you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child. why do you need such a wife? yes. an ideal marriage can collapse, didn’t you tell him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re about to get into trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there , no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn it, damn it, damn, we’re not serious with this profura, he
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loves you, lena, he betrayed me, but what kind of baby do you have? the right to destroy someone else’s family, there would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world is an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, mom, on saturday on rta, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for.. .
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have been living in me since then, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. on sunday. it's so good that i have you. your husband's friend. judging by the photo, do you know each other? did you know that your father has a child and your girlfriend. my family is you, but any problem can be solved. either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr,
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you can’t imagine a more extreme hobby, an incredible jump from the stratosphere to the north pole, in the top popular video, about this landing in the arctic region borneo station, our colleagues have already told us, but... the most interesting footage came from the arctic only now with a slight delay, we simply cannot help but show them. this is what it looks like from the first faces step into the white abyss, at 10,000 m, on which airliners fly, but not people, three brave people made the jump: pilot cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, pilot instructor alexander, lynnik and space technology engineer denis efremov, they landed exactly on the north pole of the earth, thereby setting a world record. well, in the northern... poles it is now -20, quite comfortable for polar explorers, it is still spring, but a little further south in magadan it is much warmer, they even organized a large-scale celebration here to
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mark the awakening of the tundra. the one who fed warmed the reindeer in the tundra in the spotlight at any national holiday. the spirit of fire, the current murane must be well-fed. this is the main ritual of mutametu. the elders are allowed to attend the ceremony first. this is the most delicious, they specially choose, for example, they kill deer, they take out the bones , they take out the brains from the bones, well, all sorts of delicious things, the food is cooked on a different fire, the combination is unacceptable, on the table is food familiar to northern peoples, fish, viennese oma flatbread, venison soup, you pour water , immediately put meat there, venison on the fire, this is an event dish nearby, a traditional koryak, the case when in one kitchen they
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don’t touch the antlers, during this period they don’t mind increased attention, if only they are too sensitive. all the attention of the deer does not bother the females or females at the moment, they are in an interesting position and in a few days the offspring will appear here. the ethnocorner is the only place within the city where conditions have been created for the continuation of the offspring of reindeer, demographically. the experiment yielded results last year, fawns were born in magadan for the first time in 70 years, here they are, you see, all pot-bellied, oh, pot-bellied, the national holiday coincides with
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the beginning of calving, sometimes this is the only reason in the year to see neighboring teams, exchange news, but the main thing is to support those who help is needed. mutametu is translated from the ivan language as “we are together.” and then everything is fair. so, this is for you. “this is for me, this is for you again, this is back for you, so i didn’t deprive myself, but now seriously, what do you need to know during a divorce and division of property donated relatives of the spouses, advice from lawyers in a few minutes, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zubsik is with you, hello,
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they are rescuing pets, the water level in tobul in kurgan is approaching 10 m, part of the embankments is flooded. in one of the gardening associations , a clay dam built by residents burst. a special board from moscow arrived to help the rescuers with equipment that is used during search operations in the dark. in the tyumen region, sappers are blowing up ice jams on on the ishim river, builders are strengthening the dams and building them up with sandbags. in the neighboring tomsk region , a state of emergency is already in effect in four districts, but it is expected that there will be even more water, it will come from tyumen. several villages are under threat from the ob spill. in the orenburg region , caring citizens help those who find themselves in difficult situations. activists take the victims to the mainland in off-road vehicles. the combined unit of the yasninsky missile formation provides drinking water municipal enterprises. in buryatia, where the elements have receded, assessment commissions have begun house-to-house inspections.
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money will start soon. strategic objects of ukrainian nationalists were destroyed in several regions of ukraine. explosions occurred that night in the kiev and ivanofrankivsk regions. after some time, strikes were carried out on targets in the khmelnitsky region. according to information agency , an airfield in the suburbs of starokonstantinov was destroyed. this site was being prepared to accommodate f-16 fighters. gaub-30 crews were destroyed division of the armed forces of ukraine in the zaporozhye region. shot! in the area of ​​​​the village of verbov , the enemy carried out a rotation in the dark in the hope of remaining unnoticed, but he was discovered by aerial reconnaissance. the blow was delivered with amazing accuracy. the d-30 artillery gun is called a sniper rifle. we work at any time of the day, in any weather, but we work against any targets, that is, against infantry, against armored vehicles, at
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launch points. tankers of the western district were in the bull caches near kupinsk from closed positions hit the dugouts and manpower of the nationalists. their firing point interfered with the advance of our attack aircraft; the t-80 moved to the line of contact for support. a few minutes later the vanguard continued to advance forward. we rolled out and worked. tank, but nothing, the ladies let in, turned around, and left. there is a significant arsenal of small items on the body; the headlight flew off from explosive objects; they were taken to a landfill and destroyed in the border region of the belgorod region.
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conducts demining. before starting rehabilitation works, sappers examined residential buildings and social facilities. urgently provide ukraine with air defense systems and other military assistance. the heads of the european union agreed on this at an informal summit. true, the leaders of the countries of the old world did not specify where to get weapons. prime minister of the netherlands marco rutte proposed purchasing pvtriot systems from the allies for subsequent delivery to kiev. another agreement between european leaders to expand sanctions against iran against the backdrop of the recent attack. the georgian opposition demanded that the law on foreign agents be repealed. wednesday evening demonstrators filled the square in front of the parliament building in tbilis and issued an ultimatum to withdraw the scandalous document within an hour. after this time, demonstrators staged a procession to the government house. clashes broke out with the police and two people were detained. russian airlines have resumed flights to dubai. more than thirty flights were carried out. air
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traffic was interrupted due to unprecedented events. at al maktoum international airport the runway was flooded, highways were under water and the street was restricted public transport movement. the country's authorities ordered an assessment of the damage to provide the necessary assistance to the victims. a video of a cat being rescued after it managed to get caught on the handle of a car is gaining popularity online. after the emirates, a powerful rain front hit yemen, where stormy streams sweep away everything in their path. regions, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: more than half of the monthly precipitation will fall in the next 24 hours in moscow, it’s all due to the new southern a cyclone that is already heading towards the capital. the temperature will be 10-12°, but the atmospheric
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pressure will drop sharply. immediately by 12 units and will be 730 mmhg. the cyclone, saturated with moisture, is leaving the black sea to the north today. the rains will begin in the evening, they will intensify on friday night, quite intense rains, wind gusts will reach 16-21 m/s. due to bad weather, city services have been placed on high alert. the traffic management center is currently assessing the congestion of the capital's highways in one point due to repair work difficulties on the 27 km route to the south-eastern chord. and from 65 to 62 km. there are also difficulties on the yaroslavskoye highway from the ring towards the center. today there is limited traffic on the outside of mkat. from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am it will be impossible to travel from minsk to novoryazanskoe
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highway. in addition, the passage from house three will be closed, so the highway to the mkat along volgogradsky prospekt from the mcat to the third transport ring, as well as in the designed passage 35:02. also due to construction work from 9 morning until 7 pm. saturday will close the strip in several sections of the southeast highway. 2 million m2 of medical institutions will be renovated in moscow over the next 5 years. sergei sobyanin spoke about the development of capital medicine. over the course of 4 years , 200 clinics were reconstructed. another 140 buildings will be commissioned in the near future. construction of new hospital buildings, perinatal centers and children's hospitals is also underway. they are updating medical equipment; it will be purchased before the twenty-eighth year. units of high-tech equipment. near filidkov built a house according to the renovation program. it has 349 apartments and an underground parking lot. the building was erected on the site of demolished five-story buildings. as part of the project
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, the first residential buildings were demolished in the marushkinskoye settlement in new moscow. they were on park street and linden alley. 16 industrial complexes and technology parks will be built by investors in moscow under a job creation program. new. enterprises will be able to employ more than 16 thousand people, construction and clothing production, food production will be launched in seven districts, microelectronics, as well as medical equipment. five more guide dogs have begun training in the moscow metro. newcomers are taught to escort visually impaired passengers into train cars and help use the escalator. artyom kuznetsov saw how puppies are prepared. ksenia and her labrador. together always and everywhere. the girl's vision began to deteriorate several years ago. at first i managed on my own, walking with a cane, and after the accident i decided to get a guide dog. larson - her eyes help her climb stairs and get around obstacles. here you see
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he walked around you so that you stayed on his side so that i wouldn’t bump into you. larson is already 3 years old; he was able to become a guide only a year and a half ago. animals begin to be trained at one and a half months. 8-10 months transported from. uh nursery to the training department, and there they are already trained until the dog is one and a half to two years old, these puppies from the nurseries of the podmoskovnaya baths are making their debut in the metro today, training in the capital's subway is mandatory for guide dogs, they are taught to guide blind passengers through the doors lobbies to escalators, move along platforms, enter train cars. this is a special harness, behind which a blind person is held and the dog leads him, pointing out obstacles and... landmarks, directions of routes. puppies have been training in the metro every week for 10 years, during which time 350 four-legged animals have been certified, and this year another 50 animals will undergo special training. artyom kuznetsov, maxim gavrilets, anatoly ignatov and pavel letnikov, lead. and
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while that's all, take care and see you soon. yes , igorova, i paint my nails, i have every right. premiere, you've become old, yes, but you're like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you're with us, hello, hello, what's next, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers, angels of the area from monday on rtr . there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply
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incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it taste, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, dare you caster, this is the most ancient... profession in india, they say, a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for your owner, in confidence to the whole world, on sunday on rtl, good morning, hello, the work week continues on thursday and for the next 3 mornings
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elena nikolaev denis stoykov will be with you, as for the number 18 april. as for what we left behind is the middle spring, summer is coming. and here's a pumpkin boat for you, take the largest one to make a floating craft from it, and go on it along a stormy river. the residents of australia came up with such a plan when he saw a pumpkin weighing 407 kg in his friend’s garden. the friend did not mind, although he raised her. for cow feed. the man made a canoe for several days, then put on a captain’s cap and set off on a long voyage. about a thousand people escorted him from the shore. however, they met him just a mile later. after the trip, the pumpkin was fed to the cows, as planned. well, from water transport to automobile transport, the closer summer gets, the more tinted cars there are on the roads. drivers explain their love for dark windows with photophobia. ilya davidov found out whether traffic police inspectors would accept such excuses.
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the april sun in astrakhan is already as hot as summer, but owners of heavily tinted cars will have to work hard. during one raid, 280 violators were identified. novosibirs sets anti-records for night accidents, partly due to the fashion for tinting. the police are educating drivers and front windows should let in at least 70% of the light, and some choose the bright side, others get out of it. maybe i took the car to a detailing service, asked them to tint the rear windows, but he mixed up the rear windows and tinted the front windows. ignorance does not exempt you from a fine of a symbolic 500 rubles, but with an order to eliminate the violation. in case of repeated violation, the driver may be subject to administrative liability under article 193 of the code of the russian federation on administrative offenses from two to four thousand rubles or restriction of freedom for 15 days. the situation with tuning is not so transparent. a popular car market in moscow , klandai, is for those who want to pump up their
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iron horse, throw out the standard steering wheel and install a sporty one like this, to feel like a car racer. great idea, the question is, what will a traffic police inspector say to this if he stops you on the road? the first time he will issue a fine, the second time he will deregister the car. by the way, gost prohibits not only the tuning of components and assemblies, the installation of deflectors on windows, even gadgets inside the cabin is illegal, unless provided for by the manufacturer. this additional equipment you can’t be stunned by this piece of plastic on the air intake either, it’s not allowed, in short, nothing is allowed, there shouldn’t be anything, but if you register, everything will be, almost everything, the only thing that is explicitly prohibited is the fins, they are dangerous for pedestrians, for example, a winch or plastic it is possible to legalize body kits, although the procedure is not simple, obtain a preliminary technical examination report, the design of the vehicle in a testing laboratory, obtain permission from the traffic police, then provide the car.
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there are masterpieces of collective farm tuning that are better to stay away from, but there is good news: registration of standard modifications will be simplified, if the owner of the car plans to make these changes to the design, then it will be possible to immediately install it and then go to the laboratory in order to evaluate it correctly made and comply with safety requirements, the issue of control will again arise, in a number of countries tuning is not prohibited, but if an accident occurs, all alterations will be identified and the author will be billed, you will think twice whether it is worth it in the car change something? changes are ripe in another
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area. the state duma approved the draft on heat supply reliability criteria in the first reading. the document obliges municipal authorities, heat supply organizations and utility companies to ensure proper preparation for the heating season. clear readiness criteria will be established and responsibilities will be spelled out. the law may come into force as early as september 1 this year. let's discuss with our guest, or rather with the guests, in the morning studio, member of the central headquarters of the popular front, yulia belikhova. julia alexandrovna, good morning. good morning, well, in general, every year we hear about full readiness for the heating season, then suddenly these breakthroughs happen, people are without heat, underpaid, etc. this bill, if it becomes law, it... will change the situation, you know , in fact, the housing and communal services accident rate, we will not change it, it will happen, but it is really possible to reduce the accident rate, and here it is necessary to approach this issue responsibly, this is not only a question of control, but a question of the fact that the approach itself needs to be changed today, of course, needed a program to change, directly,
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let’s say, reduce the percentage of wear and tear, in order to really change all this qualitatively, this is exactly where this bill is, which today... is being discussed, it regulates the issue: first, this is the assessment reliability and readiness of heat supply facilities for the heating period. can you give me a specific example, based on the evaluation criteria, of what should be there so that it doesn’t blow up later. first of all, conduct an audit, an audit of the boiler room itself, an audit directly to the networks themselves, which are connected there to an apartment building or to a private property or to.
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if somewhere this cannot be done, then you need to look for an option under what conditions this can be done, somewhere this is an additional installation, somewhere additional pipes , yes, when, for example, reconnection is possible to
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another boiler room, somewhere this is when the number of boilers actually increases there and so on, that is, there is much more in order to.
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i'll give, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we'll show what it means to attack innocent people, and we will beat them so hard that the stains will be carried away, taras bulba, what a son, your dances helped you, a film by vladimir bortok, tomorrow at 23:55, cinema, cinema, we are crazy about you, the most soulful open-air cinema has opened in havana, residents of one of the seaside neighborhoods are preparing for screenings of popular films, they are also... setting up equipment, calling in spectators, well, there are more than enough of them, film fans are coming from all over the city and its outskirts, it is best to come here by car, so to speak, with your own seats, the cinema is free, but it's not the main reason for sold-out crowds is that cubans simply love to have fun in the open air, relax with large families, it’s very
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soulful, but moscow is welcoming guests from the future. today , the long-awaited fantasy film release is coming out on the big screen, 100 years in the future, based on the story of the same name by kir bolychev , the first spectators have already met alisa selezneva, her friends and enemies, music, special effects, everything is simply amazing, this is a very cool, mathematically verified, at the same time, national story, it’s awesome, an incredible plot, which, well, it will somehow be lost among us; meetings with old, beloved friends always evoke bright emotions; once upon a time , a girl from the future, alisa seleznyova , was probably the dream of every soviet schoolchild; now she has changed, matured and is ready to conquer. dude, wow, we wrote, well, well, a new story, a new movie, about about fantasizing what
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the heroes would be like, not in the soviet, present, but today, today this is in moscow in 2024, precisely in our time, schoolboy olya gerasimov suffers from unrequited love, hangs out with friends, listens to music, plays video games, until one day his life is turned upside down, remember that gravity bullshit at school, it was smion, because of him i can now jump a century into the future and back. and in the future he will have a fateful meeting with the touching rebel alisa selezneva. it's 2124 now, sounds plausible. fate , the film's script brings the heroes together for a reason; they have to fight evil space pirates and save the world, present and future. the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen, three, thirteen galaxies in our hands. by the way, yuri borisov and alexander petrov play glotto and veselchik u in the film. there are such generally human,
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spiritual sides of veselchik, including his love for life, love for the present moment. and just love, it is generally the driving force in this story. there is a very emotional line of love between parents and teenage love, which, as it turns out, looks great against the backdrop of impressive special effects. the film received 100 years in advance. truly multi-genre, this and fantasy, and adventure, a blockbuster, so that from the first scene to the last, the viewer simply has fun, so my task was simple, and it seems that i managed to complete it 100%, but it’s better to see for yourself, from today, look into the future and see , as it is there 100 years ago, it is possible in all cinemas in russia. the filmmakers and the social network vkontakte have prepared large-scale activities for the release of the film. wide rental. users can ask questions to the actors and the director and take part in game based on the film. hotel titanic delux
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golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax at spasalon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know
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everything about holidays. anex. kalinan belek is the place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth. excellence, making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world.
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this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, right here there are questions about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, that's a direct hint in general, the most passionate team, if there are not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what do many people use? the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, and i, oops, five-on-one,
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on saturdays on rtr. statistics, as we know, know everything, and they tell us that about 15% all divorced couples in russia are formalized for the division of property in court. and one of the most controversial issues is the determination of the share of ownership of expensive things and real estate purchased as a gift by the parents of one of the spouses during the marriage. lawyers advise thinking about closing in advance. after all, the right to own such property is yours if you don’t want to divide it during a divorce. kristina sorokina figured out how to do this. our nephew is getting married, love, a young family, that’s all, and we have a big family, we are from all our large family decided to give them a car for their wedding. and ksenia kuznetsova approaches such an expensive gift as a car with all seriousness, love, love, but i would like for my nephew, in case of
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separation from his chosen one, not to have to cut the car in half out of worry. woman, in the event of a divorce, if they have this jointly acquired property, they will have to divide it in half, we are naturally against it, because this is a big gift from our family, yes, that is, her relatives do not invest in it in any way, we offered him to conclude a marriage contract, but he doesn’t even want to offer her this, in this case, lawyers advise to draw up a gift of property, that is, first buy an expensive gift, a car or an apartment yourself, and only then, with the documents, transfer them to a loved one, this is the best for spouses a way to separate... your property from the common one in a marriage; according to the law, it will not be subject to division in the event of a divorce. in this case, it serves as evidence that the gift agreement, for example, of funds, is over 10,000 rubles. the gift agreement must be in writing , of course. the gift agreement is a gratuitous transaction; everything that is gratuitous is personal. to draw up such a document, you need to contact a notary; in the case of donating an apartment from a relative , you will need passports of both parties. you also
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need a certificate of ownership or an extract from the unified state register of real estate. the specialist will submit documents to rosreestr to register the rights of the new owner, this will take up to three working days. as for the costs of such a transaction, they depend on the degree of relationship between the parties and the price of the property. also, the notary will charge about 8,000 for technical work. plus there is a state fee of 2,000 for registering the right to real estate, that is, donating an apartment worth 1.5 million will cost approximately 16,000 if the gift is accepted by a son, daughter or grandson; 23,000 rubles if it is a stranger. by law, after the transaction is completed. the property will be yours only, but there is a nuance that should be taken into account: major repairs, yes, some kind of reconstruction, yes, this will also be a reason for the court to change the regime ownership of this object, that is, then, but evidence will be needed that the second spouse contributed these funds, then this property will be divided in other shares, that is, one of the spouses who
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has invested personal savings in the overhaul of apartments that do not belong to him during a divorce can. rejuvenation began about the unique properties of birch immediately after the news, and birch sola, you see, continues to grow, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today,
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dam evacuation and a new level of flooding water in tabula in the kurgan region. people were evacuated from flood zones in the kurgan region, temporary accommodation centers were prepared for people, three meals a day and psychological assistance were organized there. volunteers rescue pets. the water level in tobul in kurgan is approaching 10 m, and part of the embankments is flooded. in one of the gardening associations , a clay dam built by residents burst. at night, a floating house rammed a suspension bridge. in the morning, specialists began
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clearing the blockage. help the rescuers a special board arrived from moscow. state of emergency, but it is expected that there will be even more water, it will come from tyumen. several villages are under threat from the ob spill. in the orenburg region, caring citizens help those who find themselves in difficult situations. activists take victims to the mainland in off-road vehicles. the combined unit of the yasninsky missile formation provides drinking water to municipal enterprises. and in buryatia, where the elements have retreated and assessment commissions have begun house-to-house inspections, in the near future when cash payments begin, strategic objects of ukrainian nationalists are destroyed in several regions of ukraine. explosions
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occurred that night in the kiev and ivano-frankivsk regions. after some time, strikes were carried out on targets in the khmelnitsky region. according to the news agency, an airfield in the suburb of starokonstantinov was destroyed. this site was being prepared to accommodate nato f-16 fighters. in the avdiivka direction of the special operation , russian anti-aircraft gunners repelled an air attack by the ukrainian armed forces. all targets were intercepted and anti-aircraft were destroyed buk missile systems. ukrainian nationalists launched several western- made missiles towards our positions. the bet was that the air defense systems would not be able to cope with the latest nato technology. however, the ukrainian armed forces' strategy failed. the bux complex is capable of shooting down any air.
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sonic fighters and su-34 bombers broke through another breach in the enemy’s defenses. heavy aerial bombs destroyed the infantry strongholds that had settled in them. having received confirmation from intelligence that the target had been destroyed, the crew returned to the airfield to replenish ammunition in the kherson region, on the right bank of the dnieper, an ammunition depot of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the storage facility was destroyed by several shots from t-72 tanks. the crews fired with a canopy from a distance of more than 2 km, thereby protecting themselves from a retaliatory strike. then the tankers left the position as unnoticed as they had appeared. approximately 80% of the money that
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washington can allocate to ukraine will remain in the united states. as speaker of the house mike johnson found out on cnn, the funds will be spent on replenishing american reserves. weapons. kiev will receive old missiles and shells, which are now in warehouses. joe biden has already promised this in an opinion piece for the wall street journal. on wednesday evening it became known that congress had prepared a bill to allocate more than $60 billion to ukraine. the first hearing is scheduled for saturday. some republicans have already criticized the documents and said they will vote against it. the fsb has published a series of secret reports on the work of smersh in ukraine in the forties. counterintelligence officers managed to identify 4,000 nationalists. those who joined the ranks red army. we are talking about radicals from the aun and upa groups. during the german occupation of ukraine, they brutally dealt with soviet prisoners of war, attacked partisans and conducted propaganda
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against the ussr among the population. the un security council should immediately consider imposing sanctions against israel for failing to comply with the ceasefire resolution for the holy month of ramadan. russia's post-pleth vasily nebendya stated this at a meeting dedicated to the situation in the gas sector. the diplomat stressed: no humanitarian efforts in the conflict zone will not bring the result of an unstable truce, china approached israel with a demand to abandon plans to attack rafah, but as it became known on wednesday evening, at least seven people, including three children, were killed as a result of the tsehal airstrike on this city. large-scale searches took place at the headquarters of the alternative for germany party. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation on suspicion of violating the law on party donations. according to some reports, the top leadership of the political association kept there are tens of thousands of euros in private accounts that came from well-wishers. earlier, the head of the european commission, ursula fondern, accused representatives of the alternative for germany of
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speaking out against eu policy. the last ice crossing in yakutsk has officially closed. the nazz on the lenya river has become too thin for it to be safe to move not only by car, but even on foot. while the residents are being helped out. they are not afraid of any obstacles; they can move on any surface. during the period of ice drift, river workers will launch more powerful machines airbots. navigation will open in approximately. a month and a half, then ferry crossings will begin to operate, the navigation season is about to begin in altai, the first ships have been launched in barnaul. next, regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now the news of the capital region is more than half a month. normal precipitation will fall today in
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moscow. heavy rain will begin in the afternoon and continue into friday. it will be accompanied by thunderstorms and winds of up to 20 m/s. atmospheric pressure will drop sharply and amount to 730 mmhg. due to bad weather, city services have been placed on high alert. today, from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am, traffic on the outer side of the mkat will be limited; it will be impossible to travel from minsk to novoryazanskoe highway. also due to construction work from 9:00 am to 7 pm. on april 20, the strip will be closed in some places in the south-eastern khorla. from friday to sunday, the capital's state traffic inspectorate will conduct a raid among those who travel on electric scooters and bicycles. its main the goal is to improve traffic safety. five more dogs have started training in the moscow metro. they are taught to escort visually impaired passengers into train cars and help descend on escalators. service dogs undergo training every week. in 10 years, 354 have received certification,
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so far that’s all, take care of yourself and see you later, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to rest. where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
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tai gorovo, i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, i’m old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you’re with us. hi, hello, what next? mikhail andrevich, holy buyer. angels of the area from monday on rtr. good morning. hello, april 18 is on the calendar. thursday morning you will be greeted by
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elena nikolaeva and denis stoykov. we love our morning meetings, but also the technology that makes them possible. yes, the thief’s hat either lights up or turns green. an unexpected security function has appeared in the latest cameras video surveillance. not only can they track any intruder in pitch darkness, but they can scare him almost to death. the all-seeing eye can shoot very accurately not with shot or salt, but with paintballs. wow, as soon as a stranger gets it. 35% were subjected to violence, why it is not possible to end the relationship in an amicable way, dmitry zaitsev found out. there is a commotion in the stairwell;
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in these footage, taken by one of the neighbors, a father beats his own daughter right in the front door. once again, beating a child, tearing his ear, then beating my eldest daughter, how could i i had to take the children and move out of a rented apartment. philharmonic soloist nadezhda vazagova’s five children and nikolai lived together for more than 10 years, but they mutually decided to separate. however, after some time , the former lover, as if replaced, began to pour out threats. attempts to withdraw. the wife was not brought to a serious conversation; now a mother of many children, a laureate of international competitions, nadezhda vazagova, is torn between tours and court hearings; muscovite elena is also trying to bring her ex to justice. we met. it turns out that he was trying to squeeze past, there was an altercation , it turns out he scratched my motorcycle, well , a little, the bumper was worn out, the fender was worn out, repairing the car cost 75,000 rubles. however, this misunderstanding turned out to be just the beginning of a detective story, it doesn’t give life, well, he
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said, he says, and i’ll give you problems, he says that you won’t have time to live, you won’t have time to work, you won’t have time to take care of your children, the woman admits : she and the children are experiencing extreme stress from this whole situation, she’s already thinking the whole family should seek psychological help. the main idea of ​​the aggressor is to knock the ground out from under his feet in order to completely subjugate the will of a person and break it, then the person will serve the aggressor, and this is his task. therefore, it is worth minimizing communication with the tyrant, or better yet, disappearing from the radar altogether. if the intensity of aggression only increases, it is worth collecting all the incriminating evidence on your offender in documents. you, for example, a person uses threats, or, for example, he writes everything on social networks, or in sms messages, it is absolutely necessary record this fact, take screenshots, it’s even better to record these screenshots with a notary, it’s one thing when the fact of persecution, as they say,
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a broken car or a mutilated door, is already a reason to initiate an article about hooliganism, another thing when the intimidation is psychological or virtual, alas , in our country for the same stalking or gaslighting. there are no punishments in the administrative or criminal code, we must abandon all these anglicisms, some kind of gaslighting, something like that, this is not a patent apparatus, it’s quite clear here, we can describe in russian what’s happening, add a few lines to the articles of the administrative and criminal codes. domestic parliamentarians have submitted amendments to the civil code to the state duma for consideration. they give the courts the ability to block any physical approach or communication between the plaintiff and the defendant. in such disputes, right now all the details of this legislative innovation are being discussed, there is something to discuss with an expert, with us today, associate professor of the department of criminal law at kutafin university, candidate of legal sciences, anastasia ragulina, anastasia, good morning, good morning, well, what do the state duma think is necessary to introduce a new article of persecution, what
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is meant by this definition and what is planned to be understood and what should be understood by this term? well, look, the fact is that the bill, in principle, well, by itself, even this... when you just can’t somehow get out of communication, well, look, not only will systematicity be important here, but also so that these actions are aimed at causing any kind of moral suffering, any lawyer will tell you, well, until he does something to carry out the threat, nothing can be done, no, now practice is moving along
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a different path, it has long been developed, article 119 is quite common, but the main thing that there were reasons to fear this threat, that is , the person took a screenshot of these messages.
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the person came to his senses, okay, then this is my personal, for some reason, why i think that in some cases even a 15-day arrest will be enough to the fine is in favor of the state, it’s not the state that’s persecuting a specific person, how differently would we treat these calls, that is, they called you, you ’re like, 2,000 now the bill will drop, well, that is , they fine us there if we break the rules road traffic, all this comes to public services, that is, everything is already automated. here, everything that, by the way, can be thought about on this topic, yes, that in such specific offenses, maybe it would be worth it, including the victim in this situation. somehow compensate, well, we have to think, in our studio the topic of protective
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or restraining orders has been repeatedly raised, which, in my opinion, exist somewhere abroad, and this also works, why not introduce such an option here, which is acceptable if a person his persecution was proven, he was given 200 fines, and a restraining order was issued to prevent him from approaching this person, it would be very good, because we have, in principle, in the criminal procedure code a ban on committing certain actions, but we have just such protective orders we are not here maybe really, if such a thing existed even well... this protective order, it can have such a significance not only for physical and approaching, but also for approaching on social networks, maybe not accessing the internet at all, yes, well specifically, here is access to this social network, well, that is , we can think about it, we understand, thank you, our questions were answered by associate professor of the department of criminal law of the kutafin university, candidate of legal sciences, anastasia ragulina, all the best to you, thank you, yes egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right to premiere on the channel russia has become old. you are like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you are with us, hello, hello, what next, mikhail
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andreevich, flowers buyer, angels of the region from monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. amazing people, amazing seventh season. when you are driven by a real dream, nothing can stop you. nothing is impossible for you, tomorrow at 21:30 local cuisine, this is what many russians prefer during tour trips, this is data from one of the travel booking services, with the majority of participants question, are you generally ready to travel to another country or russian region just to try a new dish? well, we understand you, 65% admitted that they carefully study the gastronomic map so as not to miss an interesting cafe or restaurant and... for this they conduct a whole research, look for information on social networks, communicate with experienced food bloggers and travelers. but
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russian scientists know how to make food not only tasty, but also healthy. andrey negro tasted some scientific developments . birch is a tree that has nothing to do with anything you'll get confused, it's all because of bitulin. it is this substance that is responsible for the white color of birch bark, and also protects plants from viruses, fungi, bacteria and other misfortunes. it is no wonder that this connection. can be found in medicinal cosmetics, and is being actively studied by pharmacologists, believing that betulin can be included in a wide variety of medications. in addition to antidiabetic properties, it also has anticancer properties, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing, antioxidant, that is, it has a complex useful properties. and just recently in this ural laboratory they found out that betulin has a positive effect on the functions of the pancreas and can be used. as a means of preventing diabetes mellitus, birch bark is soaked, swells, then we
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crush it and get a powder, here is this powder, from this powder we extract betulin and get a betulin emulsion. scientists gave this emulsion to rats with diabetes and looked at what happened to their body and how the blood sugar level changed depending on the dosage? in animal experiments have shown. that betulin improves glucose tolerance, this means that the concentration of glucose in the blood drops, therefore blood vessels and other organs suffer less. but the most interesting thing is that this substance had a positive effect on the well-being of healthy animals, so scientists recommend adding it to the most common foods, such as yogurt, cookies and even chips. by the way, as for the latter, they can be made super useful without betulin, but this is the work of sibirsk. researchers. instead of potatoes or corn, they suggest using sprouted seeds, rich in omega-3
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fatty acids, proteins and vitamins. we soak it with the addition of sodium selenite solutions to enrich selenium and intify the growth processes, wait for a certain time, and we get flax sprouts like this. the flax seeds themselves are initially tasty, and when sprouted, they become even tastier and healthier. berries are placed in sprouted flax; dates are used instead of sugar. they also add cinnamon as a source of tryptophan, an amino acid that affects the production of human serotonin, the hormone of happiness. this mass is laid out in molds and dried. as a result , we have tasty and crispy snacks that bring exceptional benefits to the body. and then, don’t feed me bread? why you can’t give up bread even with the most strict diet. in a few minutes we will find out everything from the nutritionist.
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is... think about nothing when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself
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into sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, titanic deluxe hotel, belek golf, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in... in the salon, enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. well then is my heir acting naughty? on saturday. nanny, i'm
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just not happy. anna suits me completely. “this is voronsov’s eldest son, there’s a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i’ll shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then
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it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures." orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuing the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i will go on vacation for you, but any resort in the country. men are excited about something completely different. she looked. on me as if i had just missed a penalty into an empty goal, it was the most powerful effect of art on a person, a parade of humor, the premiere on saturday on rtr, the future
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is coming, now robots have the first the generation has changed, i didn’t have time. the world was seeing one robot retire, only to be replaced by another, anthropomorphic, fully electric, with improved dynamics. the new generation machine demonstrates impressive agility, flexibility and dexterity. it will be used in auto production, job responsibilities are already outlined, sorting parts, carrying heavy loads, but the older model, with which it all once began, will rest as it should, grumpily watching the successes of the young ones, for some reason they don’t have them. and now in others our country loves four-wheeled suvs, some people care about comfort, some people have an affordable price, some people advocate for new technologies. ivan zenkevich found out that there are new products for literally everyone. off-road vehicles are valued and respected in russia, and it’s not just about prestige, but cross-country ability, extremely useful quality in our difficult to predict
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conditions. let's compare three suvs officially presented in russia. let's start with the newbie oting paladin. under the hood is a two-liter gasoline turbo engine with a capacity of 218 horsepower. strength the basic version has rear -wheel drive and an eight-speed automatic transmission. the starting package will include engine protection, a sunroof, keyless entry, and a recommended price of 3,800 thousand rubles. and this is the tank 500, already familiar to many, its three-liter six with twin turbochargers produces 299 horsepower. all-wheel drive with multi-plate clutch reduction gear, nine-speed automatic transmission in the base with parking sensors all round plus a 360 camera with a bonnet function, a package of warm options, adaptive cruise control, three-zone climate control, cost starts from 6 million 300,000 rubles. another newcomer is
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the mhero hybrid suv from donfan. three electric motors produce a total of 816 horsepower, but the internal combustion engine works exclusively as a generator. electric range 175 km, combined 750 km. all-wheel drive is on the list. equipment: air suspension, two hatches, valet parking, seats with massage and ventilation, dual-zone climate control, wi-fi hotspot, video recorder, price from 15,990,000 rubles. so, oting paladin is licensed the chinese version of the nissan terra suv with a mitsubishi engine is, in general, a real suv. the tank is aiming for a higher segment, where the land cruiser, which has now become unreasonably expensive, used to reign. it doesn’t give in off-road, but in fact, such cars rarely leave the asphalt, it’s a matter of prestige, but here is a very special option, in terms of equipment, technology and
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price, the off-road capabilities are extremely wide, so there will be some connoisseurs. in general, we won’t be left without star walkers, these three already models cover almost all the needs of the off-road segment. some for hunting and fishing, some for status, and some? and for one and for the other, we will continue to endure this neighborhood for a long time, actually, this is my newspaper, and i drew this bath for myself, what is going on? quietly, it looks like he’s that healthy senior, the invasion of beetles immediately after the news, denis, well, do something, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, nikola is with you. zuksik, hello, let's talk about the main thing today. 13,000 people were evacuated from flood zones in the kurgan region, for temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for people. three
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meals a day and psychological assistance are provided there. volunteers rescue pets. the water level in tobol in kurgan is approaching 10 m. part of the embankments is flooded. in one of the gardening associations , a clay dam built by residents burst. at night, a floating house rammed a suspension bridge. specialists in the morning. we started clearing out the jam. a special board from moscow with equipment for search work arrived to help the rescuers. in the tyumen region, sappers are exploding ice congestion on the ishima river, builders are strengthening the dams and building them up with sandbags. in the neighboring tomsk region , a state of emergency is already in effect in four districts, but it is expected that there will be even more water, it will come from tyumen. several villages are under threat from the ob spill. in the orenburg region , caring citizens help those who find themselves in trouble. the consolidated unit of the yasninsky missile formation provides drinking water to municipal enterprises. in buryatia,
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where the elements have receded, assessment commissions began door-to-door inspections. soon time the cash payments will begin. strategic objects of ukrainian nationalists were destroyed in several regions of ukraine. explosions occurred this night in the kiev ivano-frankivsk region. areas. after some time, strikes were carried out on targets in the khmelnitsky region. according to informagent, a destroyed airfield in the suburb of starokonstantinov. this site was being prepared to accommodate nato f-16 fighters. crews of d-30 howitzers destroyed a unit of the ukrainian armed forces in the zaporozhye region. shot. in the area of ​​the village of verbovaya the enemy carried out rotation in the dark. time of day in the hope of remaining undetected, but he was discovered by aerial reconnaissance. the blow was delivered with amazing accuracy by the artillerymen calling the d-30 cannon a sniper rifle.
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near kupinsk, tankers of the western district from closed positions hit the dugouts and manpower of the nationalists. their firing point hindered the advance of our attack aircraft. the t-80 moved to the contact line for support. a few minutes later the vanguard continued to advance forward. urgently provide ukraine with air defense systems and other military assistance. the heads of the european union agreed on this at an informal summit. is it true. the leaders of the countries of the old world did not specify where to get weapons. prime minister of the netherlands marco rutte proposed purchasing the allied air defense system for subsequent delivery to kiev. another agreement between european leaders to expand sanctions against iran against the backdrop of the recent attack on israel. joe biden paid attention to events in the middle east. the us president spoke about his role in resolving the conflict. as it appears. i
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made it clear to the israelis: do not attack on haifa. apparently, joe biden got the geographical names wrong again. haifa is the third largest city in israel after jerusalem and tel aviv. the georgian position demanded the repeal of the law on foreign agents. on wednesday evening, demonstrators filled the square in front of the parliament building in dbilisi and put forward a vote.
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support for victims. a video of the rescue of a cat that managed to get caught on the handle of a car is gaining popularity online. indonesia has declared a tsunami alert. in the province of north sulawes multiple a volcanic eruption with the release of ash over one and a half kilometers. hundreds of people left their homes. authorities are concerned that part of the volcano could collapse into the sea and cause a huge wave. this already happened 150 years ago. then there was a tsunami. many dead. next, regional news, don’t switch, residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital region: more than half of the monthly precipitation will fall in the next 24 hours in moscow, it’s all because of the new southern cyclone, which is already heading towards the capital. the temperature will be 10-12.
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but the atmospheric pressure will sharply drop by 12 units at once and amount to 730 mm hg. the cyclone, saturated with moisture, leaves the black sea to the north ; rains will begin this evening; they will intensify on friday night; quite intense rains; wind gusts will reach 16-21 m/ sec. due to bad weather, city services have been placed on high alert. the capital's traffic police will conduct a raid among scooter riders and cyclists from friday to sunday. it is aimed at preventing disorders associated with using personal mobility devices. the moscow city duma proposes to increase responsibility for riding electric scooters and bicycles. we propose the following changes to the ca. the first is to introduce a new subject of responsibility, a person who uses
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personal mobility devices for... to move, to provide for fines for leaving the scene of an accident, the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances for transferring control to this person who is in a state of alcohol or other intoxication. bill to the introduction of new fines for users of personal mobility devices has already been submitted to the state duma; their amount can reach 30,000 rubles. international day for the preservation of monuments. sergei sabyanin spoke about cultural heritage sites. there are over 8,500 of them in moscow. these include palaces, parks, ancient estates, houses, temples and sculptures. myr noted that each of them is unique, from wooden architecture to industrial architecture. over the past decades, over 2,000 objects have been restored. a man was detained in moscow for trying to obtain a bank card using fake passport. bank employees told police that the client had requested
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a fake card. document and wanted to withdraw money, the attacker turned out to be a twenty-six-year-old native of one of the neighboring countries, he explained that he bought a passport through social networks. five more rein dogs have started training in the moscow metro. newcomers are taught to escort visually impaired passengers into train cars and help use the escalator. artyom kuznetsov saw how puppies are prepared. ksenia and her labrador larson are always together everywhere. several years ago, at first i managed on my own, walked with a cane, and after an accident i decided to get a guide dog. larson - her eyes help her climb stairs and get around obstacles. you see, he walked around you so that you stayed on his side so that i wouldn’t bump into you. larson is already 3 years old; he was able to become a guide only a year and a half ago. animals begin to be trained at one and a half months. it takes 8-10 months to be transported from
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the kennel to the training unit, and there training takes place until the dog is one and a half to two years old. years. these puppies from the podmoskovnaya kupamny nurseries are making their debut in the metro today. training in the capital's subway is mandatory. for guide dogs, they are taught to guide blind passengers through lobby doors to escalators, move along platforms, and enter train cars. this is a special harness that a blind person holds on to, and the dog leads him, pointing out obstacles , landmarks, and directions of routes. they have been training puppies in the metro every week for 10 years, during which time 350 four-legged animals have passed certification, this year a special another 50 animals will undergo training. artyom kuznetsov.
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without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying, being fifteen years old, and there i was repeating my role as juliet, and then i would have this, this, this conversation like a family, i was just surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will to continue the dynasty,
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like dad, of course, such a delicate moment, katerina shpita, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling... that after all, i myself am not a mistake and i am also deciding something. grigory vernik. at some point i i realized that i wouldn’t prove anything to anyone, but i would get down to business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. two vernik-2. on friday, on rtr. good morning. hello, elena nikolaeva, denis stoykov. we are glad to meet you, thursday morning, april 18 on the calendar. thursday, spring, well, that ’s all from the news, so many events happen in the world every day, but some people don’t have enough thrills, so they want to experience
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everything, a deadly bite of an asian centipede in a live internet broadcast, for example, an american naturalist, coyote paterson decided to continue the same game with death that the australian steve once played. irving, who was bitten more than once, it must be said, and even died from the poisonous injection of a stinging stingray. peterson, in turn, decided to become a victim of a giant scalopendra, the pain was simply hellish, the venom of the legworm contains a neurotoxin that causes paralysis, and also a cardiomyotoxin that provokes a malfunction of the heart, and although the doctors promptly gave the experimenter a life-saving injection, he suffered terribly for another 30 hours, well everyone will probably tell him, matter-of-factly, why not? so big centipedes, fortunately , are not found in our country, but there are giant beetles that have become more active. we are talking about the black pine beetle, which feeds on wood. quarantine on it has already been declared in forty-eight regions, why the insect is dangerous - alena kashtanova found out. well, maybe 60-70 centimeters,
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depending on the trees. in the early spring, ivan viktorovich cannot be taken by surprise. he has everything you need to treat fruit trees from pests on your site. they used to get divorced. it was in the spring, they used tar to keep bugs away, so we need pests to process, there are caries, weevils, this year it turns out that farmland and forests are threatened by another lover of wood, the black pine longhorned beetle, the beetle can reach 3 cm in length, its impressive mustache serves as an organ of smell, it feeds mainly on pine, hence the name, it harms like both the beetle and the larva, the beetle feeds on the outside of plants; it can gnaw the bark on thin... twigs and needles. strictly speaking, the beetle attacks mainly weakened trees, as well as blanks with chopped wood, but with a massive reproduction can also affect healthy trunks. in practice, we see not only that...
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in the tree itself and then pupates in the spring, only then a beetle emerges from it, it can reach the size of a matchbox, while specialists carry out visual monitoring of the larvae, and already in may they will begin to catch the beetles with special glue and pheromone traps, biters fly to this smell , sliding along the surface, fall into a glass collection, a black pine barbel, and everything else is a potential carrier of a dangerous microscopic substance. his nose when the beetle pupa is in the wood, then the nemotodes penetrate
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into it, when the beetle already flies out of the tree, the nemotodes come out, for example, through the mouth apparatus or through the breathing hole, roundworms crawl into these wounds, if measures are not taken, then the longhorned beetle can easily come to neighboring regions, for example, with harvested timber, so today there are quarantine zones... not only in omsk, but in neighboring regions, in total in 48 regions, and in all the rest regular monitoring is carried out. black pine longhorned beetle, also known as monogamus gala provinsalis is our common species. it is endemic to the moscow region. and during the observation period, he did not indicate the formation of foci here. for humans, fortunately, the pine longhorned beetle does not pose any danger, since it is not considered an object of food and instills fear, perhaps only by its appearance. who? the extra bun that will certainly be deposited on the sides is terrifying, but is
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bread really that scary? nutritionists urged not to give it up, even when you are losing weight, it would seem that we hear so often, these are empty calories, fast carbohydrates, harmful gluten, yeah, but not only does it remain the most popular food product, we eat about 90 kg of it per year, it turns out that bread is simply necessary for a balanced diet, the whole question is in quantity, obviously, but also the quality of this bread, let’s look into this, with an expert, of course, in the studio there is a doctor, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, nurya dianova, and good morning, well, the bread has been rehabilitated, many will probably rejoice, but is this really such an important product, that’s how many i i know people who are going to lose weight, to become slimmer, the first thing they give up is flour and bread, of course, bread - you just need to understand what it is, it’s a complex carbohydrate, it’s the same as cereal, it’s the same as pasta and it’s the same as potatoes. this is the first thing and therefore you need to clearly understand how much you can eat, then
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the question is what kind of bread, we told you, yes, if it’s just wheat or lavash, then we understand that it’s just a source of complex carbohydrates, well, pure starch, energy, they are usually refined, this is about the question that most buns cases will apply, unless it is fildipers, rye, you know, with something added, then it is conditionally healthy, and if it is a simple bun. it’s hard, so now you take everything
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, fresh hot bread, croissants, and buns, everything into the firebox, but no, look, firstly, dried bread is the right story, the taste and organoleptic properties of the bread improve, even the same purpose from one thing, you need to eat in moderation, of course, look, and if everything is fine with your weight, you can eat conditionally breakfast, lunch, dinner, the average serving of bread is 50 g. for a man of a very large , tall complex in... physical labor it can be 100 g, this is a lot in fact, where bread with butter can also be used, but thin layer, this is an omelet with vegetables and this is your ideal breakfast, but they say not to mix protein and carbohydrates, don’t look, we have the most important digestive organ - this is the conductor, this is the pancreas, it does not understand our all these stories about separate meals, now we’ll eat one, then another thing is that it produces all three main enzymes, about proteins. about fats, about carbohydrates, she cannot do otherwise, she initially has
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such a story, so a person, as a result of evolution, he so, well, eventually led himself to the fact that he is on a mixed diet. vegetables again, we understand you, thank you very much, thank you , gastroenterologist, nutritionist nurya adianova answered our questions, thank you very much, you are putting pressure on everyone, well, alla left not only because of me, you humiliated her, i always told the truth , alla taxi, final episodes, today at 21:20, to
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by 2030, the share of russians regularly involved in physical education should increase to 70%. as we know, good habits and lifestyle. in different regions of the country, modern physical culture and health complexes are being built, where there are all the conditions for involving children in sports. adults can join too. yes, that's right, that's right, here. yes, the fans probably recognized him, yes, he is the most multiple champion of russia and europe in rugby , peter batnarash. at the tula center for team sports, opened thanks to the federal project sport - norm of life, eminent player , deputy director for sports activities. the champion personally trains new trainers and conducts master classes with children. we
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work with almost everyone, we don’t have any strict selection, since rugby is a practically universal sport. with girls they also played with girls or with boys, with boys they played with girls, you get the boys, but you just beat them, there is an open football field nearby, ideal for street training in any weather, when it’s cold, the surface warms up to 15° celsius, the field is of excellent quality, a very good vtuli field, of such quality, well, i probably can’t even name a single field, a good field, it’s nice to train and play on it, the heating system, we just started training on this field in the winter, the heating system is excellent copes, the coach asked to pay attention to this boy with a serious face, now he is 12, he has been playing football for 7 years, he is a central defender, he does not miss a single training session, he dreams of getting into the national team,
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he watched the world cup on tv and also wanted to play professionally level, and this is a new physical fitness center. complex in ufa. it is immediately noticeable that table tennis is played by beginners. and zalya brought her son to football training, while he was kicking the ball, and also joined other parents in the healthy lifestyle. in general, i am delighted, the parents are sitting in a comfortable place, there is table tennis, you can play, exercise equipment, they even installed everything for sports. the complex was erected in record time, in less than a year , as part of the sports, standard of living project, and the national project demography. investors too. participated in the construction, the scale of the facility impressive: on an area of ​​about 3,000 km there are two football fields, about a thousand people can play sports here every day. parents are delighted, why? because we had a facility here, it was the so-called dutyshsh, which is already there for more than 15 years, which means that this is such a structure, well, unstable, yes,
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which has become unusable, here is such a wonderful sports and recreational complex, thanks federal project sport, standard of living. of the national project demography, last year 55 of the same were built in different regions of russia modern physical culture and health complexes. this year, 72 more facilities are being prepared for opening. in total, since the launch of the project, about 450 new sports centers have appeared throughout the country, where both children and adults can train. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, the premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov black,
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i won’t miss next time, alexander ropok, tovarischkovy, take off the handcuffs, tomorrow i’ll be under escort to apartment number twenty. anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i’ll pack it for you myself he'll kill everyone or hurt them, maybe. fyodor lavrov, look, what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from monday on rtr.
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rtr: i have the best husband in the world, and he completely trusts me, just like i trust him, so you have an ideal marriage on saturday, you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why didn’t you tell him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, that... go be in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn, damn, damn , he
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’s not serious with this professional thing, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world is an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our job is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go out on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. you can’t imagine a more extreme hobby
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: an incredible jump from the stratosphere to the north pole, in the top of the popular video, our colleagues have already talked about this landing in the area of ​​​​the arctic station of borneo, but the most interesting footage came from the arctic only now with a slight delay, we simply cannot they cannot be shown, this is what a step into a white abyss 1000 m looks like from the first person. on which airliners fly, but not people, three brave people made the jump, pilot cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, pilot instructor alexander, lynnik and space technology engineer denis efremov, they landed exactly on the north pole of the earth, thereby setting a world record. well , at the north pole it’s now quite comfortable for polar explorers -20, it’s still spring, but a little further south, in magadan, it’s much warmer, they even organized a large-scale celebration here to mark the awakening of the tundra. the one who fed and warmed the reindeer in the tundra, the center of attention at any national holiday, the spirit of fire is the current muran,
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must be well-fed, this is the main ritual of mutametu, the elders are the first to be allowed into the ritual. the fire is fed with everything that is the most delicious, they are specially chosen, for example, deer are slaughtered, the bones are there, the brains are pulled out, well, all sorts of delicious things, the food is cooked on... in another fire the combination is unacceptable, on the table is the food familiar to northern peoples, fish evenskaya oma flatbreads, soup and venison, you pour water and immediately put meat there, venison on the fire, this is an event dish, next to the traditional koryak one, the case when two coexist in one kitchen housewives, potatoes, carrots, eggs, and , accordingly, seaweed, tundra on a plate, all the guests of the holiday have a line for treats, this is the best praise for the creators of national dishes, tasty, worthy, thanks, to the girls who cooked,
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thank you very much, we approach only from the left side, because the deer trains only from the left side, you see, he is not afraid, the rules of conduct a musher with forty years of experience , sergei kon, tells everyone who wants to get to know reindeer better, irandya and khara, don’t mind increased attention, unless you touch the antlers, during this period they are too much. all the attention of the deer does not bother the females or females at the moment, they are in an interesting position and in a few days the offspring will appear here. the ethnic corner is the only thing. within the city, where conditions were created for the continuation of the offspring of reindeer. a demographic experiment yielded results last year; fawns were born in magadan for the first time in 70 years. here they are, you see, all pot-bellied, oh, pot-bellied. the national holiday coincides with the beginning atela. sometimes this is the only reason in the year to see neighboring teams, exchange news, but the main thing is to support those who
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need help. mutametu from the ivan language is translated as we are together. well, as for the occasions, a great reason to meet with us once again and exchange news, it will be tomorrow morning, that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye to you, well, today and staying with us, you can still go to our telegram channel utor russia, there is everything that remains behind the scenes, don’t just come in, subscribe, but welcome, bye bye. hello on the russia tv channel, the news in the rina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour.


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