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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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russian su-34s deliver effective strikes on enemy strongholds without entering the air defense zone, which means the destruction of a command post in the southern donetsk direction. the ranks of pilots are waiting to be replenished; today, not only hereditary military personnel, but also those who follow their dreams are entering this profession. at the level of excitement, there is also confidence in one’s abilities, since the level of training that we are provided with is sufficient to become a real pilot of the russian federation. fifth year cadets will have to fly mig-29, the required hours pass exams, graduation of pilot officers will take place in october. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kertoki, oleg dubinin and anna nekos, lead. and by this time we have all the information, irina rossius and my colleagues were with you, all the news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you.
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genie snop product of stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest. it's not thinking about anything when you're calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. cognac old barrel - product of steller group. callinan bellec is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in
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sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. cognac monte shococa is a product of stellor group. titanic luxury collection boadrum. borbon
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stersman, product of steller group, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign and look. let's look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, how many movies have you starred in? 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress, a heart-to-heart conversation, my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying, i will. fifteen year old, yes, they are reprising
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their role as juliet, and then i will have this, this, this, family conversation, i was simply surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will continue the dynasty, like dad, of course, yes, such a subtle moment, katerina shpitsa, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i i had the feeling that after all, i myself was not a failure and... i was also deciding something, grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would get on with my business, i’m generally very happy that i am your son. 2 vernik2 on friday on rtr. bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith christ's you are not allowed to love me, but they are enemies to you, i will give everything, i will sell, i will buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it is. give to
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innocent people, we will beat them so that the stains will be carried away, taras bulba, what a son, yours helped you in the film by vladimir bortok, on friday on ... rtr, there is no hiding from your fantastic abilities, you are actually a living polygraph, a lie detector, that’s what the presenter called the winner of the first episode. new seventh season of the show amazing people, sofia bolkhovitina, i want to note that methodically this experiment is impossible for me to carry out for three reasons: first - 20 minutes, second - this is not an office, a large studio and third there are 10 people, but i will do my best, the audience in the studio gave
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her a standing ovation, but even in the jury not everyone believed that a person could have such an amazing talent. with the peculiarities of speech and emotion, she is able to distinguish truth from lies and get to the bottom of the truth of such specialists as sofia, which we see more and more often in films today. are we in rome now? no. are you related to demin's murder? no. have you ever initiated the murder of a person? no, these shots from the series dreamcatcher show one of the professional facets of sofia balkhovitina. she has worked in criminology and forensic science for over 11 years. a psychologist and lawyer by training, she introduced the profiling technique as
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an experiment and won a serious victory when she was able to identify criminals among two hundred suspects, but is it so easy to distinguish truth from lies? where are such skills especially in demand today? is it difficult with such talent in family life, when you can read your loved one like an open book, this is the life destiny of an amazing person, sofia bolkhovitina, good morning, hello, i have absolutely nothing to hide from you, but for some reason i’m more worried than usual, because well, i saw, what have you done... in amazing people, i have a feeling that you see right through me from the first minute, whether it seems to me or not, you know, i’m also excited, so let’s be like in the cartoon kitten guff, let’s be afraid together, let’s be afraid , but first of all
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about this miracle, some kind of phenomenon that you showed on amazing people, how did you manage to penetrate the person who hid this ring, dear? as you know, i probably determined 80% and guessed 20% what the difference is, i determined it when i have something to rely on, when i apply some kind of methodological approach, and 20% is probably pure luck , this is some kind of intuition, but intuition has a logical basis, it is a huge layer of information that has passed into our brain outside the context of awareness, so what are our brains doing there, sometimes it’s a mystery for me too, show me, let’s live again, this is incredible... we asked natalya rogozina to bring some valuable jewelry to the studio, sofia’s task is to guess in 20 minutes who has that jewelry, which i will quietly give to someone of these ten people,
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time has passed, this is a woman, no, this is a man, no, you are worried, a little, you have a ring, no, you would be happy if i won, you would be happy, did you lie to me today? yes, it's too difficult. let it be number four. dear ring bearer, please show yourself. the most important thing was to exclude those people who did not show any signs of stress. absolutely any profiler can handle this , including in a short period of time. and already. next, what to do with the rest, this is what is called art, although in my opinion, it is more of a skill, and many say, like 20 minutes, 20 minutes, but i always want to answer, friends, 15 years, 15 years i have been doing this, therefore, i guess,
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thank you again, that is, let’s talk about this 80%, they are still more important than these 20 there it’s unclear what kind of luck, luck, it’s always... difficult to predict, but 80 is still something that you own, look, that is, first, you had to determine who doesn’t worry, if a person doesn’t worry, then he doesn’t have a ring, that is, he doesn’t hide anything. that’s right, the most important thing for a profiler is the forecast, i first asked who will present the ring, i was told the presenter will hand it over, but the judges will most likely determine who will most likely be, so here we can already predict, most likely the jewelry will be offered to the woman, most likely they will offer one who inspires trust, this is at least an attractive person, i had the opportunity to ask a question to the presenter and the jury to determine the gender, everyone gives me a reaction to the woman in the end when i was left with two people who had a larger number of different signs - in speech , in
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body language, in vegetative reactions, and i was even ready to point at the guy, because well, he had some colossal number of these signs, then i remembered, they were still physically pointing at the woman, everything, in in the end, i already pointed my finger and i think, well, then everything is up to the will of the lord. can i now list, for example, three phobias, two of them, i’m not really afraid of this, and one of them will be a phobia, which is true, this will be what i’m afraid of, and you can you guess which of these three phobias is the real one that i'm afraid of? ...
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and purposeful, and if you were a coward and would be afraid of using physical force on
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yourself, i think that you would not be sitting in this chair, this is a forecast, which means we will try to choose from the first two, at the very beginning you showed several reactions, peeled your lips, scratched your nose, i assume that you could act it out because you have acting experience, and in the second case, when they said that the rats also had a non-competitive reaction with their eyebrows, that is, i still have two fears under suspicion, but can i approach you? yes, of course, or i can come to you. yes. tell me please, are you afraid of rats? yes. yes. are you afraid of looking like a fool? no. wonderful. let's sit down. in this case, i believe that you let it slip. and your fear is the rat. yes, that is right. but, sophia, i didn’t understand. one thing i didn’t understand was how i simply couldn’t deceive you. when you approached, you asked directly, i said it as it is,
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remember the moment when i first discovered this in myself, we realized that you could do it, i probably remember, my dad is a professional psychologist, our parents, our sister, were very active we were taught in childhood and introduced to us to science, to poetry, to psychology, and i remember that my dad had a variety of books, which i looked at with curiosity, then my path a... was completely logical: i entered the faculty of psychology and decided to follow direction of legal psychology, or as it is now fashionable to say criminal psychology, not the first time, but i joined the police because it was incredibly difficult, the selection was now, i assume, very serious, and my service, it was connected with carrying out research using psychophysiological polygraphs, he is certainly a good polygraph examiner... he is always a profiler, yes, in the entire history of your professional
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activities, including, you are still a captain, a retired police captain, things that you especially value, are proud of , if i may say so, i am probably proud of any of my victories, just as i am proud of my ability to admit some of my mistakes, but probably the most famous one is the situation in which i managed out of 200 people on... however, we see how all over the world, black is called white, but it’s a lie, some look quite respectable, they are even leaders of the state, i will now give you one of these leaders, who recently said the phrase, for which all of europe had to quickly justify or deny, i wonder how you will read the way he
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pronounces it, for what purpose, with what motives, is it vomit or the truth? good evening and welcome, you are sitting in front of me, you are not standing, no, you are excluding the possibility of standing up at the end of this interview, you 're not going to rule out that possibility, we're even sure we'll do it, well, we're not sure we'll do it, but anyway, we're not in that situation today, i think i i am making this comparison to... explain that options are not excluded and there are reasons not to do so, and also to clarify the position, which is simply to say what we are doing, to show our red lines, contrary to popular misconceptions, the main the source of information for the profiler is speech, secondly, body language and the so-called autonomic reactions, as for this
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video, it’s some kind of delirium generator, it feels like he was bitten by klitschko, he wants to appear. because he answers a completely understandable direct question with a prologue, but he doesn’t succeed, because it’s some kind of set of words, i would classify it as a bluff, in my opinion, it was a stupid mistake on his part, he just blurted it out by chance, i don’t consider him an independent politician, since he has a certain imbalance between what he reports and what he that he...
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and so on, and this also belongs to the category of barriers that indicate the presence of hidden information, the fact that this topic is stressful for her is a billion percent, because she changes the general line of her behavior as a whole, it changes, that we can see this increase in the number of blinking eye movements, at the moment when a stressful question is asked, later, when she speaks directly about ukraine, we do not see this, but from the position of her body i can assume that she it bends like this. gets a point of support, there may be a podium there , most likely there is a podium in front of her, this person tends to close down at the moment when he experiences a high level of stress, standing like this is not very comfortable, we see signs in speech, we see in autonomic reactions in body language , so we can talk here about the presence of hidden information on this issue, sorry for the personal question,
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well, after all, when you were just getting acquainted with your future spouse, you already... already owned this profession? yes, of course, we have known each other since 2015, he is the most wonderful man i have ever interacted with, i couldn’t know or wish for more happiness. i’m just wondering, did he know about what you were reading? i will tell this story for the first time, i hope that he will forgive me for this, but for about six months he did not believe that i was in love with him, he suspected that i was... some kind of spy who was trying to develop him and so on , he really didn’t believe when we were already living together, we were dating, but he was still a person quite secretive, maybe because he didn’t really believe that... such love is possible at all, but it may have been tested by time, circumstances, situations, you said that he suspected
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that you were some kind of spy who can develop it, a spy is most often developed by spies too, and he also has something to do with the law enforcement agencies, yes, of course, he is a former detective of the homicide department of the criminal investigation department. a real russian officer, he is a very honest person, loyal, patriotic, i have not met in a very long time in my life, a woman whose name would be so accurate, because sophia is the wisdom of god, i admire you, you are an amazing person, i really wish you victory on this show, amazing people, very, very! thank you very much, i am infinitely pleased that you invited me, but i would like to take the initiative from you now and confess something, and the editors asked
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me to do a certain trick, which is to watch you and draw up a brief psychological portrait and maybe tell the audience something unobvious things about you, if you don’t mind, i’m ready, of course i don’t mind, now i’m just amazed again, because when you had time, it seemed to me that all the time you were just answering my... questions, what i managed to see in you was very interesting thing, all your reactions, they are sincere, they are from the heart, i really liked it, i love people who are passionate about their work in a good way, and it seems to me that you are not only a responsible person, as i already said, not only a devoted, patriotic person, but also a highly spiritual person, because only a truly deep person can treat his work with such respect, such responsibility, such gratitude, in my opinion, i saw something else, but we will leave this behind the scenes, thank
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you very much, i will continue to root for you in amazing people and well , give a big bow from me to your husband, with great pleasure i thank you endlessly, this is the life and fate of sofia, premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov black, i won’t miss another time, alexander ropok, comradely, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort to apartment number twenty, clearly anna mikhalkova has assigned one to the police.
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from monday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, completely without faces. ideas are overflowing. we want to transform. radiator wart object there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally
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a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr.


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