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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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and stone flowers, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr.
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catch a big fish. or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates. this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, more
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once, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on sunday on rtr. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest. where there is sun and sea, on
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the first coastline, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anexc, cnop gin, a product of stellor group. today on the program. lifespan increased, but the diseases did not go away. the secrets of nutrition for centenarians are revealed by gerontologist svetlana trafimova. contains a unique substance, sulforaphane, which is credited with some cancer-protective properties. how not
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to lose vision during menopause, ophthalmologist dmitry dementyev warns: it is difficult for her to read close up, pressbiopia. the protective effect is the protective effect of female sex hormones, it goes away. the myth about working pressure. academician, cardiologist, yuri nikitich belenkov, will explain why such a misconception is dangerous, and she already has chris is hypertensive. take it easy, a piece in the throat does not go down as a harmless symptom, it can lead to irreversible losses and gastric juice refluxes into the esophagus, and often require surgical therapy, good morning, hello, the news never ceases to amaze us, one can of soda takes away from us as much as 13 minutes of life, and 100 g of sausage is generally
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45 minutes of life, that is, i drank a can, ate sausages, life, you know, i think that this is of course some kind of simplification, but... that the risks of these diseases can be reduced, including food. let's discuss what foods you need to eat to live to 100 years together with our expert. how to live with a sound mind and long memory? world-renowned gerantologist svetlana vladislavovna
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trofimova, professor, secretary general of the world council of preventive regenerative and anti-aging medicine, president of the russian society of anti-aging medicine. will give practical advice for future centenarians of our country. svetlana vladislavna, good morning, come out to us, good morning, good morning, is it really just can you live for 100 years with food? of course, there is genetics, yes, what we inherited from mom and dad, but this is only 30-40% of our health, everything else is so-called epigenetics, this is our image. life, our physical activity, our biorhythms, our nutrition, which occupies a very important place in our life, today let's see what centenarians eat, who live up to 100 years and feel great,
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and we'll go to akinawa island, yes, it's in japan , yes, in northern japan, middle age residents of akinawa island in japan are 90 years old, the percentage is fatal. it is here that the root of health and youth, turmeric, is grown, which is used in food and drinks. it’s not for nothing that we remembered akinau. this is the so-called blue zone on the globe, where people live. to the upper species limit , just like that, turmeric here must be said that in general , turmeric is a very common seasoning in oriental cuisine, yes, it is also used in indian traditional medicine, ayurvide, in chinese medicine, including
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in japan it is quite actively used in nutrition, i must say that now there are quite a lot of studies that attribute certain cancer-protective... properties to turmeric, that is, preventing the development of cancer, yes, due to the biologically active substance curcumin, curcumin, and can not only suppress tumor cells due to the activation of apoptosis, but also to prevent the emergence of new cancer cells, and i know that now they are even trying to make some medications based on curcumin, and biologically active food additives, their quite a lot, especially in southeast asia, it is a very popular product, but... you and i can buy it at the pharmacy as a spice. wonderful. the island of ikaria is waiting for us. greece. this is sunny greece. a third of the population of the island of ikaria in greece is over 90 years old. ikaria is located on a secluded island, surrounded by seas on all sides. that is why
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supplying products there is difficult. the locals grow everything themselves. the island is famous for its grapes, which are consumed daily here. second most common, to me it seems that in this region the product is a dark variety of grapes. yes, it contains a unique substance - resverotrol. by the way, you know, research has been conducted on resviratrol for a long time. the longest study was for 15 years, oddly enough, these were dutch scientists who looked at the effect of rasterotrol on patients with cardiovascular diseases. and it was shown exactly what. regular use of resviratrol in various products, including natural ones, helps reduce the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart attacks, strokes, and generally improving tone and well-being. and on the basis of resferatrol, by the way,
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biologically active additives for food have now been created, but it’s probably better for resferatrol to enter the body in its natural form. in total , the maximum amount of these biologically active substances of the same unique resferatro is contained in greek grape skins, by the way there is a joke. that ikaria - this is an island where everyone has bad memory, people there even forget to die, this once again indicates that this island is a blue zone, where a lot of centenarians live, there, by the way, the mortality rate from cardiovascular disease is abnormally low , it is 60% lower than in the rest of greece, yes, i also noticed that the greeks were once on a greek island, they do everything very slowly, and once they waited for the waiter for 42 minutes, well, yes. well, a man came to a restaurant, sat down, why should he bring the menu right away?
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such a defensive reaction to the heat, if you rush in the heat, you will overheat, i honestly admit, i had an a in geography at school, but i don’t know where the city of lomalinda is, even in the homeland of fast food you can live longer. this was proven by the residents of the city of lomalinda in the usa. in this small town of 25,000 people, the average life expectancy is 15 years higher than the national average, all because of the love of green products. more than 50% of lomalin residents are conscious vegetarians and eat broccoli instead of meat. it seems to me that we have here, to unfortunately, unfortunately, broccoli is not such a popular product. by the way, it's very bad. ae, because many say that it has no taste, although in fact, it seems to me that it is
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a quite tasty vegetable, it contains a unique substance sulforophane, which has a powerful effect on the condition of the vascular wall and generally improves the course of any cardiovascular diseases, by the way , the latest research also shows that this same sulforophane affects the level of glucose in the blood, that is , it is now considered as a potential... impact on diabetes mellitus, on prevention in the first place, because it improves tissue sensitivity to insulin and thereby helps reduce blood glucose levels, we should have it in our diet as often as possible, well, the famous island of sardinia, and there are no sardines here . kasumartsu, goat sheep cheese. on the island of sardinia they know a lot about animal husbandry and make cheeses for every taste and age. since time immemorial, sardis have been engaged in cheese making and home production. dairy products. this is cultural heritage islands. thanks to cheese and yogurt, residents
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of sardinia have good memory and broken bones half as often as in the rest of italy. we have repeatedly said that fermented milk products help improve our microflora, but cheeses are a good source of protein, which is quickly digested, but also contains the same thing, for example, calcium in large quantities, and well, here , by the way, it’s very interesting, that all these large-scale national studies on dairy products, they most often find fault with milk, but what interestingly, the same milk in the form of yoghurts and cheeses is clearly associated in almost all studies with a decrease in the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases; parkinson’s disease, by the way, is very sensitive in this sense to fermented milk products. cancer, cardiovascular diseases, that is, we can say that the best way to consume milk is
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fermented milk products, natural cheeses. well , yes, and to prevent the same alzheimer’s disease, everyone, probably after 50, we we can recommend consuming as much as possible fermented milk products, cheeses, but by the way, with minimal fat content, try to choose cheeses with a minimum amount of fat content, well, the same... we are italians, they really love goat cheese, because it contains a lot the amount, again, of calcium, vitamins, and it is well absorbed by the body, is excellent, and i remind you that you can find all episodes of our program on the online media platform, look in the application on the website today we found out how food can extend years of healthy life. follow the recommendations of hertologists, stay young and beautiful. we continue if the pressure has long gone beyond the limits. norms, but at the same time you feel good, academician cardiologist berenkov will tell you
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why this feeling can be deceptive. she is a smart woman, such men rub around her, what are you going to do, na tejipa, angels of the area from monday on rtr. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary. masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. rest is leaving yourself alone.
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rest - think about nothing when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. indulge in a first-class holiday with lion
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resorts elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa.
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orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i will go on vacation for you, but any resort in the country. men excites something completely different. she looked at... me as if i had just missed a penalty kick into an empty goal, this was the most powerful effect of art on a person. parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. good morning, i have a lot of
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patients. who suffers from arterial hypertension, and the worst thing for me is when a patient comes to me and says: but my working pressure is such and such, i immediately begin to strain for one simple reason: you can work at different pressures, if you work at this say working pressure, sooner or later you will have to face this hypertensive crisis. tinnitus, spots in front of the eyes, neurological symptoms, nausea and vomiting, hippotonics yes, yes , yes, what is your normal pressure, and the microphone, please tell me to record it so that the whole of russia knows what you have blood pressure is 90 over 60, we congratulate you, so for this charming lady
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there will be a crisis, you will laugh, 140, did such things happen? there was almost 150 once, but it was very bad, that is, what am i getting at, someone she will say, but my working pressure is 160, and she is already in a hypertensive crisis, what to do during a crisis, ice to the back of the head, an antihypertensive drug, ventilate, lie down or say, breathe deeply and so on, so that this does not happen. we saw, and i will close this, because i remember once and for all, turn it off, so that i don’t try so that you don’t have this, there is no working pressure, target pressure, and this pressure is for everyone, men and women, blondes and brunettes, fat men and
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graceful women, 120 to 80, maybe lower, in principle yes, if the person is adapted, if he doesn’t... fainting, if he doesn’t have, let’s say so, weakness, why not, it could be 90 to 60, but the target is 120x80 for everyone, it can be a little higher, it’s possible, but it will already be you know how to call it, it will be let's say 130, 135 to 80, 85. it will be high, normal, you can have a pressure of 140-150, yes, you can, if the patient is 85 years old,
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he has good carotid arteries, and he is adapted to this pressure, that is all concomitant diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, preferably sit, right away, no, here i am, here i am now it’s not for nothing that i say this, because i give her about a minute or two to sit quietly,
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with her left hand here, her hand at heart level, the best option. so, i chose her not because she is a charming blonde, because she has a comfortable blouse, it is thin, that is, we can put a cuff on it, the cuff should. tightly surround the arm, the tube is in front, tightly, not tight, but tightly, we cover the shoulder with the cuff, hippotonic, hypertensive, normatonic, well, my usual blood pressure is 110 over 70, now it will be higher, of course, a handsome man, naturally, of course. her pulse is now 14896 87, she’s worried, what are we doing, run to
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the doctor, we sit for another minute, measure again right away, don’t panic already 140 to 80, what are we doing , run to the doctor, no, we’re still sitting. we started with 150, this is how to measure blood pressure correctly, high normal pressure, congratulations on that, thank you, everyone estimates for themselves, for example. well, can i allow my charming patient a blood pressure of 130 over 80? of course yes, of course yes, it would be nice to have less, well, in principle it’s also good, it will be 120 by 80,
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but for god’s sake, can i allow 130 by 80 to my first patient, who is hypotensive, i don’t know, but maybe it seems to her that she is hypotensive, because i won’t hide it, there are a lot of former hypotensive women who were already hypertensive, because normatonics or hypotensives from time to time pass into normatonics, and then hypertension, especially if there is a mother with hypertension or grandmothers with hypertension, there is a grandmother, well, that means, come to me in 5 years, we will measure the pressure, a person’s blood pressure is not constant, it changes, but nevertheless it does not forget that there is a target blood pressure, you must... study your pressure profile, understand which part you fall into, come to visit me for a consultation, i will help you, this is a conversation about supposedly
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working. pressure, thank you very much, goodbye, i give the floor to my colleagues, we continue right now in our studio with questions from the residents of russia, about the most important thing - about health. attention to the screen. my name is elena, orenburg, the question is how to check the tsh level at home, that is, do you have excess iodine or or? flaw? i think it’s unrealistic, how? well, yes, we must start with the fact that, of course, there is no way to check the level of pituitary thyroid hormone at home. as for excess iodine, iodine in the blood is practically not assessed at all, that is, there is such a study as daily eduria, iodine excretion in the urine, but in reality this study is practically not used in clinical practice, because it largely depends on the nature of the diet : today a person ate one thing, tomorrow he ate something else,
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accordingly this indicator can be very strongly... fluctuate, it is mainly used to evaluate population studies, that is, when, for example, they want to identify the general situation with iodine consumption, for example, in a whole city or even in a whole region. to assess the function of the thyroid gland , a blood test is done for the hormone triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyroxine, in fact, it will tell whether there is hypofunction, hyperfunction, and for further clarification, a blood test for the hormones triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyroxine, in some cases it may be additional.
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to swell, even curvatures began, i went to to the traumatologist, he said: “you have bursitis, make lotions of sea salt, it doesn’t help, sometimes they even hurt really bad, i’m wondering if it’s just gout, no, it’s not gout, if we’re talking about that your fingers have become inflamed, swollen, red, sore, mobility has decreased, yes, this may be the first symptom of rheumatoid arthritis, and naturally, no salt compresses naturally work here, so you need to..." did two things : you need to take a regular x-ray of the hand, so for in order to assess the condition of the joints, the second thing you need to do is take a blood test for the so-called rheumatoid factor, that is, these are special proteins in the blood plasma, which are precisely in rheumatoid arthritis, they increase very much, and accordingly, then begin treatment, of course, this these will not be salt compresses, these will be systemic drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, but i must say they are really effective, thank you
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very much. thank you, we will get back to you right after the ad, stay tuned. at your place tomorrow there’s an important matter, everything will be sorted out. well, suddenly something happens to someone and you forget about the divorce. alla taxi in the final episode. i'm married, but i'm about to get a divorce. and then i call you to marry. i want you to leave my son alone. if. the road to happiness has reached a dead end. ala, didn't show up? i feel like something happened. look for detours. what does all of this mean? let's talk. alla taxi in the final episode. at my command, we rush in there. one two three. today on rtr. you sleeplessly toss and turn
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night with your old ones. pillows and wake up completely stressed out, now that's over, introducing the dreamalina cvon pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable position. for sleeping without tossing and turning. unlike ordinary pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the drimalina cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric. it adapts perfectly to
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any shape and size. the body maintains your posture in all positions during sleep provides good ventilation during throughout the night, you'll sleep better than ever, and most importantly, the dremalin pillow. ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order a unique drimalina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, it will be especially for you. we will reduce the price of the dremalina sleep pillow will be yours for incredible 3995, and you immediately save 20 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, with the help of songs dedicated to our favorite female and
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male names, we can confess our love. we are given the names of our parents, i was named after my grandmother. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just as i trust him. so you have a perfect marriage on saturday. you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child. why do you need such a wife? “even an ideal marriage can collapse, didn’t you tell him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re about to get into trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is there for me
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is waiting, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, damn, damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me, what kind of person are you?” “baby, you have the right to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world is an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, on saturday on rtr, who renounces the past, he cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. this program is about the most important thing. we continue the “ask the doctor” section. and a new question is already in our studio. attention to the screen.
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nadezhda city of kaliningrad. well, chronic renal failure, high creatinine, urea. how can these indicators be reduced or increased? the norm with a single kidney, a very difficult question if we say for example, about stage 3b4, then essentially at the moment the only method of treatment remains an artificial kidney, a procedure for purifying the blood using special filters, for example , hemodialysis, that is, when a person’s blood is passed through filters, well, in some cases it is a transplantation, if we are talking about about the initial stages, you can get by with more conservative methods, first of all , of course, this is a diet, that is... where, first of all, protein consumption is limited, and secondly, introducing restrictions on salt consumption, because salt gives a large load on the kidneys, accordingly , excretion slows down, thirdly, this is a change in the nature of physical activity, this
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is rarely said here, but such patients are very good and benefit from a large amount of low-intensity exercise, for example, walking, swimming, sometimes you can add enterosorbents, that is, drugs type: activated carbon, but now it is almost never used, but its, let’s say, newer variations, this in some cases allows you to reduce the level of urea, although it does not greatly affect the level of creatinine. thank you, doctor. there are those in our studio who want to ask a question. please, i beg you. good morning. i have problems with my legs, varicose veins. when it's cold, it doesn't bother me very much, but i'm dreading the coming of summer. and as soon as the heat comes, i feel a strong heaviness in my legs and it’s difficult to walk; swelling appears in the evening. what is the reason for this exacerbation of the disease and what can help? in general, i have already tried quite a lot of things, but so far nothing has helped. you
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described a classic example of the manifestation of symptoms of varicose veins. case the fact is that in the warm season all the symptoms of varicose veins worsen. therefore, those who live with this disease, in the summer, their legs swell and walk more often. jelly and of course, in this case it is correct to take measures in advance. the second point is that summer and the may weekend are ahead, this is a period of vacations, traveling by car, and flying. and sitting in one position for a long time provokes blood stagnation, and this can also lead to unpleasant symptoms, so what can you do to help yourself? there is a well-studied component iscin, it is obtained from horse extract chestnut, that is, this component is completely natural. so, iscin has a positive effect on blood vessels, normalizes the tone and permeable vascular walls, helps eliminate the main symptoms of vericosis, such as heaviness, swelling, pain, i want to emphasize
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that escin, when taken orally, shows maximum bioavailability in liquid form, a solution from cin is absorbed faster, therefore and the therapeutic effect occurs quickly. thank you, we continue, right now ophthalmologist dmitry demetev will tell you how menopause can affect your vision. good morning, in the life of every woman, sooner or later a very important period comes, which leads to significant changes in her, in her well-being. fear, uncertainty, decreased vision, all this is possible at the onset of menopause or menopause. our tv viewer elizaveta contacted us and joined us. into a new period of her life and listen to her
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story: hello, my name is elizaveta aleksandrovna, surname shlekhtenko, 52 years old, i live in moscow, about 2 years ago changes began to occur to me due to the onset of menopause. the first is the constant ebb and flow of the tides, sometimes i’m hot, sometimes i’m cold, it’s very uncomfortable, the second is frequent irritability towards close people, relatives. on acquaintances, on strangers, this causes great inconvenience for me and for everyone around me, i cannot do anything about it, and how to deal with it is also a big question. and third, very important, is the deterioration of vision, it is constantly falling, i went to specialists, they prescribed glasses, they said that this is age-related, associated with the onset of menopause, the glasses are very uncomfortable, i can’t get used to it, in connection with this i have a question: to our respected professionals:
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is it possible to stop this, is it related to the onset of menopause and what to do about it? i will be very grateful for your recommendations, good luck and health to everyone! well, great, now elizaveta, we will try to answer all these questions for you, come here to me, elizaveta and i have already met at my clinic, we have done a series of examinations on her, which are now at the end. medical sciences, chief endocrinologist
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of the administration of the president of the russian federation federation. good morning. daria olegovna, good morning, it’s very nice to see you here. daria, lift the lid. attention, oh, oh-oh-oh, these are hormones that are present in all women, yes, and let's try to explain what the change in vision may be associated with. hold the scissors. yes. let's.
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its level in the body, a woman is worried about increased sweating, hot flashes, there may be a sleep disorder, what happens with progesterone and testosterone, yes, as for progesterone, a decrease in its level in the body leads to the fact that we menstruation disappears, that is, they can be absent for several... months, and then the menstrual cycle comes again, the time between menstruation also shortens, and wow, progesterone is gone, you too, you see. but what should we do with testosterone? as for testosterone, its secretion peaks at about 20 years of age; its production decreases from the age of thirty, so it is impossible to say that with the onset of menopause its secretion sharply decreases; what does it affect? well in first of all, it affects libedo and sexual
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desire. what diseases can a woman have with the onset and continuation of menopause? daria olegovna? look with your eyes, since you have a blue iris, you will have cataracts, it will happen, but it will be a little later, looking ahead, the study that we did the other day in my clinic showed that you do not have cataracts, i congratulations, great, you
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are doing quite well, in fact, there are only small blue areas, that is, these are places where the epithelium is thinning, we are doing autorefract... this is a study that shows us whether a person has a plus, minus or astigmatism, you have emmetropia, that is, you have neither farsightedness nor nearsightedness, during your life, you probably should have seen well, now we we will evaluate tear products with you, do a schirmer test, this test shows how much tears your eye produces, after 5 minutes we will estimate how many tears in millimeters we produce, our right eye is 27 mm, our left eye is 14 mm, the difference is almost two times. schirmer test that we give you today did, showed us that there is an increase in the right eye in the left eye, in the left eye there is a very strong increase, that is, there is a powerful, in the right, excuse me, there is a powerful hyperproduction,
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we did it again, that is, 27 mm, this indicates that your the lacrimal gland works in... in an enhanced mode, but still there are not enough tears, because they evaporate very quickly. we measured the wettability of the surface of your eye, that is, we confirm dry eye syndrome. more than 50% of women with the onset of menopause complain of dryness eyes, photophobia, yes, feeling of sand in the eyes. daria olegovna, can menopause be a trigger for the development of glock, the occurrence of glock? well, deterioration in connective elasticity.
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copes with the fluid leaving, so the pressure does not rise, but in principle , people in menopause are at risk for macular degeneration or retinal degeneration. of course, this is also one of the age-related eye diseases, but nevertheless , the thyroid gland and sex hormones can also influence the progression of macular dystrophy. elizabeth, there are some problems with the thyroid gland, have you seen an endocrinologist? when i went somewhere a year ago, they said that so far everything is fine, well , good, i want to make you happy, you don’t have macular dystrophy, changes in refraction, one of the mechanisms, perhaps, estrogen regulates collagen production, this is one of the main ones
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proteins of our connective tissue, so there is an influence on muscle tone, on the state of connective tissue, which is certainly... also involved in refraction, of course, changes in refraction change, unfortunately, refraction is the optics of the eye, with age the optics of the eye changes, which is what elizaveta noted to us, it is difficult for her to read close up, pressbiopia, menopause, the bip press accelerates, and you need to read with glasses, also the refraction changes due to the fact that the cornea was poorly hydrated, by moisturizing the cornea, you can return it to its previous... state and you will see a little better, dalegovna, thank you very much, elizaveta, you don’t have to be afraid of the menopause, and all your conditions today are not... logical, but it requires, of course same, a small correction using ophthalmic, small drugs.
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dear friends, take care of your vision, vision is priceless, and i pass the word to my colleagues. premiere. so stop alexander pankratov black, next time i won’t miss, alexander robok, comrade uchkovy, take off the violators, let’s escort you to the twentieth apartment tomorrow, clearly, anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, i’ll work for you all myself, he’ll kill or maybe fyodor lavrov will knock, well, look, what a beauty, what a beauty! a woman, where others fall hands, they grow wings, so that’s it, i
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won’t accept this, angels of the area, from monday on rtr, you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken into... now that’s over, we present the dreamalinost pillow , a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike the usual ones. dremolinina pillows keep the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be
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relaxed. additionally, the dremalina pillow prevents your knees from touching each other, providing soothing relief to your lower back, legs and feet. the drimalina cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric, it perfectly adapts to any body shape and size, supporting your posture in all sleeping positions and provides good ventilation throughout the night, you will sleep better than ever, and most importantly, the dremalinost pillow is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and those who sleep on stomach. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone, which is what makes it so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call to order a unique dremaliina swan pillow. for your best sleep for an incredible 5995, but wait, if you call right now, it will be especially for you
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we will reduce the price, the dremaliina swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 39.95 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, we have gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk , are you with us? we came across people who care, to support us in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your
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help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. well, how can my heir not play pranks? on saturday, nanny and i am just not happy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest, don’t, why are you breaking down, quietly, he invited me into his office and raped me. i forgive you for slander, let's part on good terms, scum! for every crime there is a punishment, my
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sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child. there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s also very nice to congratulate you on your birthday. this is joseph, a holiday with gifts, now it's mine talisman, from the singer, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, what needs to be filmed, what needs to be posted, maybe i don’t need anymore, the valeria song that you created
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with maxim, for me this is at all. the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, there are symptoms of invisibility, pain, a lump in the throat, and many do not attach any global significance to this. well, statistics say that 96% of the world's population have experienced this feeling of a lump in the throat at least once in their lives, difficulty in fasting, for various reasons, so the majority are really not inclined to overestimate this symptom and pay attention to it, well, it’s okay, i’ll drink some water, and somehow it will pass, yes, but you need
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to understand that in some cases this can cause very severe consequences, up to... disability lump in throat, where does it come from? how do you know when this is a harmless symptom and when it is a harbinger of a serious illness? let's quickly figure it out with our expert. anton nikolaevich govorin, neurologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, department of biomedical safety , bauman moscow state technical university. anton nikolaevich, good morning! good morning, as many as 96%, yes, who experience a lump in the throat - these are numbers. by the way, there is a very simple screening test that can be easily carried out, this test is called the three-ounce test, it consists of the following: you need to drink half a glass of water within the next minute, evaluate the sensations, complaints, if there is any discomfort, other problems associated with swallowing, then such people need further examination before
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most likely they have a problem with dysphagia, so we are... we’ll do a simple test right now in the studio, have a drink and then tell us about your feelings. why do some people suddenly stop being able to swallow? well, the act of swallowing is a vital, very complex process. let's show. many different organ systems take part in the act of swallowing. this is also the swallowing brain center. yes, this is a group of cranial nerves that are responsible for the innervation of more than five muscles. different muscles are involved sequentially in the act of swallowing, and if there is a violation in this chain, then we can talk about the presence of dysphadia, who has some kind of discomfort after swallowing, this is a bit much, very much, let's start with you, hello, my name is daria, a few months ago i began to have a lump in
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throat, this usually happens against a background of excitement, then it goes away, sensations? well, are you worried now? well, i'm a little worried. well, come to us, dash, come to us, don’t worry, we’ll hug you now. why are you so worried? tell me? well maybe this related to my profession, i am a musician, a teacher, what do you play? i play the flute, but you are always like this, yes, in the other direction, yes, excuse me, like this, like this, yes, so i wanted to ask the doctor for some recommendations. yes, what can be done to make this feeling go away and in general, how dangerous it is, and we can somehow, doctor, now examine the patient, of course, here is a chair , sit down, don’t be afraid, dash, it won’t hurt, everything will be fine, we we evaluate the totality of different symptoms, exclude the presence of other pathology, please take a look you behind the hammer, we evaluate the activity of the cranial structure, cranial
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nerves, show me. please, teeth, tongue, okay, i’ll ask you to swallow your saliva, let’s evaluate the work of the muscles, everything is fine, easy, smooth. well, in this way we can talk about the presence of functional disorders, but now everything was tight, there is a slight tension in the muscles, which may indicate stress tension, that is, the first reason for a lump in the throat is stress, as i understand it, it’s like times the most common option, in today's population can be said to have some kind of special treatment. from the point of view of operations there, the prescription of complex drug regimens is not required, well, that is , it turns out that in this case the recommendations can be: get enough sleep, do
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breathing exercises, psychotherapeutic influence in the park, do yoga there, well, something that just calms you down , thank you, even though what other diseases can cause a lump in the throat, let’s talk about them. osteochondrosis. well, diseases associated with spinal lesions. and this is due to changes in the disc, which is located between the vertebrae. for example, when a disc herniates, compression of some neural structures occurs, yeah. and we see a dysfunction of the muscles responsible or involved in the act of swallowing. in this case, how will this sensation behave? we must focus on the symptom plus. for example, these are radicular symptoms in the form of weakness in the arm or impaired sensitivity in the limb, and no less in the limbs, and in sleep, uh, local pain in
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neck, respiratory system disease, what is it? as i understand it, we are talking specifically about the upper respiratory tract, tansylitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, when a person has inflammatory processes, yes, well, most often these are the pharyngeal tonsils, palatine tonsils. yes, they increase in size during the chronic course of this disease, so when a person is starving, he can swallow again, it just hurts. and finally, mm, herp, please decipher gastroesophageal reflux disease, that is, when a person has it due to various reasons normal motility of the stomach and esophagus is disrupted and gastric juice refluxes into the esophagus. the reason here is mechanical and diagnostic criteria. is the connection of complaints with the position of the body in space and, for example, the occurrence of symptoms after eating, well, we understand the reasons for the occurrence of a coma in the throat, but everything is not so simple:
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our viewer contacted us, she has not been able to swallow for many years, she is tired living with a constant feeling of godfather in my throat, let's find out her story: my name is natalya, i’m 60 years old, and for many years now... and i’m worried about this, how to say, as if there’s a lump in my throat, after the twentieth year, when i was ill with covid, i began to notice even more, even when i start to swallow, i began to feel soreness, and so there was no pain before, it’s just as if something is interfering and it’s like there’s a lump in my throat, i didn’t go to the doctors, i didn’t go to the doctor, i try to eat everything pureed, before i could eat carrots. eat, well, as usual, everyone eats, now i have to grate, so i grate it either on a coarse one, or like this on a fine one, i try, well, i chop it up like this,
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eat it, sometimes i also do it on a grater, this is starting to really stress me out, that i don’t know exactly what it is, i don’t tell anyone to my relatives i don’t say anything so as not to disturb the children or anyone, well , i try to do everything within myself, so i don’t know, help me, what it is, i don’t know , i even took the first step, natalya came to our studio , we meet her, good morning, good morning, doctor, natalya, well you well done for coming to us, thank you, now we’ll figure it out, besides this there are some other discomforts, some unpleasant symptoms, well, lately... this hand has become as if it’s bad, they don’t happen at night time, before our program we did conduct research, we have it here, what can we say based on
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the results of esophagogastrodudenoscopy, this is actually a study of the esophagus, stomach of the duodenum, first, you have a positive test for helecobacter pillary, that is, you have really gastritis helicobacter associated, which must be treated. this time, it means further, a hiatal hernia is present and a kotor reflex is present. esophagitis, that is, there is inflammatory damage to the walls. esophagus, that is, apparently, all these 6 years , gastric juice, your esophagus has been regularly corroding, there are signs of cell degeneration, epithelial neoplasia of the stomach, which in general is, in principle , very, very alarming, and requires specific observation and resolving the issue of further tactics, research is in a good way, it should have been done 6 years ago and you would have had all 6 years after about a month of treatment, all 6 years you would have...
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not encountered these problems at all, thank you very much, but how will the treatment proceed? well, in this case, there are several stages of treatment, first-level therapy is prescribed, if it turns out to be effective, these are tablets, yes, this is a tablet form of drugs, yes, if this therapy turns out to be effective, thank god and great, if not, there is treatment of the next level, perhaps in in this case additional clarifying diagnostic procedures are required. natalya, thank you very much, please don’t torture yourself anymore, do you promise? i promise, thank you very much. thank you very much, please. let's talk about those, well, cases when this can be a very serious problem. yes. the most common conditions encountered in neurological practice are serious conditions associated with organic tissue damage.
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thank you very much, today we talked about the reasons why a lump in the throat may occur, what this can mean, and most importantly, how it is treated. thank you for spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day and good health, see you on russia tv. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the number of flooded houses increased by another 2.0. large waters also reached the samara region. this is our venice.


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