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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you ’re retired, in vtb pensions the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the yearly vtb, everything will work out, in our program today are the stories of two women who became a support for their men, husbands heroin received serious injuries while fighting in the special operation zone, how they managed to return their husbands to a full life, watch today at 15:00, you were aware, immediately after the big news, do not miss the continuation of the series alla. taxi, well, the news is following the developments, stay with us, hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes hot on the heels, we start with... breaking
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news in aks russia at night launched new attacks on military and infrastructure facilities, a series of explosions sounded in ivano-frankivsk in the published footage smoke fire , presumably one of the flights ended up in the military’s location. local media writes about many ambulances that the neighborhoods were almost immediately cordoned off. it is also already known that he flew to the airfield of the city of kolyma, the airfield is used by aviation in the ssu. explosions thundered in the kyiv region. according to preliminary data, geraniums reached vyshgorod, where the kiev gest is located, and arrivals of attack drones were recorded in the kharkov, kherson, nikolaev and poltava regions. in the territory of donbass occupied by the ukrainian armed forces, the ukrainian armed forces' gathering places in konstantinovka and pokrovka came under attack. our factories worked on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in kupinsk. also the russian army with four guided bombs.
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he personally encountered attacks from aerial bombs, they used to simply equalize everything with artillery, now they match factories in the same way, it’s easier and faster, ukrainian military. the ukrainian military responds with artillery. the ukrainian military says they have a little more ammunition, but the situation is still tense. everything is very complicated, there is not enough. russian troops are seeking to capture the last villages near avdeevka. if they take them, there are simply fields further down there, they will be able to turn around much faster, pass through the fields faster, if the fields are not mined.
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trying to surround, well, yes, like avdeevka, and this new footage from the ukrainian army, unfortunately, time after time we see how russian assaults and offensive operations end in success, the armed forces of ukraine hit this column of russian armored vehicles with mortars and artillery, but everything was missed, these russian armored vehicles still received several direct hits from drones , but i’ll be honest with you, most ukrainian drones do not achieve the desired result, they do not destroy armored vehicles.
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nevertheless decided to approve the bill of military assistance to ukraine, this is the same bill that was put forward in march and was supported the main republican russophobe lince gremm, and therefore donald trump, and which differs little from the senate one adopted in february, and therefore this bill was immediately supported by biden and all other democrats. voting will take place in 72 hours on saturday. april. coincidentally, on april 20, nazis around the world celebrate hitler’s birthday, that is, we will assume that this is a gift to zelensky personally. the size of the package is $61 billion. the bill provides for 8 billion
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in economic aid to ukraine in debt. in within 60 days, biden must agree with zelensky on a method of paying for the american loan, bearing in mind that zelensky himself has only two kidneys, then he will begin to give away ukrainian regions, that is, first he will kill for them, or rather kill ukrainians, and then hand them over to the united states, fine. about 23 billion will be used to replenish american weapons reserves,
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which will subsequently become some kind of cashback for their own military corporations. the rest is a vaccine for the war with russia, but not now, but a little later, after all bureaucratic hell, that is , for some time ukrainians will continue to suck their paw. the most interesting thing is within 45 days. once the bill is passed, self-propelled joe is required to provide congress with a long-term strategy for ukraine with specific goals for a russian victory. this means, of course, only one thing: the americans are taking complete control of the situation in the war. however, things may not go according to plan for washington hawks. first, impeach speaker johnson. no one has canceled yet. and secondly, congressmen have the right to make amendments and, at a minimum, delay the process of bringing
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the bill to a vote, convinced the republicans to quickly vote positively in this regard, personally the head of the pentagon austin, the house of representatives of the us secretary of defense again frightened putin, said that if the united states does not help kiev, then it will be necessary to contain russian troops in the baltic states and poland; putin’s main goal is the restoration of the soviet union. another argument in favor. ukraine does not ask american soldiers, they only ask for weapons. and this, as they say in usa. jostan repeated this thesis again: a good investment. on capitalist hill , the house of representatives unveiled a plan to provide billions of dollars in emergency aid to ukraine and israel. this step, however, may pose a threat. today, top military leaders warned that ukraine was running out of money, and
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house republicans unveiled a long-awaited and long-stalled ukraine aid plan. it seems to them that they managed to play a subtle political game on this issue; they allocated 61 billion ukraine and several more billions to israel, but they will vote on these packages separately, which may allow the speaker to receive enough votes from both parties. johnson, the bill has received a lot of push, and president biden has said he supports it too. i do what i think is necessary. i believe that it is extremely important to provide lethal assistance to ukraine. i believe the intelligence agencies and i truly believe that the fii, vladimir putin and iran are the axis of evil. i think that vladimir putin will continue to walk around europe if he is allowed to do so. i think that he may next move to the baltic states, to poland, one of our nato allies, to put it bluntly. “i’d rather send bullets to ukraine than american guys. these are two
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separate bills, and i’m not sure that changes can be made to them. i hope that they will be adopted by an overwhelming majority of votes, that there will be no discussion, they will instantly go to signing for biden. the good thing is that speaker johnson finally realized that he needs to do the right thing. you need to understand that the weapons that will go to ukraine are already.”
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was exactly what we needed to ensure . and the main topic of discussion over the past year was the protection of our own borders, so i would only accept a separate package of assistance to israel and deal with our border. i am very disappointed with the speaker, he went too far by prioritizing ukraine over american borders. now we have the opportunity to advance this bill. i think that its division is normal, as far as i understand, they are sent to the senate at the same time, and if the senate will approve them, they will be sent to the president to sign, and he will sign them as soon as possible, since every day this is a question...
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growing from putin's russia, it will also help counter the threat posed by iran and its proxy forces, as in the case of the attack on israel, and also get rid of the threat posed by north korea. 50 billion of this aid will go to our defense sector, bringing jobs to more than thirty states. russia’s war against ukraine has been going on for 2 years, and putin hopes that the united states will hesitate to leave their friends and ukraine in the face of mortal danger.
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if ukraine does not succeed, there will be consequences not only for europe, but also for the united states of america, because we all know that putin will not stop with ukraine, it will continue, our allies on the eastern front are very worried about this, and there are reasons, our allies will also understand that we are an dishonest partner, all our alliances that we have developed over the years.
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denmark, estonia, lithuania, canada, the netherlands, germany, sweden. there are plans for a coalition of up to 25 february 25 to supply kiev with 1 million drones. as a result of the meeting, it was decided that in the summer canada will begin to transfer 450 multi-purpose drones and skyranger r-70 aviation systems to ukraine. in total,
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ava will supply kiev with 800 such ppla amount. more than 95 million dollars, these are surveillance drones capable of carrying cargo, including ammunition weighing up to 3.5 kg, however, the ssu no longer needs drones, but tanks, which uavs naturally cannot replace, but there are no tanks, well, they are friends of ukraine now such. word about this friendship, the so-called ukrainian ministry of culture issued an order to exclude the arch of friendship of peoples and...
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at least somehow connected with russia, with russian history with russian prominent figures. the ministry of culture removed the arch of friendship of peoples from the register of immovable monuments of ukraine and cultural heritage sites. the press center of the ministry informed
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that the monument’s inviolability status had been removed and it could be dismantled in the future. the decision was made based on the presentation of the kiev city council and expert opinion of the ministry of culture regarding belonging to the symbols of russian imperial politics. not so long ago, the arch of friendship of peoples appeared at this place, in 1982, this year was the celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of kiev and the sixtieth anniversary of the creation of the ussr.
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the central element of the central element of the sculptural assembly were two guys who were dismantled back in april of twenty-two. it was a ukrainian, it was a russian, who were holding in their hands a ribbon with the order of friendship of peoples, the order of friendship of peoples, and also partly.
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it doesn’t seem like much, but the campaign is just beginning. gello predicts that trump will win the elections in november 2024 and occupy the oval office. the first debate, against senile joe, will increase trump's rating significantly, as expected. biden's ratings themselves are probably being inflated by his own democratic friends. the enemies' only chance is to imprison trump. in this regard, it was fabricated. the case of a bribe for silence for the porn actress daniel, the court is so far on the side of donald trump. well politicians the whole world, which is called, swears allegiance to him. at night, polish president dudo came to his trump tour to bow to donald. footage of the meeting on your screens. that is, the polish hyenas felt that trump would soon return. friendship connects trump with the leader of hungary, orban, and i am sure that london will need it.
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former british prime minister lisa trust, who also came to the united states, is also friends with trump. in other words, european conservatives will be happy to work with america's new old president. that is, another part of the western world needs a conservative in white home, everything is probably clear here. under biden, this happened. the west is yielding to challenges from almost all of its opponents. and biden still finally lost.
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when i was younger and more adequate, i never talked about it. hello everyone, you know who's with me, he's doing a fantastic job, the people of poland love him, they really love you, and that's not easy to achieve, but he's already done a fantastic job, he's my friend, and we've had four wonderful years together, four wonderful years. maybe we'll do this again. thank you all very much. between court hearings, he acts as if he has already returned to the white house. former us president donald trump had dinner with right-wing polish president andrzej duda at trump tower in new york. trump held the latest in a series of personal meetings with foreign leaders or diplomats. he primarily conducted court proceedings at his various properties in new york and florida. last
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month. he's the boss, he's a great leader, a fantastic leader, this meeting brought the contempt of the one who is now in white house. you know, today in maralaga there was a meeting with orban, hungary, who categorically states that democracy does not work and is striving for dictatorship. trump recently had calls with saudi crown prince mohammed ibn salman and the king of bahrain, but it's not just leaders who are queuing up to meet with donald trump. british foreign secretary david cameron visited maralaga a few days ago. analysts say foreign leaders are betting on trump's return to the oval office. foreign leaders want to make sure that they know president trump as their
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counterpart, they know his intentions.
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said, and i quote: this is common practice, there is nothing unusual here, he emphasized that this was a completely personal meeting, it only happened because he was in new york. what would you like to say to the president of poland at the meeting? well, we have great respect for the country and its president. as you know, we had a very good personal relationship. there has never been a single problem, no matter how insignificant, that we were not fully committed to solving. agree. we always support poland, and i know poland feels the same, but we fully support poland. last month, after hosting trump in maralaga, orban exulted over trump's plans to end the war in ukraine by refusing to give it to kiev. trump with european leaders these days is a good reminder of what he has done to the republican party in the little free time he has , turning it into an autocratic
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pro-putin one. looking at work experience with the trump administration that we have had, it is clear that he views the world not only through nation-states, but also through the personal leadership of individual leaders. he's interested.
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a new type of scandal with the bowing company has been revealed in the united states . american airlines united airlines continue to sue the corporation; in particular, it is demanding $200 million from bowing. this is the amount the air carrier estimated its quarterly losses from the three-week cessation of operation of part of its aircraft after booing 7.7 max9 in january, we remember, the emergency exit door came off during the flight. it happened in the air. it was a miracle that no one fell out of the flying plane or was even injured. alaska airlines, which owned the plane, has already sued boeing for $160 million. here's another recent example.
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an american airliner flying from denver to houston began to literally disintegrate in the air. we had to make an emergency landing 25 minutes after takeoff. this time the engine casing came off. federal office of civil us aviation has launched an investigation against the company, a new engineer at the corporation, sam salihpour, told the us congress at night that hundreds of people could die in aviation accidents, because the new product of the american aviation industry could simply fall apart. the fact is that aircraft assemblies look like this: aircraft designers. its own kind of super-innovation, but i’m here, of course, ironically and in quotation marks, according to salehpour, boeing workers simply jump on parts of the plane to connect these parts, well, that is, so that the pass fits into the pass, that is, parts of the fuselage from different
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manufacturers are fastened together, it turns out somehow, in this regard, i also remind you that the previous boeing whistleblower is new, and the previous one, a former quality manager for the corporation. john barnatt was found shot to death in south coral in march and is said to have committed suicide. today there are two hearings and the booing company is under attack. the moment of truth has arrived for boeing. former faa engineer , former booing engineer and current specialists told senators that boeing puts profits above safety. in essence, they produce defective aircraft. engineer sam salapur tells us that the boeing 787 dreamliner has design flaws that could have fatal consequences. this is a wide-body aircraft, which is the latest development of boeing.
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what is the problem: the fuselage parts are not connected correctly. however, the us federal aviation administration has not taken any steps to ban boeing flights, nor has it stated that these planes are unsafe. would you let your family fly on a boeing 787? i wouldn't let them do that. he also warned senators that the 787 fuselage could break in half. i expressed concern about this issue, but i was simply fired from booing. i was ordered to shut up. all the problems that we had, we put a band-aid on them, a band-aid on a band-aid, so we solved the problems, but a band-aid does not solve the problem. he and his colleagues claim that they were threatened and they promised problems. all these threats came at them after they warned the management about the non-tents. you just run away from there because it's hell. this is exactly the kind of treatment i was subjected to. they threatened me, pushed me into the background so that... i would shut up, they pushed me away. however, the company strongly
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defends itself, the company insists that this simply cannot be, after more than 4.2 million flights, 13 years of service and extensive stress tests, i quote: there is no evidence of so-called fuselage fatigue on this aircraft. general the director of united airlines, which operates 70 dreamliner aircraft, admitted that he... is worried about this . i am completely confident that the boeing 787 is a safe aircraft. in the courtroom, relatives of the dead passengers in two plane crashes in the boeing max8. then 346 people died, they demanded changes at boeing. the world is in shock after problems with the quality of aircraft have been identified. but personally, this does not surprise me, since after two disasters nothing has changed in the company. not a single boeing employee suffered responsibility, not a single person from boeing went to jail.
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there have been 737 fatal near-fatal accidents. experts also believe that the us federal aviation administration, which monitors the quality of aircraft, is also to blame for this problem. the once gold standard has become a laughing stock. well, more than two years have passed since the start of the special operation. sanctions still don't work. this time bloomberg found one of the reasons. russia , it turns out, is actively building two new transport corridors that connect asia and europe to ease the effect of sanctions. at a time when tensions in the middle east are disrupting global trade, it's even funny. keeping in mind that we started building corridors after someone similar to the us blew up our previous one. corridor, now they are sad that russia, it turns out,
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is increasing supplies along the northern sea route and the iranian railway network, which , as it turns out, may well make our vast country even more the center of world trade, despite endless anglo-saxon sanctions. these routes can cut transit times by half compared to the same suede canals and help avoid the security problems that plague the red sea route. we know that the ships there are being attacked by the houthis. by the way, the aggravation in the middle east is already threatening the world with economic shock. in the event of a large-scale war, god forbid, between israel and iran, brand oil could rise in price to $130 per barrel. but coming back, actually. sanctions, there is another reason why they do not work, it is
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as simple as possible, those who unilaterally imposed these sanctions simply do not want them to work. the collective west resembles a pack of stray dogs, all angry, menacing, barking loudly, but only when they get together, and individually they continue to need everything that russia gave, and secretly continue to buy. our raw materials, for example, last year alone the usa purchased our fertilizer amounting to almost a billion dollars, germany, which due to energy crisis and... gas pipeline explosion, closed several of its own fertilizer enterprises at once, even increased exports from russia, a similar situation with gas, according to official european reports, france, dreaming of putin’s economic defeat, turned out to be
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the first importer in europe in terms of volume, you believe it or not, russian gas. sanctions still do not affect liquefied natural gas, which raises a lot of concerns. 600 million euros per year is an increase in imports by approximately 75% compared to last year. this is due to reasons that, according to government members, are related to the issue of security of supply. in fact,
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we are now in a period where we are trying to fill gas storage facilities ahead of next winter, and the filling of storage facilities is being done privately.
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unilaterally ban the import of russian lng into its territory. a law appears that allows countries to question: is france ready to go so far as to give up this opportunity, this contract? i know that russia significantly reduced gas supplies to europe; before the war, it accounted for 40% of european gas consumption. now this figure is at 15%. this benefited the us, which was able to sell.
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rubles translated into our money, however, the employees immediately had questions about why the elderly man was so pale? why indifferent, why silent? erica, at the same time, tried with all her might to create the illusion of communication with the deceased, at some point she even put a pen between his fingers and tried to sign a credit card on his behalf. contract at this point the bank employees could no longer
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stand it, they were really scared, they called an ambulance, an ambulance, and after a quick inspection they called the police, of course. because the patient had been dead for a very long time. now the brazilian police are finding out why the man died and why his niece decided to stage this strange voodoo show. and in the uk they decided to come to grips with the fight against pornography, or rather, only deep fake pornography. this is a technology based on artificial intelligence that allows you to attach. face absolutely any person to the body of a porn artist. last year, this industry experienced a real boom;
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it even filed a lawsuit against fake videos on special graphics. at the same time, in recent years , ordinary people have become victims of digital abuse, including due to the rapid development of neural networks. the nudity application can be easily downloaded to any phone, and absolutely anyone can be undressed using the application, regardless of how much clothing is present in the person’s original photo or section. keep doing what do you want. in general, now they have had enough of their own freedom and want to ban perverts,
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it won’t be long before they get to gays. this is my pornographic video, but it's completely fake, it's just someone's fantasy of having sex with me. industry of abuse. correct use. unfortunately, there are some loopholes in the law regarding criminal liability for creating deep fakes. it occurs only
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when we can prove that the person doing it intended to cause suffering. unfortunately this means that if a person does it for sexual gratification, to earn money to improve his status among friends, then such cases will not be considered. earlier this year, taylar swift's explicit photos were viewed just as much. it is an obvious and normal phenomenon that we don’t even think about whether a person gives consent to this, and this is incredibly dangerous. deep fakes have been around since 2017, but
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an independent study conducted in collaboration with channel on news found that more deep fakes were created in 2023. porn videos than in all other years combined. this is becoming an increasingly popular content in the porn industry. on leading sites alone, solo videos have received over 4 billion views. sofia, a thirty-one-year-old florist and mother of two, lives in the mary side area. a little over a year ago, she discovered fake nude images of herself on the internet. someone close to her family took photos from facebook and instagram and uploaded them to a site where men shared fake, nude images and left derogatory comments. comments and photos of them masturbating. this is a picture that someone uploaded, this is my head.
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like we're worth nothing, we don't matter, we're just a piece of meat so men can do what they like. this industry, as we know, is growing rapidly and is actually completely out of control. we hear stories not only of famous people, including you, who have been victims, but from all walks of life. we hear about victims who are schoolchildren, students or ordinary women. humiliating and explicit content. their faces are depicted, which can be recognized, but it’s not them, everything looks absolutely realistic, when this
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bill passed through the house, we realized that it was possible here... destroyed, he also said that the gas infrastructure of ukraine was suffering, he said speaking in in the vks regime at a meeting of the european council, to which charles michel, who in general does not make decisions and certainly does not have any stock of weapons, said that delivering aid to ukraine is not a matter of months, it is a matter of weeks or even days. in
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soon you all.
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these are two small settlements, but it is the liberation of these settlements that will open up operational space for us already from the north-eastern part, in parallel there is progress in the area of ​​the kanal microdistrict, this is the eastern microdistrict of chasov yar, which is located on the eastern side of the seversky canal donetsk, donbass, it is like that slightly highlighted, protruding beyond the borders of the main city itself, there are battles going on there now, and our paratroopers are also advancing. with battles, and south of ivanovsky, after liberation ivanovsky are moving in close proximity, is already located at the canal, and this makes it possible to enter the chasvyar from the south, thereby forming such a semi-ring on three sides, which will then allow squeezing the enemy directly out of the city, especially since
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news is now coming that , that in the sixty-eighth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces... it’s very difficult, these were one of the favorites of the former former commander-in-chief zaluzhny, there were mainly representatives of the right sector in this brigade there were banned organizations in the russian federation, in the russian the federations have now encountered quite serious problems there, as a result of which many fighters are leaving their positions, that is , everything is very difficult for the dry forces in this section of the front, although i repeat, for now the resistance is still fierce. with the use of a large number of uavs, this is now the main type of weapon that they use when repelling, when trying to repel our offensive actions. pasha, today a political article appeared that has already caused a scandal on social networks; the headline indicates that ukraine is coming to defeat. the scandal is connected with the fact that this particular publication, politico,
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was published exactly a year ago from another publication, where it was written word for word. ukraine is really heading towards defeat, there are signs that things are completely rubbish, well, ukraine has been heading towards defeat for a long time, one might say from the very beginning, here, well, the only question is that the guys mixed up the start and finish, yes, that is , they, how to say , direction. they have now confused their own, but nevertheless, yes, this is indeed the case, the situation at the front is getting worse for them, and this is visible, it is present shell hunger, one might say that this is still not a famine yet, but they have a fairly serious shortage of ammunition, which, again, they are currently trying to compensate for by using strike uavs, and indeed
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there is also a shortage of personnel. there is , again, a fairly serious trend towards surrendering now, if earlier there were single surrenders, now entire units are surrendering, so the fact that the policy uh... announced this, at the moment, is only a statement of fact , which, well, they are forced to recognize under pressure from our armed forces, well, practically on all, on all lines of combat contact. the same publication states that in order to win, ukraine must mobilize its entire ukrainian population, mobilizations, the new york times also writes, it writes that ukraine now lacks three episodes, lacks ammunition,
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the ukrainian regime is, of course, masters of pr begging help under various sauces, at the moment this is no exception, they are also trying now to sprinkle their heads in ashes and panicking, talking about how urgently, urgently help, give this, give that, at the moment they have, there is a shortage, which is why, of course, now they have adopted a law on tightening and mobilization, but i repeat, at the front now on the line of combat contact they... are fighting quite fiercely, fiercely and defending themselves, while to say that they have run out of strength is, well, probably premature, after all, that is,
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they have some kind of reserve, they brigades are constantly rotating, changing them with more intensive to a less intense area, but somewhere fresh forces are being pulled up that would not have entered into collisions before, so it’s clear that they are at the limit, it’s clear. but nevertheless, at the moment i would not, how to say, well, in such simple terms, would not engage in hat-throwing moods, yes, because the enemy is serious, the support of the west is still present , you can feel it, and of course you need, you need to be careful about all these statements and just do our job, which is our heroic the guys do it day after day, for which many thanks, honor and praise go to them. this is true, thank you very much, pavel kukushkin, war correspondent, front line on line. well, as for the americans, the congress, no matter how much we hoped and no matter how much we delayed this process, this moment, ultimately 61
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billion, here using the terminology of lana musk, which was easy to predict, after all, they will give ukraine, they will send money, ukraine will not they will abandon, otherwise, why did they start this war, the goals of strategic defeat that's why russia didn't succeed. in wrestling, ivan erygin, whose nickname in sports was ivan the terrible, this was his life motto, the strong must be kind, the united states is also a strong state,
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only their strength lies largely in cynical politics, their life credo is profit, the suppression of other states is a constant lie, which was actively discussed yesterday. big interview with durovo, that means tucker kalson, well, in fact, everything is shown there clearly, espionage, an attempt to use the largest social network in order to to collect information not only on their political competitors, but to monitor almost all processes by western intelligence services, therefore the so-called american democracy is for the consumption of ordinary americans, in fact , completely different forces, other interests and other principles are at work there. the fact that assistance will be allocated, well, probably, some people had some illusions, we didn’t have these illusions, it’s a matter of time, a question of big political exchanges, just, for example, even in this cynical american politics, someone
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more cynical, trump says: “we are interested, in fact, in the continuation of the conflict, but not just geopolitically interesting or not just interesting in the interests of the largest american military companies, most importantly, we will also...” drive the ukrainian people into debt bondage as much as possible, because for us it is absolutely obvious that the ukrainian people can get out of this bondage only in one situation, when... they overthrow the nazi regime and when our country frees them both from this nazi regime and from debt bondage, with from the point of view that trump unites right-wing politicians around himself, well , there is nothing new in this either, in fact, trump in the american story is a strong politician, they have common interests, but on the other hand, in fact, the policy of the united states, we know even with democrats, and under the republicans, it is completely... clearly
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understandable, even sometimes i see pictures on the internet, an american bomber is flying, the bomb bay opens and a bomb flies, under the republicans it’s an ordinary bomb, under the democrats there are also lgbt people on this bomb, that means drawings, yes, but there is no difference, for example, from the point of view of our country, from the point of view of building an alternative to american imperialism, this is of course - these are recent statements, fresh statements by the president of colombia, peter, that.. it is necessary to look and colombia should probably move towards brix, this was also at a meeting with leftist president lula de silva, that is a socialist, that is a socialist, if we look at socialist china, there is a serious unification going on, but it is also understandable. ideological agenda, by the way, maybe someone will say, here is one of the key players india in the brix system, it seems that law is in power there and fashion is at the head, but i would open the indian constitution, and it says there: what is
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prohibited in the indian constitution exploitation of people, and the state is built on the principles of democratic socialism, so we need to look at those who are our allies, correspond to these allies, well, from the point of view of this arch of friendship, they fall into obscurantism, today is another important event for our country, including for the ukrainian people, and many, i am sure, still adhere to our common ideals of the centenary of the adoption of the flag. the ussr, under this flag were the great achievements of the soviet era, under this flag together with the banner of russia, now our soldiers are fighting on chevrons, these banners are flying, i think that this is a progressive movement towards victory, it will continue under our great and bright history. you know, as you know, history is such a continuous chain of events, each event probably has its own cause and effect, it didn't just happen.
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achieved their goal, it will not be a package fact that partly the republicans vote, everything will be voted separately, but i would not say that, why? because i want to ask one question: okay, they bring out four separate packages, but if they vote for all four, the story is clear, and if they don’t vote, they will vote for two, but not vote for two, or they will vote for three, but one not vote, but how the senate will react to this, these same bills must pass the senate, then they must... go through, so to speak, the procedure of signing by the president, we don’t know what agreements they have among themselves, we will see, as they say, in the near future an autopsy will show everything, now regarding financing, which is allocated, 23 billion went directly to the american military-industrial complex, which means 13 billion goes to europe, europe will give up its old weapons, with this money they will buy new ones, imagine, this is all a loan to the bank, that’s it. imagine
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the situation, you come to the bank and say: give me a loan for a new car, they say: okay, we’ll give it, we’ll give you a loan, you have an obligation to pay such and such an amount, but we’ll keep the new car for ourselves, and we’ll give you the old car, well, this is what’s happening about the same, then 8 billion to support the ukrainian economy, well, taking into account the fact that ukraine consumes about 4 billion in western funding per month, well, yes, for 2 months, for 2 months this will be enough, well, for... there may still be europeans there somehow they will survive somehow and they also allocate 11 billion there to conduct some research on nasa satellites and much more. there remains a surplus of only 4.6 billion dollars, of course, this money will be converted into shells, of course, this, be that as it may, is support, but they assure the ukrainians of what, what to say, you don’t worry about this money, in fact , the president of the united states of america, after
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november 15, will have the right to write off at least half of the loan for you, this does not mean that he will write it off, but then, that these loans will hang in ukraine and the ukrainian... people will pay for them, i have no doubt about that. now on the front, on the people, you know, in the rear, in fact there are no vacancies among the military, there are problems on the front line, azov also refuses to go to war, the right sector refuses to go to war, this is in terms of the fact that it’s one thing when you are a barrage detachment, and not there at the front, it’s one story, when in this difficult situation you are thrown forward, everyone says, so wait, do you want to dispose of us, no, we won’t go there and arise.
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poroshenko, you won’t believe it, he’s still president, the ink has not yet dried on the law on mobilization, poroshenko is already shouting with all his might that he has prepared changes to the law on mobilization, which should provide for the rotation of military personnel, demobilization, should provide for additional payments, that is there is such a political struggle in full swing.
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they write articles about rasmusen, yes, who works there either as an adviser or as an assistant, it’s clear from whom he receives his salary, and he promotes his new leader, meet him, this is the new one, it turns out we have a leader there who appears in ukraine, mr. ermak, this is the same ermak
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who a few months ago was an fsb agent, that’s what they called him, this is an fsv agent, you remember, the americans even demanded his resignation, now everything has changed. surprisingly, there really is no zelensky, zelensky used to be on the cover, now he is not even included in the top 100, on the cover is the wife of a deceased patient in prison, who says right on the cover in an interview that it turns out she went to the united states of america and proposed new options on the topic of anti-russian sanctions, this is, as they say, an article of the criminal code, these are people who are really striving for power in russia, but... we leave it in the country, they didn’t remember zelensky there, but zelensky was simultaneously offered to mobilize the entire population, how many ukrainians are left there, no one knows, before it was 40, then 30, at some point it seemed like 20 were recorded, but i’m not
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sure exactly 20, but we need everyone to go to war in order to at least hold the front, just ask a ukrainian soldier if he believes that the west will support him? kiev as long as it takes, as one frontline soldier complained, such a promise sounds like empty words, especially when it's been 4 weeks since your artillery unit last received shells. and it’s not just that ukrainian troops are running out of ammunition. western delays in sending aid mean the country is facing an acute shortage of something even more difficult to obtain than shells, then have the fighting spirit necessary for victory. military morale. gloomy, they were crippled by incessant bombing, a lack of modern weapons and heavy losses on the battlefield . even when president vladimir zelensky says that ukraine is trying to find a way not to retreat. the military privately acknowledges that more casualties are inevitable this summer. the only question is how
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serious they will be; if a turning point does not occur in the near future, ukraine, in its current form, will become a thing of the past. such an existential struggle cannot be won, without mobilizing the entire nation. zelensky himself has just addressed the european council, the european commission, the summit is being held via video link, and said that the russian army has become...
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we are actively working with the united states to achieve an appropriate decision from congress on the american support package, and i ask each of you to join communication with our american partners so that their support is real. you have an important matter tomorrow, they’ll sort everything out. something will happen to someone and you will forget about the divorce. alla
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taxi, final episode, i'm married, but i have divorce, that's it, then i'll ask you to marry me, i want you to leave my son in peace. if the road has fortunately reached a dead end, hello, didn’t show up, i feel like something happened, look for a detour, what does it all mean, let’s talk, hello taxi. final episode, at my command, we rush in there, one two, three, today on rtr, rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely turned off, rest is
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for you. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent being in our family, orientalism. this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not rift,
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continuation of the conversation in our new issues. podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's look, the substation is the first podcasts we watch. you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i will go on vacation for you to any resort in the country. men are excited about something completely different. she looked at me as if i had just missed a penalty kick into an empty goal, but... this was the most powerful effect of art on a person. parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. bless the mother of your children. pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ. you are not allowed to love me, but your enemies are. i will give,
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sell, buy everything. he went over to their side. let us show you what it means to attack innocent people. we’ll beat you so hard that the stains will be taken away, taras bulba, what son, your knuckles helped you, a film by vladimir bortok on friday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to your house himself, we’re starting, he’ll always help, we’ll train, how to walk on ice correctly. will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, sleep,
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that's how a child spits, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust... 100%. and you will be happy. well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely improve my health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday. on rtr. well, like my heir, he doesn’t play pranks. on saturday. nanny and i are just not happy. anna suits me completely. beautiful, smart, modest.
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this is varantsov’s eldest son, there’s a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i’ll shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, you know, why was i kidnapped, brought here, premiere on saturday on rtr, so, the sovereignty of france is being steadily eroded, this is how the russian ministry of foreign affairs commented on the decision of paris. transfer its own nuclear-powered aircraft carrier charles de gaulle to nato command. this is the only warship in europe with nuclear weapons on board. it will take part in two weeks of exercises in the mediterranean starting at the end of april. allens continues to add air and the baltic financial times reports that latvia-lithuania is urgently strengthening
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nato's eastern border with russia, hundreds will be built there. fortified bunkers, they will become part of a new defensive line designed to protect the allies from russia, although there is an opinion in europe that all this preparation indicates rather that nato wants to attack russia. hungarian journalist jolt baya explains in clear language that the action of a seemingly defensive alliance over the past 30 years does not resemble defense at all, especially if you look closely at the international us strategy. according to its defense doctrine, nato is a defensive organization. according to this doctrine, if one of the member countries is attacked, it is considered an attack on all members, all members rush to the aid of the country under attack. as far as i understand, ukraine is not a nato member, so this doctrine cannot be applied. it just
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means that nato wants to attack. nato was founded by twelve countries, today it is an alliance. how many aggressive actions did the us take and did they do the right thing, and now the us and its allies are teaching russians to be moral. well, is the war in ukraine lost? but washington simply doesn’t know this. an article with this headline is published by the american fox news. the note reports that kiev does not have enough soldiers. and the west is not able to compete with the russian military-industrial complex, which continues to produce shocking precisely this word. uses a shocking amount of military equipment, there is only one conclusion from all this: everything that is happening is a grandiose riot. those 42%
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of ukrainians who support peace negotiations think together. war in ukraine lost, but hollywood and washington don't know it. on april 10, hollywood stars joined politicians in washington to demand that congress pass a military aid bill and allocate. ukraine has 60 billion. but they are all wrong, the war is lost. in fact, 90% of people in europe think this is true. first, ukraine does not have enough soldiers to win. kiev lost at least 70,000 killed in battle, another 100,000 wounded and unfit for combat, and this is already a crisis. ukraine cannot produce everything it needs for the battlefield, just like the united states and europe. in fact, there is no magic weapon that would solve the problem of labor shortage in ukraine. this. fundamental problem. at the same time , the russian military machine continues to produce a shocking amount of military equipment, both independently and with the help of china. this means that russian president
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vladimir putin managed to survive the sanctions storm and more. the third reason why only 10% of europeans believe ukraine can win is poor leadership. unfortunately for the west and its propaganda efforts, the russian people largely perceive this conflict as a war in which. he cannot boast of such support; in addition, he is criticized for his isolation from the real state of affairs in the army and his tough leadership. well, you have to be a very naive person to believe that the united states of america will simply stop funding the kiev regime and thereby bring it to a quick collapse, because today it has weapons and money, in general, everything it needs. how a real mercenary receives money from abroad, well, we repeatedly talk about they said that, but of course not. what did the united states do, here is the collective united states of america, the deep
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state, whatever you want, they let the europeans go ahead, they portrayed a big quarrel between two political parties, which is taking place, but they forced the europeans to fork out money, conclude treaties, allocate money, now they themselves are also quietly approach this process. that is, they let go ahead of those who did not want to finance at all and could, as they say, in the shadow of the budget of the united states america, pretend to help the kiev regime, well, like, for example, france, because everything that it transfers, it transferred on credit, only germany really provided some serious figures of assistance there, following the united states, but let’s take a closer look at this process, seemingly internal american quarrel, take a closer look, very interesting points, look, the republicans, for them the most important point from the four-part package was the border point, it even seemed that they
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were going to build a significant part of their election campaign, well, you see, the position is absolutely win-win, the american voter is worried, like any normal person, if the state border is not guarded by the state, well , that’s right, we are worried, we just need to show these endless crowds. incomprehensible people, talk about how drugs are coming across the border, weapons, whatever you want, i already want to vote for those, that is, for the republicans, who say: let’s close the border, suddenly we see that speaker johnson is removing, essentially, sharing package into parts, this particular item from the discussion, although it is very beneficial for his party, remember the next fact, the same johnson speaks and says: we will vote separately for ukraine, for israel, for taiwan, another fourth package about it a little later , and donald trump - says johnson, the
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person who can act as an organizer, then a peace process, that is, johnson is not against trump, he is absolutely for trump, and a very interesting conclusion follows from this: if we see that the republicans have abandoned the strongest trump card election campaign, if johnson is acting with trump’s blessing, then it’s time to ask yourself the question: the political exchange that my colleague spoke about today, what is being exchanged for what? suppose the exchange is as follows: trump is not condemned, and for this the republicans abandon the topic of the border and allow the adoption of aid packages for ukraine, such an exchange is being made, but at the same time many of the republicans should not even know this, because you know, they can be such principled republicans who do not will agree with this exchange or purchased...
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russian reserves, which seem to be supposed to act as collateral for certain debt obligations of ukraine. then they talk about the possibility of banning tiktok, and ritual actions in support of israel are yet another sanctions against iran. here the question arises, why such inconsistency, but at the level of the united states of america and europe. that is, in the usa, it seems like, i emphasize again, they seem to be talking about the possibility
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after all. steal russian assets, and the head the central bank, the european central bank, christina lagarthe, says that this will be a violation of international law, i quote, that we must treat this very carefully, that is , it seems that not only the republicans and democrats are fighting inside, but there is also some kind of then, there is also a desire to skip forward in a very inconvenient way...
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they will stop bringing money, because money is being stolen here, and here so far they are only talking about theft, so it seems to me that this point is extremely important, but in general, i’ll be honest, i believe that they will not steal the assets of the russian central bank, they will talk, pass resolutions, promise something, but they will not encroach on what is sacred to them, on the foundation of the economic system, which... they themselves will not build, they they can, simply because they are afraid that, let’s say, the same chinese take their money from the american economy, this will, of course, lead to a disaster for the american economy, the europeans definitely don’t want to take russian money, but if they take it, it really should only be from the europeans , v america, according to various estimates, has five billion, well, that is, this money definitely cannot save the father of democracy, but the europeans have 300, choosing between 300 and five, of course, the choice is by...
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in these footage, a direct hit by soldiers of the 200th separate guards brigade of the leningrad military district on ukrainian tank ukalinovka is the northern flank of chasoy yar. an anti-tank missile flies directly into the t-72's stern, after which the tank loses control and rolls backwards down the slope into the lake. the driver and commander manage to jump out of of the smoking car, the gunner falls into the water along with the tank, brothers. even in terms of weapons.
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they don’t think of returning for it, the scarce explosives for fpv drones of the armed forces of ukraine are extracted from the components of dynamic protection, contact one of the already burnt t-64, the kochu was told that there is no plastid, the weaver says there are no unsolvable problems, he found a tank, found a tank, removed all the active armor, well, the tank really isn’t working anymore, but it’s okay, how did you think of it, bro, i thought of it, life made me do it. without having time to strike, using weapons with silencers, fighters of the ninety-eighth vtv brigade eliminated the cover squad, consisting of seven people. a little later , the evacuation group was also ambushed; four militants left the area with their hands raised.
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the politico publication reports that the russian army is already on the threshold of one of the largest strongholds of ukraine in the donbass, the capture of which would put both drushkovka, kramatorskaya, and slavyansk at risk. again moved forward, and as you can see on the map of bogdanovka, another settlement in the north completely passed under russian control, this means that the attack has already begun on kalinovka, the last section of the chasovo yar defense line in the northern direction. we also have information that here beyond ivanovsky the russians advanced further through this forest and how they secured the so-called canal. the last hope of the ukrainians is that it is this water barrier. which runs from north to south, will stop the russian army. many experts suggest that here in the east the russians will advance from the villages of ivanovskoye and bogdanovka towards first city block, and the ukrainians will be forced to retreat beyond the canal to
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try to defend the city. the arrival of the krasnopol guided projectile on the enemy’s ukrainian self-propelled gun is confirmed by objective control footage; after the hit , the vehicle breaks out in a fireball, visible. secondary detonations from a rupture of the ammunition compartment, and here is at least the thirty-ninth confirmed loss of a polish saukr in the special operation zone. vsushnik , in search of spare parts, inspects a turret torn from the hull, a self-propelled gun weighing 5 tons. russia is on the verge of another large-scale offensive in an attempt to retake territory they have retreated from over the past 18 months. to a certain extent, there is a fear in ukraine that...
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there are wounded, but this war has taken a huge number of lives. we are in konstantinovka, behind me there is the main road leading to the small town of chasov yar, which everyone has been talking about for several weeks. we visited one of the first reception stations for the wounded, where they are trying to stabilize them. the trip there was absolutely terrifying, like for the soldiers and for us. this is all due to the growing use of huge numbers of drones. a month before the new mobilization law came into force, a ukrainian draft dodger. to escape from the country, they go head-on, as the speaker of the state border service demchenko assures, the man, having studied the situation at the checkpoint in advance, managed to bypass the patrols and get to the territory of hungary. oops, at ugulyand. the pursuit of
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the fifty-one-year-old hound was caught on camera by a passing truck driver. according to politico, 650,000 conscript men have already illegally left ukraine age. this all looks pretty terrible from the outside. sky news military analyst michael clarke sets a new standard for kiev: “the ukrainian armed forces only need to hold out for 6 months, and after that the situation may become less dire.” provided that washington does start supplying weapons.
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prime minister of ukraine shmygal, wearing a formal two-piece suit and a herring tie, discussed new business projects with us secretary of commerce raymond, at the same time hinting at urgent delivery. also includes a demand for the us president to provide kiev with long-range missiles, however, with one caveat: washington may not transfer missiles to zelensky if this threatens national security.
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speaking before the house subcommittee on defense, he prophesies terrible things: without american money, the armed forces of ukraine will finally lose the positions they have held for more than 2 years, as bloomberg reports ; the west is not able to catch up with the russian military-industrial complex, be it ammunition, vehicles or weapons systems. secretary of defense austin justifies the failures of the kiev militants, which are rapidly developing in favor of russia, the situation in front, which the pentagon failed to foresee . ukraine is not asking us to fight in
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their place, they are only asking us to help supply the equipment they need to defend themselves and their territory. we've been doing this for the last 2 years, which is why they are where they are now. but if we do not supply air defense systems, artillery shells and other weapons that they require. if they are not successful, and this brings us back to our question, there will be consequences not only for europe, but also for the united states. but peskov just commented on the new american bill to allocate $61 billion to ukraine. we are talking about provoking ukraine, peskov said, into further military operations; this is certainly not capable of influencing the outcome of events at the front. as for the fact that money is now on credit, peskov said
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that this is a manifestation of the west’s favorite colonial policy. let's listen. ukraine, now, not only must it fight for this, ensuring profits for the americans, it must fight to the last ukrainian, and also its are burdened with debts. the favorite colonial policy of the united states of america, this is not capable of somehow. how to influence the outcome, the development of the situation on the fronts, all specialists and semi-specialists are now recording with the naked eye the situation at the front, which is far from favorable for the ukrainian side, so nothing can change it. the west, however, still does not give up on the issue of days, not months, with the help of ukraine, literally a couple of minutes ago , the head of the european council, charles michel, said after the first day of the eu summit. he called europeans to increase the production
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capacity of their military-industrial complex, to transfer the promised weapons, especially air defense, to the kiev regime. it was they who were actively begged for by the air defense system in their appeal to european leaders and zelensky. the ukrainian beggar complained that israel protected the west, but did not want to help ukraine shoot down russian missiles and drones. zelensky also demanded artillery shells and weapons.
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european leaders are holding a summit in brissel, at which they will discuss economic issues, but the ukrainian president’s call for help will also be discussed ukraine, just as it is, helped israel defend itself from iran. russia has already destroyed almost all of our thermal energy generation. dams, hydroelectric power plants, and gas infrastructure are under attack. this can only stop. and he told me that ukraine is in dire need
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of air defense systems, artillery shells, and also missiles. and you know, it’s a shame that we make decisions but don’t implement them. as for ukraine, we cannot relax, the ukrainians need more air defense, they need more ammunition, we we need to quickly purchase self-defense equipment for them, we cannot relax, they ask us for help, we need to continue to be ready to provide this help. the two biggest problems for ukraine at the moment are shells and ammunition, the second is cooperating on the supply of f-16, but the most important issue is the supply of patriot systems, because they are capable of shooting down the most advanced russian missiles that hit cities like kharkov, as well as in odessa, and now in kiev, capital of the country. we need to discuss this within nato. why is this so necessary?
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because nato countries may have the necessary systems. and we should check whether we are holding too much? in their warehouses and shouldn’t we change our priorities to help ukraine a little? germany, having already supplied two patriot systems, has decided to supply another one, this will directly benefit ukraine, but we also want to encourage others to do the same, and also check in their warehouses what they still have to improve ukraine's defense capability. i remind you. once again, the american bill on allocating $61 billion to ukraine will be put up for voting on saturday , april 20, coincidentally on adolf hitler’s birthday, but it just so happens that on this day zelensky will also be given a gift of as much as 60 billion. please, after all , after all, there is a reason
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to talk about money, it’s always more pleasant for me to talk about money than about a nuclear war, although this money, this money is allocated, as we understand. not in the form of money, in the form of weapons, well, let's still start with our pocket, but then we’ll talk about this package about american money, which will of course be allocated to ukraine, now this is understandable, from the point of view of our pockets, here i would draw attention to the fact that fresh statistics regarding russian oil exports and western agencies continue to be released even the judges... one might say, they record that in march in the first half of april russia exports close to record volumes of crude oil, that is, we have enough here, despite the sanctions, despite the struggle with our supplies fortunately,
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we supply almost 4 million barrels per day of crude oil to world markets, i repeat once again, despite the sanctions, there are stories about bloomberg, and well, including bloomberg records. as unrest in the middle east disrupts global trade, russia continues to build two new transport corridors linking asia and europe to ease sanctions imposed on it, an arctic shipping route and a rail route through iran. strengthen moscow's turn away from europe towards asian powers, china and india. these corridors have the potential to make russia the heart of a large share of international trade, even as us allies try to isolate it over the ukrainian conflict. moscow is now preparing to invest more than $25 billion to modernize the route through iran and
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improve facilities on the russian arctic coast, including a fleet of domestically produced icebreakers. these routes can reduce transit time by 30-50. compared to routes through the suede canal, while the us and its western allies, despite all the benefits, avoid russian-backed routes, the largest economies of asia and the persian gulf are showing interest in them. well, this isn’t just about oil, by the way, it’s also about land routes, including railways, we’re talking through iran, but by the way, since you mentioned the bloomberg agency, it’s also interesting that, let’s say, it’s been there for several weeks. the topic that india had stopped taking russian oil was even hyped for months; there were several waves of publications on this subject, especially actively they talked about the fact that india stopped buying the sokol variety, which is mined on sakhalin, but let’s still give bloomberg agency its due; an article was recently published, disappointed in the fact that to the surprise
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of bloomberg, they thought that india had suddenly sharply increased the purchase of the sokol variety, and in fact... the volume of unsold oil of this type has decreased by nine times, which came as a complete surprise to the analysts of this agency, that is, i repeat once again, there is oil left, russian oil remains. a sought-after product and is sold at quite comfortable prices, especially since recently, in recent days, the price of oil has been declining, but in the context of this iranian-israeli story, and oil exceeded $90 per barrel, so we are trading steadily above the price ceiling, this all western agencies recognize this, this can be seen from the budget revenues of the russian federation. by the way, it is also interesting that one of the factors that raised these prices, in addition to... tension in the middle east, was the story of attacks by ukrainian drones on russian oil refineries, as interpreted
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western media, because they inflated this topic, that soon russia will have nothing to export, after which speculators began to raise prices and the world energy agency directly noted that in march prices increased, including because there was information about ukrainian drone attacks on russian refinery. by the way, i’ll say that rosstat’s latest statistics on processing came out yesterday. in the week that ended on august 14, our gasoline production increased by as much as 12%; in a week, by 12%, because i was one of those who always i said, when this wave began, that oh, soon there will be no gasoline, i said that the industry regulators have the ability to prevent any shortage in the domestic market, and now, in fact, we can safely say that this story is coming to an end, now lukol will launch the nizhny novgorod plant in early june.
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will already be provided in one form or another, so let’s not make some kind of sensation out of this, it was clear that everything was heading towards this, but at the same time, of course, the republicans got what they wanted, johnson is the largest lobbyist for the military-industrial complex of the united states, this is a well-known fact, so the main beneficiary, of course, is the american defense industry, where 23 billion is simply used for replenishment, as it is written, replenishment of reserves - that were spent, a decent amount of about 13 billion goes to such a mysterious formation
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of military operations with the united states in this region, so we’ll see what’s behind it, but nevertheless we understand that the bulk of the money will not be received by ukraine, but by weapons manufacturers in the united states, but at the same time, of course, weapons will be supplied to ukraine, and this is the factor that we must take into account, in trump’s logic, which is behind... it is important for trump that this conflict remains in its current state until he is elected, why? because it is trump who must sell the idea that he will now become president and he will decide everything. in this logic, ukraine, in trump’s logic, it should not win, because well then the conflict will end, as it were , biden will skim off the cream, but she should not lose, because then it will also work out, the conflict will be resolved, and trump will not have time to show his strengths here.
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history judges us for what we do, this is a critical time, a critical time on the world stage, i could have made a selfish decision to do things differently, but i am doing what i think is right. i believe that providing arms assistance to ukraine is now critically important. i trust our intelligence. to be honest, i would rather send ammunition to ukraine than to send american guys. my son is about to go to the naval academy.
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premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss it next time. alexander is timid, comrade uchkovy, take off the handcuffs and follow the escort to apartment number twenty, okay? anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i’m working hard for you all, maybe fyodor lavrov will kill or hurt, well, look, what a beauty, what a woman, where others give up,
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they have it. the wings will melt, that means, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but... you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and
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exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces, an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshare collection bodrum. with the help of songs dedicated to our favorite female and male names, we can confess our love. we are given the names of the parent. i was named after.
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i have the best husband in the world and he is my he completely trusts him just like i do. it means you have an ideal marriage on saturday, you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why haven’t you told him anything, no, if it’s based on lies, you spend so much time at work, men like you, and you’re in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me. i need you, mikhail, i, damn, damn, damn, we’re not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he loves me i was spinning, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family? it would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world, an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, mom, on saturday on rtl,
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there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it’s to congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph, that’s all, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has a name, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life, with with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well , maybe, well, there’s no need anymore, valeria. and hello, the one when you hit, the same one, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov
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on friday on rtr, you were in the recent past a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, for me... kill, why did you provoke him ? head, look in the application or on the website, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. ukraine and israel
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need american help to protect themselves from brazen enemies. wrote us president biden in his own column for the wall street journal, or was written for him. joe also banned israel. to attack the israeli haifa, it can be assumed that self-propelled joe confused it with rafah in the gas sector. biden finished off journalists with his new story about his missing uncle. during world war ii, my uncle made reconnaissance flights over new guinea. biden said that the plane was shot down, and his uncle himself was eaten by the locals.
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i repeat again and again, what surprises me most in this situation is that he is actually competing there in the presidential elections, this man, he is seriously
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considered, in general, as the president of the united states, and it is possible that this will happen, yes, but fortunately this is his last term, i hope it’s the next one, or not, as it were there, well, simply, according to my constitution , they can’t have any more, so this is the last one.
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think about it, this 16-year-old who has changed his gender comes and says: sell me a beer, it’s not a boy, but a date or a girl, you’re not an adult yet. well, yes,
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but it’s absurd, you can’t drink beer, but cut yourself off or sew something on, please, no problem, what are you doing there, yes, we’re changing the gender here, just look, don’t smoke, but this is please, i don’t know, well, so fact, or maybe i ’m exaggerating, well, the fact remains, okay, that means now to ours, of course independence. and there, by the way, uh, what is the situation, look, why are there some supplies there, they are throwing this ukraine like a hot potato to each other, they don’t know what to do with it, let’s go to europe, you no, let's help here and there, there, let's give them something, we won't give them, we'll find them somewhere in warehouses, well, that is, you know, he's getting serious, look at your warehouses, there's like scratch the bottom of the barrel there, well... i don’t know, well
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, maybe that’s how it should be, maybe that’s how it should be for them for a reason, oh, look, there really are a couple of patriots lying around here, of course, here you go, so, in general, well, it’s absurd, completely absurd, but what should they do, look , they did a simple thing, they say, they as we thought, now we have this, we cited this here, by the way, in this studio there is such an example, such a kid, just go there and provoke the uncle there in the gateway, oh, they came out, and then they... who thought, what are you you beat the little guy there, now we ’ll impose sanctions on you and you’ll fall apart, that’s their plan there was some, and well, since it didn’t fall apart, what to do next, then boy, well , go ahead, we’ll give it to you, and now they ’ve all gotten involved, they’ve all pulled together, everyone understands that boris jones is already saying that if the west loses, it will be a global defeat for the hegemony of the west there and so on, that is , they already really think so, but they will win...
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therefore, yes, you can say there that there is in america, that there will be elections, there will be no elections, there who will behave there after the elections, this is not the most important thing, the most the main thing here is how it will all end, and it will end only on our terms, and they still understand this, they already understand that this will happen, but they still cannot accept it inside, while where our conditions extend is also still unknown , including? we don’t understand, neither in odessa, nor in
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nikolaev, nor in the city of kharkov, everything will be ours, there is only what, in accordance with the constitution, is the russian federation, but it is obvious that we now absolutely cannot leave kharkov to the ukrainians before that, that they are hitting russia for 35 km from kharkov in total, as for the failure of hegemony, there is one lakhmaty there, that’s exactly what he said, if ukraine loses, ukraine will not lose, the main thing is that...
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if you don’t understand, then this not just some kind of scarecrow, it means a scarecrow, he has a name, surname, position, boris johnson, broadcast. we'll be back in a minute. those who want to keep up to date, watch the program for the week, program for advanced people, the program for the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, and are very easy to put on. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or doing gardening. garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of special ultra-light eva material, thanks to which. the shoes on your feet seem completely
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glad that you came to visit me. how much tea did you drink? how many stories do you tell? i was cocky in a white tuxedo. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much was still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures
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in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new issues our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch. the kennedy family appears to be publicly backing biden's campaign amid democratic fears that independent presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. could steal some votes from joe biden and thus contribute to donald trump's victory, the hill writes today. trump himself.
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hello, is this some kind of agreement, why? suddenly now, so unexpectedly, when ukraine
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has almost been brought to defeat, the americans, in particular the republicans, for example, johnson still agrees on this package, well, he doesn’t agree, but puts it up for a vote. olga, hello, well, the fact is that this question arises not only among you and me, but even among fellow party members of mike johnson, in particular. a major conservative group, the freedom caucus, just went to war on the speaker on social media yesterday, calling him judas johnson, so it really raises questions about what the tactics of the speaker, who in principle was elected, i quote marjorie taylor greene, as a conservative speaker who should promote the interests of the republican party, and if we look, in reality in all these... on the projects there is not a single concession towards the republicans, well in addition to
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presenting the strategy of what they want to see in ukraine from the biden administration and there, by the way, for the first time in all time the word victory over russia by ukraine was used, this is perhaps the only such strategic, not to mention advantage, and a concession towards the republicans,
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they talked, but he looks like an inadequate person, and also, when he was asked the question about the strategy with ukraine, he also seemed to make a statement on the topic that i had not yet been instructed, but how is this possible? olga, well, indeed, this question arises for many americans, but as i have said more than once, there are people who are ready to vote even for the dead joe biden, they don’t like donald trump so much. as for ratings, well , indeed, according to different estimates, aggregators
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they say in national polls, they say that now donald trump is ahead of joe biden by one or two percentage points, but the trend is obvious and joe biden is again starting to take the lead, if there is such a tailwind, some kind of luck, then yes, he can really overtake donald trump again, but until november. a lot can happen , anything can happen, joe biden’s electoral base is very mobile, i don’t know, for example, gasoline prices will rise or some other conflict will arise, so changes may happen again happen.
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semantic lines, on the one hand, we must punish russia harshly, and we are already punishing it harshly and will continue to punish it, on the other hand, russia will punish us at any moment, all this is used at the same time, absolutely, the washington post, it’s true, the washington post writes about that , that russia in general, judging by there, laying out the meaning of their quote, that russia in general started the north military district in ukraine in order to change the world order to punish the americans, that is, that is the meaning of the statement there. they write about this in all seriousness, as if from their point of view we even manage to do this quite well, by the way, and don’t discount chuck schumer, who recently said that putin is watching us, he really said it in the context of allocating money to the ukrainians to the israelis, but nevertheless, this is also a trend it is obvious, they are still being watched
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, the polish morawieck also told amazing stories. that russia turns out to have its own agents of influence in all political forces in europe, including in his own party in poland, in his party in the european parliament, russia influences everything, russia will again use all the levers, we have deep foundations there since soviet times, such an interesting schizoid concept is also being built, i could probably answer this only in words.. . recent women from a german comedian who said: yes, of course, russia is waging a dangerous hybrid war against us, it is destroying and corrupting our leaders, and it is throwing traditional and semantic things that are alien to us into our information space, but we are. we must clearly tell russia that no matter what it
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does, we are always one step ahead, this, in my opinion, perfectly describes this situation as a whole. europeans, unfortunately, are sliding further and further into the state of boris johnson, who, apparently, before he began to speak, was pulled out of the bag, or the bag was taken off his head, i don’t know, that was the feeling, because he frowned, which means there was something incomprehensible on his head, well, the europeans are also starting to partially understand this, we often talk about this, here and there some european politicians, some media representatives. the european community is beginning to see the light, while this has not become a trend, but has already become a noticeable symptom, a hungarian journalist said that over the past 30 years since the end of the cold war, the united states has taken many aggressive actions, and now they are teaching russia morality. it seems to me that this thesis has been working for us for about 20 years, we
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are talking about it from all the stands, we are talking about it to the americans, why on earth, how... why the hell did you decide that you have the right to us give lectures, precisely because you yourself do not behave exactly the way you say, everyone else should behave, what relation does ukraine have to western values, what relation does ukraine have to the western world, there is no need to teach us some of your senseless theses, we'll be back in a minute.
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choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now to order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather in just 1995. with the help of songs dedicated to favorite female and male names. a force nine storm is approaching moscow in central russia. already tomorrow , 2/3 of the monthly rainfall will fall on the capital.
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wind speed can reach 25 m/s. a yellow level of weather danger has already been announced, so we avoid trees and advertising bills if possible. the bryansk, oryol, tula, and kaluga regions will fall into the storm zone. weather. the apocalypse is already gaining momentum, as they say, at these moments it begins to rain outside the window. thank you, that we watched 60 minutes. goodbye. hello, there is news on the russia tv channel. irina rossius is in the studio and the main topics for this hour. for what they were detained, for stealing things from houses, looters were caught in the flood zone in orenburg, in the mound the water level in the
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tobol river increased. the city waterway is flooded another meter.


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