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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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precipitation, wind speed can reach 25 m/s. a yellow level of weather danger has already been announced, so we avoid trees and billboards if possible; the bryansk, oryol, tula, and kaluga regions will fall into the storm zone. the weather apocalypse is already gaining momentum, as they say, at these moments it begins to rain outside the window. thank you for watching 60 minutes, thank you. hello, on the rossiya tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topics for this hour: why they were detained, for stealing things from houses, they were caught in orenburg in the flood zone. v
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in kurgan, the water level in the tobol river increased by another meter, the city embankment was flooded, and in buryat, blocks of ice swept away everything in its path. our tankers destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot, the enemy infantry rotation was also disrupted, and kamikaze drones are also working brilliantly. a supporter of zelensky, join the ranks of the supreme soviet, green introduced such a us bill, but zelensky is trying to get rid of the russian at least on television, a strict ban on... acting in the summer. in indonesia , the ruang volcano began to erupt, in the united in the arab emirates, the storm front has moved into the cartoon; residents there are being evacuated by helicopter. the long-awaited premiere. you can watch a fantastic blockbuster in all cinemas across the country. in the northern military district zone
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, another 350 support workers of the ukrainian armed forces control points were destroyed within 24 hours, this is only in the avdeevsky sector; in the khersonsky one, a warehouse with ammunition was set up. the exact hit was confirmed by drone footage. the crews of the t-72 tanks were located several kilometers from the enemy’s positions. ukrainian grenade launcher, he hides in cover immediately after the shot, but he is immediately overtaken by the bark. high-explosive bombs were dropped on militant positions on the southern donetsk sector of the front by supersonic su-34s. the crews hit all targets without entering the enemy air defense coverage area. these shots show the liquidation of another enemy artillery position. and this is the destruction of the nato electronic warfare complex. they hit him.
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artillerymen, they're all shot down in a bunch. under the cover of darkness , a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry was discovered on the zaporozhye sector of the front; the enemy unsuccessfully tried to carry out a rotation. shot! the militants' plans were thwarted by the crimean paratroopers, who struck from the d-30 gunship. this weapon is called the artillery sniper rifle. our self-propelled guns do not allow the enemy to relax. report by alexander katsuba 152 caliber shot hitting the enemy the acacia howitzer breaks up the advanced formations of ukrainian neo-nazis. at the firing line there is a self-propelled artillery battery of the group of forces in the center, the charge is full, aim to load, and report readiness. shot, the enemy is in
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close proximity, fortified strongholds of ukrainian armed forces militants are camouflaged in nearby forest belt, our reconnaissance drone points at the target, the bird hovers, examines these positions that our guys cannot pass, and we work on these positions so that it is easier for the guys to pass, the enemy’s defenses on this section of the front have been broken through, our attackers, what. ..
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our reconnaissance drones and kamika drones, so our self-propelled howitzer is hidden by a network like this, which completely repeats the landscape. a series of precise volleys does not leave the enemy a single chance, the enemy stronghold at the coordinates determined on the map that it was in the house, quickly calculated, handed over the target settings to the gun, the crew quickly coped with it, aimed, opened fire on command, with the first shot, the target was hit, another of our aeronautics is leaving for a combat mission,
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zaporozhye nuclear power plant today a ukrainian drone attacked again, and the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator was targeted. the drone was neutralized, there were no casualties. the authorities note that the ukrainian armed forces have been attacking gas station facilities for 2 weeks, creating a threat of nuclear security, and today’s attempts will provoke a disaster. russia respects china’s desire to contribute to the resolution of the conflict in ukraine, maria zakharova stated this. the meade official stressed that china's peace proposals are in tune with the russian vision of this issue. zakharova also called the behavior of the german
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authorities on the eve of the next anniversary of the liberation of prisoners of fascist concentration camps a provocative attack. our embassy in berlin received a notice that participation was undesirable. official representatives of russia in commemorative events on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the liberation of prisoners of the mentioned death factories. we believe that this is the destruction of historical memory and the truth about the second world war on the part of official berlin. in the orenburg region, the number of flooded houses has increased again and has already reached 1,500, despite the fact that the level of the ural river is decreasing. it is still above the dangerous level, people on boats are inspecting the streets to assess the scale of destruction, the police are at the same time catching looters, in orenburg it is already two suspects were detained for thefts from houses in the flood zone. here is the dam, it is being washed away. in the khabarovsk territory, a state of emergency was introduced in
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two settlements, where meltwater covered the dam, ice blocks were literally layered on top of each other. a lifeguard is on duty at the scene. in the tomsk region, ob ​​increased. another 20 cm in the flood zone, four settlements. in kurgan, the water has reached 977 cm, less than 30 cm remains from the historical maximum. look, ira, what happened to your house, my house is also already 30 centimeters deep, water is already in the house it's gone. the bathhouse is located by the window. road signs and stops were almost completely hidden, and dachas were hit the hardest. in one of the snt, a few hours ago, water began to break through the dam. an emergency team from rospotrebnadzor has strengthened control over the quality of drinking water. laboratories test dozens of samples every day for the presence of dangerous pathogens. in buryatia, all attention is focused on the selenga river, which has already flooded about 600 plots and houses. report
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by alena fomina. huge blocks of ice and water swept away everything in their path. powerful first the flow tore down fences in courtyards and then reached houses. counted. seconds, a stormy stream engulfed most of the village, throwing away the property acquired over the years, frightened people left their homes in a hurry, grabbed the child, ran out and she was already leaving, the water was knee-deep, i followed her out after 5 seconds, i wandered like this, well it’s all scary, gardens, sheds, flocks and houses went under the water, the onslaught of the elements slowed down only in the morning, residents are returning to their homes, sorting out what is under the piles of ice and rubble...
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the number of unified state examination points in new russian regions will be increased at the request of the students themselves. the head of rosobronadzor, anzor muzaev, reported this to mikhail mishustin: all educational institutions in donbass and navoros have already received temporary licenses and accreditation. schoolchildren can decide for themselves whether to take a regular final exam or a unified state exam; increasingly, the choice is made in favor of the unified state exam. this year,
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like peers from other regions, for the first time they will have the opportunity to retake one subject. in his message to the federal the president told the meeting that we need to reduce the excessive load on our students, and especially for schools, it must be reasonable, balanced, on the other hand... it is necessary , of course, to work out the possibility of retaking one when improving the unified state examination from exams to the end of the university admissions process. i would like to report that all questions related to the possibility of retaking one of the subjects have been answered. this year the children will take advantage of this opportunity, and universities will be able to take this into account the result, that is , the president’s instructions will be fully implemented this year.
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the patriotic marathon, music in the shops, established by the rutv tv channel and member of the board of directors of the russian media group yuri kiselyov, was hosted by omsk. alexander marshal performed his most recognizable songs in front of the staff of the transport engineering plant. the musician is known for her principled position; she has already performed in front of our soldiers on the front line more than once. i'll be there soon. there again with our guys, i’ll definitely say hello from you, but i already said that your greetings - these are your machines that successfully beat evil spirits, i consider it my duty to simply be where it is difficult, where people work tirelessly to win, well, this is my duty. on the eve of victory day, united russia is holding cleanup days across the country to improve memorial sites and military graves, in novorossiysk order on...
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the number of women in municipal service in russia is three times higher than the number of men. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko presented such data today at a meeting with the heads of municipalities. i travel a lot around the regions, well , there are many places, for example, poor, but clean, well-groomed, neat. and this is not always a matter of financial security. this is a matter of an attentive female gaze, where
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municipalities are headed by women, there should be beauty, grooming, this is the message, this is what will happen next in the program, the us congress proposed sending supporters of assistance to the kiev regime to serve in the isu, the eruption of the ruang volcano began in indonesia a fantastic blockbuster 100 years ago was released in wide release today, that's it details after the angels of the area from monday on rtr, titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and
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enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely. off rest is rest, we know about rest is all. anex.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday at the resort, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach! and azure waves. lio rizarts, we are here for you.
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the floor is shaking, the hay is shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without glee. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, look, let them in! to your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, how come my heir doesn’t play pranks on saturday, i’m not the one who’s dissatisfied, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest.
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we continue to issue this news. ukraine urgently needs to provide all the necessary military assistance, primarily air defense systems. with such statement by yourself. the leaders of the eu countries spoke in favor of the union. the example of the netherlands even noted that it has money to purchase patriot systems. the secnato agent called on europeans to sacrifice their own security for the sake of the kiev regime. however, everything has so far been limited to loud statements. the meeting participants did not make any specific decisions. report by anastasia popova. we
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are united, the head of the european council, charles michel, blurted out from the threshold before reaching the hall where the press conference is usually held. he appeared. and escalation of the conflict, emphasized from the masses, he came in an unusual gray for him, his antipode, the hungarian prime minister orban, who did not want to sponsor the war, like a black
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crow, was the last to sneak into his place behind the backs of his colleagues, all the leaders were received by the king of belgium, the decisions you made to support ukraine, strategic autonomy, defense, increased immigration will bring security, democracy and prosperity to even more citizens, along with democracy and... prosperity, germany is transferring another air defense complex to ukraine. germany, which has already supplied two patriot systems, decided to supply one more. this will directly help ukraine, but we want to encourage other countries to do the same. the head of the european parliament, roberto mezola, calls for the transfer of weapons. nato secretary general stoltenberg is also calling for this, convening an emergency meeting on friday to discuss the issue. the netherlands explains why it is necessary to invest in this project. the purpose of such large-scale support is to prevent russia from advancing in ukraine, because our values ​​are at stake, as well as our our own safety is our future.
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the vast majority of people in the european union understand this. true, polls show that blind support for a obviously losing position and further investments in the militarization of europe are met with less and less understanding among eu residents. therefore, they are frightened by the imaginary russian threat, which current european politicians are trying to counter. stand, they are frightened by the inevitability of something larger and large-scale, precisely on european territory, of course, through the fault of moscow, they are doing this in the expectation that europeans will not they will want to change horses midstream. this summit is the last before the summer elections, which will largely determine european politics for the next 5 years. anastasia popov, bernatsky, aleftina sorokina, news, brussels, belgium. german vice-chancellor habeck made an unexpected visit to kiev today, bilt reports. along with him, the head of the company producing the iristi air defense system arrived on the train. the publication indicates the cost of the complexes, which one after another are losing 140 million euros in isa. this is an impressive amount,
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and obviously does not bother the german leadership. this is despite the fact that the german economy is stagnating, and the imf has once again halved its growth forecast. the us congress proposed sending supporters of assistance to the kiev regime to the armed forces of ukraine. a corresponding amendment was made to the bill on allocation. in fact, a total ban on the use of the russian language on television, the language obbudsman kremi recalled about the upcoming changes. according to the norm, on june 17, broadcasting in
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ukrainian should be at least 90%. in russian it will be possible to use only stable expressions, short phrases or individual words, everything else will need to be translated. the kiev regime was forced to take such measures. in conditions of fair competition , there is no chance of ousting ukrainians outside of several western regions. which are still preferred by the majority of the population in everyday communication. another kindergarten opened today in mariupol, for a city destroyed by ukrainian militants - this is a real holiday. the building was restored by builders near moscow, playrooms, bedrooms, equipment, catering unit, now everything is new. during the next working trip, deputy prime minister marat khusnulin assessed the pace of the revival of mariupol. the dynamics are very good, if we talk about mariupol, then the city is showing its face, a lot has been done, but even more needs to be done, and it needs to be done in all directions, so that by the end of the year the main queue of those left without housing will also mostly close
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the question, enterprises need to be restored so that there are jobs, we are preparing for winter, we are restoring vital services, russian airlines flights have resumed from dubai, which suffered from record flooding, the storm front has moved to the neighboring emirate, and an entire area in charjah is flooded. in indonesia, the ruang volcano began to erupt; it is located on an island in the province of north sulawisya. the alarm level has been raised to maximum.
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of course, this is something new, some new facet, but it has always been in me. yura's make-up took 5-6 hours, it took two hours to warm up, all this on his feet, while yura took it quite calmly, cheerfully, and he is a fan of his business, the naokov shipyard, today the keel-laying ceremony of the lead sea
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tanker of a new project took place, the vessel is being built. in the interests of the ministry of defense, it will become the beginning of a whole series of tankers that will serve warships and submarines; the tanker will be able to operate year-round in any, even arctic, conditions. another excellent feature of the project is that only domestic materials and equipment are used. a new cargo ferry is being completed at the amur plant; it will become the fifth at the vanino holmes ferry, which connects sakhalin with the mainland and will be the first to build. the launch of the new vessel is scheduled for next year. report by sergei bondarenko. the name of the famous judoka, founder of samba sakhalinets has already been applied to the hull of the sea vessel. vasily oshchebkov has found its shape. the ferry will be built at the commissioning base of the amur plant in september 2021. all 544 parts are assembled on the main deck. 32 carriages can be accommodated here.
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work is carried out on the lower deck, where provided. for the transportation of twelve trucks. the ferry will be perfectly made, and for this, everything will be included perfect, everything will be fine, smooth, will work as expected. the ferry is 78% complete. in the near future, specialists will begin installing navigation consoles, portholes have already been ordered, they should arrive in june, by this time they plan to complete work on the ship’s hull, all the necessary equipment to complete construction is available at the plant. we found imports on russian imports. replacement, there are russian companies that responded and supplied all the necessary products. vasily oshchebkov will become the fifth steam at the vanena crossing, kholmsk is the second in the line of new modern vessels of the island fleet. the first alexander deev set out on the sea route in september last year. the twin brother of the ferry under construction on the vanina kholmsk line has been operating for six months. during this time , design flaws were identified. all suggestions and comments from the navigator are passed on to the shipbuilders so that in the early stages.
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to save vasily oshchepkov from childhood diseases of novelty. today, the vanina kholmsk crossing is in demand among cargo carriers and travelers, and despite the exit alexandra deeva, there is still a need for additional courts. stable sea connections between the island and the mainland are necessary for the development of the region. in the near future, plant specialists will begin the final stage of construction, work on the stern of the vessel. the new sakhalin ferry vasily oshchepkov is planned to be launched next year. sergey bondarenko. the federal part of the broadcast is completed, ahead of regional news in tomsk two local residents were detained for high treason, they are suspected of providing financial assistance to the armed forces of ukraine. and my colleague, diana parshikova, gets in touch directly. diana, hello, what punishment does the defendants in the criminal case face? hello
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irina. up to life imprisonment, according to the fsb , the suspects donated money to purchase military equipment that could be used against the russian army. the translations were controlled by ukrainian curators; they also corresponded in closed groups on social networks, gave instructions on how to act if law enforcement agencies had questions, offered to name this is help to the children of donbass, they invited them to move to them in case of danger. now two of these philanthropists, in quotation marks, have already been sent to a pre-trial detention center by court decision. operatives do not rule out that new defendants may appear in the case. diana, thank you, good news, but we are transported to idmurtia, where today we met children from the belgorod region live from izhevsk. elena lebedeva. elena, hello, how many people did you receive? hello.


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