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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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tricks on the “watch” media platform. substation. the first podcasts we watch. news on the russia channel. in the studio evgeniy roshkov. hello. the main thing for this hour.
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ukraine from hamers hit the very center of gorlovka. here is such a crater, literally the size of a man, now at the site of the impact. sighting at the hospital, blood transfusion station, many wounded, including a child. the command post of the ukrainian group north, ammunition depots and enemy fortifications were destroyed. new footage and data from the nwo zone.
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and also the surgical building and nephrology departments, we have just received a report from gorlovka by vitaly starushchenko. the agony of the militants continues. once again , the ukrainian armed forces targeted civilians in the central city district, flew into the territory of the local transfusion station, and such a crater, literally the size of a man, was now at the site of the impact, the windows were knocked out along with the frames, the walls were cut by shrapnel. according to preliminary data, shots were fired from. nwo khaymars was hit in the middle of
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the working day, the station employees had to cover the residents who came to donate blood today. after the first arrival, which took place at the central part of the transfusion station, everyone immediately jumped out into the corridor; at that moment we had donors, first of all they covered the donors, covered themselves with benches, so to speak, and waited out this terrible moment.
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the fsb, together with the ministry of internal affairs , detained a resident of st. petersburg who helped activate sim cards in the interests of ukrainian terrorist organizations. a large-scale raid to combat cybercrime took place in 40 regions in cooperation with territorial bodies of the ministry of internal affairs. searches were carried out at 177 addresses. criminal cases were initiated against 30 people and confiscated. 300,000 sim cards and more than 600 sim boxes, this is a card storage device. using such equipment, criminals illegally activated accounts of social networks, instant messengers, financial wallets and bank accounts, including for sabotage activities, as well as for spreading false terrorist threats. number of flooded flooding of houses in russia today has increased by 2,000 at once, almost 18,000 of them now.
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the main growth occurred in the kurgan and orenburg regions. in kurgan, the water has reached 977 cm, less than 30 cm remains from the historical maximum. a few hours ago , water began to break through the dam in the suburbs, and emergency crews are working on the spot. rospotrebnadzor has strengthened control over the quality of drinking water. more than one and a half thousand people were evacuated from dangerous areas of the tyumen region. the most difficult situation is in the kazan region. restricted traffic in side of kazakhstan. the level of the op river is rising again. this is + 20 cm in the tomsk region per day. yes, in four settlements already, the number of flooded houses in the samara region exceeded 200, it turned out that forests in the novokuibyshevsky district were in the flood zone, wild animals are fleeing the disaster zone, in orenburg and orsk the ministry of emergency situations today deployed mobile systems to inform
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the population about the flood. report by margarita semenyuk. the water level in the urals has decreased over the last 2 hours and is now 10 m 60 cm. gradually snt microdistricts populated areas are freed from the big water, people can return to their households to assess the damage, a new house, new renovations, everything here was like a fairy tale, now this is how children should live, i don’t know, it’s a lot of money, there’s a set there , the bedroom is all so broken, all the walls, you yourself know what it costs now, how much it costs, we continue to record the rho from the level of sakmara, now it is 882 cm. we can’t do anything from home, just yesterday everything was flooded in an hour, all the animals were taken out, and the private airport was completely flooded in sakmara kushkul, after the water subsides, specialists will carry out technical maintenance for flight safety, to eliminate the consequences of the flood, all services are working in an enhanced mode, in those territories that
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have already been freed from water, a damage assessment commission is now starting to work, 4200 have already been examined households, and specialists also pumped out 207 cubic meters. water in 67 areas of vorsk, areas are being disinfected, streets are being sanitized, vaccination against hepatitis a continues in vorsk, on instructions from the governor, 100 barrels of clean water were delivered water volume per 1.00 l. they were installed in all residential areas of the city. since the arrival of high water, the kumag water intake was flooded, as a result, almost half of the wells that worked in the mountains were lost. now the power engineers are working on site, the water utility is working. they do everything to launch smoothly. in total , over 15,500 residential buildings, multi-apartment and private, are now flooded in the region, but gradually people are returning to their homes and can move freely on the streets. cellars now flooded, the soil is very saturated with water,
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a ufa group is now working, pumping water from the sewers to free it up, because everything is supported, and accordingly it was possible to further remove the water, pump it out from the basements. dries, accordingly, and do an audit of the asu, power supply, so that the house can be returned to a full life faster, faster, faster. today alone , 327 applications for receiving financial assistance from affected residents, the money has already been credited. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. rossobrnadzor promptly worked on the issue of retaking the test. one unified state exam subject, so applicants will be able to take advantage of this opportunity this year, and universities will be able to immediately take into account the result obtained. the head of the department, anzor muzaev, told mikhail mishustin about this today. at the meeting there was talk about new regions, where all organizations, from kindergartens to
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universities, received a temporary license accreditation, and for high school students , the state exam will be replaced with a school final exam, but the number of people willing to take the unified state exam. in his address to the federal assembly , the president said that we need to reduce the excessive load on our students, and this is especially true for schools, it must be reasonable, balanced, on the other hand, it is necessary , of course, to work out the possibility of improving the unified state exam retake one of the exams before the end of admission. university companies, i would like to report that all issues related to the opportunity to retake one of the subjects have been completed, this year the students will take advantage of this opportunity, and universities will be able to take this result into account, that is
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, the president’s instructions will be fully implemented this year. the number of women in municipal service in russia is three times higher than the number of men. these are the data, chairman. but clean, well-groomed, neat, and this is not always a matter of financial security, it is a matter of an attentive female gaze, where municipalities are headed by women, there should be beauty and well-groomed conditions, as the speaker noted, now the whole country has united for victory, and many heads of municipalities are participating in collecting equipment and humanitarian aid.
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debates will now begin in new york on a resolution recommending the admission of palestine to the un. at the same time, the security council is divided. some countries insist that they have doubts about the criteria for membership, although israel was once accepted into the organization, turning a blind eye to a lot of nuances. well, now the west is trying not to notice what is happening in the gas sector. at night, idf attacked targets near a refugee camp east of rafah. according to preliminary data , at least three people, mostly children, were killed. against this background, the new york times writes that the air raid on the iranian consulate in damascus came as
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a surprise to the united states and angered the american government, as the situation got out of control. today , tigeran announced that he had found out the location of all nuclear facilities of the jewish state and was ready to strike at them at any moment. case of aggression from tel aviv. polish farmers today re -blocked several crossings on the border with ukraine. participants in the action note that the agreements with the government are not being implemented and no one has ever seen the promised resolution on subsidies, but prime minister tusk went even further and canceled sunday negotiations with farmers. the protesters promised that the warning action would last two days. the restrictions will not affect passenger transport yet; only one truck will be allowed through per hour. now in queues at the checkpoint there are already at least one and a half thousand trucks. a fantastic blockbuster 100 years ago, filmed with
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the participation of our channel, has been widely released today, the beloved universe of kira bulychev comes to life again on the big screen, and its most recognizable characters are alisa seleznyova, kolya gerasimov again saves our planet, the milky way and 13 more galaxies about space pirates, played by yuri borisov and alexander petrov. of course this is something new, something new. all this on feet, and yura to this he was quite calm, cheerful, and he is a fan of what he does, well, further in our issue, the command post of the ukrainian group north was destroyed, american congressmen were offered to be sent to the battlefield, and kiev continues to fight the russian language. we'll be back in a couple of minutes. angels of the area
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from monday on rtr. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exhilarating adventures incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshery collection bodrum. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely
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switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden
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beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice to congratulate you on your birthday, this is
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joseph, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman. the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos to shoot, what needs to be posted, well, maybe there’s no need anymore, valeria, the amazing song you created with maxim fodiev, for me it was a complete shock. find out the second, the very one when it hit you. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. provocation - this is treacherous behavior. there is a difference
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between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband. and my code, the most intelligent creature in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you think so? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform. let's see. substation: the first podcasts we watch. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rta. you look at the news, we continue: over the past 24 hours, russian troops
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have destroyed the command post of the armed forces of ukraine north, two launchers with ... targeting radar zrks-300 and several weapons fuel depots, the ministry of defense reports. at night, geranium attacked ukrainian military targets in the kiev, ivano-frankivsk and kharkov regions. in khmelnitskaya, the flight took place in the area of ​​a military air base, in the suburbs of starokonstantinov. according to sources, this airfield is being prepared to receive american f-16 fighter jets. well and during the day, a series of powerful explosions occurred in dnepropetrovsk. according to local media reports, the strike hit the industrial area... a column of smoke rises above the city. in the special operation zone, the russian military inflicted fire on three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled two counterattacks in the area of ​​the village of terny. our t-80 tanks can also see fire on enemy positions. the crews of the supersonic su-34 attacked
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the enemy stronghold and manpower in the southern donetsk direction. troop grouping center, the charge is full, aim, charge, and report readiness. shot, the enemy is in close proximity, the fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces militants are camouflaged in a neighboring forest belt, our
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reconnaissance drone points at the target, the bird hovers, sees these positions that our guys cannot pass, and we work on these positions to make it easier for the guys to pass there, the enemy’s defenses on this section of the front have been broken through, our advancing assault units need constant fire support, so our self-propelled howitzer is hidden by such a network, which completely repeats the landscape of the area, a series of precise volleys does not
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leave the enemy a single chance, the enemy’s stronghold, based on the coordinates on the map, determined that it was in a house, quickly calculated it, set the gun on the target, the crew quickly coped with it, aimed, and opened fire on command. the target was hit from the first shot. another of our aeronautics is leaving for a combat mission, the density of artillery fire is maximum. a strike on the enemy corrects the calculation of the supercam uav. we interact directly with artillery crews, that is, we have curators, we give a target, they find us a weapon, we already interact with this weapon, give adjustments, and hit the targets. we are observing two units.
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any congressman who votes for aid to ukraine on saturday is obliged to join the armed forces of ukraine. this amendment to speaker of the house johnson's bill was introduced today by republican margery taylor greene. so president biden went the beaten path and, in an article for the wall street journal, called for approval of the financial request, but with a reservation. the owner of the white house admitted that of the total amount of almost 61 billion dollars, kiev will get less than half, and that on credit. in particular, most of the funds will end up in the states and support the american military industry. washington plans to replenish its own warehouses by purchasing patriot systems in arizona and jevilin anti-tank systems. labame, shells in pennsylvania, ohio and texas. in other words, if approved, the armed forces of ukraine will receive outdated samples with an expiration date. and in
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the budget document there will be new wording about operations in the ukrainian region, which clearly indicates direct us involvement in the conflict. today , berlin was reminded of his direct participation by the german vice-chancellor habeck, who unexpectedly visited kiev. together with him on the special train. the head of the company that produces the irist air defense system arrived and announced the transfer of another complex in the next few weeks, at a cost of 140 million euros, the ukrainian armed forces are losing them on an ongoing basis. another example of the destruction of a radar station and launcher, our means of objective control recorded in last sunday. and these senseless expenses do not seem to bother the german leadership. given that the german economy is stagnating a. once again halved the growth forecast. against this background , european countries are trying to agree on who exactly will pay for supplies to the kiev regime. before the second day of the informal
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summit, eu leaders announced the need to provide ukraine with air defense systems, but have not yet made any decisions. kiev itself is strengthening its russophobic policies. after 3 months in ukraine, the russian language is practically will completely disappear from the airwaves. local tv channels, details were reported today by the language obbudsman kremen. according to him, after july 17, it will be possible to use russian on air only in the form of fixed expressions, short phrases, or individual words. in the meantime, including in russian on television, they are discussing another scandalous initiative, namely the exclusion by the ministry of culture from the register of monuments of the people's friendship arch in kiev. now there is a monument marking reunification. they are going to dismantle it from russia. and in ukraine, after the adoption the law on tightening mobilization began a large-scale search for draft dodgers.
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there are simply raids on city streets. military commissars, people in camouflage move in groups, and if potential recruits resist , they use force. some manage to escape; this chase was filmed by drivers on one of the highways, but escaping from the shopping center is becoming increasingly difficult. in kiev alone, the police received 5,000 requests to find cloners. according to the new law, fathers with many children can also be sent to the front if they are late in paying child support for one of their children. according to ukrainian estimates ministry of justice for... russian skvarets drones were presented at the airborne forces innovation day exhibition in ryazan. compact drones were developed by the center for unmanned systems and technologies, created with the support of the united russia party and the our truth foundation. skvarts' flight range is up to 20 km, it is resistant to interference and is capable of performing tasks in any weather. this one and others.
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samples will be sent to the special operations zone for testing. our team today will get acquainted with samples of the presented equipment and perhaps also through our humanitarian mission, the mission of united russia, to help our units in the special military operation zone, we will ensure the procurement and supply of these promising models to the front. appeal from the federation council on western interference in the electoral process in russia. today the commission of the upper house of parliament on the protection of state sovereignty discussed it, its participants gave specific examples of such interference and drew attention to the fact that the terrorist attack in crocus city hall occurred the day after the results of the presidential election were summed up. this monstrous terrorist act took place in the moscow region and those who made it understood our political calendar perfectly, even in
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unfriendly countries we must do it. everything in order to convey to their public our positions, our views, our arguments, and in each of these parliaments of unfriendly countries there are still people, they remain, who really want to understand what is really happening. another kindergarten was opened today in mariupol, for a city destroyed by ukrainian militants - this is a real holiday, the building was restored by residents of the moscow region builders, playrooms, bedrooms, equipment.
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heavy rains hit yemen, 15 provinces of the country are under attack at once, road traffic there is completely paralyzed, stormy streams rush through city streets, sweeping away everything in their path, the first victims of floods are reported. immediately after the big news, today don’t miss the final, final episode of the film alla taxi, well, all the news can always be found on the media platform, we watch the media platform, but the news continues to follow the development of events, stay with us!


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