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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

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reserves by purchasing weapons from american suppliers. patriots from arizona, jewellins from alabama and artillery shells made in ohio, texas and pennsylvania. these days, biden was frightening voters in his native pennsylvania with unknown pages from the history of his family. my uncle ambrose flew single-engine planes over war zones. he was shot down in new guinea, but his body was never found.
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they promise to sit until the last minute, perhaps until late at night; starting monday, congressmen again go on a week-long vacation, however now congressional democrats in the white house fear that speaker johnson's bill-splitting stunt may be just a cunning republican ploy. having voted for assistance to israel and taiwan, they may fail to finance ukraine, which means that going in circles with the allocation of money to kiev may continue for an indefinite time. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. dramatic footage from indonesia in the province of north suloves , the ruang volcano woke up 20 years later. he threw out a column of smoke to a height of several hundreds of meters, and then began to erupt lava flows. the alert level on the island has been raised to maximum and 11,000 people have been urgently evacuated. a threat has been issued due to the risk of explosion. tsunami, experts do not rule out that
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the height of the waves could reach 25 m, as was the case during the eruption of ruanga a century and a half ago. young american lunna fener, who 3 years ago was successfully operated on by krasnodar doctors to remove a huge birthmark on her face, returned today with her mother to russia. now in one of the st. petersburg clinics the child will undergo aesthetic surgery to remove the remaining scars. there is a long rehabilitation ahead. but it is already clear that the moon was saved from a dangerous formation on the skin. about why american doctors were unable to. in the report by ekaterina fisenko. bundled up in an un-florida style, the fener family unloads from the taxi and immediately dives into the bowels of the clinic. baby luna, the same famous girl with the batman mask, now looks completely different, before new meetings with doctors, she is a little nervous. she was worried that right now they would put her in hospital for surgery. but i said no,
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she calmed down, with a luxurious hairstyle almost without traces of that huge nevus mole, thanks to which she received the nickname of the girl with the batman mask, luna sits down to draw, as if this is the purpose of her new visit to russia. here in russia, luna has already undergone treatment, she underwent six operations to remove the nevus, in america, for exorbitant money, they promised to remove the spot in 80 operations. even the baby’s body could not withstand this. acrobatic stunts lunapol.
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in the nineteenth year, a very small moon with with a huge black butterfly on her face, she came to russia for the first time. krasnodar doctor pavel popov undertook to rid her of the stain. the operations lasted for 2 years, this american one. such that the scars will almost not be visible until constant examinations, and tomorrow the first operation, luna had a very large area of ​​nevus, now she has a large area of ​​scars, but in the peripheral parts of the face, thank god, there is healthy, beautiful, smooth skin , it is under this skin that we will implant. the new method is not exclusive, but it gives excellent result: tomorrow silicone expanders will be placed under the girl’s skin, for a month and a half they will be filled with saline and stretch the healthy skin, then the expander is removed, and the resulting large flap of skin will replace
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the damaged one. the womb has a healthy area of ​​skin on the forehead, in the frontal region, and we will use it. the remaining scars will be subject to resurfacing as well. we are moving from the federal part of the news to the regional one, my colleagues in our branches are at these seconds preparing to go on air with the main news. their regions, now we have the opportunity to find out what news viewers outside the moscow metropolis will see. state television and radio broadcasting company pomore is in touch with us, where alexey shimyakin is broadcasting today. the rescue operation has ended in the nenets okrug. alexey, hello, tell us in more detail what happened. good evening, ernest, yes,
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four oil field employees came to rescue. they drove a car from one field to another and got into a snowstorm . contact with the group was lost. searches on our own did not yield any results, information we were promptly transferred to the search and rescue service of the district, a helicopter flew out to help the rescuer, an hour later they found the car in the tundra in which we were victims, according to the oil workers , the suv was carried into the suv, they spent 24 hours, now they were examined by doctors, everyone is feeling well. alexey, thank you, we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast, we will have time to connect the volgograd state television and radio broadcasting company. already in the studio in volgograd, the homeland of alexandra pakhmutova, an exhibition dedicated to the composer’s ninety-fifth birthday has opened. andrey, good evening, have you already seen this exhibition? yes, ernest, hello, this is not just an exposition, but a life story.
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alexandra nikolaevna herself took a personal part in the implementation of the museum project. in total , the people's artist of the ussr donated about 3,000 personal items to her fellow countrymen. instruments, photographs, letters, scores, delivery. a piano was delivered to the moscow region, behind which the author of songs known throughout the country accompanied soviet pop stars during rehearsals. and the pearl of the exhibition is the balalaika, with which she performed in her youth hospitals in front of the wounded defenders of stalingrad. already in may, alexandra pakhmutova will give an anniversary concert in volgograd. this event will be broadcast on vgtrk. andrey, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. the ministry of emergency situations issued an emergency warning for residents of the capital due to heavy rain and winds of up to 25 m/s. the peak
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of the bad weather will be tomorrow, but the rain has already started. utility services went on high alert, and restaurateurs closed their summer terraces. about how moscow. getting ready to the test of the storm, alexey karev. the rain has already covered the moscow region and this is just the beginning of the capital. you are about to find yourself at the mercy of a powerful storm. in one day , almost half of a month's normal precipitation can fall on the city, so the umbrella is man's best friend in the next 24 hours. the capital's authorities recommended that cafes and restaurants close their summer verandas during bad weather, but not everyone listened. we haven't heard about this yet. did not hear? take it anyway, we try. bad weather collapse shackles the capital, evening traffic jams reached seven points. the data center urges drivers to be extremely careful, keep their distance and not park cars under trees. be careful, avoid sudden maneuvers, maintain distance and speed limits, and use
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public transport if possible. emergency services sent out an sms message to muscovites about storm winds, showers and thunderstorms; residents are asked not to take shelter under trees and shaky structures. the peak of bad weather will be tomorrow, wine. everything is a southern cyclone, which will bring with it an extreme amount precipitation. the hydromedical center predicts heavy rain and strong winds with gusts of up to 25 m/s. on the butfort scale this is 9 points out of twelve possible. such a fast cyclone passes through the west of the moscow region, with a wind of 17-20 m/s in moscow, this is always a warning, because with such winds it is possible that trees that are old may fall, moscow airports are still operating normally, emergency services have been transferred to enhanced regime, hundreds of utility crews and the same number of pieces of equipment are on duty on the streets, city services we are ready to quickly go to flooded areas. today the stop is normal, in which case we provide immediate assistance. authorities urge people
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to stay home if possible. orange, the penultimate level of weather danger will remain in the capital until tomorrow night. good weather, according to weather forecasters, should only be expected on weekends. alexey karev, ivelina kornaeva, maxim gavrilets, anatoly ignatov, pavel letnikov, news. the moscow government and the electorate today signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence. plans for joint work on the implementation of neural networks in the field of healthcare, education and social development, about what technologies residents of the capital will soon be able to use, about what it projects have already been implemented, marina gromova. teachers here, in the role of students, learn not from someone else, but from each other, an equal system by which teachers of it specialties improve their qualifications. we met for the first time 2 days ago, we are of different ages and... we really, let’s say, broke ourselves, we communicate well and achieve until the evening, in
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a program that lasts 3 days, the transition to artificial intelligence, neural networks, which many turn to more for entertainment, can and should be used at a professional level, for me, as a teacher, analysis of curricula is very important and work programs, comparing them with other work programs, developing new ones, analyzing them, this is morocco, i agree, initially it was yes. but now summarization and decomposition are literally in two clicks, training takes place on campus school 21 of the sberbank project, specialists in the field of information technology have been trained here for several years, today sergei sobyanin and german gref signed an agreement on further cooperation, this year 200 teachers from capital colleges will undergo retraining, digitalization is in the areas of education, school education, healthcare, transport , housing and communal services, across entire segments... moscow is a world leader, a large number of projects that we promote together, they really
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are obtained at a high, really high world level, technologies will advance , develop, move forward, but our task is to help people live in comfort with these technologies, with new knowledge teachers will return to students, future specialists, the demand for personnel is high, they are being developed together with employers educational programs, and... the college receives a large amount of equipment for the work of our students. at the service of the city, artificial intelligence works in education, medicine, clinics, for example, patients can indicate health complaints in the chat even before coming to the doctor, and already at the appointment the program will tell the specialist what to pay attention to. the time that was previously spent typing everything is, firstly, reduced, and secondly, you already have a rough idea in which section to conduct a diagnostic search. the final decision is always up to the doctor, but this is a great help. radiologists from clinics have long since
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moved to the center for diagnostics and telemedicine; x-rays from all over moscow are sent here for analysis and processing. and here smart modules come to the rescue; the program focuses attention on what is necessary and takes over the routine. in this study, i completely agree with the artificial intelligence that it showed what it revealed, and i can calmly write my description. cooperation of the city with it companies. will continue both in personnel training and in the creation of new technologies. now, for example, work is underway on a model that, based on big data, will determine the risks of heart attacks and strokes. marina grumova, evgeny oreshnikov, pavel letnikov, yulia kozhurova and victoria makarova, conduct. today at moscow state university we met a delegation from china led by the minister of education of the republic, huait jinpeng. we discussed programs for joint training of qualified personnel for research work. in the assembly hall, viktor sadovniche and the rectors of the presenters.
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now that moscow and beijing universities are interacting together, they are able to train a large number of specialists to promote such areas as fundamental science, applied science and other areas of research. now , briefly about other events: a multimedia exhibition behind the tape, dedicated to the northern military district, will open tomorrow at the state historical museum on red square. this is the first military art project of this scale in russia.


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