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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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he’s nowhere at all without me, wow, listen, this, thank you, for what, for my mother, such a thing would never have occurred to me, oh well, but you warned ivan, of course, we, you know, just not quite we had time to prepare, maybe a little dirty, dirty, yeah, and one eye doesn’t work, the eye doesn’t work, yeah, well. meet my friend, breadwinner, ivan petrovich, handsome, seryozh, where are we going, to voronezh, why, let’s find working sachs, apply, and if we don’t find a job... sachs, we’ll go to moscow, and
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if we get to , even a little, even a carcass, but we will submit an application to zacks today. no, i forbid you to talk on the phone until we submit an application to the legislative office. semenych, today there is no alla for anyone but me, until we submit an application to the legislative office, i understand, listen, oh, what a good fellow, serdyuga, don’t make a mistake, i heard in voronezh, the legislative officer led, well done, well done, and give us ours, come on, call me quietly by name, give me spring water, give me a drink, but is the boundless heart called? unspeakable,
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stupid, tender, sleepless twilight rises again, the window panes are darkened again, so the lilacs and currants nod, call me, quiet homeland, call me, at sunset, call me, overcome the sadness. my call me, call me, at the end of the day, call me, sad burden, call me, you know our date will come true, parting with you has dragged on, the blue moon is hiding outside the city, not grieving.
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call me at sunset, call me, my sadness, call me, call me at sunset, call me, my sadness, call me! call me quietly by name,
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give me spring water, give me a drink, i know it will come true our date, i'll be back, i'll keep my promise, ta and gorva, i'm painting my nails, i have every right, on monday, headman! yes, but you are like a cucumber with us, you know, i married you, but you are with us, hello, hello, whatever, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers, angels of the area, look at prt on monday, kalinon belek - a place where... time stands still,
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immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, protected by the mediterranean sea, discover the true. excellence, making dreams come true, kalinon hotel belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection.
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vladimir putin in video conference mode. held a working meeting with the governor of the urman region, andrei chibes, discussed issues of socio-economic development of the region, the head of the region has already returned to work after a recent assassination attempt. andrey vladimirovich, good afternoon. good afternoon vladimirovich, how are you feeling? thank you very much, i’m recovering, but already at my workplace in work mode. how are you? thank you very much for the meeting, i would like to report the results of five years of work, i conveyed the presentation, if it might be convenient to watch it, it’s there, well, the first such key result for all of us within the framework
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of our plan to live in the north is, of course, what we managed to achieve last year for the first time in the past 33 years. migration increase, i recently visited andrey, it so happens that i’ve known him for many, many years, well, that’s the beauty of it, when it’s absolutely true, yes, he’s absolutely good, well, he’s a very good man, this is an assassination attempt, just after he returned to work by the way, he has an amazing team, but also the places are amazing, the places are simply amazing. god grant that everything goes well, and of course, there is an investigation going on, they immediately seized this citizen, well, these are young governors, that is , professional, smart, at the same time with
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a lot of experience, who calmly and competently do their job, this is the answer to the question, what is modern russia, what is modern russia about? it was absolutely amazing how the head of sakha yakutia, asn nikolaev, visited me, and well, this is a very rich region, the largest in the world in terms of production diamonds, how much they make for the front, how much they do for restoration, well , it’s just amazing, besides, well, the yakuts in the broad sense, that is, not only the yakuts, but also the residents of yakutia, the yakuts. there, in my opinion , they already have six or seven heroes of russia, here is the famous tank alyosha, these are just the guys from there, but they are amazing snipers, there was a 100 m tiger shooting competition, that is, men come with their fashionable solos, local residents of
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the tiger, barnaul cartridge, which means he hits the target, wins first place, he is told but how are you anyway, where were you going, he speaks to the center. that is, where he aimed, he ended up there, of course, when you look, this is our country, and aisen nikolaevich in particular is also amazing, he was born in st. petersburg, studied at a completely unique school in yakutia with two national teachers, then graduated from fisvak moscow state university, oh, ours and yes, yes, yes, and many, many different levels, now in our homeland. moreover , one of the few regions of ours where the demographics are positive, one of the first regions where they took up the patriotic theme very seriously, he says, there’s no way i could understand, i suggested singing the anthem in schools, well , it just flew off, they began to analyze
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where it was flying from, it turned out that the majority of russians shouting that they were against it turned out to actually be from ukraine and not russians at all, but this is our country, we understand about ourselves , what is happening there... behind the big puddle, as the supreme commander-in-chief defined it, is of course simply amazing, they again say that they are exceptional, but they say it like that. i get the feeling that, well, stick on a mustache or something, well, well it’s impossible, well, it’s simply impossible, well, it’s impossible like that, well, you’re not wiping tables in a big mac, waiting for it to turn into a tasty spot, you supposedly studied something somewhere, did something, but here when quickly like this, who did this in the air like this, johnson, who did not vote,
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will close it herself, they have a valve, they are closing the baltic sea, when they close the baltic sea, russia, they will win immediately, and the man says this in all seriousness, not enough this, judging by its age, is probably somewhere else studied, maybe even found one of our higher educational institutions, well, who is this madman, the main thing is how he sees all this, he says now, they showed me the plans, there is not a single blue arrow of our invasion.
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already in the far north, norway reports on the militarization of the arctic. this must be understood; they are really preparing for war. they are rewriting history. there is a demonization of russia and everything that has to do with us and our culture. berlin officially informed us that the participation of russian representatives was undesirable in commemorative events on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of nazi prisoners.
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grandfather decided that cannibals ate his uncle, they ate his uncle, he said this twice in a row. ambrose finnigan, we called him uncle bowsie, he got shot down, he was in the army air corps before there was an air force. he was on a reconnaissance flight in a single-engine aircraft over new guinea. he
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volunteered because someone couldn't make the flight. he was shot down in the area. where there were many cannibals in new guinea at that time, the body was never found, but the government came back when it was there, checked, found parts of the plane and the like. when d-day came, on sunday the next day, my mother's four brothers went to the recruiting station joined the army, each of them signed up as a volunteer, and my uncle ambrose, they called bouzia, called bouzia. my uncle bosie was a damn good athlete, when he was a kid he was in the army air corps, before there was an air force, he flew those single engine planes as a scout over war zones, he was shot down in new guinea, and his body was never found, because
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there were really a lot of cannibals in that part of new guinea, and then my son volunteered for a year in iraq. no, i won't do that because they are all suckers and losers. i didn't make this up. his staff who were with him confirm this today. suckers and losers. this man does not deserve to be my son's commander in chief. cannibal, then this is generally a failure. no, well, just, well, well,
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you have doubts that a person can start world war?
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you know, this is really a problem, but the trick is this: i remember some of these lighters, well, around the beginning of the 2000s, they said, of course , they were younger, fresher, but these people could sit through two to three conferences hours, without saying a word, then speaking with one example i have...
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these are absolutely controllable hysterics, but at some point this hysteria begins to be uncontrollable, well, because well, there was nothing more bureaucratic than josephanet biden, who was sitting in his senate, sat and sat, well, there was a little bit of war in yugoslavia. well, he sawed here, sawed here, but he was always alone, despite the whole war with yugoslavia and with all the fact that he wished us a strategic partnership with china and iran, for which i personally thank him very much, yes, but it was absolutely, well, not kakevich, yes, here, you know, such incendiary things begin to happen to him, apparently there really is something in the political atmosphere of the west, how...
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they interacted with him, this is kennedy pope, who sympathized with hitler very actively joseph kennedy, who in fact was the main contact between the american oligarchy of the east coast aristocracy and the german, what is called such semi-respectable nazi circles, there was, in general, quite such a serious mess, but the fact remains a fact.
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russian threat, this article begins very wonderfully about the need to build defensive line bunkers in the baltic states, estonia and so on, i would like to ask, these are the people for many years we laughed at the wonderful, well , such a joker, i would say, geopolitical invert hoxha in albania, who stuck 3000 bunkers on his territory.
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wrote that this is precisely why this soviet union must be quickly destroyed, because it will destroy capitalism, but it seems to me that we see these delights in approximately the same way, especially since you know, i read here, probably other people they’ll tell you more about this, but i read in the magazine american communist, our
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favorite magazine with dmitry alevich, development of russia, well, as they say, so as not to delay, i will say, in all five scenarios, we died, well, or we die, but in the end it turns out that we are not dying, we must be fought, because in reality, in in reality, we can win now and we will spoil everyone, and everywhere, but in general
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we are dying, don’t you think that the main thing...
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europe, well, it is very different, say, in our own country, including about our military history, they are precisely convinced that we always lose, this is theirs, that is, they they believe that... we won during the second world war, but we didn’t win, but they won, because they gave us weapons that we can only throw bodies at, that we don’t have any military genius, we never had, i’m just saying why, they just see us as always losing, i agree and disagree, they really see us as always losing, often losing the war, but almost always losing the peace. but
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if you look at what they write about us in dynamics, yes, at the very bottom, yes the same kotkin, but this is a worm of doubt. there is a chance that these russians can win now, i agree with this, but we just feel like a victorious people, but they don’t see us like that, there’s a worm gnawing, well, depending on who they are, they ’re still not here, well, we’re talking about the political elite, we’re talking about the current political elite, which saw that they received medals for victory in the cold war, oh yes afghanistan, they think they beat us to the punch, they... think that they are doing well, we are lost here republic, there is a republic, they left from there, they left from here, they will strike from here, they see the world completely differently, they think that now is just some kind of random outburst, let it
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be, but let them think that the longer the better, that good, of course, that’s good, but before they didn’t even see a flash, well, maybe, please, well, unfortunately, i really have to agree that... these people, if you can call them that, are capable of plunging the world really into a big war, and moreover, based on a number of signs, most likely the political decision has already been made on this matter, well, literally, when the 2nd year of the svo, on february 24, appeared in the economist magazine, a large article appeared on the situation and there the scenario was clearly described, how to fight, what needs to be done, who will fight, and so on. just recently in april, former ex-adviser of reagon lutvak also burst out
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with an article, and there they started to understand concrete things, that america cannot send more than 40 thousand of its contingent in europe here, that is , some concrete things are already going on. discussion, here's for in order to understand why this is and what is happening and how it will develop further, we need to look a little at the beginning of the 20th century, in fact, the first globalist project, the first world war to destroy four empires, that is, the german empire, the russian empire, austria-hungary and the ottoman empire, then the league of nations as an instrument of centralized control, purely. project architect of the united states of america, suddenly there is a system failure, there is a revolution in russia, a civil war that brings out from under this project from the league of nations there from this, where , of course, the soviet union, soviet russia did not
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go, and yes, the united states of america, therefore, also did not enter the league of nations. this means that there is a systemic failure, and the russian empire, well like the soviet union, is being revived almost within those borders. it’s not like that, the system is different, but this state is powerful, it is being reborn, the second one means that in this situation in this situation, preparations for a new world war, it means that this is a very interesting memory, this is not a memory, but there was a book by yuri ivanovich drozdov, well, the legend of our illegal, soviet illegal intelligence, who wrote that the war, preparation for the second world war, began in 1929 and...
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so we still understand that the united states of america, and most likely those globalist circles , who stand behind them, they stood there, you just said it yourself, ford. and not only ford, standard oil was supplied, they armed hitler, they started working before hitler, then hitler, well, here, too, there is a systemic failure, in this second globalist project, russia, the soviet union, despite paying a heavy price, but it survived, stood against such a powerful war, when a small advertisement fought against it, then continue, i just don’t want to offend anyone. but in general, the globalist project was then a red project, which did
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not give a damn about anyone and which dmitry brilliantly analyzed over a significant period of time, when we talk about the fact that the second world war was conceived in the year twenty-nine, then here i would rather lean here to the same theory that dmitry often talks about, that in fact we have one continuous war that has been going on for decades, moving from region to region, he is solving the same problems. process, if these vibrations coincide, they
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can strengthen the course of history, but not stop it, but even more so i know that i imagined america at that time, to assume that there were thinkers of such a level there, well, especially to see hitler then , who at that time was nobody at all and had no name, stalin was seen as hitler then i wasn’t, i don’t want to remind you what it was then.
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maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look, what a beauty, what a woman, where others give up, they have it. the wings are melting, that means so, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from monday on rtr, somewhere everywhere caught, either at a gas station, or in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone at all, beg, humiliate yourself and hold out your hands, they will have
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to reckon with us, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique. volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, you are a psychiatrist in the recent past , a famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary policeman psychologist, you killed me, why did you
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provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you.
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intervention, and we didn’t know how to do it, which it turns out, the americans quietly and carefully twisted the way they wanted, they ruined our country, now they’ll ruin us again, i’ll continue, so, our country survived then, our country will survive now, our country managed
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to revive, again a failure occurred after the collapse of the soviet union, the united states of america did not expect that the munich... would be our president, not they expected and did a lot so that putin would not return to power, remember biden’s visit here in 2011, when he met at the american embassy with all the opposition, which was non-systemic, yes, that putin should go into this project, remember this one is everywhere here it hung, but they didn’t expect it, they didn’t expect it , they slept through china in the sense that they needed to invest their money profitably. carried out the industrialization of china, and china received not only economic development, but also today a powerful geopolitical influence. this again another system gathering, a failure, how to get out of it, of course, through a new new war, and therefore, unfortunately, we see how events are developing, they are heading towards this big war. the question is, i,
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for example, don’t think that this will happen this minute. i understand that basically the bet has been placed on the fact that... we have survived a lot of our own in all these battles against us. now look, of course, to do this we need to first strengthen the military potential of france and germany.
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acted in our decision-making centers for many years, today they are not in the country, well , thirdly, the most important thing, after all, be that as it may, but, but there are already other centers of power with which we have definite relations today, allied ones, you understand , they say, well, china, yes, of course, chinese business is significantly connected with american business circles, but china’s leadership cannot fail to understand that if...
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russia survives. why? for many reasons. well, first, most importantly, we historically have the ability, like the phoenix bird, to be reborn. our civilization, our people, our nation. first of all. second, we have very talented people. no matter how they say now that we have technology there, it’s not true. look how young they are. our guys, our mates.
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every time we all have the right to our point of view, i welcome it, but just every time we say that we have very talented young people, in india, in china, in america, in britain, in france, in germany, they are mediocre, that is why these countries have achieved what they have achieved, when we talk about the olympics, here you have to be very accurate, of course, we still win at mathematics olympiads, we take gold medals, but not all of them, much more. politely speaking, representatives of china and india take medals there, and if we talk about our talented youth, then what percentage of our
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talented youth at some point in time from the same fistechs and so on went abroad, now, if you look, for example, in the same america, there are so many talented young people from china, from india, so i would like to note that we have population growth in much comes thanks to foreign policy, when we see how our compatriots, whom evil fate left there, come... from traditional russian lands and become russian citizens again, but for now , demographically, we are in a very difficult situation, it would certainly be great for us to win , but there are 150 million of us, always saying, china is 1.5 billion, they don’t think that they will be next, they saw how we once left them, they saw how our country politely carefully said: “which way are you going socialist, goodbye, so we’re behind you, and now we’re in the wrong direction”?
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that’s it, now regarding, well, the justification of the reptilians, we should actually, well , sort of memorize, and dogmatically, that the first person to substantiate the concept of controlled history was karl marx, and marxism is actually about this, its second most important postulate of marxism, except that... man has become above history, he has learned its laws, and that means he can now control it, everything else can be put aside, so to speak, inside this box, but a fundamental statement, which, by the way, determined all subsequent globalism was in this, by the way, nitsche, in parallel with him, said, well, in order for a person to control history, as marx
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correctly said, he must become a superman. and free yourself from god, that ’s when this american speaker comes out and says: we are the greatest exceptional ones, he says: we are superhumans who control history, based on one thing after another, well, what was the first globalist project, i’ll tell you, directly announced, this is world communism, that's how the ghost went, no well, volodya, i’m talking about modern history, wait, let’s not talk about the bible now, i’m talking about modern history, wait, well, it’s possible, as you said, you know, everything was and will be and so on, yes, i said, and the name i’m an ecclesiastes student, but you quote this all the time, but i swear to god, volodya, your program won’t be enough, if we go there, i, well, or we
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’ll have to do a cycle of study.
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yes, where does all this come from, this is the first in terms of the philosophical justification of everything that is happening, the second is the historical justification about the war, there were internecine wars in europe, in europe, then the colonial wars began, and the first world war was the first open war for world domination.
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which of the european supermen will rule the whole world, they didn’t tell us that we were not europeans, but it was our turn, it came right after. despite all the horror of the country of collapse, this certainly should not have been allowed, but we need to understand that what we abandoned as a people, in fact, we abandoned the idea of ​​world hegemony through communism and we, i
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think, abandoned the idea of ​​a planned history, because we have it all on ourselves lived, well , there was no need to sacrifice the country for the sake of this refusal, of course, “the anglos, for him it was a strong blow, much stronger than hitler’s attack, because the whole concept, so to speak, that stood behind it, it was
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problematized, the beginning of a new war, dumb, because stalin didn’t know hitler personally, he wasn’t there personally, but these were right, which made him especially feel this human personal feeling, he understood that if these two were why.” historical processes personality are connected, well, firstly, i think that roosevelt was killed because i think so, it’s not mine, well, why am i saying this, dim, i said, i think, i don’t know, but because stalin didn’t expect it, for him it was, so what didn’t expect it, he was preparing vice president wallis for him, how did he not expect it, everyone knew that he was dying, wait, well, everyone knew.
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molotov repeated volis when he traveled through the far east, that is , it was clear that there was one president, relatively speaking, who was our candidate, who , as it were, remained not so much ours, but simply allied, faithful to the allied duty, second, here is truman, as if that yes, that one is already.
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they will start a war and start it before everything collapses for them, well, we’ll see, because they cannot allow, cannot allow a superman’s fly
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to come unzipped, you know? they can’t, yes, before they collapse, they will start a war, by the way, everything looks very beautiful, you know, i liked today’s one, i’ll end it here, this is from global to local, just a point... local, it turns out , you know, such an exchange is cool happened, uh, well, i talked, america talked to israel, and we agreed, we have a deal, storm rafah, but iran just a little bit, they won’t, but just a little bit, no, america won, america won , we exchanged the assault on rafah for destruction, yes, for the fact that israel will not attack iran, but i think that this is wonderful, yes, because, no, firstly, colonial, and secondly, absolutely, well, this... . this is a racist-globalist one, and
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thirdly, this is a step towards unleashing a real war, this is what it is, and how. it would be inconvenient for the americans to allow an assault, an assault on rafah, but now it’s easy, oh well, to hell with it, the main thing is that there will be nothing with saran, we are for peace, but the assault on rafah, everything that happens around gaza will be the fetel that is further along. ..
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assigned to oversee the nuclear project implemented by comrade kurchatov with a group of outstanding scientists and engineers, otherwise they would have been cut in half, they would have gobbled us up and looked at us with the same interest as everyone else, look, they say something else, so thanks to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who, with their heroic work at the factories, created such a powerful nuclear shield that 30 years, how many years there, well, since... brezhny, well, modern kušnykhs are similar to the advent of new missiles. and it all held out, this shield held out, despite how they didn’t try to climb, how they didn’t try to destroy, so it saved us, i absolutely agree, we generally should be grateful to the ussr for the rest of our lives, for the fact that it created the defense industry and nuclear. and if
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it weren’t for them, then our parents did all this, of course, well, i can imagine what would happen to us if it were now, we would simply have been ground into powder a long time ago, so as they say, well, unfortunately, this element of taswiitism, it continues to be in our education, everywhere, everywhere, this, this is what we need to do with this to put an end to it forever, since it generally confuses the brain,
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he says, it is necessary, i also noticed, i have already said, here is the terminology, well, it is important today, this is information time, the only one who speaks directly and clearly about the nazi regime is vladimirovich solovyov , i hear all the time, nationalists, nationalists, ukrainian nationalists, listen, well, you don’t have to wage war with nationalists, but nationalism - you know, it exists in all countries, it’s not a good thing. that is, i think this is different from patriotism in my opinion, but by the way, many ordinary people do not understand this, for them nationalism, patriotism is something united, they have a mess in their heads.
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the communist party was banned, banned, as they say, zelensky’s dictatorship, russians are persecuted, persecuted, the russian language is persecuted, russian culture is persecuted, well, all the signs fascism, as the famous anti-fascist,
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georgiy dimitrov, said, remember this, he says what fascism is, it is a terrorist dictatorship in the interests of the largest capital, which does not coincide here. somehow not very, this, you know, this, this is very important from the point of view of the information war we are in, no, with us it seems to always dissolve into some kind of nationalists, nationalist, nationalist, well, i said , but nationalists, they drink vodka, they wear embroidered shirts, yes,
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nationalists can become nazis, but not always, of course, this does not mean that the entire ukrainian people are nazis, well, the germans were not all nazis, but... the fact is that the state is nazi, fascist, it should be called that, exactly that, sharply, clearly, clearly, because that this war is really aimed at destruction, at first of all our destruction, it’s correct to say, read the entire press, the entire western press, you read it, you understand, we have no chance, well, no, there is no chance of any reconciliation, they are real , there aren’t even shades there anymore, not even the slightest hint of...
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we started with the fact that we lost in the cold war, why did we lose, where did we lose, i never agreed, well, where did we lose, what did we lose in, that our army lost, the armed forces, it should have been our internal the crisis from which we came out of this way, by the way, i know, i
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believe that the collapse of the ussr was, in principle , objective, and useful to russia, in many ways useful to russia.
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left the russians did not leave the field of pain once, russian losses are huge, french
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generals, the french lost three times more generals than the russians, well, that’s elementary, count, if there are three times more generals, that means there are a lot more privates, that is, but again this is all, so to speak, but here is the historiography, here are the delights of historiography, we give some losses in ratios, the french give other losses, attack , battalion, he says, but i have 12 bayonets, there was a shortage, there were no people, in
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a demographic sense, europe was much stronger than the ussr, not to mention the fact that the germans used slave force, but we didn’t have , we had, on this, on the border with manjuri, 40 divisions stood, were forced to stand, we stood on the border with turkey, part of the territory was occupied, based on this, the people who were there could not replenish the army, we lost 70 million, so we lost them until 1944, who fought mainly, by the way, to the question of our non-brothers, the russians spoke out first of all, by the way, central asia, which we today this way and that, by the way, they fought, they really fought. transcaucasia from there who could not be conscripted,
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only in forty years did they begin to conscript 3 years began, what, what advantage did the soviet union have, of course it didn’t, but it all gives rise to this internal pessimism, hence these articles, they put pressure on this, just like you right, like all of this. you need to understand that you need to give such an answer so that they understand that russia, yes, by the way, to the question of demography, yes, demography, so to speak, but on the other hand , too, again we all look at this, but still we are the largest in terms of population, it’s a european country, so far, yes, well, 150 million is actually still quite a lot, not to mention the fact that in general, it’s never the number of people that matters, no? neither victories nor this and that were determined, listen, the british conquered india,
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there were so many of them there, large battalions won several dozen, yes, of course, so... no need, but well, but this gives rise to that internal pessimism , which primarily targets young people, i agree, for this we need to change the education system, which we constantly talk about, and show soviet films on tv, which i constantly talk about, they don’t want a damn thing, although teachers write to me from all over they write, they started showing you their fear and risk and they say, there are results, of course. people are completely different guys look at many things differently for us, you know, in short, here is brilliant karengeevich, brilliant, advertising, conduct weeks without the noise of dust, put it on shelves, conduct weeks with
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dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.
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hotel kalinanbelek, where. life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection bodrum. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to
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a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. don’t spend time at work, men like you and you’ll be in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you needed, mikhail, i, damn, damn, damn, we ’re not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he spun me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be
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something to destroy, it’s you, the world an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, on saturday at rta. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation of the conversation in new issues of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch. good morning, my
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beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the ardynka, on the ardynka, in this program not only songs are performed, but also desires. my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kahn after the wedding. live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on
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rtr. alyonka, don’t you recognize me, or something? is this transportation? well, your neighbor, vanka! angels of the area from monday, on rdr. yes, that’s what i mean, well, i want to agree, firstly with karel georgievich about the fact that, of course, the story needs to be told to people correctly, moreover, given that many of them are real facts, well, they’re just mathematical or physical, i don’t know, weather there, if it comes to the same war of 812, meteorological, yes, they are on our side, you just need to be able to tell everything, how to tell it in a good way, it’s very important work that needs to be done there, so... and yes, every time they talk about talented youth, for some reason i always remember the film karan georgievich courier, here’s one association about talented youth, oh
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well, i still i want to look at the situation here, because everyone is talking about the pre-war period there and so on, i’ll try to give a slightly different perspective, in my opinion we are already inside this very war, it’s just that the war of the 21st century is hybrid, so it is in the form in which it is like if only this general conflict would be for... and there in many ways, by the way, in in many regions it will generally be everyone against everyone, it is already underway, because the old world order has broken down, and we are now observing, in general, in a big way, like this, if we look at it correctly, if we want to look at history with facts, let's take a close look at the facts at what our, even now incredible, but simply enemy is, what is going on there, because hybrid wars, in addition to, so to speak, purely technology, there are actual military operations, weapons systems . and so on, this is very common soft power that acts on your possible allies, sometimes on your own citizens, yes, well, let’s all be careful now, all together, i
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urge everyone to look not even at what happened or what we have already seen, this is what will happen the near future and how will they really cope with this? well, the middle east crisis is clear here, this is, of course, an exchange of rafah for iran - that’s wonderful, let’s see what comes of it, well, let’s see how the french hold the olympic games, well, just let’s see... a unit that flew up to mach 15, that rocket that they have coming off the pylon, they say that mach 4.9 is somehow not good, so to speak, it was launched by iran
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, let’s see how they make new submarines, well in reality, money should be withdrawn from them now, which means i understand that mikhail mikhailovich, so to speak, that’s why i wrote it down, it means that they have one project ssbn 826 columbia, which comes instead of agai and...
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that means they should, among other things, there is also a separate class of submarines, which, by the way, also has an arctic component, since the arctic was mentioned, should be produced within the framework of the alcus, which canada enters exactly in order to. to add to this whole matter, let's see what they get out of it, so far this is a good declaration, it was a wonderful flick on macron's nose, this is a wonderful, so to speak, what is called a rhetorical device on our part, but so far we have not seen anything of this, that is, look at how their submarine columbia, and how it should have appeared, well, now it’s already sailing, which should have ensured them not technological advantage, as far as i understand, over us, but at least
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technological parity, let’s see: b-21 raider bomber, where is it? well, i have the answers, well, here’s the answer to you personally, the work is going well, look. work on long-range hypersonic weapons is progressing well. the recent test was not successful, we spent a lot of time looking at what happened there. when we understand this, we will correct the problem so that the tests that will take place later in this...
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so to speak, underestimate the irritation of the military-industrial complex, we say all the time, it seems to me that we are making a mistake here, we are putting the wrong emphasis on the fact that all these arms supplies to ukraine are all lobbying for the american military-industrial complex, the american military-industrial complex is not interested in these crumbs from the table, they are interested in fatty pieces of neokra and huge projects like the f-35, where you can spend 10 times - exceed the pre-established budget 10 times, and then say, guys, we need a little more, i just have to show it...
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commandant coming to power , never mind, let's see how they do it, because arizona the factory was also supposed to open before columbia was supposed to go down. yes, in the twenty-second year it is absolutely fair. let's see how they ensure survival. there is such a project, they have been talking about it for a long time, at least for some brands of the european automobile industry, somewhere, even in china. well, in reality, production capacity is being reduced at the new location, will they even work somewhere, will there even be european brands of cars somewhere? let's get a look. after 3 years on this matter i need to look, but why? here again, dima and i were discussing here, what for? this is a rhetorical question, european brands? yes, no, well, the thing is, stamps will always be used to stick something with your tongue, yes, yes, yes, as long as you speak languages, you will go to work at the post office, yes, well, so, dima and i, for example, discussed about the dispute between the white house and the european central
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bank, and about the arrest of ours... icebreakers are needed, icebreakers with good propulsion systems, they say that russia is fighting there for the arctic pumps up, well, you pump up too, that’s right, but you’re talking about this, you have the whole of norway to do this. well let's see. how will they do this, in fact, the fight for the arctic is not a joke, this is a serious matter, this is the commercial development there and everything else, those things that they are very good at, let's look, let's look at space, but they quickly accelerated the program , by the way, artemis, in my
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opinion, well done, they fit well, there’s nothing old there, well, let’s see how this thing goes further, well, that is, it’s like these are the things, if there is one more moment, and so very important, how they will complete fy 2025. invest in us treasuries. rate so that you can continue in other words, so that you can continue to finance us military spending, spending of all kinds. in other words, you, me, everyone with dollars in your pocket is funding the us army, the cia and the nsa. their budget is 50
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billion dollars, which is more than the budget of many african countries, with this money they will pay people to spy on you destabilized you. do you understand how absurd this is? ex-minister of finance, yes, what you are talking about. i’ll finish one sentence, let ’s look at these indicators, not everything is really so simple, in this sense, of course, we need to talk more about what we need to do, but we must not forget that our state, so to speak, is there it’s clear the enemy, ideological, real, hybrid and so on, very much so to speak, it really depends on how things go, and there things are not like all the technology is right there, how some americans write there, but the russians only have oil, so let’s at least ... all this will become clear. mikhail mikhailovich, well, i’ll immediately answer dmitry on several points, since he just ran into my clearing. well, as for the grumman and the b-21,
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let's start with that. what kind of aircraft is this with low reactive visibility? well, what kind of american project is this ? and i'll tell you the fifth one. f11722, yes you doubt it, they won’t do it, but no, i say, let’s see how much, but no need look, we need to develop our projects, but otherwise their artemis project is going very well, where is our artemis, here’s me, here’s me from this point, maybe not everyone knows what artemis is, the lunar project, yes, yes, well well, let's see how they do not... you have to look at them, you have to look at yourself, mind your own business, so what will happen to them with this b20, the most important thing is that it has already flown, you know, it has already flown, their several pieces have already been made, that is, this plane is all in metal, all this is possible
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to say, the issue is resolved, but of course there are always some difficulties, because any design, especially when it comes to an airplane, takes a very long time, sometimes even a long time , to bring it to the required level, so to speak, well, flight readiness, but nevertheless it will be completed. the same f35 project, remind me how long they worked on it, 20 years, 20 years, but they finished the plane, there are already 800 of them, they are three times larger, yes, but they finished the plane, there are already 800 of them, 800 of them these f35s, then many of us really like to attack on this plane, but from the point of view of its flight characteristics, but not everyone understands, not everyone understands that this is part, part only...
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of me, as a militarist and the brain of the bones, any war is a may day, birthday heart, but what i want to say in this regard, you see, there used to be such a point of view, in particular , again, the united states, its allies, and many of us supported these concepts, this point of view, that a modern war can be won due to what - such a quick global strike, only in parts constant readiness and no more effort is needed, and in general all the reasoning. about the mobilization readiness of the armed forces and the state, these are some completely outdated opinions that they shouldn’t even be taken seriously, but this concept was not in use among us for a long time. the people who reasoned, it means that
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mobilization readiness, it was already there almost in the 19th century, they were, so to speak, very advanced experts and specialists, but the fact is that this is a special military operation, it is from all over it clearly showed that there is no way to get by without mobilizing either industry, the armed forces, or many other issues, so the start of such a major modern war, hypothetical for now, let’s say, will not be avoided. made me look at the questions completely
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differently, completely differently, and this experience is still being comprehended, especially not only by us, but by all the leading states of the world, their armed forces, i’m absolutely right, but here there is an eternal moment of chance, that is of course planned everything must be done according to science, tragedies can happen due to the fact that they came so close, so closely that then... a spark will jump through, from which a flame can ignite, this, in principle , cannot be ruled out either, but nevertheless, everything- nevertheless, these processes of strategic operational deployment, they are hidden quite easily with modern reconnaissance means, it is impossible to concentrate a company so that it does not go unnoticed, and such processes as... transferring the country from a peaceful to a martial law, well
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of course, it will be revealed by human and technical intelligence. oh, so, now we need to comply and, firstly, try to rethink everything, because i listened, so many smart, interesting thoughts were voiced, i’ll try, so to speak, to connect all this, as they say, to support everyone, not to offend anyone. this means, well, of course, modern war is waged on four planes, of course, military, this is understandable, ideological is also understandable, this also includes history, because history... is also written by people who are not stupid, even if they they deliberately misinterpret, secondly, this is, of course, an information field, there is no need to skimp on the ideological, this is all that is happening today within the framework of such propaganda work from all sides, and propaganda is just the active promotion of any interests, well , someone’s interests, in this case the state, and the fourth plane is , of course, economic, or financial, so if you divide these things, i agree, by the way, that we need to see what they will have with the state debt. i think not this year, but so that for understanding, the world derivatives market is more than
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one quadrillion dollars, i actually can’t imagine this amount, like in bundles, it’s impossible, the land will not be enough, the planet earth and the economic economy will not be enough, someday it will deflate, but there is there is also a well-known financial proverb that if i owe you a million, that’s my problem, but if i owe you, well, in this case a quadrillion, that’s your problem, therefore. well, you know, what’s the problem, when we
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choose some historical analogies for ourselves, some historical examples, we begin to build on them, it often happens that we choose the wrong ones, the wrong ones, or let’s say, which will not give the result that we hope for now, i agree that the main globalist project of the 20th century and the first is, of course, a communist idea, although there was another globalist project, a western one, but it arose a little later. these are just the so-called supranational elites, who, like big capital, like various kinds of groups that manage this very capital, agreed on the construction of a new system, including financial, including just in the active phase, this all came out after the second world war, this year we celebrate 80 years, they celebrate the creation of the brotenwood system, which collapsed in the seventy-first, why did it collapse , this is about the question of history, about history, about the lessons of history,
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the parisian springs with red may, which, however, concerned not only paris, but also many other european capitals, where young people also took to the streets, it was so remade as times future european the elite, well, in america there was 68 in america, absolutely right, well, this is what is called, so to speak, a side effect, a side effect, i’m talking about something else, it was at that moment that the system of soviet foreign banks, foreign banks, which appeared, i must say,
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or what is called, well, maybe not number one, but definitely showing initiative. by the way, the first number was not only stalin, but also nikita sergeevich khrushchev, who did a lot of stupid things in the country’s economy, in fact, so to speak, well, laid mines in many directions, so to speak delayed action under the soviet economy, breaking that economy, the inertia
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that, in general, lasted until the ninety-first year, i must say honestly, this foundation that was created from the twenty-ninth, well, let's say, until the mid-fifties, even the sixtieth year, even already after stalin left life, but nikita sergeevich acted first, the caribbean crisis, and what if this was not the first number, or something, actions, it was then that they got seriously scared, they were used to threatening china with nuclear bombing, then if necessary, we now v we’ll put things in order in berlin and so on, but this was such a serious moment when, well, this could be for us, look, he’s not joking, we need to come to an agreement, and this was, of course, an example when we initiated this initiative correctly... demonstrated, did everything like this, there are still many legends, it was blev, they were transporting this nuclear bomb there, charges that could fly towards the united states or not, it doesn’t matter, the result was achieved, if we talk about our lessons today historical, we also have there are many tools that today can allow us to work as number one, at first
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glance they are not obvious, well, we often talk there about the possibilities of such interstate structures, interstate associations like brix, i still remain with... from dollar assets in which until now , most countries keep their reserves, yes, there is a decrease, but in 30 years it is there, not some kind of fatal, in 30 years there could have been more, but there is no alternative, everyone understands this, if you look at the brix countries, why are we actually talking about the iranian crisis, about the possibility of some kind of military
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action in southeast asia, why ukraine itself, and so on, all together this gives the effect of a big world war, if we look at the new brix map, with these. .. to do, because, of course, the americans never fought with their own hands, never, well, they could be the first to start, maybe show some kind of initiative, but then
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please, someone else do it, and of course, they most likely they will do it, but in this in this case, this will mean one thing: a new configuration of the world economy and the world order, when there will be several macrozones, in this sense, the whole world, oddly enough, will have some chance, because if you are not in the global american system, then it’s already good, then you have the opportunity. western everything, well, in principle , there are chances for this, if it is a more or less fair interstate structure in the form of some new supranational
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structure in the form of brix with all the tools that allow this to be done, of course it will, this initiative needs to be shown today, this is our answer, as they say , to chamberlain, but now there is advertising, after which i will continue with a new composition, it is caught somewhere everywhere, either in gas stations, then in the corridor, where to go? and what should we do, we don’t have to ask anyone, beg, humiliate ourselves or extend our hands, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, what a beautiful technique. how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation is fate for us, it is a matter of life and death. we will learn about this first. a bully for ruben, he caught trump. what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or olivier, depending on what he’s snacking on. hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your hello, hello, after your interview there are a lot of new questionnaires, it’s good that
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they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 am, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back again, on sunday on rtr, yes, egorova, i paint my nails. i have every right, the premiere, it’s old, yes, but you ’re such a sweetheart here, you know, i’d marry you, well, you’re here, hello, hello, what next, mikhail andreevich, flowers buyer, angels of the area with monday on rtr, there are so many new reasons for... conversation, well , this time it’s still very nice, it will congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph, a holiday with
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gifts, and now this is my talisman, the singer has sons, i somehow i can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, what we need to post it, maybe we don’t need to anymore, valeria, amazing...
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stop immediately, otherwise i’ll shoot, a bouquet of dusty flowers, you know why they kidnapped me and brought me here, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you have absolutely no free time , contact me, i’ll go on vacation for you to any resort in the country, men are excited by something completely different, she looked at
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me as if i had just missed a penalty kick into an empty goal... and this was the most powerful effect of art on a person, parade of humor, premieres on saturday at rtr. rtr-planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly, wow! the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party or something, who are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder for cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, i think it’s a dog, exciting series ,
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we are gathering an orchestra, we will perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony, who doesn’t take risks? luck itself is not smiling, we will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, not a single motive is visible murder, no connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you spend most of your life spend it on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, right? please read, i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope, russia rests on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment, but any taste, pour a bowl of hot water on yourself, make yourself happy, i tell my wife, i i’m leaving, i looked back, she’s already packed my things,
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peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, and what’s more difficult? become a good person or stay? the question is, of course, interesting, and both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens. live: the story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary. the flag of the russian federation is already rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole
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world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin is sitting in this chair and, as we remember, he enters the hall through these doors. everything you can't imagine without russia for yourself. only on the rtr planet channel. well , i think in ukraine today it’s a joy to open champagne, because after speaker johnson’s statement, of course, they are starting to saw.
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i do what i think is right in my heart, i think providing ukraine with lethal weapons is critically important, i really think so, i really believe the data, i believe that vladimir putin and iran are really an axis of evil, i i think they are acting together, i think that vladimir putin, if you give him free rein, will march further across europe, perhaps he could move further into the balkans. "i think he may come face to face with poland, one of our nato allies. to put it bluntly, i would rather send weapons to ukraine than american guys. my son is going to the naval academy this fall, for me it's . live shooting exercise, like for many american families, is not a joke, not a toy, we cannot play politics, we must just do the right thing, i will give it to every member of the house. the opportunity to vote in accordance with your conscience and will, i think that this is exactly
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how this system should work and i am ready to take personal risks, because we need to do the right thing and let history judge, but why should history judge, history has already condemned such pathetic scoundrels like tayloriger green, who just recommended by amendment that everyone who votes... let them sign up for su and go there to fight, but it’s funny how stoltenberg’s statement was made today in the same vein that no, no, we are weapons, soldiers you yourself, everything, and they say, it doesn’t matter to me that there will be a law, that is, meat, catch up on meat, meat, fish soltenberg demands meat, but at the same time the teristic nature of the ukrainian regime does not change, russophobia is the same, in 3 months they promise to completely take the russian language from the ukrainian media , but they will try to speak english. which, frankly speaking, is bad for them, but who cares, the amazing liberal values ​​in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine are actively going to promote some kind of gender equality, there are four gender equals who have served
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there with all their might, they explained to one gender unequal person that they were going to rape him at night, but i quote broadly, well, the person decided not to tolerate violence, and killed these four gender-neutral teachers. to which now ukrainian propaganda declares that the one who killed the gender teachers is, well, our agent, why? because he called the ukrainians ukrainians, well , i think this is an accurate manifestation, it’s immediately visible, our real agent, he’s always easy to notice, budenovka, a parachute behind his back, a three-ruler, he calls all ukrainians ukrainians, well, probably aristovich. is already our final client, because aristovich simply reached some height of frankness, he honestly says that it turns out that the main problem of ukraine is not corruption at all, why is this important now, because now money
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will flow to ukraine again at a wild speed will go somewhere, there is a lawsuit against some citizen from the ministry of defense, yes, he stole billions of hryvnia there, one, whose last name no one knows, he is accused of stealing billions, that is, more than a billion, amazing, guys, that's what they say about this , you will be arrested, as we were told, yes, that corruption is not the number one problem, when the ukrainians indicated it as the number one problem, all sorts of experts started saying, no, this is exaggerated, the real problem is number one, our primary enemy is russia, but there is no corruption, well, i can say that corruption really is not our number one problem, our number one problem is the desire of most of us to immediately deal with corruption at the first same possibilities. but there is no corruption, there is no corruption, liev from the ministry of defense stole 1.5 billion hryvnia for the purchase of ammunition, well, what kind of corruption is this, when the leader
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of the czech republic is already walking around the world, collecting money for the purchase of shells, the shells keep growing, but they don’t grow, there he collects everything, he’s no longer talking about a million, somehow the money that was allocated turns out to be a million or several hundred thousand. with difficulty, well, time is hard, but it’s like their scum, and by the way, i can say, it doesn’t matter, what this person says, but there’s just a feeling that shmagal will soon be dismissed, well, because he suddenly came out not in corporate clothes, that is, shmagal felt that everything, the time of the prime minister of ukraine was ending, and this was necessary, he threw it off himself tactics, this is how he appeared before humanity, we talked about this with congressmen. all our partners, all the congressmen, what he said, what he talked about immediately became incomprehensible, so man, it’s not you who works as charlie michel in the european union, because now it’s easy to distinguish absolutely impossible, just a twin brother, well
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, everything is clear about them, i want you specifically before i give the floor to igor, few people remember, there was such a complete creature in russian politics, such a transitional banner - of our opposition, citizen gaidar, her our government loved her very much because of her father, she loved her so much, our government loved her so much, that every time, despite the fact that she’s a scumbag, just a traitor, well, there’s nowhere to test her, but she was the one who passed on to us, because that because the surname was associated with democracy, she’s navalny there, the whites, navalny to the whites, well... a loud story, i also think, waiting for its life to be described by a descriptor, and then saakashvili, then, when i realized that something was wrong with mishiko too, there was nothing for a long time
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visible, inaudible, and now this monster has surfaced, and we are soon approaching the tragic anniversary of odessa, it will be 10 years, and the tragedy, may 2, literally, this is how this complete creature describes what happened then, they are absolutely sure that including these actions, they saved odessa from the attack. what happened and what they were ready, not that this tragedy happened, but that they were ready to resist, that they were ready not to let them into the regional council, that they were ready to go, there were literally unarmed children in some kind of i don’t know, motorcycle helmets go against - people, yes, quite armed there with some kind of stones, cobblestones, and so on, and defend their city, that is, they believe that they defended their city, they believe that as a result of this attack people died tragically, including those who attacked or those whom they attacked. but they believe that
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they defended their city, defended their independence, otherwise they would have had the same situation as in donetsk in lugansk, but also in kharkov, for example, in kharkov there were no these tragic events, but people were also capable of resistance, kharkov was still in a better position than donetsk and lugansk, because there was a local government that was ready to fight, and there were people, in odessa there wasn’t even a local government, the local government, namely the police, were somehow ready there and betray everything, but there turned out to be a sufficient number of activists, many of them later worked in saakashvili’s team, i talked to them, but they were generally children. naive children who, well, well, who would say, how old were you then, no, well, listen, i was 30-something, and there were people there, well, twenty-year-old children, touching, who took some kind of there, i don’t know, the walkie-talkie was separated into a hook, they went with their bare hands, virtually unarmed, to defend their city, and defended their city, what kind of salons, i like it, yes, and, you know, there there were no odessa residents who attacked, only one and a half came. kiev,
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who were organized by parubi, the odessa residents were just defending themselves, they staged this, yes, that’s right, they staged this cynical action with mass murder in order to intimidate people, that ’s what happened, but it was not the odessa residents who defended their city, the odessa residents were occupied at that moment. visiting bastards from kiev, this citizen, i am sure that fate will provide an opportunity, she will communicate with the relatives of those who were burned alive in the pro-union house, only without cameras, face to face, i think that’s all explained clearly, in order not to talk for a long time, she by the way says that she is now torn between her two identities, ukraine, which for her is a political nation, and israel, only at the same time she does not serve in either army or the other, so such scum, sooner or later they...
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the fact is that this is bond, james-bond, they tried to steal this carcass, but did not take it away, do you really think that the so-called pranksters are actually a completely different word, beginners, finishing, it would be appropriate, do you really think that vabada and lexus, the so -called fsb agents, called us to find out our attitude towards ukraine, we talk about our attitude towards ukraine everywhere, they tried.
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gather all the foreign russian opposition in a safe place, bring it out supposedly for concerts in ukraine, in fact take it to moscow and organize a show trial there, about these kidnappings, by the way, about the attempts at these visits, not only are we all well aware, we know very well where we lived, but we are well aware of this, i remind you the special services of the countries where we live are also aware of this, so it’s unlikely that the kremlin’s envoys will feel as at ease here as with...
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crap, that’s what they were bringing, if vladimirich steals him, then you can only drag him with a pig, such a pig will not be chased you will leave, so you only need to drag your head back. okay, you know, i would like to return to the statement of speaker johnson, yes, when it is already clear, so to speak, that most likely this law will be voted on, and you know, after this statement, so to speak, that’s all european gilts, they're like crazy, it all started there, we'll deliver this , we'll deliver that, we have money, so to speak, let's buy petriots, let's build there immediately, you know, the big boss has decided, so to speak, that's it , now it’s clear that it can... so to speak, that you need to actively drink, well, you know, it seems to me that the events of the adoption of the law on mobilization and the unblocking of the aid package for voting are related events with each other, of course , these are related events between themselves, it is obvious that, so
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to speak, they understand that before ukraine is an integral factor in the presidential elections in america, and we have talked about this card more than once, they will play it and... that’s how i, as i believe, yes, so to speak, closer to autumn, probably, maybe a little earlier, maybe a little later, so they are planning, so to speak, this is the next thing, well, they need some kind of military success, they need some kind of victory in order to do this say, justify actions, all these actions of biden, so well, we, so to speak, have this is this time, which i think that our leadership understands perfectly well without me, yes, which, so to speak, we need to make the most of. i would also like to say about macron, you know, i read his statement, then he threatens us, then he leads troops, then exactly a week later he, so to speak, asks for an olympic truce and invites us to, so to speak, the anniversary
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of the landing in normandy , and at the same time, without our president, damn it, man, the man has bipolar disorder, he is a complete idiot, for this, you know, the answer to such a tempting one, i saw his betsukha, come on, come on... for such a generous and competitive offer , the best answer on our part would be , so to speak, the encirclement of the liberation of at least kharkov in the near future. this is because everything that they are doing today, everything that all their rhetoric, this is understandable, this is an attempt, you know, snakes in the frying pan, here they are, they are wagging, they, they, they, they are trying to drag us somewhere again, to deceive, to confuse somewhere, some kind of truce, no truce, there is the situation in ukraine, so to speak, so we see these statements,
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these gaydars there are tens, you know, tens of thousands like her, tens of thousands of these are already completely from people with completely twisted brains.
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only now i understand everything about zelensky, he will be, so to speak, he is tame, especially since, so to speak, his legitimacy depends on the opinion of the americans, yes, today they say that he is legitimate, tomorrow if they say, that he’s illegitimate, that’s it, he’s finished, so he’s like tame, like a tame monkey, he will do everything that everything they tell him, so here there is, so to speak, hope, if only someone in the military leadership is smart enough to still overthrow this clique and, so to speak, and reach some kind of... then the negotiation process, huh? well , i don’t know, everyone said, zaluzhny, here, no, here’s zaluzhny, here’s our hero,
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zaluzhny, they wrote songs about him, and where is zaluzhny, nowhere do i hear, zaluzhny, zaluzhny, yes, they’re planning together, zaluzhny, together with plans terrorist attacks on ours with the british, helps them plan terrorist attacks on our territory, but why did he go there, not as an ambassador, where did he go, but we don’t know, well, or he’s going to go, who knows , that’s the point, everyone said so loudly. yes, yes , yes, in conclusion, in conclusion, i noticed, the last few weeks, i am, i am before the program, i try to read ukrainian news, yes, there are no reports from the front at all, before there were some victorious reports, what - they have no front there, that’s right, then they have no success, no, everywhere, there is not a single message, they think that they are already in crimea, yes, no, they have now removed this topic there altogether, reports, they talk about our floods, they are trying to find some emotional statements from our people there, presenting it as some kind of, you know, when such
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trouble came there, when this happened, someone somewhere says something in emotions, they distort it, try to pass it off as an indignant population, so to speak, and naturally, so to speak, here is budanov, here is budanov, who is not hiding says that terrorist activity will increase on the territory of the russian federation, it is already going on, it is going on with all its might, but they have no other option, they, they will be forced to be absent now. we won’t start answering until we start answering, i say again, i still really hope that it will be like this until spring, so he says 3 months, and there they want to eradicate the russian language, well, i really want to believe that nothing if they don’t have time, they won’t succeed, because they won’t be able to do anything, but on the one hand you want to do it faster, on the other hand, when you’re there, when you’re there, you understand that it’s faster to lose people, emotionally, yes, i understand everything, that’s why i say this with reservations. it’s important not to interfere with the military’s work in any way, but to make sure that on the front line everything is simple, you know,
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i’m finishing it now, it’s just when you see mirzota, which is nothing of itself, they don’t have any life history, they have nothing , here she is mocking the fact that for many of us are saints, i just want to break their neck, so i understand that this is an emotional statement, i understand that you can’t say that here, you saw how foreign the agents tried to sing pugacheva’s song, yes. they didn’t see, no, it was a mockery of her, the tragedy is that they tried to do it, and it seemed to them that they were singing, but at the same time such a bunch of ugly people without hearing, such fake ones, everything you need to know about our opposition, it is false in everything. vladimir vladimirovich, about the special operation to steal bykov, right now, even worse than the victory in ukraine, they uncovered a special operation to assassinate...
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and look how he unarmedly fires a pistol at the windows of the trade union house, so unarmed, sweet, handsome, the day before he received it from pa'. with such animated faces, inspired, yes, or girls, these ones, who pour molotov cocktails, so, so cool, because it’s fun, fiery, in the literal sense, yes, that’s, well, well, that’s what you have to be to really know perfectly well , that anyone can look at these footage, well, well, they are all known, it’s not like there’s some kind of,
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some kind of secret secret, but nevertheless, it ’s still an open lie , so the day before.
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their own for the same weapons that the americans will send, well, business and nothing but business, indeed, here marzhari teylar green is really right to troll this whole company, well, apparently she already understands that the law will be adopted anyway, in any case, they are trying to persuade her to including the trumpists, who say there is no need to torpedo mike johnson on this matter, in principle, they can arrange it again, as was already the case with the overthrow of johnson, but apparently there is already an agreement with trump before...
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twitter added a very interesting context, yes, or ext , as it is called now, that is, they are there, if they do not agree, yes, then they add, as it were, context from the readers, the readership does not agree, this readership added to this, and if it means not supplying ukraine with weapons and not helping it, russia will not have any there is no reason to conclude a peace agreement, wait, so you give ukraine weapons to conclude a peace agreement with russia,
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brushed the dandruff off his invisible mustache and april 20th is also, of course, a holy day for all this bastard, and this is probably the day when ursoline, when no one doesn't see, quiet kaneleni berbok approaches, they go with strakh zimmerman, take a bottle for three and quietly drink to their grandfathers and fathers, well, strakh zimmerman, of course, is absolutely terrible, what an abomination. but you know, at the same time, listen, well , such lies they spread, now, for example, rutty, you see, yes, constantly, he says, we’ll give ukraine f-16s, we’ll give petriots, and so on, while i’m watching the dutch press , in general, when he said, all the ukrainian media are happy and say that holland is giving an additional 4 billion, i read dutch newspapers, there’s not a word about it,
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well, that is, i’m finding out, and then ryut said that a billion this year, three next year, when ... he’s now io prime minister, yes, he’s running his election campaign for the post the nato secretary general is done with nothing else, yesterday the first three dutch f16s arrived in romania for transfer to ukraine, to us, yes, yes, and you know what’s most interesting, now i’m finishing, and a dutch reporter who was there is writing today, we’re teaching ukrainian pilots from scratch, they don’t even have pilot licenses, but i i think, why did zelensky talk about how... you have experienced pilots, so you need to take the ghost of kiev, well, yes, yes, the ghost of kiev flies them everything they need, but in fact it’s not funny, but i i’m thinking about something else, which means that if there are now six patriot systems.
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you are not allowed to love me, but they are enemies to you, i will give everything, i will sell, i will buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it means to attack innocent people, we will beat you so that the stains will be carried away, taras bulba, that sunuk, your curse helped you, film by vladimir bortok on friday on rtr, i think that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, it’s all here, to play or not to play, right? yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them. this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to
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fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i i meant, of course, a bear when such a stinking little one spoke. just a hint at all. the most passionate team, if there is no 100,000, zhenya will add his own, something that many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five -on-one, five-on-one program, on saturdays on rtr, sunday, it’s good that i have you, your husband’s friend, from the photo, you know each other, you i knew that your father had a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or
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our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday on rtr, i’ve been waiting for you forever , i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally, it has come, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, you were in the recent past a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. i’ll kill you, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she ’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you together, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will
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hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into the head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, catch a fish, big or small, did you even choose the right place? have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes. once again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy,
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and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, food formula on sunday on rtr, please, yes, for me. the most interesting thing was that, well , america quite predictably stood on its own rails, i now remember joseph nye and his book about the relationship between morality and american presidents, so he wrote there that they say that trump is against the deep state , he says: no, he’s not against it , he is for american exceptionalism, only he understands, in jeffersonian terms, that the united states should, by its example, show everyone the way to the light, in general, and we understand. this in a modern way, when everyone needs to be pushed where, strictly speaking, we need it, in this regard, in general, today’s deal is quite predictable, it is understandable, and
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it spoke about the same exclusivity... everything, it is clear that america that city on a hill that can and should teach everyone else everything, but the most interesting thing is that the deal is american, of course, it is local, it has a plan somewhere before the presidential johnson, by the way, that america is above elections, that is, zelensky now adopted, signed the law on mobilization, they will rake in how he promised, from 100 to 300 thousand, they will try to train them by the fall, accordingly. they will try to throw them into the offensive, it will work, it won’t work, the main thing is that they don’t lose, the main thing is that the general background does not deteriorate before the elections, that is, even if the company sag, it will still be possible to somehow level it out for pr purposes, but britain is doing a lot more systemic and strategic stakes, that is, boris johnson, the main prime minister, fell into hysterics and said , basically verbatim, that a loss in ukraine would be a disaster, it would be a disaster
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but in fact, to surround russia with such a large ring of hostility, at the front, if we talk about it, then everything is as usual, if you remember, i talked about the casino and about the fact that, in general, all the salaries of military personnel remain in their pockets, as it turned out , the spaceport casino there is the tenth largest taxpayer in ukraine, well, in general , ukrainian public pages are full of the fact that pavel petrischenko, if i’m not mistaken, is the sergeant who pulled the light from all this... he was eliminated, but they were appointed to look into the matter those who need it, well, who will figure it out. well the latter, in general, if we take the international atmosphere of this last statement, everyone liked the statement on sitting down more, when he said that we must fulfill our obligations, our words and deeds very often diverge. in this regard, i
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remembered an absolutely wonderful thing, when lithuania now sent as many as 10 military personnel to the indo-pacific region and fulfilled its promise; in iraq, if i’m not mistaken, when lithuania assisted the united states, there were initially 11 military personnel there, although later there were a little more, about 130, well, in afghanistan there were as many as 240, that is, in this regard, lithuania is always ready to fulfill its promise. but i will do my best to fit the size, that is, in this regard, for everything, as such a very understandable provocateur, i put in my 3 kopecks, please do it, we are all together, we are on the same team, i agree, vladimir, yes, thank you, well, you you know, today, when we were talking about odessa, i immediately remembered that the first events took place in my hometown of zaporozhye, on april 13, then there were 300 cossacks, and as soon as it became known about the deaths of odessa residents, the first
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the comments were in zaporozhye for... baked in odessa, that is, these devils were preparing a scenario of intimidation of the murder of southern russian people precisely in order to break resistance, break the will to defend their rights, to a large extent, unfortunately, they succeeded, yes, in the temporarily occupied territories of the post-ukrainian space, and let me remind you, in the city of zaporozhye they directly covered it with flour, poured milk and threw eggs, you can imagine just a public event somewhere where people drag there are hundreds of liters of milk, at least. it’s strange, yes, because it costs money, and why do it, there’s even some kind of, you know, like a sacrifice, well, in the literal sense , satanists, and here are the devils who are simply inflamed, this is madam, yes, i i won’t even name her, who was shown, yes, but - more cynical characters who, uh, who have lost any of their identity, yes, that is , here she is from ukraine, from israel, and something else, yes, it says about the fact that it’s just like the same galkin, yes, who is there
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talked about... having left israel, yes, why aren’t you there then?


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