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tv   Taini sledstviya-8  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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prepared a scenario of intimidation of the murder of southern russian people, precisely in order to break resistance, break the will to defend their rights, to a large extent, unfortunately, they succeeded, but in the temporarily occupied territories of the post-ukrainian space, and let me remind you, in the city zaporozhye was directly covered with flour, poured with milk and thrown with eggs, you can imagine just a public event somewhere where people are dragging hundreds of liters of milk, well, at least it’s strange, yes, because... it costs money, and why do this? there’s even some kind of, you know, like a sacrifice, well, in the literal sense, satanists, and here are the devils who are simply incited, this is madame, yes, i won’t even name her, who was shown, yes, but more cynical characters who uh, who have lost any of their identity, yes, that is, here it is from ukraine, from israel and from something else, yes, this suggests that it’s just like the same galkin, yes, who talked about air defense there , having left...
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israel, yes, why aren’t you there then? no, he told in israel, yes, he just confused what he wanted to say, no, well, the fact is that the language is not native, but whiskey, whiskey is native, a few hours later he was already in cyprus, well, that means he flew out quickly enough, then well, more precisely, we know where he was, but what difference does it make anyway, where is it okay, in general, i don’t even want to talk about these technologies, how step by step it all happened, you remembered april 20, but this is the birthday of the famous austrian artist, and how they will present it all to us soon, but i remember events in my native zaporozhye under yanukovych the president, the party of regions in power, yes, which is the most pro-russian force there, and so on, as we were told, a book fair in the center of the city of zaporozhye, in the very center, a book by a certain vasil shklyar is being sold, well then there was a big scandal on this topic and so on, the book was completely saturated with russophobia, such picturesque stories of how they tore off their bellies, killed russians and jews there, well, in other words, yes... there were abusive words and so
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on, and that’s all how it was encouraged and it was said that this book, yushchenko and other bandrology gave her the shevchenko prize, as if they were exhibiting it there, and we clearly conveyed to viktor fedorovich, well, to yanukovych as the president, that such books cannot receive a state prize, otherwise how would you lead to a civil war here , they planted this pig on you, then let’s clean it up, to which he only grunted in response and didn’t break this scheme in any way, that’s all. this happened, but the main thing is different, these days in april in the city center they were selling, who are you talking about now? yanukovych is vitka shapka, yes vitka shapka, absolutely right, yes or a cap, i don’t know what he was putting on his head, no, who received a hotka for crouching in the eagle pose in the toilet, quickly pulled off their hats and he ran, women, yes, yes, he ran into the women’s toilet, two meters from what, he couldn’t even commit a serious crime, he robbed women, women, he’s just a nonentity. well, in general, ukrainians have
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some kind of talent for choosing all leaders, just a great talent, well, it’s like a folk pastime, and there’s jumping on a rake, like as soon as my fellow countrymen refuse the russian name, then they turn into this ethnographic material that drives itself to death, so let me show you, but yannick had two walks, how many he says three, yes three they say, they say three, one is cleared out, three, but he was never in authority, but what kind of authority, he was an asshole, well, this... yes, these are other aspects, as if we , you know, how it is, how it is accepted for the sake of, they gave quick, short , our country is like this, we were forced, so to speak, to clarify all this for ourselves, well, this is already applied political science just no, well, we’re not talking to anyone, we’re talking to a member of the rada, well , yes, whom yanukovych personally sent to the bunk, yes, yes, we say, we say, everyone thought that he was an authoritative thief, he chewing on he syavka, yes, by the way, i will continue the conversation with another deputy of the verkhovna rada, right? it’s interesting
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that, for example, poroshenko, who licked yanukovych, he supposedly fought with yanukovych all his life, that’s who really fought with yanukovych, it’s igor, for which he received a criminal sentence, well, i’ll tell you more, they talk about it some silent people, i’ll say more, when our organization the slavic guard set up pickets in support of igor, yes, then they first opened an operational investigation against us, and well, operationally russian affairs, yes, and then they began to insinuate that we would now find a criminal case there, because that you have treason here, i say: that is, citizens of ukraine support a citizen of ukraine, where there is treason here, you at least find, yes, but they tried to do it all the time, so that’s what, the center of zaporozhye, a book fair, well , sort of by the way, there were such mobile ones there, kharkov publishing house, and when buying these books by vasil ashklyar, they were quite expensive by ukrainian standards as a gift, imagine, a great marketing move, i raise a scandal, make a test purchase for the camera, well, carefully and hidden there, we call the sbu, the ministry of internal affairs and so on, what do you think? people from the regional state administration,
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an ethnic jew, a deputy governor who made money from these books, i say, listen, but nothing puts pressure on you, like yes, this business is a little bit, yes, well, marketing. as if yes, here is minecab as if for people, and even more so weak minds, volodya, well, he reads, who will read there, but look at geshev, well , in short, he honestly told me how it is, that is, nothing personal, just business, it’s about those characters, about business, here’s vladimir vladimirovich said that in poland, and there are poles there, well, now it sounds everywhere in the telegram and so on, but i don’t understand why i should be surprised, the poles now have a real problem, because of the new law there is no one to pick strawberries, this is really a problem, you know, they... don't have workers hands who, 10 years after the coup , were always doing this, and now that’s it, they don’t let anyone out, or, accordingly , they don’t earn any money, but they don’t, and well, it’s a net loss, so there is quite a logic there among the polish partners that i can’t do anything
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to say, this is about children, but here is a case that is now being voiced, and they are voiced by the enemy there and the agent’s voices were intelligible, well, well, i think i was the first one from him, at least i saw it, but that 161 children from ukraine were found in germany , who were previously kidnapped by putin, yes, at least according to their version, these children were kidnapped by russia, this garbage court, well, the international criminal court, mus, as if yes, it determined these illegal decisions regarding our president, wait , if they were kidnapped by putin, why were they found in germany, and what is this anyway? moreover, they left legally as legal guardians, yes, well, that’s how it was? well, yes, what is significant is that when we came in february, march of '22, when they were liberating yes here is my native land, for example, in mariupol, and by the way, the competent authorities have materials, in mariupol there were found lists of children in the office
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of the organization, well now i can confuse either the red cross or there are doctors without borders, in general, what - an international organization, where there were lists of children, citizens who were trying to be drafted, they dealt with the central control commission normally with a brick, yes, one, though they have detained them for now, but the second one disappeared, so i liked the second guy, who fenced border guards twice on the hungarian border, they open it up ran away, well, i think that vladimirevich, i
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think that the brick should become a symbol of the ukrainian idea and love of freedom, but the brick is a bright idea, in one word, literally. i’m sure that when, so to speak, we liberate ukraine, and so to speak, and there will be an opportunity to get to the primary sources, everyone will go crazy about this, from these, from donor organs, from child trafficking, from what is actually happening there, we have different data, well, because after the tragedy, that after the tragedy of the ugoslavia, someone paid attention to this, i think no one can imagine the scale today.
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why do you think they will have a revival? well, because each of them, somewhere a mother, somewhere a father, somewhere a grandmother, somewhere a grandfather, they, they just can’t, they just don’t imagine the scale, but they betrayed everyone, it’s absolutely, well this, well, at least these are the walking dead, in essence, that is, these are people who look like your friends, who inside lie to themselves so much, have distorted themselves so much, are so on the side of evil that they believe that now they suddenly they will renounce, they will say, no, it’s possible literally.
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the event happened, this is a tragedy that ukraine has never known before, but those people who, as the lady says, were nice young guys, these nice young guys were controlled by big guys with ids, with pistols, and these guys knew exactly what they really want to achieve what goal, and if anyone else at the moment when this revolution took place, many had this... illusion, where to say, yes, time will erase everything, time will forgive everything, and so on, you know, regarding odessa, i want you
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to say, this is what, in fact, as the manuscripts say, they don’t burn, and as for odessa, in general the chronology of these events, it is recorded second by second, by second, i ’ll tell you more, maybe they don’t know there in ukraine, i just i will say, all the materials regarding the house of trade unions and odessa, this tragedy, all the police reports, all the firefighters’ reports, audio recordings.
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for all four draft laws, well, there are no questions, everything was completed and went to work, and
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if we assume they vote for the package on israel, they will not vote for the package about for for for for ukraine, and how the senate will react to this, and how biden will react to this, and this is within the framework of the agreements that they have, i don’t know how it will be, but i know one thing, that these financial resources that were allocated to ukraine, this is solely for the purpose... so that the american election campaign and the democrats get a plus in their electoral process, only for this they could allocate this money, you know, for nothing else, it’s not even a matter of embezzlement, it’s not a matter of corruption, it’s much more more seriously, the elections are at stake, at stake power, and even then there is no time for some stolen billions, here it is important to win the elections, but what needs to be done in order to win the elections, and for this it needs to be done in the near future in any direction, preferably a month before...
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pointless they die at the front, believe me, they don’t have such thoughts, they sit and think that there are 7 million jobs in ukraine today , these 7 million, how many people can they feed, well, they sat down and figured it out. "well, millions, probably, well, well, 15, well, 17, that’s it, they can’t do it anymore, everything’s in the trash, everything’s in the trash, let it burn, it is in hell there, the economic potential of this country does not correspond to the population of this country, something needs to be done about it, some have left, well, great, they are leaving the country, they need workers there, they are, as you know, like - the world's thug, he treats
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the patient, yes, he says, you know, with so many people, this organism simply will not survive." it needs to be treated, how to treat it? we will send some people through the war to europe, they are in need there, yes, but let some remain here, but no more, probably, well, millions 12-15, until they achieve this, they will fight, they will fight there, you know, and this war, it will not stop, neither today nor tomorrow, there is no need to have any illusions, neither in relation to trump, nor in relation to anyone -that, and in general i want to tell you that in fact, well , suppose, let’s say, negotiations... relatively speaking, xi and biden are still possible, well, for example, it’s hard for me to imagine negotiations, for example, trump, well, because trump after all, he is anti-chinese, let’s speak frankly, and he considers china the most their main opponents, but that’s why from this point of view everything is going according to plan for them, there is no need to have any absolutely illusions
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about this, and the last thing about saakashvili of this young lady, you know, you know my attitude towards poroshenko, oh well. .. him yes, but i want to say, for this team of mediocrities, igor will confirm to me, igor will confirm, for this team of mediocrities, saakashvili plus gaidar everyone else, in fact poroshenko in the odessa region, created extremely favorable conditions so that they they could realize themselves there, but they this has not been demonstrated, i am leading to what you are saying, this is the opposition, it is all inflated, artificial and false and so on, they are all false, because they are all made.
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well, without ukraine, but at the expense of ukraine, because the deal is almost completed, we are witnessing it, and what numbers will be allocated to ukraine is not so important, the important thing is the principle that the money will be allocated, and europe, the europeans, arrived today robert habeck came to kiev, and he said, first of all, i already brought you one patriot, here a member of his team from the ministry of defense, germany, said that here is ai, we will give it to you too... in a week or two we will give it, of course the chancellor said further at the end of the day that we will definitely give another six or seven, that is, germany is becoming the leader in supply weapons into the territory of ukraine, but it’s interesting that from the very morning, if you turn on the ukrainian media, which there are, yes, discussing the topic of american assistance to ukraine is topic
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number one, everyone is discussing it, politicians, experts, military people, well, just everyone with morning. and until the evening, until the night, this topic will be smoked, so how, one of the military experts lets it slip, says: you know, what’s the matter with such a smart look, he says, magazines ask him when this help for america will come, because you know, to promise and so on and so on, then he says, the problem is what if the americans tell the europeans that you will give shells and weapons from europe from these reserves, and america will compensate, then it will literally take weeks or two, so if... it goes by ship by sea, it will take a long time, it will take months, but how? says by ships, well, how does he say to answer through odessa, so what? we have few routes, here is one of the routes through odessa, what do i mean, yesterday when we discussed the topic of how weapons get to ukraine, today they say publicly in ukraine that if from europe it will take a week or two, so if from america they will go
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as they think, i don’t know, but you see, this is a session of exposure. and they are rubbing their hands that, after all, it’s better that they give us weapons faster, it’s better that they give us weapons from europe, because more, more, more, and here i practically agree with you, i don’t understand, it’s really like this activity, you know, zelensky, i’m giving 3000, now you’re giving weapons, okay, they gave it there in a month, some of it doesn’t matter... on the other hand, i read the information from britain , again in ukraine they don’t discuss it very powerfully , look how we in crimea, the dzhankoy airport was erased, four four s400 systems
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were destroyed, now the british will give us these drones, i’m not a military man, so they’ll give us more drones, so budano comes out to us today , he says, and we will crush the crimean bridge, that is, this. admitted with everything, zelensky publicly admitted, that russia is pressing, that russia has an advantage in the air, and artillery and manpower, that is , he is appealing to - he
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said this yesterday, today he is winning again, i think that we should celebrate ukraine’s receipt of the money and destroy it to hell banking, well, a couple, well, in general, i generally think that it’s enough to play with them already, a little about the svez topic, in order to move away from the war, time magazine identified the 100 most... this is the only person from ukraine who got there, in the media ukraine is discussing the topic, and why ermak hit, not zelensky, but why ermak? you can’t even imagine how quickly the topic came up, who is yermak anyway, well , who is yarmak, and i’m talking about him, if you look at his career, he’s an assistant to deputy tadeev, and who is tadeev?
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don’t live together, so zelensky won’t be jealous, he said, i came with him, i ’ll leave with them, go and know, you understand, there’s a war, he says, i came with him, i’ll bear it from him,
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excuse me, well, here i am i didn’t get that idea, i just said why, that in general media, no, wait, well, if ermak and hollanda navalnaya are there, well, they ended up there together, well, yes, well, yes, no, well... same, that's all, see you on sunday,
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good evening, on the air news from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. total cyber sweep. a monument that does not exist, residents of the village of nizovka forced officials to recognize the memorial to the missing red army soldiers. the first exam, a model of the new polar ship ivan frolov, passed the decisive test. drifts of 13 cm, nameless. southern cyclone may bring there is a strong snowstorm in st. petersburg. residents of st. petersburg
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suspect involvement in the criminal activities of ukrainian call centers, as the fsb reported that a forty-three-year-old man provided services for activating sim cards of russian telecom operators in the interests of terrorist organizations in ukraine. in total , there are dozens of arrests across russia in connection with the criminal information traffic case. the fsb and police carried out a large-scale special operation back in march in 42 regions of the country. and today the details of a total cyber sweep were made public. services reached a number of large underground server stations, seized almost a thousand simboxes, with their help you can simultaneously make dozens of calls and send more than half a thousand messages per hour. thus, according to intelligence services, through criminal communication channels, accomplices from the territory of ukraine created fake accounts on social networks, including accounts for government services, carried out hacker attacks and mass mailings of fakes, and used effective electronic wallets to remotely steal money from russians in
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criminal cases. . fraud and 44 persons involved in illegal access to computer information. the power of the seized equipment is impressive. according to the ministry of internal affairs, it allowed scammers to make more than 40 million calls per day. a restless night in an apartment building on klachkov lane, around 4 am, residents of one of the apartments on the eleventh floor. a thirty-year-old man and his 67-year-old mother felt a suffocating odor. it turned out that the front door on the staircase side was on fire. almost immediately the lights went out and the fire destroyed the electrical wiring. get out on your own the apartment didn’t work out, there was a car tire in the way, which someone placed under the threshold and then set on fire. the entire floor was covered in black smoke, eyewitnesses say. by the time firefighters arrived, the door was already on fire. we call the emergency services, say that we are on fire, we arrived in about 10 minutes, although personally, these 10 minutes seemed like an eternity to me, because
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there was fire, because there was smoke. according to one version, the fire was started by collectors; according to the apartment owners, they previously left threatening messages in the entrance and even cut the electrical wiring. memorial to all those missing during the great patriotic war. nizovka is a luga district of the leningrad region, local residents managed to register an unusual monument, it has already received the status of a cultural heritage site, but the bureaucratic struggle is not over. sergei zagadsky has all the details. residents of the village of nizovka call this torch the fire of memory, they do not light it every day, only on special occasions, they bring a gas cylinder, connect it to
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the system that... they made themselves, and bring a match. there is no centralized gas supply, because this memorial itself does not exist, at least according to the papers. until recently, the monument was considered a derelict object. this monument is dedicated to missing soldiers and mourning women. the woman, she had been waiting all her life, what if he didn’t die, maybe he will return, that’s why this monument personifies the innocence of missing grieving women. many soldier secrets. our girls with a metal detector found this helmet, dug it up next to the monument, here was the defense line of the luchsky border, the surrounding forests and fields still preserve leningrad and the helmet of our soviet soldier deserves to be placed here at the monument.
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why is it produced, but it was also found here. the history of the monument is not the most common. at the beginning of the two thousandth, grigory elizarov accidentally saw in the backyard of one of the sculpture workshops made of a soldier hugging an elderly woman, found out that the customer did not need the figure, agreed with the authors and bought the composition. he moved it to his village, got permission from the director of the local state farm, and erected a monument in a field near okolitsa. fellow villagers are passionate about...
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for some reason, the cadastral engineer did not consider it necessary to mark the memorial object on the plan, it turned out that the monument simply did not exist, but the residents of nizovka did not give up, for several years in a row they knocked on all authorities, reached the state duma and the federation council, where they responded to this year there was a trial, a monument to april 3, 2024, the property of the mshinsky municipal formation, well, a rural settlement, or rather mshinsky, that is, yes. according to the court decision, the court decision came into force the monument now the property of the mysinsky rural settlement, but the issue with the land remains open. by now, the owner of these fields has changed, the new owner of the land turned out to be much more accommodating than the previous one. at a meeting with
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village residents, he promised that he would give up nine acres to design the territory under the monument in accordance with the law, and also to lay a path to it and arrange a children’s playground nearby, but a new problem arose, again due to the imperfection of the law. it’s divided into no less than a hectare, so it turns out that this area is there 4 s by hectare, if cut, then by hectare. a hectare is a quarter of all the land that vladimir sokhachev owns; he is not against giving it away, but in exchange for an equivalent or market value. this issue is now promised to be resolved.
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sprinkle the paths with gravel, landscape a small square, install lighting, and then gas, so that the memorial fire becomes eternal. sergey zagadsky, mikhail markov, alexey chubka, conduct the leningrad region. st. petersburg will be covered with snow, a strong blizzard will hit the city on friday, they warn about it rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations and meteorologists. according to forecasts, it will snow in the afternoon, a cold wind will blow, and gusts are expected to reach 17 m/s. the air temperature will drop to 2° below zero. it is expected that this april snowstorm may go down in the history of meteorological observations, probably a record value for the amount of precipitation. according to information from the chief weather forecaster of st. petersburg , alexander kolisov, snow will fall with varying intensity until saturday. according to rough estimates, during this time
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there will be snowdrifts up to 13 cm high on the streets, and even more outside the city. road workers of leningradskaya regions are switching to an enhanced operating mode; there will be a very difficult situation on regional highways in the next 3 days. there is also a possible snowstorm forecast there. jumps in temperature means ice, the culprit of the spontaneous return of winter to our region is an unnamed southern cyclone, as weather forecasters found out , the atmospheric vortex did not receive a name because it did not pass through europe. a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in st. petersburg. let's find out the detailed weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. cold, windy. it should be a snowy friday in st. petersburg and the region. according to the st. petersburg hydrometer, on april 19 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings. the daytime air temperature in the rook field will be about 0°, maximum +2. the thermometer
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will be shown in tikhin and baksitogorsk. also slightly above zero in volkhov, kirishi and gatchina, less than minus one in vyborg. it's a day of winter, weather forecasters promise. saturday precipitation is also possible, expected to be 3° with a minus sign. have a nice day, whatever the weather. with concerned about the cleanliness of the city in the moscow region , they inspected new harvesting equipment in the ranks of 76 tractors of belarusian domestic production. also purchased were 120 lawn mowers, watering units and universal trailers. new machines can work both in summer and winter. forms of housing and communal services, the housing agency was only involved in monitoring contractors. now, after purchasing their own equipment, employees of the municipal service of the moscow region will independently clean the yards of sand, dust and debris. they promised to restore order after the winter until the end april. today, all the equipment is in service, all
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the machine operators, each of them is assigned their own equipment, that is, it is either a tractor or a loader, that is, our people are trained for all types. the new equipment was assessed by representatives of the smolny housing committee, state technical supervision and the district administration. after checking the car, we immediately went to clean the courtyards and driveways. ivan frolov passed the exam in the pool, it will be the largest scientific ship in the world, it is named after the former director of the arctic institute and antarctica. yulia vasilyeva will tell you how the test went. on his test ice voyage, miniature ivan frolov leaves in complete silence. it seems that the spectators, designers, employees of scientific laboratories and children who came on the tour were holding their breath. it's -18 in the room, but no clouds of steam are visible. this is the most crucial moment of testing. and the model of the new polar ship cuts through the ice like
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a hot knife through butter. inside the model there is a dynamometer, there is a device that measures forces, we record this force and then accurately we also recalculate to natural conditions, i ’ll tell you that no, this is quite normal resistance, it’s not extreme , of course, but close to it. according to the conditions of the experiment, the model must overcome a continuous ice field, its thickness is 20 mm, that is, on a scale of 1:50. exam, as a result of which
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the designers made changes to the hull layout, the fact is that the bipolar will be multifunctional, in its hull the length of each model passed a similar ice more than 160 m, a tanker, a floating airfield, and also places to accommodate 240 people and about 20 laboratories in containers, in fact, this is a vessel that is a floating branch of the institute of the arctic and antarctic, and in addition to ice, the aro-fisher will have to fight storms, we have this vessel... it will be 40 years old, and this small
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model will be left in the laboratory of the institute so that complex maneuvers and any emergency situations could have been worked out first on it, rather than risking the safety of the original vessel worth almost 40 billion rubles. yulia vasilyeva, dmitry dolgov, nikita morozov, olga potapenko, lead st. petersburg. in petersburg the draw for teams took place, talking about the participants in the children's and youth football tournament under the auspices of the almas antey concern. they will play from may 17 to 19. this year, the organizers completely changed the concept of the competition with only two russian teams: the football club of the enterprise itself and the young zenit team. six more participants will come from abroad. these are young football players from turkey, brazil, iran, serbia, kazakhstan and the republic of belarus. the matches will be held in two groups. each team will hold two meetings per day. the referees expect a dynamic game. age athletes are obliged to do this. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment. golden beach and azure waves. liu reorts.
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we are here for you. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum. in the history of art, it often happens that some artists are well known to their contemporaries, while others are well known to their contemporaries, but very little to their descendants. here alexey petrovich bogolyubov is more likely to
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be one of these artists, he was very famous during his lifetime, he was constantly compared to aivazovsky, and then so... not only the sea, he has landscapes, he has botanical paintings, all of them were made by the master , the highest class, and a man devoted to art, and the sea, and his work in general.
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bogolyubov has preserved several portraits. the most famous is, of course, the portrait painted by the young ilya efimovich repin. he wrote it in bogolyubov’s paris workshop, and bogolyubov is already a master here. meter and painting and meter, in general, russian culture, which greatly contributed to the fact that this culture became known abroad in
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europe. bugalyubov was also portrayed by artists. he was portrayed by his friend adolphe charlemagne. he was depicted by the french artist laurence, also already in paris, a god-loving man no longer a young man and in every sense an accomplished master. bogolyubov is the grandson of alexander nikolaevich radishchi, a famous writer, philosopher and, as you know, a disgraced revolutionary in the 19th century. and bogolyubov was very proud of this, he always emphasized that he was the grandson of rodishchey, that he was a russian nobleman, and one of his most... remarkable deeds for the benefit of russian culture, the founding of the saratov art museum, he really wanted and achieved that this museum would have named after his grandfather, radishchev. the point is that i rodishchev from the saratov province, this is the first museum in russia in the province, public, art, it appeared earlier than the tretyakov gallery. since
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bogolyubov is a dovryan, his biography was predetermined. he was sent to the tsarskoe selo cadet corps, and then graduated from the naval cadet corps in st. petersburg. and the trip to the island of modeiro, which he made as an officer of the yacht kamchatka, became fateful for him. he accompanies and is in the retinue of duke massilman of lichtenberg, then president academy of arts. it is the duke who notices that bogolyubov loves to draw and utters the phrase that bogolyubov.
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the effects are colorful, then bogolyubov, as a naval sailor, he knew perfectly well the equipment, the shape of the ships, and as he wrote, we also appreciate the suffering of the ship for its storms with ships, it was on the water that midshipmen were trained as hydrographers, that is, military men who could to write the coast in every detail, for lottius, for military atlases, for god-lovers, of course, he mastered this brilliant art. bogalyubov all his life everything he painted from nature, and ivazovsky, as you know, is a sea, a stormy sea. i wrote only from memory. bogolyubov, when he was working on paintings for a big gold medal, went to revel, present-day tallinn, for this, and as he writes,
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he walked for a long time and looked for a view, a plot to depict, but a storm happened here, the svil transport was thrown ashore, and the plot was found . within a week, bogolyubov made sketches from life, on the basis of which he painted a picture; when this picture appeared at the exhibition, a critic immediately wrote that lieutenant bogolyubov, he depicted a humid atmosphere. the large gold medal received for the program picture gave him the opportunity to go abroad at public expense for 5 or 6 years, and after 1854, until the sixtieth year, he spent all this time in europe. bogolyubov, like all russian artists, was traveling to italy, it was a traditional route, a traditional place, a country of ideal
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landscapes, but when in dressden he saw the works of the achenbach brothers, german artists, in an art store, he abandoned this road and immediately went to get acquainted with them , after that. of course italy, here in italy, bogolyubov realized that he was an artist who, in his independent work that was already beginning , sought to follow modern artists, and these were not only the achinbakh brothers, but also french artists of the parbezon school, he visited their workshops, was friends with many, charles francois de bigny, one of the brightest representatives of the barbezon school, he even exchanged... the things that fascinated god-lover in the barbezon people, their ability to find many
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shades in dim colors, but it is no coincidence that it was with this the school is associated with the concept of field painters, yes, when an artist finds a million subtle tints of color in a very sparse color scheme, he remained not only indifferent to the impressionists, but did not accept their work, he wrote that they were too rainbow-colored, among landscape painters they took their place kind. place because he turned out to be a link between the modern european landscape and the academic, domestic landscape, which he developed in his own way. bogolyubov returned to st. petersburg with a very large supply of work, and he was awarded the title of professor, including including for the painting fair in amsterdam. on the one hand, this is... an impeccable perspective, a very deep space, on the other hand, this is a romantic look at nature, at the city, at the world around him,
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bogolyubov is a realist in the full sense of the word, and his moon, this moon is not fantastic, but really immersed in the clouds, it was a new european technique, on the other hand , a very correct, academic, large-scale view of the picture. after returning from europe, bogalyubov goes to moscow, he goes there for the first time, he had previously i've never seen moscow. his moscow, of course, is modern moscow, despite the fact that it struck him with its national identity and antiquity. therefore , in his paintings you can see what the crimean rampart looked like and how the cathedral of christ the savior was built. skating on the neva. in fact,
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bogolyubov painted this picture in company with his friend, adolphe charlemagne. on anev, somewhere since the thirties, horse races were held. they were so spontaneous, anyone could participate. and in general it was a holiday maslenitsa. the perspective in the picture is impeccable, truly military to the very horizon. only he could probably show the hydrograph like this, and these interesting figures belong to adolphe charlemagne, he studied with him at the academy of arts, his friend, they left two signatures on the right bogolyubov, the author of the landscape, on the left charlemagne put his abbreviation, initial letters, first and last names, by the way, bugolyubov always plays a huge role in his landscapes. another painting for which bogolyubov
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received the title of professor. in this picture the influence of several schools merged, as it were , first of all, probably, dusseldor, here bogolyupov studied with andreas achenbach, who, when the student came to him, said, first of all, go to holland on location, and this principle of working from life was important to him here, the picture is called the entrance of fishermen into the harbor in a storm in saint valery, this is a french port when bogolyubov left for dusseldor. his parisian teacher, another outstanding marine painter of eugene zab, said: “why should you study lachenbach, you will become callous, like three germans, but it turns out that he did not become either auchenback, or isab, or daubeny, himself, an artist. in his works one can always feel his scale and grandeur, but at the same time, this is a genuine, harsh, northern nature.
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the beginning of the 20th century, the century of scientific and technical discoveries, was a time of searching for new paths in art. artists and writers, having discovered a wide field for experimentation, enthusiastically responded to... the demands of the era; in their work they sang the rapid rhythms, dynamism and power of the industrial future. your answer the italian futurists gave the rapidly changing world; they rejected old art in
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the name of the triumph of the new. one of those who stood at the origins of this movement was umberto baccioni. bachoni was born in 1882 into the family of a minor official. his father's service forced the family to move frequently from place to place. unsettled difficulties in everyday life ultimately led to the parents breaking up. umberta and her father left for sicily, while mother and daughter remained in veneta. bachoni retained his love and affection for his mother throughout his life. her image appeared more than once in the artist’s works. in sicily, umberta graduated from a technical
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institute, but his creative nature was much more attracted to art. he successfully compensated for the lack of a systematic artistic education with talent through persistent searches for his own self. studied at the free nude school at the roman academy of fine arts, attended drawing courses at the venetian academy, studied the technique of pointillism with his compatriot, jacom ball, and mastered the methods of the impressionists in paris post-impressionists, was interested in the experiments of the cubists, and took lessons from the poster master giavanne mataloni. an important event for the young artist was his acquaintance with the artist philippe marinetti, the author of the term futurism. in 1909, marinetti published
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a manifesto in which he decisively broke all ties with tradition. we don't want to be part of the past, he declared. the futurists admired the new beauty, the beauty of speed, they preached courage and rebellion. and ... a question that worries us, he wrote. our feelings in painting can no longer be whispered, we we want them to sing and sound on our canvases from now on, like deafening triumphal fanfares. painting, according to
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artists and futurists, should convey global dynamism, reflect life in which everything moves, runs, and transforms. they proclaimed: “from now on we will place the viewer at the center of the paintings.” back in 1907 , bacioni settled in milan, where his mother and sister lived. the lively life of a big city, filled with noise, traffic and technical innovations, and thus in tune with the futuristic principle, became for the artist one of the main sources of inspiration. in 1910, baccioni presented in milan at an exhibition of free art.
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observes the rapid construction, as if invading her cozy, frozen little world, a painting shown at a traveling futuristic exhibition, acquired her collection , i give it away.
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one of bachoni's main paintings was the triptych state of mind, on which he worked for almost the entire 1911. in it, he sought to convey the state of mind of people at the railway station, the center of movement of human masses and technology. first the picture of farewell conveys the chaotic movement of passengers. the only static object. locomotive number. the second picture was called "those who leave." in it, the artist uses oblique lines to enhance the dynamics. people boarding a departing train can expect a quick change of scenery outside the window. the basis of the third picture is those who remain.
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the movement that we want to reproduce on canvas will no longer be simply a fixed moment of universal dynamism, it will be the dynamic sensation itself, said the technical manifesto of the futurist baccioni's painting, he tried to achieve this effect by depicting successive stages of movement in one painting, in works such as the elasticity, dynamism of the cyclist and dynamism... he followed
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the declarations of his manifesto: to depict the human figure, you must not paint it, you must convey the entire surrounding atmosphere, the movement of light destroy materiality. in 1912, umberta baccioni visited paris, where he visited the workshops of cubist sculptors. imitate their creativity.
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that in painting, his work called the plastic dynamism of the horse plus the house conveyed the idea of ​​​​the interpenetration of the depicted object and the background, because even in the technical manifesto of futurist painting, bachoni wrote: our bodies penetrate through the sofas on which we sit, and the sofas penetrate into our bodies, the bus crashes into the houses it passes by , and in turn sketches the house... the bottle in bachoni’s sculpture, the development of the bottle in space, seems to form the space around itself. the most famous sculptorbachoni are called unique forms of continuity in space. perhaps it was a rethinking of the sculpture of the great rodin.
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the walking man that bachoni saw in paris. he set himself the difficult task of conveying several stages of movement at once, as well as embodying an abstract idea in plastic form. when italy entered the first world war, the artist was drafted into the army. he did not return home, but he did not meet his death in battle. august 16. umberta baccioni, who so loved to depict the rapid running of horses, was injured as a result of a fall from a horse. injury. turned out to be fatal, doctors were unable to save him. the posthumous fate of most of bachoni's sculptures was sad. over time , they ended up in a landfill, only four
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of them survived, but it was they, and not the paintings, that secured umbert baccioni’s place in art history. a unique form of continuity.
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bogalebov has an unspoken title, very honorable, in my opinion. historiographer of the russian fleet, because all of his battle paintings are associated with royal orders, the first one, dedicated to the crimean war , he executed by order of nicholas i, and the rest two are peter's sea campaigns, explosions of monitors on the danube, that is, events from the russian-turkish war already in 1877, 1878 - this was an order of alexander ii, all these three series are the largest. paintings, huge seven canvases each, which were immediately sent to the winter palace, so they were very little known to the general public. he studied maps, plans, reports, reports, in a word, he worked like
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a real archivist, his paintings can be compared to cinema, we can see how these ships move, how this battle unfolds, with what it culminates, because one ship is still being taken...
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that opposite the ipatievsky monastery, he soon asked to keep this work for himself, because a manufactory, linen linen by the tretik brothers, would be built, the economic basis of the tretyakov gallery, so the painting was very dear to them. in 1871. golyubov joined the association of traveling art exhibitions, and here is the first painting that he presented at the second exhibition of the association - these are just stenives. the picture is quite small, but the landscape is amazing internal scale and the artist’s ability to show its depth in almost empty space, in addition, her coloring is completely
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ineffective, it is almost discolored, but in this lightness, it’s as if you feel peter himself, the seaside, here... the humid atmosphere that is so skillfully portrayed the god-loving people and his ability to write in valers. bogalyubov painted a large canvas, the bicentenary of peter i, a holiday that was taking place on the neva at that moment, where you can see sailors, ships sailing along the neva, and most importantly, a very elegant, varied. audience, in this audience you can see two portraits: alexey petrovich bogalyubov himself, very smart, already with a beard, a true artist, behind him stands karl goon, his friend, friend.
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with images of the volga cities, which also ended up mainly in the royal collections, the view of nizhny novgorod is striking in its extraordinary scale, all the details, the magnificent kremlin, the governor's palace, and the fair, of course, bogolyubov painted several paintings on this subject, including the row of bells. where can i watch this fair? closer, these large-scale canvases are
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rare for that time, because the theme of our artists is a rural view, a rural landscape, and bogolyubov is one of the few who retained his skills, and most importantly, love. showing such a huge, urban and natural space at the same time, and of course, the love for the homeland is very noticeable here. a separate theme of bogolyubov’s creativity is his sketches, but they can be called sketches with great reservation, because bogolyubov was one of the first among russian artists to present them on exhibitions. it was believed that such small works that say little about anything next to the socially significant large paintings of other
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members of the partnership look frivolous, but for bogolyubov this was not just important, it was part of his landscape thinking, he continued his line here to paint only from life, to create the atmosphere that is born thanks to this tonal color scheme, both rich and light, rich. the whole life of the artist and his hobbies, and his love for european technology, his love for life, well, everything in these small pictures, connected together, and most importantly, absolutely amazing freedom, composition, color, brush movement, well, in a word, everything that makes the landscape lively and inspired.
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the former marriage was happy, but it did not last very long, only 5 years. nadezhda caught a cold during one of the holidays, died of tuberculosis, and 2 months later the son of bogolyuby and nadezhda nichaeva died, and he remained a lonely man, he suffered a lot, was sick after that, and we can say that his decision was to work for society, in many ways dictated by the memory of the family, because... as he said, now i don’t have anyone to whom i would leave money and i want
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to do these good deeds, but many years of his life were brightened up for him by the french citizen baroness elizabeth chivre or elizaveta frantsovna, what was her name, bogolyupov depicted her, for example, sitting on the beach, we don’t see her face, but the charming woman with whom he was concerned, but a common-law wife, an unmarried wife, is a lady who cannot appear. with her husband, so they are known very little, but the main thing is known, that before her death, elizabeth shivre accepted russian citizenship, the orthodox religion, and gave most of her money to the saratov art museum. he always remained himself, god-loving. he cannot be confused with any of the europeans with whom he was friends, he has become. one of
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his great merits is the organization of a society with assistance to russian artists in paris. he provided them with orders, he took polenov and repin with him to the norman plein air. polenov writes that he is a few hours, i learned more from bogolyuby than he had learned in several years of studying at home. his vast horizons, his connections with french politicians, the artistic circle, his friendship with turgenev, created all this. the atmosphere around him is very lively, full of creativity and friendship. when bogolyubov died, and this happened in paris, his funeral service was held in the alexander nevsky church, and members of the imperial family, artists, scientists and writers were present there. at his coffin stood a karau,
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an honorary one, because he not only had russian awards and orders, but also the horde. legion of honor, and according to his will, he was buried in st. petersburg on his native land next to his wife and son, and here, when his funeral service was being held, repin said that the worst of russian art, namely russian art, were dying, because bogolyubov was not only a european-recognized artist , he , first of all, remained until the end of his days as a russian artist, who really did for russian cultural life, for its development, for... there are a lot of russian artists and art.
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the creativity of the god-loving can be called modern, like... any great art, on the one hand there are traditions, on the other hand the ability to feel the pulse of modern life, when a person feels it, he always remains modern, he always remains modern for any era, so the more you recognize this artist , the more you love him, you really love him, and not just admire him, but you become imbued with his manner, his thinking and the breadth of his views and... you feel the scale of his personality.
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kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. hello, it’s time for news on our channel
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in lodar starkhov’s studio, briefly about some of the topics of the release.
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to somehow approach the orchestration process very carefully so that it would be
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interesting, purely sonically, so to speak, to find some colors that change all the time so that the listener does not get bored, written in 12 days in november 1917 under the impression of revolutionary events, she became roerich’s response to what was happening in russia, when it seemed to many that the foundations of life were collapsing, calling her mystery a parable mercy, nicholas roerrich wrote: this is one of the most touching words of the beautiful-sounding russian language. alexander tchaikovsky wrote the libretto together with...
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so to speak, a wonderful artist. the first performer of the opera is the svetlanov symphony orchestra of russia. at the conductor's stand, alexander polishchuk says today opera as a genre is not so often composed by composers. this is a very wide palette of colors, a lot of infrequently used tools. this is the timbral saturation of the vertical score. opera this evening sounded. concert performance, perhaps in the near future mercy will become a full-fledged production. maria trofimova,
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ilya popov and igor orlov. culture news. in the new theater, the premiere of the production in the name of the father from the poetry cycle doc. this project is an attempt to connect the world that surrounds the poet and the world that he creates. the main character of a theatrical performance. poetess from donetsk anna revyakina, yana music will tell you in more detail. the new theater deeply explores modern poetry; an entire cycle is dedicated to it performances. anna revyakina's production in the name of her father is the fourth performance of the project called poetry doc. these four names are anna dolgoreva, maria vatutina, igor karaulov and anna revyakina, who closes our today.
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they walked along the streets of new america blok, this was before the blok and before the union, mines, factories, stations and not a single university. this is a multi-genre production, with the author himself acting on stage at the same time. this is multimedia, that is, this is video projection, this is a very rich sound range, this is music, this is scenography, this plasticity, movement, and that’s basically all that is available to the director. the poet says about himself : and now i myself am like my great-grandmother.
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anna revyakina's father passed away in 2014. the play consists of three parts: an interview that the poet gave to the playwright, her correspondence with her husband and, of course, poetry. it’s difficult for me to say, specifically from today’s point of view, what poetry is for me, because for me poetry was also therapy, a weapon, for example, a poem. an actor's daughter is, of course, a weapon, and a cycle about a father is certainly something i tried to give your pain on paper. the play features the author's early texts and what was written more recently. the culmination of the production is the poem miner's daughter about a woman sniper, a fairy tale with a bad ending. anna revyakina became the poetic voice of her city. all the answers are here, in this military paradise, there is no word
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revenge here, only work in... four shifts, they raise the truth to the mountain, donbass gold, hear, the cities are working, the personal story of anna revyakina , immersion in her poetic world, her cosmos is suffering, mercy and a lot of love. yana music, sergei kharlamov, culture news. next, we will talk about exhibition projects abroad. an exhibition in morocco was dedicated to the aesthetics of the koran. this is a kind of journey through time from the 7th century of the muslim renaissance to the end of the 19th century. the exhibition presents copies written in gold ink and samples of book miniatures, the length not exceeding 22 mm. the main goal of curators and collectors is to remind visitors of the traditions of islamic calligraphy. masterpieces of the 16th century from the collection of the ufizia gallery were brought to shanghai. 80 paintings by european masters allow us to trace how
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fine art developed during the... enlightenment and what influence political and social changes on the continent had on artists. representatives of the medici family collected a rich collection. it was preserved in florence thanks to the last representative of the ducal house, anna maria louise. a dialogue between past and future is taking place at the berlin museum of modernity. interactive installations by contemporary israeli artist naama tsabar recall complex playgrounds where musical instruments are taken apart and reassembled . to hear the sound. the visitor needs to touch the map objects. an artist of the 20th century looks at this exhibition of the 21st century. this is a self-portrait of joseph beuys, one of the main theorists of postmodernism. the model of the new scientific expedition vessel ivan frolov has passed ice tests. it will be the largest research ship in the world. it is named after the former director of the arctic and antarctic institute. on the most important yulia vasilyeva took part in the icebreaker exam. in
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your test ice. swimming, miniature ivan frolov leaves in complete silence. it seems that the spectators, designers, employees of scientific laboratories and children who came on the excursion held their breath; in the room -18 - this is the most crucial moment of the tests, and the model of the new polar vessel cuts through the ice like a hot knife through butter. inside the model there is a dynamometer, there is a device that measures forces, we record this force and then recalculate it in the same way for natural conditions. i i’ll tell you that no, this is quite normal resistance, it’s not extreme, of course, but close to it. according to the conditions of the experiment, the model must overcome a continuous ice field, its thickness is 20 mm, that is, on a scale of 1:50, in real conditions it would be a meter. ivan frolov, as the designers jokingly call him, is bipolar. he will work in the arctic and antarctic. we have 10 stations, five year-round, five seasonal, according to this
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strategy. russian presence in antarctica should be provided by two vessels, therefore, since academician fedorov, so to speak, is completing his work in antarctica, a new ship is needed. this is already the eighth or ninth model, each of which passed a similar ice test, based on the results of which the designers made changes to the hull layout. the fact is that the bipolar vessel will be multifunctional, with a hull more than 160 m long, a tanker, a floating airfield, and other places. to accommodate 240 people and about 20 laboratories in containers. in fact, this ship is a floating branch of the arctic and antarctic institute. at the same time, in addition to ice, afrolova there are storms to fight. we have.
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in 3 years it will be 40 years old, and this small model will be left in the institute’s laboratory so that complex maneuvers and any emergency situations can be worked out first on it, rather than risking the safety of the original vessel worth almost 40 billion rubles. yulia vasilyeva, dmitry dolgov, nikita morozov, olga potapenko, vesti petersburg. the golden crow film festival continues in anadar. a large program has been prepared for the guests of the participants, which is not limited to only. cinema: this is both a trip to the ocean and an acquaintance with the culture of indigenous peoples. details from stanislav. at night , the aurora is photographed here in the snow- covered surroundings during the day. the golden crow festival is a place where
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art and nature compete for impressions. the trip to the tundra became traditional; the guests attending the film screening were able to see what this seemingly lifeless world is like. on the way to cape dionysus was replaced. and just stand like that and look at this ocean and talk to him, so maybe silently that he whispers to me, although we don’t see him here, he’s frozen now, since this is an estuary, noticed how
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beautiful it is when the waves freeze, the feeling that they are there, and you still slightly guess where the land is, and where is the water? meanwhile, in the cinema, viewers will meet a snow leopard, this is the name of the drama by the tibetan director. and ranks you can get acquainted with the national culture of the indigenous peoples of chukotka. a ritual of thanksgiving to all our nature, the chukotka land, the sun, the sky, stars, yaranga is a must, and so
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that all guests of the international film festival golden crow, who came to us in chukotka, safely spend everything here, all their planned events, ahead of the festival. a large program, all events are mainly in the evening, so that city residents can visit them after work, the festival will last another week. stanislav anisimov, alexander kapustyansky, culture news, anadar. this concludes our episode, all the best and see you soon.
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i look, thanks, yeah, yeah.
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what a rvd zanevskoye, but stand, stand, i say, stop, i’ll shoot, here they are, please. am i crazy?
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the guys were absolutely stunned. well, have you been running around? gagik is lying, he didn’t touch her car, it was already full of scratches when i arrived. hands, no need for hands, hands, come on, it doesn’t matter anymore, you now have an attempted murder hanging on you, what an attempt, a representative of the authorities in execution. huh, maybe murder? let's go, no need, let's go.
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you recognize the girl, no, it’s not me, and that’s not what i ’m talking about.


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