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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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isyns, no! hello, oh, marie sergeevna, what fate? vinokurov said, did you find the maniac's shoes? to be honest, yes, marya sergeevna also had a cloak there, i gave it all to the laboratory and let them check it. is popalezhaeva ready yet? yes, marya sergeevna, i’ll tell you honestly, there’s nothing new, except for one thing, the murderer wiped the murder weapon on the clothes of the murdered man. and
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to be honest, i think it was a scalpel, as you said, marya sergeevna, and under the nails they found pieces of clothing, well, yes, the killer’s clothes, yeah, now, hello, this is mitya, hello, marya sergeevna, laboratory, so, they found the shoes, uh, no, how do i know, i’m like, i’m calling, well, you’ll be happy, those shoes, but no, well, i don’t know, okay, they checked the trace. yes, the trace here won’t tell you anything, you yourself understand such shoes, well, well, what kind then, well, i can say one thing with confidence: the blood on these shoes belongs to polezhaev on the cloak, too, listen, you are strange people, you are strange people, i say, those shoes or not, i said, i don’t know, i’m not supposed to draw conclusions, everything is clear, but what it’s clear, marya sergeevna, the blood on the shoes belongs to polezhaev, which means 100% that they were a maniac, so let’s go, where are we going to buy the shoes? come on, let's go, please,
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zoey, but maybe not. “here, this is for you, i told you in russian, the reception is over for today, please come out, i can’t, zoey, but i couldn’t help but print this, it would be a crime against all humanity, well, imagine, here’s your father coming "they ask for protection and
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they refuse him, lord, and after 3 hours he is found dead, but what do you think, that i should have been silent, but everything that i think, i already told you, go out, goodbye, you said this when polezhaev was alive, now he is dead, they killed him immediately after he left the investigative committee, you understand , here... a really working investigator, she really helps people, now she will be removed, or may be removed, all thanks to your article, you think that in this way you help people, but you are just making money, which i don’t see, by the way, so zoya, hello, if i ever again have suspicions that you do you share proprietary information with strangers? “you will have to look
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for another job, and what is it that you put on earrings, but didn’t try a ring here, i think they will willingly take you to any tabloid, to the gossip section. get out of here already, we are now holding a campaign for your model that you bought from us, but you still have these shoes? well, what kind of promotion? until the 15th, every owner of your model can buy any other pair of shoes for 10% of its price. yes. for
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mobile phone owners, yeah, but for so you need to send a photo of yourself in these shoes to your email address, and... excuse me, i’ll call you back, yes, volodya, listen, you don’t remember the name of this student maxim, merchants, i think i’ll look it up in the book now, so, maxim kuptsov vladimirovich, so. these shoes were ordered from his mobile phone, 3 months ago he bought them, and the shoes are the same, the same, and the examination, the shoes are right, the raincoat too, veda and i are already approaching, we’ll dare the neighbors, that means
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maxim, uh-huh, come on, i’ll be right there too, yeah, we’re waiting, alyonka, don’t you recognize me, what... well, your neighbor, vanka, angels of the area from monday on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection. making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel is where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world-exciting. i have been waiting for you for eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, exhibition. russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. rtr-planet, more than just
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television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the most high-profile premieres, how did i get here, and post-corporate, or what? who are you? you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a cunning murder, i don’t know that it was on the strip, dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks will have no luck. we will succeed , i will operate, i’m scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again, that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player,
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a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on my head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read! i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger! nadezhda, my home is underground, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country. inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste. i poured a basin of hot water over myself and i’m glad to say to my wife: i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things. meetings with the stars. what is more difficult to become a good person or to remain? the question is, of course, interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. when in our lives difficult trials come, very... unite, do not betray anyone, no matter what happens, the story
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of a mysterious disappearance is live, the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, now the russian flag federation rises above the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph; our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. actual news. political investigations and impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair and, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planets channel.
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hello, hello, can we talk, can we, uh-huh, come in, you come in, come in, get it, my friends, it’s murder again, but no, you recognize these shoes. well, well, it looks like maxim's shoe cloak. and the cloak? and the cloak, well, i don’t know, well,
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similar to maxim’s cloak, yes. is he at home? no, i haven't seen him since yesterday. could this be him? no, he has his own key. hello. hello. well, for now there’s no way, you have to hide it, you don’t leave, you’ll be understood, okay? tell me, where did maxim come to st. petersburg from? he didn’t come from anywhere, he’s from st. petersburg, and they only rent to people from st. petersburg, so why is he renting? well, he said that he lives with his mother in a small apartment, but he’s already a grown-up boy, after all. i have an address his registration.
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well, nothing yet. marie sergeevna, look, there is dried blood here, where did you find it? in the closet there on the bottom shelf, maybe for registration? yes, we need to go. who? we need maxim. hello.
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hello. what actually happened? and he's not here now. where could he be? well, i do not know. but he doesn’t... sometimes he calls, he called yesterday, but what happened? yesterday in the apartment where maxim rents a room, the tenant was killed? he told me, horror, uh-huh, and maxim communicated with him very closely, so i would like to ask him a few questions, well, you call him on his cell phone, but we called, he’s not answering, so we’re worried, yes, well, call him if he
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shows up, or tell him, okay, okay, yes, goodbye. goodbye, i understand, i’m busy, yes i understand, uh-huh, well, where did i call, nowhere, neither from a mobile phone, nor from a landline phone, didn’t call anywhere, that is, he knows where he is, uh-huh. “put the outdoor light on, i went to get the order, we need to search the apartment, maybe he’s there, yes, guys, find out whose scarf this is, maybe it belongs to the murdered girl, this is important, we’ll find out, filonov, what are you doing, i’m stunned, what are you allowing yourself to do, whether you work or not, throw the hell out of your trash can, if you can’t work, the whole country is looking, and
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you can’t find a person, at least you yourself are you doing, i’ll look in the personnel to see who hired you?” “you need to go to kindergarten to work as a legal adviser, i ’ll just fire you, the investigation is that you ’ll never go back to being a half-wit again, huh? yes. hello, masha, yes, nikolai petrovich, come on over, i’m on my way, what? masha, i'm waiting for you, hello, yes, fed, i'm listening, marya sergeevna, mother vosnetsova recognized the scarf from the description, of course she had to look at it,
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vosnetsova is the one who was the first, i’m not confusing anything, no, you’re not confusing anything, on which traces of shoes were found, right? i see, thank you, fedya, let's go, bye bye. so. hello, vera sergeevna, this is shveytsova from
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the investigative committee, we came to you an hour ago. yes, yes, please tell me, where does your son study? at the polytechnic in biophysics. yes. it's clear. you know what, i have a big request to ask of you. please tell him. yes, i don't know where he is. no, you know. so here it is please tell him that i am looking forward to seeing him. if he goes into hiding, he will be in big trouble. tell me i know everything. he's already. it's coming to you, great, don't worry, this is the right decision, really, goodbye, so, masha, you're here, i asked you to come see me, masha, i'm waiting for you 40 minutes, you know who called me, it's complete disaster, you know that i, that i, found a maniac. did you
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arrest him? no, how? well, what, well, what if he’s dead? so is this polezhaev? polezhaev! so it is! yes, yes, come in! and here witness! he's a maniac hunter. have a seat, maxim! so, when did you realize that polizhaev was a murderer? well, okay, let me start. you found the body of your classmate
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vasnetsova, right? first before the police arrive, right? lenna and i were supposed to meet then. we usually walk towards each other through the kindergarten. well, i met her. she was no longer breathing, but did you see polezhaev? no, i didn’t see anyone then, i ran around the whole kindergarten, only dogs, lena had a button in her hands, clutched, so old-fashioned, horny, uh-huh, so i took it, i realized that she it was torn from the killer. uh-huh, then i walked around the whole area, looking for people with such buttons, i found one, uh-huh, i came to
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the apartment under the pretext that i heard that the room was for rent, and there they really were, lucky, i kept an eye on everything, i wanted to make sure that it was polezheev . wanted to catch him at the crime scene, and the search in his room was corrected? i, uh, found lenin’s razor and scarf, after that he became worried, and i realized that i couldn’t delay any longer, and justice was done, so to speak, masha, thank you, thank you, masha, thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you very much, marya sergeevna, i will report, uh-huh, i, don’t pay attention,
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it’s just that this is the next victim of the maniac, if it weren’t for you, really, no, last interview, zoya, here. not bad, not bad, not bad, i saw it, but how
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swedish i was, i typed it out, and now i’m generally, well, quiet, what are you talking about, kovin’s people are there, and you know that he promised to kill you if he sees you, yes, he brought a gun , like a gun, and a double-barreled shotgun, well, if it misses. and zoya, you know, i have to go to work, i’ll stop by sooner, okay, but i won’t go anywhere, that’s if they want it, let them fire you, that’s right, that’s right, i praise you.
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today seems to be a special day for me and for you. in our studio we will meet for the first time, i will meet with the representative of buddhism, dashanima, and i will learn with you a little more or at least some about buddhism, dashani maloma, hello, hello, i don’t even know where to start, because if talking about common confessions, then at least i have some basic set of questions, if we talk about buddhism, do i understand correctly what it is one of... thank you for the invitation,
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of course, buddhism is the buddha born in lumbini, this is the present time nepal and, as it were , was considered india at that time. buddha was born into a royal family and he always wondered why he was born, why it was, when he was, he was in a royal family, raised, yes, as a warrior, as a man, buddha is not a deity. not a deity, when the buddha was born, he had a lot of signs, when his parents turned, well, then they told wise people, this was the future teacher who was born, and he was protected, raised, when he reached adulthood, he left home, first meditated and sat in the forest. alone, then
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he thought, disappearing oneself is also bad, then he left and, well, reached nirvana, and he accepted the teaching, there must be a middle path, this is why the buddhist teaching began, the buddha of his concept, buddhist said, buddhism must be oriented towards virtue , the accumulation of virtues and... like virtue and like the mind, the struggle with the mind, ignorance, lack of vision and based on this, his teaching, how to say, spread like this and reached ours russia, that is, in general, it is virtue and knowledge and knowledge, but he was born when, how many years ago, 2800 years ago, and then he was defined as a bearer of knowledge, a bearer of some
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wisdom, and the teachings of the buddha. was set out in books, in books, there are three baskets, tripetaka, this is a book written from the words of buddha, and buddhism is like two branches, there is kiravada and mahayana. hiravada is southeast asia, which they are lamas, achieve themselves, and mahayana is how to say, the thought there is bahisat, these living beings have achieved enlightenment. take an oath so that they will continue to help living beings, so that the last living being leaves, achieves nirvana or happiness, that’s the difference, and you say living being, you don’t say human, all living beings are equally important in buddhism, everyone is equally important, we are all we must treat them as living beings, show mercy, virtue, if we do not love all
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living beings... fortunately we will not have compassion, love for all living beings, that is the question in buddhism, is it permissible to eat living beings who have there, well, not plants, of course they are also living, but here are living beings, there is fish, meat, insects, yes, this is milk, like khirovada, they are all vegetarians, because they have a climate, yes, where they are common in the southeast. relief, and we, tibet, yes, mongolia, buryatia, there is a climate there , how can i say, without eating meat it will be difficult, it is easier to get meat than vegetables, yes, there are no exceptions that cannot be consumed as food, no, no, no, if we talk about buddhism, then a buddhist temple is a monastery, or it is a temple, or these are two different things, there is also monasteries and temples and everything, whatever it is...
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other religions, yes, in russia, buryatia , dotsans are accepted, this is a temple complex, there is a cathedral temple, a temple for deities, well, this is a complex, in the elgim dotsan there are currently nine small temples, when 10 temples already become a temple complex, each temple has its own prayer rituals that are done, so if there... for example, catholics have the vatican there, yes, muslims have mecca there, mecca, in buddhism, that considered to be the center of the source of buddhism geographically, here is there some kind of central body, apparatus that is considered the supreme body of buddhism, well in russia, this is evoldinsky, yeah, this is considered the center of buddhism in russia, which just has nine, right now a temple, yes, nine
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temples, and there are also there is. build their temples, that is, these republics and countries began to return to their roots, that is, what was prohibited began to be revived, that is, buddhism began to be revived in the post-soviet space, in russia there are five subjects that profess buddhism, this is the republic of buryatia , trans-baikal territory, irkutsk region, kalmykia and etuva, at this time , buddhist communities dedicated to buddhism are also appearing in large cities of russia. who professes buddhism, in russia it is approximately clear, for example, if i can say so, the head or the eldest, the most important teacher or preacher of buddhism in russia, if, for example, you need to consult, yes,
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turn to some knowledge, this happens in nepal, somewhere in tibet, or somewhere further, that’s where the highest authority in buddhism is, we are russian putists - this is an autocephalous church, but autocephalous. we do not obey anyone, we already in 1741 ekaterina taraya gave us the opportunity to institute banditahambalam this year is already 260 years anniversary, and in 1740 elizata fedorovna allowed us to profess buddhism and from that day on we are already like russian buddhists, well, for example, there is in orthodoxy patriarch. there is a mufti or imam, in buddhism, who is the main one, here in russia, in buddhism the main bandidahambalama, the buddhist traditional sledge of russia, damba yusheev, yeah, this is the head, the patriarch of buddhism in russia, that's if
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talking about reincarnation, in some religions reincarnation is possible according to the signs that you showed during your life in terms of your qualities, that is, if you behaved like a stone, then you will be reborn. into stone in buddhism, it is believed that the human mind of thinking is necessarily reborn into the human, or are there some odds? it depends on the accumulation of virtues, you do more good to people, you help, yes, how much charity you have accumulated, your next rebirth depends on this, we also help with prayers, but the person is not to blame. did something bad, and there are spiritual lamas who can read, correct and send good ones, and even if you couldn’t, you didn’t have enough strength, or for some reason there were few virtues in your life, then
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it’s in the hands of those , who will send your mind, yes, your thinking to the next world, how beautiful, amazing, that means, from what you say, one gets the impression that this is... the most understanding and accepting faith and religion, well, it doesn’t work out, you have vegetables, well that means you eat meat, in general i didn’t hear anything one prohibition, even if it sounds very good, very correct, the most important thing is that buddhism always encourages people to peace, virtue and non-violence, we must the most important postulates of buddhism, like this, we must treat all people, all living beings, as our parents, oh, how good it is, you know, i’m so happy when in this program we eventually come to one thing, that the main thing is, in general, love for your neighbor, love for everything that surrounds you, yes, yes,
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thank you very much , the most important thing is that in order to achieve this we must have inside we have harmony, everything depends on this, the stronger a person is... inside, he will always be kind, good, always help people, the most important thing is the kindness of the soul, oh, thank you very much for coming, i will look forward to our next meeting, thank you too, thank you for inviting me, i’m very glad, success in your work, thank you very much, see you again. drimonim, dramonim, aikonym, aronim, burying,
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all these are toponyms, and what are toponyms, we’ll find out now, vladimir, hello, hello, burying is very funny, it’s not a verb is not a verb, a toponym is what, a toponym is a geographical one. well, as they say, moscow is named after the river, yes, the name of the river, what the river is named after, the name of the river is a hydronym, and this is a hydronym, a hydronym, yes, but i come to you today with another toponym, but a very interesting one too the history there is quite unusual, st. petersburg, and st. petersburg is unusual, yes, have you ever wondered why st. petersburg, but the colloquial name of the city is peter, petersburg through e, peter through i, maybe i did. but i think i went straight in to a dead end, well, let me get you out of there,
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let’s write this name now, because it’s very good to understand with an example, but this has nothing to do with the pronunciation of the name peter in any latin language, in fact , you are right when talking about languages, because the city was named after the heavenly patron peter, and st. peter, surrounded by peter there were people who spoke dutch,
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petersburg was found in documents and , moreover, in popular speech, even here there were options and there was also petenburg, this is a combination of all these options st. and st. pe pi'. peters-peters, burg-burgburg, gave several dozen variants of the name of the city, which at first were found in documents, this was found before a certain correct name was established, yes, this was in the first years, in the first years of the existence of the northern capital, when in in general, this is a common story, a new word is mastered in the language, experiences fluctuations, these were options, these were options, now, of course, the only... possible option, but earlier in the first years
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of the existence of st. petersburg these options were used were found even in written sources, it is precisely linguists who suggest that the colloquial name of the city peter goes back to the forms s and petersburg, that is, it is also more than 300 years old, it goes back to the very first forms of using the name of the city, now, of course, only through e, we write st. petersburg, with the word peter we... we don’t check it, but this is a colloquial name trace of such an interesting history of the city, a toponym is a certain word, it is probably in some dictionary, it has one variant spelling, correct? as a rule, yes, there are dictionaries of geographical names, yeah, and there are dictionaries of proper names, for example, the ageenka dictionary of proper names, which includes geographical names, for example, cologne, let's take, yeah, it was a colony, yes, hence o decolon, yes , yes, toponym. what is the name of the city cologne,
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cologne, yes, and if it is different in different languages, then each language has its own toponym for this city, yes, this is a very common story when the name of the city in the source language does not coincide with the name of the city called written or pronounced in another language, yeah, and there are options, in fact there can be one spelling, there are many pronunciation options, melbourne and melbourne, sydney and sydney, that's very florida and... yes, there are many such cases when a variant close to the language competes - the source, and a variant that is already traditionally used in the russian language, yeah, and if we talk about etymology, about the origin, well, st. petersburg is clear, then we move on to all the aronims, drimonims, dramonyms, hydronyms, yeah, that’s the way we are already we go to etymology, that is, toponym - it’s just indiscriminately - it’s the name of a city, well, a place, yes, yes, in fact it’s... very interesting activities, studying the history
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of geographical names, some names are in etymological dictionaries, and there are special dictionaries dedicated to the history of geographical names, and there you can learn absolutely incredible things, you can see parallels between the names of russian cities and foreign cities, for example, i really like the story that the german leipzik, he stands on the lands where the slavs once lived, in in general... its name is related to our lipetsk, there is a slavic root hidden there with the meaning linden, and the german leiptsyk and the russian lipetsk are, in general, etymologically similar names. so there are boundaries in the world, in language very often there are none, but if we return to st. petersburg, then petersburg it is clear that it will have st. petersburgers and st. petersburgers of the feminine gender, st. petersburg women, st. petersburg women, st. petersburg women, yes, st. petersburg women, st. petersburg women, and if this it would be st. petersburg or st. petersburg, yes st. petersburg, this is complicated
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question, we need to think about it, then it would also be a question of the evolution of language, probably then the language would also come up with some form, there is kursk and smoking, which means... from st. petersburg through to there would also be something interesting, but in another universe, not in ours, yes, but maybe cities will appear and we will figure out how the names of their inhabitants evolve, definitely, thank you very much, see you again. i always have great respect and trepidation for any traditions, culture, rules of another culture, but i don’t know these rules, but i don’t know these rules, i don’t know how to behave with representatives of other cultures, i can learn something by experience,
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but today in the studio we can learn this from an expert. larisa, hello, we will talk about etiquette, o'. business etiquette in arab countries, how we interact in different situations with representatives of a different culture, what is different, for example, a business meeting or negotiations in, for example, saudi arabia in russia, for starters. philip, hello, yes, the topic is very interesting, let’s call it cultural code, arabic cultural code, and ignorance of the cultural code leads to misunderstandings and big mistakes, and sometimes it comes.
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when doing business and during negotiations, this is something that is often dictated by western trends, but business, yes, it is necessary to get to the point quickly, in eastern countries small talk is very important, it is necessary to talk about the country, say greetings, this is salaam alaikum - this wish for peace, you should always start a meeting with a wish for peace, health, the second common story is that for example handshake... the same, this is a patriarchal country, and, for example, women can be present at negotiations, due to the fact that the country is patriarchal, women are treated differently, you initiate a handshake, a muslim woman can put her hand to her heart, which means she greets you, but does not allow you to touch her. and another interesting story,
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in addition to gender, yes, also in speech etiquette, for example, in russia, if we know, say, some there.
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that's when we talked about deport gestures, yes, you can't show your back royals, you can’t under any circumstances stand there with your back, you probably shouldn’t cross your legs and show someone the sole, bravo, about the sole, yes, this is such a story, no one should, neither men nor women, because that this is somehow connected with infrequencies, and just like taking something with your left hand or, for example, giving a business card with your left hand, that is, the rule of the right hand. this is all very strictly observed, there are seating rules, and during negotiations, that is , a leading position, but this is how you and i are, we should be opposite each other. right hand rule, your most important representative in the company will sit on the right hand, it will also be from another country, if we talk about
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clothes, i see there now a lot of guys have gone to arab countries, and the guys can walk, there are young people, men can walk around in traditional arab clothing, which, as i understand it, is generally not allowed to be worn by non-arabs, under any circumstances, that is, this is a show. the show is a violation of etiquette and is not welcome, that is, if you are a man and you meet halfway, you you can dress any way you like, like a european, but not any way you want, if it’s a business meeting, it’s assumed that your arms and your legs are covered, for women it’s mandatory, that’s how i came to the program today, to demonstrate that it’s mandatory to cover your ankles, ankle-deep should be a long skirt, and during prayers, because you will be surprised that... even if you have business negotiations, if you hear prayer, then negotiations stop, and either the call to prayer, yes or the call to prayer, it
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can be suspended, initiate too there is no point, you just need to wait for this pause. eastern people, as far as i remember, they are not exactly famous for their hospitality, but the desire to continue to treat you and treat you is not connected with the desire to feed you. and it is connected with the fact that the absence of something on your plate or in a glass or cup indicates that your interlocutor wants to get rid of you, that is , they seem to show by pouring that no, please don’t leave, be here , as much as you can. you have to drink all the time, that’s absolutely right, yes, you don’t have to drink it all the way, no you need to finish eating until the end, because in this way you are still asking for more, and there is also, when you are offered arabic tea, when you hold it...
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but in 1920, women deserved handshakes,
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they began to shake hands; in fact, this is due to the development of the movement and feminism. thank you for such an introductory course in oriental etiquette, you have proposed a very good topic for our next program, this is generally interaction with the opposite sex with a woman, including business, i would really like to dedicate the program to this, with great gratitude with pleasure, thank you. very much, then see you again, thank you, all the best, the channel represents my planet, look how beautiful and quiet it is around.
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but we will wake her up because we need ingredients to prepare a unique local dish called holtam spirit. spirit kholtam is a traditional ingush dish, based on meat, lamb or mountain goat meat is suitable. you can get meat at any market, but this, of course, is too simple and uninteresting. that's why we went to the picturesque mountainous dzheyrakh region. ingushetia, which is located among the spurs of the main caucasian ridge. the views here literally petrify artists and dreamers
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. and lovers of delicious food appreciate mountain food. i went hunting in the company of local huntsmen. agree, the men are serious, thorough and well armed. so, we follow the mountain goat along the royal gorge. our detachment is commanded by akhatovet, bigkhan bulgushev, there are those standing over there that you see, yeah, how many times, twice, do i see big ones. what are they called in the inguri language? mosar, mosar, mosar, yes, yes. mosar is a mountain goat, also known as chamois, weighing from 30 to 50 kg. it jumps very deftly along steep rocks, so hunting it is not an easy task. usually there are at least fifteen individuals in a herd, but we only need one. chamois love aromatic mountain herbs, and it turns out that they season themselves.
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in my opinion, it’s easier to wait than to drive, yes, the sun is baking, it’s getting hot, you’ll have to sacrifice some of the camouflage. yes, this is the weather in the mountains, you can freeze, you can evaporate, all this within half an hour. we we pursue the game, hoping that hunting luck will smile on us. there you need to do what, you know, if anything happens, go up there, go,
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sit on this path, we must do this, take this path. that’s it, i’m without a gun, there will be a gun, we’ll talk loudly to them, i agree, i ’ll distract them with conversations, i almost despaired, everyone sees mountain goats, chamois and even masara, i’m the only one who doesn’t see anything, suddenly there was a commotion , chamois are running towards us, well , at least my big-eyed comrades can see them,
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their favorite places for walks, family composition, and also what kind of weed they like, many are sure that the heroes of ancient greek myths, who among us did not read them in childhood, are somewhere far away in the mediterranean, but in fact they are very close, they are practically our compatriots, if not for this guy in shackled, we still dined on cold dishes and lived in unheated caves, like... of course, this is prometheus, who gave people the fire stolen from zeus. having learned about this, zeus ordered prometheus to be chained to these eagle rocks, and here he sent a bloodthirsty eagle to peck out our liver hero, but this is only one version. and here is the eagle, which, according to legend, pecked out the liver of prometheus. true, prometheus, like all titans, was immortal, so during the night his liver
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grew back again, but the bloodthirsty eagle... the next morning returned and finished off the hero’s liver. his torment continued for centuries. when zeus punished prometheus by chaining him to a rock, the locals, of course, scared everyone. to help the hero, only a girl named agura was not afraid; she brought prometheus both water and drink. zeus, of course, found out about this act and turned agura into a river. by the way, the agura river never freezes, they say this is because prometheus throws coals into it. this is how he makes it clear that he has not forgotten about the help of the agura girl.
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okay. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zubsik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. new records for the tobolsk
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flood are 10 m, this hasn’t happened for 30 years, many can’t leave, and some don’t want to. strengthening, cached ammunition depots, d30 border crews. areas are breaking up positions in the armed forces of ukraine. the successes of our military in the zone special operations. and shining shots of iceland, an erupting volcano and the sky illuminated by the shimmer. there was no one in grendavik to watch this, people were evacuated. the water level in the tabol river in kurgan exceeded 10 m. this is more than the historical maximum of the year ninety-four. emergency situations ministry employees are strengthening dams to stop the development of the flood. in populated areas where there is no water yet, it works. is retreating, its level in the ural river has decreased significantly, but still exceeds the 10
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m mark, some residents have the opportunity to return home to appreciate the scale flood damage. special commissions are also measuring the damage, rescuers are pumping water out of the affected households, more than 400 households have been inspected, and 100 barrels of clean water have been delivered to ors on behalf of the governor. they were installed in all residential areas. the local cash settlement center was evacuated, and 17 tons of cash had to be removed from it. the flood is engulfing the tyumen region, where only yesterday it was possible to walk, but today they are working. people are urged to vacate houses that fall into areas of probable flooding. on on the dnieper coast, russian mortar men thwarted another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to attack our fortifications with the help of combat drones. mine crew. denmark destroyed a dugout in which
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ukrainian militants flying drones were hiding. the drones themselves were disabled by the air defense systems. the exact coordinates of the targets were provided by aerial reconnaissance. the infantry riflemen are firmly holding the defense on the twenty-kilometer line of contact along the banks of the dnieper. all attempts by nationalists to break through here by land or air are doomed to failure. costs air defense, that is, air surveillance posts. where weapons are used against these drones, on the right bank of the dnieper it was possible to detect accumulations of equipment in the ukrainian armed forces, three self-propelled artillery mounts and two tanks. this armored group was immediately destroyed by kamikaze drones. meanwhile, in the ukrainian territories bordering the belgorod region, russian artillery is eliminating sabotage groups of nationalists. they are fortified with chronos and warehouses with ammunition. shot, shot!
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d-30 crews work with amazing accuracy. this is a destructive weapon that has proven itself in combat. it is capable of hitting any target at a distance of 15 km. sappers are working in the kupinsky direction. they have already managed to clear key routes in the liberated territories from mines and unexploded shells. now the task is to pave a safe path for armored vehicles and infantry. therefore, you have to walk many kilometers in order not to miss a single detail. all found land mines are destroyed on the spot. ukraine may be defeated by the end of this year, such the forecast was announced by cia head william burns, commenting on the debate in congress, the head of american intelligence said that ukraine is going through a difficult moment because it is running out of ammunition, and the united states has time to help. burns emphasized that if congress does not provide $60 billion for the purchase of weapons, then the armed forces of ukraine will continue to retreat. they are trying to supply the kiev regime in europe, but so far only in words. so german chancellor scholz said that countries. but his polish
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colleague tusk replied that his country cannot do this. the french president is also not going to build a ukrainian air defense system. macron explained that making an analogue of the israeli iron dome would take years and huge funding. the explosion occurred near the airport of the iranian city of isfahan, where the air force base is located. presumably, the attack was carried out by israel. the first footage appeared on the network, which allegedly shows the system working. fvo. iranian authorities have canceled flights over tehran, izfahan and shiraz for an indefinite period. cnn channel with reference to the american the official said that israel will not attack iran's nuclear facilities. the united states blocked a resolution in the un security council that would allow palestine to become a full member of the world organization. 12 members of the council voted for the document, prepared by algeria on behalf of the arab states. switzerland and great britain abstained. only washington was against it.
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used the right of veto, so diplomats from arab countries left the security council meeting room during the speech of the israeli permanent representative. at our permanent representative office the world organization promised that attempts to admit palestine as a full member of the un will continue. protests against the law on foreign agents continue unabated in tbilisi. the parliament building is surrounded by supporters of european integration. mostly young people are exhorting the rally, chanting slogans and waving banners. the protesters tried to break through. police cordons, but not as
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active as it was at the beginning of the week. the rallies are taking place against the backdrop of their approval by western countries, as well as by the current president of georgia, salume zarubeshvili. icelandic scientists managed to capture species unique in their combination. against the background of emerald and crimson tints of the northern lights, the night sky near the city of grendavik was illuminated by the eruption of the svartsenge volcano. he ejects lava for the fourth time in recent months. hot rock comes to the surface. from the cracks formed , more than 3,500 people lived in grendavik until november last year, but due to the threat of an eruption they were evacuated. further regional news: do not switch with moscow residents. see you in a few seconds, now news from the capital region, a powerful balkan cyclone has brought rain, precipitation began the day before,
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will continue today, in some places strong gusts of wind in the afternoon can reach 20 m/sunday. citizens are asked not to take shelter under trees or park cars near them. three cars collided in the west of the capital; the accident occurred on bolshaya ochakovskaya street near the intersection with the first ochakovsky lane. for some time , traffic in the area of ​​the accident was completely blocked in three lanes to the side aminevskoe highway. passengers have made over 570 million trips on the moscow metro and mcc since the beginning of the year. this result is more than 8% higher than last year's figure. citizens are increasingly choosing the metro due to the opening of new routes and the comfort of travel. in the moscow region. barriers will be installed to prevent fires, entry restrictions will be in 300 territories, camera traps will be installed to record violations, some of them are already in operation. read more about events in the capital region in less than half an hour, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on
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the website, see you. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
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yes, egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right. premiere. you've become old, yes, but you're like a cucumber to us. you know, i would marry you, but we have you. hello. hello, what next? mikhail andreevich, holy is the buyer. angels district from monday on rtr. good morning, hello, friday, april 19 is outside the window. elena nikolaev, denis stoykov on tv. without small talk, we suggest starting right away with the beautiful, two
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fires, two elements, the residents of iceland were lucky to capture on video. the footage is simply mesmerizing, the northern lights are shimmering with all colors, an active volcano is blazing below, like... a giant fire, streams of lava have been escaping from huge cracks in the ground for a whole month, and although the alarm level in this area has been lowered from emergency to dangerous, people are in no hurry to return to their homes. the volcano turned out to be very capricious; new surges of its activity are expected in the coming weeks. weather vagaries in the spring are also expected, but we would still like there to be fewer of them; we’ll find out from maria borisova whether this wish will come true. maria, good morning, good morning, so full of surprises, and if we talk about western siberia, our flood situation, unfortunately, is still severe, yes, the water level in the op, irtysh, tabol rivers will only
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decrease after april 21, but there is good news, there will be no rain there, and at the same time it is very warm and sunny, for example in the urals. there will be 30° tomorrow, this bright sun, this warmth is already coming to eastern siberia, but it’s still such a cold spring there in krasnoyarsk +6, it’s winter in the north of siberia, now i’ll tell you in detail, in the south of russia there will be local rains, in some places it’s possible thunderstorms, temperature regime, it will still be significantly warmer than the climate in the afternoon until 11-28 p.m., in some places even thirty-degree heat is possible, only crimea will already... more cool air masses, it will get cold here to 18-23. sunny, abnormally warm weather is expected in the middle volga; during the day the air will be able to warm up to 22-27 only in the north of the region. small showers are noisy and will not allow the thermometer to rise above 17-22.
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arctic air will continue to flow into the north-west of russia, so the rains will again turn to snow, the daytime temperature in the north is 0. -5, in the southern half of the region up to 0.5 sunday in the far south it will warm up to 7:12. central russia will be covered by fields of frontal clouds, so the region rains from time to time. these clouds will not allow arctic air from the north to enter the region, so the temperature regime will remain unchanged. but the urals will continue to receive air masses from the subtropical zone, so here the daytime temperature, like in summer, is 20-25, the highest probability of local thunderstorms on saturday. southern siberia will be in the zone of an atmospheric front, so there will be heavy rains here from time to time, as a result, the influx of solar heat will be limited and the thermometers will not rise above 7-12 only in... tysh anomalous heat will break through, here by sunday until 22:27 in the south of the far east
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, unstable weather with local rains is expected, the temperature regime in the region within the april climate at midday hours will reach +8 +13. well, in general, when you look at the flow of water in some regions, you don’t even want to talk about the rain outside your window, well, we’ll have rain tomorrow, after all, it will be very windy and not one of those... if the weather conditions are pleasant there will be very sharp changes in pressure, then today is low, tomorrow is normal, sunday will be high again i drank they told us yes, she had a snack, thank you very much, i got enough, but by the way we had june in april , we are good, and maria borisova told us about the weather in the next few days, thank you, thank you, with the help songs dedicated to our favorite female and male names, we can confess our love.
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vienna air travel four-legged passengers for decent money, of course, will be offered gourmet dishes, meat and fish snacks, soft drinks and even champagne, and chicken broth, at the service of the tailed client, high-class flight attendants, dog handlers. they will be able to calm the dog down if he is a little nervous, while there are only two routes on the schedule from new york to los angeles or london, the owner was inspired to create such a company by his own dog, he is very attached to the family and does not... stay alone, big dogs can only be transported in the luggage compartment, which is dangerous, how wonderful,
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it would also be nice for drivers of urban public transport to show such an attitude towards their passengers, yes, but instead of this, non-compliance with the schedule , rough driving and rudeness, especially, as they say, boiled over among the residents of the regions, ilya davidov understood the reasons for the lawlessness on wheels, you just touched me with your hands, pay for the price, then we’ll go. having reached the terminal stage, we stepped over the edge. even the code doesn’t scare him, let alone observing the rules of decency, but anastasia came across an expert on the rules. i just didn’t want to understand that the girl was traveling on the bus with a labrador for a reason, she is visually impaired, but...
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there are also no internal corporate rules in this regard, which means you can’t even ask for rudeness, we were driven worse than firewood, we almost got into an accident twice, so we kindly ask you to sort it out, this mother of many children is also waiting for a response to her appeal, recently in earnest we got scared, the bus slammed the doors right in our faces, two children got in because i let them pass in front of me, but it turns out the little one... stayed behind the door, and my hand got pinched a little right there by the bus. well, the people in the cabin started screaming in time, before they had time
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to drive far, but how much nerves did it cost them? however, there have been similar incidents in moscow in recent years. will be less frequent, we are setting up route 133 in yuu, be extremely careful on the route, at the training center drivers are taught not only how to drive a bus, but also their emotions, train stress resistance, we tried to minimize contacts with passengers and there are many times fewer conflicts. the main task when transporting passengers is road safety, and controllers are responsible for monitoring the rules for passenger travel and controlling payment. but in the regions such centers. they are not in a hurry, the carriers are apparently satisfied with everything, they would ask citizens, but the service has not yet penetrated into this area, although it is as important as labor protection or pre-trip control, this is not just a passenger, this is a client who must be treated as client, politely, simply, don’t be rude, don’t be rude, but if you are faced with some actions, 1, 2, 3, 4, then you should
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behave like this, like this, like this, already now transport companies could introduce a scale of incentives, and local authorities... think about in less than a year, experts say, drivers will be unrecognizable for compensation for training costs; their attitude to work, and most importantly, to people, will change. don't grow up playing with cars until you're very old, that's exactly what the most avid collector of four-wheeled model cars, rendi blake, does. the man spares no expense to replenish his toy treasury. the cost of especially rare samples that can be obtained at online flea markets often reaches 1000.
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today we have a very unusual one on test a car that we don’t even dare call a retro car, but let’s try anyway: this is a russian sports car, built in the best traditions of the world automobile industry, marusya, it has already become history. yes, the marysi motors brand ceased to exist 10 years ago; the ideological inspirer of the creation of the russian sports car was showman and former racing driver nikolai fomenko. production has been established in moscow, they will name it. the public saw the first marusya b1 car in 2008, but our copy is already a b2, so to speak, restyling. automobile very light, all body panels are made of carbon fiber, all this was produced by us, and not assembled from ready-made kits. it is based on a welded cockpit with riveted aluminum sheets, and the entire
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design of the chassis was also developed by us with russian specifications. and... it was already manufactured in germany at the facilities of the kvtomotiv plant, where the suspension for corvettes and lamborghinis is also manufactured. by the way, kv noted that this was the best suspension that was tested. the body allows the installation of a 420 horsepower engine strength but we, comrades, have a prototype or running model. turbo engine with a volume of 2 liters and a power of 220 horsepower. there are no door handles at all; they open at the press of a button. the interior is rich, lcd monitors, air conditioning, well, when you sit here, claustrophobia begins, it’s not easy to breathe in such cramped conditions. with a good powerful engine, marusya can start from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds, but with our prototype it turns out fun and spirited, although
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we won’t accelerate, after all, we are on the territory of the verkhnyaya pyshma museum, the maximum declared the speed for a production sports car is 310. but there is a nuance in the form of a limiter at 250, the handling is excellent, it seems that i was just thinking about the maneuver, but it had already done everything, and the stability is five points, alas, the plans for global expansion were not destined to come true, in total, about a hundred copies were collected, but in 2014 it declared bankruptcy. it’s a pity, a good car built by romantics and enthusiasts, before them it’s not so technologically cool in our country... there is something to be proud of. and then, a good book, a best friend. how to find this friend among we'll tell you about the variety of books in a few minutes. i held on. and no amount of money will help if she decides to go all the way. sit and wait until they come for me and imprison me under this terrible article. wildflowers
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bouquet. premiere on saturday on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself, we will start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to pain, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a saucepan or frying pan of fried potatoes with lard. this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well,
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i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely. just like me, it means that you have an ideal marriage on saturday, you have been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, what do you mean to him? she didn’t say anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re in trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, damn, damn, damn, i’m not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he
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betrayed me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, it would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world, an honest thing , however, an ideal marriage, on saturday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kan after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, what? you did this, how could you, taxi, taxi, taxi, so rural,
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turn on oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, just wait for me, through the rains they keep, sweet lights, still live in me, some kind of fantasy.
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thinking, but we are still talking about other real literature, which our reviewer egor sirov will advise to improve karma, learn positive, his word is always good book, good morning, i want to introduce you to a very good book, its author is stefan zweig, it’s called yesterday’s world, they all know zweig’s short stories... they are great, this book is about something completely different, but the fact is that he is an austrian writer , when the fascists came to power, it was necessary to flee, and zweik runs,
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runs first to london, then to south america, then to the united states, then returns to south america and settles near rio daneiro, in the suburbs. it's the forty-first year, the war is in full swing, and this book. in fact, you can call it an autobiography, it is a panorama of that era, a strange, terrible era, and he writes honestly, don’t read it... chukovsky led for almost 70 years from 1901 to 1969, the days of my life, at the end of this diary, and this meeting with actors, writers, famous people, but written by chukovsky, this is a magnificent russian language, an extensive commentary compiled by elena
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chukovskaya, daughter... for example, going on a trip around the world, it’s not easy, you have to read it and the soul rejoices, the book is important, carry a pillow from the ottoman with you, or when you go to bed, you should always lie down with your feet in the direction where you are going in the morning, but it’s true, the mother of one of the heroes says that without knowing the multiplication table , it’s too early to travel around the world, most likely the mother - i’m right, but i’m talking about... with you, all
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the best to you, read and be happy, next, dictation, dictation topic: my friend ganja, about you, well, hold on, come on , come on guys, write, elena sergeevna, isn’t it too late for us to write dictations, so, well, silence in the class about a total dictation right away after the news, denis, are you asking such questions? you create that immediately i, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. the water level in the tabol river in kurgan exceeded 10 m, this is more than the historical maximum of the year ninety-four. emergency situations ministry employees are strengthening dams to stop the development of the flood. in settlements where there is no water yet, a preventive evacuation of the population is underway,
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taking them out from under. the urals have dropped significantly, but still exceed the 10 m mark. part residents were given the opportunity to return home to assess the scale of destruction from the flood. special commissions also calculate the damage. rescuers are pumping water out of the affected households. more than 400 farms were surveyed. vorsk, on behalf of the governor , 100 barrels of clean water were delivered, they were restored in all residential areas. the local cash settlement center was evacuated, and 17 tons of cash had to be removed from it. the flood is engulfing the tyumen region, where only yesterday it was possible to walk, but today they are working boat crossings. in flooded areas, special equipment from the ministry of emergency situations delivers food and hot meals. the local population in the south of the region is also being transported during the most active evacuation. people are being urged to vacate houses that fall into areas of probable flooding. israel attacked iran this night. the explosion occurred near
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the airport in isfahan. where nuclear facilities and an air force base are located. footage has appeared online that allegedly shows the air defense system in operation. iranian authorities have canceled flights over tehran and izfahan mashiraz for an indefinite period. eight civilian airliners in the country's airspace deviated from the assigned route. tsahal has not yet commented on the latest events, but cnn , citing an american official, reported that israel does not intend to attack iran’s nuclear facilities. another nbc channel claims that the pentagon. did not participate in the attack on iran, but knew about it. israel warned the us about a possible attack on thursday. the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses as a result of long-range attacks. explosions occurred in different regions of ukraine, military personnel were hit goals in the odessa region. an air defense system operated in nikolaevskaya. residents of the city of pavlograd in the dnepropetrovsk region heard a series of loud bangs. the mayskaya airfield is located there and is capable of receiving military aircraft. reinforced support. the ukrainian armed forces' point in
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the donetsk direction was destroyed by artillery from the southern group of forces. the crew of the gazdik installation fired from a distance of more than 20 km with high-explosive fragmentation and precision-guided ammunition. the coordinates of the target, as well as its defeat, were recorded by a drone. after completing the task, the crew of the self-propelled gun camouflaged the gun and continued watch. our assault groups are moving, detecting under. the enemy infantry is immediately handed over the target to us, within 30 seconds we work there, help destroy, help our assault groups gain a foothold. in the south donetsk section of the hurricane multiple launch rocket system struck a concentration of manpower. the enemy concentrated in
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the novomikhailovka area. military personnel from the eastern district quickly arrived at their positions, fired missiles and also quickly left the danger zone. howitzers worked near avdeevka d-30 motorized rifle formation of the center group. they have several liquidations to their name. both enemy manpower and heavy equipment, enemy artillery, uavs calculate the enemy, transmit coordinates to us, we immediately get to work, in the sub-kupino division of the nationalists, army aviation attacked with unguided ammunition. the mi-35 flight took place at an extremely low altitude; after firing, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. technicians we inspected the vehicles and replenished the ammunition. about
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700 bakuins are to be installed in the novosibirsk region, where they are preparing to open navigation next week. this year, heavy metal landmarks were replaced with plastic ones that are lighter and more durable. particular attention to difficult areas with underwater. obstacles in the form of stones and sand. in kostorom , the motor ship moskva, a veteran of the local fleet, left the repair shops. all main components, engines, screws and shafts were replaced on it. the building will be checked in the coming days the vessel's systems will be adjusted to ensure there are no leaks. the first voyage along the volga at the end of april. next, regional news, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region, a powerful balkan cyclone has brought rain, precipitation began the day before and will continue today, strong in places, wind gusts in the afternoon can
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reach 20 m/s. citizens are asked to be careful on the streets, not to take cover under trees, and not to park cars near them. there are patrols on the roads due to bad weather. 300 brigades of mos drainage. accident involving three cars. happened in the west of the capital, cars collided on big ochakovskaya street near the intersection with the first ochakovsky lane; due to the accident and traffic in the area, the incident was completely blocked along three lanes towards aminevskoye highway. from 14:30 today , traffic will be blocked at the tverskaya and chekhovskaya metro stations, this is due to the holding of the forty- sixth moscow international film festival. depending on the date , the passage will be closed in sections of a large putinkovsky lane, pushkinskaya square and malaya dmitrovka. the restrictions will remain in effect until 1 am on april 27. about 200 elevators will be replaced in residential buildings in the north-east of moscow by the end of the year. most of the work will take place in the areas of mari naroch and northern medvedkovo, where about 60
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lifts will be installed. the leader will be sheremetevskaya 27. all 12 cabins there will be renovated. the oldest building within the framework of the overhaul in the district will be a house on oktyabrskaya street, built in 1935. three elevators will be replaced there. for fire prevention in forests near moscow barriers will be installed, entry restrictions will be in 300 territories, camera traps will appear to record violations, some of them are already in operation. the forestry committee reminded that lighting a fire in the wrong place is subject to liability, a fine of up to 2 million rubles or imprisonment for a term of 8 years. a school of related care has been opened at moscow longevity centers. the project helps people learn how to care for loved ones. they will learn how to organize space for an elderly relative and how to provide him with first aid. classes are conducted by doctors, geriatric psychologists. more than 500 people have already attended the courses. you can fill out an application for participation at any moscow longevity center, public services office, as well as online on the mayor’s portal.
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premieres in theaters, exhibitions and concerts, encounters with animals, features of historical estates. cultural leisure this weekend promises to be intense. this saturday in the capital there will be an action... night, and for connoisseurs of intellectual relaxation there will be a total dictation. igor roslavtsev will talk about the events. this weekend you can start unusual acquaintances, for example, with fililin. this is a barbarian, she was born in the moscow zoo, she has an inquisitive character, she loves soft toys and cooing. varya lives in the falcon house in kolominskoye, along with other birds. this is raisa zakharovna in honor of the heroine of the film love and doves, and this is a fast and furious parade.
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competitions in sports ornithology, you will need to photograph birds. participants will encounter great tits, blackbirds, geese, herons and finches. we came with an ordinary point-and-shoot camera and photographed probably about 12 birds, but it was very exciting, because even commonplace birds, such as sparrows, that we meet, there are two types of them, yes, field and brownie. if you want to spend the weekend in a warm place, head to the stoves in izmailovo. the stove resembles some small ancient roman or ancient greek building, columns, pediment, and some columns with women's heads, which once decorated the interiors of the hospice house of count sheremetyev, and this is the second half of the 16th century, only the izratsy became colored, here is a bird with fruits, it was even exhibited in the louvre, these weekends in the capital are as always eventful. igor roslavtsev, timofey falileev, anton dubnov and mariana pepanyan, news. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website
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see you. yes, egorova. i paint my nails. i have every right. premiere. it's getting old, right? but you're such a jerk to us. you know i would marry you. well, you are with us. hello. hello, come on. do you hear, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers, angels of the region from monday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simple. incredible beauty, you already understand
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what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, a row, a correctly made bukhara knife, became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, in sunday on rtr, good morning, hello, well, the work week has reached the finish line, friday morning is just around the corner. on april 13 , elena nikolaeva denis stoykov will spend this morning with you. well,
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we’ll probably start this part of our broadcast with the motto back to school, despite friday. yes, it’s been known for a long time that rats are smart animals, but recently it’s been known that they are no strangers to mathematics. scientists from the university of hong kong discovered that the grizins had extraordinary counting abilities. they understand perfectly well what it means to be one, two, three more or less understands basic arithmetic. moreover , all participants, without exception, showed high learning ability. mathematical experiment. the algorithm that the scientific team developed allowed the rats to focus exclusively on numbers. well , next saturday, that is, tomorrow, we will have to focus exclusively on words in russia and a total dictation will take place in more than forty countries around the world. this year the project celebrates its twentieth anniversary, during which time it has gained incredible popularity and, one might say, launched the fashion for literacy. after all its main goal is to show that literacy is important for everyone and what to do. russian language and useful and exciting.
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anyone can test themselves, this is a way to invigorate the brain, a reason to be proud of yourself if you get a high score. well, that's roughly what the participants say. with us today is the chairman of the philological council of the total dictation, the scientific secretary of the ras spelling commission, vladimir pakhomov, vladimir markovich, good morning. good morning, good morning. so first of all, congratulations on your 20th birthday. dictation, have the organizers come up with anything new this year and what goals do you set for yourself? our goal is for even more of our participants to see how interesting the russian language is and how different the real, living modern russian language is from what is written about it in textbooks, because, unfortunately, not all the rules are given in textbooks, and in general russian language textbooks mostly talk about rules, but we want to show that the russian language is more and wider, deeper, more interesting than just rules, then not everyone is studied at school spelling rules are studied. in part, we tell more, sometimes we even
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offer such subtleties, spelling, punctuation to our participants, and the dictation participants themselves love it and...
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and you already mentioned that there is a clear algorithm for checking - dictation texts, who does it, artificial intelligence or do you have a huge number of inspectors, these are people, real people, they check the text of the dictation, and in general volunteers participate in the dictation, this is such a large movement of caring people who love the russian language, and they also check volunteers, philologists, teachers, students, 20 years of geography, i think it is growing and expanding. participants are also increasing, we can draw some conclusions in terms of whether the literacy of the entire population is growing or falling or whether we have reached a plateau, and those who write dictation 10 or more times have 10 times more excellent students among these people, than among those who write a dictation for the first time, if among them the bad students are so inveterate, they have been clearly
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getting a bad mark for all 10 years, but they don’t stop eating cacti, as they say, but you know, we don’t we count how many twos, how many threes, we...
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will not be included in the diary, this will not affect the annual grade in any way, you can write anonymously, of course, thank you very much, our guest was the chairman of the philological council of total dictation, the scientific secretary of the spelling commission ran vladimir pakhomov, all the best to you, thank you, only a few people can do this, a whole bunch of incredible emotions, thank you, who will be even more generous? this is just the feeling, wow, amazing people, amazing seventh season, i got one hundred percent pleasure, today at 21:30 on the russia channel, good, morning of russia, don’t
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oversleep, the main thing is that the share of those who want to increase their income through part-time work has increased by 17% over the past year. this means that almost 70% of russians took part-time jobs over the past year, and most often they get jobs as couriers, order packers and cashiers, kristina sorokina found out how to properly combine primary and additional work and what kind of income this can bring. i think any person needs extra income. bothers me too number. photojournalist robert hovhannisyan got a part-time job as a courier several months ago; he wants to update his work equipment and at the same time save money for a vacation. he says that this way the goal will be achieved faster, towards a basic salary of 60,000, now he receives 15,000 on top every month. at my main job, i have an employment
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contract, that is, i receive an official salary, no matter how long i work there, pension contributions go, but at the second job. i already signed a contract under a self-employment agreement, sometimes i can be there for 3 hours work, and 4 hours, but at the same time experts remind that part-time work cannot be more than 4 hours with an eight-hour working day... on a day free from the main activity, you can take at least a full shift, the main part-time job should not exceed half of the monthly working time norm, and according to the law, you can receive additional income even in the company where you already work, but only in a different specialization. in this case, you need to draw up another contract, which will specify the working conditions and payment, but more often employees get a part-time job in another organization, as external part-time workers, but this is not allowed for all categories of specialists. our exception is children who are under 18... there are restrictions for people who work in dangerous working conditions, they also cannot be part-time workers in the same job, there are also restrictions for
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drivers if they work in the same organization at their main place driver, then they cannot get a part-time job as a driver. in addition, lawyers, prosecutors and police officers have restrictions on part-time work; it may be related only with science, teaching or creativity, and the leaders of the organization , athletes, coaches must obtain permission to... substitute from the main employer, other employees do not have to inform their superiors about additional employment, according to the law, no sanctions can be applied to them for this, but the second the employer must be aware that you combine and take into account your work and rest schedule when drawing up an employment contract; if you do not enter into any employment contract, then you are greatly disadvantaged the possibility of compensation for any, say , your violated rights, you will not be able to prove the fact of work itself, you will not be able to refer to... in general, a permanent part-time job allows you to increase your income by an average
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of about 15-20%, analysts note, so for almost half of russians who work part-time, this brings additional income from 20 to 40 thousand rubles per month. hundreds of ballerinas in one dance hall, tutu to tutu, this is not a new production in the big one, an attempt to set a world record in new york. young ballerinas came from all over america to stand on poin.
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will demonstrate the incredible abilities that they have developed in themselves, but only one of them will truly surprise the audience and the star experts, including an inveterate skeptic and a serious professor. quite often i find it difficult to explain what is happening in a scene, and this is due to the fact that we are really just beginning to discover how our brains work. i understand that a person can, in principle, if he really wants to, train himself for any type of activity, but fearlessness, for me this is absolutely... an incomprehensible story, the most difficult tests await not only the fearless, smart, but also those whose exploits have long conquered the guinness book of records, who are masterfully able to solve
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any riddle in the blink of an eye, and also skillfully control their own body. the korean heroes will be confronted by serious rivals, geniuses of modern times, young inventors and innovators in the field of neurotechnology, masters of high-speed puzzle solving, real alchemists.
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we continue to be surprised, further, successful life, what will change with the new rules, how will punish if the rules are broken in a few minutes, open for... immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means
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not thinking about anything. yes, you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. hotel titanic deluxe golf resort, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and
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enjoy exquisite... dishes from the best restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf ticket is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, well, how can my heir not naughty on saturday, nanny and i’m just not happy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, slander, let’s part on good terms, scum, for every crime there’s one punishment, my sister was offended by a freak, we need to kidnap varontsov’s child, demand a ransom, this is
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varontsov’s eldest son. there is a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, premiere in saturday on rtr, sakora blossom is a favorite time for shanghai residents, japanese cherry trees are planted everywhere, in parks, on boulevards, and just on the street. local janitors are also very fond of the sakura season. during the cherry madness, street cleaning is canceled in the city. this is so that pink delicate petals rustle under the feet of pedestrians. it is believed that this is how people get real aesthetic pleasure. the petals dance along with the light breeze under the spring sun and the mood improves. eastern wisdom. spring is everywhere coming on the spring road. in the irkutsk region
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, sakura has not yet bloomed, but at least. here the bobbacks have woken up from winter hibernation, not only is breakfast broken up, already on a frosty morning the local badger cannot be lured out of a warm house even with a fruit plate, although just the day before, ten-year-old nyusha was happily frolicking in the enclosure and joyfully greeted everyone, a couple of weeks ago, that is, she began to slowly go out, at night she would go out there once, take a treat, that is... they noticed that he was standing, because there were changes in the enclosure, so they began to give her food, meat, fruits, that’s her favorite thing, she was very active running around the enclosure, running and playing, that is, she also started eating twice a day. together with the badger nyusha , the bobaks recently woke up in the irkutsk siege. despite the sub-zero weather and snow in irkutsk, one of the marmots still decided to go outside to have breakfast;
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apparently, alma was simply hungry after a long... winter hibernation, as experts say, boibaks, also known as steppe marmots, can sleep until mid-april, but this season, we felt the approach of spring, felt the warmth much earlier. there is a lot of work ahead, the most important thing is to quickly regain the lost kilograms. during 4 months of rest , bobaks lose about half of their weight , then they begin household work and improve their home. hard-working marmots themselves sweep out old litter from their holes and lay down a fresh layer. hay, they also get angry very often, that is, there are two of them, this is a boy and a girl, and from time to time you can see how they begin to push with their paws , standing on their hind legs, just with their paws they push each other, like... they hug, they miss each other, yes, yes, that is , they have a very interesting relationship, many of the inhabitants of the siege have already begun the spring molting, some get rid of excess fur on their own, others without help a hairdresser is indispensable, then, technology in
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sports, i give instructions, arrange a competition, yeah, you’re absolutely sure that you’ll run away from the cypress, right? you doubt it, in case of victory the cheetah will eat the flour, i’m actually not a flour, i’m denis, victory will be ours, you’re my pretty one, i hope technology won’t let you down, of course, and new insoles for athletes immediately after the news, on the other hand, the cheetah will remain hungry, it’s already warming up, you ’re watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. new records for the tobolsk flood are 10 m, this hasn’t happened for 30 years, many can’t leave, and some don’t want to.
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fortifications, caches, ammunition depots, crews of d-30 howitzers in border areas are breaking up positions in the ukrainian armed forces. successes of our military in the special operation zone. and shining shots of iceland, erupting volcanoes, illuminated look at the shimmering sky in grendavik. there is no one to evacuate people. israel attacked iran this night. the explosion occurred near the airport in isfahan, where nuclear facilities and an air force base are located. footage has appeared online that allegedly shows the air defense system in operation. iranian authorities have canceled flights over tehran , isfahan and shiraz indefinitely. eight civilian airliners in the country's airspace deviated from the assigned route. tsahal. does not yet comment on recent events, but cnn, citing an american official, reported that israel does not intend to attack iran's nuclear facilities. another nbc television channel claims that the pentagon was not involved in the attack on iran, but
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knew about it. israel warned the us of a possible attack on thursday. the water level in the tobol river in kurgan exceeded 10 m, this is more than the historical maximum of the year ninety-four. emergency situations ministry employees are strengthening dams to stop the development of the flood. settled areas. where there is no water yet, there is a preventive evacuation of the population, they are taken out of flooded areas, people take their pets with them, the high water is gradually receding from the orenburg region, its level in the ural river has decreased significantly, but still exceeds the 10 m mark. some residents have the opportunity to return home to assess the scale of destruction from the flood. special commissions also calculate the damage. rescuers are pumping water out of the affected households; more than 400 households have been inspected. according to... the governor, 100 barrels of clean water were delivered to vorsk, they were installed in all residential areas, the local settlement was evacuated cash center, 17 tons of cash had to be withdrawn from it. flooding is engulfing
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the tyumen region, where only yesterday it was possible to walk, but today boat crossings are open. in flooded areas, special equipment from the ministry of emergency situations delivers food and hot meals. the local population in the south of the region is also being transported during the most active evacuation. people are being urged to vacate houses that fall within the probable zone. after flooding on the dnieper coast , russian mortars thwarted another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to attack our fortifications with the help of combat drones. shot! mortar the crew, with an accurate hit, destroyed the dugout in which ukrainian militants were hiding while flying drones. the drones themselves were disabled by the air defense systems. the exact coordinates of the targets were provided by aerial reconnaissance. motorized rifles hold firmly. on the twenty-kilometer contact line along the banks of the dnieper. all attempts by the nationalists to break through here by land or by air are doomed. there is air defense, that is
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, air surveillance posts where weapons are used against these drones. on the right bank dnepr managed to spot a concentration of ukrainian armed forces equipment, three self-propelled artillery mounts and two tanks. this armored group was immediately destroyed. kamikaze drones, meanwhile, in the territories of ukraine bordering the belgorod region, russian artillery is eliminating sabotage groups of nationalists, their fortification caches and ammunition depots, gaub-30 crews work with amazing accuracy, this is a destructive weapon that has proven itself in battle, it is capable of hitting any target at a distance of 15 km. in the kupinsky direction sappers are working, they have already... managed to clear key routes in the liberated territories from mines and unexploded shells. now the task is to pave a safe path for armored vehicles and infantry. therefore, you have to walk many kilometers. station,
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in order not to miss a single detail, all found landmines are destroyed on the spot. ukraine may suffer defeat by the end of this year, such a forecast was voiced by the head of the central african republic, william burns, commenting on the debates in congress, the head of american intelligence said that ukraine is going through a difficult moment, as she runs out of ammunition and the us has time to help. burns emphasized that if congress does not provide $60 billion for the purchase of weapons, then the armed forces of ukraine will continue to retreat. they are trying to supply the kiev regime in europe, but so far only in words. thus, german chancellor scholz said that nato countries are capable of transferring six petriot systems, but his polish colleague tusk replied that his country cannot do this. the french president is also not going to build a ukrainian air defense system. macron explained that to make an analogue of the israeli iron dome will take years and huge funding. the united states blocked a resolution in the un security council that would allow palestine to become a full member.
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iceland scientists managed to capture the background of the emerald and crimson tints of the northern lights; the night sky near the city of grendavik was illuminated by the eruption of the svartsenge volcano. he ejects lava for the fourth time in recent months. hot rock comes to the surface from the resulting crack. until november last year, more than 3,500 people, but due to the threat of an eruption they were evacuated. next, regional news. switch to residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital region: a powerful balkan cyclone has brought rain, precipitation began the day before and will continue today; in some places strong gusts of wind in the afternoon can reach 20 m/s. citizens are asked not to take shelter under trees or park cars near them. three cars collided
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in the west of the capital; the accident occurred on bolshaya ochakovskaya street near the intersection with the first ochakovsky lane. for some time, traffic in the area of ​​the accident was completely blocked in three lanes towards amenyevskoye highway. passengers have made over 570 million trips on the moscow mcc metro since the beginning of the year. this result is more than 8% higher than last year's figure. citizens are increasingly choosing the metro due to the opening of new routes and the comfort of travel. in the northeast of moscow , about 200 elevators will be replaced by the end of the year. most of the work will take place in the mari naroshche and northern medvedkovo districts, about 60 new ones will be installed there lifts. the leader will be the house on shremetevskaya 27. all 12 cabins there will be renovated. we'll tell you more about what's happening in the capital region in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, see you. they say you need to prepare for a vacation,
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you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, about vacation, just relax anex.
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yes, igorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, premiere. you've become old, yes, but you're like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you're with us, hello, hello, what's next, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers, angels of the region from monday on rtr. good morning, hello, april 19, this morning, friday, elena nikolaeva and denis stoykov greet you. and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, six cameras film us in the studio for you, even more only for our telegram channel
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morning of russia, even what we would like to hide gets there, well, the whole television kitchen, come in, subscribe, video cameras, by the way, on the roads may decrease, and significantly, up to 70% of the complexes. recording violations may be disabled, the russian newspaper writes. the reason is new requirements for photo-video recording of violations, a document that will come into force on september 1, requiring the installation of cameras in strictly defined places. there are nine such locations in total; according to many experts, this list is too narrow to cover all 25,000 stationary cameras installed throughout russia. it is unlikely that the incorrect ones will be disabled forever; rather, they will be transferred and reconnect, izinu. they won’t do this either, it’s true, which can’t be said about the procedure for connecting houses to power supply, residents of snt, villages, towns often complain about the extreme difficulty of concluding agreements with power engineers, but bureaucratic formalities sometimes take months, but soon the situation should change radically, how they will give
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light in a new way, andrei shevtsov figured out, energy chaos, tariff confusion, this is how residents of snt pishevik describe what is happening with paying for electricity in their village. after i couldn’t get the certificates, i turned to rosseti, received a technological connection, i had to deal with this for a very long time, it comes out to me in the winter month, it’s 6,000, other residents, having failed to switch to a direct agreement, continue to pay through the snt accounting department . all the time , my electricity tariffs are not according to the state one. prices are inflated, so our costs, especially in winter, are also quite high, somewhere around 6 dash 10 thousand, depending on the season. people complained to all authorities, however, for now the situation remains unchanged. it looks like the story in this snt in the astrakhan
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region. people cannot switch to a more profitable direct agreement with energy companies. the reason is the most complicated approval procedure and paperwork. they walked, walked, walked, they sent no sense from the offices. over the course of 4 years, we managed to transfer 37 people out of 450. unfortunately, the situation is similar throughout the country: re-registering a tariff, connecting a new house or concluding a direct agreement with energy companies is a daunting task. the procedure is cumbersome, requiring many approval documents. often lasts for months. if the networks belong to the property of the network company, then the owner of the site submits an application to the network company or to mosenergosbyt. and receives a direct contract to receive electricity. however. the situation should change in the near future. in russia, the procedure for concluding electricity supply contracts has been simplified; in order to draw up a document, residents of snt only need to submit an application to the energy household organization and receive a free comprehensive service. to do this, simply visit the website the supplier of last resort submits an application,
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the supplier of last resort will automatically create a personal account for the citizen within 15 days, present there the energy supply agreement, already signed on his part, and be informed within 3 days. network company in order to put the metering device into operation, that is, everything will be done electronically in one window mode, experts evaluate the simplification positively if this service becomes, let ’s say, comprehensive, that is, you just submitted an application and they issued contracts for you , little of we have also formalized this connection, well, switching to a direct contract, then of course this will save time and money now. the procedure is being tested, energy sales organizations are receiving instructions, i would like to believe that electronic registration will begin to work in the near future before the peak of the summer season. traditionally , not only summer residents, but also deputies are preparing for the summer season. there will be no new fines yet, but there will be
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some changes that should make life on the site safer and more comfortable. well, in addition to purchasing seedlings, it’s worth familiarize yourself with the new rules in advance. let's do it right now. our guest is a deputy. state duma nikita chaplin, nikita yuryevich, good morning, well , dachnikov traditionally keeps him in good shape, apparently changes are needed so that we somehow generally update our knowledge of where to put the grill, what to burn, what not to... self-capture, not self-capture, there is a tradition, we always celebrate the may holidays together with our friends, neighbors, with barbecue, so we must not forget that the barbecue should be located at a distance of 5 m from the residential building, and if there is a forest nearby, then at a distance of 15 m from the forest area, so it is very important to maintain this distance, because if we don’t...
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we often have a story between neighbors, of course , this is how a building can be located, how much is the distance of the building from the neighbor's, by the way, the distance from the fence changes again.
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comes, only public censure, today administrative legislation does not provide for liability for pouring liquid water or, well, if the liquid meets the standard, if it does not corresponds, if it is shampoo, then this is already a direct and administrative violation and there is responsibility for this, that is , you cannot wash the car, okay, we understand you, thank you very much, state duma deputy nikita chaplin answered our questions, thank you very much, all the best to you . it’s nice to start the morning with a cup of strong aromatic tea, and
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the zerchay bouquet of tart is a tonic, it will give you strength and vigor for the whole day, morning is the time to brew zerchay, what do you want, to conquer your half-broken planet, proposal, objection, but no, another, 100 years ago, the teacher married her student in his sixties and gave birth to his long-awaited son, behind the couple’s back. they whisper that an older wife did not give birth to a child for her young husband and is leading him by the nose so that her husband does not leave the family. live broadcast today at 16:30. a healthy 35-year-old man can do four to eight pull-ups on a bar. statistics show this, but this is not enough to write your name in the book of records, like the japanese kento adachi. he did pull-ups all day 8,940 times. and this is a world record, well , it all started with the fact that a man came to get a job as a rescue diver in
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the japanese coast guard, there, naturally, he had to pass the standards, so he mastered the pull-up the first time, i had to work out, i liked it , as they say, yes, but to find out which sport is suitable for a child , smart insoles will help you make an individual movement passport, they were created by our scientists, andrey will tell you how technology helps current and beginners today... shifts will tell alekseenko, we have to take it. regular exercise on the treadmill, then game training and visiting the gym. aspiring football player lev seriously intends to achieve success . in this sport, even if an athlete is injured, there is a solution. here i have special insoles installed, now we will walk through the hexot in them. the task is to write down the so -called passport of stereotypic movement; it is unique for each person and can be useful if you have to undergo rehabilitation after an injury. if an injury occurs, we take out this passport movement stereotype, we look at what movement
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a person should return to during rehabilitation. so the insoles are needed for his records. for this purpose, accelerometers and shock sensors were built into them, three sensors, one in the heel area and two in the front. the data that we receive from the accelerometer and gyroscope coming from the insole and strain gauge are transferred to our tablet. löf let's start. three tasks of several minutes each. during this time, the program will accumulate information and generate a movement model. it looks like a lot of multi-colored graphs. an expert on them can judge the characteristics of an athlete. if the sensor's blue data appears, it's as if he's landing on his heel. there is no need to do this when jumping. but we see that he makes a small mistake, so there is nothing wrong with that, this is a parameter of his individual jump. the technology can be used in different ways: to practice movement techniques in sports or to identify a child’s predisposition to various disciplines. in the future, experts are sure, such technologies will begin to be used to test all people from childhood. ideally, every person should have their own traffic passport, starting from
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childhood and periodically updating it as they grow older. at the first stage. plans to adapt the methodology for sports teams. successful experience will allow expanding the practice of application throughout the country. and then, non-compliance with the schedule, rough driving and rudeness. we’ll find out in a few minutes how to deal with public transport drivers who allow themselves to do all this. there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, this is to wish you a happy birthday. this is joseph, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well, maybe , and no more is needed. valeria,
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covering the song that you created with maxim padeev, zakha for me it was generally a joke. just then at the sight, find out the second by hello, the very one when it hit, the very same fate in the world of a man with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, sunday, how good it is that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by...
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hello dear friends, your favorite program is on the air 60 minutes 60 minutes today on rta. well, how can my heir not play pranks on saturday, the nannies and i are just unhappy. i am completely satisfied with anna, she is beautiful, smart, and modest. he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, levetul, let's part on good terms, scum! for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by a freak, we need to
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kidnap vorontsov’s child, demand by the way, this is vorontsov’s eldest son. there’s a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i ’ll shoot, a bouquet of dusty flowers, you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i’ll go on any vacation for you resort of the country, men are excited by something completely different, she looked at me as if i had just missed... a penalty into an empty goal, this was the most powerful effect of art on a person. a parade of humor,
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for the releases of our podcasts, and so that nothing skip, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. planting the same number of trees, or even more, than were cut down every year is one of the priorities of the national ecology project. according to experts, achieving such a result is realistic by the end of this. year, in the last 5 years alone, the area of ​​reforestation and afforestation in russia has amounted to more than 6 million hectares, right now foresters are
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having the busiest time of the year, working with seedlings, seedlings, hundreds of thousands of future ones are counting trees. i work seven days a week, just like all 30 employees of the krasnoarmeysk forest nursery, and... workers of all forestry departments in the country at this time of year, says forester adelina shalashova. it is necessary to sow new seeds and prepare the grown seedlings for sending to their future place of residence, but despite the busy schedule, the mood is high. you know, how interesting it is to watch how small seedlings grow from seeds into these, since childhood i have always been interested in how this happens, why our the forest is being planted, i thought it was self-seeding, that is, the trees are planted on their own, only after becoming an arborist did the girl learn how it really is to give birth.
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the lunge is almost zero. this year the record is set to be broken, with more than 300,000 seedlings growing. these are already growing pine trees, which, in principle, can already be planted. but you don’t have to rush, due to the closed root system, the planting period increases to several months. pine seedlings practically do not deteriorate and do not dry out, so in crimea they count literally every day. saplings crimean pine is grown here traditionally in open ground; it is too hot in greenhouses, so planting can be done quickly and at any time. helping foresters will only be a joy. in the bakhcesarai region, as part of the garden of memory campaign , over 500 new trees will be planted by schoolchildren, and for the children this is not only a lesson
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in botany, but also history. each tree is a tree, a memory of our past, of our soldiers, of our generations, which won the great patriotic war. seventh-grader sasha kmer, for example, today not only i learned to plant trees correctly, but i remembered my great-grandfather, about whom i had heard so much from my parents. the campaign is planned to plant 27 million trees; in general, in 2024, during the implementation of the national project, the ecology of reforestation and afforestation in russia will be carried out on an area
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of ​​almost 15 million hectares. over the past 5 years , this work has already been carried out by 6 million. in 2021, 22 and 23, the area of ​​planted forest exceeded the area lost as a result of forest fires. and this year experts expect the same result. further in the spring there are no three fine days in a row, will this proverb work on the weekend, an accurate forecast after the news, you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. israel attacked iran this night, an explosion occurred in the area. isfahan airport, where nuclear facilities and an air force base are located. footage has appeared online that allegedly shows the air defense system in operation. iranian authorities canceled flights over tehran for an indefinite period
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from... the maximum of ninety-four. emergency situations ministry employees are strengthening dams to stop the development of the flood. in settlements where there is no water yet, preventive evacuation of the population is underway, taking people out of flooded areas, they are taking their pets with them. from the orenburg region, the large water is gradually receding, its level in the ural river has decreased significantly, but still exceeds the 10 m mark. some residents have the opportunity to return home to assess the scale of destruction from the flood.
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special commissions also calculate the damage. rescuers pump water out of victims more than 4,000 households were surveyed . on behalf of the governor, 100 barrels of clean water were delivered to orsk and installed in all residential areas. the local cash settlement center was evacuated, and 17 tons of cash had to be removed from it. flooding is engulfing the tyumen region, where only yesterday it was possible to walk, but today boat crossings are open. special equipment from the ministry of emergency situations delivers food and hot meals to flooded areas. they also transport the local population in the south of the region. active evacuation, people are urged to vacate their homes, which fall into the area of ​​probable flooding. the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses as a result of long-range attacks. explosions occurred in different regions of ukraine. military targets in the odessa region were hit. an air defense system operated in nikolaevskaya. residents of the city of povlograd in the dnepropetrovsk region heard a series of loud bangs. there is a plant for the production of rocket fuel , the mayskaya airfield, which is capable of receiving military
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aircraft. a fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction was destroyed by artillerymen from the southern group of forces. installation calculation gvozdika fired from a distance of more than 20 km with high-explosive and precision-guided ammunition. the coordinates of the target, as well as its defeat, were recorded by a drone. after completing the task, the self-propelled gun crew camouflaged the gun and continued duty. our assault groups. move, detect the approach of the enemy infantry, immediately transfer the target to us, within 30 seconds we work there, help destroy, help our assault groups gain a foothold, in the south donetsk section of the hurricane multiple rocket launch system struck a concentration of manpower,
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to work. near the kupinsky unit of the nationalists, army aviation attacked with unguided munitions. the mi-35 flight took place to the limit at low altitude. after the shooting, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps, and returned to the departure airfield. technicians inspected the vehicles and replenished their ammunition.
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protests against this are not abating in tbilisi. the parliament building is surrounded by supporters of european integration. the protesters are mostly young people, chanting slogans and waving banners. the protesters tried to break through police cordons, but not as actively as it was at the beginning of the week. the rallies are taking place against the backdrop of their approval by western countries, as well as by the current president of georgia, salome zorabishvili. about 700 bakuins are to be installed on ob in the novosibirsk region; they are preparing to open navigation there next week. this year. heavy metal landmarks were replaced with plastic, lighter and more durable ones, with special attention to difficult areas with underwater obstacles in the form of stones and sand. next, regional news: no switch to residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now
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there is news from the historic region. a left-hand squally wind hit, precipitation began the day before and will continue today, due to bad weather , 300 mos drainage crews are on duty on the roads, they monitor places where water accumulates. our correspondent, artyom. kuznetsov knows the weather forecast for the coming days, he gets in direct contact with the studio. artyom, hello, how long will it rain here? nikola, good morning, the city has now declared a yellow danger level, the rain is getting worse, then subsides, but for example, now it’s not there, but it’s still better not to forget your umbrellas at home , just like before going out, it’s better to warm yourself up, the wind will get stronger in the afternoon, there will be a stormy wind in the city, it will gust until... it gusts will reach 25 m/s; in simple words, the speed will be about 100 km/h. forecasters told us what weather we should expect this weekend, i suggest you listen. due to the fact that
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the cyclone will continue to move to the north, already at night air masses will move from the north, there will be a dawn in the clouds and there will be additional cooling of the underlying surface, so at night, on saturday night , the temperature will be from zero to let 5. in the north of the region, there was even light wet snow on saturday night. stormy winds, heavy rains, thunderstorms and a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure. it's all because of the southern cyclone, which came to the capital, and the main danger of this cyclone is the strong wind. windy weather will continue in the city tomorrow, although the gusts will not be as strong, approximately 17 m/s. despite the cold. at night during the day the air will warm up up to +14-12°, but the spring warmth will return by the beginning of next week, on monday we expect it to reach +20, so we don’t have to wait long, nikolay, thank you, our correspondent
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artyom kuznetsov talked about the weather for the coming days. in other news, an accident involving three cars occurred in the west of the capital; the cars collided on big ochakovskaya street at the intersection with the first ochakovsky lane, due to the accident and traffic in the area. it was completely blocked along three lanes towards aminevskoye highway. from 14:30 today traffic will be blocked tverskaya and chekhovskaya metro stations, this is due to the holding of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. depending on the date, passage will be closed in sections of bolshoi putinkovsky lane, pushkinskaya square and malaya dmitrovka. the restrictions will remain in effect until 1 am on april 27. 14 moscow schoolchildren and college students.
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this type of transport for movement thanks to the opening of new stations, constant updating of infrastructure and rolling stock, as well as travel comfort. about 200 elevators will be replaced in residential buildings by northeast of moscow until the end of the year. most of the work is in the marina oroche and northern medvedkova areas; about 60 lifts will be installed there. shremitivskaya 27, all 12 cabins there will be renovated. military equipment has begun to arrive in the capital to take part in the parade on red square on may 9. more than a hundred combat vehicles and special vehicles will be redeployed from alabin to a temporary park in pechatniki. in the remaining days
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, the cars will undergo thorough technical preparation and painting. they will also be marked with festive symbols of victory day. and that's all for now, take care and see you soon. bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith, you cannot love me, we are your enemies, i will give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it means to attack innocent people, and so we will beat, that the stains will be taken away, that your vladimir bortok kilt helped you. today on rtr. how many films have you starred in? 67. 67 rolls. and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress. intimate talk. my
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breakthrough into the profession happened without any dreams. it wasn’t like i was lying when i was fifteen, yes, i was repeating my role as juliet. and then i will have this, this, this. family conversation, i was just surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course, such a subtle moment. pizza, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i was not a failure myself, and i was also deciding something. grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would do business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. two vernik-2, today on rtr.
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good morning, hello, friday, april 19 , outside the window, elena nikolaev, denis stoykov, on tv. without small talk, we suggest starting right away with the beautiful thing, two fires, two elements, the residents of iceland were lucky to capture on video. the footage is simply mesmerizing, the northern lights shimmer with all the colors, the stream below is blazing like a giant fire, an active volcano. lava has been escaping from huge cracks in the ground for a month now, and although the alarm level in the area has been downgraded from emergency to dangerous, with people in no hurry to return to their homes. the volcano turned out to be very capricious, a new surge in its activity is expected in the coming weeks, the vagaries of the weather in the spring are also expected, but we would still like there to be fewer of them, will this wish of ours come true, we will find out from maria borisova, maria, good morning, so what? , while the weather is being capricious, it seems to me that we need to... it’s true, yes, in many regions this time the weather is bad and in general
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the second half of april is so full of surprises, but if we talk about western siberia, we have a flood situation, unfortunately, it is still severe, yes, the water level in the op, iertysh, tabol rivers will only decrease after april 21, but there is good news, there will be no rain there, and despite everything it’s very warm and sunny, for example, in the urals it will be 30° tomorrow, this is bright... sun, this warmth is already coming to eastern siberia, but it’s still such a cold spring there, in krasnoyarsk +6, in northern siberia it’s winter , now i’ll tell you in detail, in the south of russia there will be local rains, in some places thunderstorms are possible, the temperature regime will still be significantly warmer, the climate in the afternoon will reach 23-28, in some places thirty-degree heat is possible, only cooler air masses will already enter the crimea, it will get colder here up to...
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sunny, abnormally warm weather is expected on the middle volga weather, during the day the air will be able to warm up to 22-27 only in the north of the region there will be small showers, they will not allow the thermometers to rise above 17-22. arctic air will continue to flow into northwestern russia, so rain will turn into snow again, daytime temperatures in the north will be 0.5, in the southern half of the region up to 0.5. it will warm up to 7:12 in the far south on sunday. to central russia. will cover the fields of frontal clouds, so that there will be rain in the region from time to time, these clouds will not allow arctic air from the north to enter the region, so the temperature regime will be moderately warm during the day +11-16, in the black region and sunday warming up to 20-25 is possible. but the urals will continue to receive air masses from the subtropical zone, so there is daytime temperatures are like summer 20-25, and the highest probability of local thunderstorms is on saturday. southern siberia will be in the zone of the atmospheric front, so... there will be heavy rains here from time to time, as
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a result, the influx of solar heat will be limited and the thermometers will not rise above 7:12 only in the irtysh region anomalous heat will break through, here by sunday until 22- 27. unstable weather with local rains is expected in the south of the far east. temperature regime in the region within the april climate at midday hours up to +8 +13. well, in general, when you look at the flow of water in some regions, it’s something about rain. outside my window, i don’t even want to say, well, we’ll still have rain tomorrow, it’ll be very windy, and another of these unpleasant weather phenomena will be very sharp changes in pressure, then today it’s low, tomorrow it’s normal, it’ll be sunday again high altitude saw they told us yes, she had a snack, thank you very much, i got enough, but by the way, in april we had a june holiday , we were good, yes...
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the angels of the area from monday at 21:20. amazing people, amazing seventh season, when you are driven by a real dream, nothing can stop you, nothing is impossible for you. today at 21:30 business jets for dogs appeared in the usa; they have survived the times of air travel for four-legged dogs and passengers for a decent price. money, of course, gourmet dishes, meat and fish snacks, soft drinks and even champagne, and from chicken broth, will be offered to the tailed client, high-class flight attendants and dog handlers. they will be able to calm the dog if he is a little nervous, so far there are only two routes on the schedule from new york to los angeles or london, to create
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such a company, the owner was inspired by his own dog, he is very attached to the family and does not like to be left alone, large dogs can only be transported in... each compartment, which is dangerous, how wonderful, it would also be nice for drivers of urban public transport to show such an attitude towards their passengers, yes, but instead, non-compliance with the schedule , rough driving and rudeness, especially, as they say, boiled over among residents of the regions, in ilya davidov was looking into the reasons for the chaos on wheels, you just touched me with your hands, pay for the price, then we’ll go, the driver should turn the steering wheel and not pester people, especially... don’t poke the payment terminal in the face, this one was smart enough to come back for steering wheel, in the mound, the relationship with the passenger, having reached the terminal stage, stepped over the edge. look, she just threw her out, he’s not even afraid of the code, let alone observing the rules of decency, so anastasia came across an expert on the rules, he didn’t
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want to understand that the girl was traveling on the bus with labrador, for a reason, she is visually impaired, and darlie has her eyes, despite all the documents, you... the driver said that according to the rules for transporting passengers, the dog must be in a cage, it is a guide, it must lead the person, whether the driver not knowing what it ’s like to spend a shift in a cramped cage, a cabin, stress, traffic jams, overtime, but for those who have it easy, carriers from private companies on the market make up 70%, it’s easier to recruit new ones than to train them, these are direct costs that they are not ready to bear now, so for the most part such planned systematic work with drivers in the unit. communication with passengers, it is absent, there are no internal corporate rules in this regard, which means you can’t even ask for rudeness, we were driven worse than firewood, we almost got into an accident twice, so we kindly ask you to look into it, answer to this mother of many children is also waiting for an appeal, recently they got seriously scared, the bus slammed the doors right in our faces, two
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children got in because i let them through in front of me, but it turns out the little one stayed behind the door, and i have a little hand here... straight by bus, good, the people in the cabin started screaming in time, i didn’t have time to drive far, but how much nerves it cost them, however, in moscow, such incidents have happened less frequently in recent years, we set route 133, south ossetia, be extremely careful on the route, in the center during training, drivers are taught not only how to drive a bus, but also how to handle their emotions, how to cope with stress; they have tried to minimize contact with passengers and there are significantly fewer conflicts. the main task when transporting passengers is safety. traffic, and control, passenger travel rules and payment control are carried out by controllers, but in the regions they are in no hurry to open such centers, carriers, apparently, are happy with everything, you would ask citizens, but the service has not yet penetrated into this area, although it is as important as occupational safety or pre-trip control, this is not just
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a passenger, this is a client who must be treated like a client, politely, simply, not to be rude, not to be rude, but if you encounter... some kind of action (1, 2, 3 , 4), then you should behave like this, like this, like this. already now, transport companies could introduce a scale of incentives, and local authorities could think about compensating for training costs. in less than a year, experts assure, drivers will be unrecognizable; their attitude to work, and most importantly, to people, will change. don't grow up playing with cars until you're very old, that's exactly what the most avid collector of four-wheeled model cars, randy blake, does. to replenish yours. toy treasures the man spares no expense. the cost of especially rare samples, which can be obtained at online flea markets, often reaches $10,000, that is, almost a million rubles. the collection numbers over 300,000 copies, and not a single one of them is repeated. incredibly, the hero has several such rooms full of cars, he just
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prefers not to show everything at once. marusya is probably not in this collection, that’s what the first russian was called. his story , although short, was vivid and therefore deserves attention. ivan zenkevich took a ride in a unique car. today we have a very unusual car on test, which we don’t dare call a retro car, but we’ll try anyway. this is a russian sports car, built in the best traditions of the global automobile industry. marusya, she has already become history. yes, the mary motors brand ceased to exist. years ago, the ideological inspirer of the creation of a russian sports car was showman and former racing driver nikolai fomenko. production was established in moscow, at the refrigerator factory. the first car marusya b1. the public saw it in 2008, but our copy is already b2, so say restyling. the car is very light,
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all body panels are made of carbon fiber, all this was produced by us, and not assembled from ready-made kits. it is based on a welded cockpit with riveted aluminum sheets. the entire design of the chassis was also developed by us with russian specifications. but they were already manufactured in germany at the facilities of the kv' plant. motive, the suspension for corvettes and lamborghinis is also made there. by the way, kv noted that this was the best suspension that was tested. the body allows the installation of an engine with a capacity of 420 horsepower. but we, comrades, have a prototype or running model. turbo engine with a volume of 2 liters and a power of 220 horsepower. there are no handles or doors at all. they open at the touch of a button. the interior is rich. lcd climate control monitors installation, well, you’re sitting here, claustrophobia begins, it’s not easy to breathe in such close quarters. with a good
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powerful engine, marusya can start from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds, but with our prototype it turns out to be fun and playful, although we won’t accelerate, after all, we are on museum grounds verkhniy pyshme, the maximum declared speed for a production sports car is 310 km/h, but there is a nuance in the form of a limiter on... handling at altitude, it seems that i was just thinking about the maneuver, but it has already done everything, and the stability is 5 points. alas, plans for global expansion were not destined to come true. in total, about a hundred copies were collected, but in 2014 it declared bankruptcy. it 's a pity, a good car built by romantics and enthusiasts. before them, they had never done anything so technologically cool in our country. there is something to be proud of here. and then, good book, best friend. we’ll tell you in a few minutes how to find this friend among the variety of books. titanic deluxe hotel, golf
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belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious cuisine from the best. restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know
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everything about holidays. annex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. open. for yourself true perfection, making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exhilarating adventures incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed
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comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum. premiere. okay, stop. alexander pankratov black. if i don’t miss the mark, alexander ropok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, let’s escort you to apartment number twenty tomorrow, okay? anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i’m working hard for you all, they’ll kill you or cripple you, maybe fyodor lavrov, well , look what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up. they grow wings, which means so, i won’t accept this, angels district,
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sales of esoteric books have increased in russia, the demand for mystical literature has become one of the trends of this season and it is clearly gaining momentum, buyers ask publications about fortune telling, predictions, various secret teachings, while the majority are not interested in theory, but in practice, for example, how to learn zen, meditate correctly, and improve. karma to learn positive thinking, but we are still talking about other real literature, which our columnist egor sirov will recommend, his word is always good books. good morning, i want to introduce you to a very good book, and its author is stefan zweik, it’s called yesterday’s world. everyone knows zweig's short stories, they are
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great, but this book is about something completely different. but the fact is that he is an austrian writer, when the nazis came to power, it was necessary to flee, and zweik runs, runs first to london, then to south america, then to the united states, then returns to south america, settles near rio deneuro in the suburbs. it's 1941, war is going on at full speed, and this book, in fact, you can call it an autobiography, it is a panorama. that era, a strange, terrible era, and he writes honestly, it’s impossible not to read it, this book is a diary, a diary that korney ivanovich chukovsky kept for almost 70 years, from 1901 to 1969, the days of my life, at the end of this diary,
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and this meeting with actors, writers, famous people, but written by chukovsky... there are no bunnies, no mice, no frogs, there are people here, this book is about care, about mercy, about friendship, it’s just wonderful, you’re reading with your soul he’s happy, the book is important, for example, going on a trip around the world is not easy, you have to carry a pillow from the ottoman with you, or when you go to bed, you always need to lie down with your feet in the direction
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where you’re going in the morning, but true, the mother of one of the characters says that she doesn’t know... it ’s still too early to embark on a trip around the world, most likely, mom is right, and i’m saying goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy, then dictation, topic dictation: my friend ganja, about you, well, hold on, come on, come on, guys, write, and... wouldn’t we like to write dictations? so, well, silence in the class about the total dictation immediately after the news. denis, well, you ask such questions, why should i? you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubsik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. a new record for the tobolsk
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flood is 10 m. this hasn’t happened for 30 years, many people can’t leave. radiant footage of iceland, erupting volcanoes, illuminated by the shimmering sky; in grendavik, there was no one to watch this; people were evacuated. but in... in the beginning middle east israel attacked iran this night. the explosion occurred near the airport in the city of izfahan, where nuclear facilities and an air force base are located. footage has appeared online that allegedly shows the air defense system in operation. iranian authorities immediately canceled flights over tehran, isfahan and shiraz, but the restrictions have now been lifted. eight civilian airliners in the country's airspace were forced to change course. the workshop
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has not yet commented on the latest events, but cnn, citing an american official, has. reported that israel does not intend attack iran's nuclear facilities. another nbc television channel claims that the pentagon was not involved in the attack on iran, but knew about it. israel warned the us of a possible attack yet. on thursday. the water level in the tobol river in kurgan exceeded 10 m, this is more than the historical maximum of the year ninety-four. emergency situations ministry employees are strengthening dams to stop the development of the flood. in settlements where there is no water yet, preventive evacuation of the population is underway, taking them out of flooded areas. people take their pets with them. from orenburg region, large the water is gradually receding, its level in the ural river has dropped significantly, but still exceeds the 10 m mark. some residents. the opportunity to return home to assess the scale of destruction from the flood. special commissions also calculate the damage. rescuers are pumping water out of the affected households; more than 400 households have been inspected. on
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behalf of the governor, 100 barrels of clean water were delivered to orsk and installed in all residential areas. the local cash settlement center was evacuated, and 17 tons of cash had to be removed from it. flood is taking over the tyumen region, where only yesterday it was possible to walk, but today they are working. the armed forces of ukraine suffered large losses as a result of long-range strikes, explosions occurred in different regions of ukraine, and military targets were hit in the odessa region, krivoy rog and dnepropetrovsk. an air defense system operated in nikolaevskaya. a series of loud bangs was heard by residents of the city of povlograd in the dnepropetrovsk region, where a plant for the production of rocket fuel , the mayskaya airfield, is located, capable of receiving military aircraft. there are russian mortar bombers on the dnieper coast. another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to attack our fortifications with the help of combat drones. shot! 634! a mortar crew, with an accurate hit,
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destroyed a dugout in which ukrainian militants flying drones were hiding. the drones themselves were disabled by the air defense systems. the exact coordinates of the targets were provided by aerial reconnaissance. motorized rifles are firmly holding the defense on the twenty-kilometer line of contact along the coast. dnieper, everything - along the banks of the dnieper, all the attempts of the nationalists to break through here, by land or by air, are doomed to fail. there is uh, air defense, that is , aerial surveillance posts where weapons are used against these drones. on the right bank of the dnieper, we managed to spot a concentration of ukrainian armed forces equipment, three self-propelled artillery mounts and two tanks. this armored group was immediately destroyed by drones. mikadze, meanwhile, in the territories of ukraine bordering the belgorod region, russian artillery is eliminating sabotage groups of nationalists, their fortifications, caches and ammunition depots. gaubets d-30 crews working
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with amazing accuracy, this is a destructive weapon that has proven itself in combat, it is capable of hitting any target at a distance of 15 km. sappers are working in the kupinsky direction. it has already been possible to clear key routes in the liberated territories from mines and unexploded shells. now the task is to pave a safe path for armored vehicles and infantry, so you have to walk many kilometers on foot so as not to miss a single detail. all landmines found are destroyed on site. ukraine can fail by the end of this year. this forecast was voiced by the head of the central intelligence agency, william burns. commenting on the debate in congress, the head of american intelligence said that ukraine is going through a difficult time.
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explained that to make an analogue of the israeli iron dome, it will take years and huge funding. the united states blocked a resolution in the un security council that would allow palestine to become a full member of the world organization. 12 members of the security council, switzerland and great britain abstained; only washington was against; the voting results showed that washington was almost complete.
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postreds of israel. our permanent mission to the world organization promised that attempts to accept palestine as a full member of the un will continue. and the news that. just arrived, defense minister sergei shaigu inspected the machine-building plant in omsk, where they produce santsepek heavy flamethrower systems and modernized t-80 tanks with additional protection for special military operation in ukraine. the minister was informed that the production of equipment will be increased by 2 and a half times. details in the next news release. further, regional news does not switch to residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital
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region: a powerful balkan cyclone brought rain, precipitation began the day before and will continue today, strong in places, wind gusts in the afternoon can reach 20 m/s. citizens are asked not to take shelter under trees or park cars near them. three cars encountered on...
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to prevent fires, entry restrictions will be in three hundred territories, camera traps will be installed to record violations, some of them are already in operation. more details about events in the capital region, in less than half an hour, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you, they say, we need to rest. you need to be able to prepare, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know about that's it, relax, anex.
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it’s so good that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or ours children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr.
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good morning, hello, well, the work week has reached the home stretch, it’s friday morning, april 19, elena nikolaeva denis stoykov is spending this morning with you, well, we’ll probably start this part of our broadcast with the motto is back to school, despite friday, yes, that rats are smart animals has been known for a long time, that’s what mathematics is not alien to them recently, a scientist from the university of hong kong. discovered in rodents extraordinary ability to count, they perfectly understand what is more or less in section three, they are oriented in basic arithmetic, and all participants in the mathematical experiment, without exception, showed high learning ability: the algorithm that the scientific team developed allowed the rats to focus exclusively on numbers. well, to us in the nearest saturday, that is, tomorrow, we will have to focus exclusively on words: a total dictation will take place in russia and in more than forty countries of the world. this year the project
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celebrates its twentieth anniversary, during which time it has gained incredible popularity and, one might say, gave birth to the fashion for literacy, because its main goal is to show that literacy is important for everyone and that studying the russian language is useful and fun, anyone can test themselves , this is a way to invigorate your brain, a reason to be proud of yourself if you get a high score, well, that’s what they say participants, with us today is the chairman of the philological council of total dictation, the scientific secretary of the spelling department... markovich, good morning, good morning, good morning! so, first of all, congratulations on the twentieth anniversary of dictation, have the organizers come up with anything new this year and what goals do you set for yourself? our goal is for even more of our participants to see how interesting the russian language is and how different the real, living modern russian language is from what is written about it in textbooks, because unfortunately, not all the rules are given in textbooks and
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in general, russian language textbooks mostly talk about rules, but we want to show that the russian language is more and broader, deeper, more interesting than just rules, then at school not all spelling rules are studied, they study...
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all 10 years clearly a two, but they don’t stop eating cacti, as he says, and well, you know, we don’t count how many twos, how many threes, we keep statistics very well, because after all, a five on a total dictation is the level of professional proficiency in spelling rules, that’s all -what kind of coffee? in my opinion, there are dictionary recommendations, so you can simply quote them here. and coffee is masculine in standard use and neuter in colloquial speech, where can i read the instructions and how can i find out the results later? you need to go to the total dictation website, depending on what city you are in, and see what sites there are, and where you want - where you want to come, as soon as
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it is carried out only offline, and there is an online version if there is no total dictation in your city , or if all the sites are already occupied, this may happen, but or that the platform where you want is already there... places, and there is an opportunity to write a dictation online in moscow, st. petersburg, novosibirsk, where there are several thousand participants, the verification may take a while, but of course we will try to check as quickly as possible. well, it’s very interesting, especially since the diary will not be included in the annual grade and will not have any effect at all, you can write anonymously, of course, thank you very much, our guest was the chairman of the philological council of total dictation, scientist, secretary of the spelling commission vladimir ran pokhomov, all the best to you, thank you. bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ. you can’t love me, we are your enemies, i’ll give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we’ll show you what it means to attack innocent people, we’ll beat you so hard that the stains will be taken away,
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taras bulba, what a son, your dancing helped you, film by vladimir bortok, today at 23:55. okay, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t forgive me, that’s the main thing. the share of those who want to increase their income through part-time work over the past year grew by 17%. this means that almost 70% of russians took part-time jobs over the past year, and most often they work as couriers and packers. kristina sorokina found out how to properly combine primary and additional work and what kind of income this can bring. i think any person needs extra income. it never hurts, including me. photojournalist robert taganisyan
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got a part-time job as a courier several months ago, he wants to update his work equipment and at the same time save money for a vacation, he says that’s the goal will be achieved faster, to a basic salary of 60,000, now receives 15 thousand on top every month. at my main job, i have an employment contract, that is, i receive an official salary, no matter how long i work there, pension contributions go to... i signed a contract, sometimes i can work there for 3 hours, and 4 hours, but at the same time, experts remind, part-time work cannot exceed four hours in an eight-hour working day. on a day free from your main activity , you can work even a full shift, the main thing is part-time work should not exceed half of the monthly working time norm, and additional earnings according to the law can be received even in the company where you already work, but only in a different specialization. in this case, you need to draw up another contract, where... the working conditions and payment will be specified, but more often employees get a part-time job in another organization, as external part-time workers,
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but this is not allowed for all categories of specialists. our exception is children under 18 years of age; there are restrictions for people who work in dangerous conditions labor, they also cannot be a part-time worker in the same job, there are also restrictions for drivers, if they work as a driver in the same organization at their main place, then another driver will get a part-time job. they cannot, in addition, there are restrictions on part-time work for lawyers, employees of the police prosecutor's office, it can only be related to science, teaching or creativity, and heads of organizations, athletes and coaches must obtain part-time permission from the main employer, other employees do not have to be informed bosses about additional employment; according to the law, no sanctions can be applied to them for this, but the second employer must be aware that you are combining and take into account the work and rest schedule when drawing up an employment contract. if you...
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per month. hundreds of ballerinas in one dance hall, pack after pack. this is not a new production in the big one, an attempt to set a world record in new york. young ballerinas came from all over america to get on pointe shoes. in the crowded crowd it was almost impossible to see what kind of dance they were performing, but this was not the case important. i see swans. the main thing was to step from toe to toe. the set time is exactly 1 minute. the girls completed this task with ease. the guinness book experts counted it.
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russia, uzbekistan, mongolia and south korea. it will be exciting, i want to get extreme, it’s still very tasty, but can i try it too, eight heroes of the new episode will demonstrate incredible abilities that they developed in themselves, but only one of them will truly surprise the audience and star experts, among of which there are an inveterate skeptic and a serious professor, quite often it is difficult for me to explain what is happening in the scene. and this is because we are really just beginning to discover how our brains work. i understand that a person
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can, in principle, if he really wants to, yes, train himself for any type of activity, but fearlessness, for me this is a completely incomprehensible story. the most difficult tests await not only the fearless and intelligent, but also those whose exploits have long conquered the guinness book of records, who are skillfully able to solve any riddle in the blink of an eye, and also skillfully controls his own body. korean heroes will be confronted by serious rivals, geniuses of modern times, young inventors and innovators in the field of neurotechnology, masters of high-speed puzzle solving, real alchemists in the world of chocolate, even those who strictly follows the form, well, it’s delicious, in fact it tastes, i chose chocolate cool, now it has a very strong aroma, it’s dark chocolate,
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this is an industrial raw material, this is the country of africa, well let’s see who will cope with the task best and become. what should i do, sit and wait until they come for me and plant a bouquet of dust flowers according to this terrible article on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to
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the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk correctly. on ice will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, always support, a bowl of pasta cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes over lard, sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this,
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you’ve been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child. why do you need such a wife? even a perfect marriage can fall apart. what, you never told him anything? no, if it’s based on lies, you spend so much time at work, men like you, and you’re about to get into trouble. i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i. damn, damn, damn not serious about this one. he loves you, lena, he betrayed me. and what right do you, child, have to destroy someone else’s family? it would be something to destroy. this is you, the world, an honest thing, right? perfect marriage. on saturday on rtr.
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good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, borscht damn, what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi,
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bless the mother of your children, pray to god that fought bravely for the faith of christ, you cannot love me, we are your enemies, i will give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it means to attack innocent people, and we will beat them so that the stains will be taken away, taras bulba, that son, your dancing helped you, film by vladimir bortok, today on rtr. cherry blossoms are a favorite time for shanghai residents. japanese cherry trees are planted everywhere, in parks, on boulevards, and just on the streets. local janitors also love the sakura season. during the cherry madness, street cleaning is canceled in the city. this is to pink and delicate petals rustled under the feet
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of pedestrians. it is believed that this is how people get real aesthetic pleasure. petals of dance. together with a light breeze under the spring sun, the mood improves, oriental wisdom, everywhere spring is on its way to spring, in the irkutsk region the sakura have not yet bloomed, but at least. here the bobbacks have woken up from winter hibernation, not only is it falling apart, tomorrow, on a frosty morning, the local badger cannot be lured out of the warm house even with a fruit plate, although just the day before the ten-year-old nyusha she frolicked happily in the enclosure and joyfully greeted everyone, a couple of weeks ago, that is, she began to slowly go out at night, there she would go out just once.
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well, hibernation, as experts say, boibaks, also known as steppe marmots, can sleep until mid-april, but this season they sensed the approach of spring and sensed the warmth much earlier. there is a lot of work ahead, the most important thing is to quickly regain the lost kilograms. during 4 months of rest, the bobaks lose about half of their weight, then they begin to do household work, landscaping home hard-working marmots themselves sweep out old bedding from their holes and lay it down.
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in sports, i give instructions, arrange a competition, yeah, are you sure that you will run away from the kipard, you still have doubts, if you win , the hepard is eaten by flour, i’m actually not a flour, i ’m denis, victory will be ours, my dear, i hope technology will not let you down, of course, about new insoles for athletes immediately after the news. on the other hand, the cheetah will remain hungry, wow, it’s already warming up, you’re watching
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the news on the russia channel, nikolay zubsik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. defense minister sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order at a military-industrial complex enterprise in the omsk region. we are talking about the production of tanks and heavy flamethrower systems. the head of the defense department was informed that, in accordance with his instructions, the specialists had improved. the vehicles are shipped by the company immediately with an additional tower protection module. it also became known that over the past year the company increased the production of santsepek heavy flamethrower systems by 2 and a half
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times. based on the results of the work, sergei shaigu conducted a meeting with the participation of the leadership of the ministry of defense, the ministry of pramortorg and the management of the plant, at which the minister highly appreciated the merits of umsk gunsmiths. the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses as a result of long-range attacks. explosions occurred in different regions of ukraine and military personnel were hit. in odessa region, krivoy rog, dnepropetrovsk. an air defense system operated in nikolaevskaya. residents of the city of povlograd in the dnepropetrovsk region heard a series of loud bangs. there is a plant for the production of rocket fuel , the mayskaya airfield, capable of receiving military aircraft. a fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction was destroyed by artillery from the southern groupings of troops. calculation of nail installation. fired from a distance of more than 20 km with high-explosive fragmentation and precision-guided ammunition. the coordinates of the target, as well as its defeat, were recorded by the drone. after completing the task, the crew of the self-propelled gun
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camouflaged the gun and continued on duty. our assault groups move, detect the approach of enemy infantry, immediately transfer the target to us, within 30 seconds we work there, help destroy, help gain a foothold ours, ours... the rough hurricane in the southern donetsk section of the volley fire system struck a concentration of manpower. the enemy concentrated in the novomikhailovka area, military personnel of the eastern district quickly arrived at their positions, fired missiles and also quickly left the danger zone. near avdeevka , d-30 howitzers of the center group’s motorized rifle formation were operating. they have several liquidated objects to their credit. israel attacked iran this night. the explosion occurred near the airport in isfahan, where nuclear facilities and an air force base are located.
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footage has appeared online that confirms that the apo system is working. iranian authorities immediately canceled flights over tehran, isfahan and shiraz, but the restrictions have now been lifted. eight civilian airliners in the country's airspace were forced to change course. the workshop has not yet commented on the latest events, but cnn, citing an american official, reported that israel does not intend to attack iran’s nuclear facilities. another nbc television channel claims that the pentagon was not involved in attack on iran, but knew about it. israel has been warned. animals from where there is no water yet, a preventive evacuation of the population is underway, they are being taken out of the flooded orenburg region, the high water is gradually receding, territories, people are taking their pets with them , its level in the ural river has decreased significantly,
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but still exceeds the mark. some residents were able to return home to assess the scale of destruction from the flood. special commissions are also calculating the damage: rescuers are pumping water out of the affected households. more than 400 farms were surveyed. on behalf of the governor, 100 barrels of clean water were delivered to orsk and installed in all residential areas. the local cash settlement center was evacuated, and 17 tons of cash had to be removed from it. the flood is engulfing the tyumen region, where yesterday it was possible to walk on foot, today. boat crossings are working, further regional news: do not switch residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: moscow has been covered by downpours and squally winds. the precipitation began yesterday and will continue today. because of
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bad weather on the roads, where. 300 mos drainage crews are scolding, they control places where water accumulates. our correspondent, artyom kuznetsov, will tell you the weather forecast for the coming days. the city has declared a yellow danger level, the rain either subsides or intensifies, so it’s best not to forget to cover up at home. before going outside, it is still better to warm yourself up by lunchtime; a gale is expected with gusts of up to 25 m/sund. in simple words, its speed will be almost 100 km/h. what weather should we expect? weather forecasters said the weekend, due to the fact that further movement of the cyclone to the north will follow, already at night the air masses will move from the north, there will be dawn in the clouds, and there will be additional cooling of the underlying surface, so at night, on saturday night, the temperature will be from 0 to +5°, in the north of the region, night on saturday, even light wet snow, stormy winds, heavy rains, thunderstorms and a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure are all due to the southern
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cyclone that came to the capital. by the way, the wind is the main danger of this cyclone; it is capable of breaking branches, tree branches, tearing roofing from roofs, advertising boards. windy weather will be tomorrow, but the gusts will not be so strong, despite the cold nights, during the day the air will warm up to +12°. spring warmth will return by the beginning of next week; on monday we expect temperatures up to +20°. artyom kuznetsov, andrey lapidus and maryana pepanyan, lead. accident involving three cars. happened in the west of the capital, cars collided on big ochakovskaya street near the intersection with the first ochakovsky lane. due to a traffic emergency in the area, the incident was completely blocked along three lanes towards aminevskoye highway. from 14:30 today, traffic will be blocked at the tverskaya and chekhovskaya metro stations. this is due to the holding of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. depending on the date, passage will be closed in sections of the large putinkovsky lane, pushkinskaya
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square and malaya dmitrovka. will be valid until 1 am on april 27. the historical lokomotiv stadium in lublin will be reconstructed, as sergei sobyanin said: the facility has been mothballed since 2015, but only in in the past it was possible to transfer it to the ownership of the city. after the renovation, there will be a large gaming arena with an area of ​​more than 7,000 square meters with artificial turf and heating. modern stands for 800 people, locker rooms and training fields will be built. schoolchildren and all amateurs will be able to use the stadium. sports, to prevent fires , barriers will be installed in forests near moscow, entry restrictions will be in 300 territories, camera traps will appear to record violations, some of them already. the forestry committee reminded for breeding fire in unauthorized places is subject to liability, a fine of up to 2 million rubles or imprisonment for a term of 8 years. passenger traffic in the metro and moscow central circle has increased by more than 8% since
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the beginning of the year. compared to the past, during this time passengers made over 570 million trips. the department of transport noted that people are increasingly choosing this type of transport for transportation, thanks to the opening of new stations and constant updating. moscow longevity centers have opened a school of kinship care to help people learn how to care for loved ones. project people. students will learn how to organize space for an elderly relative and how to provide him with first aid. classes are conducted by geriatric psychologists. more than 500 people have already attended the courses. you can fill out an application for participation at any moscow longevity center, government services office, as well as online at... all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you, yes igorova, i paint my nails, i have
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every right , the premiere, it’s old, yes, but you’re like a little fish with us, you know, i’d i married you, well, you’re with us, hello. angels from monday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer. explore, nature. mom, dear, just incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is. there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes
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are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmers are the oldest profession in india. they say, a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, good morning, hello, april 19, today. about friday, elena nikolaeva and denis stoikov meet you and 1 2 3 4 5 6 six cameras film us in the studio for you, even more only for our telegram channel morning of russia, even what we would like to hide gets there, well, everything television kitchen
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come in, subscribe, video cameras, by the way, on the roads the number of recording systems may decrease, and significantly, up to 70% violations may be disconnected, the russian newspaper writes. the reason is new requirements for photo and video recording of violations. the document, which will come into force on september 1, prescribes the installation of cameras in strictly defined places. there are nine such locations in total; according to many experts, this list is too narrow to cover all 25,000 stationary cameras installed throughout russia. it’s unlikely that they will disconnect the wrong ones forever; rather, they will be moved and reconnected, and they won’t get around to it either. this is true, but the same cannot be said about the procedure. connecting houses to power supply, residents of snt villages. villages often complain about the extreme difficulty of concluding contracts with energy companies, but bureaucratic formalities sometimes take months, but soon the situation should change radically, as they will give light in a new way, andrei shevtsov understood,
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energy chaos, tariff confusion, this is how residents of snt pishevik describe what is happening with the payment for electricity in their village, the numbers in everyone’s bills differ by an order of magnitude, there are those who managed to switch to a direct agreement with power engineers, although the process was reminded. circles of hell, i couldn’t get my certificates for 2 years, and after i couldn’t get the certificates, i turned to rosseti, received a technological connection, i had to deal with this for a very long time, it comes out in the winter month, it’s 6,000, others residents, having failed to switch to a direct contract, continue to pay through the snt accounting department. all the time , my electricity tariffs do not come at state rates, they are overstated, so the costs, especially in in winter, our temperatures are also quite high, somewhere. well 6 dash 10 thousand depending on the season. people have complained to all authorities, but so far the situation remains unchanged. a similar story in this snt in the astrakhan region, people cannot. switch to a more profitable direct agreement with energy companies,
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the reason is the most complicated approval procedure and paperwork. they walked, walked, walked, no sense, they sent him from office to office. over 4 years, we managed to transfer 37 people out of 450. unfortunately, the situation is similar throughout the country: renew the tariff, connect a new home or concluding a direct agreement with energy companies is a daunting task. the procedure is cumbersome, requiring many approval documents, and often lasts for months. if the networks are proprietary. network company, then the owner of the site submits an application to the network company or mosenergosbyt and receives a direct contract for the receipt of electricity. however, the situation should change in the near future. russia has simplified the procedure for concluding electricity supply contracts. to obtain a document for residents of snt, it is enough to submit an application to energy from a household organization and receive a free comprehensive service. to do this , simply submit an application on the website of the guaranteeing supplier . will automatically create a personal account for a citizen within 15 days,
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present there an energy supply agreement already signed on their part, within 3 days they will inform the network company in order to allow the meter into operation, that is, everything will be done electronically in single window mode, experts evaluate simplification positively if this service will become, let’s say, comprehensive, that is, you just submitted an application and they issued you... an agreement and, moreover, they also formalized this connection, well, switching to a direct agreement, then of course this will save time and money. now the procedure is being tested, energy supply organizations are receiving instructions, i would like to believe that electronic registration will begin to work in the near future before the peak of the summer season. traditionally , not only summer residents, but also deputies are preparing for the summer season. there will be no new fines yet, but there will be some changes that... to make life , let's do it right now, our guest is state duma deputy nikita
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, familiarize yourself with the new rules in advance, it’s safer and more comfortable on the site, well , in addition to purchasing seedlings, seeds, there is chaplin, nikita yuryevich, good morning, well , by tradition, dachnikov is kept in good shape, apparently changes are needed so that we somehow update our knowledge of where to put the grill, what to burn, what not to burn, self-capture, not self-capture, there is a tradition, we always celebrate the may holidays together with... our friends, neighbors, with a barbecue, so we must not forget that the barbecue should be located at a distance of 5 m from a residential building, and if there is a forest nearby, then at a distance of 15 m from the forest, so it is very important to maintain this distance, because that if we don’t comply with it, then we’ll have to share it with our neighbor, because the neighbor can write a complaint, yeah.
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you, so we will write against him that he burns garbage, there is also a standard for burning garbage, and accordingly , we can be held administratively liable the same 5 m, the barrel must be located at least 5 m from a residential building, i also suggest not forgetting about this, you mentioned a neighbor who can write a complaint against you, then administrative punishment will follow, this is the only way to say so - corrects violations or are there some kind of inspections or are they filming with drones, it is somehow recorded, well, no one is filming with drones, naturally, there were several warnings issued in the twenty-third year, and that was all, with the barrel like this and there are real fines, because we have had these cases when the barrel was located next to a pine forest, from the barrel the fire spread to the forest, and the unfortunate gardener was fined 50,000 rubles, plus damage. from sosnovo, this is when
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the forest had already caught fire, and if they had noticed that it was not in the right place, they would have immediately fined it, or they would have warned about the need to remove it, move the barrel, we have a frequent story, of course, between neighbors, this is how a building can be located, how much is the distance of the building from the neighbor's, by the way, again the distance from the fence along the buildings changes, absolutely true, we have the traditional 3 m from the border of our site. our house is 3 m away, we just need to remember this figure, if the house is built closer than 3 m to the border or just to the neighbor, then the neighbor has the right to demand the demolition of even our house, if the house is already located a little closer to the border of the neighbor’s plot, but with the neighbor there are no problems in this regard, then there is nothing to worry about, as a rule, no problems will arise, the second is 1 meter, this is for everyone other buildings, well, to put it simply, we have a utility building there. bathhouse, then it can be a meter away from the neighbor’s house, and from
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the neighbor’s plot, i beg your pardon, from the neighbor’s plot or from the plot, as if from the roadway, is there any punishment if? a neighbor throws a hose onto a common road and simply pours water there, pumps it out, i don’t know, from the basement, or from somewhere else he simply drowns the road, but unfortunately, there is no responsibility for this, only public censure, today there is no administrative legislation there is liability for pouring out liquid water or, well, if the liquid meets the standard, if it does not comply, if it is shampoo, then this is already a direct and administrative violation. there is responsibility for this, that is , you cannot wash the car... okay, we understand you, thank you very much, state duma deputy nikita chaplin answered our questions, thank you very much all the best to you, it’s nice to start the morning with a cup of strong, aromatic tea, azerchay bouquet is a tart tonic, it will give strength and vigor for the whole day, morning
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time to brew azerchay, a whole bunch of incredible emotions, thanks, who? it will turn out to be even more generous. amazing people, amazing seventh season. i enjoyed it 100%. today at 21:30 on the russia channel. a healthy 35-year-old man can do four to eight pull-ups on a bar. statistics show this. but this is not enough to write your name in the book of records, like the japanese kenta adachi. he did pull-ups all day long. 7940 times, and this is a world record. well, it all started when a man came to settle down to work as a rescue diver in the japanese coast guard. there, naturally, he had to pass the standards, and he failed the pull-up the first time, he had to work out, he liked it, as they say, and
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smart insoles will help you find out which sport is suitable for your child and make an individual movement passport; they were created by our scientists. about how it is today. if after an injury you have to undergo rehabilitation, if an injury occurs, we take out this passport of the movement stereotype and look at what movement the person should do return during rehabilitation, so the insoles are needed to record it, for this they have built-in accelerometers and shock sensors, three sensors, one in the heel area and two in the front
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. the data that we receive from the accelerometer and gyroscope coming from the insole and strain gauge are transferred to our tablet. löf let's start. three tasks in a few minutes. over time, the program will accumulate information and generate a movement model, it looks like a lot of multi-colored graphs, from which a specialist can judge the athlete’s characteristics if they appear the sensor data is blue, it’s as if he’s landing on his heel, you don’t need to do this when jumping, but we see that he’s making a small mistake, so there’s nothing wrong with that, these are the parameters of his individual jump. the technology can be used in different ways, to practice movement techniques in sports or to identify a child’s predisposition to various disciplines. in the future, experts in the field are sure...
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come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing.
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest. this not to think about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off, rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic deluxe hotel,
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golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation is yours... titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, i think that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it ’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition. there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just let's go have a look, it must be edible
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, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own, which is what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, yaho five-on-one on saturdays on rtr. planting the same number of trees, or even more, than were cut down every year is one of the priorities of the national ecology project. according to experts, it is possible to achieve such a result by the end of this year. over the last 5 years alone, the area of ​​reforestation and afforestation in russia has amounted to more than six.
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since childhood, i have always been interested in how this happens, why our forest is planted, i thought that it was self-seeding, that is, trees are planted on their own, only after becoming an arborist did the girl learn how new trees are actually born, for example, in their nursery in greenhouses, this is a relatively modern method of growing seedlings from the root system within a year , the canopy acquires a standard size, when approximately in natural conditions, it
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reaches only in 3 years, but plus, of course, the survival rate, it takes root when planted 100%. verified, last year the planting material grown in the greenhouses of the krasnoarmeysky and neighboring makarovsky forestry enterprises was used on an area of ​​​​almost 200 hectares, the fallout is almost zero, this year the record is about to be broken, having grown more than 300,000 seedlings. these are already growing pine trees, which, in principle, can already be planted, but you can take your time due to the closed root system, the planting period increases to several months, pine seedlings practically does not deteriorate and does not dry out, here in crimea there are counts literally every day, crimean pine seedlings are grown here traditionally in open ground, it is too hot in greenhouses, so planting is prompt and any help from an arborist is only a joy, in the bakhchesarai region as part of a garden-memory campaign , the hands of schoolchildren will be planted from above...
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they hit his tank, his fuel leaked and he crashed. this year literally the entire party will take part in the sadmemory campaign. anyone can join; to do this, you need to go to the website. memory sat 2024 russian federation, find your region on the map and register for the event. the necessary equipment will be provided on site. as part of this campaign alone, it is planned to plant 27 million trees; in general, in 2024 , during the implementation of the national project, ecology, reforestation and afforestation in russia will be carried out on an area of ​​almost 15 million hectares. over the past 5 years, this work has already been carried out for 6
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million. in 2021, as a result of forest fires, this year experts expect the same result. that's all for today, it's time to say goodbye to you according to the tradition of wishing have a good day. well, according to tradition, we say that tomorrow is saturday, we will say that i love my job, i will come here on saturday and we will come here exactly. and you come to us, hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour: now we need to increase it. sergei shaigu
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came to personally inspect the t-80 tanks.


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