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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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forests exceeded the area lost as a result of forest fires, this year experts expect the same result. that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye to you according to the tradition of wishing you a good day. well, according to tradition, we say that tomorrow is saturday, we will say that i love my job, i will come here on saturday and we will be exactly here, come and see us. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour: now we need to increase it, sergei shaigu came to personally inspect the t-80 tanks. which
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modernized taking into account the experience of the svo, now there is additional protection against drones. this morning yuzhmash was attacked, this is a plant in dnepropetrovsk where they produce drones and repair equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, geraniums worked, as well as strategic supersonic bombers su-34. 17 tons of cash in orsk, employees of the central bank cash settlement center saved billions of rubles during the flood. there is a critical situation in kurgan, people together with rescuers are trying to stop the large water. computer modeling and testing of pentagon-supplied anti-aircraft missiles complexes. taiwan is holding a military exercise, how did beijing react? turn them into servants and second-class citizens. russia's permanent representative benzi explained why washington imposed a veto that blocked palestine's membership in the un. the russian army launched a massive
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attack on military targets in ukraine, geraniums, as well as su-34 supersonic strategic bombers, were working. explosions occurred in odessa, krivoy rog and dnepropetrovsk. among the targets hit was yuzhmash. the plant repairs military equipment and... produce drones, also disabled oil depot and substation that supplies the railway junction. ukrainian media reported that all trains in the area had stopped. our missiles continue to hit the aviatorskaya military airfield. so, the day before , two ukrainian mik-29s, an s-300 complex and ammunition depots were destroyed here. the airfield is located 90 km from the front line. the russian army will receive a new one.
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heavy flamethrower systems, their production has already begun in the omsk region. sergei shaigu arrived at the enterprise today. minister of defense checked the implementation of the state defense order and set new tasks. details from sergei samokha. a new echelon is being formed at the exit from the factory floors. the platforms are already loaded with t-80 bvm tanks. the unusual appearance that the factory-installed systems of additional protection against drones and shaped charges give to combat vehicles immediately catches your eye. for six months , the minister of defense arrived at the enterprise in the omsk region to check the fulfillment of the state defense order. t-80 bvm tanks are modern, deeply modernized vehicles for all weather conditions, but they also need there have been modifications taking into account our experience . we supply the vehicle with an additional protection module, the last time we were here we looked at the protection of the sight. protection
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for sights, it exists, yes, yes, of course, the minister of defense was also reported that at the present time at the plant, during the production of new t-80 bvm tanks, armored vehicles are already equipped on the assembly line with a set of camouflage means , a cape with a protective visor, when they began this large program for additional protection, when we were there alloys we were looking for everything else we searched, we found all this, we did all this, now we need to increase the production volumes of tanks and heavy... flamethrower systems . santsepek has been increased by 2 and a half times, this is our vehicle this year, we are surrounding it in may, we are fulfilling a huge reserve, volumes tosa production increased due to the expansion of production and the transition to round-the-clock work on a two-shift schedule. the omsk plant is fulfilling the program, i can even say, exceeding the program, the issues and tasks that we solved last visit, almost all the issues have been resolved, questions have been resolved...
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in these shots, the combat work of artillerymen of the thirty-sixth army from buryatia, the crew is on duty in the south of the donetsk people's republic, their weapon is the d-30 cannon, capable of destroying any armored vehicles or enemy support. fired a 31-34 shot on target. the targets are mainly
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enemy manpower and armored vehicles and a strong point, the equipment is good, reliable, it’s old, but yes. shows itself for the better . the projectile weighs approximately 25 kg. during the day they need to be moved from the shelter to the gun dozens of times, so the fighters here have good physical form. the most important person in the calculation is considered to be the gunner; the faster he aims at the target, the faster the soldiers will fire a series of shots, which means they will be able to leave the danger zone as soon as possible. the risk of getting hit back is significantly reduced. the enemy is still engaged in counter-battery warfare and is actively using kamikaze drones. the target immediately runs out, who camouflages the vode, if it is night shooting, someone immediately runs, highlights the bead so that i can immediately aim at it, work everything is complicated, someone immediately kills, i immediately aim, the commander thinks, everything is according to instructions, i’m already aiming and we’re already waiting for the first shot, the senior gunner is from the chelyabinsk region, he voluntarily signed
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a contract, ended up serving in buryatia, and then went to special operation, he himself came under fire more than once, cluster munitions flew at us, as if 152 ordinary ones were flying by. hail flies in, it's a volley of rocket fire, everything flies in all the time, and kamikaze, them and the woman flies over us all the time, well, of course it happens, well now we can do it, we have already become like a family, we are all here together, for how long already, as if everyone already understands each other, to unmask the gun, to deploy the gun and fire a series of shots, it takes about 10 minutes, a shot, we are working on the enemy infantry between armored vehicles and crowds of people, work goes on every day, at any time of the day or night. 1 2 3. crews of the uragan rszzo of the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet are working on the adjacent sector of the front. hurricane gunner with
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the call sign omut on special operations for more than a year, at first he was a reconnaissance officer, then he transferred to rocket artillery. yes, her cross-country ability is excellent, that is, his. each wheel has its own drive, that is, two engines, we quickly worked on it, quickly went into cover, made sure that there was no aerial surveillance of us, well, they didn’t burn down our position. artillery crews and vostok groups provide fire support to attack aircraft in different areas and quickly change positions if the infantry needs to break through the enemy’s defensive fortifications. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south-donetsk direction. river levels have risen in several regions at once, the urals and siberia. water arrives in the tomsk, orenburg and... gurgan regions. the maximum growth of almost 2.5 m per day was recorded in the tyumen region. more than 90 houses have already been flooded in the kazan region. in orenburg, the sakmara river reached 890 cm. this is above the dangerous level. in the village of ilek, thousands of volunteers are helping to build a dam.
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it took 12,000 sandbags to raise it another 2 1/2 m. vorsk, drinking water delivered in barrels. mass vaccination against hepatitis a is underway in the city. today it became known that during the peak of the flood , the local cash settlement center, where billions of rubles are stored, had to be evacuated. employees hermetically packed and removed 17 tons. the soviet transformer store is in the water, in the mound the tabola level has crossed the record mark of 10 m and continues to remain, all night the rescuer evacuated the residents, strengthened the dam, soil for it is brought by dozens of trucks. all the details are in the reports of albert musin and ksenia soltseva. this is how we have our own home, our neighbors’ plots, the tabol in
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the kurgan region flooded dozens of settlements, more than a hundred snt. in some places , local residents build makeshift dams as best they can, defend with their own strength, do not let the water pass through, save dozens of houses, despite the difficult situation, people try not to lose their sense of humor. from the sunny kurgan sea boulevard, the sea is just a stone's throw from the best hotels, over the past 24 hours the water has risen by more than 10 m and in some places exceeded record levels ninety-four, this creates a huge danger for the city, so that while in the dry surroundings of the villages downstream, preventive evacuation continues. flooding of our houses is expected. evacuation has been announced today. however, not everyone is afraid of the current water. that's it in '47.
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it can accommodate more than a dozen people and some personal belongings. this machine goes where power and strength are required, that is , it breaks through garbage jams and breaks fences in areas to save people. to to avoid missing a possible overflow of the dam, kurgan organized a 24-hour watch on the embankment. special light masts were deployed for night shifts.
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light masts have already been installed in those places where bank protection structures are located. most of them are in the damba area, on the kurgan embankment. the first payments to flood victims of 10,000 rubles have also begun in the region. one-time assistance at hand. a commission was created to inspect residential premises for the fact of flooding and the fact of residence of citizens, well, damage to property. the administration went to places of temporary accommodation of citizens, it is too early to talk about any more serious compensation, we must wait for the water to recede to assess the damage. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov, elena goleeva, news from the kurgan region. the situation in the kazan region is changing quite quickly, this is what the road to big roads looks like. you can now get to the village by boat, the crossing was organized thanks in part to local residents, captain alexander runs continuously, people who have already
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evacuated, the cattle needed to be fed, they were moved to higher places. i’m now walking on the asphalt, which was dry just yesterday, the water came into high light literally within 24 hours, people were urgently evacuated, and now there is no one left here. we left here in the evening at 8 o'clock, this has not happened yet, that is, the water rises and rises, even this morning we arrived at 6 in the morning. there was no water here yet, but here you see, the current is coming from the river, over there, not the whole village has gone under the water, people are trying to protect their houses from flood, they lay bags of sand, heavy equipment constantly arrives here, the local administration also helps, dump trucks carry clay and sand, and special equipment of the russian ministry of emergency situations in the tyumen region delivers food and hot meals, they also transport the local population, we carry bread, water, dry rations... meanwhile, in the village of kazanskaya , the dam is being continuously built up, local
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residents, volunteers, employees of the state administration are working, the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the tyumen region has also attracted units from neighboring regions, and heavy equipment is being used. in the south of the region the evacuation of the population continues, people are urged to vacate houses that fall into the zone of probable flooding. according to information, the ministry of emergency situations of russia, at the moment, from the settlements of the tyumen region, which. an experiment on growing trout in sea water; fish grown in such conditions contain more useful substances than in ordinary river water. the first catch is expected in june. report by anna sorokina. the rainbow trout replaced their usual press water with salt water. the new residence is a special construction of a fish tank. it protects against sea predators allows you to grow in the wild. there are 26 thousand fish in one cage. the fish is healthy, kuzo,
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as you can see for yourself, it’s packed. he eats normally, at normal rates and growth. are within normal limits. this type of fish is mainly bred in press water, lakes or pools. there are several farms that grow rainbow trout in seawater in russia. this breeding method has its advantages. in the sea there is good water exchange, high oxygen content, and in addition to special food, fish can eat natural food. if a fish lives in the sea, in addition to food, it consumes a lot all kinds of biological components, small rivers, shallow. fish, plankton, she eats it all, and this has a very positive effect on her taste. sea creatures saturate trout with ostaxanthin, a natural pigment that gives fish meat a red color, a valuable element for the human body, it strengthens the immune system. a fish weighing 350 g moves from press water to salt water and grows to 2 kg in six months. in the village of kobordinka near
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gelendzhik, this is the first experiment in raising trout in the sea. fish orders already there is. from this cage to... the shore, less than half a kilometer from the market to the local restaurants, the fish comes straight from the bay. the first catch is planned for june. mediterranean midi are grown next to the trout; they do not need to get used to the sea, for them it is a natural habitat. they are just now gaining weight; by this season of 2024 they will be in all their glory and will reach the consumer’s table. raising rainbow trout seafood is a promising industry, especially with the likely instability of imports. local producers receive. israel launched a limited strike on iran this night, the united states and the philippines are conducting their largest naval exercises, taiwan has also deployed pentagon-supplied air defense systems, how china responded, and russian schoolchildren will be taught how to fly
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drones. more on this after the ad, see you. rum castra, a product of stellor group. they say that you need to prepare for a holiday, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included except the head. we know about holidays all. relax. anexc. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details! a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller
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group. hello. friends on the air your favorite program 60 minutes 60 minutes today on rd, how come my heir doesn’t play pranks on saturday, the nannies and i are just unhappy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, prude, put it here, well, well, don’t, what are you breaking? “quietly, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, let ’s part on good terms, scum! every crime has its own punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child, demand it, this is
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varontsov’s eldest son, with a small there is a lot of hassle, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why they kidnapped me, they brought me here, the premiere, on saturday there are so many new reasons for rtr. conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it’s to congratulate you on your birthday, it’s joseph, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has a name, i somehow can’t fit into this...
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the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov today on rtr. this is to lead. we continue the issue israel launched a limited strike on iran this night. this is confirmed by the western press and sources in telyaviv. the city of isfahan, where nuclear facilities are located, was attacked. an air defense system went off in the area of ​​the military base. the anti-aircraft gun was shot down by three drones. in tehran reported that there was no missile attack and that the nuclear facilities were safe. in confirmation, local media showed morning footage from a military base, apparently not affected by the raid. i note that the day before tel aviv informed the white house about the attack, but did not receive approval in washington. china
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has warned the us against provoking the philippines during its largest naval exercise. for the first time, the navies of the two countries will operate outside the territorial waters of the philippines. beijing emphasized that the actions of washington and manila undermine stability in the region. with the support of the states, taiwan is also heading towards... confrontation. report by alexander baletsky. the islanders begin the first stage of the annual hanguang military maneuvers to repel the landing of the chinese army on taiwan with command post exercises. this is not yet the active phase of maneuvers, more of a computer simulation. but they have already managed to shoot at the dupin base, having deployed skyworld anti-aircraft missile systems with a multiple launch rocket system along the coast, those that were delivered to taiwan by the pentagon. this the strategy, known as the porcupine strategy, aims to make taiwan as prickly as possible. the united states intends to make the whole of asia more prickly. all attention in the region
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is focused on the philippines, where the americans delivered a launcher for a medium- range missile system to the island of luzon, closest to taiwan. course for a young soldier on working with haymars systems, on monday the balitakan naval exercises will begin, during which at 17.00 the military will practice an attack on ships of a mock
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enemy, as well as a capture operation a conditional island, and the maneuvers will take place for the first time outside the twelve-mile zone of the territorial philippines, and this after for the first time in a year and a half, and after a visit to taiwan, beijing cut off all channels of communication with the pentagon, the heads of the defense departments of china and the united states. or video negotiations in which osnin promised chinese minister dongjun: the united states will continue to fly, sail and operate in the south china sea safely and responsibly, and how to believe after that, they now say not only in china. beijing does not recognize the arbitration decision on the south china sea; it insists that a unified mechanism and rules of conduct at sea should be developed exclusively by the countries of the region and the united states is definitely not one of them; for those who doubt this, china offers a simple proposal. look at the map. alexander baltsky, polina fedorova and nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. the united states blocked a resolution in the security council to grant palestine the status of
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a full un member. document. supported by 12 members of the security council, switzerland and great britain abstained, only the states opposed. as our empty representative vasily nebenze stated, washington showed its true attitude towards the palestinians by preventing the international community from protecting them from the israeli massacre. the united states is ready to turn a blind eye to israel’s crimes against civilians in gaza and not notice illegal resettlement activity until the last moment. or maybe completely eliminate them and expel them from their native territory. parliamentary elections have begun in india, the process in the world's most populous country will be...
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multi-stage and will last until the beginning. voting was divided into seven phases, more than a million will be needed from them to express their will, in total in india almost a billion people have the right to vote, there are many hard-to-reach places, where the voting device is carried on donkeys and elephants, and in some places polling stations can only be reached by boats. more than 2,500 parties will take part in the elections, with prime minister modi's ruling party the favorite. the results will be announced on june 4. russia and venezuela will increase constructive cooperation, including in law enforcement sphere. this was discussed in caracas at a meeting between russian prosecutor general igor krasnov and president nicolas madura. krasnov said that relations between our countries are in the nature of a strategic partnership, especially noting the fight against common global threats. words of support and
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condolences in connection with the bloody , terrible terrorist act that occurred in march of this year in the moscow region, in which hundreds of our citizens, peaceful people were killed and maimed, he once again demonstrated to us the need consolidate our efforts to combat international terrorism. russian schoolchildren will be taught how to operate drones. this year, practical training centers will open in thirty.
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the course is 270 hours, while two groups of 15 people are taught, instructors, local teachers who themselves have completed a professional training course. in addition to the classroom, the school also has several improvised training grounds. at the first stages, the children will be taught the basics of drone control, including in a conditionally open space, where such external factors as, say, wind, are affected, but further tasks will only become more complicated. the training specifically takes place on drones without. automatic stabilization, controls the car completely manually, and the control itself is not quite familiar, everything is mirrored, you press the joystick to the right, it flies left, left, right, you need to get used to it and learn. in addition to conventional copters, young pilots learn the basics of controlling so -called fpv drones. such platforms
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can also help. guys with a determination of their future profession and not necessarily military, drones are also used in construction, agriculture, geology, exploration, the list can go on and on. in total , 45 similar training sites are planned to be opened on the basis of educational institutions in the volgograd region: maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, lead the volgograd region. ru, see you.


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