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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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husband, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to land, sunday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, did you choose the right place? have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? fantasy maybe can science be understood? and you make a wish? yes! yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes,
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every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, a food formula, on sunday on rtr. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group, they say that you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea. on
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the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. good morning, says dr. myasnyakov, we are starting a program about the most important thing, that is, about our health, watch us, it will be informative, it will be interesting, today the program is about the most important thing, which is signaled by a crunch in the joints. how
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to use gadgets to keep your joints healthy? how good is jellied meat for them? will gather back into collagen, but with horseradish it’s amazing, you’re reading it wrong, you ’re reading it wrong, spring colds, why they are very dangerous for allergy sufferers and what to do to protect yourself from allergies and arvi, and what has become protected from allergies, a bag is put on the head? you will never get sick, alexander pushkin, vladimir vysotsky, sergei korolev, which of them could have been saved from death in our time, he was killed later anyway, a person with such a character does not live long, sixty-six, there are completely different medicines, very rude, let's talk about arthritis, about joint diseases, about myths, your ideas about this, our medical ideas, i adore this topic, you know
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why, it cannot do without jellied meat, does jellied meat help with diseases, joints, doesn’t it help, but... it’s not known for sure, but with horseradish it’s amazing, hell yes, it’s good, well, let’s ask one question, let’s go, if the joints crunch, it means they are destroyed, right, because that if your joints are in normal condition, your joints will not crackle, yes, i think it’s... so yes, no, in my youth my joints crunched very much, but now everything is fine, no, it could be due to the abundance of carbon dioxide in the joints, no, yes, i think this is so, it means that some kind of there is an inflammatory process, the joint is destroyed, there is a crunch in the joint, who
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said about the gas, where from, good morning, good, great experience for... no, the fact is that as a doctor i understood that they do not collapse, this the sound doesn’t mean anything, it’s just very annoying when someone sits, cracks their joints, not so long ago, on this program they told me about gas like this, i say, what kind of gas are you carrying, i looked up special literature, listen, so and gas? but i learned about this in my old age, so you simply delighted me that you said the correct theology, in fact, i still don’t believe that it’s gas, but it can’t burst like that, why crunch like that, what, what are these bubbles bursting like that, i heard people bursting in the rocking chair, the rocking chairs burst, there tendons flying off
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with terrible sounds and if the tendon tears , the sound is like that, well, i don’t know. just one thing, if there is a cracking of the joints, it is not dangerous, that’s for sure, and you are great, further, excessive use of gadgets harms the joints, joints, no, i think, more vision, no, not at all, i think no, i think yes, for example, my fingers always hurt when i keep my phone in my hands all the time, in general it’s harmful to the body as a whole, not only to the joints, yes, but since using it is a bastard...
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take the phone with you, so you look at the phone, read something, read, read, read, i read, you don’t read like that, not like that, you don’t read like that, not like that, you don’t read like that anymore, you already dream like that, yes, because you know, look at the remains of young people, not everyone, like that here, everyone... that's how everyone has it, their neck seems short, their hair covers this hump, why? well because it’s like this all the time, because it’s like this all the time, i’m like this myself, we’re all like this, so this is a very big factor, the guy there immediately said, it interferes with posture, so it’s really like that, i’m not saying keep it there
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phone, what fine motor skills are there, fingers, i don’t know, but the fact is that we are doing it wrong, as we used to be taught to sit at a table at a desk, you sit, your back is straight, the lamp is on the left. hands straight, the distance should be 50 cm there, everything is drained to the lamp, where to do all this, now, this is how they harm, further, viral infections can trigger the development of joint diseases, no, i don’t think so, but 50 kg in the gym can, it can’t, it seems to me that these are completely unrelated things, i wouldn’t say no, no, no, because the joint. mostly from lifestyle, yes, they can, because they can give complications to various organs, it could be joints and the heart, the liver, anything, i think no, the virus is more of an internal thing in the body, on the joints i think that this does not affect, and the joint is an organism
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external, or what, according to your logic, in fact, the viral etiology of arthritis is the most common arthritis. dozens of viruses cause inflammation of the joints, dozens, the same hepatitis virus, and so on and so forth, b, c, flu, and any. this is a classic and hence the approach, why it is important for us to know, but it goes away on its own, so the approach is this: if you have joint pain, for the first 6 weeks we don’t even try to diagnose what it is, there is no point in taking blood, tormenting you and getting an x-ray , mri, take markers and so on and so on, as long as we take it, everything will pass, there is a very high chance that you just have a viral joint disease, if...
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“it was your grandmother who kept you so strictly, how old is your grandmother, well, she is no longer alive, but
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i’m just saying, her youth was due to a severe shortage of raw smoked kisal sausages, we were given in orders for the new year and so on, on the contrary, she had to feed her granddaughter with a shortage, she ate it herself, but she didn’t let me explain the main thing, granddaughter, it’s bad for you, get out of here, well done, grandma, i praise you, yes, it’s true, you know that foods are divided into those that cause inflammation , that relieve inflammation, that relieve inflammation , fruits, vegetables, sea fish, dairy products, that provokes...
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the most important thing is the evening meal ahead, i ’m now full, i won’t be hungry all day, in the evening i’ll turn away from something tasty , so i’d better hold back now, it won’t do anything anyway, and then i ’ll eat well, the trouble with this food is that it’s very addicting, here i stand, i tried the jellied meat over there, i’m now thinking about going back to the jellied meat or still eat it cake but i will show the power of the field, i won’t eat this, or that, no, or rather,
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i’ll eat the last spoonful of jellied meat, well, by the way, now we will have a question about jellied meat, yes, rich soups and jellied meat are natural chondroprotectors, they strengthen joints, yes, what contains gelatin strengthens joints, yes, that’s right, yes, there’s calcium and all sorts of other things, i use them myself, i eat them and my joints don’t hurt, i cook jellied meat all the time, it helps me, i’ll say that yes, because that i love it, yes, i think no, you still need to treat your joints with special drugs, no, not they strengthen, i think not, because for strengthening we need some kind of more strengthened complex, probably the most common position is that jellied meat strengthens joints, because... that these are natural handerprotectors, that it is gelatin, and so on and so forth . well, let's do this, how do you
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imagine this? now i’ve eaten half of the jellied meat, now my jellied meat will break down into molecules, into collagen, and the blood flow will go to the joint and there it will gather back into collagen. it doesn’t happen that way, but if it were impossible, because the blood vessels do not penetrate into the joint, the joint is nourished from... between the sauce fluid, it is nourished, by the way, when we walk, we seem to inject it into these cartilages, these are nutrients, but this is not through the blood, here... you see, there is one thing that you all will never believe, there is nothing, no medicine, no product, nothing that strengthens cartilage, everything is of a temporary pain-relieving nature, except for joint replacement, that is, i repeat, if the joint
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is destroyed, worn out, you can temporarily alleviate the situation. you can reduce the pain, reduce swelling, you cannot restore this cartilage in any way, they will inject you with hyalurnic acid, it is expensive, it will last 6-8 weeks, but 10 is good, then you need to inject again, you can now inject there from enriched platelets, plasma, take, fat tissue, reduce, yes, it will be good for a while, you can do whatever you want, but you can’t... establish a joint, how all chondroprotectors work and so on, but they just have a certain anti-inflammatory effect, there like kiwi, the same jellied meat, the old part honoroprotectors, they relieve inflammation, thereby relieving the condition, relieving pain, allowing you to move better, but only, but they do not restore your joint in any way,
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you just need to remember this, so you need to take care of the joint, this is related... arthroscopy is the most effective a method of treating joint diseases, probably yes, but it relates to treatment methods, arthroscopy is an effective treatment, and so they didn’t exclude me, i had arthroscopy, now 12 years have passed and i’m generally fine, i think, yes, yes, yes, probably yes, yes, that's it the operation, i think, will help quite a lot, no, i haven’t heard of such a thing, no, the most effective is
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jellied meat. orthoroscopy is useless, the injuries are young, yes, so that’s it, let’s be attentive to our health, everything will be fine, then, spring colds, why are they very dangerous for allergy sufferers, and what to do to protect yourself from both allergies and colds? and what
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happened? are you protected from allergies? put a cellane bag on your head, you'll never get sick, i paint my nails, i have every right, it's a premiere, i'm getting old, yes, but you're a piece of cake with us, you you know, i would marry you, but you’re here with us, hello, hello, what’s next, mikhail andreevich, flowers buyer, angels of the area from monday on rtr. discover a real gem on the budrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to
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a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know about'.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. titanic delux golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation -
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf belet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. the teacher married her student in his sixties and gave birth to his long-awaited son. the couples whisper behind their backs. and i’ll give you everything, i’ll sell, i’ll buy, he went over to their side, we’ll show you what it means to attack innocent people, and we’ll beat you so hard that the stains will be taken away, taras bulba, what son,
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your bad guys helped you, a film by vladimir bortok, today on rtr, allergy season has arrived, the first plants have begun to bloom, there is already a lot in the air pollen, and in a couple of weeks there will be... there will be even more. allergy sufferers already suffer, but it turns out that in the spring they face double danger, not only from allergies, but also from sars. they become infected more easily and get sick more seriously, up to the most serious complications, pneumonia, myocarditis and renal failure. what is this connected with, why do allergy sufferers need to be especially careful at this time of year, how to protect themselves from both allergies and respiratory infections?
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but healthy, when we inhale, we inhale a large amount of air we inhale along with air, anything, and the first thing that meets us is necessarily our internal first defense, the first shilona is intraferons, and these interferons are well capable of protecting our body from viruses , including allergens, these viruses try to penetrate through the upper respiratory tract, but... you and i
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can’t always survive the period so safely, why? because it happens that people with an increased response to an allergen experience swelling of the mucous membrane, unfortunately, we do not always see this protection, sometimes this interferon is simply not enough to protect our body from... viruses and what we ultimately see, let us now, yes, ask, doctor, i will answer you , when i came across this topic, interferons and allergies, american journal of the medical association, and there was a whole work devoted to the benefits of interferons alpha 2b for allergies, i was a little surprised, i somehow thought that it was still purely antiviral, judge me, because
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many people think so and i thought so. in this picture now you see we have there are practically no interferons, we are now dominated by viruses and other pathogens, there is also a threat of allergies, including acute respiratory viral infections, who can develop them, people with the so-called risk group, of course, allergy sufferers, people who react to pollen, any other pathogens that penetrate into
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our... cavity these are children, unfortunately, children have not fully developed innate immune abilities, children under 5 years of age are also at risk, older people, well , of course, with any immunodeficiency, with chronic diseases, chronic diseases, it could be hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, bronchial asthma, unfortunately, it’s like relatives, and pregnant women are also a group to which we especially attract special attention, and not always to pregnant women we can advise drug protection, unfortunately, we can advise them most often preventive measures, so that you understand that pregnancy is a state of officially impaired immunity, and moreover, allergy sufferers, unfortunately, are more susceptible to the development of complications,
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including viral ones. infection, that is, we are talking about such a combined effect, and this is not only sinusitis, atitis, but unfortunately, bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory failure, meocarditis, i really want to draw your attention, kidney damage, unfortunately, few people talk about this knows, they forget, but we must understand that these people are especially susceptible to the aggravation of various chronic diseases from meningitis to... kidneys, so that, so you understand, every fourth person has chronic kidney damage, every fourth person, we just don’t know, here i’m wondering, the rules for protecting against allergies, mask, glasses, attire, horror, come here, here you are, yes, look, a normal person, now it has become even more beautiful, yes, now, everything
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is more interesting, the doctor has become more and more interesting to me as a woman, beauty, protected from allergies, protected, back, by the way, this is where a very important factor is that when it goes associated infection, e.g. acute respiratory viral infections, viruses can strengthen this immune response in allergy sufferers and even a...
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infections can also strengthen allergies, just as allergies can affect the development of acute respiratory viral infections, so acute respiratory viral infections, unfortunately, can strengthen... allergic the body's response to this pathogen that they inhaled, so today, of course, since you put it on the women, i will put it on the men, protective masks, by the way, specially protective glasses, if you pay attention so as not to get an allergen in the mucous membrane of the eyes, a hat - this is definitely the hair that he is bald, what kind of hair, he may not wipe his bald spot, but he doesn’t care either... that’s what a handsome man is, and of course, in addition we should have it, this is an air humidifier , antihistamines, including, but we are still interested not only in allergies, but in acute respiratory viral infections, so,
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of course, today our task is also to use drug prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, recombinant alpha-2b intrafeferons help us cope with this problem that we talked about today, so these are not only cap masks, adding recombinant alpha2b intrafeferon, we, of course, have the opportunity to protect our body from this infection and not cause such severe side effects, the most important thing is i also want answer, we talked about how children suffer and... using recombinants interferon alfa2b is very convenient in spray drops and for children we can use it by the way for pregnant women, so you and i can to protect yourself not only from allergies and not
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only from some other pathogens, but also from many viruses, this is adenovirus, and coronavirus, influenza virus, and rhinovirus, which can... make the course of this infection more difficult for allergy sufferers, so that there is no that an allergy, that a person has a disease - this is still a situation when you need to consult a doctor, a specialist, i personally learned for myself once again, i repeat, that i considered interferon to be simply a universal antiviral substance, yes, because it is part of our natural immunity, and for me it was it’s unusual to find out that it turns out to have a general protective effect, well, like leukocytes in the blood, what if a piece of wood gets there, they will gather together, eat it in the form of pus... then it turns out that it’s a bacterium or something else, it turns out that this is about the same, for me it is yes, well, i can’t know everything, for me it was a surprise, so remember this, well, in general, let’s be attentive to our health, everything will be fine with us, then what
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provokes development of atherosclerosis, in addition to elevated cholesterol levels, and what are yoghurts good for taking antibiotics? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnyakov asks, you answer. so i come to the credit department. will you forget why you came? would you like some tea? i won’t refuse tea. that is great. on saturday. quiet, please don't. our wonderful nanny filed a police report against you. yes, but you raped her. it's your? this is mine, the ring, some kind of mistake. my wife. got fed up with yourself at the time of the theft and in revenge you decided not to slander her, this is not true, a bouquet of wild flowers, premiere, on saturday on rtr. you
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toss and turn sleeplessly all night with your old pillows and wake up completely groggy and stressed, now that 's over, introducing the dremaliina swan pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs everything. your body aligns it optimally so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will. additionally, the dremalina one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other, providing soothing relief to your lower back, legs and feet. the dremalina cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric, it
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perfectly adapts to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all positions during sleep and ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you'll sleep better than ever and best of all - ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. the dremalino swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what it does. its so unique, try the best and most comfortable sleep of your life, call and order the unique dremaliina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremaliina swan pillow will be yours behind incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up to the offer with.
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to lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, since monday...
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look in the application or on the website there are so many new reasons for conversation, but this time it’s also very nice to congratulate happy birthday to you, this is the office, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer’s, somehow i can’t fit into this modern one.
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with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr. time for the section questions from the doctor. we ask you questions based on previous programs, if you answer correctly, you receive a prize, and if suddenly you don’t answer, then you go there and choose exercises, it’s written there in this ball, and accordingly, show us something. who's ready? i am waiting for you.
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hello, what's your name? hello, my name is natalya. well, natasha, what are you doing? first of all, i’m a credit specialist, do you give loans or take them? i give loans. great, spin it then, when i come to the credit department, you’ll forget why you came? everything is simple with us, very good. and it’s not often that you’ll have to contact the credit department, so you know how there’s a saying on a ship: friendship with the cook is the key to health, when it’s the cook, atherosclerosis is vascular damage leading to heart attack and stroke, yes, cholesterol, atherosclerosis deposits plaques and so on, i say i’m afraid, i’m already afraid, and tactersclerosis can develop with normal cholesterol levels.
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i'm listening, does chewing your food thoroughly help society? no, where am i from, why are you laughing, these are ilf and petrov, thoroughly chewing food helps society. does thoroughly overfatting food reduce the risk of developing gastritis? it seems to me that yes, food is crushed better, entering the esophagus and then being more easily digested, logical, well, yes, indeed, the fact is that the digestion of
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food begins in the mouth, it’s not only grinding it with teeth, this... a primary food bolus is formed, the enzymes are saturated with the slime, they begin their work, the processing of vitamin d-12 begins, if we eat meat, without this it will no longer be, so to speak, absorbed, that is, yes , the answer is yes, the formation of a primary food bolus for further, so yoghurts are useful when taking antibiotics, it seems to me that it is useful, i think that even if they existed. the only question is, what kind of yoghurts? but the fact is that if these are yoghurts, those that are here we are we buy from 3 months of storage, they are frankly harmful, they are frankly harmful, they consist of, i don’t know what, what is written there, it
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’s all wrong, it’s called ultra- processed food, yes, it’s ultra-processed food, this means that we don’t even... we don’t know, well , let’s say, dumplings, we see meat there, we see flour, leftover grains, that is, we understand, it’s also harmful, but we understand the ingredients, these shelf-stable yoghurts , there’s nothing left at all , only if you disassemble the molecules, and what is there is not clear, well, natural yoghurts, natural fermented milk products, they have always been invariably useful, whether with antibiotics or without antibiotics, natural yogurt, natural fermented milk products are a source of 100% immune health. well, natasha, let's go choose the price, let's go, well , you have three keys, so take all three, yeah, one, two, and it's clear that the person is organized, yes, not just rowing, then
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he chooses, he laid out everything , i took it, well done, it doesn’t fit, well, not the first time, your application was not approved. another document, yeah, me again not approved, of course, you have one more chance, also 100%, i hope that this application is suitable, great, open it and take it out, so, i would like some kind of book, yeah, as a souvenir, take the very first one over there, you see, there are glasses there, yes, i have glasses for my portrait, you see they are so big, you will definitely put them on the shelf. thank you very much, you sign it for me, you know how, like a loan, yes, you will give back two books in six months, thank you very much, if you want to review us, this platform, look at the application or website, we
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go ahead. entertainment section, although would it be possible to save a number of famous people if this happened today, and how would we do it, it’s very interesting here, we have these hopes for medicine in our heads, because here’s the case, let’s get acquainted, yeah, well, let's take two extreme cases first: what does today mean? do you see the date of death? ninth year, well, there was just a mistake, a healthy man, an athlete, to improve his health, on the advice of a doctor, he went for blood purification, hemofiltration, very
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fashionable, expensive, did not count that 0.5% the mortality rate in... people from this procedure is 0.5%. but he didn’t even make it into that 0.5%. he, as i just remember, when all this happened, i read, i then also said where you are looking to yourself. yes, within 3 weeks he went to the doctor with chest complaints, and with typical chest complaints. with typical chest complaints. how it was not to recognize angina, i will say more if he had not turned to. in 2009 to the doctor’s clinic, or let’s say in 1935 somewhere. in st. petersburg to a clinic, they would give him diagnosis, and maybe saved, then 100 years ago, 100 years ago they would have saved him, they could
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have saved him, just blinked and let the person go, go, do hemofiltration, after he came with unstable angina, he has something to suffer from, do you think they’re all like this, they’re just like this, like this, they’re all on hormones, no matter what they say, but they don’t hide it, so this could have been saved 100 years ago, now they just ruined it, then they had to be hospitalized , put up stands, he would still be acting in films and living he lived happily, i read all the time, today pushkin could have been saved, but even if they saved him, he was still killed later, a person with such a character does not live long, he has more than 20'. the roosters really went wild, he stood at the barrier three times, in my opinion, but he stood three times, my
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son studied in a boarding school in paris, he says, i came home to a boy in the sixteenth arrondissement, and there was a portrait of pushkin, i say , and why? they say our ancestor there, he was shot in a duel. can you imagine, i accidentally studied with my ancestors dantes, how small the world is, and a pair of pistols who were in a duel, they are in france, he took her with him, well, his pistols were, but no, you know, maybe they saved him, maybe not, a very serious wound, bullets, grevian nuts , crushed the femoral neck. and penetrated into the cavity, penetrating wounds, severe bleeding, yes, they got on the table, probably, maybe
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they saved, they gave a blood transfusion, but maybe they didn’t save, well, why am i saying, i had injuries in the hospital and there was a gunshot there, whatever no, it happens in different ways, well, it happens in different ways, how lucky, how lucky, what a drop, and then the lights, you know how, usually you have an operation, everything is fine, everything, suddenly... starting with a fever, an infection has appeared, but because where in hospitals there are hospital infections everywhere and in intensive care units and so on further, it’s a difficult question, to say unequivocally that we would have saved him, i can’t, okay, take kutuzov, because he has a fantastic wound, and he’s one-eyed, but the bullet didn’t hit him in the eye, i don’t remember whether it’s right or left , well, let's say, the left one, yes, it hit him in the temple. struck the bone inside the skull passed through the bone like this and came out of the eye, and he remained alive,
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mine remained alive today, this all comes from the lord god, but we very often think about something, well, that’s how it happened, and today he would they took me for an operation, but we don’t know how the operation would have ended, well, it’s clear from him...
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to the police, another to the clinic, i’m working for you all myself, he’ll kill or cripple, maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look how beautiful it is, oh what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, from monday on rtr. you
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sleeplessly toss and turn all night with yours. old pillows and wake up completely stressed out, now that 's over, introducing the drimalina cvon pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you stay the most. position for sleeping without tossing and turning, unlike conventional pillows, dremalino swan holds the spine in an ideal position and the neck at the optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. additionally, the dremalina one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other, providing soothing relief to your lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina svon pillow is made of breathable, hypoallergenic lyocell fabric and
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adapts perfectly to any shape. and body size, supports your posture during all sleeping positions provide good ventilation throughout the night. you 'll sleep better than ever. and most importantly, the dremaliina swan pillow is ideal for those who sleep on their side, back, and also those who sleep on their stomach. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. is this what makes her so unique? experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order the unique drimalina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremaliina swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995, and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and only valid
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for a short period of time. there are places that have... history. explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is. there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mom says, mind you, this world is worth it see him, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr. provocation
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is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why do you care? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch, with the help of songs dedicated to our favorite female and male names, we can confess our love. our parents give us names; i was named
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after my grandmother. an amazing man, one of the few of our kings who died on his own, of natural causes, but what about nikolai being shot, his dad being blown up by a bomb, alexander i, well, it seems like he died in taganrog, and if you believe tolstoy, then he didn’t give a damn about everything, and you know what
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i started walking around the world and became an old man. and there is a lot of evidence there, well , read that word, well, if we start there pavlov, petrov, and so on and so forth, they were slaughtered there by tobacconists, who cares, but this hero, but he really held the train, horseshoes squeezed, straightened out and so on, but he did not die from acute inflammation of the kidneys, he died from chronic inflammation of the kidneys, firstly, he was an alcoholic, judging by the literature, he was very good at it, chronic, he had kidney failure , chronic kidney disease the failure is incurable, but today, of course, today, of course, there is hemodialysis and so on, that is, his life would definitely be extended, there is no saving, but his life would be extended 100%, he would need to lose weight, stop drinking on dialysis, you know , i look like this
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and think, what would have awaited him, well, if he had lived another 10 years, the fourteenth year of war, revolution, a basement in modern sverdlovsk... yes, he did everything for this, as we know, he has there were problems with alcohol, then with drugs, and what would we do today, we
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today we are treating drug addiction, well , if a person wants, then we will, but if he doesn’t want, what could we offer to a person who wrote a little slower than a horse, remember, a little slower than a horse, what does a person with such anguish have? you can offer souls, so he tried to restrain himself with drugs, alcohol, and that you wanted to comb his hair, make him prosperous, but remember his poems, monument, yes, yes no, this is not the kind of person who would obey doctors and our opinion, and so on, well, of course... an absolutely brilliant poet, not without reason another a brilliant poet, in my opinion, the best poet in the world, joseph brodsky, no one had such mastery of the russian word, in turn
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they said about him that he was a great poet, he is of course a great poet, who we have, mm, an amazing person, went through camps, a lot of things, but you know how... 30 minutes after the operation he died, yes, he probably dropped his blood pressure, this is a mistake, this is an anesthesiologist’s mistake, you can make a mistake today as an anesthesiologist, yes, of course, so maybe you didn’t do it, yes, they might not have done it, it was the anesthesiologist’s mistake, and then sixty-six, there are completely different medicines, very rough, then people dropped their blood pressure and so on, all this is possible, and today, of course, amesthesiological benefits are much more... easier, we must not forget that each person has his own destiny , you want to deceive her, but deceive her, but you won’t
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deceive her, this is the first, second, if medicine were regulated like the marine corps charter, probably, but with us today. today in modern medicine, now it’s better, but still the last decades, after we have lost soviet medicine, this inequality of doctors continues to exist, the lack of standards, although we implement them, write them, teach them, and yet, with us, every doctor is his own head, you go to one doctor, he tells you one thing, you go to another to the doctor, he says the exact opposite, you go to a third doctor, as you well know, the third doctor will tell you, what are you, these two? they wanted to kill you, do as i did, as long as we continue like this, we will have the most serious mistakes, like those from behind, so what does it mean that you
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understand today's medicine, surgical techniques, yes, amazing medicines that prolong life, yes, new research methods, some kind of positron emulsion tomograph, yes, remind me... the film two fighters, what did i say yesterday i shot from a captured weapon, he says : lord, how can you shoot from a captured weapon when the most important thing is missing in it? bernes asks for parts, he says, well , what is the most important part, the most important part of every weapon is the head of its owner, which super hybrid ones forbid you operating rooms with da vinci robots, what medicines you can’t give, what methods you can’t give, if you’re a goofball, if you’re not attentive, if you don’t follow the standard, if you have your own opinion on everything, the doctor, how many people will he kill?
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medical community, that’s why you, therefore everything depends not so much or how much on what should be the opinion, the aggregate opinion of the state of modern medicine, but how much depends on the culture of the doctor, his knowledge, his discipline, and this is something we can learn from the doctors of the past, just really learn , i know exactly the memories of my great-grandfather , a zemstvo doctor. great-grandfather, not grandfather, grandfather was born there, left, graduated from medical school, yes, everything is fine with him, a brilliant career, a brilliant specialist, but great-grandfather, the first man from the red rags, who went to study at the university, became a doctor, was a student of zakharin, gave up a brilliant career, returned to the people, to his town, went to germany, did an internship, and began to learn. operate on the eyes, but he knew how
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to do everything, he performed operations on the cornea, the queue for him was the whole street from under water according to my recollections, i stopped once, a woman was writhing on the side of the road, the fetus had been stuck in her for a long time, simply flattening it with a nail, he performed a caesarean section on her, saved his life, delivered the fetus, the woman lived, you know, the doctors are different, it must be with us today there is a specialist on the right kidney, on the left kidney, on the liver, on the right, on the left eye, this, but this is not mine, there is a claim to the buttons, no, they are sewn tightly, you can’t tear them off, everything you want, so you would save them you guys, my god, sometimes you think if you were 40 years ago, maybe you could help would be, but this is so, in fact, this is more of a kind, well, humorous, i could say a lot of things on this topic, but 15 minutes have passed, so we will
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assume that you were interested, it will still be good, our program has come to in the end, dr. misnyakov was with you, i wish you all good health and live until our next meeting with you, fortunately it is just around the corner, goodbye. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the water level in tobol has exceeded a critical level. residents of several districts of kurgan calls for urgent evacuation. rescuers are strengthening the dam.


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