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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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so we will assume that you were interested, it will still be good, our program has come to an end, doctor mesnyakov was with you, i wish everyone good health and live until our next meeting with you, fortunately it is just around the corner, goodbye . on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the water level in tobor has exceeded a critical level. residents of several areas of kurgan are being urged to urgently evacuate. rescuers are strengthening the dam. we are already producing
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two and a half times more sunscreens, the production rate is t-80 tanks need to be raised. sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled in the omsk region. a new combined strike on military installations in ukraine, on workshops where drones were assembled, on a plant where they made fuel for missiles. in dnepropetrovsk , aircraft and the s-300 complex were hit. a reservation on biden, the us president urged americans to choose between.
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a substation that fed the railway and an oil depot for refueling military diesel locomotives; in pavlograd, the target of the attacks was a chemical plant where fuel for missiles and military unit. in addition, explosions were heard in the odessa, poltava and kharkov regions in krivoy rog. and today, today , footage with the results of the previous one appeared on the network. strike of russian troops on an airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region, the destruction of two ukrainian mig-29s by cluster munitions and the destruction of the s-300 air defense system are visible. increase the production rate of modernized t-80 tanks and additionally send a special armored vehicle protection system to the special operation zone. such tasks were set by sergei shaigu. minister of defense visited a machine-building plant in the omsk region and checked the implementation of state defense.
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the results are already there, so the production of heavy flamethrower systems for sunburn has been increased by 2 and a half times. sergei samokha has all the details. a new echelon is being formed at the exit from the factory workshops; t-80 bvm tanks are already loaded on the platforms. what immediately catches your eye is the unusual appearance that the factory-installed systems of additional protection against drones and shaped charges give combat vehicles. they aged for six months, thanks to the enterprise in the omsk region, the minister of defense arrived with an inspection to fulfill the state defense order, the t-80 bvm tanks are modern, deeply modernized vehicles for all weather conditions, but they also needed modifications taking into account the experience of the northern military district. serino delivers the machine with an additional protection module. last time we were here we looked at the protection of sights. there is protection for sights, yes, yes, of course. to the minister of defense. reported that
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currently at the plant, when producing t-80 bvm tanks of a new type, armored vehicles are already on the assembly line equipped with a set of camouflage means, a protective cape visor, when we started this big program for additional protection, when we were looking for clave there, we were looking for everything else, we found it all, we did it all, now we need to increase it. the production volumes of santsepek tanks and heavy flamethrower systems increased by 2 and a half times. we have it. starting this year , the machine, we surround it in may, carry out a fairly huge supply, the volume of production of tosas has increased due to the expansion of production and the transition to round-the-clock work on a two-shift schedule. the omsk plant is implementing the program, i can even say exceeds the program, the issues and tasks that we solved during our last visit, almost all the issues have been resolved, issues regarding the supply of engines have been resolved, the production of new engines has begun. more
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power, after increasing production , related enterprises started working with renewed vigor, modernized engines are being installed on new equipment, thanks to you for setting the task last time. russian troops hit 380 targets in the avdeevka direction, the ministry of defense, including aviation artillery, reported this they destroyed 25 strong points, suppressed 120
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field artillery positions in chasyar , the advance of the paratroopers is supported by su-25 attack aircraft, the fortification in sou is destroyed by bombers with factories with correction modules. the crew of the mip-35 helicopter hit the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction. galbets d-30 crews of the state border covering group are hitting the positions of ukrainian territorial formations in the area bordering the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine. and in the novomikhailovka area, positions in the ssu are being burned out by our rszzo and uragan crews. in rostov-on-danu the temperature record, which lasted for 30 years, was broken, and the leningrad region, on the contrary, is transferring road services to an enhanced operating mode, as they noticed. central russia will be hit by a severe storm today. wind gusts can
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reach 23 m/s. the bad weather zone will include bryansk, oryol, tula and moscow regions. there was thick fog in the capital in the morning. residents of voronezh share footage. the thunderstorm that hit the city tonight, there is another problem in the region, a field caught fire in the village of gubarevo, a similar situation is now in saratov. them meanwhile, the number of flooded residential buildings in russia decreased by almost 500 per day . however, in the orenburg region the situation is still difficult, residents continue to build dams; in the village of ilek, its height was raised by 2.5 m, even despite the rains, which covered this region. from temensk and kurgan regions reports by our correspondents ksenia usoltseva and albert musin. the situation in the kazan region is changing quite quickly, this is what the road to big roads looks like. just yesterday we could
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drive here, today there is no such opportunity. there is a boat crossing. you can now get to the village by boat, a crossing has been organized. thanks also to local residents, captain alexander runs continuously, people who have already evacuated need to feed their livestock, he was moved to higher places. i’m now walking on the asphalt, which was dry just yesterday, water came to large areas literally within a day, people were urgently evacuated, and now there is no one left here. we left here in the evening at 8 o'clock, this has not happened yet, that is, the water rises and rises, even this morning we arrived at 6 am. there was no water here yet, but here you see, the current is already coming from the river, over there with the current, not the whole village has gone under the water, people are trying to protect their houses from the flood, they are laying sandbags, heavy equipment is constantly arriving here, the local administration is also helping , dump trucks carry
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clay and sand, and special equipment of the russian ministry of emergency situations in the tyumen region delivers food and hot meals, transporting the local population, bringing bread, water. meanwhile, in the village of kazanskoye , the dam is being continuously built up, local residents, volunteers are working, employees of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the tyumen region also attracted units from neighboring regions, and heavy equipment was used. in the south of the region, the evacuation of the population continues; people are urged to vacate houses that fall into the zone of probable flooding. according to information from the russian ministry of emergency situations, at the moment more than 1,600 people have been evacuated from settlements in the tyumen region that are threatened by high water. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, evgeny likkomtsev and valery syutkin, lead the tyumen region. this is how our house is dear, there are the neighbors' plots. tobol in
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the kurgan region flooded dozens of settlements, more than a hundred snt. in some places , local residents build makeshift dams as best they can and defend them. with our own efforts we do not allow the water to pass through, we will save dozens of houses, despite the difficult situation, people are trying to have a sense of humor. don’t lose, now i’ll show you from the sunny boulevard the kurgan sea, the sea is just a stone’s throw away from the best hotels. over the past 24 hours, the water in tobol has risen by more than 10 m and in some places exceeded the record levels of 1994 of the year. this creates a huge danger for the city, so that while in the dry surroundings of the villages downstream, preventive evacuation continues. flooding of houses in the village is expected. in forty- seven it frightens everyone more, everyone more, here there was already water and here in this place - irina
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petrovna lived, she drew water from the door. if a mass evacuation is required, then such a rescue transporter is used. it can accommodate more than a dozen people and some personal belongings. this machine goes where you need it power and strength, that is, it breaks through garbage jams and breaks fences to the site. in order to save people, so as not to miss a possible overflow over the dam, a round-the-clock watch on the embankment was organized in kurgan, special light masts were deployed for night shifts, net masts have already been installed in those places where bank protection structures are located, most of... in the region, the first payments to flood victims amounting to 10,000 rubles
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in one-time assistance. a commission was created to inspect residential premises in the fact of flooding and the fact of residence of citizens, well, damage to property. administration specialists went to places of temporary accommodation of citizens. it is too early to talk about any more serious compensation. we must wait for the water to recede to assess the damage. albert musin, nikolai starosttin, dmitry komov, elena goleeva. now children with arphan diseases will benefit from the good, created on the initiative of the president. dispense medications immediately after diagnosis; the time from application to receipt will be reduced to six working days. today, mikhail mishustin gave instructions following the results of the strategic session for the development of the united shipbuilding corporation. but in particular, it is necessary to submit a proposal to expand the program of preferential
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leasing of civil ships, and also, together with vtb bank, to ensure the development of an investment program to update existing and create new production facilities. an experiment on growing trout in sea water is currently underway in the krasnodar territory. scientists are sure that fish that grew up in such conditions is healthier than usual. river. when will the first one be? anna sorokina knows. the rainbow trout replaced the usual press water with salt water. the new place of residence is a special construction of a cage. it protects from sea predators and allows it to grow in freedom. there are 26 thousand fish in one cage. the fish are healthy, loads of them, and they are full of them. he eats normally, normally, growth rates are within normal limits. basically, this fish is bred in press water, lakes or pools. there are several farms that grow rainbow trout in seawater in russia. this breeding method has its advantages: at sea good water exchange, high oxygen content, in addition to special food, the fish
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can eat natural food. if a fish lives in the sea, in addition to food, it consumes a lot of various biological components, small rocks, small fish, plankton, it eats everything, and this has a very positive effect on its taste . sea life satiates. with taxanthin is a natural pigment that gives fish meat a red color, valuable elements for the human body, it strengthens the immune system. fish weighing 350 g from press water moves to salt water and grows up to 2 kg in six months. in the kabardinka village near gelendzhuk, this is the first experiment in raising trout in the sea. there are already orders for fish. from this cage to the shore, less than half a kilometer from the market to local restaurants, fish comes straight from the bay. the first catch is planned for june. they are just now
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gaining weight; by this season of 2024 they will be in all their glory and will reach the consumer’s table. growing rainbow trout seafood is a promising industry, especially with the likely instability of imports. local producers get their stable market , and consumers get a delicacy straight from the sea. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kirtok and anna nekos, lead the krasnodar region. well, next on our program is freedom or democracy. biden put americans ahead with a surprise election. the united states has again blocked palestine's path to the united nations. vetila wound, but does not want to admit, details in a few minutes. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rtl. hotel
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titanic delux golf belek. where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa lounge and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic del hatch, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. they say we need to rest. you need to be able to prepare, you need to be able to relax, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal beach, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about rest, relax,
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anex, kalinon belek, a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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discover a real gem on the coast. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. i've been waiting for you forever. “i was in such a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the
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russia exhibition, please, acquaintance and roll call, is it possible without formation." that you came to visit me, how much tea you drank, how many stories you tell, i was cocky in a white tuxedo, and i start, then mark antolyevich seems to leave zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, the premiere is on sunday on rtr, so stop,
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apartment, okay? anna mikhalkova, assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i’m working hard for you all, will they kill me or kill me? maybe fyodor lavrov, well , look what a beauty, and what a woman, and where she is... from monday on rtr. this is to lead. we continue our release.
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israel notified the us of today's attack on iran, but for strategic reasons will not take responsibility. the jerusalem post newspaper writes about this. but the publication idiot okhrannot notes that the attack was planned in such a way that the leadership in tehran could, quote: endure it. refrain from new rounds of escalation, at night from various sources reports began to come in about missile launches and explosions in the area of ​​izfahan and one of the military air bases, but later it turned out that the loud sounds were associated with air defense systems that shot down small drones, and there was no visible destruction on the ground. in large cities, including the capital of the islamic republic , airport operations were suspended for several hours; now the restrictions are narrower. magata has already confirmed that nuclear facilities were not damaged; american fox news hastened to call tel aviv's response limited. residents
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the united states is faced with a strange choice proposed by joe biden. while giving a speech to supporters in pennsylvania, the current president unexpectedly announced that in the upcoming elections they will have to decide what is more important to them, freedom or democracy? was this reservation unknown, in any case? biden did not correct the proposal, you are ready to choose unity over division, dignity over destruction, truth over lies, freedom over democracy, because this is america. china has warned states and the philippines against provocations during the largest naval exercises, for the first time the navies of the two countries will operate outside the territorial waters of the philippines. beijing emphasized that the actions of washington, washington and manila undermine stability in the region. with the support of the united states , taiwan is now also heading towards confrontation. report by alexander baletsky.
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the islanders begin the first stage of the annual hanguang military maneuvers to repel the landing of the chinese army on taiwan with command post exercises. this is not yet the active phase of maneuvers, more of a computer simulation, but they had already managed to shoot at the dupin base, having deployed an anti-aircraft gun along the coast. complexes with multiple launch rocket systems , those supplied to taiwan by the pentagon. this strategy, known as the porcupine strategy, aims to make taiwan as prickly as possible. the united states intends to make the whole of asia spiky. all attention in the region is focused on the philippines, where to the island of luzon, closest to taiwan, the americans delivered a launcher for a medium-range missile system capable of firing sm6 missiles and tamaga. the pekings understood immediately.
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this us move exacerbates tensions in the region and increases the risk of unjustified assessments and miscalculations. the philippines needs to remember what the us is really trying to achieve, the implications of cooperation in deploying risk management systems. and think twice. is he becoming a puppet of the united states to the detriment of his own security interests? the americans have already given the filipinos a course for young fighters to work with the haymars systems; on monday they will begin the balitacan naval exercises, during which 17,000 military personnel will practice an attack on ships of a mock enemy, as well as an operation to seize a mock island, and the maneuvers will take place for the first time outside the twelve-mile zone of the philippines’ territorial quotas, and this after for the first time in a year and a half... and after a visit to taiwan, beijing cut off all channels of communication with the pentagon, the heads of the defense departments of china and the united states held video negotiations, in which austin promised chinese minister
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dongjun that the united states would continue to fly, sail and operate in the southern the chinese sea is safe and responsible, and how to believe after that is now being said not only in china. beijing does not recognize the arbitration decision on the south china sea and insists that a unified mechanism and rules of conduct at sea must be developed. exclusively by the countries of the region and the united states is definitely not included in their number; for those who doubt this, china suggests simply looking at the map. alexander baalsky, polina fedorova and nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. a new children's hospital with an area of ​​40 thousand square meters will appear in melitopol m2. this was announced by deputy prime minister marad khusnulin during a visit to the zaporozhye region. among the priorities is the launch of housing construction and the creation of new jobs. so, 3 billion investments in iron. the deputy prime minister also visited the kherson region, where he inspected the first stage of the tavrida cluster artesidence. we
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are assessing the socio-economic development program of the kherson region, that is, a complex issue related to the development of roads, a very big issue related to the development of infrastructure, here now, for example, we are here on the territory of a youth camp, which , first of all, should be launched this year for the season, the goal is to make it full-fledged by next year, in our country today they celebrate the day of remembrance of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices in... as part of a federal project without a statute of limitations , patriotic events are being held throughout the country in schools, colleges, and universities, and interactive lessons are being organized. and activists of the russian search movement, with the participation of regional heads, published a series videos in which the largest facts of the genocide are voiced. the crimes of the nazis, without a statute of limitations, are investigated by the investigative committee together with volunteers. based on the evidence collected, the courts are already children
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of the regions, including new ones. recognized the facts of mass extermination of civilians and prisoners of war. the investigation continues to establish previously unknown facts of mass extermination of civilians and prisoners of war in the territories of the soviet union, temporarily occupied by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war war. people were shot, gassed , burned, tortured, starved, and buried alive. investigators give. criminal legal assessment of the actions of specific individuals involved in these crimes against civilian soviet citizens. russian schoolchildren will be taught how to operate drones. this year, practical training centers will open in thirty regions. in the volgograd region, classes have already begun. and from there is a report by maxim akhmetov. tiny domestic drones are being prepared for flight in a classroom. their pilots are boys, the youngest is 9 years old. this
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small rural school is the first in the volgograd region to open a modern platform for studying the basics of uav control. training course - 270 hours. currently there are two groups of 15 people. the instructors are local teachers who have themselves undergone professional training. in addition to the classroom, the school also has several improvised training grounds. in the first stages. the children will be taught the basics of controlling a drone, including in a conditionally open space where it is exposed to such external factors, such as wind, but then the tasks will only become more complicated, training is specially carried out on drones without automatic stabilization, the machine is controlled completely manually, and the control itself is not entirely familiar, everything is mirrored, you press the joystick to the right, it flies to the left, to the left, to the right and...
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in total , 45 similar educational sites are planned to be opened on the basis of educational institutions in the volgograd region, maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, news of the volgograd region, tonight at 21:30 watch the new episode of the show “amazing people", eight participants will once again show abilities that often go beyond our understanding, and the winner will be chosen by the audience in the studio. to test the contestants this
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time, you will need a human-sized robot, 30 types of chocolate and a huge climbing wall. viewers will have a meeting with illusionist, solving incredible puzzles at speed, devastating performance of world taekwondo champions from south korea. don’t miss the new release of amazing people, today at 21:30 well, all the news is always available on the media platform. look in the app or on the website, whichever is more convenient for you. we continue to monitor developments in russia abroad, so stay tuned. hello, dear friends, comrades.


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