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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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news is always available on the media platform , view it in the app or on the site, whichever is more convenient for you. vesti continues to monitor developments in russia abroad, so stay tuned.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, live on your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit, starting with the footage of the day, the russian aerospace forces launched a massive attack on ukrainian positions with mig-29 fighters and s300 batteries in the dnepropetrovsk region. objective monitoring footage shows the arrival of an iskander missile with a cluster warhead aviatorskaya airfield, destroyed or possibly damaged.
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behind enemy lines, the vks worked in dnepropetrovsk itself, the attack hit railway infrastructure facilities, the footage shows a damaged railway bridge and diesel locomotives are visible, the latter, to understand the armed forces of ukraine , are used for the transfer of manpower, as well as for the transfer and delivery of military equipment to the war, to the north-west from avdeevka, russian troops continue to advance to the side. ocheretino-tyagovaya. at the moment, fighting is taking place along zheleznodorozhnaya and franka streets. army russia also hit the positions of the 115th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, which followed.
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in order to prevent russian troops from breaking through into the now central part of the queue. it’s time when it’s relatively safe, hundreds of cars and thousands of people are moving along the collision line, there’s no way to get there during the day, except perhaps on foot, but it’s a pretty long route, at first.
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if they notice, the russian troops will not spare shells and missiles. for security reasons, we, unfortunately, cannot show all the work of the guys, the operation of the equipment, the equipment itself, but...
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shelter and it is completely assembled from metal, and then they show us the safest one , still buried in the ground, reinforced with additional protection from above, now it is relatively calm here, but military engineers often work in completely different conditions, like this. exit, there were attacks yes...
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the side of a ukrainian tank traveling a little further and this tank is knocked out, then it loses control and turns into the lake, we see how the tank rolls down the mountain, losing control, that the crew is getting out, we must leave here as quickly as possible tank, i think you are you can see it clearly, one of the drivers jumps off and then the tank rolls back into a small lake and drowns there, a very dramatic scene, here we see the tank driving into the lake sank in it, but above all it shows us how far the hands have come. because these houses below show us houses on the outskirts of bogdanovka, and what we see here is a mountain in kalinovka, and this mountain in kalinovka is already located north of the next city that is the target of russia, namely chasoy yar. if you check the map, you can see that the russians already have very good overview of the entire region and they
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can now attack the flanks of chasoy yar, they can very successfully attack the ukrainians located there, as shown in this video, when retreating or tactically moving the main one. this is a huge problem, because we know that on the one hand the ukrainians have fewer weapons, on the other hand, the russians have already captured the heights, and now, obviously, they are deliberately attacking the ukrainian units here, north of the hour, with the same superiority of weapons, which we are talking about we’re talking again, well, another exposure of the lies of the zelensky regime, remember, the so-called international criminal court? accused russia personally of putin of kidnapping ukrainian children. today it suddenly became clear that most of the children found by the german police, whom ukraine considered abducted by russia, left for germany as refugees of
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their own free will, accompanied by legal representatives, and this, of course, adds piquancy. who, according to the author of the accusations, we remember her, the ukrainian obbudswoman denisova,
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turned out to be her invention, as she later stated, for the sake of manipulating western public opinion towards greater sympathy for ukraine. in general, we are waiting for the end of the investigation of the french commission on bucha, which will show that this too was a fake. another ukrainian storyteller. the head of the sbu terrorist malyuk, with whom zelensky apparently shared low-quality, prohibited substances, said that in poland, with the assistance of kiev, a certain citizen was detained who, on instructions from the gru, collected information about the security of the zheshu airport, the main nato hub for the transfer of weapons and equipment to ukraine, and was also preparing another assassination attempt on zelensky, a suspect. allegedly detained and testifying, i’ll just remind you that this is already the sixth attempt to kill zelensky,
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about the previous five or 15, he gets confused in his testimony every time, zelensky personally said. in general, the ukrainian comedian is apparently kept in fear and is constantly frightened, either by riots or assassination attempts, so that there would be more stress, apparently, he himself becomes so that he continues to be flexible without talking own people.
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poland detained a polish citizen on suspicion of readiness to act in favor of the intelligence services of the russian federation. according to the investigation, the suspect, on his own initiative, established contact with representatives of the command of the armed forces of the russian federation and announced his readiness to work in favor of russian military intelligence.
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more precisely, they are afraid, but are not preparing for a military confrontation with russia, in more western countries, for example, in germany, western countries where they are not so afraid of russia, france, there may be more such characters more. well, and also about the euro of solidarity, brotherly shoulder. the polish gentlemen don’t like that, due to the new mobilization laws in ukraine, they will have no one to pick strawberries, because very soon, the very season, all the slaves were sent to war. one of
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the problems for polish friends, their economy is also the reduction of the conscription age threshold from 27 to... 25 years, so says a certain cezary sigorsky, owner of an employment agency, he also says that other polish gardeners will agree with him, gardeners may agree , but statistics show the opposite: right now, somewhere in europe , 650 thousand ukrainian conscripts are roaming at once, politico writes, they say, 2 years ago there were trains that...
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were going to introduce gender equality into the army, and nato with soldiers will definitely not help kiev here. after all the bravura statements about sending a military contingent from the alliance, general secretary stoltenberg said that ukraine must provide itself with soldiers, and the west will only help with weapons. is there a problem with this? western partners are especially stingy in providing air defense. the day before on europeans were literally shouted at by german chancellor scholze. called on nato countries to find six more air defense systems for ukraine, saying that there are extra systems in europe, but they have not yet been transferred to kiev. at the same time , zelensky has a new form of giving, he says that the allies are helping israel more than kiev, including using their planes to shoot down iranian missiles and drones, even on
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approach to israel and in ukraine in general. must build a full-fledged iron dome-type air defense system, like israel’s. macron was responsible for all of europe. after the leaders' summit the eu, emmanuel acted as the main ukrainian barrier and declared the impossibility of building for ukraine a system like israel’s, that is, he again spat in the face of the ukrainians. in this regard, this is simply a wonderful caricature. look, zelensky is addressing biden. please sir, can i?
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build the same air defense system as in israel in ukraine, which would also meet the needs of ukraine, because this is the result of decades of invested effort, and we can only mobilize what we have or what we can produce. since france has nuclear weapons, we have much less of our own air defense systems, we must ensure the security of our nuclear facilities on french soil, we have deployed everything we could in ukraine.
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the states will do it, we must do it. we have patriot, we have anti-missile systems. we just need to take them out of their hangars, where they are, and send them to ukraine, where there is a war. i'm sure we will do it. of course, the situation on the battlefield is difficult now. the russians are advancing along the entire the front lines carry out waves of airstrikes on
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ukrainian cities, infrastructure and ukrainian forces. just this week we received new messages from denmark and the netherlands. the netherlands announced the allocation of an additional 4 billion euros for the defense of ukraine. then, of course, germany announced the delivery of a full-fledged pet battery.
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i came here mainly to talk about providing ukraine with more air defense systems and missiles for them. the g7 has the ability to do this. the g7 has made some extraordinary decisions. g7 interested in protecting the world, which protects ukraine from russian attack. so all you have to do is let it happen. i think it is vital to define a strategy, the strategy of our partners in israel seems to be to prevent damage, which is why they
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have found a way to effectively intercept and shoot down iranian missiles. why can't ukraine get the same help in protecting its airspace that israel received over the weekend, including from the country 's royal air force based in cyprus. 2 years ago, türkiye closed access to black. to begin supplying arms to ukraine, but the israelis have said they do not want to quarrel with russia, iron dome is designed to intercept small guided missiles,
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not the type moscow fires at ukraine, including hypersonic missiles. the difference between israel and ukraine is very simple: helping israel, our planes - french, english, american - fought against iranian weapons, and not against russian planes. in 2022 i said: why don't we have the right to do this, why nato will not undertake to protect the ukrainian sky? we will not bomb the russians, but a russian plane flying to ukraine could collide with the rafales, at the time when i said this, no one supported me, this is impossible, this will provoke a war with the russians . when we face iran it is less serious than when we face russia, it is very simple. so, kyiv does not. backup plan in case the united states stops military assistance to zelensky, the head of the ukrainian ministry of defense kuleba announced this, once again once called on american congressmen
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to agree on a new aid package. the vote is due to take place tomorrow. “plan a must work,” kuleba said, that is, providing kiev with everything it needs, because we simply don’t have a plan b. quote: this, apparently, is the very tough diplomacy that kuleba threatened to resort to, and how it differs from the hard one from the soft one, that is, from the begging strategy, is not very clear. the telegraph reports that ukraine is losing the war, and even if the west provides the promised weapons, it may already too late. the publication reports that the main scarce resource for the armed forces of ukraine today is not tanks, planes or missiles, it is people. the publication calls on the government of the united kingdom to stop patrolling the airspace
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over the middle east and. and turn your attention to protecting ukraine. royal pilots could shoot down russian drones and missiles instead of british ones. the author of the publication insists that if kiev falls, then putin will certainly move on. and british citizens will not go to the polls in november, but recruiting stations, from there with rifles in hands, they will go to war with the russians. the fact that ukraine. will lose before the end of this year, the former head of the cia, quoted by forbes, does not rule out. the former head of intelligence calls on the legislator to approve the allocation of aid, otherwise the ssu will face a collapse on the battlefield, and putin will be able to achieve a settlement on his own terms. let's see. with additional help, the picture will be much more depressing. there is a real risk that the ukrainians will lose on the battlefield by the end of
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2024. putin will be in a position where he will be able to dictate the terms of a political settlement, so, as i already said, there is too much at stake, very much is at stake, not only the fate of ukraine , the ukrainians themselves, and this is important, and this is not only about european security, this concerns including sijinping with china, its ambitions for our allies in the asia-pacific region, this is a question of whether our opponents understand our reliability and our motives?
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ammunition, so we lost. and if you look at the situation that unfolded 2 days before the fall of avdeevka, then the whole anti-aircraft brigade, which is 2,000 people. so, for the whole brigade there were only 50 artillery shells, 50 shells per day. another anti-aircraft brigade had only 42 mortar shells, they were simply destroyed. this was not because they lacked courage or determination. i'm afraid we might see others.
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history confirms this, and it doesn’t matter whether this is a conventional attack or some kind of attempt to undermine the unity within these countries or nato as a whole? this, of course, is a different question, but in any case he will not stop in his aspirations. europe continues to send alarming signals about the russian threat; estonian prime minister kaja kallos called on europe to prepare. entitled time for europe to prepare, kallos said the old world was facing a critical moment that would shape the future for a decade. another militant estonitz, martin harrem, who is also the commander of the estonian army, consisting of 7,000 people, has moved on to direct threats, saying that tallinn is ready to destroy russian cities. arrange
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a total blockade of the baltic sea, destroying cities - this is a direct quote. regarding the blockade, he said that everything must be done to ensure that potatoes from st. petersburg never reach the city of kaliningrad. that is to say, the chief estonian strategist seriously believes that potatoes do not grow in the kaliningrad region and if anything happens, everyone will die, we report specifically for the estonian... headquarters: kaliningrad farmers collected almost 70 thousand tons of potatoes last year, this is not secret data name of russian defense, and information from open sources. well, and also, if the estonians don’t know, then in addition to potatoes in kaliningrad there is the baltic fleet, and also iskanders.
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analysts also write about a sharp increase in the military threat to the baltic countries in the event of a russian victory in ukraine. and calls on the united states to keep the russian army from attacking. christopherson has been confident that an attack is inevitable for 36 years. he said that he has been preparing for war with the russians since 1988, well, that is, this is definitely no longer curable. formula , aka the president of germany, steinmeier, decided to personally check the preparations for war with russia visited the next training exercises of bundesfer tankers in munster.
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interest in the bundesfer is really growing among citizens; after the start of the war in ukraine , the issue of security for the germans is becoming more acute, the residents of germany are very alarmed, this, of course, only benefits the bundesfer. security is not something to be taken for granted, and for us germans as well, that is why it is important and necessary to draw conclusions from the changed security situation in the world, and the bundeswehr has already done this, you have declared the defense of germany.
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territorial defense units, in everyday life they are ordinary students, officials, artisans, but for a couple of months they have also been territorial defense fighters. after the start of the war in ukraine, more and more germans began to understand why the bundeswehr was simply necessary. yes, there are still some who still believe that there is no need for it. who says that the war is going on in ukraine, and not in germany. i don't think so. i am convinced that the terrestrial defense units are exactly what is needed to maintain peace in germany. life here they think the same way as he does, if one of the nato countries is attacked, julian and his brothers in arms will remain in germany and will protect the military units of the bundesfer and military infrastructure. an emergency plan is already being developed; during his visit to the training ground, steinmeier even presented some
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parts of this plan. i am glad and grateful that here today i heard that the motivation and readiness to join the ranks of territorial defense is growing significantly. well, at the very end , steinmeier completely fell silent. in germany for over the past 2 years, several territorial defense regiments have already been created, the same regiment in lower saxony was formed just a couple of months ago, in total these regiments will number 6,000 reservists. once again, in the event of an attack on one of the countries, it is they who will have to protect military infrastructure facilities in germany, precisely for these. the reservists' goals are being prepared here in munster, and that's what steinmeier came to see. the president also emphasized that he was impressed by how well armed the defense forces were. and there was another topic touched upon here. it's about the lack of soldiers. the bundesfer now lacks
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several thousand soldiers at once. and to solve this problem, president steinmeier raised the topic of returning military conscription in germany or creating a new similar model. and this is what the president said on this matter. he thinks it would be nice. elections, it turns out, are an internal matter of the country and in no case should you interfere in democratic processes, like american partners, or should i say, american lawless people, they simply shit on mr. barel’s gray head. so, the united states of america renewed sanctions against venezuela and sanctions against its oil and gold mining industries under the pretext of “you won’t believe it, holding elections, of course, holding dishonest
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venezuelan elections, because fair elections are only held in the united states in ukraine, where elections are always the case was canceled altogether. in general, the masks, hypocrisy, were pulled back again. the american license that allowed operations with the oil sector of venezuela expired the day before and now american companies investing in carax have exactly 45 days to... ramp up their activities, so as not to increase uncertainty in the world energy markets, this was officially stated, that is , so that gasoline prices would not rise before the us elections, washington recognized the elections as completely unfair in a foreign country. the hegemon does not like the expansion of brix, especially in his own backyard, using the new authorities, it is ambiguous.
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zelensky will probably shoot himself from such news, and it now seems to britain that it’s worth preparing for a new mess in the malvinas islands. i’ll just remind you that the british have a long-standing conflict with argentina over the falkland islands, in the eighties they even had to fight for them, so now, if they suddenly fight, it will be as a bloc.
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i expressed to him our desire, namely argentina’s desire to become a global partner of the north atlantic alliance, we will also continue to work on strengthening ties and those aspects that will allow us to modernize and train our troops according to nato standards, i wrote on my social networks argentina's minister of defense. boyan's intention. sires was made to think about russia, but
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in reality such a step is only an evolution in the country’s relations with the military bloc, since argentina has had the status of an important ally outside nato since 1998. however, being a global partner of nato does not mean being a full member of the alliance. for example, alliance members are not required to respond to an attack by a third country on the territory of a global partner, but such status would allow argentina access to more advanced military equipment and... exercises, and also this status will provide the opportunity to participate in alliance exercises and operations. buenos aires's intention is to join a group of nato satellite countries that includes colombia, the only such country in latin america, which bogata received this status in 2017 . in turn, argentina is deepening relations with the west. the country announced the creation of an american military base on its territory, as well as the purchase of 24.
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with them, he wants to have the status of a global partner; he is also interested in western countries that are partners of the united states. such a step is argentina's distancing from china and russia and rapprochement with europe and the united states. this is the question: what will you choose: china or the united states, china in alliance with russia against the backdrop of the conflict in ukraine, is doing everything to create a new international currency, because of this the position of the united states is weakening. european industry needs to prepare. to an energy shock, warns the financial times. what could be the consequences of a sharp refusal to import russian and belarusian lng? wrong the choice between adherence to sanctions and ensuring energy security could ultimately hit key industries and, as a consequence , cause economic collapse
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and a rapid decline in the level of well-being of the european population. uk this process. is already in full swing. scanju reports that more than 7 million britons are unable to repay their loans on time because they have other bills to pay at the same time. single adults with children and representatives of ethnic minorities found themselves in the most vulnerable position, that is, usually refugees, as well as renters , that is, people who do not have their own. according to government statistics , there are at least a million
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people over 66 years old in the united kingdom, that is, we are talking about pensioners who live in poverty, and this is the highest figure. stories: people cannot pay for utilities and choose between buying food and buying medicine. and the medicines themselves are now in short supply, and this is such a new norm of life, the independent informs readers. not only antibiotics and drugs for treating oncology disappeared from pharmacies, but sometimes you have to run for a simple aspirin. this is all due to disruption of supply chains.
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melony, almost one in four lives below the poverty line. in the northeast the situation is even worse, living below the poverty line means you can barely afford food. against the backdrop of record calls to the grocery store.
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you are allowed to shop here once a week, a food hamper costs £4, i have a part-time job but i can't apply for social assistance and i also can't go to the food bank and because it’s hard for me, i’m a single mother, and i can’t get any help, stores like this are very, by the way, you know, when you finish school, you can’t even think that you’ll become one of those who need food banks and social stores, you think you can earn money, but there are times when i’m not able to buy all this in a regular store, simply because it’s too expensive, real wages and premiums don’t keep up with inflation, i used to cook every day, but now i just ca n’t allow this. when i cook, i i do this for 2 days at once, so that i can just warm it up later. you know, i don’t want my
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children to have that life, i don’t want them to live the same way when they start their adult lives, i don’t want them to see how hard it is for me. what changes would you like? i would like a higher standard of living. the berlin government has decided to explain to children what prostitution is. two districts
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of the german capital at once. it turns out that there are problems, the streets are literally filled with prostitutes, but children endlessly ask their parents what what’s happening here, how to explain it, the parents themselves don’t know, but the authorities decided to help. a colorful manual for children from 6 to 12 has appeared on the berlin website, called. rose needs money. the plot is as simple as possible. two children decided to ask migrant rosie what she does? the answer, to be honest, killed me personally. the following is a direct quote. rosie said: men want to insert a penis-vagina one time and it's done, it's not difficult. rose further explains that they give her money for this. such work, why does this happen? rosie explains which helps to escape loneliness, and that’s
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normal. all these explanations, as you can see, are accompanied by children’s drawings, and the book, and this is important, is published jointly with children. berlin municipal officials believe that such a bold decision will help both parents and, in fact, the children themselves become a little better. more adults, the german media are literally shouting that germany has truly become the main brothel in europe, only officially, more than 400,000 priestesses of love serve german men. it is clear that the name reeperbahn is a street in hamburg, known to almost everyone, the red light street, but few people know that, for example, in berlin after 22:00 at night, girls of the lung...
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prostitution in germany is legal, the purpose of the liberal legislation in force in the country for more than two decades has been to help women involved in prostitution, the legalization of sex work gave them access to services such as health care and unemployment insurance, but this led to other consequences, many people from... pejas now come to germany to buy sex, including from women who having sex against their will. like teresa, who came from africa, out of fear for her child and her family, she wants to remain anonymous. it was brought to germany by smugglers. teresa told us that she owed these traffickers 60 thousand euros, she had to earn this money
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on the streets by selling herself. and greedy nature, they want to get more and more money, no matter what the girls go through, i never imagined that on this planet i would be doing such a job if i entered into sexual relations with a man, then it should be for love, and not for money, in order to put pressure on her, traffickers even took her child away from her, that night they took my child from me, pushed me out onto the veranda and locked me there. they said that since i was stubborn and didn’t want to go outside, i would stay there like a mother, i heard my child crying inside, she cried and cried and cried, then she fell asleep, at one in the morning they opened the door for me again, in order for me to return to the house, teresa was promised a permanent job in in europe, afraid to turn to the authorities, she went underground, in germany there was coercion.
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there are approximately 30,000 officially registered sex workers, but the number of unregistered and illegal prostitutes is believed to be approximately 10 times higher. women's rights activist nora evers says germany has become a pan-european brothel. she believes the german model has failed. with its liberal legislation, germany is simply supporting a system that actually
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exploits and degrades women, turning them into goods. this is a system that gives men the right to buy sex, that is , take a woman for 30 euros around every corner. in this regard, orban’s statement continues the conversation about sex in germany, in particular prostitution and low-quality life in the european union. ukraine, orban said, should receive as little money as possible. the point is that europe itself is facing serious economic problems. difficulties, so she must refuse to support kiev. diplomacy must regain its leading role, it is necessary achieve a ceasefire, start negotiations, provide ukraine with as little money as possible in a situation where europe is also in an economic crisis. well, in parallel , lavrov declares that escalating the topic of inflicting a strategic defeat
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on justice is for the sake of such reasoning. lately it has become less and less, so this is all, according to the head of our ministry of foreign affairs, rather evidence of agony and hysteria. we are no longer talking about bellicose sentiments, we are talking about an attempt to formulate the loss of ukraine, about we just showed you the loss of ukraine, said, among other things, much more senior, it would seem, than the head of the cia, william beens. and there is even a date: the end of summer, that is, august, literally in a few months, according to william burns, ukraine may lose the war. we are transported to the front via direct communication with war correspondent georgy medvedev. georgy, hello, let's go through the fronts. today we saw footage of a strike by the russian aerospace forces in the dnepropetrovsk region;
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several were struck at once. military facilities that on earth is happening in the special operation zone, let’s take the avdeevka direction, is there any progress there? yes, hello! indeed , the avdiivka direction, it is one of the most active, now we ourselves visited the city the day before, came there with humanitarian aid, i am very pleased that every visit we make, the list of what the local residents who refused to evacuate need is getting smaller and smaller , that is, the process of establishing a humanitarian situation, it is not just ongoing, it is very active and successful, but a full-fledged process of restoration, revival of the city, so far, unfortunately, the shelling is not to blame. on the ukrainian side, kiev actively uses drones, attack drones, kamikad drones for artillery, yesterday there was also shelling, a local resident, a civilian, was injured, we ourselves found ourselves under
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drone fire, miraculously missed each other, this is the trend that is observed, the worse it gets the enemy is doing well on the front line, the more intensely he fires at the civilian population, in the avgeevsky direction the successes of our army are reported in the ocheretin area... where the enemy lost a number of more positions, the advance of our troops is underway, the attempt to create a line of defense from kiev beyond avdiivka failed, because our troops did not stop at the liberation of the city, they moved on, and it is noteworthy that this morning in the ukrainian media publications have already begun to diverge that if such if the advance continues at the same pace, in particular in the ocheretin area, this creates a threat to a large group of ukrainian troops located in novgorod. zerzhinsk as a whole is a global threat to the ukrainian group along this front line in the dpr. our troops are also actively working in the chasovyarovsky direction. there , blows are delivered using long-range weapons. our troops in
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the east, in the eastern suburbs , have gained a foothold, held positions that were previously recaptured from the enemy, and are pulling up their flanks. this makes it possible to develop our progress further. when we say that things are getting worse and worse for the enemy. what do you mean, what is missing? more and more often they write that there are not enough people. when i see this kind of publication, i rather realize that it is such an attempt to explain the need for mobilization. when i see that they say there are few weapons, it seems to me that they are more likely talking about an attempt to explain the need for a vote tomorrow in congress. in fact, what is happening, it’s clear with air defense, without air defense it’s difficult, that’s how it is in terms of weapons, artillery, what? i think that this is my subjective opinion, but partly it has its place, this is a complex problem, it lies in the fact that kiev
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has tension with people, with weapons, with people, of course, because the resource is limited and the fact that kiev is experiencing serious problems here is evidenced by at least the laws on mobilization that are now being implemented in ukraine, this is the reduction of the minimum conscription age. threshold, now they are talking again about equal rights, about the fact that military personnel are servicemen, and not a man or a woman, we see that the idea is moving toward dragging women to the front, we talked and continue to communicate with ukrainian prisoners of war , more and more often, among them it is the mobilized ones who are completely unmotivated to continue to carry out hostilities, people who did not have proper training, ideological personnel units, of course, are in kiev, one should not think that everyone there is against war, but they are staffed in the most combat-ready units, which rush to hold the most problematic positions, well, in addition to the most problematic ones, there is
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an even larger front line that we also need to try to contain, as for weapons, the enemy’s transition to the active use of unmanned aircraft is also a wake-up call about the fact that in some areas of the front line they are really starting to save shells, they are starting to... save weapons, there are also certain problems with armored vehicles, of course, this is not as large-scale as we would like, but nevertheless, if we consider kiev’s attempts to continue resistance to russia on the battlefield, then these are serious disadvantages for him, and we see a statement, again, let’s go back to kiev politicians who say that the west should help with weapons as soon as possible if it wants to continue with its hands ukraine to confront russia. tomorrow, in this regard, we know the day che must put to a vote the support package for zelensky in the amount of 61 billion, there can be different attitudes, not everything will go
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to ukraine, only 8 billion will go to ukraine, but a lot of weapons will be delivered, as stoltenberg himself said the day before, we need not even months, but days, as soon as the package is agreed upon. thank you very much, military correspondent. because the united states traditionally has two overlapping strategies. olga. first, they have a very strict hierarchy of allies. they have allies to whom they have strict obligations - japan, south korea. they have allies to whom they have, so to speak, half-hearted obligations, european nato allies, since nowhere does the fifth article imply the immediate entry of the united states into war to protect them. there is such a thing as “using american
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instructors; apparently, they will give argentina this status, a key ally outside nato. the americans have a very clear strategy here, scatter them all over the world: israel, packing your own, you are not members of nato, but you are still our friends, by the way, even a member of nato, officially. the fifth article does not imply that the united states will immediately enter the war to protect them, it only says that an attack on one is an attack on all, and we will take action to achieve this, we will provide assistance. the most striking example is in the case of erdogan and turkey, when a turkish plane was shot down, erdogan ran to brussels, an emergency meeting was convened, he was refused in brussels, despite the fact that turkey positioned the incident as an attack by russia on nato.
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the us entry into a military conflict, but if the conditions suggest an automatic return to argentina, then the americans are pursuing. brazil and argentina, so their task is to pit these two latin american giants against each other, now they are very clearly playing against each other.
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until the ninety-first year, they carried out military nuclear programs, in general they came close to creating nuclear weapons, they, especially brazil, retain potential, so the americans can continue to play on stirring up differences between brazil and argentina. well, of course, this makes zelensky jealous that the americans need argentina so much. and now, if you look at the interesting statement, just for a second, forgive me for interrupting the deputy, ah,
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in some ways macron is right, about nuclear facilities, but you have in iron, about the creation of iron, and these are nuclear facilities , he says, in a sense, we ourselves need it, we have a nuclear country, there are nuclear facilities, why should i give you something to create one for israel, israel is still a small state geographically, to create a country like ukraine is completely different, you need to invest huge amounts of money there, you really need to put a lot there. air defense systems, it is necessary, military experts know this better, to create an integrated air defense system. no one will invest that kind of money in ukraine, no one is going to do this, because... they understand perfectly well that tomorrow russia will calmly destroy a significant part of this air defense, and american or european investments will simply go nowhere, so they will always support ukraine afloat, their task is to ensure that ukraine does not
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continue resistance, continues to create difficulties for us, continues to wage a debilitating war with us, toss us up. there is something for her so that she continues to resist, but no one intends to take her anywhere, they can take her to nato only in one very interesting case, remember, they talked about this on the eve of the start of our special operation in the lviv region , a little more, the lviv region of poland will be transferred along with volyn, then transcarpathian hungary will be transferred to slovakia, and northern bukovina.
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as for macron, simply in the next sentence, after he explained that we cannot provide an iron dome in the image of israel, due to the fact that the start of shooting down russian missiles is fraught, he reports that we ourselves need our air defenses, in view of the fact that on the territory of the european union there is an extraordinary number of strategic facilities, in particular in france, nuclear facilities that we must... that is , the only thing they can do is use ukraine as a testing ground, check, to what extent their single air defense systems are capable of fighting our forces, well, the cartoon from tims, which we have already shown you, is as mocking as possible, as humiliating as possible, in general, the principles of how exactly zelensky will now go down in history, and the iron
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dome, aka his outstretched hand , hat in hand, that is, zelensky is a beggar exactly like that, well, whatever one may say, the whole world perceives him, this is time. thus responding to his requests, i ask, of course, the search for military assistance from ukraine continues, but these are coming now under a very interesting slogan, if earlier these were planned meetings in ramstein, there were some other foreign ministers there, everything seemed to be planned, now it’s more and more reminiscent of hysteria, hysteria, let’s give everything to ukraine, because..
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they built an integrated hybrid system (prototype) in ukraine and tested it, and initially this system, which had a common data bus, say, data exchange between radar launchers, it worked effectively, and we encountered it, it was . not a classic, dissimilar, distributed system, you destroy one launching station, the other survives, and so on. well, we figured out this system, figured it out, started to knock it out safely, that’s what was shown in dnepropetrovsk, this is 100 km from the line of combat contact, that is, our aviation is already beginning to methodically work on objects that are no longer in the tactical, operational-tactical zone, so the hysteria
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is of course growing, how to cover this up, the planes are parked openly there, they are already so they became insolent that they thought that nothing would reach there, it flew, it flew,
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“yes, yes, well, listen, but jokes about the estonian army, and about estonian thinking,
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well, this is already a meme when he speaks, well, except, as they say , they sign such photographs of him, they’ve already gone past, the hussars don’t laugh, you know, but it’s not serious, because they, he speaks as if for estonia, but estonia without a country is nothing at all, but he came up with 43.00 reservists who will go to fight, he came up with it, yes, but will they go to war?” "
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when i watched it, i laughed, the most menacing thing about potatoes, about potatoes - it actually
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made me happy, but the fact is that not only is he , say, very weak in tactics and strategy, he is also in arithmetic regarding the ratio of losses, the fact is, that the entire baltic states, its entire territory, it is shot from side to side by iskanders, i’m not even talking about other means, this is a very small territory, when he says nato countries will help us, he should remember one of the documents that was in nato, that if in the baltic states they even start nuclear weapon. will not use it and they said everything is bad with logistics, that is, they are being planted like this, you know, there is a pig to the slaughter, but their nato countries are under the assumption that while we are doing it, the nato countries will come up with something else, but when such graphs are drawn, listen, we have seen so many such graphs, but not a single one has come true, so well, it is expressed, well, the year is drawn there until the twenty-eighth year, there they are, when we attack them, but the whole point is, this is real when we decide. but we won't attack, we will deal with issues, retaliatory measures, if they come at us, because if
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there are many people like this bald one, there are such headless ones, yes, only now, then, well, we will have to restore the historical reality that the baltic states belonged to us under many treaties, russia, these are our lands under all the treaties, which, as they did not say, the european treaty, which are in force, we will return in a minute. yes, egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, it’s a premiere, i’m getting old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber to us, you’re you know, i would marry you, but you’re here, hello, hello, what’s next? andrevich, holy is the buyer, angels of the area from monday on... rtr. rest is leaving yourself in...
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rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex.
12:49 pm
treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
12:50 pm
you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s just a joke, he’s doing it himself will come to... adam, we are starting, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese , this is a saucepan of pilmeni or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, a knitting needle like a child. i sleep, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, i have
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the best husband in the world, and he completely trusts me, just like i trust him, which means you have... an ideal marriage on saturday, you have been together for 10 years, she is still with you since she hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why haven’t you told him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, men like you, you’re about to get into trouble, i don’t want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you...
12:52 pm
provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, what’s wrong with you, continuation of the conversation. in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. how many films have you made? 67. 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress. intimate talk. my breakthrough into the profession
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happened without a dream as such. i didn't feel like i was lying down. lavrov just said that russia is fully convinced of the need
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to continue the special operation in ukraine. the head of medical britain, david cameron, in parallel, said that western countries will have to be creative in order to use frozen russian assets to help ukraine, that is, find a creative way. break the law, french president macron claims that absolutely all eu countries are in favor of strengthening sanctions against moscow. absolutely obvious, that the priority is to support ukraine, each of us has a responsibility to make the best use of our capabilities, so that we can better support ukraine through joint efforts, we must urgently arm ourselves with sustainable european capabilities to strengthen our defense.
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to somehow attach an object and a person, because we really look at some kind of distorting mirror, we are always told that russia is going to attack someone, but at the same time we see people like this
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like this estonian minister of defense, who says in plain text that yes, we are going to strike at leningrad, at the leningrad region, at st. petersburg, at ivangorod, pechorekh they usually say, god didn’t give horns to a lively cow, and that’s good, because well, when i see this picture and see there on... for example, here is the inscription blue spear, i can simply explain to our tv viewers, this is an israeli anti-ship complex, which was delivered to ukraine in 2020 in the amount of one piece, it is all camouflaged v the quality of such a truck is scania and it has four missiles, well, then this is a chinese joke, remember when we launch tanks, first the first, then the second, and in general all this reminds me of the polovsk campaign of ivan the terrible, when the livonian order was gathering and gathering. .. the dogs of the knights sent 1500 heavily armed cavalry to polotsk, but ivan the terrible simply gathered the entire noble militia and brought 36,000 people, which
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ended up very quickly with the fall of polotsk and russian losses amounted to 10 children of the boyars and 66 archers, so the order of leon did not exist after that, estonia would have approximately the same fate, if, of course , the united west had not stood behind it, and we remember that with ivan the terrible... which works to move forward to the front so that our army wins, and western countries are only now coming to this understanding, and moreover, this understanding, it is now torn between them between a
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number of conflicts, this is what the israeli-iranian showdown is now, i’m now again just in numbers i'll give you, iran spent about 100 million dollars for this strike with its ballistic missiles and drones, but israel had to spend about 1 1.2 billion dollars to fend off this strike, these... sequences of voting in the senate, first israel, then taiwan, and then , when gentlemen, white people decide these issues of vital interests, then, according to the residual principle, there will be ukraine, they are now voting in congress, only then the senate, yes, i apologize, in the house of representatives, i meant, congress is the general house of representatives and the senate, and indeed, this, by the way, will also be a moment, because now these laws, well
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, that is, this will also prolong this. to israel, the problem is not being solved, because iran really has questions and, in general , the entire arab world has questions about what is going on in gas, what will happen to palestine, how israel is going to live next, how it will build relations with the arab world and there is no answer to this , and iran, as is now clear, if it is attacked by israel, israel will most likely hit these again 1.5 million square km, well, it’s not interesting to hit the mountains with ballistic missiles,
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they will hit... a facility of iran’s nuclear program, according to official information, someone hit iran tonight, iran says that there was no attack, there was damage there is no ground, all the missiles were shot down , he pretends in every possible way that nothing happened at all, just like israel, quietly reported that it was a limited-scale retaliation strike, well, that is, everyone is trying to achieve de-escalation, because if it really starts between iran and israel, then everything about ukraine will not just be forgotten.
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well, that is, the threat is, of course, existential, but we are not angry or even offended, as they say, the americans know better. peskokov has just stated that the goals of the russian special operation in ukraine remain the same, the special operation continues and will be completed. every time i quote messages of this kind, keeping in mind the huge number of people in our country who are afraid that we will now fall for the endless offer of the west and sit down at the negotiating table without finishing. from your goals and objectives on the ground, every time we read a refutation , both peskov and lovrov, just a few minutes ago, reported that there are no prerequisites for a cessation of hostilities, we are going to the end. the russian army actually continues to advance, continues to advance along the entire front line. in the artyomovsk direction, our assault groups are pushing through enemy defenses on the eastern outskirts of chasovo yar.
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the offensive is taking place at the kalinovka line, kanal microdistrict. this is what the panorama of the city looks like, behind which there are fierce battles right now, the positions of the ukrainian militants are being ironed out with high-explosive aerial bombs. it is reported that to the south, near the village of stupochki, galbitsa and the ukrainian armed forces’ anti-aircraft complex were hit. in the ovdeevsky direction, our soldiers are advancing at the umanskaya-yasnobrodovka line. to the north they are advancing in the direction of novobakhmutovka and managed to break through to the southern outskirts of ocheretin, forcing the militants from the 115th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces to retreat. the information was confirmed by several war correspondents. the ministry of defense shows how the advancing infantry in the avdeevsky direction is covered by anti-aircraft gunners. the crew of the buk m2 complex repelled an air
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attack by the ukrainian armed forces using guided missiles. and in the donetsk direction, russian units continue to advance on the southeastern outskirts of krasnogorovka. this is also new footage from the ministry of defense. kupinsky direction to... to lose the kiev regime and the few litaks remaining in its location, our iskander struck an airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region, where mig-29 fighters were based. how many planes were hit is not truly known, but judging by the footage of objective control, several were destroyed and several hits, look, in these frames, the defeat of three
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mig-29 fighters of the ukrainian air force at the aviatorskoe airfield near dnepropetrovsk, a reconnaissance drone. managed to fly more than 100 km deep into enemy territory, records the arrival of iskander m missiles with a cluster warhead. multiple ammunition explosions cause colossal damage to airfield infrastructure and equipment. another blow hit the hotel where the flight crew was located. in neighboring lyubimovka, a direct hit from iskander already a high-explosive warhead hit two radar launchers and a combat control vehicle. night drops of heavy drones from baba yaga-type bombers of the armed forces of ukraine on the work line to verbovoye are stopped by our reconnaissance officers. russian drones have an advantage in mass and speed, which is why they easily
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catch up with enemy uavs and ram them at full speed. they're all huddled together in a bunch. three for sure, that's two in a bunch. in these frames , the rotation of enemy personnel by the crew of the 122mm d-30 howitzer is disrupted.
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russian drone adjusts synchronously fire at two militant firing positions at once. another howitzer, neatly camouflaged. in the courtyard of the western quarters of the city, krasnopol was covered with an adjustable projectile, attack aircraft pilots, flying near the burning city, were forced to shoot off heat traps in full force during anti-missile maneuvers. make an approach, entering the position is very difficult, it’s a long way to go, that’s why there are shellings and drone attacks, they see people are starting to be covered, they’re attacking people. they can come from that side, from that side, from this side, if on the map look at the fighting, then they are already doing so, trying to encircle, well, yes, as in action, this is what the position of the kiev
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militants looks like in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe andreevka settlement, this is the artyomovsk direction, the only natural shelters are the surviving tree trunks that have not yet been cut by fragments artillery shells, there is also a cemetery near... in the kharkov direction, artillery fire opened up an enemy stronghold, thanks to adjustments from the air, the crew is placed on...
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is within the reach of the russians. the capture of kharkov, the second largest city in ukraine, would be a good option for the russians to deal a very serious blow to the morale of the ukrainian armed forces. ukraine was in trouble before, but now it openly admits that it is facing defeat, with this headline the articles of an insider are published. the authors assure that in the third year of the war, ukraine’s chances of victory are fading before our eyes. against the backdrop of the upcoming offensive of the russian army , 90% believe in defeat in the ssu on the battlefield.
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leave ukraine. ukraine has just passed a new law on mobilization. i can't go into detail, but of course i expect and i am confident that ukraine will make the necessary decisions to deploy the required number of men, and we will have to make our contribution regarding technology. head of the foreign ministry kuleba, having discussed the difficult everyday life of the war with us secretary of state blinken, said that the kiev regime has no plan. on the italian island of capre, as part of a meeting of foreign ministers of the g7 countries, ukraine , in front of...
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a car with additional protection, the last time we were here, we looked, which means sight protection, sight protection, it is there, yes , serially, yes, of course, when we started this big program for additional protection, when we were looking for alloys there, we were looking for everything else, we found it all, we did it all, and now we need to increase it.
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six months later, well done. issues regarding the supply of engines have been resolved, the production of new engines has begun, more power, the production of heavy flamethrower systems has begun, everything that we said about retrofitting tanks with additional protection, armor protection, protection from unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional protection systems sighting systems, these tasks have also been completed and... now we need to significantly increase additional sets that we need to install on those vehicles that are in combat. well, another escalation in the middle east led to a short-term increase in oil prices, reports cnbc, after the attack, a new overnight attack on iran, oil immediately rose in
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price by 3%, but when it turned out that the attack did not cause any damage, the price of oil returned. indicator: the excitement in the markets is understandable; tehran has increased oil exports to a six-year high of 1.6 million barrels per day, reports financial times. the main, almost the only buyer is china. iranian oil is delivered to china by a shadow fleet of tankers, and it is labeled as originating from malaysia or other middle eastern countries. in general, sanctions against iran, like a price ceiling on our russian oil, do not work. but washington is not drawing any lessons from the failure of its sanctions policy. the white house is returning sanctions to venezuela's oil and gas sector, which it lifted after imposing sanctions against russia. to weaken them the usa they went in the hope that caracas would make
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reciprocal concessions, but they did not do this there. caracos refused to allow the local opposition into action before the july presidential elections. american puppets, we are not a yankee colony, said the leader of venezuela maduro, as if out of spite, an american ally, the former, met with the red prosecutor general of russia, who was visiting the balevarian republic, and the meeting did not seem to be announced in advance, so maduro, one might assume, decided to hold it spontaneously as response to american sanctions to demonstrate that venezuela wants to be friends with moscow and washington's vassal. it won’t, but the venezuelan ambassador to russia has just said that caracos is looking forward to a decision on its membership in the brix summit, which will be held in kazan this year. the decision to reimpose oil sanctions on venezuela was likely a us response to
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president nicolas madura's decision to bar competitors from the july presidential election. maduro and... renewal of sanctions against the country with the world's largest oil reserves are not as destructive as they may seem , according to venezuela's oil minister, who says he expects the u.s. treasury department to allow companies to seek individual licenses for the oil sector. this does not affect our economy that much; the country enjoys maximum
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stability and maximum growth. new moods reign. venezuela's economy has grown more this year than argentina, brazil and colombia, according to imf data, and this man seems to remain unchanged leader, the resumption of sanctions could deal a blow to the recent growth of the venezuelan economy, it is noteworthy that the united states maintains a special license for the largest american company chevron. which has been operating since 2022, us officials told cnn they will continue to engage with maduro. the biden administration acknowledges that more than 10 years of tough economic, political and financial sanctions against maduro have failed, effectively bringing him closer to
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us adversaries such as russia, china and iran. and on wave of the russian-ukrainian conflict, the white house admits that it caused damage in its own. and washington and the wonderful ukrainians who came to the capitol building to explain to the american congressmen that tomorrow they absolutely need to allocate 61 billion to ukraine, with ukroflags in ukro dresses, in ukrokhshivankas the devils and clowns are singing chervonukalina, look,
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raising the question is also not in the style of the 19th century like let’s take territory, we already have plenty of territories, we must raise the question in
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the modern force of the 21st century of decolonization ukraine, since under the name ukraine, and there was a colonization of traditional regions, firstly, novorossiya, well known, so to speak, that’s all, so to speak, these regions that were liberated during the ottoman empire, these from the raids of the crimean khanate, and this is really like... the colic territory of novorossiya, and slobozhanshchina, kharkov - this is, so to speak, the russian territory of slobozhanshchina, and this decolonization, it seems to me, would be our correct, our political line, especially since this is the slogan of decolonization, it extremely popular among those dozens of countries that are our current or potential allies. you are trying to expand the goals of the special operation, demilitarization, denazification, decolonization, decolonization of ukraine, without
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a doubt there should be one, it seems to me, the main goals, and small nuances that i don’t have an answer to, the question is, when did i look at your story, the prosecutor general russia, what is he doing in venezuela, but i suspect that now, since there is enough work for everyone there, he is unlikely to be like that... i’m sure that he will not only visit venezuela, he will probably also visit brazil, what are our people doing there, organizing it, it’s very good that some good blow will be prepared there, well, we’ll see, maybe we’ll find out something, or maybe we never know perfectly well that our rosneft works there, there are huge numbers there.
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“well, let’s hope that we will never even find out, this operation will be so closed. a little about iran and israel, i can’t say, it’s time for us to introduce a new term, iranian-israeli style of war, yes, this means that only iran demonstratively launches missiles, their drones fly high, high so that they can be noticed, everyone is warned in advance so that god forbid they spoil nothing. in response, as you know, israel delivered the blow that it allegedly delivered, iran denies, no,
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it says there was no blow, israel says, in a sense, it was a retaliatory strike, everyone is happy, israel is happy because it took revenge, iran is happy because no one took revenge on it, as if there was no blow, no defeat on the ground. the best war on planet, i agree, yes, iran-israeli styles of war, here i would also suggest remembering that... both jews and iranians, persians, are ancient, ancient peoples with a thousand-year history, cunning, cunning, and... that means who were in a state of war with each other, trade, but love, alliance, war again, vile espionage attacks, for many, many centuries or even millennia, well, that’s how they teach, we, of course, are quite young people, we only a thousand years, yes, that means we, of course, are fighting quite differently, and i wanted to say a few words
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- and in american affairs, it means that it is well known that it will be simple, so as not to completely turn everything into some kind of joke, we understand perfectly well that israel has the opportunity to strike at iran, moreover, has nuclear facilities that could be hit with such a blow that everything would end instantly and quickly, but obviously on the eve of the elections there was a request from the united states not before...
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iran is not really hitting israel with these demonstrative missiles, he hits israel through the kusites, having very seriously disrupted their trade, he will throw it through hezbala, which inflicted a military defeat on iran. who had been winning all the time before, hezbollah really crushed netanyahu’s mill , there is no evidence that iran helped the gas sector, and i said about hezbollah, yes, yes, and hamas - there are various disputes there, but i would after all, you know, i would add a little bit to milnitsa, netanyahu,
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yes, said that most analysts believe that despite... the fact that iran - these are shiites, and hamas are sunnis, and these are those sects that have been fighting each other for, well, more than a thousand years, and despite this, now somehow they have managed to establish some kind of relationship, and therefore this struggle will continue, and how israel conducts it, and he also conducts it, prefers not to directly strike hard blows, for example, it was israel that struck at... the gathering of general sirvam for the wake and at the murdered general solimani, how they did it, allegedly organized this strike kurds, in fact, this is a kurdish billionaire who receives most of his money from israel due to the fact that he sold oil from arab kurdistan to the israelis, after
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which the iranians, by the way, destroyed him, now he is no longer there. “the nanny and i are just not happy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, shy, no need, why are you breaking down, quietly, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, let’s part on good terms, scum, na every crime
1:29 pm
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because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i'm beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear , when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, many people use it, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, oops, five on one, on
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saturdays on rtr , you were in the recent past a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. “you killed me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, valera is digging under you in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into your head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, again we will see more than others, hello, hello, partisan, moscow, the kremlin, the way! every sunday on rtr, zelensky has just been shown the construction ! fortifications, supposedly this is the donetsk region, everything that... you see in the picture looks more
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like an inspection of his new bunker, but where the shooting was carried out is not truly known, our minister of foreign affairs lavrov stated that the objectives of the operation would be achieved, there are no prerequisites for negotiations at all, and the endless threats on the topic of the strategic defeat of russia do not look more bellicose, rather reminiscent of hysteria, the escalation of this... for the future of the west, this reflects not so much a belligerent mood as agony and hysteria, they are no longer hiding, here you are , citing the existential significance of this defeat, johnson, who said that if we allow russia to win, then this will be the end of our hegemony, but this is just an appearance in an international court,
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sadness, then in relation to the latter, i i want to tell you, it’s a very bad story, in fact, it’s exactly like that, why? because, well, firstly, this information appears, yes, the polish press does not react to it in any way, well, you can imagine, an alleged assassination attempt is taking place on polish territory the president of ukraine, yes, the leader of the free world, the polish press does not react in any way, who reacts, the british are actively reacting to this, imagine, the british are actively reacting, and you showed it and the caricature.
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this is one story, but when the head of the cia talks about this, yes, then there are probably big risks that this could actually happen, but lavrov said a very important thing, in my opinion, which, well, fundamentally changes everything, he he talks about what to say, well, as i understand it, when communicating with western partners, he says, we told them that we will not stop conducting, so to speak, hostilities, even if these negotiations begin, do you know what is changing radically? they tried to drive us into the same trap that we fell into three times, these are the minsk, paris, istanbul agreements, when they told us, let’s do it all, let’s stop the war and sit down at the negotiating table, in fact, they were just gaining time to prepare, rearm with renewed vigor to begin hostilities, now everything changes radically, why, because if they don’t if hostilities are suspended, then the guarantor of these military operations will not be the americans. it won't be the british who
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may be sitting at the table, it will be the russian army and navy. you have taken on political obligations, please be so kind as to implement them. the longer you delay implementation, the more territories you will lose, the more people you will lose, this is a kind of pressure or a mechanism for guaranteeing the fulfillment of those agreements that can theoretically be reached in the process the negotiation process, no one under conditions is absolutely zero. zero level of trust in each other, and we are now at exactly this stage, but sitting down at the negotiating table without a real mechanism for implementing these agreements, well, it seems to me that there is absolutely, absolutely no, no, no point, now in relation to the negotiations themselves, here let's ask ourselves a question: today, in general, all the events that are happening need to be looked at through the prism of elections in the united states of america, well, it seems to me that this is an obvious thing, yes, let's let's ask ourselves: today the republicans
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need some kind of peace negotiations on ukraine, no, of course, they are, they are ready, here is the funding that they are ready to provide, i think they will burn out...
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there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it’s to congratulate you on your birthday, it’s joseph, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something... then we need to shoot, we need to post something,
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everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i couldn’t resist, no amount of money will help if she decides to go all the way, and what else should i do, sit and wait until they come for me and put me in jail for this terrible article, a bouquet of dusty flowers, premiere on saturday on rtr. i said i want a white cat, here it is comes up and you’re good, he likes to grab there with his claws, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry to talk, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re in the circle friends, with friends, program for the whole family on saturday. on rtr: bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ,
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you cannot love me, we are your enemies, i will give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it means to attack innocent people, and so we'll beat the stains they will take you away, taras bulba, what son, your priests helped you, film by vladimir bortok, today. on rtr. new spy scandal in germany. the german prosecutor general's office announced the detention of russian spies. as spiegel writes, two men allegedly monitored us bases in bavaria, where ukrainian tank crews were being trained and planned to disrupt arms deliveries. anna lena berbok commented on the story, thus her. having verified it, that is, not only the tabloids write about it.
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the suspicion is that putin is recruiting agents in our country to carry out terrorist attacks on german soil, extremely serious, we will not allow putin to bring his terror to germany. oh, we’re bringing you to germany in direct communication with evgeniy shmet, member of the bundestag, representative of the alternative for germany party, everything is more or less clear with the spy scandal. there is no evidence of russian involvement, we proceed from the fact that there probably won’t be, about children, let me ask, it’s a hot, hot, scandalous topic, they accused russia of stealing ukrainian children, we know the decision of the international tribunal, these are these endless calls to arrest and putin's ombudsman for children in russian lvov belov, children are found here in germany, will there be any reaction? that is, the russians did not steal children, yes, indeed, the deutsche
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veli newspaper noted a publication that 161 children, ukrainian children, whom russia allegedly stole, they found here in germany, at the same time in the same article there are attacks on that it is necessary to allegedly hold russian military personnel accountable for this, as if they are to blame for the fact that ukrainian children are here. actually in fact, i have already come across such cases and here is the latest relevant case, that a child ended up here in germany, that is, the ukrainian authorities somehow transported him here, and his parents. on russian territory, now the parents are trying to somehow get their child back, fortunately this particular case is being resolved positively, that is, a german citizen has already been found who will take the child there by plane via istanbul, i think somehow it will be produced, that is, they will still return it to their parents, but we see that
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the fact is that some of the children, or perhaps most of them, are transported here by the ukrainian authorities, for what purpose this is being done. people like me, people from the former soviet union, will be indiscriminately accused of having ties with the russian federation, i already clearly feel this myself, that is, any of my speeches in the bundestag is accompanied by various kinds of ridicule. thank you very much, thank you also for your position; i realize how difficult this is. member of the bundestag, eugen schmidt, representative of the alternative for germany party, us, for the german prosecutor's office,
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i inform you that there is nothing connecting us at all, we are turning to the representative of germany, who is honest, as it seems to us. to a respectable citizen, thank you again, please, let's move on to the german neighbors, to the faithful hats of the anglo-saxons, and specifically to estonia, i want to tell an alternative version of the discussion that concerned the speech of the chief of the general staff martik harim and those circles that he drew something like estonia, there are two training aircraft there, four. helicopter, in some flying clubs near moscow we have more aircraft, the same thing, seriously, the same thing applies in principle to the estonian naval forces, why do they need anti-ship systems with a range, a range of 290 dashes , almost 500 km, according to various sources, because it is based on the israeli gabriel-5 missile, why poland is going to buy an anti-ship
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complex from norway for $16 billion, why do they need it, that is, these countries don’t need it to protect themselves from russia, but they do need it. americans, because they are threatened, they are threatened by our strategic missiles, they are threatened by our fleet, our land forces do not threaten america, they use their vassals, just like in principle ukraine , in order to counteract us, that is, they have two goals: to block the baltic fleet and block the northern fleet, this role is assigned to finland and sweden, that is the situation is actually not so simple, and this guy is also not so simple, he follows the commands given to him. from nato headquarters from the pentagon, and we think very seriously about this topic, that ’s why additional districts are being created, that’s why new types are being developed weapons, and new tactics are being developed, that is, we will have to in the next stage of the confrontation, and it will definitely be when we have already won in ukraine, because here, believe me, the victory will definitely be ours, we
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will have to somehow fight this the threat that the united states will pose to us, and not these. we'll be back in a minute. alyonka, don’t you recognize me, or something, but this is transportation? well, your neighbor, vanka! angels of the area from monday on rtr. cleaning floors is tedious and messy process transforming. torture for you, your back and hands, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not able to clean the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair , wet food scraps and even broken glass quickly and easily with
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burst of snowfall, in the leningrad, yaroslavl, kostroma, nizhny novgorod and pskov region in the city of balogoe, this is the tver region, the height of the snowdrifts is already 4 cm. and this is what the m11 highway looks like, the asphalt is completely covered with snow. the highway reduced the speed limit from 110 km/h to 70 in the leningrad and novgorod regions. forecasters named the cause of the cold precipitation as a certain balkan cyclone. a nine-point storm is also beginning in moscow, due to which all city parks and even the zoo have already officially closed. the moscow railway switches to an enhanced operating mode due to the storm warning. even they will organize notifications for passengers at the stations, but, as they say, there is no need to get upset, already on monday, warmth will return to the capital,
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the air will warm up to +20. thank you for watching 60 minutes, good bye, bye. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this hour. attacked by a military unit. national guard
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of ukraine.


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