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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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and green areas of the city. the cycle route remains to be developed in three districts of the capital; by the end of this year the ring will be closed. thus, the total length of the capital’s bicycle lanes will exceed 600 km, the same amount, for example, from moscow to penza or veliky novgorod. alexandra bystritskaya, vladislav dubtsov and alena felatova, vesti. the next episode of federal news will air at 16:00. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, we have everything by this time. see you. well, why doesn’t my heir play pranks on saturday, nanny? and i’m just not happy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest, get out, well, well! are you breaking down? quietly, he
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invited me into his office, yeah, he raped me, i forgive you, the slander, let's part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap varantsov's child and demand a ransom, this is the eldest son varonsova, there is a lot of hassle with small things. stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, you know, why they kidnapped me and brought me here, the premiere is on saturday at rtr, with the help of songs dedicated to our favorite female and male names, we can confess our love, we are given the names of our parents, i was named after my grandmother, a stewartess by name.
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before we started living together, joseph prigogine and i signed a marriage contract, the famous singer valeria once admitted, he fell in love with her at first sight, but at first she was frightened by his feelings. when valeria met prigozhin, he seemed to her a very stern man. by that time the whole country already knew the singer; there were three children in his arms. there are two divorces on my shoulders,
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deep wounds in my heart. only everything came to you, another, today i am, for many years her marriage with producer alexander shulgin seemed ideal to everyone, until one day she plucked up the courage and told what kind of hell was hidden behind the facade of her happy family. having gone through a divorce from shulgin, valeria promised herself that there would be no more personal relationships with the producer in her life, and she would never step on the same rake a second time. can i be happy even if i don't i deserve it, i’ll take refuge under fate’s wings.
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having accelerated to the limit, recognize the second by sign, the very one when it hit, the very one in the world, the author of the words of this poignant song, just imagine, the official representative of the mit russia maria zakharova, when she erased that very one. according to
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valeria, she tries not to bring quarrels with her husband to the limit, although they quarrel constantly. do they at these moments remember their marriage contract... are such points written in it? on april 17, singer valeria turned 56 years old. she looks amazing continues to sing, although she recently announced the end of her musical career. what made her do it, why she changed her mind, what she felt when she first became a grandmother and how she celebrated her birthday. the fate of a person, the fate of the singer valeria. quickly, i’m very glad, as once again i’m here, once again, thank you that every time we have so many new reasons to talk, well, this time it’s also very nice to congratulate you on your birthday, i have
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a lot of gifts - cooked, these are the first of them, so, let's open it, everything is complicated here . some kind of game, but i don’t really know how to play it yet, why did i come up with such a gift, we talked here recently, you probably saw it with joseph igorovich, whom you also congratulated on his birthday, on his anniversary, and he told me , like long winter evenings, when you have time for this, you play board games with him, oh yes, we are playful. well, now you will have another option for an interesting pastime, look, it’s called a game, well, it can be called a tower, you need to take from these elements - build a tower, take it and put it here in the center, but it’s better to put it, that’s what you are,
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you immediately broke the rules, but i didn’t know the rules, that according to the rules of this game you can only put it on the papa , like that, yes, the holes are up on...
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you and in general and he, all your children congratulate you, it’s always very interesting, much more original than such board games, there have been gifts over the years, well, that you, well, well just amazing, no, of course there were, here we are, if we’re talking about now games, and arseny gave me a custom -made wooden scrabble, because it’s just a game on some kind of plastic cardboard.
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we don’t, i say, i look at you, you ’re all so cool, they say, no, well , you’re just lucky with us, we’ll consider that we’re just lucky as parents, it seems to me that you haven’t had much lately time for toys, you have some incredible new round of creativity, some kind of activity, amazing songs, for several years now, i’m with the song to the limit, which you created with maxim fodeev, with maria zakharovo and fodeev, this is not the only song.
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strength, i also had such a mood, at that moment in time, but i don’t want a little more, at that moment in time, just like literally after some time, he says, i have a song, he says, there’s a cool one based on the poems of masha zakharova , listen, you might like it, i say, listen, this song is amazing, when i heard masha zakharova, this is maria zakharova, a long-term representative of the foreign ministry, for me it was generally a shock, i think like me the two pictures just didn’t add up to one in any way, she turned out to be an absolutely amazing person with talent, something completely... ordinary, very subtle, deep, wise. and so, actually, we started
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by meeting with maxim in the studio and recording this song. it was already just a day or two, probably before quarantine, when we were all locked in our homes and the song was ready and we wanted to shoot a video, but how to shoot a video when we can’t leave the house, and we decided and... by the way , it was his idea, he came up with the idea of ​​filming clip on deserted moscow streets, but to make it look even more dramatic, they filmed it early in the morning, when you looked out into the courtyard somewhere, and there were these sealed playgrounds, you know, these deserted streets, this is moscow, which is always seething , seething, this is some kind of eerie feeling of some kind of apocalypse, and we wanted to convey it in this, in this video, one of her co-authors is maria zakharova, and i know that today we congratulate you on your birthday, and
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she - also joined this little holiday of ours, that’s what she said, please put it on, how interesting, the song appeared in an amazing way in valeria’s repertoire, the fact is that the text was written over a period of time, and the music was by max fadeev and we couldn’t figure out who could perform it, somehow under new year we were talking with... with max fodeev, and he said: listen, joseph prinkozhin recently came to me here, so we decided to make a few songs for valeria, let's try, i say, are you kidding, really, valeria, this is happiness, you, valeria, it will be wonderful, and i really i was worried - but everything went fine, then - joseph priguzhin also joined this trio of ours and the trio turned into a quartet,
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because joseph came up with the idea of ​​​​making a fantastic video, i remind you that the song came out in the first third of the twentieth year, when it was going around the planet a pandemic when people were experiencing some unrealistic emotions and joseph prikozhin came up with and implemented this very idea. count this moment, and it literally seems to me that he came up with the whole script in a couple of days, wrote it, found the person who shot this video, artistic image, which is embodied by both lera and valery, max fodiev, yes, you know, in fact, this video was a document of that very time, that’s why it seems to me that this song was perceived in such a way, because it... somehow involuntarily, it fell on this very soil, because we all began
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to think a lot about our lives, philosophize, finally we all slowed down a little, you know, a little bit now we had time to think about life in general, think, i’m very i’m happy that this song is in my repertoire, but can i ask you for this to perform for everyone here, play it, when valeria will play it... that this is a powerful clip that takes us back to those days of the pandemic, of course, with pleasure, i always do everything late, it’s like i’m losing my love for the first time, i’m tearfully crushing again of all, faded away, faces and
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moments faded, but only about a century later, i understand with regret, it was a loved one, how, having accelerated until the body, recognize the second and the signs, the very one when... touched that very one light, how to speed up to the limit and find out a second about hello. the one when i hit that same one in the world, i’m trying to turn the planet around, i’m putting pressure on the brakes, i’m bursting into this summer again, who else are his
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eyes, having lost more... 200 bringing back the moment when i fell in love, but life doesn’t stand still, only as soon as i stopped, i became too aware to find out the very second from the sign, the very one when i hit, that very one in the light, just having been driven to... i don’t care to find out the very second from the sign when i touched, that very one in the light, that the very one, hey, hey, how our life has gone beyond the limits.
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find out the second sign of the very moment when touched, that same one in the world, as if accelerating to the limit, you know, then the very same kind of hit, then the very same light,
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well, the songs, words and the clip that went on the screens are very strong, joseph told me that he came up with a lot, and what, what, what are his ideas, and the picturesque bridge that just appeared on the screen, he really wanted it to be in the frame, because it really is like that, in fact, and the only such color is some kind of bright spot, because everything the rest is almost black and white, we had a monochrome one like this life at that moment, there were no bright colors. but you see how the song appeared before life became monochrome, how it happened that the song became a prophecy, well, practically, just talented songs, they are not only about today, they are for a long time, they generally reflect the movement of the human soul, reaction,
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ours, our feelings, therefore. at that moment it was perceived especially acutely, because your whole life was a little bit about something else, yes, that is, you not only perceived this song as a song about love, about some kind, maybe which you missed in this life, about some chance, but simply globally you perceived that - we didn’t see something, we are people of the earth, something we didn’t notice at that very second when we had to do something in a different way, now it’s all coming back to us, that is , as if this song even had some other meaning. to be able to, well, this is such a prophecy, it turned out to be also your personal, this is what touched you personally, this is when joseph fell ill, at that time you, your family, fell upon, well, a terrible test test, how you experienced all this, to me now i’m thinking, lord, how did
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all this, how did it all happen, because he was sure that if you are... in warm regions, then nothing will happen to you , and i don’t know where he got such confidence from, everyone around was sick, how easy it was, and i got over it easily, why is he such a person, healthy lifestyle, so positive , everything, well, such things didn’t depend on us, you see, and he was so overwhelmed in such a terrible way that at first i didn’t even i understood how serious this was, because... joseph was with me on the phone, we corresponded with him, continued to correspond, i realized that it was hard for him to talk, because he was breathing oxygen all the time, only then did he tell me what. .. it was in detail, it was clear that it was a red zone, i couldn’t get there at all, only later i found out how serious it was, and it didn’t, it lasted a long time,
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there was one thing there, well, two weeks, that the course of this disease was average, especially when it it’s not hard when it’s being treated, and it gets worse, worse and worse, there, as far as i remember, there was damage to the lungs more, more, more, and you knew all this, or he took care of you. it was supposed to get easier, they took blood here, took him there for analysis, and the tests got worse, worse, worse, worse, then in one day a terrible crisis just happened, the next morning he was barely breathing, this scared me terribly, that’s it, we immediately called an ambulance, he was immediately sent to the hospital, and well, this is terrible, isn’t it good? all this is behind me, my god, what did you tell him then, he couldn’t really speak, you know, so we mostly corresponded with him, because he had a lack of conversation, and i
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understood that, or rather, he probably understood that if he talks, i ’ll understand everything right away, yeah, he couldn’t talk, but you somehow encouraged him, said something, of course, everything is fine, as i did later, i didn’t even doubt that everything would be fine, well however, thank god, he recovered quite quickly later, when he was already provided with adequate treatment, some kind of rule. as a result, this year we are celebrating not only the anniversary of joseph igorich on your birthday, but your porcelain wedding, i’m right, i wasn’t mistaken, i don’t understand, porcelain, glass, wood, i don’t understand anything about it, 20 years, this year, june 5 marks the 20th anniversary of our family life, the horror of 20 years, this is a porcelain wedding, for you these 20 years are like one day or is it? this is a whole life, you hear, time has passed quickly, very quickly, i really can’t even believe it, has this really happened to us, already such numbers, i remember, i kept saying when we
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just got married, so someone asked about how you see your future, he said, i want to meet old age with this woman, i think, lord, how many we still have a whole lot of years ahead of us, bang it’s already 20, you think, my god, it seems we have every chance, you both came to each other as such wounded birds, you had so many wounds from the past, and failed families and so on, he has exactly the same thing, why did you suddenly believe that now this time you will succeed? with him, what was it about him that he instilled this confidence in you? i want joseph to have one absolutely amazing quality, he is a very sincere person, this quality is very important for life, for relationships, that is
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, you immediately understand a person, you understand that he does not have some kind of double bottom, that’s all, yes, each of us has a bunch of shortcomings that we have probably learned to put up with and adapt to in life, and so on, but there are some main things that - you, well, that are just very rare in this life, so, of course, joseph absolutely captivated me with this, and he, there is one more quality, he has such a childish enthusiasm, this also unites us, because i also kind of have experience, you know, years, i should already like - as he says, to grow the skin, but for some reason it doesn’t grow, and we are like that, and both of us are like that, something else we are surprised at everything, that’s why i believed, maybe my strength... the naivety of my such a character and me he seemed like such an open and trustworthy person, well, also because you are both with him,
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well, he’s so thin-skinned, although about joseph igorovich it even sounds a little ironic, but he really is like that, and so are you, which is why the song is so extreme, it also turned out to be so sensitive, that’s how it is. that’s how it gets through, when it hits, it hits from all this terrible struggle, here’s the conclusion or something from this, some kind of lesson, that’s what, what can be understood from this in general about life, about him, about you, in general, that moment in time taught us all a lot, after all, for something, for so that we truly learn to appreciate what we have, learn to appreciate this life, our relationships, and... well, everything that surrounds us, absolutely, our work in small things, it seems to us every day, it’s some kind of routine ... something is wrong, there are some problems, something else, and this is wonderful, because this is
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life. how these words sound in any, in any test, especially today, even in our spain, through which we are all going through now, they sound with some new poignancy, and with a new poignancy they sound your song with maxim, the truth, which you wrote, this is so that everything will be fine, so that everything will be fine, this is generally also amazing, today i recently returned there from the front line, there are guys there sometimes. they wear chevrons like this, even on body armor, my mother told me to put it on, my daughter told me to put it on, they live in thoughts, our soldiers, about their women often, this is understandable, they want to go home, they are bored, your song was called the anthem of mothers, oh, this is really this song, in this song everyone hears their own, when i record songs, i usually play them for listening
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immediate surroundings. in different ways, everyone cried, everyone cried about their own things, you know, this song does not leave you indifferent, it touches, this is probably the most important thing that we managed to do, play, play this song, prayer, play, i want to be silent on the moon , where? there is no one, and no one is knocking on the door, because there is no door, i want to get lost in the crowd, an abyss among everyone, where no one recognizes by sight, and so easily, i look
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at the sky. and i ask that it be good, that it be good for you, i look at the sky, and i ask that it be good, that it be good for you. i want to stand in silence, without windows, walls, and the rains don’t knock on the window, because there are no windows, i want to stand on the ground, disappear for hours, look this life in
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the face. basically, i look at the sky and ask for it to be good, for it to be good, with you, i look at the sky and ask for it to be good. so that everything goes well for you, i look at the sky and ask. he wish it would be
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good, that it would be good for you, i look at the sky and ask for what was good, what was good for you, myself.
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and this is generally a separate story, i don’t understand how good it can be, how we all live in today’s world, yes, fragile marriages, the inability to build a family there and so on, everything is fine for 20 years, it’s amazing how it happened that you’ve been fine for 20 years, but okay, this is a slightly insufficiently capacious word, because well, it doesn’t seem to explain much, we’ve been together all these years, and we’re living people, we’re very different, despite the fact that there’s a lot of us connects, unites, we argue, we quarrel. and we experience a variety of emotions, that's why, but of course,
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i want to say one thing, we can’t be good apart from each other, it can’t be bad, everything is great with joseph , but on the contrary, you know, i have... another gift for you today, i said it’s not the last, it’s just for the occasion when , well, there may be situations when you’re still not together for some amount of time, two or three minutes, or an hour, like now, for example, but open up, you know, his style.
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now you’ll never get bored, no, we, now not zaya, what’s his name now, no, you, now, and you are now my baby, that ’s not all either, this gift will continue, in a couple of minutes joseph prigozhiv, real, not a puppet in our studio, we will continue to congratulate you, further in the program, the marriage contract of the singer and producer. i won’t marry valeria, she says, she will say it herself, i’m sure that she fell in love with me for my kindness and honesty towards her, i ask her, i say, and if i meet someone i love, that’s what then, the points are not written down in the contract,
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danya and dana and my eldest son, they were recently they were visiting us at home, i never refused them, look in a few minutes, the doctor saw me off in the middle of the night. nose, hello, hello, as a husband, what are you going to do, divorced, angels of the area from monday on rtr, ordinary shovels do not do their job well in the garden, we present the hammer smith razer shovel, an ideal tool for digging, clearing soil and cutting, providing maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will be go on wheels. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut,
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loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever without effort. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your. garden regular shovels struggle with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel, with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon fiber blade, steel, allows you to cut through the hardest root system like butter and easily tear off the roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools. but why? if you can tackle even the toughest garden jobs with just one tool, call us to order the hammer smith razer utility shovel, which features razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened imaginary blade, and
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crafted from carbon steel, making it the toughest shovel to handle even the most... most firm ground without any extra effort, with a soft handle that increases the gripping area in... only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will be yours for an incredible price for only 49.95, but hurry, offer is strict. limited and available for a short time. quick, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price is a reality. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleanings. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract six. easy to clean! the magnificent century carpet is
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an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red, two sizes 70x120 and 150x200 cm. call directly now order a magnificent century carpet from only 14:90. before 5 hurry up, this is a limited offer. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg. with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible offer. call to order. and system for moving furniture, a conveyor for only
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9.95 mega sale, a machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, will not fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy, cut out the blanks to the size of the mold, put them in the cells, add the required amount of filling, press the special lever and that’s it, you can stick a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes , hurry up to take advantage of this incredible thing. talk, you will continue the dynasty,
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like dad, of course, yes, such a subtle moment, katerina shpitsa, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i was not a failure myself, and i was also deciding something, grigory vernik, i at some point i realized that i wouldn’t prove anything to anyone, but i would do business, i’m actually very glad that i’m your son. 2 vernik2 today on rtr, my little one, the fate of a person, the fate of the singer valeria, i honestly just say all our advertising.
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you didn’t need anything else, but what’s up
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, you looked into her eyes once, that’s all, i remember the phrase that you told me, what was in those eyes, the abyss, if you saw in space as a child, infinity, even such infinity, you know, you fly, fly, fly, somewhere out there, you know, but everything around is beautiful, bright, kind, unidentified flying object, bezna. you can dissolve in it as in happiness, if it is like that, or you can drown, die, why did you immediately understand that this is that good abyss, and not and not dangerous, that’s what i want to say, no, it’s not dangerous, for love for me is yours, that’s love, mutual love, yes this is when they say heaven, hell, what is heaven,
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here i am in heaven, you know, this is the love in which i am, because people make hell for themselves. sometimes from our lives, falling into certain vices, yes, choosing the wrong partners, deceiving ourselves and each other, so in our situation there is simply no deception, in ours, in our relationships absolutely - there are all the slips, as we should - in the case - well, let’s say, difficult circumstances, how we should behave, what we should talk about, we should talk everything out, you have an agreement after all, well, this wasn’t written down anywhere either. and we sat down there, and now we will have this law, no, we just came to this, during the very first years of life, that any understatement, it later gives rise to a problem, this is my deepest conviction, and no matter what, no matter what, you need to talk, because it’s about what’s written down
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and what’s not written down, by the way, and about various agreements, did you have them , right down to the legal ones? i can’t understand at all, looking at you, and i’ve known you for so many years, and seeing this love, yours, why did you enter into a marriage contract? we had a working contract, because when we met on march 2, we had already started working together, no one understood how it would all end, although i felt right there everything, but we started, by the way, we started working earlier than the contract was signed, before the contract was ready, because i was already a shot at the sparrow. and i had already signed this agreement with the lawyer, well, when we brought it out, when we had already signed it, by that time , in my opinion, half of the album had already been recorded our whole point is that well, i won’t speak for valeria, she will say it herself, i’m sure that she fell in love with me for my kindness and honesty towards her, sincerity,
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this is what probably made our life possible, joint, that's all. at what point did you realize that? a man of his word, at what point are you after everything you’ve gone through there with your experience? you were probably also very careful, at what point did you begin to trust him, well, that’s not the same thing, i was some kind of act of words, well, i always remember this very much, i really remembered it when we went to amsterdam to shoot a video, she decided to put me in a very romantic setting, as if only there it was possible to shoot a video, but she decided that tulips were... i generally sort of cut off all these his attempts to get closer until we talked, again i say, we need to talk, i ask her, i say, but if i meet someone i love, that’s what
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then, but he immediately changed his face, says, well, it will be very difficult for me, but i will do all my obligations. please put it, let’s remember how it all began, let’s remember the date that we also celebrate this year, put it, can i be happy, even if i don’t deserve it, i’ll hide under the wings of fate, can i be with
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you, even if i don’t deserve it, maybe i can be happy. well, as life shows, a wedding can be incredible, very beautiful, but the main thing, of course, is what happens later, well, some family is tested for strength and everything is tested. then over the years you have gone through so many of these checks, and today enjoying not just each other being happy there, happily. parenthood, but also this state, when you can already hold your grandchildren in your arms, what does it feel like, what kind of feeling is this?
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this is happiness, this is some kind of endless happiness, my god, i don’t understand how we lived before the appearance of selinka, 3 years ago it was already impossible to imagine your life without this wonderful creature, how did you find out about her birth, about the appearance celine, well, we waited, firstly, we understood that she was about to be born, it was there on december 31st, yoshi says, please, be patient until the first, be patient, don’t be 31, you’re like a car, that there was a model of this year, a model of the twenty- first year, but she was born on the first of the twenty-first, be patient, and our poor little liana, here she has them it was some kind of homely feast, in general they listened to the president’s speech, raised their glasses symbolically, collected their things and went to the home. all new year's eve at 9 am she was born, i want to say great happiness when a child grows up with two grandmothers, two grandfathers, even
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great-grandmothers, two great-grandmothers, yes, that ’s what’s great, that there’s a family, the most important thing is that today she has a big family, it’s torn apart, that is, we have a very, you, you understand very well what it is, some kind? they were recently visiting us at home, that is , i have never refused them and am not going to refuse them, naturally, but
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i try to pay as much attention to them as possible, if dana or dima, they were nearby, then we would see each other regularly, and i ready to see them much more often, very nice guy, you know, he’s so cute, he’s so nice, such a sweet boy, they say, you know, like right now.
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a couple of minutes, look further, about the plans for the centenary, and that i will be butted in feathers, of course, if it’s already a century there, then probably yes, and the most touching congratulations from friends, thank you, oh, so touching, watch right away after the ad, cleaning floors is a tedious and
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messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, that's enough use a broom dustpan, use a vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair in... food debris and even broken glass are important quickly and easily with the help of a completely new livington dipper sweeper electric broom. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrash technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you're facing. guide the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept away. into a container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front penetrates into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning
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student in his sixties and gave birth to his long-awaited child. behind the couple's back they whisper, the older wife did not give birth to a child for her young husband and is leading him by the nose so that the husband does not leave the family. live broadcast today on rtr. the fate of a person, the fate of the singer valeria, the day of your concert in london, you were not allowed out of the airport, i know that maria zakharova, she is definitely aware of this situation, put it, in 2014 she gave a grandiose, fantastic in scale of success, concert at albert holly in london, it really
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was a phenomenon both for... and for londoners, everything was wonderful, preparations were in full swing , no side problems could arise, because everything was handled by joseph prigogine, who thinks through the smallest details, so when they arrived the day before for the concert, the concert itself, they were stopped at the airport, they were simply not allowed out of the airport, i mean the valeria. here then all the diplomats got involved, all the caring people got involved, i’m not even talking about lawyers now, i just want to say that everyone who could help, everyone got involved, literally pulled lera out of the treacherous british clutches, and the concert went off with a bang, despite the terrible stress ,
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which i understand she endured, despite this... she performed all our favorite hits. can i tell you then, what is the question? year when we have. there was a concert at the royal albert hall in london with the royal symphony orchestra, there were a lot of people at the concert from different countries of the former cis, everyone was there, and this unification was around one person, around valeria, who gave her love, her sunny energy, everyone left in a fantastic mood, the concert took place, every artist has a dream. to perform at the most important venues on the planet, the royal albert hol is one of the main venues in the world, a cult venue, and the fact that valeria has become, one might say, at this
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stage, the last artist among the russian artists who performed at this cult venue. listen to what you think, when else then we’ll consolidate the success, maybe even do a tour like this around the main concert venues. no, we don’t plan, yes, so that no, we we don’t, we don’t plan anything in this in this life, especially today, because the situation in life is unpredictable, naturally, so planning concerts today, being
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an irritant to a certain group of people is definitely not i want to, yes, so, well, what can i say, let’s wait for better times, but we have a place to sing, we have a place to sing, they will come, i think, very soon, it’s better to prepare already. that then not to be confused, i’m sure that they are the other way around, the whole world is already pining for russia, look, i want to tell you, we have a big russia, you leave from one point and you can only return home after 2 years if you give concerts every day , a huge country, you know, yes, so there is where to perform, where to sing, of course, we will be happy if that day comes when our artists can...
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i just really want to wish that you have enough strength for many more projects, for new songs, new albums, i love you very much, i i wish you ordinary female happiness, because when love lives in your heart, then you sing a little differently, you put your heart and soul into it, sold-out houses everywhere, many, many years in your life on stage, good health, and just an endless stay on stage in a state of space. lera, i want to congratulate you on your birthday, you are beautiful,
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smart, successful, you have a wonderful, large family, millions of self-loving fans, i wish you creative longevity and be. happy, lerochka, how nice, dear lera, i am happy that i know you personally, that we are connected by, and now a creative project, and most importantly, some kind of spiritual unity and a largely similar outlook on life, on its values, and on basic principles. humanity, this is the most important thing, i wish you inexhaustible love, which i hope - and believe in it, and i know what’s already there, but will never end,
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because you generate it in abundance, i wish you well-being to all your loved ones, joy, peace of mind and harmony, as much as you yourself want it, because sometimes an artist, a poet, an actor, needs... emotions and wants some kind of shake-up, let it all be only according to your desire. you are an amazing person because you give more love to everyone around you. than you demand in return, in fact you don’t even demand, remain like this, you are unique, thank you, in general, oh, so touching, in general, thank you, and if you could turn to valerie today, to yourself, that’s completely different, that’s to to this young girl, so that you today...
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would write a letter to your past self, so that advised, what would you steer me away from, don’t be too trusting, don’t let anyone deprive you, yourself, of your desire to do good for someone, don’t lose yourself under any circumstances, i wasn’t prepared for this... my parents prepared me, because that i have a very prosperous family, very happy, and i somehow came into this world with my eyes wide open, in general, sometimes i still had to occupy this boxing stand, thank you, dear, to the collection of all the bouquets that these days are your rightful home, thank you, my dear, thank you, thank you,
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thank you, you are once again against the anniversary, thank you very much, thank you all, the fate of a person, the fate of the singer valeria, thank you, he is caught refueling then in the corridor, where to go and what to do? in general, no one needs to beg, beg, humiliate themselves and extend their hands, they will have to reckon with us, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life, death , we will be the first to know about it, uligan is zaruden, fucked off trump, what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or ale? despite the bite, alexander
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grigorievich, but hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your greetings, hello, after your interview many new questions have arisen, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. explosions thunder throughout the day in odessa.


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