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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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and the main victims of the influx of migrants from the east, compensation from the finns is even worse, the economy of the border regions, which have always been oriented towards russia, is slowly dying, and for some reason europeans are not coming to them in numbers capable of replacing the loss of russian buyers and tourists. in general, the time is now coming for the west to make regular payments for the ability to maintain the required degree of russophobia and the ability to resist the russian offensive in ukraine, that is , it must... fulfill its part of the deal, which kiev, in turn, considers closed with the adoption of the cannibalistic law on mobilization. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. the world's largest voting has begun in india; almost 970 million people are expected to go to the polls; this has never happened in history. the country elects deputies to the lower house of parliament, the process is divided into... the stage will take
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6 weeks. the ballots contain not only the name of the party, but also symbols such as a broom, an alarm clock, a bicycle and a kite. about features of the national vote in the report of our own correspondent in india, evgeniy davidov. india literally lives for elections; all other events have faded into the background for the next month and a half. the largest democracy in the world, as the indians call themselves, will decide who will lead the country and where in the next 5 years. religious ceremony to mark the start of elections, prayer for voting to be fair and successful, indian voters first go to the temple, then to the polling station. rajasthan is a state in the north-west of india, one of the first to take up the chosen baton, people come with whole families, try to vote early before the heat sets in, during the day the temperature here exceeds 40.
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polling stations are open even in the most remote settlements, this is the territory of an ordinary rural school, read rajasthan, people first register, receive a voter id, then go inside, a queue forms here, and once inside each voter receives a special mark on their finger that does not wash off paint, so that you can’t vote twice, then goes to the voting booth, here’s another interesting point, the standard ballot paper in india also looks very... colorful, it’s not a piece of paper with the names of candidates or parties printed, here this is an impressive electronic device, somewhat reminiscent of a large intercom, next to the names of the parties there are recognizable symbols, plants, animals, household items, so it happened historically that even those who cannot read could vote. calls to come to the polls plots in numerous commercials on television, bollywood stars, public figures, businessmen, talk about how important this is.
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i came to vote for modi because he wants to make our country better. voting in india will last until june 1, after which votes will be counted, and this, according to the local press, will be the longest general vote in the world. the elections have already set another world record for the number of registered voters. all citizens over 18 have the right to vote years, and this, as reported by the election commission of india, is 968 million people. choice
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is the most beautiful expression of indian democracy. in our great democracy, the elections are yours, the choices are yours, you decide who gets into government. welcomes guests and opens the door to new trends. the program includes more than thirty world premieres, each unique in genre and content. vladimir putin sent a welcoming telegram to the participants of the film forum. polina iermalaeva has just sent her report from the opening ceremony.
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wind gusts in moscow up to 23 m/s. the die-hard film festival goers moved along the path much more slowly. in such weather, of course, you just want to sit in a warm cinema hall and watch good festival films. but the established moscow international ceremony dictates its own rules and the track remains red, even if it becomes wet. yes, fantastic, i really enjoy it. no, this should have been predicted, of course, but thank god we are not in europe, so men in dresses don’t have to come. but of course, along the same path moscow international lives, this year it is filled with films, good and varied, only 240 films out of 56.
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icelander friedrich thor is in trouble at home. the jury of the main competition is headed by an oscar nominee . another person went crazy and decided to get fridrikson.
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starring people's artist of the ussr bogdan stubka, his sons were played by igor petrenko and vladimir vdovichenko, don't miss today on the russia channel at 23:55 in moscow the heavy rain was replaced by a squally wind today, gusts exceeding 20 m/s.
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near novgorod, we noticed that 11 settlements were left without electricity; in st. petersburg , the height of the snow cover this evening could reach 10 cm; due to unexpected snowfall , the launch of the fountains was postponed for a week. report by dmitry pishchukhin. river buses against the backdrop of the peter and paul fortress, scooters covered in snow, frozen city guests, clearly not dressed for the weather. st. petersburg is a city of weather contrasts. and today is another confirmation of this. the weather is beautiful, we expected it like this, we knew it would be like this, so not surprising. and since we now live in the urals, this doesn’t scare us any more.
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green grass peeks out from under the snow, a clash of winter and summer. the sweeping of the northwestern region began at noon; by the evening, when st. petersburg residents got ready to go home from work, the roads were already covered with a white duvet. 8.5 cm of snow cover increase per day, this did not happen even in february. april 19, winter has arrived. drivers have their own difficulties, when the snow gets heavier, visibility on the roads is noticeable. is decreasing, besides, the majority have already managed to change the winter to summer tires, under such conditions an accident is inevitable, i see that you have already changed your shoes, and already about this in the morning, when this snow started, i was upset that i was thinking, how not to get into an unpleasant situation, motorists are very much asked not to interfere with the harvesting technology, and it is better, if possible, to transfer to public transport, the snowstorm, of course, brought a lot of trouble to the megapolis, but there are always those who rejoice in the snow. no, not very cold, not cold at all, everything is fine. pedestrians are forced to make their way through the marked
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sidewalks, on highways, prolonged traffic jams, accidents. despite the fact that the snow in the city melted at the end of february, winter still does not let go of st. petersburg. the city has declared a yellow level of weather danger. the good news is that today is the final chord of the atmospheric front, the weather will calm down by the weekend. we move from the federal part of the news to the regional one. my colleagues in our branches are currently preparing to go on air with the main news of their regions, now we have the opportunity to find out what viewers of the news will see for outside the moscow metropolis. state television and radio broadcasting company lipetsk is in touch with us, where roman badanov is broadcasting today. today, the keys to service housing were handed over to a group of specialists working in rural areas. roman, good evening, tell us more details? yes, ernest in the dobrovsky
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district, doctors and teachers received new housing. five houses were built under the ministry of agriculture’s program for comprehensive development of rural areas, each with everything you need for a comfortable stay. the housing is located in a new microdistrict, where there is everything you need infrastructure, kindergarten, clinic, and soon a new ice arena will appear. according to the social lease agreement, after 5 years the house can be purchased as a property for 10% of the cost. of course, provided that the person continues to work in the agricultural sector or the social sector. according to the state program of the ministry of agriculture , more than 70 new facilities will be built in the region, over 2.5 billion rubles will be allocated for this. roman, thank you, we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast; we will have time to connect balkaria to abordino. alina tilova is already in the studio in anticipation of the may holidays in the republic, expecting an influx tourists. alina, good evening, is everything ready for the start of the season? good evening, ernest, the beginning of the tourist season, it’s time to hone the skills of rescuers, the exercise was carried out in
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the picturesque bezingi gorge, landing without parachutes when helicopters are hovering is one of the most difficult tasks, the evacuation of conditional victims was carried out by employees of the elbrus high-mountain and north caucasus regional rescue teams. the classes were conducted in hard-to-reach places at a height of more than 2.0 m. they were involved in the exercises as rescuers. so do flight ones the crews all showed coherence in their actions. alina, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. in moscow there is a yellow level of weather danger and strong winds. in some places gusts reach 23 m/s.
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umbrellas are turned outwards, passers-by who find themselves in the city center during a squally wind want to hide in the premises of the last verandas , they hastily remove the tables so as not to overturn them, the wind literally does not allow passage, it is very windy, it is difficult to walk along the street, hair falls into the eyes and into the mouth, i hope the trees will not fall, hope... did not come true, trees kept ending up either on the roadway or on cars. not far from the dubrovka metro station, part of the roof fell onto the road, the roof fell, oh my, the roof was torn off the building of a children's sports school, they even had to stop the volleyball competition. light pieces were still rising in the air, and then, when the wind stopped, they simply fell with great speed. tatyana's suv was damaged, she brought the children to... competition a few minutes before, if this had happened at the moment when we were getting several children out of the car, well, i’m
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even afraid to imagine what could have happened. on the next street the situation is almost the same, our river on bearing street tore off a huge piece of the roof, it fell right into a parking lot of people, there was no one here, only one car was damaged, its rear window was broken. residents of the house say that major repairs to this roof were done only 2 years ago. and in these shots, two workers are trying with their hands. hold a piece metal, the wind dropped road signs, brick walls and huge fences, here, for example, right on a person, in the courtyards garbage cans danced to the melodies of the wind, foreign objects were carried onto the roadway. this was all caused by a mediterranean cyclone, which first brought rain and then wind. the wind strengthened just in its cold rear part; in the middle of the day the center of the cyclone was not far from moscow, and the wind would subside only in the morning. maxim aparin, anton dubnov, maxim gavrilets, boris salnikov and alena fillatova. news. on on novorizhsk highway, an inappropriate driver
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gave chase and rammed several times a car in which two families with children were traveling.


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