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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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the river on podshipnikovskaya street tore off a huge piece of the roof, it fell right into a parking lot of people, there was no one here, only one car was damaged, its rear window was broken, the residents of the house say that a major repair of this roof was done only 2 years ago, in these frames two workers are trying to hold a piece of metal with their hands, the wind dropped road signs, brick walls and huge fences, here, for example, right on a person, in the courtyards , garbage cans danced to the melody of the wind , foreign objects were carried onto the roadway, that's all... caused by a mediterranean cyclone, which first brought rain and then wind. the wind strengthened just in its cold upper part; in the middle of the day the center of the cyclone was not far from moscow. the wind will subside only in the morning. maxim aparin, anton dubnov, maxim gavrilets, boris salnikov and alena fillatova. news. on novorizhskoye highway, an inappropriate driver gave chase and several times rammed a car in which two families with children were traveling, but received administrative liability.
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for some reason threatens a female driver who was fleeing from her pursuer. the police, the prosecutor’s office and my colleague vitaly kormazin are already looking into the situation. i'm filming this footage of the beginning of a terrible conflict. two families with three children stopped on the side of the highway to feed one of the babies. a volkswagen drove into them from behind, driven by this driver in a black sleeveless vest. the pupils were quite large, he shouted that he was drunk. the man says: calm down, please. i have small children in the car, i say they are all crying, to which he told me, now my friends will arrive, i say, i’ll bury everyone, i say, i’ll kill you and your children, then he rushed into his car, pressed the gas pedal, get in the car, he ’ll drive after you, drive away, yes drive away, the reckless driver gave a real chase, caught up the toyota crashed into her bumper, and... in total, during the incident
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, the aggressive driver crashed into this toyota highlander six times. the owners of the car have already calculated the cost of repairs at more than half a million rubles. well, of course, the price of restoration work may increase, but according to the victims, the main thing is not material the damage, the horror that a family with young children experienced during the attack. the most terrible moment was when a volkswagen flew into oncoming traffic, overtook a toyota on the left and rammed it at a turn. because he tried to hit me in the wheel, he tried to kill us, because it was right on a long turn, all these actions were clearly aimed at causing at least grievous harm to health, possibly attempted murder, he saw that there were young children, cars hit another random car, and then the reckless driver disappeared, it turned out not far, he fell asleep around the nearest bend, according to the victims, the traffic police squad passing by did not stop.
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and what could have been done right away is done 4 days later; now it is unclear how to determine the presence of intoxication. the police identified the offender; he turned out to be a forty-two-year-old resident of the kaluga region. currently, police officers are conducting an investigation. police officers take measures aimed at apprehending the offender. supervision of progress and the results of the procedural check carried out on this fact are provided by the krasnogorsk city prosecutor's office. lawyer. now about other events briefly:
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sergei sobyanin today presented state awards to honored muscovites, employees of the field of education and cultural medicine. the director of the lenkom theater mark zakharova, mark varshaver and the artistic director of the vivald orchestra received insignia for impeccable service to the city of moscow. native. the award ceremony took place in the white hall of the city hall. a number of streets in the center of moscow will be closed until april 27. not there will be traffic in the large putinkovsky lane, on malaya dmitrovka in the area of ​​pushkinskaya square. it will also not be possible to park there. the restriction is due to the moscow international film festival. russian students became winners at the international programming olympiad, which took place in egypt. our champions beat 800 of the strongest
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participants from fifty countries around the world. what problems did they have to solve and how did they manage to become the best? in the report by ainur valiakhmetov. three. tasks, you have some objects, each object has its own volume and you, for example, want to put them in a limited basket, it can be used, for example,
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when trucks are coming from a warehouse, they need to be loaded with as much goods as possible. the team solves all tasks on a single computer, and the program codes are written in english. students of the higher school of economics. ahead of competitors from 170 universities from 50 countries. probably the main secret of success is that since our school days we have all been strong olympiad athletes. the guys plan to continue do this. you can participate in the final twice. this was their first attempt. the international student olympiad in programming is annual. this time the competition was held under the patronage of president abdelfattah lcc. for the first time, the organizers combined the final competitions for 2 years, but also in the second final.
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future champions in programming, there was a serious selection for the world tournament at the university, russia was represented by the best of the best, they will certainly be very useful and in demand in companies, they are capable of doing large practice-oriented things, for example, what? for example, the development of various applications, they are only 20, but with the status of absolute world champions, all doors to the largest it companies are open to talented programmers. ain ruvlakhmetov, dmitry shestukhin, kirill aksenov, valeria popova. news. aeroflot has changed the rules for transporting animals. now pets weighing up to 15 kg can be kept on the next chair. previously, the permitted weight was half as much, and the carrier had to be placed on the floor. are other passengers ready for such a travel companion? alexey knor
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i took my dog ​​and went to the airport to check everything in person. fincher the dog is no longer luggage or even carry-on luggage. the yorkshire terrier is a full passenger and can fly like a human. these are the kind of babies that were previously allowed to be taken with you into the cabin of the plane, but the carrier had to be placed under the seat. now you can place it next to you on the next seat. in addition, larger animals weighing up to 15 kg can be transported in the same way. aeroflot has relaxed the requirements for the transportation of four-legged animals. pet service the next chair became permanent after 3 months of testing. transportation of an animal in a passenger seat is paid in accordance with the adult fare. accordingly, it depends on the direction of transportation, on the season, on the class. service and the rate available at the time of booking. animals can be transported in rigid , semi-rigid carriers; they will be allowed into economy and comfort class cabins with a container 50 cm long, 35 cm high and 30 cm wide. in business class you can take a carrier 5 cm higher. animals are only allowed to be transported
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chairs next to the portholes. the carrier must remain on the window seat throughout the flight. you need to take the seat belt and thread it through the handle of the carrier. at the window it should be located along... because you have to apply tension , yes, just a little bit, oops, again, you see, that is, it’s not very comfortable, it turns out, you’re mocking your animal, just like when boarding an airplane airline employees can count, they have the right
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to refuse, airlines, for example, which in general, they fly abroad, but they can prohibit it if even a piece of wool touches the top of the carrier, those who... are allergic to animals are not delighted with the new news, you need to inquire in advance, most likely, whether there will be an animal on board, so that if i have medications with me, do i need to provide any information about my child, that he has allergies, or will i not know at all? about this, will the seats be marked? although there are no answers to these questions yet, aeroflot promises that they will take care of the comfort of absolutely everyone passengers, including four-legged ones. alexey knor, mikhail sidorov, oleg dobin, lead. muscovites will have a sleepless night this weekend. the main theme of the annual event will be family. from the library you can go on a tour of the new bkl stations, and then to the museum, where you can try your hand at creativity. oksana maksimova already. armed with a brush, here we don’t cover everything, one can
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envy the master’s patience, because at the table there are amateurs, those who have never painted, but have always dreamed of learning. anyone can come to the master class anyone with a zero level of knowledge is promised that in three lessons you can get the basics. in the room under the exhibition halls of the tropinino museum, today they study the architectural landscape, how to build it, how it is a vanishing point, a perspective. at the estate. with masterpieces of ceramic art, an ancient colored tile depicting a bird with fruit was exhibited in the louvre, and the stove decorated the interiors of the hospice house of count sheremetyev. reminiscent of some small ancient roman or ancient greek building. birch bark certificates, decorations, seals, collection artifacts of the moscow museum will tell about the era of the reign of vladimir manomakh, yuri dolgorukov and andrei bogolyubsky. the arkhangelskaya nature reserve museum has switched to summer operating hours. employees removed the protective cases from the marble sculptures decorating the park. they resemble a museum, even though the figures are on the street, these are still museum values. marble is a very fragile material,
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you should not touch the marble. this weekend , weather forecasters promised very changeable weather, and if a walk along the street does not take place, then you can always go down and take a walk along moscow underground. the design of the most spacious lobby of the large ring line marina roshcha attracts like a magnet. this is a decoration, there are columns under them, because steel won’t hold it. the tour of the bkl lasts an hour and a half, sovelov’s emphasis on design, behind the transparent showcases there is a cast iron frame, how much work needs to be put in to mount them, so that they have this station, which is pressed by 60 m of soil, it was held, from april 20 to 21 the occasion don't sleep at all. family 200 capital libraries open until 2:00 am once a year, performances, public readings
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poetry and prose, as well as marriage, our library will accept newlyweds from moscow for registration of marriages. the new addresses happiness program is open at the pushkin reading library. the application can be submitted on the website. oksana maksimova, igor yaroslavtsev, alexey yaldin, lead. this concludes our release. all news is always available on the media platform. let's look at. application or on the website, ernest matskevichus was with you, i say goodbye, all the best, amazing people are watching the show right now.
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i would like to tell you something new before the fight, what is our partnership? we have been to other lands, comrades, but there were no such people as in the russian land, comrade, to love like that. like the russian soul, it loves not only
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with its mind, but with everything that god has given, what is not in you, no one can love like that, i know, it’s a vile thing now on our land, they only think that they had grain stacks, stacks, and dacons herds of them, adopt, the devil knows what... the masyurman custom is instilled in their tongue, theirs doesn’t want to talk to theirs, theirs sells theirs like... they sell a soulless creature on the trade market, and the mercy of a foreign king, and indeed a king, but the meager mercy of a polish magnate, who hits them in the face with his yellow shoe is more valuable to them than any brotherhood.
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but the last scoundrel, whatever he is, he, brothers, has a grain of russian feeling, and it will awaken when, the unfortunate one hits the polo with his hands, grabs his head, curses... loudly his vile life, ready to atone for the shameful deed, let them know everything that camaraderie is in the russian land, for that matter, in order to die, none of them
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will have to die like that, no one. no one enough for that, male nature in battle, fire!
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healthy, andrey, how is the road from kiev, kind, great, cut it, hmm, and turn around, kotseyna, turn around, “how
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funny you are, what, and why are you wearing such priestly pendants? and what long scrolls, and those shoots of you, and i ’ll watch him plop down on the ground, entangled in the field, and don’t you laugh, daddy, wow, you’re so magnificent, why not laugh, even though you’re my daddy, you’ll laugh, by god. i’ll beat you like daddy, although daddy, i won’t look at you for the offense and won’t respect you no one, but how can you fight with him, maybe
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with your fists, but with whatever you have? well, come on, come on, come on, come on with your fists, well, well, good , good, good, good, good to god. yes, he fights well, and to god it’s good, you’ll be kind, cossack, well, great, son,
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let’s shake hands, good old man. just like that, beat up everyone like me, hang out, don’t let anyone down, and why are you standing there, baby, you’ve dropped your hands, why don’t you damn son beat me up, and it would come to your mind that your own child would beat up his father, oh, yes you little one, as i see it, don’t trust your mother, son, she’s a woman, she doesn’t know anything, how unlovable you are,
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i’d better send you to zaporozhye this week, that’s where the science is, only. i think so, sons, that the archimandrite wouldn’t even give you a sniff of vodka, but admit it, he hit you hard on the back with a fresh ocher tree on everything that the cossack doesn’t have, but daddy has nothing to do with it? to remember what happened, what happened, has passed, let him just stick to us, let some infidel turn up, let him know that we
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have forgotten , and why the devil should i wait here for me to become a ruddy sower, a housekeeper, looking after the sheep? add my wife and i for the pigs, she’s good, i’m a cossack, and i don’t want to, so what if
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there’s no war, but i’ll go with you to zaporozhye, for a walk, what kind of enemy can we have here... it was one of those characters that could only have arisen in the difficult 16th century, when
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the cossacks arose, the broad, riotous habits of russian nature, this was an extraordinary manifestation of russian strength, it came out of the people's chest from the flint of troubles. ja mam zawsze wiedziała, żem ciebie. szukała za te czarne oczy twoje. oddałabym życie moje
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za te czarne oczy, no
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what awaits you, what will happen to you, they take you away, take you away, maybe in the first battle the tatar will cut off your heads, and i won’t know where your bodies lie, abandoned, chopped up and abandoned,
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well, wives , everything is ready, why hesitate? and now , according to christian custom, everyone needs to sit down in front of the road. bless the mother of your children. pray to god that
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they fight bravely, that they always defend the royal honor, that they always stand for the faith of christ, but no, it’s better to let them disappear. so that the spirit does not there was light, then the mother of god protects you, do not forget, sons, your mother.
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“here it is, here is the nest from which all those proud and strong like lions fly out, this is where the will and cossacks spill out throughout the whole of ukraine,
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everyone who came here forgot, abandoned everything that had previously occupied him, he carefreely indulged in will and comradeship, the same as himself, who had no relatives, no corner, no family, except one sky, and the eternal feast of his soul, here it is, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully. it is necessary, where the sun and sea are, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for the head, we
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know everything about rest, relax, anex. сnop gin, a product of stellor group. titanic luxury collectionsman product. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting
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adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise open at titanic laksary collection bodrum. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. i said, i want a white cat. here comes oh you are good. he likes to grab a stake there from his head. give me your paw, give me your paw, well done! the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets. where are you flying after the performance, you're rushing everything, guys, for me to feed the hamster. you are among friends. with friends. program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr,
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the musicians play more lively, the orthodox peasants play harder! take off the scroll, see how it floats? it’s not possible, why? not it’s possible, i already have so much money that if i throw it off, i’ll try it! go for a walk, massiy, i bought you, now you don’t owe anyone, well, hello, and i see you didn’t come alone, taras, gray hair in the pit.
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he killed a comrade like a dog in a drunken case, just like that,
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it’s a pity that he’s a cossack, but if it weren’t for the cossack, he’s a simple man, a pole, no pity, but even if the poles pity him, they don’t pity us, but what about the law, court, roman law, here is the law of our land, but what if we were born on another land? i don’t
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know, i remember, as a child, you and i were walking along the road, and you were tucking your legs in, crying, dust the sun has warmed up and is burning, and i took you in my arms, i’m walking along the road, i have a feeling that it’s not dust at all, my land itself warms my feet, my land, and am i in latin? it’s not mine, it’s my fault, see what happens next? i came, i saw, i won, i didn’t win, this is not ours, this is not the land under our feet.
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the repetition was great, but good tsin, taras, ahlop, hit. well, what can you do, or can you do nothing, huh?
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he will stand here, and i will shoot. yes, where should you shoot today, shilla? he shot, but let's see how brave he is.
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hello, dad, great, accept, finish, in christ, you believe, i believe, be healthy, pan koshevoy, hello, taras, you believe in the holy trinity, i believe, dad, sit down, and then
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cross yourself, okay, come in. in which you yourself know the kuren, thank you, dad, for mowing, it’s time for the cossacks to take a walk, there’s nowhere to go for a walk, as there’s nowhere, can we go to the turechchina? or to tatarva, it is not possible, neither to tureshchina, nor to totarva, how is this not possible, we promised peace to the sultan, göster yüzünü, bak ne
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kadar güzel, neresi güzel, bunun çok zayıf, hadi hadi. we are not afraid of your army, we will fight with you by land and water, babylonian, you are a cook, a jerusalem brewer, now we are finished, because
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we don’t know the date, and there is no calendar. what do you want, gentleman, kladitsa, devil sylitsa,
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we don’t want you anymore, go away, let him lay his finger, because from here. whom should you choose now for the kosche? we don’t want to choose the kukubenka, the kukubenka, his wounds, the milk on his lips hasn’t dried yet, let the awl be the ataman, let the awl, let the awl sew your ass, but what should he order when he stole like a tatar, i didn’t dry the awl, shout , kirdyakhu,
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may the holy spirit rest in peace, o christ.
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okay, i have every right, the premiere, it’s old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber with us, you know, i married you, well, you’re with us, hello, hello, what next, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers, angels district from monday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself
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alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex rum castro is a product of steller group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group.
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where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. yak monte shococa, a product of the stellar group. what are you sailing with? with misfortune, the cossack strength is wasted. no war. but the foremen, their eyes
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began to swim fat. let otaman speak, tell me what you came with, what trouble, what trouble, you don’t have a colonel more than a regiment, and you don’t have your huter, and you don’t have horses. yours are gone, your hearing is gone too, everything was ruined by the poles, and you don’t have a wife either, taras, she was killed,
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who was defrauded. they thought they would bring the hacked one back alive, but they didn’t deliver it.
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and let me say it again, and let me speak ! i want to ask you, have you heard what is happening now in the hetmanate, but what is going on there, tell
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us what is happening? son of a dog, otherwise it’s happening that people were born and baptized, but they haven’t seen anything like this, it’s such a time now that the holy churches are now not ours, just like they’re not ours, just like they’re not ours, they’re rented by the shinkers, as if they kept christian churches on rent, and if he you can’t pay it forward... then you can’t hold masses, there ’s such a couple now in ukraine, listen, i’ll tell you something else, priests are already traveling all over ukraine in torotayki, but the problem is not that in tarotayki, it’s that they no longer harness horses, but simply orthodox christians.
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this is the time that has happened in ukraine now, and you you’re sitting here... what did you do yourself, didn’t you have sabers, or what? how did you allow such lawlessness? yes , you should have tried when there were 50,000 poles alone, but there’s no point in hiding, and there were dogs among us. they have already accepted them into the faith, and your hetman, and the colonels, what did they do, what did the colonels do, the colonels did such things that god forbid you and i, the hetman,
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roasted in a copper bull, lies in warsaw, as in warsaw , the colonel's hands and heads are taken to fairs for everyone to see.
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there was another cart standing there, the pressure would choke, uh cibulya, let's go, help, come here, they 're not ours at all, they're torturing you, well, they 're not ours, they're not ours at all, she doesn't give a fuck, they're not ours at all, but stop, stop! clear sir, clear sir, clear sir, clear sir, such spaniards have never been seen before, such, such gentlemen have never been seen in the world, by god never, such
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brave, brave, kind gentlemen have never been seen before, and by god never, yes, this is not ours, well, not ours at all, well, those who rent, well, borderline, these are not ours, these, these are not jews at all, these are devils, what is it? i knew to god that he was a generous sir, what is your name? yankel, okay.


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