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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 10:20pm-11:30pm MSK

10:20 pm
damn, what is it, just don’t give a damn, throw it to hell, i knew your brother, the late doresh, i gave him 800 tsikhins when he had to ransom himself from captivity from the turk, don’t move, wait, you knew your brother, right? i knew to god that he was a generous sir, what is your name? yankel? fine.
10:21 pm
go, great gentlemen, go too, don’t make me sin, we decided at the council of elders to go. to poland, i agree, to repay for all the grief, for the tears, death, for the disrespect for our faith, what will be the will of the zaporozhye grassroots army, we agree,
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10:23 pm
farewell, sich, our mother, may god protect you, doren, why are you sitting here, do you want to be shot like a slave, just let the gentleman not tell anyone, this is my cart, i am carrying all the necessary goods for the cossacks such a cheap price, at which not a single jew has ever sold it, by golly, by golly. “
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however, lively, do you think, we’ll tell you by the evening, but i think it will still be there during the day, look, it’s already close, soon the entire polish south-west became the prey of fear, rumors spread everywhere, the cossacks, the cossacks are coming, everything that could to be saved, saved, everything rose and ran away, according to the custom of this discordant, careless century! trim your horse!
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you've already eaten them, what do you say?
10:26 pm
you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, cognac! baral is a product of steller group.
10:27 pm
titanic luxury collection snop product of stellar group. bourbon starsman is a product of the stellar group, with the help of songs dedicated to the beloved women and we can declare our love to male names.
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we are given the names of our parents, i was named after my grandmother named zhanna. dawaj szybciej, przygotujcie muszkiety,
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odpalić ląd, do kamieni, dostrzeć,cy do kamieni.
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and i command a retreat, we are wasting
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cossack strength in vain. go away, boys, go away! it’s okay, gentlemen, brothers, we’ll retreat, but even if i’m an infidel and not a christian, if we let them out, at least one of them, from the city, let them all. the dogs will die of hunger, we will lay siege around the city and not a single one will come out to sit down.
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chodź, help me się rozebrać, help me undress and you are free.
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you saw me, yes.
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leave. tell me who you are, it seems to me, i saw you before, yes, in kiev, in kiev, you are a tatar, a servant, like your daughter, well, tell me, what was her name again, is she
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here in the city, in the city? why is she in the city? because the old gentleman himself is in the city, he sits here, the governor and in dubna, and what is she, married? well, tell me, the next day i didn’t eat anything, like no one has bread, everyone eats earth. said: go, tell the knight, if he remembers me, to come to me, and if he doesn’t remember, to give bread for my mother, he also has a mother, let him give bread for her sake, my mother was killed by the poles,
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well, how are you here? how did you get here? a sneaky move? is there really a dark passage? eat. come with me. but for god's sake don't sit here by the cart, everyone is asleep, no one
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will see me now now. hold the damned lyakh's horse, catch him , let's go, yes. andrey, the woman is with you, oh, i’ll rip you off, standing up, it won’t bring you any good, the woman
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won’t bring you any good, let’s go, faster, faster! come after me.
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hunger, everything was eaten, horses, dogs, cats, you can’t even find a mouse anywhere. what do you think defend the city? yes, maybe the governor would have surrendered, but yesterday morning we learned that a colonel from warsaw was coming to us with help.
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god can thank you, not me, his woman. enough,
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no more, you haven’t eaten for so long that bread will be poison for you, queen. what do you want, what do you need? order me, give me a service, the most impossible thing in the world, i will run to fulfill it, order me to do something that a person cannot do, i will do it, but why is it so sad, and why are you so sad?
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which one does not die the last in poverty kingdom, and so that i have the opportunity to see love as i did not imagine myself, forgive my sins, mother of god, you will not die, you will not die, it is not for you to die, i swear on my birth, you will not die, and if it turns out that no strength , no prayer will be able to avoid death, we will die together.
10:47 pm
but what is my father, comrades, homeland to me, and if so i have no one, no one, no one who said that ukraine is my homeland, who gave it to me as a fatherland, the homeland is what our soul is looking for? what is dearer to her in the whole world, here is my treasure, you are my treasure, i will carry this treasure deep in my heart, as long as my life lasts, i will carry it, and let one of
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the cossacks snatch it from me from there. i will give everything for such a fatherland, i will sell it, i will destroy it, thank god!
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i didn’t see andrey, no, maybe they took him in full, andrey is not one of those, but you can’t see him between the beaten ones, look, that’s it, lord, brother! happened that night, the entire pereyaslovsky kuren was dead drunk, so there was nothing to be surprised that half of it was cut and half bandaged, that’s what an insult the enemy gave us, wait, dad, you’re not quite rightly attacking everything the christian army, the cossacks, would be guilty and worthy of death if they got drunk on a campaign,
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in war or during hard work. and we sat idle, looming in the empty space in front of the city, there was no fasting, no other christian abstinence, so how can it happen that a person does not get drunk on idleness, but a good word - said the elder bulbenka, and there is no sin here, but we let 's show you what it is better? to attack innocent people, before they were beaten by good people, but now we will beat them so much that they will take away the stains, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means nothing not to think when you are calm and completely...
10:51 pm
turned off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anexc. veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu reorts, we are here for you. rom castro is a product of the steller group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum.
10:52 pm
exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome! into a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. how many films have you starred in? 67. 67 roles. and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress. intimate talk. my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such. i didn't feel like i was lying down. being fifteen years old, and there i repeat my role as dunyet, and then i will have this, this, this. family conversation. i was just surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course,
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yes, such a subtle moment, katerina shpitsa, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i was not a failure myself . and i’m also deciding something. grigory vernik. at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but that i would do business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. two vernik-2, today on rtr. pan colonel, pan colonel, pan colonel. i was in the city. and what enemy brought you there? when i heard the noise and the cossacks began to shoot, i ran to the city gates, when the polish army entered the city, in front of the detachment was pan harunji golindovich, he
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owed me 100 chervonets since the third year, i followed him to settle the debt, entered the city, and how come you entered the city, and you wanted to straighten out the debt, and he didn’t believe you. “i saw mr. andriy, you saw, andriy,
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but what about you, where did you see him, in the basement, in a hole, dishonored, tied up, no, who would dare...” tie up mr. andrey, such an important and knight, dalebuk i didn't recognize him, he had a shoulder pad gold, on the sleeve in gold, the hat in gold and in general everywhere there is gold along the gold belt, everything is in gold, and the governor gave him a horse, two hundred ducats, there is one horse, that’s why he put on someone else’s clothes, he went where he went,
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he went over to their side, he is now completely theirs, you’re lying, pig’s ear, how can i lie, don’t i know that... and as i walked, i asked the tatar maid: there will be
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a wedding now, as soon as they drive away cossacks, pan andrei promised to drive out the cossacks, why didn’t you kill him right there in the place of tert’s son, so why kill him, in what is the man’s fault, well, he’s better off there, that’s where he moved, you, you saw him in the very face, and god, in the very face, he came up, tell your father, tell your brother, tell the cossacks, tell the cossacks, tell everyone that now, father, not my father, brother, not brother, comrade, not comrade, and that i will beat everyone. i’ll fight with everyone, but get away from here, otherwise i’ll kill you,
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damn you!
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“i haven’t gotten off my horse for five days, what happened, the tatars burned my mother, cut everyone, drove them into captivity, i was the only one who escaped,
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our gate. maybe we’ll see you or not. forgive me, brother. god will forgive. and another time. god will forgive. and forgive me for the third time. oh, sorry, let's go, they're leaving.
11:01 pm
the second half remained in place, gentlemen, this is our only hope, tomorrow we will defeat them and hang them, so the gentlemen are dead, the mazovian pivot. pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, i am treating you, gentlemen brothers, not in honor of the fact that you made me your chieftain, not in honor of farewell to our comrades, not like this,
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now we have a minute, before us are deeds of great sweat and great cossack valor, so, you , comrades, will trample everything for the holy, the orthodox faith, so that the time will finally come, so that it will spread throughout the whole world, and there will be one saint everywhere.
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now the last sip, comrades, for all the christians who live in the world, for christians, i really think about it. the cossacks, like eagles, looked at their fate, not blackening in the distance, there will be, the whole field will be covered with their white bones, generously washed with their cossack blood, but not a single magnanimous deed will perish, and
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the cossack glory will not be lost, the bandura player will sing things in spirit and he will say about their thick, powerful word is everything... what is born later will be remember them, for the mighty word spreads far, like a humming bell of brass, in which the master cast a lot of expensive, pure silver, so that the red ringing could be heard throughout the cities and everywhere, calling everyone to holy prayer, shuffle!
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haida, catch the carts, don’t let them, don’t let them line up in ranks, lock them all up smoking, pierdolowy.
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“i killed their poles, but i’ve never seen such a weapon, you stinking dog.”
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our victory, dad, but no, it’s not quite a victory yet.
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11:10 pm
well, what are we going to do now, son, your poles helped you, so sell, sell your faith. sell your own, stop, cut them off your horse,
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stop and don’t move. i gave birth to you, and i will kill you.
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and black-browed, with a face like a fool, and a hand strong in battle, he disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog, trouble, taman,
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the cossacks are looking for you, the stronger poles came to them. fresh strength, but they don’t want to die, the cossacks, without looking into your eyes, want you to look at them before the death of the prime minister, so stop, alexander pankratov black, i won’t miss next time, alexander rubok, comradely, the handcuffs are off.
11:14 pm
the angels of the paradise, from monday on rtr, they say that you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where... the sun and the sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, cognac, monte shococa, a product of the stellar group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time. off the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. titanic luxury collection snop product
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of stellar group. it’s not a pity to part with the world, god grant everyone such a death, may the russian land be glorified until the end of the century,
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eh? and the young soul flew out, the angels lifted her by the arms and carried her to heaven, it will be good for him there, sit stepan, at my right hand, christ will tell him, you have not betrayed your partnership, you have not done a dishonorable deed, you have preserved my church, cholera, well, pony ! is there still a couple, is there still a cage? cossack strength, aren’t the cossacks still bending, there is still gunpowder in the flasks,
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the cossack strength has not yet weakened, the cossacks are not yet bending, one of the most valiant cossacks, well-bred, he made a lot of campaigns, the most conventional campaign was the one to the anatalian shores, they gained a lot.
11:19 pm
farewell, pairs, brothers, comrades, so let
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the orthodox russian land stand forever, let it have eternal honor! the cossacks are fighting, but the zadorozhny has already been killed, and the koshevoy nalivaika is killed, and pisarenko is killed, and another pisarenko, a third pisarenko is also killed, but the cossacks are fighting with all their strength, and... i thank god that i had the opportunity to die in front of your comrade’s eyes, may
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they live after us better than us, the beautiful russian land forever loved by christ. well, gentlemen, is there still gunpowder in the flasks, are the drops still standing, is the cossack strength not tired, are the cossacks bending, the swords are still clenched, the cossacks are not bending yet.
11:22 pm
stop, give in,
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11:24 pm
the canoes were launched into the water, and soon asia minor will see them with shaved heads and long forelocks, will see the foreheads of its mohammedan inhabitants scattered, like hers. to the countless flowers of the tangled fields. she will see a lot of zaporozhye trousers stained with tar, muscular arms with black whips, and they will swim back merrily, a turkish ship will chase after them and with a salvo from all guns, they will disperse like... birds, their canoes are confused,
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a third of them will drown in the depths of the sea, but the rest will gather again, and will arrive by the bush of the dnieper with twelve barrels filled with tsykhin, my son, and what is there? my arter didn’t get around to arriving.
11:26 pm
listen, yangel, i saved your life, and now it’s your turn, do me a favor, if so. favor, what can you do, what can you not do, don’t say anything, but take me to warsaw, warsaw, like warsaw? take me to warsaw, no matter what happens, i have to see him again, tell him at least one word, who should i say the word to? astap, my tire, doesn’t the master know that he already knows that they give 200 chervony for my head, i’ll give you 5.00 huh?
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now 2.0, the rest are just getting better. i think that the man from whom the master took such good ducats did not live even an hour. i wouldn't ask you. i would find my way myself warsaw, but i’m not much of an invention.
11:28 pm
seize the jew, tie up the jew, take all the money from the jew, put him in prison, the jew, because everything bad that is, it all falls on the jew, because everyone mistakes the jew for a dog, because they think he’s not a man, he’s sick, so take him me,
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such a bad people that they should not give a damn about their heads, so mordechai will say, mordechai did something that no other person in the world has ever done, but god did not want it to be so, tomorrow they will all be executed.


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