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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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they are such bad people that they should n’t give a damn, so mordechai will say, mordechai did something that no other person in the world has ever done, but god didn’t want it to be like that, tomorrow they will all be executed.
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sunday, how good it is that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew what your father had. a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr, rest is leaving yourself alone, rest -
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it's not thinking about anything when you're calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. bourbon steersman. product of steller group.
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stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards. we are here for you. rom kastro is a product of stellar group.
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this is an executioner, he knows his job well, when he starts breaking bones, the damned cossack will still be alive. when his head is cut off, then he will no longer be able to drink, or eat, or even sing, because dear lady is in him, he will no longer have a head. god grant that all the heretics who are not standing here do not hear the wicked how
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a christian suffers, so that not one of us utters a word. good woman!
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dobre synku, dobre.
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dad, where are you, can you hear, i hear, son, do i hear?
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here are the verses of the poles, a memorial. na górę, na prawo, dalej,
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i apologize, because panenka is dead, the lady died, and the child, and the child, the child, the child is alive, lad, boy.
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oh, there are a lot of them, run calmly on your horses let's fight our way in one fist!
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fire, fire!
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ściśnij go mocniej łańcuchem, odpalaj, odpalaj, podrzygaj.
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where, step under the mountain path, what to the left jump into the water, otherwise you will disappear for nothing, thank you patka, perdolny koporyn, shut up your hammer,
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come here again and have a good walk, what the eyes took, wait, the time will come, there will be time, you will find out , what is the orthodox russian faith? even now , peoples far and near can sense it rising from the russian soil. "your king, and there will be no power in the world that would not submit to him, but is it
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there will be such torments, such fires and such strength in the world that would overpower the russian force. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forget about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making your dreams come true.
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hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort with ours. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. hello, ivan kudryavtsev is with you, we are in the very heart of the capital on pushkin square, the opening ceremony, forty- six. moscow international film festival, this year it takes place simultaneously with the brix countries festival, and a total of 260 films from almost six dozen
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countries will be shown. navigating this diversity is not an easy task, but for those who try, one can only envy. we welcome guests on the red carpet. actor and producer evgeny mironov and his son pyotr are with us on the red carpet. evgeny vitalievich, what are your expectations from the festival? surprise, i really want some shocks, it’s so great that we have an international festival in the country, and despite all the difficulties, colleagues came to us, as far as i know, very much...
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thank you, evgeniy vitalevich, minister of culture of the russian federation olga lyubimova at the opening ceremony of the moscow international film festival. olga borisovna, every festival is a milestone, a milestone in the life of russian cinema, world cinema, what new beginning does this moscow international film festival symbolize?
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we are waiting, despite the fact that the moscow weather is hundreds of foreign guests, and of course we are special for them this year, of course, we will still warm everyone up, with hospitality and love, and a business program, and our debutants, amazing and opening and closing ceremonies, legendary , beloved ones, we value them very, very much. of course, we'll keep our fingers crossed until meeting, thank you, olga lyubimova, minister of culture, film and television producer, and chairman of the jury of the russian premieres competition
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alexander zavinovich akopov with us on the red corrugated carpet. what competition are you looking forward to? i’m looking forward to a very good competition, everyone knows that now our russian cinema is on the rise, well, this of course concerns primarily spectator cinema, but in order for spectator cinema to develop, all cinema must develop, both experimental and so-called arthouse cinema, fortunately the rise of all branches of our cinema, so i'm sure the competition will be interesting. and competitive, yes, well, is the moscow film festival the right place to hunt for talent, it’s time for you as a producer to hunt, the moscow film festival is certainly a grandiose, big event, so of course, this is a special place where we are waiting for new discoveries, then good luck to you, alexander zavenovich. actress ekaterina
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klimova is with us at the opening ceremony of the festival, congratulations on the start of the festival, i am very worried about you, the question will be short, today, when cinema is available, well, one click away from your smartphone, any movie in the world, what do you see as the main reason to get off the couch and come to the moscow international film festival, well, for people who love kina, it won’t be difficult, we show our example...
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and i think , in every person there is this child who does not understand the meaning and who cannot understand what destruction is, what evil is, so i think this movie is important, and i’m glad that we are showing it at the moscow film festival, good luck to you thoughtful audience at the premiere, thank you,
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guests and participants of the festival are already seated in the hall, and for you, dear spectators, the best seats and the most favorable angles are reserved there. we are leaving for the ceremony. ladies and gentlemen, minister of culture of the russian federation, olga borisovna lyubimova. dear friends, hello to the participants, organizers and guests of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. dear friends, i welcome you to the forty-sixth moscow international film festival, one of the oldest in the world. your forum by right is considered big, truly festive.
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actors, screenwriters and artists have an excellent opportunity to present their first creative works to an authoritative jury. i am sure that thanks to the rich competition program, the legendary traditions of hospitality and kindness, the festival will be held in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, will help strengthen professional, business, and personal contacts and popularize modern achievements of cinema. president of russian federation. friends, before you say a few words of your own, to greet you and rejoice together at our forty-sixth meeting in moscow, i
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will ask you all to rise up to remember that just recently a monstrous tragedy occurred in crocus, people died, yes... let's remember them all, thank you very much, and now a few words, allow me on my own behalf, welcome to moscow, our dear friends, our hundred wonderful filmmakers who came here for the 406th moscow international film festival. we have almost 250 amazing films
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from more than 50 countries in our program, and we are very proud of this glad. it’s a pity that moscow is greeting you with such harsh weather today, but we promise to warm you up with ours in the coming days. it is very dear to us that you have come, it is very dear to us that you will work together on our business platforms, we will together enjoy a wonderful, very strong, very vibrant program of very diverse national cinema from various parts of our planet. it is very important to us that you entrusted us with your work, which is important to you. share your most important brainchild, a new painting. we are glad to see you and are happy that today we have opportunity to welcome everyone together, i wish you all fruitful work, new meetings and new projects. thank you
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very much. we thank olga borisovna. dear friends. loved ones and strangers, compatriots, people of all countries and continents. in a few minutes, a mighty spaceship will take me to the distant expanses of the universe. it is hardly worth talking about the feelings that i experienced when i
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was offered to make this first flight in history. joy? no, it was not only joy and pride. no, it was not only pride. i felt great happiness. to be the first in space, to enter one-on-one into an unprecedented duel with nature, is it possible to dream of more? yuri gagarin, man of peace.
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in the year of space exploration. in 1961 , the rossiya cinema was opened specifically for the moscow film festival. yuri gagarin became the festival's guest of honor. and from that moment on, the dream of space settled in the hearts of filmmakers. like the first soviet cosmonaut, our filmmakers were the first to make this dream come true.
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good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen, yuri gagarin, the first man in space, this year he would have turned 90 years old, we celebrate the day on april 12th. astronautics in honor of the first space flight. gakarin has become for us a symbol of courage and striving for new heights. in this anniversary year, we pay tribute to this great man who opened the way to space for us. and we remember this right here, in this very hall, on this very stage, where he once stood as an honored guest of the moscow international festival in 1961. space, limitless
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a mysterious universe, anticipation of the new and unknown, the magic of cinema takes us into a parallel parallel universe. cinema is a boundless space of acting emotions, an expression of the thoughts of directors and screenwriters, this fantastic experience will never cease to amaze and inspire us, such... people's artist of the russian federation, sergei bezrukov. thanks for the introduction. and i present the prizes of the forty-sixth moscow
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international film festival. silver saint george. for the best film of the competition short films. silver, saint george. for the best film of the documentary film competition. silver, saint george. for the best film of the russian premieres competition. prize for contribution to cinema golden saint george. main competition prizes. silver saint george. for the best performance of a female role. silver saint george. for the best performance of a male role. special jury prize. silver
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saint george for the best director's work. golden saint george. for the best film. special prize for conquering peaks acting skills and loyalty to the principles of the stanislavsky school. i believe. konstantin stanislavsky. so, the festival prizes, golden and silver st. george, were made by the jewelry company mercuri. this year , russia, moscow is hosting the brix countries film festival as part of the miff. and i would like to invite maria vladimirovna zakharova, director of the information and press department and official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, to the stage. good evening, i remember how
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the first festival took place in moscow, also on the sidelines of the moscow film festival, the first festival, brix film festival. it was the twentieth year, 2020. okay, i’ll take you back to that atmosphere. nobody knew whether it would take place or not, because a pandemic was raging outside. the world didn't know if it would be the same. tried with all his might to preserve the best and imagine what humanity would be like in a year, in two, in three, then he said,
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we all said then that we should literally wait a little, and we will definitely follow the road of cooperation into the future. and look, then we overcame this, and i must say, in general, with the whole world, who thought then that literally a couple
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of years would pass, instead of the world uniting, they would begin to tear it to pieces, again we would hear: words of aggression, some kind of mutual disrespect, again we would need it, as if we had not gone through anything in the twentieth, talk about such understandable, banal things: peace, friendship, cooperation, we have gone through different things during this time, they tried to cancel us, they will try to quarrel us, and such events. like today’s, are designed to show that there are true values ​​that need to be fought for, and that’s exactly what wrote sergei viktorovich lavrov, minister of foreign affairs in his message to the film festival. i greet the organizers, participants and guests of the
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brics film festival. the films reflect the entire palette of civilizations and societies represented in the unification, the diversity corresponds to the spirit of brix from. equal participating states strive for a joint search for effective solutions in open multilateral structures dealing with pressing problems of our time and national development. your film festival is a wonderful illustration of constructive dialogue and mutual enrichment of cultures. the significance of such an undertaking in the current conditions is difficult to overestimate. i am sure that success will contribute to him and he will become. a bright event in the life of our capital, and will also reveal in a new way the humanitarian component of the program of the russian brix chairmanship, i wish you successful collaboration, bright, unforgettable impressions, all the best, sergey lavrov, moscow, april 19, twenty-four, thank you, yes
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egorova, i'm painting my nails, i'm right, it's a premiere, it's getting old, yes, but you're like a cucumber to us, you know, i would marry you, but you’re with us, hello, hello, what’s next, mikhail andreevich, holy is the buyer, angels of the region from monday on rtr.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts. we are here for you.
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how many films have you starred in? 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress. intimate talk. my breakthrough into the profession happened. without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying, being fifteen years old, and there i repeat my role of juliet, and then i will have this, this, this, family conversation, i was just surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course, yes, such a subtle moment , katerina spitz, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling... that after all, i myself am not a failure and i am also deciding something. grigory vernik. i realized that i
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won’t prove anything to anyone, but i will get on with my business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. today on rtr. it is important to note that the brix film festival originated in russia. film festivals make a valuable contribution to cultural cooperation.
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the best thing is that we got acquainted not only with the competition program of the valax film festival, but also with the sound of national instruments. thanks a lot. we present the members of the jury of the kinofex competition program.
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united arab emirates, alexey pimanov, director, producer, journalist, chairman of the jury, russia. and now i want to briefly introduce you to the program of this festival. this year at the festival there are more than twenty non-competitive programs, about ten retrospective programs collected from all over the world for any age audience for any viewing taste. it will be shown during the festival. more than 280 films from 56 countries. the film festival will be held at many venues and cinemas in moscow. our beloved city will live in celebration of cinema. and on this stage i want to invite the head of the moscow department of culture, fursin, alexey anatolyevich. ask. good evening. i would like to congratulate
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festival organizers. one of the truly oldest among film forums with a glorious interesting history, which continues to live and continues to develop, we would also like the city of moscow to become a platform for cinema, we are creating special infrastructure, pavilions, a film park, and this project... is of great importance to us , he - the mayor of moscow directly believes in him, and sergei semenovich sobyanin, i would like to read out his greetings to all participants of the festival. congratulations on the opening of the forty -sixth moscow international film festival, one of the world's oldest film festivals, is the hallmark
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of cultural moscow. a holiday of cinema for several generations of muscovites. the forum maintains a high artistic standard, presents bright premieres and lights up new stars. today , art that unites forces is especially in demand. we are sincerely glad to meet again with filmmakers from different countries and continents, who, along with their talented works, brought their love for russia and ours. a week of memorable film screenings and interesting discoveries awaits us. limitless creative communication. i am convinced that the forty-sixth moscow international film festival will become a cultural event on a global scale, will expand the horizons of cooperation between art masters and will leave an unforgettable impression on the audience. i wish you, dear friends, goodness, success, and,
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of course, inspiration. and of course, a good movie. mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin. thank you, alexey antolevich and sergey semyonovich. well, we move on to the competitive programs of the forty -sixth moscow international film festival. these are four programs. so, short film competition. the program presents. attention to the screen.
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裡面還活著上一個人, 媽! dani es que tienes 12 años y hasta legaña, tienes regañas que sí, tienes 12 años.
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we are not doctors, we help people in a different way, a clown needs 30 seconds to establish contact with a patient, from 14 countries, let's see who is on the jury of the short film program,
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max weiberg, us director, maria andreeva - russian actress. "she is a dombe herself, where is my home? at that moment i had a feeling as if i was not in dead end, i felt as if i
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was in a grave, i didn’t see a way out at all.” i never thought that writing my own songs and performing with them would be a routine, in general we all probably experienced burnout, left , it doesn’t matter, i seemed to be happier, or before this, really, wherever you want, in yekaterinburg it’s a city day or a music night, where we can never get to, so we can perform at the ikb.
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the documentary competition includes eight films from eight countries. the winners among documentary filmmakers will be chosen by a jury in the next composition.
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kan aytykin tour director south africa. well now, dear friends, i am pleased to present to you the third competition program, russian premieres, well, let’s get acquainted, evgeny telegin, that’s why a woman cannot be a genius, the moon paints white on me. i
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didn’t tell the truth, evan, i didn’t tell the truth, i didn’t tell the truth, i invite you to dance, if you’re afraid, then tell me, but i’m not afraid, so...
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this program includes seven films, and i would like to separately note that two of they were created in co-production, now let's let's see who will evaluate these films.
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andrey zaitsev, director, screenwriter, producer russia, tatyana lyutaeva, actress, director, screenwriter russia, alexander akopov, producer, chairman of the jury russia.
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i would never arrest anyone, true, with moldova, please کن ها چی میگی ها شتى zeigen sie mir einfach die suche, wo
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steht, dass man keine bombe legen darf. barmherzigkeit ist ein anderes wort für liebe. gott ist liebe. in deutschland haben sie die liebe verboten. welches gebot habe ich verletzt? das gebot, du sollst dich toten? außer, der prophet, sind sie kein moslem, genauso wenig irgendjemand der anderen gewalt antut. belki de olmasaydı daha iyi. ne olmasaymış daha ya doğmasaydın yaşamasaydın evet.
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get out of here, i beg you, get out of here, i beg you, get out of here, get out of here, get out, get out of here, get out, get out, tienen a pedro, de seguro lucio ya debe estar muerto. "achter gunder, was will sie denn, hat sie irgendjemand das foto gegeben oder hat siemand hergeschickt, die russen haben mich
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ja verhört, nicht hast doch gar kein schadengefühl, na ja, wie das so ist mit dem schadengefühl." this year’s main competition included 10 films from 13 countries, taking into account joint production, countries hugging together create a movie, which once again speaks of that cinema is the most unifying art. let's see who was on the jury of the main competition.
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nyan and i’m just not happy, i’m completely satisfied with anna, she’s beautiful, smart, modest . to your office and
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raped, i forgive you for slander, let's part on good terms, scum! for every crime there is a punishment. my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap varantsov’s child and demand a ransom, this is vorontsov’s eldest son, there is a lot of hassle with petty things, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped, they brought me here, premiere on saturday on rtr , alinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth excellence, making dreams come true.
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hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection bodroom. relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment,
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welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection invigorating. with the help of songs dedicated to our favorite female and male names, we can confess our love. we are given the names of our parents, i was named after my grandmother.
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i was looking behind the scenes now, and i i wanted to tell you, my good , my ironic, my tired. and all the same, my dears, have fun, rejoice, we have reached the 46th, the independent and most non-colonial festival in europe, the forty-sixth moscow one. dear, how right it is that he hosts the festival, what a wonderful artist
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, a wonderful person, i want olga borisovna to already name both the number of films and the number of programs, and you already know all this, you’ve seen our programs, there are 18 of them in general, different programs, very different, but i... especially from the urals, but nevertheless,
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these are wonderful people who want to be a united country and take part in the common cause of the country, this is andrei moiseevich simonovsky, please get up, dear, show yourself, andrei moiseevich, here he is, show yourself to the people. and this is igorevich altushkin, who is not here, who does not want to appear anywhere, but i will still tell him about him, because these are two people who want to be close to the moscow festival, although they live in yekaterinburg. thank you, i think that... this is the great courage of all those who came to us, brought their paintings,
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or became a member of the jury, i am convinced that these are the same people, firstly, for whom art is more important than everything else, and secondly, because they understand that we are right, watching a movie, judging a movie is hellish work, i don’t i know which jury member will be luckier. well, i
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liked the russian program. and this is very important, it is really important that people who live in our country went to watch their movies in order to recognize themselves in it and to love themselves.
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the respected chairman of the jury began to speak his speech, i was afraid that he would leave the stage, because it upset him that our penalty was taken, but he stayed, and now you have to, my dear friend, endure, how many paintings do we have in the competition, nine, eight, how many? now dear chairman was making his speech, after the penalty you would leave the stage because you might have been upset, but now you're going to have to watch nine films eight films, seven penalty, but one goal will be definitely stroke. yeah, but hope we have a great festival, so this is
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easy job, sometimes you are in a jury then you have to watch 50 films. task, sometimes they force you to look at 50 films, but here i am sure that we will cope, now we have to, now we have to open.
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at the film festival for conquering the heights of acting and loyalty to the principles of the stanislavsky school, i believe, konstantin stanislavsky, attention to the screen.
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no, thank god, my older sister and her husband gave me shelter, a room in a workers’ dormitory, 16 m for the whole orava, my place was right under the bed, nothing, we survived, then the war, all the men went to the front, the rest went to mobile hospitals, the defense industry to recreate factories, and i study, my mother brought me cords to school, i got up, looked at my feet, my ice melted deeper, but... there was nothing, well, we survived, survived, then victory, yes, well , at what cost, all the grandfathers, brothers, everyone died,
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so in the whole country, in every family, sergei pavlovich, yes, we went through this, we went through so much, not in order to be scared now in an emergency situation, but i will threaten others in this hatch i will come out, actor, director, producer . usually colleagues say such words only to coffin, you are a great russian artist, my dear zhenya! thank you, thank you for! this chance, i
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will try to use it again, in fact, you know, i was sitting here, thinking, this - the famous belief consists of very small faiths, once your parents’ faith in you, that you can, faith in yourself, that i i can, the faith of the teacher. in you, that you can, zhenka, said our teacher oleg pavlovich tabakov with seryozha, who in turn was, he had a teacher vasily osipovich taparkov, a wonderful artist and teacher, and he had teacher konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky, so everything is correct.
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meronov, a truly great russian artist, and i leave you alone with another great one, goodbye, thank you, thank you, sergeevich, the festival is open, the first award has been presented.
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well, how did you rest today, alzya ivanovna, that’s enough, your face expresses anxiety, on monday, i’m leaving you, where do you dare ask? to the counselors' carriage courses, you won't be able to pass them, dear, please don't worry about me. i shouldn’t die in servants, it’s delicious, i see you simply didn’t sleep well today is elsa ivanovna, what’s wrong? knee pain again? yes, knee pain? yes. i thought a lot
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about your suffering, elsa ivanovna. and you know what i came to. for what? to the idea that you can. you see, every person is given the gift of pain in the knees, old age is about five portions of illness, and you just need to rejoice when you are not sick in any way, this is the worst thing, elsa ivanovna, i still don’t. to come, who sent this? one polish colleague, a first-rate chemist, but
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he doesn’t know a thing about soldiers, i’m a chemist, maybe worse, but i know a lot about soldiers, a person owes something in life... not a person, passion moves the world, dear elsa ivanovna, she does not throw out the kingdom, she forces a man to tear his clothes to cling to a woman. i beg your pardon, excuse me, to whom? to you, i’m tasya, i’ll live here, mom said that you should prepare me for
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university, mom said that you’re still not married, is that true? good morning, listen, dad, this is also a good room, if you scrape it, clean it, throw out all this trash, it’s not trash, it’s my things parents, my childhood. so you live here all your life? yes, first as high school students, then as a student, then as an associate professor, then as a professor, first with my parents, when they were gone, alone,
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in all three rooms, no, i only occupy those two, not everything is very organized in them either. however, this is a nest, warmed by the fact that a person eats, sleeps, sighs in it, strives to understand the essence of phenomena, and sometimes even grasps this essence, how funny you say, what is this, and is this a curtain? fabulous material, can i make something for myself from it? can i have some more i’ll even send one to my mother. how is it with her husband?
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who? your mother's? it's normal, really, she pleases him a lot, and that never ends well. how wise, i just know. life, uh-huh, congratulations to you, few can boast of this, tell me, how did you meet your mother, 12 years before the war. i was already a scientist, and she was an ordinary student. i was damn smart, but she was ordinary. i read books with delight or contempt.
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mom left with you to visit her mother , she didn’t come here and didn’t bring you, you're both crazy, you and mom would live together and you and i would get together, separate, why? she wrote to you, just once, she wrote that she met a person. fell in love with him and sees him as a life partner, the coffin asks him to send
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a divorce, forget about her, forgive, forget, and you forgave, forgave, dad, get on the card, dad, please,
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what's wrong with you? what do you think about all the time? you can’t think like that, it causes wrinkles. thank you to everyone, dear friends, who came today to our modest holiday, i say ours, because the round numbers are my age fortunately, they are so easily divided into... the second half of 25 years has passed, i would say,
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has passed before your eyes in our common efforts, successes and failures, worries and joys. the speakers who spoke here before me were unanimous that i dedicated my life to science, this is correct, but did i do the right thing by devoting my life to science, that is the question, especially important for the anniversary, you and i know for sure, and this is the only , what we know for sure is that a scientist, like an artist, should be somewhat touched, or something, he, like an artist, he must tear apart logic, tear it apart, following the simple truth that two and two equals four, only for students, so i didn’t dare to do this, or
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i couldn’t, i wasn’t enough. smart, in order to truly become a man of science, in science there are those who break through the walls, and those who then clean up the fragments for 100 years, so i cleaned up some of these, therefore, can i be called a scientist, dear friends who honored ours? you yourself are from leningrad, why do you need it? no, from moscow, from odessa, from wrangel island.
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where is tasya, isn’t she with you, i was looking for her a whole hour at the institute, she’s nowhere to be found, she’ll come , she won’t go anywhere, some gentleman has been found, what a gentleman, i’m worried, i don’t know where my daughter is, and you’re promoting nonsense, thank you. i’m waiting for you, although my working day was over, at 7:00, at 3:00 i was preparing a festive dinner for you. which gentleman? what other kind of gentleman to the devil?
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finally, where have you disappeared to? and what? like what? first hour of the night, where were you? well, why are you shouting? i was just walking. who were you hanging out with?
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with one world citizen. tasya, all shaggy, that's all. or everything yourself, listen, but they don’t like you, who at your institute say that you are a cracker, taisya, what i say is tactless, maybe rude, but understand, you are already an adult girl, you must be careful, well, how can i explain this to you, you see is there supposed to be an adult girl, my dear, yes, i know everything about an adult girl, and in general i know everything, but don’t worry, i’m not giving a damn, okay, i ’ll kiss you, i congratulate you, peace,
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delivery continues on train number 32. leningrad: the policy is on the fifth track, i repeat, boarding continues on... on the train number 32 leningrad, oh, the train is on the fifth track, dad, why are you so sad, well , i cut myself off, well, i’ll come next year, dad, yes, of course, of course, but you know, i’m so used to you, now the house will be empty, deserted, i'm also used to you. well, it’s okay, let’s grieve and calm down, yes, listen, wait a minute, i’m fine now, just don’t go anywhere, okay,
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private room, there is a mother and child room, waiting room, to the right, second floor, i repeat, there is someone.
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premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov, black, i won’t miss it next time, alexander robok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort to apartment no. 20, clearly, anna mikhalkova has assigned one to the police. to the clinic, i’ll work for you all myself, he’ll kill or beat you up, maybe fyodor lavrov, well , look at how beautiful and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s what i’m not i will accept, angels of the area, from monday... on rtr.
1:22 am
treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reоrts: we are here for you! titanic deluxe golf hotel
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belek, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation, yours. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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yeah, how are you, quietest elsa ivanovna? i'm leaving on monday, where do you dare ask, a salesperson, a grocery store, you
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cannot be in sellers, precious. one writer said, don’t fool me with writers, eat faster and with bread, i’m in a hurry, yes, yes, the director is waiting for me in half an hour.
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dad, my god, tasya, my god, daddy, hello, let's go, my bird. oh, how are you
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here, sit, why, now, now i’ll bring you lunch, there’s no need, there’s no need to have anything for lunch, i had lunch on the train, here, there, my dear, oh, i left my husband, i need to feed nina and give her a bath, sit down, i'm coming now. however, what happened? well, in all these years you wrote to me no more than twice, but you managed to notify me, that everything is fine with you, i stopped loving him, so what now, i fell in love with someone else, i’m getting
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married, he’s an engineer from eagle. listen, doesn’t it occur to you that the first one is still the father of your child, of course, in general it’s not bad that love has come again, but you’re depriving your daughter of her father, daddy is golden, don’t worry, everything will be fine, he’s good a person who is kind and well-built, will soon be the head of the workshop, watch the milk, everything will be wonderful, and never tell me your... here you are right, words, like us, grow old and die, well, now listen to me, i want ninochka to stay with you, with me for a while, well, until everything gets better, but you understand, let me, let me, she’s big, it won’t be difficult for you, but
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i’m also working, who will be with her? ? elsa ivanovna. well, you’ll find a nanny, it’s not so easy, well, daddy, well, my dear, well, people still find it, well, just ask around, well , finally become a practical person, well, everything is arranged, nenok, this is your grandfather, your very dear, your kind grandfather, you will live with him for a while, okay? my god, she's crying, stop having your head in the clouds, all the children are crying, mom, okay, okay, calm down, mom!
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have the honor to speak with academician sretensky? yes, you have this honor. only i'm extremely busy. there is something to do, i can’t stand it. konstantin nikolaevich kotikov, candidate of sciences, department of biochemistry, i’m very happy, but i’m really extremely busy, colleague, it’s my granddaughter’s birthday, congratulations, i have a matter of extreme importance, i ask for 5 minutes, please.
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so, 3 years ago, leaf, one old magazine, i came across your article, which you published, barely leaving university. well, it outlined the principle of the synthesis of a new protein, it was an absolutely crazy idea at that time. you obtained protein from brain cells. further, you could become the new einstein if you had not abandoned this idea, so that you could spend your whole life doing god knows what. grandfather, you go, listen, leave us alone. now, now, of course, i would really like
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to become einstein, but keep in mind, now more books have been written on this topic than are on these shelves, and drugs that regulate brain activity have entered retail sale, who will give the toast?
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the wind blew, yes, further, the sparrows chirped, like chirped, a bunch of berries swayed, went into the plank, and the wanderer was looking for a member, i met you all, here i first met nina, well, i immediately fell in love with her, i fell in love with her at the age of 7, at 10 i already fell out of love, you couldn’t isolate this protein in a sufficiently pure form, it’s so natural ... but to hold in your hands such a means of controlling nerve cells and give it all up, i don’t understand this,
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i read everything, the diagram is impeccable, you gotta quit this nonsense you're doing all my life, it’s too late to finally start the real thing, i’m not hercules, and i know it, you are hercules. you are hercules, who kills flies because he has gotten good at it, it’s late, my friend, it’s late, where is the wife?
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what the hell, how long can you walk? the folder is old. folder, i'm now, now,
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now, what about your husband? i left him, i didn’t want to write to you, so as not to upset me, i had another person, but now we broke up. it’s wonderful that there is an old
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man in the world who will always forgive everything, but here everything is the same, even the same things, you know, this is still the house... of their ancestors, here are my roots, you can’t live without roots, they don’t really take this into account now, but that’s okay, i won’t go anywhere else, and i don’t know where ninochka is. it’s her
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birthday today, i was in such a hurry, imagine, i ran away somewhere with the whole company, and she’s still not there, i’m terribly worried. why worry? well, didn’t they all get hit by a bus or a tram at once? nenok, daughter, quite an adult, hello,
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you are so pretty, everything is about you. she is cold and rude, you raised her poorly. grandfather, will she live with us? she probably your mother, and this is a lot, then she is a person
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who is having a hard time now, this is also a lot. let him live, somewhere i think i fell in love, vadim, what are you saying, no, well, he’s verbal, but he’s still such a child, listen, do you know what he’s like? he said that we should get married, dima, well , get married, what are you saying, no, but i liked him at one time, but then it passed so quickly,
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then what happened after that, nothing, just life is very good. and life is amazing, you just have to not spoil it yourself, uh-huh, don’t spoil it, that’s the point, have fun, you can sit with you a little. good night, she doesn’t want to see me, she just wants to
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sleep, she’s very tired. “you know, today one person came to tell me that i lived my life in vain, don’t give up in despair , i won’t refuse tea, that’s great, on saturday, quietly, please, our beautiful nanny wrote a police report against you, yes, as if you wore it out."
1:45 am
a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true reality. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection baudrum. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the order is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is.
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this is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, you i was dumbfounded, maybe someone offended you, are you unhappy with something? no, you gave your life to the institute, you created a school, the whole world knows you, suddenly give up everything, forgive me, some strange boyishness, nikodim vasilyevich, listen to me carefully, this will take a little time,
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academician stretinsky is back, he is academician golovnin , i'll wait for him. listen, we know each other, i came to take exams then, and you were so shaggy, your name was samson, remember, well , remember how we walked in the white night, kissed, kissed, you know, i was carried away by you and... you know, it’s very, funny, yes, i’m an old man, and an old man has trouble sleeping when
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he doesn’t sleep well, that you think a lot, so i thought how terrible the force of habit is, like you they put you in a magnetic field and you roll, unable to get off it. “so i’ll try to do this, to get out of the magnetic field, but i’m still looking, looking for this suitable person, i’m still looking, looking for her, and you love her, who, your wife?” very, who is she, what does she do, who, your wife, she is
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a minister, let me express my opinion, how to your old friend, yeah, i’ve respected women since my youth. in a leadership position, but excuse me, it’s not the wife, why? for a woman, her personal life is too important. to waste energy on a meeting? no, you need a completely different wife, do you think so? i am convinced of this. as far as i understand, in chemistry, you are eager to calm humanity, what is this
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idea, curious, this is not funny, the point is not to calm humanity. as you deigned to note, i know as well as you that medicines cannot calm or console humanity, my idea is qualitatively different from all current ones methods of influence: i want to learn how to actively control the rest of the brain, stabilize its work, bring balance, harmony, so to speak solemnly, i want to devote the rest of my days to development.
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i am an incorrigible idealist, i believe that i will find a person who needs me, i believe, well , what is he talking about for 4 hours with a smut, pray tell, is it possible to chat for so long? samson left, yes, he was waiting for you, worried,
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then left. daddy, what's wrong with you, how are you, mommy, how are you? how lonely i am, how scared i am alone, but because i’m with you, i’m always with you, i’ll come, i’ll come myself, i don’t know how to express my thoughts colorfully, professor, but i’m happy, i’m proud that i’m entering, that i’m entering your respected family,
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illuminated by the genius of a man who... he is very shy, speak, vadik, speak, whose name i am used to honoring the student family, the bench, and who is a symbol of honesty, service as an ideal, why are you, stop mumbling, you are in your family, i am a silent person. “i don’t know how to colorfully express everything that, in general, everything that i i am now experiencing, at this hour, when, but i, in a word, i, the health of the newlyweds.
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unhappy rabbit meat, the twenty-second episode is down the drain, catastrophically bad, it’s never good for a real thinker, my dear samson, when a person’s scientific talents are all very good, he must go to his office, lock the door behind him, sit down at the desk, think if there is some kind of catch here, you will never understand when you are serious, when you make jokes, imagine, this is exactly what my wife said before we... parted forever, she she said that you can never understand when i’m joking, when i’m serious, i understood this, i became serious, i’m ready to sweat here for at least a thousand
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years, but i’m being beaten because while you and i are fighting here, rushing about, whole herds of ataras of our colleagues are squeezing books, larks are pouring in, are they just raspberries, well, well, well, i suppressed such people, you need to be more tolerant of your colleagues, my dear samson. “this is the first rule of a noble man, beat, crush, destroy these larks, you can calmly move on, they are dangerous for socialism. in the end, my wife left me and found herself another husband, it turned out that although i am a philosopher, and he is an accountant, she was happy with him, but with me she was unhappy." and this was extremely annoying to me all my life. yes, yes, oddly enough, all my life. but this is nowhere it’s not good.
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a person doesn’t need to carry grievances with him through life, just as he doesn’t need to drag with him claims to relatives, memories, dashed hopes and recipes for how to live, “i imagine how they will nail us at the academic council and how you won’t even be able to. swear, my dear, note to yourself that swearing is not the most the right path to the truth, of course, you will defend yourself instead of attacking, flaunt your politeness, and then you will renounce our cause, yes, i will, if they prove to me that i am wrong.” who will prove these half-knowledges to you, it’s wrong, these are all very knowledgeable and extremely smart people, congratulations to you, you
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are in too much of a hurry to become a copernicus, my glorious samson, this is no good, why, in fact, i want to be a copernicus and as soon as possible. of course, you will soon run away and return with the director, i am already surprised at your long-suffering, and i am at your plan i won't give up. copernicus must burn, but at the same time remember that the idea is just a child, it can come out of goeth and mediocrity can come out, or nothing can come out at all. come back, directors, go away, and i’ve been a proletarian since i was 15 years old, i won’t give up, it
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seems to me that we ourselves made a mistake in the last episode, and it seems that i understand where. where, where, grandfather, are you? it’s me, me, why don’t you sleep so late, and i fell in love, seriously, seriously, he’s
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a doctor, he knows you and says that you’re a huge scientist, that’s how, thanks to him, this amazing. the story of how we met, a lot of coincidences, well, of course, you are a materialist, you don’t believe in fate, but this is really fate, he is an adult, he is already 28 years old, and he, he wants us to get married. well, why are you silent, i think, grandfather, just don’t be sour, well, it’s still good, we will
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live. together, i can’t live without you, and we’ll leave this at home to them, to this mother, her husband, yeah, listen, grandfather, have you ever had such a thing that you fell in love so that, well, that’s it. you know, i don’t remember, kids, well, are you going to advise me or not, listen, it’s just talk that old people know the answer to everything, but i’ll tell you what i told your mother when she was the same age as you. be careful, grandfather, she
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’s not a mother, you know, be careful, i know this is stupid advice, but nothing can be done, in your circumstances it’s the only one in the world, remember that i’m giving it to you because i’ve lived a long time life and i don’t have anyone who loves you, and nothing dearer is closer, grandfather... darling, what are you, what’s wrong with you, well , everything will be fine, we will live together, and i i’ll be smart, i’ll study,
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well, why are you bothering, they’re still waiting for you , dimka, you go, and then you’ll come pick us up, you’ll come, yes, you’ll come, but you really wanted to go to pyaturgov, but now i don’t want to,
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tai gorovo , i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, it’s old, yes, but you ’re such a sweetheart here, you know, i would marry you, but you’re here, hello, hello, well...
2:05 am
wait, mikhail andreevich, flowers buyer, angels of the area from monday on rtr. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, holiday exquisite tastes, entertainment, golden
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beaches and azure waves.


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