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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 20, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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about the history of the settlement of the territory of the modern moscow region by the descendants of the vyatichi and krivichi, you can see here such a treasure of coins, unique clasps and the original seal of prince vladimir manomakh. the first seal that was found at the site of rostislavl. and the only one so far. but at the izmailov estate they will tell you more about ceramics. this is the second half of the 16th century. then only the izratsy became colored. there are also ovens here. pecs resembles some small ancient roman or. extra-greek building, columns, pediment, with some columns with women's heads, library night in the capital, 200 sites, a master class on collages of favorite fairy tales, shadow theater, poems by pushkin, and in one of the libraries you can meet its mascot, such a cute cat, our library will be accept newlyweds of the city of moscow for registration of marriages, and of course you can go for a walk, the arkhangelskaya reserve museum has reopened the collection of marble sculpture, marble, pupils, igor yaroslavtsev, timofey
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falileev, anton dubnov, veronika tarasova and maryana pepanyan, lead. the main news from moscow and the moscow region in the week in the city program, watch on our channel tomorrow at 8 am. the man literally burned out over these 2 years. raiders in a cage, how in moscow they neutralized the largest gang of apartment scammers, seals, stamps, will you issue voluntarily or voluntarily, why their dirty deed lives on, alexander karpov does not loosen his grip, why your condors continue to take away apartments now, the city is falling asleep, patricks are waking up, new season of confrontation between the sleepless, this is it’s impossible, there’s just no life, what surprises have you prepared? the atmosphere changes with
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the onset of darkness, the office is closed, the employees are dismissed, the cooperative, which burst, why hundreds of muscovites fell for the financial bait, will receive a profit of 26 million rubles in 2 years. and how did the scheme of taking money from the population work? dmitry blinnikov exposes that they later bought empty premises in cities and entire publications, only from... we have the main stories that happened nearby on sunday, at exactly 8:00 in the morning. that's our the episode is completed, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website have a nice saturday with the russia tv channel.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec. where life turns into a fairy tale. cognac monte shococa is a product of stellor group. good morning, are you looking tv channel russia. my name is.
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you lost in the finals, with dignity, with dignity, just miserably, you failed miserably, you lost to a sixteen-year-old girl, you lost all the money in the bank, and today we are starting our program with the minimum possible amount, show 20,000 rubles. nathan, this is your first time with us, yes, but with us newcomers are usually lucky, well, it’s true that we have this, not just a rule, well, almost a sign, so let’s hope you’ll help us reach at least 100,000.
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i have a hobby of reading books, watching intellectual games, yeah, and also breeding orchids, if you’re lucky, you’ll spend your winnings on new specimens for your collection of flowers, orchids, respectively, a chic, rare hobby, well, are you ready, the first question, such an easy one,
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a warm-up question, i would say, the question of our program today, that’s it attention to the screen, so that in 1655 the french physicist and mathematician bles pascal invented time in search of a perpetual motion machine. not a perpetual motion machine, not bad, there are still versions, you won’t even, you won’t deserve an answer, wait, this is being used now, this is now, by the way, used, by the way, it is related to pressure, not related to pressure, yes, well , the unit of measurement, pressure is related to some kind of device, machine, not related to the machine, in military affairs, not in military affairs, connected with time, over time, no, it’s connected with the counting, with the counting, well, with the counting too, i would say no, but with the sound, with the sound, no, it ’s not connected. it was by chance, some kind of accident, he invented this invention, well, it’s not like it was completely by chance, he was working on a perpetual motion machine, because he had something to do with mechanics some kind of mechanical yes something that is, it is an object that does something yes it can be some object for
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opening something an object for opening something for lifting well, that is, he roughly invented it, as it were, well, not a lever, of course, but something like archimedes. no, no, they don’t, just a scoreboard, yes, well
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, like an account, he invented the bank account, no, yes, a perpetual motion machine, and an iska, a perpetual motion machine, you go there all the time, and something like that. well, what can you invent in the process of a perpetual motion machine, in the process of running, horses, running horse, what is this question, he invented, maybe he invented some kind of random number sensor, or maybe in front of a random number sensor, this, by the way, oddly enough, well, that’s about the same way as a random number generator, a random number generator numbers, well, this, but this, well, these bets are made on the generator with... well, the theory of probability, but somehow connected with this, by the way, he was one of the authors of the theory of probability, this is connected with bets, by the way, yes, he is a theory, game theory, no, it’s too early, a theory games - this is john nash, yes, these are the odds, no, no, wrong, wrong, look, if it
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’s connected with the score, well, it’s clear some versions, maybe first, second, third place, these ones were invented by the pedalist , a perpetual motion machine at that. numbers or not , it’s connected with bets guys , well, roulette is connected with bets yeah roulette roulette on roulette numbers this is the theory of probability there is that he invented he invented roulette well in the casino he invented this one this is absolutely correct answer no wow no wow this is good and that’s all for you the clues are not good, show the answer on the screen, game roulette in a casino, well, this is, let’s say, one, one of the versions, uh, there is a version that roulette was invented even earlier in china, then
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there is evidence that the ancient celts took a round shield , they made notches on it, marked and spun a dagger on it, and in this way they also played roulette, but in that form... well, as i hope we all know, the laws of physics say that this is impossible, but pascal decided to challenge by this very law of physics, his attempt naturally does not was a success, but led to the birth of one of the most popular games, now he has one of the parts of this machine of his, the perpetual motion machine was just this roulette marked into 36 segments, well, i repeat once again, naturally he did not invent the engine, but here this thing began to be used for - gambling with bets connected, remember, i already said, but here you were already in step, well
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, when they showed the construction roulette, there is a magic number zero, here it is, let's break it all down, by the way, what is the sum of all numbers on the roulette, 666, 666, yes, the number of the beast, the devil's number, by the way, is also in the first chinese roulette, although there were other numbers, but their sum was also 666, just some kind of magical coincidence, or maybe not. it’s a coincidence at all, so there are three hints, let’s go over them quickly, now everything is clear, they invented it, but the first hint is the score, numbers, score, there’s also a game here, by the way, football is also that roulette, well, in a sense, so is the second a hint - these are bets, well, only here are betting bets and on the races, we have slightly different bets in our roulette, but nevertheless, the third tip, well , everything was already clear here, it itself is yes... the construction roulette should have been a little more difficult, it seems to me that we are here at least somewhere from the construction level or something to go, okay,
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bet in this round was 20 thousand rubles, you won it, your bet worked and what, show us the ruble, warmed up, played on the tank, how you entered the game, how it feels, i just understand the logic, but i hope i can help, so in the casino you understand the logic in about the same way. questions, first let's get to know the viewer, alexey korchagin is against you
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now he will play, 38 years old, city of ryazan, alexey is engaged in journalism, this is both his work and hobby, yes, he has a press card, yes, he is standing right there on the field, if he wins, he will organize a shopping trip for his daughters, yeah , well done, alexey sent us a photo, show us. that this is 274 written on the pin code, so as not to forget, yes, cvc on the reverse side, wow, there are still versions, this is a stone, this is a stone, yes, but the numbers matter, they matter, this is a wardrobe of the mesozoic era, number, dinosaur hands over, number. please, i need this skin, please, this skin, bear, bear, look, these are 274
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pebbles found by this man, and flown from space, yes, there are other versions, no, well, of course there are many others, but imagine, here i am well, continuing this story, yes, you have a call to the dinosaur, he says, dial, please tell me, three numbers on the back of the stone, yes, wait, a man just walks along the beach and numbers the pebbles, and numbers all the stones, all the stones, he says, yes, so this is a numbered stone? yes, in your opinion i am like, yes, no, look, it just matters, what is this stone made of? well, in general, in general, no, it matters, the river flows long, the volga river flows, that’s it, yes, you, nobody’s, it, it’s a river stone, it matters, how would you answer this question, it’s not a river a stone, let’s say it’s sea, and not sea, it’s, it’s artificial, something, well, it doesn’t matter in this case, here’s the volga.
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nothing is connected with the national property by the people, and there is nothing popular in zykino, it’s beautiful, but the thought goes to tanu. well done, good, look sometimes it’s a queue, it could be a queue, this is a queue, this is a queue number, but it’s like they give you a number, yes, you’re 27, you wrote it down on your hand earlier. we have to guess something about a stone or a number, the number is important, it’s just this object, the objects are a number, it’s just a specific object, the number 274, which means that it just matters, it’s a day of the year, and no, not like that, well, it’s a date, and it’s not a date, pressure, it’s not the pressure of millimeters of mercury, no, no, it
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doesn’t matter what number, yes no, well, it’s important, but because of this you have not figured it out now. there are stones with other numbers, there are stones with other numbers, well, this is for a calculator, so here’s a calculator like an abacus, and here’s a calculator, instead of dominoes there are numbered stones, this is a measuring number, a meter, well, in general, you can use it as a skager that measures the speed of light, that is, it measures some kind of speed, it’s some kind of measuring device, you can say that it’s like... strange, in general, but this is a weight, not a weight, but this measures distance, measures uh, not at a distance, it measures - speed, density, speed, rather, well, ultimately not speed, but speed is involved there, viscosity, not viscosity, wind force, it's a classic device, a pebble, no, no, a pebble hanging on
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a rope, you do you remember how, if a stone is wet, it means rain, not speed, but no, no, not that. no, not speed, it does not measure speed, it measures the force of the flow, the force of direction, show the correct answer, and this is what i said, speed is involved, mind you, yes, a stone for measuring the force of direction
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sea ​​current, how this story works, you quit, then went and looked where it was numbered, so that everyone else wouldn’t understand. these stones, yes, well, i’m telling you, look, a special stone for measuring the strength of the sea current, they place it with a number, bury it, or just throw it somewhere into a muddy or not very muddy bottom in one place, then with a metal detector, yeah, well there there is a core, they find it somewhere else , take it out, read the number and realize that this is exactly the one they threw there, and not the one they threw over there, and accordingly. a very difficult way , well, how can you measure it differently, just like this , yes, how else, yes, look at the elementary three , the question is not simple, but rexfex must be said, well , look, thanks to andrey lvovich’s hints , it was possible to solve this, look, the first one
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is, what is it from, and how right? it’s so clear what flows for a long time from the song, what flows for a long time and from afar, the second hint, a device for measuring the force of the wind, strength and speed, an animometer, it’s called correctly, oh well, it’s kind of easy for you to knew, so the third clue, well, measuring something, and where is the stone, the stumbling block, as we found out, sasha has a kidney stone, my friends, after the second round the amount in the bank has not changed, it’s still there, show 4000 rubles. the third round awaits us ahead, in this third round only one of the five of you will play, we will find out who exactly is
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very soon, don’t switch, it’s five against one, the advertising will go by quickly. nobody needs me, i’m needed, chateaus, what are you, angels of the area from monday on rt.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic luxury collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic, luxury bodrum. on sunday. they wake up with
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the guys, meet each other , and go through life together. troy from lorz has the same face. the girls are standing. here there will be a duel between the viewer and one of you, with whom exactly? i don’t know, even i myself, the tv viewer probably knows, now we ’ll get to know him and, as they say, interview him. so, in the third round nikolai filimonov, 49 years old,
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sovetsk, will play against you. nikolay, in direct contact with us by phone, nikolay, good morning, how are you? hello, not bad, hello, not bad, you have an amazing flu in the photo, is that white? brovik? it is white. wait, where did you find it, somewhere in your garden? near the house, but it grew right there, i see, no, i brought it from forests, besides picking mushrooms, what other hobbies do you have, i have a lot of hobbies, reading, music, art, well, you just wrote to me already, apparently our editors talked to you before this, roller skiing, uh, i’m already done, yes in winter, in winter, skis, in the off-season, roller skis, that’s right, roller skis, well, they’re like skis. with wheels, yes, yes, a cool thing, yes, absolutely right, i was just always, well, afraid of meeting a person on skis in the summer, very in vain, and this is you, well, what, on which of yours, well, of
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your many hobbies, will you spend win, if he smiles today, good luck to you, i would like to star in a video with alexander borisovich pushny, from whom they said that it was 20,000, 20,000 and a mushroom, and i’ll persuade him. something like this, only, only by agreement, by creative means, you can solve this, okay, nikolai, who will you play with, choose, uh, i can say that although i ’m 2 years older than this person, it’s possible to say that i grew up on his jokes and parodies, and this is any of us, this is any of us, yes, absolutely any of us, no, this is the one who is the old one in the village. lord, it’s me, in my opinion, yes, it seems it’s you, alexander borisovich fur, thank you, wonderful, thank you, nikolai, sasha, what kind of
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song is about alkhovka, i don’t know, yes, in the last century i participated in kven, and there was a parody of nasting, well, listen, it’s a very alcove, but i just didn’t catch the melody, and it wasn’t there, yes, okay, sash, you haven’t played for 100 years, 1. time i won by accident, but this time i’ll lose, we do, do you even remember that the last time you won, yes, it was even in the last century too, but a long time ago, well, i don’t know, well, probably, listen, a year, probably, but you haven’t played in this round, in the last century this is not a year, 20 years, oh well, you’re lying, you’re lying, somewhere in 2020, i don’t keep statistics, but it’s hard for me to sulk one on one, there was even remember this curse i had, we joked that you had a curse one on one, it will come back, well, we'll see, well... then you forgot, so i'll remind you, 40 seconds, 40 seconds, not a single clue, you you play alone, everyone else is silent, ready, yes, the third round question right now, attention to the screen. what
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was the uniqueness of the miss london beauty contest held in september 2023.


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