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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 20, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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it wasn’t, yes, okay, sash, you haven’t played for 100 years, i haven’t played for years, i think last time i won by accident, but this time i’ll lose, do you even remember that the last time you won, yes, this it wasn’t even in the last century either, yes, a long time ago, a long time ago, well, i don’t know, well, probably, listen, a year, probably, yes, you haven’t played in this round, in the last century it’s not a year, 20 years, okay , you’re lying, you’re lying, somewhere in 2020, i don’t keep statistics, but it’s hard for me to sulk one on one, i even remember the curse i had, which would we joke that you had a curse one? it will come back, well, we'll see, well, then you 've already forgotten, so i'll remind you, 40 seconds , no prompts, not a single hint, you play alone, everyone else is silent, ready, yes, the third round question right now, pay attention to the screen, what's was the uniqueness of the miss london beauty pageant held in september 2023, time, it was a feature in who participated there, no,
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no, it was in the form, in the form of participation, form of participation, in the form, in the form, well, it took place where - in a strange place, but no, no, no, there there was no jury, no, not like that, but that is, the prize was somehow strange, no, that’s not the point, the fact that it had nothing to do with london, yes, no, it had to do with london, well, well, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, that is , people participated, only people, yes, and women, yes, only women, no, no, no, the last second, it’s september 23, it’s important, it doesn’t matter, no, especially, he , he didn’t pass, no one came, no, no, we congratulate nikolai filimonov 200 rubles are sent to the city of sovetsk, alexander pushnoy prophesied to himself about your curse of the third round, it will return, it will return, it’s a matter of age, no, and not age, but the uniqueness was during the holding, well, yes, yes, look, a beauty contest, yes so, and look, i said , that directly, that september 2
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, by the way, a beauty contest is already being held, a competition of girls without makeup appeared in it, in which 19 british women took part, all of them, over the 95-year history of the competition, 95 years, came to the podium with a clean face in clothes boho style, made from environmental materials of their choice, the participants didn’t even use lip gloss, it’s just how their nature was, how their mother gave birth in this form, they... walked to the podium, good
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question, good question, good fact, after the third round the amount is in the bank hasn’t changed, it’s still there, show me, 40,000 rubles, so far you’ve only answered one of the three questions, the fourth round has the opportunity for the whole team to now rehabilitate themselves, so we’re ready, we’re ready, we’ll answer now, oh, you promise, 99%. okay, round four, go! in the fourth round, you play together again, the whole team, 4 minutes, three tips, 20 thousand rubles per kana, the peculiarity of the fourth rand is that the question is asked by the viewer himself. pay attention to the screen, let's get acquainted with it. ruslan fetisov, 47 years old, kaluga, is playing against you. ruslan has a hobby; he enjoys skiing.
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because there is no other logic, well, yes.
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absolutely correct answer, show it on the screen, ruslan will voice it: in sweden the tax is assigned according to the height of the dog, in norway according to the length, yes, yes, that’s right, that’s really good. the swedish dog tax system was implemented in 1928 and was designed to promote responsible dog ownership by forcing owners to pay more for larger dogs, the hope being that people would be more selective in their choice of breed and take better care of their pets . and in norway, the dog tax was based on the length of the dog from nose to tip of tail. this system was introduced in 2019, as...
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yes, in terms of height, it’s just that many people take large ones into small apartments there dogs, it’s difficult to care for them, probably because of this they then throw them out, these people don’t throw out animals because they don’t fit the height of the apartments, but simply because they are not people, that’s all, yes, it’s true, now look, now five taxpayers will guess what... you associate with taxes, come on, come on, so, this is not, this is a person who has not paid taxes peacefully, sleeps peacefully, no, no, no, but what is he does, he has a headache, sleeps, no, not a headache, even here paid taxes, you sleep peacefully, but no, well , the man did it on his forehead, what did he do, on his forehead,
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yes, no, he applied, applied, applied a compress to himself, and you paid on his forehead, a little bit on his forehead, what for... applied, where did this verb suddenly come from? you, of course, guys, right now, please, seriously, yes, the second hint, please show me, please show me the second hint, mikhail mishustin headed the tax service, exactly like that, before he became prime minister and the third hint , yes, 13%, i see, familiar, yes, yes, yes, a single, as it is called, income tax, a single income tax, yes 13%. you handled this issue easily and unobtrusively, specifically alexander pushnoy dealt with it, at the bank, show 60,000 rubles. the fifth round is ahead, the last round, in which
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you can replenish our today's jackpot by a little, a little, by 20 thousand rubles, i don't know whether you will succeed or not, we'll find out in a couple of minutes, five for one, we continue, round five, let's go. fifth round, star question round, let's let's look at the screen and choose someone who considers himself, considers himself a star, and our friend, and who sent us his question, attention to the screen, alexander marshall, well, a really bright star. russian show business, before that, by the way, american show business, okay, so ready, and before that, soviet show business, and before that soviet, yes, alexander marshall will spend the money on charity if he wins it, yeah, pay attention to the screen, under which painting pavel
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tretyakov personally erased the artist’s signature with capidar, time, we need to identify the painting or an artist, no? you can do it this way or that, but a better picture is a portrait? no, this , no, is a landscape, yes, this is a very famous picture, oh yes, an impressionist, no, it hangs in the tretyak, an expressionist, no, no, and this is an abstractionist, no, still life, no, yes, a symbolist, no , um, what? animalist, stop it, but by the way, well, this is an image of nature, by the way, i’m bathing the red one, you won’t believe it, but eugene the fish has now come close, so, well, there’s an animal there, in the picture, well, the animalist is, in general, a person, who most likely paints bears, animals,
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shishkin, and bears, bears, that’s what a painting is, bears in the forest, bears in the forest, so what? because there are bears there, one bear drew, and the forest is different, it’s not called that, but bears in the pine forest, pine forest, it’s not called that, and in general there are no bears in the name, yes, but i’m right. and the bears were painted by a separate bear-artist , yes, yes, who was erased, by the way, tretyakov, who they didn’t like more, well, yes. yes, the logic is correct, show the answer on the screen. morning in a pine forest, called
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that's right, this is a picture. i'll tell you what happened. morning in a pine forest is one of the most famous paintings in the history of russian art. its authorship is attributed to the artist ivan shishkin, although this is not entirely true. another painter, konstantin sovitsky, participated in the creation of the canvas. the fact is that shishkin specialized in landscapes, and animals were not... his profile, he could not simply draw animals, and therefore he called his colleague sovitsky to help, who was, as zhenya correctly said, an animal painter, that is a man who, one might say, specialized in the stomach. initially, he signed the painting together with shishkin; by the way, he received a fourth of its cost for his work, a quarter of the fee. however, the main customer of the painting was pavel tretyakov, founder of the tretyakov gallery. then i personally erased the name of the soviet from the canvas with turpentine, because i thought that in this
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way, some not very well-known artist would cheapen, yes, reduce the cost of this canvas, let there be just one, if i were sawisky, i would come with turpentine and erase the bears then it would be logical, the first clue, a very famous painting, you are called morning, although... by the way, this is also not quite the correct name, this is a painting by a famous ukrainian artist, an artist from kiev, it is called ranok, well, yes , but - in general, it entered into soviet folklore as the painting morning, why is it so famous, it was in the primer, in my opinion, or somewhere in some textbook, that's why - so many people associate it with this, so the second clue is the olympic bear.
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where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on
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the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinanbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sle reorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. sunday. i'm glad i have you, your husband's friend. judging by the photo, do you
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know each other? you knew that your father had a child with your girlfriend. this is what it is, that is, show this amount. 80 thousand rubles. zhenya, what are your forecasts? and you? i think you'll take it, take the final question. 80%. that's how you bet, yes, on my premonition. okay, let’s meet
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the tv viewer who sent us the final question today and who could become 80 thousand richer. played by alena pushkar, 51 years old, sidorovka village. alena's hobby involves growing flowers, picking mushrooms and fishing. he will spend the money on gifts for his loved ones. ready? yes. let me briefly remind you of the rules: each of you now plays for 15 seconds, first zhenya, then nathan, you, then andrey lvovich, zhenya again, well, not again, but another zhenya, or i can give you 15 seconds. sasha, if we get to sasha, still. none of you will give the correct answer, all together, you can discuss for another 15 seconds, ready, yes, yes, zhen, you have a special responsibility, you are the first, as usual, well, you’re already used to it, attention to the screen, the final question of our program today right now, which in 2012 was rented out by an advertising agency to twenty-seven-year-old american brandon chikotsky
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time, is this some kind of real estate, no, but is it in the air? that no, not in the air, but this is underground, no, in the water, no, indoors, no, well, although it might be there, it's something invisible, nathan, um, i have no idea, that 's not bad, that you can touch it, you can touch it, yes, yes, this, i have no idea, let's reduce the time, pass it on better to others, so that, this is an item of clothing, this is not an item, this is sports equipment. also this room was not this is not a room this is not an idea this is no this is not something as ephemeral as you mean no this is part body oh yes forehead no arm no back no chest no legs no eyes face ears no butt no
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knees well what other parts of the body come on what 's left not hair nostrils, shoulders, arms, legs, no, arms, legs, what, arms, legs, arms, legs, what's next, head, quietly, just like that, i gave up my head, well, not specifically, that hairstyle, hair, chin, forehead, lips, no, you 're kidding me, not hair, not neck, ears, yes, well no, what are you talking about?
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new york university with a master of science in management and a bachelor of arts in cultural anthropology. while still studying , brandon became the author of several startups, but most of all he made a name for himself with his latest project called bald logo. he decided to turn his bald spot into an advertising space and began making temporary tattoos on his bald spot. zhen, rent, zhen. oh, now, you will be amazed, per day, per day, per day, per day, how many do you think? 1. dollars 320 dollars a day, congratulations to alena pushkar from the village of sidorovka 80,000 rubles goes to her,
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once again you lose the final round, and this means that we will start our next program again, again with the minimum possible amount, show it on the screen, rubles. with this our show has come to an end today, i remind you that all episodes are the funniest of the intellectual shows on russian television. see you in exactly a week, bye. you named all the parts, here are
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all the parts of the head. good morning, dear guests, good morning, dear tv viewers, we are starting, this is a 100 to one fun, educational and intellectual quiz on the russia-1 channel, today we have two teams, artists and infantas, teams, please come to the studio, artists are here, infantas, hello,
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welcome, hello, so, well, we are starting, let's get acquainted, valeria, tell us about your team, hello, we are artists, we dance, we sing and we are the answer. we’ll find everything, that’s what i understand, great, we’ve prepared, yes, we all met on the same television music show, it’s dedicated to reincarnation, each of us is an artist, a vocalist, well, now i want to introduce everyone in turn, so, miron eremeev, pop and film artist, olga marchenko, vocalist, pop singer , creator of her own vocal school. nikita bitridinov, presenter, one of the top 100 presenters in the russian federation, saxophonist, evgeniy kochergin, vocalist, musician,
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winner, laureate of several vocal competitions and internet marketer, versatile personality, well, it’s clear where a vocalist would be without internet marketing now, right , everyone is like that, just pr, well, our charming captain, actress, yeah. radio presenter, and of course valeria, simply beautiful, thank you, wonderful, kindness welcome to our game, sergei ivanevich, i welcome you, please introduce your team, what can i say, but it says artist, but here we have a sheep sneezing, yes, as they say, no, we too are all artists, these all my students, they were just the first to somehow choose this name for themselves, okay, nothing, so it’s called infanta, we put together a new work performed by me, this is the kind of performance we have, i can say that this is the basis of chicago, well, that famous chicago, but the russian version, as
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they say, russian, but the russian version, well, next to me is a charming girl, so beautiful, charming, uh, this is the head of the prison, yes, female, already female, sweet, sweet yurtseva. next to her is a girl who looks, so to speak, not visible now, but she is very much like that, also my student, she is a champion in arm wrestling, oh no, bodybuilding, it’s difficult for us to figure it out, so in short, she is the champion of moscow in bodybuilding, here this is an english name, i’m tormented, mine from that generation are somehow not very good, this is katya, katya. or maybe some artist will tell you something else, good, that's all, katya alekseeva, katyaeva, she is very strong in what it means, well
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, like all blondes, they are like that. white, white, beautiful, they don’t think about anything, on stage she plays the same girl who copes with her husband, well, next is nastya malkova, nastya malkova is my favorite movie star, any tv star, she dances, sings, and she also has amazing qualities, she studied with sergei andriyake, andriyake, who also knows watercolors, that is, she paints the walls there with sweat.'
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in dandruff, in general, we found out that he’s very, very nice, he hosts all corporate parties well, hosts family holidays, especially women’s holidays, he hosts holidays well and is especially successful, especially successful, well, and there are all these christmas trees, santa claus and the snow maiden, he plays freely, very honestly , in confidence sasha, i want to tell you that he has his sights set on your role, another 20-30 years and the place will be free, i ’m noticing from today, our captain, people’s artist of russia, honored artist of our wonderful country, master of gitez, who released three generations wonderful artists, 90 people, well, 90
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people, so, we begin, we have a simple single game, the first team numbers, team captains, i ask you to go to the gaming table.
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puzzles, yes, yes, i'm a taksyak, taksyak, i spent time playing trains as a child, okay, attention, the question is, what kind of puzzle can you spend an hour of time on, sergeyvach, i am, yes, well, rubik's cube, rubik's cube, let's check the cube- rubik, oops, first place, let's go back. let's come back straight to you, dear, it's your turn, and sudoku, maybe sudoku, yes, guess these numbers right there, well ok, what are they, numbers, and squares, yes, but i was on the train, the train is the main place for golol, of course, it’s so good, let’s check, sudoku, there is a sudoku, on the fourth line, nine people, ekaterina.
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spanish poet of the 14th century and so on, okay, let's check the crossword, there are already 19 people, second line, anastasia and janga, genga, genga, genga?
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there was such a wonderful electronic game tetris, where you had to put different ones together, now i feel great, there will also be a film about tetris soon, and about the film i’ve already talked about tetris, foreign, maybe there will be more, so yes, it’s generally an office puzzle, the invention of our compatriot, who has been around for more than 30 years, well, tetris is there, there is tetris, five people remembered tetris, that’s all, so we're done, no, we're not finished, we still have two more lines left, so you can consult to speed things up, yeah. so, we interviewed 100 people, the question was: what kind of puzzle can you spend an hour of time on? our scoreboard opened: rubik's cube 28, crossword puzzle 19, sudoku9 tetris 5 and two more lines, well, we have
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yes, yes, yes, i think i lay out the cards, well, they lay them out in offices on a computer with a computer. and what is not, it’s also a puzzle, of course, you need to think, check pass, no, there is no session, scanword, you have the right error, now scan word, so scan world, look, no, move in transition, so the order of actions is this : everyone gives one answer option, then the captain chooses the correct one. evgeniy, your version? my version, let's say, there is a rubik's cube and let's say there is a rubik's snake, a snake, well, for children,
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let's say, yeah, yes, and i have two options, the first one is probably more traditional, these carnations were collected like that, the second one, i don't know how people on the street could answer, mortgage, spend on uh-huh this puzzle,
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the third one is very popular the line is not open for us, by the way, it’s a puzzle, yes, and there are already 16, now it’s a waste of time anyway, so myron. such a thing has balls in it and it’s the same as a rubik’s cube, only the balls will outperform i don’t remember what the rubik’s ball is called , cube ball, i don’t think so, let’s have your version so, well, i also had the snake option , the tetris option, of course it was stolen, so tag , treacherous tag, or tag, do i think these are the two options?
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snake, okay, excuse me, let's check the snake, no, we don't have a snake, victory goes away in the abstract, the infanta team, they are students,
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so, well, that means we asked the question, what kind of puzzle can you spend an hour of time on, people said, cube rubik 28 people, crossfort 19, third, now you will be a little unpleasant, maybe even ashamed. open the third line, mosaic, mosaic, mosaic, and a good one, sudoku, you remembered, right? on the fifth line is a favorite folk pastime, but i can’t call it popular, but nevertheless six people remembered, open chess problems, i said, then on the seventh line we have a scanboard, then we have a rebus, then we have tag and then complex mathematical ones puzzles, this was the first round, a simple single game, you look. then to one thing, today we have artists and infantas fighting,
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61:0, while we have a double game ahead, yes egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, it’s old, yes, but you ’re a little guy with us, you know, i would marry you, but you’re with us. angels from monday on rtr, monte shococa cognac, product of stellar group.
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old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. cnop gin is a product of stellor group. let's continue. we have
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a double play, you're looking at 100 to one. i invite the second team numbers here. well, come on, hold on. so, well, a question about creativity. in creative specialties, i would say so, of course you know all these words, how in one word you can call the final part of a literary or musical work, the final part of a musical or literary work of code, we check the code, it’s musical. code code, this is not the top one
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line, this is the fifth line, miron, you have the opportunity to guess the more popular answer, epilogue, epilogue, check, epilogue, there is one, this is the second line, we come back, myron, but successfully, we opened the second line, and olga, i’m coming to you, you're next, final, final. final, okay, checking, final, there is such a word, this is the main answer, 27 people said, final, 25, epilogue, five people, musical term, i have, i have the ps version, postscript, post, scriptum, beautiful, beautiful, check, postriptum, very original,
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that there could be an end, indeed, very logical, a work, simple and clear, an end or an ending, or a messenger, yes. 20 people, dance, miron requires another version from you, your turn, well, maybe the irudites are musicians after all, maybe we have two more, but what do you think, let’s discuss a little, here’s the tonic, but this is when you come , this is musical, but it seems to me that
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this is far from the end of the work, the finale, the finish - this is not the same thing, not the same conclusion, completion.
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completion completion check completion no, we move on to your rivals. i remind you of the diagram, sorry, sergech, each of the team members must or can say something, after which you, as the captain, choose an answer. evgeny, yeah, yes, so, uh, period, period, you thought for a long time, the extreme head, so, the extreme, who are you, are you the extreme or are you the last, so, ekaterina, so ibasta, well... like a person who what -i wrote a little bit in life, i would call it apatheos, appatheos,
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apotheos, well, as a finale, you can choose your own, your appoosis, apotheosis, huh? aptheos or they say the finale of apotheos, it looks like the finale of aptheos has arrived of this tour, there is such a word, there is such a word, four people, they remembered, appatheos, so, the final part of a work of art, it doesn’t matter, music, literature, theater, the finale was called. seven people, 25 piggy banks, end or ending - 20, on the fourth line we have another option, we open, the denouement, this is a well-known denouement, the denouement of the story, the denouement of the plot, then we have code five, apatheos four, on the seventh
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line it would be wonderful, by the way, the term, culmination, culmination, culmination, nikita, well, like that the opinions of our viewers were distributed on the topic of the final final part of the work of art 223:00 we have a triple game ahead, you can fully compensate for the backlog, you are watching 100 to one a fun intellectual quiz on channel russia 1. you are watching 100 to one, we have a triple game, i invite the third number of teams to the gaming table, please, we are artists, we are
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graduates of a theater university, so now the subject of conversation will be... here is one very serious, one of the oldest books in the history of mankind, called the old one, who? old testament. attention, the creation of what is described in the old testament? olga, creation of a word? earth, first there was a word. in the beginning there was a word. we check, we check the word, the word. well, first. there was a word, in the beginning there was a word, we check the word, no, what was created there, man, man, man. adam, well, let's not talk about this now, let 's not talk about who was the first created, let's not talk about it, why would you say such a thing, that
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's it, no, i'm saying it in front of everyone, i'm just asking who was created, okay, man, we check, yes, this is the second line, we return, we return, your move, anastasia, your turn, god’s creature, god’s creature, there is such a thing 12 people answered the sky, that there
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they also created the earth, the earth, the earth and the firmament of the earth, we check the firmament, i repeat. firmament earth - 14, sky 12, animals 11 here on the first, on the sixth line they remembered something else, the 100 people we surveyed, the ark, the ark they remembered, open, open. from another, but it remains to guess the most popular
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answer, that it is at first, the beginning of everything is like this, from a fish to a man, to a monkey, this is a little bit in the wrong book, you’re already talking about darwin, i can already do that. sunshine sunshine we answer katerina sun sun sun we check we are looking for the sun in the sky there is no water now we still have some water for you guess everything correctly well in order to guess the first what. the most popular point, we need to concentrate and relax at the same time, and we have the opportunity to ask for a hint from
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the presenter, no, a person, but the help of the audience, i was just trying to give you a hint, let’s say he created life, life, well, yes, well, something like that voluminous, something serious, yes, okay. we check life, past, no, but nearby, everything, and we still have, the last, last, last attempt, and maybe you ’ll read to us again, and we’ll just relax while you’re the reader, earth, earth, earth, let's immediately, we have earth, so, attention, the creation of which is described in the old testament, one, two, three, today the world.
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the most popular father, of course, he created the world, 23 people decided so, then the details went, man 17, earth 14, sky 12, animals 11, novcheg behold, then, of course, luminary, stars, light, darkness, civilization and everything else, it was a triple game, you look at 100 to one, we have a game ahead, on the contrary. you won’t refuse tea, i won’t refuse tea, that’s great, it’s quiet on saturday! please,
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our beautiful nanny wrote a statement against you to the police, yes, as if you raped her, this is yours, this is mine, ring, some kind of mistake, my wife caught you at the time of theft, and in revenge you decided to slander me, this not true, bouquet of wildflowers, premiere on saturday on rtr, bourbon steersman, product. kalinon belek - the place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life
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turns into a fairy tale. veda vodka is a product of stellar group. castro rum is a product of stellar group. we 're in the studio 100 to one. now we have a game, on the contrary, one of the most interesting competitions, because here you need to guess
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the sixth to fifth line if possible. for the sixth line you can get the maximum number of points, and for the first - the minimum. the game is the opposite. i ask a question and 20 seconds to think and a general one answer from the team. attention, question. what mythological creature do artists and illustrators like to depict? 20 seconds.
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so, what mythological creature do artists and illustrators like to depict? valeria? we think it's a pegasus. pegasus. answer accepted. sergey. capricorn. capricorn. wonderful. we have two answers. we are checking. so. okay, who do you think is number one on this list? unicorn. centaur. centaur. opening up. but they didn’t guess the first place, gorgon jellyfish, open the gorgon jellyfish, we have it on the list, here it is, for this answer you could get 240, in fourth,
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in fourth place we have a female mythological creature.
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the infanta team wins this game and for them, bravo, a great game for the winners, you look 100 to one, we continue, so, you have the main prize, 100,000 rubles. for this. you need to score 200 points by answering five identical questions separately, now we will have to send some of you
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to a dark, damp, damp room, where sounds from the outside world penetrate, who is it? evgeny, courageously, i ask you to go through. yes, we are often asked to organize a report from this room, but we don’t do it, it’s very scary there. anastasia, five questions and 20 seconds. yeah, we've been doing these exercises for about 30 years now, and people manage to answer five questions in 20 seconds. you are ready? yes, probably. go. we begin. how.
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what is the piece in chess, the most important thing, you said, the queen, she is also the queen, and just like you answered, 12 people, well, that happens eastern, you said, sweets, nine people also answered, so, the next question is, what does the pyrotechnician work with, you rightly said, wires, right? but one person thinks, there’s nothing that can be polished, you said gold, let’s see who answered,
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also three people, it’s unclear what polishes in itself, it’s strange what kind of packaging the medicines are sold in, you said metal, and they gave the same answer? zero people, well, nothing, it happens, complete stupidity, please return to your team, we are waiting for your husband, please return evgeniy to us, evgeniy is in the studio, and he’s still listening to music there, come on, zhenya, don’t let me down, you won something, no, you have a very... simple task, look, anastasia scored 25 points, you need 200 to win, tell me, how many points do you have left to score? 175,
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175, absolutely right, in total, you will have 30 seconds for five questions, because if you suddenly give the same answer as anastasia, which in general is quite likely in a young family, then this sound will sound: this means you need to immediately give some other answer. eat? yes, go. eat. go. what is the most important piece in chess? king. what happens to be eastern? sweets? cloth. what does a pyrotechnician work with? with explosives. what can be polished? in what packaging are they sold? great, we're done, let's check your answers. so, the first question was, which piece is the most important in chess. it is very important here
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that in this competition we need an accurate answer. anastasia said: queen, 12 people answered this way. you said king, 29 people answered this way. i congratulate you. but 37 people answered queens, this is of course the same the same, but nevertheless the words are different, which happens in oriental sweets, this was said by anna. you said that clothes are oriental, fairy tales are oriental, clothes, this answer was given by zero people, 22 people unexpectedly said that wind is oriental, and 27 said that dance is oriental, but in general we have to agree with what works pyrotechnician with wires, said:
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you said that the pyrotechnician works with explosives, that’s what three people answered, here again the question is about synonyms, 19 people said that the pyrotechnician works with fireworks, and 25 people said that a pyrotechnician works with fire, so what can be polished? you and your wife apparently polish jewelry quite often, little gold, your answer is three people, you can polish a board, said 20 people, and you can polish a surface, said 21 people, the surface is also precious, jewelry, four people, well, that’s also good. it’s nice, you know, in total,
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there are still seven people, 3.4, in total, seven people are polishing jewelry at home, okay, what kind of packaging are the medicines sold in? cardboard said, you also answered, two people, and people said in a bottle 17 in a jar 23, the most popular answer, thank you, nothing, until next time. it was a great game, i salute team infanta and team artista, thank you, you watched 100 to one, it's an intelligent but fun quiz, see you again!
11:00 am
you are watching the show on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio, how much can you do? a...


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