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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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the first role, he says, i played was when i had to replace olga oroseeva’s sick nephew borka. he played in the play the mysterious island - monkey. they dressed me up as this gorilla and told me to run, jump, and spin. i tried so hard that i fell into the orchestra pit and broke the double bass. everyone laughed a lot. maybe after that i became a comedian. today , popular theater and film actor, honored artist of russia vladimir dalinsky is accepting congratulations on his eightieth birthday. today 20 april 2024, you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey studio. how much can you
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do? five thousand of the most modern drones per month in russia will create a research and production center for drones, sergei shaigu announced this during a working trip to the training ground of the moscow military district. one shell travels 10 km. thousands of leaflets calling for surrender are being sent by our soldiers... towards the front. spectacular work of russian aviation in the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine. they killed with precision from a drone. the shells were dropped twice. war correspondent news semyon eremin died from injuries received as a result of a ukrainian drone strike. residents of the fruit nursery in the ishim region were urgently evacuated that night. in the tyumen region, the ishim river has added another half meter in recent hours. peak flood in kurgan. critical level. water more than 10
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m. 95 explosive billion dollars today the us house of representatives may consider a law on projects to finance ukraine, israel and taiwan. 34 group strikes in a week. the ministry of defense reported today on the work of giraniya and combat aviation against vysu targets. these images of an air attack on enemy trenches were filmed by our fighters. according to the military department , this week defense energy facilities and enterprises, railway infrastructure, air defense systems, fuel and weapons warehouses in the northern military district zone were hit almost throughout the entire territory of ukraine. and this morning our missiles again hit the port infrastructure in odessa. these images show air strikes on the village
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of novgorodskoye, which the kiev regime renamed new york, and aircraft knocking out militants from there. targeted strikes on positions the enemy on the border with the belgorod region is attacked by mstas self-propelled guns. the maximum firing range is almost 30 km, 24-hour duty from the front line, reporting by pavel prokapenko. our soldiers use anti-tank guided missiles not only against heavy equipment; they, for example, are good at dismantling enemy fortifications. we have systematic exits, we also set up firing points, i peed with the oporniks , we help the attack aircraft move forward. ptur does not allow the enemy to literally raise his head, here are the shots from the other side, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces cannot leave the trench under our attacks. after work, the crew needs to leave
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the position, they may have time to move away, otherwise everything that they have in reserve, they release everything from us. on the other side of the front, not only real shells are flying, but also propaganda shells, the text is in russian and ukrainian. soldiers, ukrainian, your incompetent commanders do not know what to do and are leading you straight to the grave, you are surrounded, you have one chance left, leaflets are our soldiers. it with a conventional projectile, opens in the air, a special system that is inside, pushing out propaganda material, leaflets and scattering them. over
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enemy positions, but how many in one? well, about 1500 pieces. in the d30 case, the gun fires in several bursts. reconnaissance reported an accumulation, a large accumulation of enemy manpower, a cannon fired 10 salvos over enemy positions, 15.00 leaflets were scattered at once, lawyers, programmers, builders were shooting them, now all these guys are artillerymen, groups of troops, the center, mobilized, military business have mastered quickly, now it is a single fist, a striking mechanism, i was engaged in construction, heating, now i have a cooler profession, and i am proud of this to be a military man, to defend my homeland, propaganda shells fly to enemy positions from near avdievka, where our fighters daily open caches and abandoned arsenals of ukrainian armed forces militants, a recent mine trophy
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royal, made in denmark, we checked this information, there are a lot of them lying around here, yes, that is, for those who ask, yes, who are we fighting with, well, actually. speaking, europe supplies such, if you look closely, here is the crown, that is, the mark manufacturer, well, 81 mm is the gun barrel for which they use. just a few words on paper are sobering, make you think, help you look at the situation from the outside, many soldiers in the esu surrendered after reading this simple text, those who laid down their arms chose life, for everyone else the d-30 crew prepared shrapnel and landmines. after the propaganda shells , real ones are flying towards enemy positions. alone! pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, vesti, avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. the ministry of defense will create a research and production
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center for drones and robotics. sergei shaigu announced this today during a visit to the moscow military training ground. district, here the minister was presented with a whole line of different drones capable of carrying a load of up to 200 kg, this attack quadcopter is a new development, all the filling is russian, the body too, the drone has enhanced protection against enemy radio interference, it is simply extremely effective in operation, even in night conditions. we automate the application as much as possible for mto so that the fighter takes part less and less. the operator of this copter takes training.
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all drones in this technology, one fire, also sergei shaig was presented with new models of small arms, they were developed with the participation of snipers who serve in the north military district zone. his deputy evkurov told the minister about the new products. according to him, zones will be created at all training grounds by june 1 to practice skills in countering drones using small arms. within a month we're at four or six we will train ranges. they will train our instructors within a month; all our instructors will already be working in the troops. the minister of defense set the task of providing all assault groups with new weapons. the network of national medical
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research centers should be expanded. vladimir putin set this task for the government today. putin is also expecting a report on the implementation of a new social measure to support doctors by may 1. we are talking about additional monthly payments in primary care in small rural towns. they were appointed on march 1st. and by the end of this year, a national project for the development of modern health saving technologies should be developed. including the creation of completely new drugs. every year in our country competitions of scientific works in the field of medicine will be held. close cooperation will be established with the brix countries, including in the field of development of nuclear medicine. also, together with brix, russia will create
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an agricultural exchange. vladimir putin instructed the government and the central bank to work on this issue following the results of a recent working trips to the stavropol region. through the brix agricultural exchange, russian agricultural products. will be sold to other countries, its production volumes will increase by 25% in the next 5 years, and exports will increase by one and a half times. the government has been instructed to develop additional measures to support farmers. russia in the field of food security. special attention to new regions, the government should ensure the availability of loans for farmers of donbass and novorussia, and the ministry of education has been tasked with organizing in schools of specialized agricultural classes. 13 different vessels at once. maxim akhmetov.
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this is how the frame of the future container ship, the first in russia, specially adapted for caspian shipping, is assembled. at the moment , three similar vessels are laid down. the main advantage is increased capacity. and this is a completely finished river-sea class dry cargo ship, length 140 m, width almost 17.
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the dimensions were calculated so that the ship could pass through the locks of the volga-don canal. well, from this angle you can clearly see the new cargo ship, which was recently launched, the name says caspian coast, this particular ship will become one of the workhorses on the international transport corridor, north-south. technical fleet. namely dredgers, another direction of shipbuilders, plans to establish mass production, this is lotos 3, the vessel will carry out dredging work on the northern rivers of the country. now there are many specialists working on the dredge, the fact is that the ship has reached the final stage of mooring tests, where all the complex hydraulics, automation systems and cooling systems are checked, if these if the tests are completed successfully, then the ship will begin sea trials. some of the components on this dredger are imported
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, but the next one will be completely domestic. but now the project has already been fully developed, how to say, with all the components from the russian federation, it has the letter 93 159. oh, and all our domestic technologies for construction will already be used there. there are many production tasks; now the plant is planning to increase the number of specialists. shutos and dmitry belyansky. news astrakhan region. a record for the number of people who engage in mass exercise was set today in moscow at the russia exhibition. charging lasted 20 minutes. 5,773 people took part in it. some in person, and representatives of st. petersburg, stavropol and other regions via teleconference. olympic champion gymnast nikita nagorny did the exercises. the ambassadors of the sports program were presented there today.
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the legacy of the exhibition is a symbol of commonwealth and unity. his playing style was called the most unpredictable, and fans were sure if he goes flying, you can expect nothing but victory. today alexander maltsev turns 75 years old. almost his entire career, he played for the dynamo moscow national team of the soviet union, became the absolute record holder of the soviet squad, played the most matches and scored the most goals. ilya met with the legendary player. he is chaliapin in hockey, he is yesenin in hockey, this was said not by journalists, but by the strictest
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soviet coaches, it seems that maltsev is a genius, i caught myself thinking, hockey experts here overseas, but modest and taciturn maltsev boiled everything down to a simple truth, hockey is my life, when the coaches saw that you were a striker, somehow by chance during training i tried to play attack, i liked it, and what impression did the first game make on you? the first game made a very good impression, but in fact he said back then in the late sixties that he likes to be able to play hockey, and not to talk, back in the eighties the soviet...
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moscow dynamo some lad who he immediately felt that appeared in they want to be drafted into the army, then i was drafted bordered. all the troops, and there was no more talk, so the great tarasov said so: the ussr national team is cska plus alexander maltsev. yes, these are the times of triumph of the soviet team, this is the 72nd super series with canada, where everyone is a legend, kharlamov is legend number 17, maltsev 11 and 10, tretyak - 20. i think that he plays chess well,
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why? because he calculated everything in advance, which is why, of course, he was the leader of dynamo. at home they played against each other in their clubs, but they were witnesses to each other weddings, at training camps, always together, such a pair of virtuoso improvisers, showing mesmerizing hockey, which is why they love them. this excellent vision of the field, control of the stick,
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skates, dribbling, he could play. in any combination and never got lost, but showed his own, as if i, yes, he is malzen, he gave a farewell match in 1984, went to work as a coach, alexander nikolaevich is now an adviser to the president of the hockey club and does not miss a single match of dynamo moscow, so and could not lure maltsev either here or there, for me, for not i, who gave me a start in life, i am not changing this start. and there were good offers there, that’s all, but i don’t sell my fans from my guys, who are empty. ilya filippov, elena, sergey rubanov, mikhail alterkop, alexey mashchikov, lead. now see a small advertisement below. russia demands international condemnation of the murder
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of military commander semyon eremin. in museums and libraries, and also in antarctica and even in the forest today there is a total dictation campaign, it doesn’t switch, the pot, she’s a smart woman, such men rub around her, what are you going to do, na tezhipa, angels of the area from monday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection. hotel tiitanic delluc golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa. and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on ordynka, on ordynka. and keep wedding flowers, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with
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nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police officer and psychologist. you killed me. why did you provoke him? you wanted to. help the guy, she is digging under you, valera, in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or on the website, please, get acquainted and roll call, you can do it without any fuss, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories does i tell, i was
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let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, well , like my heir, they don’t play pranks, today, nannies, i ’m just unhappy, anna suits me completely, beauty, smart, modest, why are you breaking down, quietly, quietly, he invited me into his office and raped, i forgive you for your slander, let's part on good terms, scum! for every crime there is
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a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, it is necessary to kidnap the child. vorontsov will demand a way out, this is vorontsov’s eldest son, there is a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, dust flowers. bouquet, well , you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, premiere today on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. russia demands international condemnation of the murder of military commander semyon eremin. this was stated by the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova. according to her, the silence of specialized international organizations and human rights structures makes them... we regard this
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targeted and cold-blooded murder of a journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the zelensky regime. the murder of semyon eremin is a bloody crime and cannot be viewed otherwise than as an act of honor for the honest performance of a journalistic duty. it was semyon eremin who previously published documents from the armed forces of ukraine, according to which the kiev regime declared russian journalists on the front line priority targets. our colleague was killed with precision, with the drone dropped shells twice. alexey baranov, who worked with eremin in syria and in the special operation zone, will continue the topic. this happened in the zaporozhye direction. semyon eremin worked at some distance from the line of combat contact in the area of ​​​​the village of priyutnoye. it's not far from. administrative border of the donetsk people's republic. semyon is an experienced war correspondent, as always in a combat zone in full protection in a bulletproof vest and helmet, just as in these
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reports of his. the second went fine, yes, they warned me that i needed an ear that was closer to to the shooter, cover it with your finger, it bangs seriously, it has already been modernized several times during the process, including the guidance unit, cameras, sensors, and so on, the warhead, the control system, in general, now it is a much more efficient machine, semyon was only 42 years old, born in the stavropol territory, graduated from the faculty of journalism, began his career in russia... worked for 2 years in the stavropol territory branch since 2017 as a special correspondent for izvestia. perhaps i’ll share some kind of correspondent sadness, because we can no longer accompany this vehicle on combat missions. the war is changing quickly, everything from all calibers is flying at it. the enemy hits the priority target. for more than two years, semyon eremin has been on a business trip, a special correspondent for the channel 5 bureau in the donetsk people's republic.
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the sound is disgusting. the sound is really disgusting, and if you hear this sound on the front line, on a special military operation semyon eremen went voluntarily and always wanted to show what was really happening, we talked with him many times on this topic, he always was on the cutting edge, he tried to get to where the most important, bright, hot events are happening, he took risks, he took a lot of risks, the ukrainian conflict is not his first, before that he worked in syria for... who would have thought, yes, that such items from clay pigeon shooting and hunter training will be in demand by the army. semyon is one of the few who were really ready for this kind of work, he was brave, persistent, strict, first of all towards himself, when they communicated with him, talked about various topics, he always had his own special opinion,
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he could always argue for this opinion, in addition, he made stories from the sochi olympics, worked for a year in crimea, he was always drawn to the front line, just like our colleague, war correspondent of the vgtrk channel russia-24, boris maksudov, who died in november last year , also in zaporozhye, also after a drone attack. we are moving to a position to begin shooting. the un responded to the death of the russian journalist; the murder must be fully investigated. stated the office of the secretary general to izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin "bright memory". alexey baranov, lead. today the us house of representatives may consider bills on funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the american press calls this package explosive. right-wing republicans do not want to give weapons to the kiev regime, left-wing democrats do not want to finance tel aviv’s war in the gas sector, and the white house administration is already dividing
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multi-billion dollar budgets. report by valentin bogdanov. as soon as big military budgets began to seriously smell on the capitalist hill, the revitalized lobbyists no longer restrained themselves. the higher the amount of investment in the war in ukraine, the middle east and asia, the more pathos there is in their speeches. now is the right moment, history has its eyes on the house of representatives. there's a lot at stake at the moment. in total , 95 billion dollars are at stake, for ukraine 61 per... in favor , the votes of the democrats are rapidly growing, who, after biden’s go-ahead, backed up the hawkish republicans led by yesterday’s isolationist speaker mike johnson, who defected to them 316 by 94 in favor of the american deep state. this is not a perfect bill,
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not the kind of bill we would have written with republican control of the house, senate and white house, but it is the best product possible, under the current circumstances, to deliver on these really important commitments. the product of johnson's legislative life caused a feeling of disgust among the right wing of the republicans. for loyal trumpists, speaker taylor greene, now a stranger among his marjari, is gathering a support group to send him to resignation. i'm currently working on this issue in the house, talking with other members and asking co-sponsors for my motion to remove mike johnson as speaker. also, i'm happy to tell you that i've just added another co-author and great arizona patriot, paul gosar. taylor greene was joined by another like-minded person , thomas messi, but it seems they cannot win the race with an obedient majority. according to the military aid package.


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