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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 20, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. russia demands international condemnation of the murder of military commander semyon eremin. this was stated by the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova. according to her, the silence of relevant international organizations and human rights structures makes them accomplices in the crime. this means that they give carte blanche to the kiev regime for new terrorists. we regard this targeted and cold-blooded murder of a journalist as yet another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the zelensky regime. the murder of semyon eremin - this bloody crime cannot be considered other than an act of honor for the honest performance of a journalistic duty. it was semyon eremin who previously published the documents of the armed forces of ukraine, according to.
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semyon was only 42 years old, born in the stavropol territory, graduated from the faculty of journalism, began his career at the all-russian state television and radio company, worked for 2 years in the stavropol territory branch since 2017 as a special correspondent for izvestia. perhaps i’ll share some kind of correspondent’s sadness, because it’s more to accompany this we can’t take the car on combat missions, the war is changing quickly, anything from all calibers is flying at it, the enemy is hitting a priority target. the sound is disgusting, the sound is really disgusting, and if you hear this sound on the front line, uh, for a special military operation semyon eremen went voluntarily and always wanted to show what was really happening, we talked with him many times on this topic, he was always at the forefront , he tried to get to where the most important, bright, hot events take place... he took risks, he took
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a lot of risks. the ukrainian conflict is not for him the first, before that he worked in syria in the donbass since 2013. who would have thought, yes, that such items from clay pigeon shooting, hunter training, would be in demand by the army. semyon was one of the few who were really ready for this kind of work; he was brave, persistent, strict, first of all towards himself. when they communicated with him, talked about various topics, he always had his own special opinion, and he could always give reasons for this opinion. in addition, he made stories from the sochi olympics, worked in crimea for a year, he was always drawn to front line, just like our colleague, war correspondent of the vgtrk channel russia-24, boris maksudov, who died last november, also in zaporozhye, also after a drone attack.
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the un responded to the death of the russian journalist; the murder must be fully investigated, the secretary general’s office told the military correspondent of izvestia semyon eremin “blessed memory”. alexey baranov, news. today the us house of representatives may consider bills on financing ukraine for israel and taiwan. american press calls this package explosive. right-wing republicans. from giving weapons to the kiev regime, left-wing democrats do not want to finance tel aviv’s war in the gas sector; the white house administration is already dividing multi-billion dollar budgets. report by valentin bogdanov. as soon as large military budgets began to seriously smell on the capitalist hill, the revived lobbyists ceased to restrain themselves. the higher the amount of investment in the war in ukraine, the middle east and asia, the more pathos there is in their speeches. now is the right moment, history is not taking its eyes off.
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representatives, the senate and the white house, this republican-controlled house is the best product possible under the current circumstances to fulfill these truly important obligations. the product of johnson's legislative life caused a feeling of disgust among the right wing of the republicans. for loyal trumpists, the speaker
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, now an outsider among his own, margery teillar green, is gathering a support group to force him to resign. i'm working on this issue right now. in the house of representatives, talking to others members and request co-sponsors of my motion to remove mike johnson from the position of speaker, in addition, i am pleased to inform you that i have just added another co-sponsor and great arizona patriot, paul gassar. taylor greene was joined by another like-minded person, thomas messi, but it seems they cannot win the race with an obedient majority. the vote on the military assistance package to ukraine is scheduled for 13:00 washington time today. it's time to stop funding ukraine until president biden initiates peace there negotiation. i think most of us see that the conflict in ukraine is not going well. trump now, however, has no time for global conflicts; the republican candidate is at war with manhattan justice. despite
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attempts by trump's lawyers to slow down the case, the liberal judge and prosecutor are only increasing the pace. the trial begins on monday. much sooner than expected, the judge wants us to act as quickly as possible, yes, this is all in his interests, not mine, and this is truly an organized witch hunt, trump has been using the expression witch hunt for a long time and regularly; no one could have imagined that right before the trial in new york, the terrible metaphor about those burned at the stake would take on real shape, and even on live television. we are reporting that the park near the courthouse has been broken into. we watch as flames erupt around his body and chaos ensues. it all happened in a public garden where trump supporters and opponents gather.
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random witnesses were the first to come to the rescue, then firefighters arrived, and this is his last post. my name is max azarella, i do investigations and i set myself on fire during the trial. over trump in manhattan. this extreme act of protest is intended to draw attention to an urgent, important discovery. we are victims of a totalitarian scam, our own government, along with many of its allies, is about to unleash an apocalyptic fascist world coup on us. scattered on the asphalt were azzarello's brochures entitled the true history of the world. these brochures seem to be based on propaganda, almost like brochures dedicated to conspiracy theories. a week ago. florida, he went to new york, where he spent the night in washington square park, and along the way he recorded this strange video.
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he was taken to the hospital in critical condition after dousing himself with gasoline; he died a few hours later. as for voting on military aid packages, all the gears of the american deepstate. they were chilled in anticipation; after the house of representatives, the bills would be stamped by the senate, then signed by biden; in this case, the white house promised to resume arms supplies to ukraine immediately. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin, and maria bolatvina, lead the usa. in israel, protesters blocked the country's main highway, the road that connects jerusalem and tel aviv. people demanded that the authorities immediately conclude a deal with the hamas group for the release of the hostages. according to those gathered, it is the netanyahu government that is sabotaging the achievement of an agreement. protesters burned garbage. one
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of the drivers tried to ram the barricade and ran over a woman’s leg. later , fire police arrived, they dispersed the demonstrators and put out the fires. and in the capital in tirana, albania, demonstrators threw molotov cocktails at the city administration building. urdra. protesters demanded the resignation of the mayor, people accuse the official and his entourage of having connections with the mafia, and hundreds of millions of euros were stolen from the city budget through fraudulent schemes. the demonstrators said that in the face of police inaction , the public should take the initiative to apprehend embezzlers. in the region, fighters of the northern fleet are practicing intercepting a mock enemy. at the same time, during large-scale exercises
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marines are learning to deal with enemy drones. nato members are closely watching what is happening. report by oleg posobin. so the powerful mig-29k fighter is sent to intercept. soon the plane is already maneuvering at an altitude of 12 km in the stratosphere. on-board artificial systems. intelligence captures the target, after which the missiles destroy the imaginary enemy. the characteristics of modern systems make it possible to find an aircraft from afar, well, that’s what training flights are designed to do, to get used to it. it all starts with there was no damage to the fighter's hull; furthermore, filming inside the cockpit is strictly prohibited; advanced avionics are one of the aircraft's guarded secrets. modern combat in the sky is predominantly long-range combat. tens of kilometers, the outcome depends on the synchronicity of the work of the pilot and on-board systems. this is how
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the training flight and personnel training ends, having completed all the tasks, the plane comes in to land. nato reconnaissance aircraft are of particular interest in this combat training. northern fleet fighters are afraid to cross the border, ready to rush to intercept every second. the officers here have the invaluable experience of the north sea military district, which ... has been mired, so people return, even three hundredth, come up and say: commander,
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thank you, it was not in vain that he scolded, it was not in vain that he taught, the north sea men are practicing the capture of a building in combat conditions, some of the soldiers will be sent to the contact line , but there are several more reasons for the unit of the northern fleet to train hard; at the end of april , finland will hold military exercises, 20,000 soldiers will appear at the state border, and they can also create headquarters of the ground forces. nato, it’s some 140 km to the morman region. our training goes almost non-stop, confirming our readiness to repel thunderstorms. oleg posobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the murmansk region. in st. petersburg, after the april snowfall, a yellow level of weather danger was declared. the height of the snow cover in the city has reached 11 cm. the snowdrifts will remain at least until tomorrow, then, according to weather forecasters, the city will be covered with rain. the weather changed and snow fell in the krasnoyarsk territory after abnormal heat, motorists
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urged not to drive on summer tires. several serious accidents have already occurred on country roads; two heavy trucks collided head-on, one of the drivers was injured. in antarctica, museums, libraries, cafes in the forest, thousands of people around the world today write total dictation. most of the sites, about 200... nobody is writing off. total dictation unites russian language lovers around the world.
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residents of the far east were the first to test their literacy. i graduated from school 7 years ago, but in russian i have there was always, well, a good rating, four or five, and there were always no problems, but it’s interesting to test the strength. some residual knowledge of your own. every hour, total dictation is coming to more and more regions of russia. this is a total dictation area - one of the most picturesque. participants test their literacy in a national park. krasnoyarsk pillars, after writing a dictation , everyone will be able to walk through the forest, listen to the birds singing and enjoy the majestic rocks. before we start, a quiz on knowledge of the history of total.
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this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. dense strikes throughout the entire depth of ukrainian territory. our correspondents are monitoring the situation on the fronts of the special operation. the ukrainian project as a weapon against the russian world has backfired here. and how in the luhansk region, near... the front line, they are already building a peaceful life with all their might. the explorers came across the ancient bed of the angarakan river. 50 years of construction of the century. the siberian land welcomes the first all-union komsomol shock detachment. how straight from the congress komsomol members went to the impenetrable taiga, where ukrainian saboteurs tried to blow up the bam
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that makes up the local specialty cocktail, the northern lights.
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the legendary thirty - the main tourist route of the ussr and what secrets the unique cave temple keeps. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, here they follow the developments of events in russia abroad. stay with us. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden, introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the perfect tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy
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to dig through roots. and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels don't work well with hard compacted soil. but the razer shovel with its unique inverted v-shape. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why when you can do even the toughest
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gardening jobs with just one tool? call to order a versatile hammer smith razer shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides and a shaped blade made from carbon steel, making it the toughest shovel for the job. and even with the hardest soil without any extra effort, with a soft handle that quadruples the gripping area and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will be yours for an incredible price, for only 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and only available for a short time time. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement is too much for your budget, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area to
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necessary knowledge of health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you will need just five ingredients, nanny, i’m just not happy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest. are you breaking down? quiet, he
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invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, slander, let's part on good terms, scum! for every crime there is a punishment. my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap varantsov’s child and demand a ransom, this is varontsov’s eldest son, there’s a lot of hassle with small things, stop immediately, otherwise i’ll shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped, here they brought it, the premiere is today on rtr.
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good saturday evening everyone, friends, your favorite show is on the air, hello andrey, today the theme of our program will delight many, because over the next two hours songs dedicated to favorite male and female names will be played, and opens our program. he beckoned the tall one with a lonely look, i believed him. he flew away to the falcons,
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but i got it, oh, cruel fate, but i got it, oh, cruel fate, oh, seryoga, seryoga, you’re not worth the threshold, you’re not i'm standing on the threshold. i’m not yours now, we broke up before the end, i’m alone now, oh, seryoga, seryoga, i’m not yours now, it’s very good if there are seryogas in the hall today, at least one seryoga we have in the hall today, director, director, great . and i’m together, all my friends
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are married, but i’m still alone, i’m waiting for my beloved, handsome, tall, restless heart, i trusted him, he flew away in sogol, and i so... believed him, he flew away in sogol, and i believed him so much , oh, seryoga, seryoga, you’re not worth the threshold, you’re not worth the threshold, i’m not yours now, we broke up before the deadline, i
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to you...
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thank you, thank you for this mood, for this nostalgia, thank you everyone, hello, for your gorgeous form, i want to say, really, in general, thank you, there are few differences, 30 years ago, i want to say 35, 35 years ago, who did you sing for, tell me, ninety-second year, this is the time when i came to the group combination, i don’t know who this
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song was written about, honestly, but... how to say, a courtyard situation, everyone probably remembers your youth, youth, yes, when they sang songs in the courtyards, my brother was seryozha, brother, but unfortunately, he is no longer there, there are a lot of memories, and most importantly, about the hectic touring life in those days, well , let's go back 35 years ago, what did this composition sound like then, attention, oh, seryoga, seryoga, you're not stand at the threshold, you're not standing.
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listens to this song instead of a lullaby, but by the way, the group should have been called not a combination, let's reveal the secret, well, you know, i won't tell you, because the group started before me, well, there is a legend that the group should. events were different in the group, in ninety in the third year, they killed the producer, to whom , in fact, we all came, with whom we worked so well, then a tragedy occurred, another producer came, and my husband, who worked with me, a sound engineer, decided to leave the group,
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because in in principle, well, then we weren’t very interested, we left for our native tagil, in general, we had already taken root there, doing other things, returning to the golden whales of the combination, seryoga, and ksyusha, and lyokha, everything connected with names, songs, which is still since then the whole country has been singing, wrote yuri druzhkov, i propose to remember this man today, he was a simple seller of soviet newspapers, friends, in saratov, but he was especially good at singing songs about names. don’t listen to anyone and don’t go out with anyone today, oh lech, lech, you’re like that, there’s a moto in my heart, i’m definitely saying, oh, lech lech,
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in the early nineties , the whole country danced to the hits about lyokha, ksyusha and seryoga, these songs the names sounded so convincing that everyone was sure the girls from the combination were singing. about his life, but only these lines had an author, saratov newspaper and magazine seller, yura druzhkov. by alena apina, everyone knows lech’s song, but only alena apina knows that it was written here, in this provincial rospechat kiosk, by a simple saratov newspaper seller yura druzhkov. at a time when the entire soviet union was rocking the hits with a combination, their author yura druzhkov continued to work at the press kiosk, wrote, selling newspapers, crosswords and was not at all embarrassed about it, because he did not... sell his creativity, but gave it to musicians and didn’t take a single ruble. ket is my only source of stable income, i’ll say so, because i haven’t written so much, but i have practically no money for it, the buyer gets in the way, sometimes some kind of rhyme comes to mind, but here
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you have no advertising, but this inconspicuous stall on the outskirts of saratov was well known to the main pop stars of the nineties; it was there that philip kirkorov, arkady ukupnik, yaroslav evdakimov and tanya ovsienko liked to visit when they came on tour. which the poet gave her future hit about grisha. grisha, grisha, roof. songs of the saratov nugget were so popular that he soon had envious people. one night, the stall that was the poet’s second home was burned down. his notebook with new hits also burned down there. it seemed that all his work perished in this fire. yura was also unhappy in his personal life. modest, always shut up. he never met his love, all these years he lived with his mother on the outskirts of saratov, she was the only support, when she was gone, the poet drowned his pain in a glass. on january 4, 2006 , another domestic gathering ended tragedy, yura druzhkova was killed in his own
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apartment, he was only 47. he was never famous, but his songs were sung by the whole country; the lyricist of the once popular group combination was killed in saratov. druzhkov was seen off on his last journey quietly, no one said anything.
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louise is on the hook, the rich will cry, let the rich cry, i need a tear, now is a simple historical moment. and most importantly, what kind of figure is there at all, none, none of these pumped up lips, everything is natural, everything is just so appetizing, i just realized, you were my favorite soloist in this group, honestly, now, in general, can i tell this story.
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sveta, do whatever you want, go to him, sit on his knees, do whatever you want, as long as you’re in the frame with him, because they put so much work into it, the song, the filming, the whole country is watching, i’m the new soloist then in the team and i needed somehow even just charm, naivety charm, so i didn’t know what i would do, i just went and thought, well, god, help me, do something, then i kissed the cheek and stayed lipstick on the cheek, and the main star arrives
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veronica castro, so the traffic on korolev simply stopped, because when she crossed the street from the television center from one building to another, everything stopped, a traffic jam, and we were taking her just for an interview on good morning, and i was just begging on my knees, she i came for an hour, i say, i beg you for two. we rest our souls, remember something or
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sing songs. we’ve been a good person in our family all my life, my daddy is self-taught, flowers, flowers make my head spin, and there are birch trees, we’re proud, of course, that we have such a talented daughter, probably in us when sveta went to moscow in the nineties, we really wanted her to find herself, i... got into the combination group in 1992, only 2.5 years old, but quite so bright, rich, it was our youth, it was great, for me it was such a bright takeoff, i dreamed about this since childhood, with my appearance songs appeared, oh seryoga, two pieces of sausage, two pieces of sausage, another song, they were lying on the table, you told me.
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i come here in the morning, leave late at night, but this is my life, i like it, what kind of you have wonderful parents, alexander ivanovich, and your dad’s name is varvara ivanovna, but your dad plays, well, he’s improving his hearing, but now it’s true that his hearing is suffering a little, his ears are a little worse, well, age is everything, well , maybe it’s improving and today, from the drinking songs of your childhood, we will sing here at the table, what is dad’s favorite, names, names, antoshka, porushka poranya, katyusha, porushka poranya, everyone knows the words, oh, you porushka poranya, why do you love ivan, why do i love ivana, what a little head, i love ivan, what a head i kept smoking, dalitsa, i love vanya,
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well done, here you are, you've been in love for a long time. even more fun, we applaud each other even louder, no, not mine, now, no, not mine, you,
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white dress. someone else's bride, soon to be a wife, once again, beautiful happiness, nastya, someone else's bride, soon to be a wife, i don't need more love, nastya , don't say, shared life, happiness. partly, no more sorrow will dawn on us, happiness will dawn on us more about love nastya, i can’t tell your heart, i was able to steal and now you can see
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someone’s love named nastya, how fitting. you have a bride's dress, may there be no place for me in your heart, beautiful happiness will melt like a sail in a big sea, a beautiful happiness named will melt like a sail, and we will sing on this wonderful program, hello andrey, we couldn’t talk more about love... life has divided us, happiness over happiness, no more sitting, we need the dawn, melting from happiness, we don’t talk about love anymore, nastya,
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i couldn’t steal your heart, and now you are me, someone’s love, named nastya. and louder your cements, friends, who knows the words, let’s try in unison, ready, we don’t talk about love anymore, we divided life, happiness into happiness, no longer for ourselves.
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photo, married for many years, look what a beautiful wife, yes, this is my beloved wife, natalya, i want to say that she is engaged in
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confectionery art and today for this wonderful program she prepared a delicious, stunning andrey cake, especially for you, wow, wow, these are edible flowers. very beautiful, thank you very much, but by the way, the club of men, who has a wife natalya, i am igor demarin, today we are visiting, friends, igor morisovich, also a wife natalya, that’s right, absolutely right, i also have a wife natalya, you see , and also from krasnodar, by the way, seriously, and mine is also from the krasnodar region, and i have ekaterina, but sometimes she behaves like natalia. by the way, natasha’s perfume was even sold in the ussr, it was so popular, and a lot of songs have been written about natasha, let’s remember
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the main ones today, attention, let’s drink dry wine natasha, so that life becomes more beautiful, because there is only one life, let’s drink on wheelbarrows, for looks without words, let's drink to our love, dasha, if a miracle happened and became, you were suddenly ugly, to be maybe then you will notice that i’m next to you, alone in the whole world, don’t tear your shirt on the chest, replaced it with my soul, don’t pretend, go away and love your natasha, i’ll somehow get by without... your love, i’ll get by somehow without yours, daisies, daisies, daisies for poop,
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in the picture it’s summer, it’s cold in the yard, daisies, daisies, daisies for natasha, white daisies in white january, white daisies in white january, andrey, and there’s more in our yard there was one song in the yard, but it wasn’t included. and i sang it too, maybe for four long days, natasha hides her from me, no, she’s like a baby in childhood, they don’t let her go a single step, she flattens her nose in the window, to my question, not mine, not my question,
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it’s foreign, let’s say, the thing is that my dad is an honored artist kuban, lives in krasnodar, i already said this earlier, that i was born there, and my dad was on tour in sochi when i was born, and my mother named me ivan. dad returned from the tour and said: no, ivan won’t be there, there should be a hard r in his name. he will go on stage, but the funny thing is that when i grew up, i went to college at gites, to the theater, then i started performing on variety, i think, what should i call myself eduard shulzhevsky, well , it’s somehow pretentious, long, somehow that’s all, and i became ed not out of my own whim and will, but the fact is that - i played in the musical at labor de paris at that time, and the audience after the performance said: “ed, ed, hello, hello.”
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and somehow we again, they nicknamed me ed, that’s how it was, timur won’t let me collect it, the fact is that we are with tim. this is an impromptu, but i think it will work out, oh, thrill, thrill, thrill, ah, the light illuminated my sick soul, no, your peace is not my passion i will violate, delirium, midnight delirium pierces my heart,
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again, oh, esmeralda, i dared to desire you, my totyatsky before, monstrosity, eternal seal, i am compassion, for love, ready to accept, no, hump, responsible with a curse on my forehead, i i will never. happy on earth, and after death i will not find peace, i will sell my soul to the devil for a night with you, yes, yes, verse, my verse, give me your verse, come on, give me, dream, bright
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happiness, my dream, esmeralda, moan, sinful passion, my moan, esmeralda, oh, it fell from the scuba, rolled down like a stone, broke hearted, blond, flowerdaily, holy maiden, you cannot help me, forbidden love. don’t be overbearing, don’t stand, don’t leave me, crazy place, beauty turns a man into a slave, all together, and after death i won’t find peace, i’ll sell my soul to the devil for a night with you, just
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one more time. for the night with you, ah imperishable, the second line-up of the legendary noterdam deporini is almost worse than the first, i want to tell you, don’t switch, friends, we’ll be back.
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fyodor lavrov, look what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others have their hands become weary, their wings grow, that means, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal, where everything is inclusive, except the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex rum, castra
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product of the stellar group. viski mancatcher is a product of the stellar group.
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cognac monte shococa - a product with you looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire display, we can handle it, if you ask, then with podbokhom, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows, which one will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you celebrate, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck , problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set
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for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow. on rtr: i have the best husband in the world, and he trusts me completely, just like i trust him, which means you have an ideal marriage, today, you already we’ve been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, haven’t you told him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you spend so much time at work, do men like you? look, there's trouble, i don't want to go home, no one is waiting for me there, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn, damn, damn, he's not serious with this profura, he loves you,
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lena, he betrayed me, and what right do you, child, have to destroy someone else’s family? if only there was something to destroy, it’s you, the world is made of pieces, true, perfect marriage, today on rtl. good evening again. hi andrey on the air. thank you for being on tv screens this saturday evening, songs dedicated to your favorite male and female names. we continue, now a guest from voronezh, daria dushina, appears on our stage with a very touching song: hope, faith and love.
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the stevics that were spun in the late evening have long since become old; at the end of leaning under the skewed window, but under simple clothes, i was still visible to become, how to call it, they call it hope, but there is no one here to marry me, blooming burned, replaced the smarodzina, the fire is not heard,
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the salavey, the more i think about the rodzine, the more bitter it is on my soul. the wars took their toll, the husbands did not come out of the fire, how to call you svaliven. but who here believes in me, for the third time i am bitter again, i slept, having heard from behind, the one who called me love, the know laughed at me, the floors are blooming, replaced with...
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the people, not heard in the floodplain of the nightingale, than the more i think about my homeland, the more bitter my soul is, what a good song, and what an amazing voice! they plowed and hustled, cutting off their fathers shelter, gray-haired daughters of russia, hope, faith and love, but where the grass was empty, it will turn green. but who will return
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hope, faith and love to my russia, and voronezh and... thank you very much, thank you for your support, the song is from the repertoire of lyudmila zykina, that’s right, i’m a big fan of the work of lyudmila georgievna zykina, when i heard this song, it is little known , it's complicated, let's say. you know, i was born and
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lived in the city of novaya skola, this is the belgorod region, i think everyone has heard about the difficult situation there now, my mother, my family, my relatives, they now continue to live there, everything, everything is fine, yes, you know, not only the song is strong, but how you performed it strongly, and the most important thing, well, it’s just pleasant and gives me goosebumps, the fact that you are i did it through love, regardless of all events. you are exactly this performance, such strength, such power, through love, thank you, thank you, in order to sing such songs you need not only a voice, but also such strong energy, very much, probably, thank you, well, i actually know, i wanted to because tell me what you do, dasha music director for the cadets at the military school, so it’s understandable, then it’s understandable, so yes, but excuse me at the military academy, excuse me, please, said hello , already sang. yes, no, well, you know, it’s very
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interesting for me to work with them, they are very diligent, they, they are just waiting, they want, i think they will be terribly glad that they told them here, guys, no one is afraid, yes , yes, coming back to the fact that i started talking about my parents, i was kind of born and lived in the belgorod region, but my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother very distant generations ago, all from the kursk region, it seems to me that... let's remember her today and tell about the favorite singer of nicholas ii.
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she was born in the village of veynikovo, the twelfth child in the family, she had no musical education, but she had perfect pitch and a powerful voice, which local residents still remember. hope sang, the whole village thundered, the forests that surround the village of velikovo thundered, it was
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piunya, truly a talent of nature. at the age of 15, nadezhda becomes a novice of the kursk monastery she worked alongside the nuns, but the main focus was the church choir. nicholas ii, listen to her songs, he could not hold back his tears. after the next concert, the emperor presented plevitskaya with his royal ring and said: “they told me that you never studied.” sing and don’t learn, i heard a lot of learned nightingales, but they sang for the ear, and you sing for the heart. after the war, plevitskaya had to flee to europe, in paris she became the voice of the russian emigration, but the success of the artist was followed by an unbearable longing for
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her homeland, but she could not return home destined. she was suddenly called a russian spy and arrested. she was sentenced to twenty years in hard labor prison, the singer spent the last years of her life in terrible torment, but in the depths of her soul she dreamed that she could still return home, and even dying, nadezhda plevitskaya remembered her beloved village and sang a song about her homeland. you won’t be able to hear your relatives’ voices. dasha, yes, sorry, due to family ties, who are you, plevitskaya, excuse me, please, that we will sing from the repertoire, that we will sing, at the beginning there was a fragment of the song luchinushka, maybe hers,
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come on, the night is dark, dark, all... there will be silence, and i’m the only baby, alone since the evening , like a longed-for mother, crying tirelessly for her dear son in the south outside the window. cries, strains, the shutters creak, my splinter, my splinter, is unclear, he says, dasha, there is
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a family connection, there is, don’t be sorry, thank you, it’s just great. i want to introduce you to your neighbor, who will now appear on our stage, alexander shpagin, he will perform a song from the repertoire of vladimir vysotsky, people know it as the song listen to zin, so everyone zines should now, it seems to me, come closer to the tv, oh, ivan, look how cool they are, at least sew some strings on your mouth.
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look, you'll wait for me, and why talk, i'd give the zine, i'd drive her to the store in the ondras, so that you won't fall, well, i'm alone, move over, zine, oh, van, looking at you, parrots, no, i 'll scream at her, and this who, a short t-shirt, i want the same one, at the end of quarts. are you right, van, are you such a bastard for me? well, leave me alone, leave me alone again, it’s a shame, van. damn, it would be better for you to remain silent. there will be no bonus per quarter, the provovkom itself wrote complaints that
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no, when i read it myself, besides this may cousin, you have only one shame on you, your life will suit you, arshin, where is the money zin, oh, ivan, i’ll die from the akraatiks, look how hard it is to believe the challah. for in the shop our comrade sadyuka, recently in the club was jumping around like that, and you come home, ivan, eat right away on the sofa, or you yell when you’re not drunk, what are you ivan, you zin will run into rudeness, you’ll offend everyone, here for you get so drunk every day, you go home, you sit there, and of course, zine, i’m now drawn
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to the store, and there are friends there, because i’m zine, i don’t drink alone, that’s not all, wow, but the gymnast, look what she’s doing even in her years, although we have a swallow in the coffee and milk, and the waitress can do that? and your friends are zin, they all knit hats for the winter from their boring dureisin images, like vanya lilka fedoseeva, kasirysha from tsepko, you kept coming to her for a housewarming party, she’s so fine, and why swear, better vanya, let’s go to vodka. to yerevan, well, leave me alone, leave me alone again, it’s a shame, van, thank you, thank you, thank you,
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thank you, the song is amazing, it seems that igor demarin is simply delighted along with sasha aivazov is here today, you liked it, this is amazing, thank you very much for...
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but i need something old, great, the melody has clearly been changed, and they missed it, this is
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probably some kind of cut episode, no, well, no, no, this , well, these are films, but they are so momentary, you know, in the version, tell us about yourself, you were born in blagoveshchensk, and you live now, i now live in two cities, i work in moscow, there are various projects, performances, performances, i live in chusovoy in the urals in the perm territory, what else do you sing, in such a voice, they told you that it looks like they even rushed to the role with sergei bezrukov, to the role of vysotsky, do n’t wait, it’s not the evening yet, to be continued, thank you for giving us this vysotsky song today, but i know that not only vysotsky and andrei mironov are in your repertoire, andrei, sing andrei alexandrovich, yes, let's, let's. i’ll get married, i’ll get married, what
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toys there can be, and i’ll be happy, i’m completely, but you... but you, my yesterday’s girlfriends, my yesterday’s girlfriends, you’re crying for me in vain, don’t cry, they hurt your heart, wipe the tears from your eyes, i'm telling you goodbye, i'm telling you goodbye, giving is not for us.
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well, how can my heir not play pranks on the nanny today, i’m just not happy, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest, take it, well, well, don’t,
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stop it immediately, otherwise i’ll shoot. bouquet of wild flowers. well, do you know why they kidnapped me and brought me here? premiere today on rtr. i'm tired of your old fence. do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but will repair or replacement take a big hit on the budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo. they will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade - bright life is suitable for any type of fence,
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provides a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to modern design. garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe; with them you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order a durable station wagon. 40 years ago , the tv series tazh was released on the screens of the country, i am authorized to say that it was based on the main story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet mido, also a spy for trianon, who was recruited by cia agents. our program features kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of... relatives in russia. malakhov on monday on rtr. once again, good saturday evening everyone.
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today on the program, hello andrey, with the help of songs dedicated to your favorite female and male names. we can confess our love. and now the author's song nina. it means that all nins must stick to the screens. victor. zabolotsky, our guest, enters the national stage, our guest from the bryansk region, viktor naumovich, we ask you, in this song i will sing to you, friends, as i came. it’s spring in my life, i met my friend, it’s like i’m living next to her in a dream, a kind, gentle,
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affectionate look, i’ll keep it in my heart forever, nina, ninushka, my nina, i love you very much, kind, unexpected, sweet look , i will keep my heart forever. nina-ninushka, my nina, i love you very much, when i come with home from work, i see her stern, dear look, and from this look, sometimes, life becomes bright and earthly, a kind, if not affectionate, look. i will save my heart forever, nina, ninushka, my nina, i love you very much,
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i would like to give everything to life, if only she were happy, she joked constantly. with me, love was joyful in the spring, kind, tender , affectionate glance, i will always protect my heart, mina, ninushka, my nina, i love you very deeply, kind, unexpected, affectionate glance, i will always protect over myself. nina-ninushka, nina my, i love you very much, andrei,
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andrei nikolaevich, without breaking traditions, there is no need to break traditions, this is from the klimov land, my wife and friend baked pies for you, this means from the place where the rooster is for three republics. ukraine, belarus and russia are singing, and pies from nina, i understand correctly, nina and her friend, you brought me to tears, how soulful, because i immediately felt like ilina, it seemed to me that you sang to her, here she is, viktorich, is it true that you carry a photograph of your wife close to your heart, here it is and it came out, look, it’s bitter, wait. that photo of your wife is under your heart? she didn’t know about it, but i had to hide the photo, here it is, here she is always under
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my heart, in 1980 we met nina mikhailovna, and then it somehow came to me that i sat down to write this song, here is this piece of paper, i have never performed it , but sometimes i made a little mistake. i gave her watered blue flowers, i gave her my heart, this is how my wife meets me, wherever i am, i will meet dear, i can’t stand it, i’ll go myself, where i’ll find him anyway, ninachka and i.
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i wish there was somewhere to turn my arm or leg, i don’t redo the floors, they creak when she walks, that means she’s alive, we met 44 years ago, this was my second marriage, her second marriage, my first wife left me, with nina mikhailovna, i met her, her fate is also difficult, her first marriage failed,
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we lived with him for 10 years, we suffered. when we turned 70 years old, we decided to exchange with victor, now we have a marriage in heaven together, and we are already completely both god and everyone, already married, and united, everyone cried and my soul became so anxious, something like this, now it would seem that in order to live, to live and to live, but already life is running out, that year i started looking for sheet music for
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concert and found it here by accident. i looked at this piece of paper, and this is his waltz of love, which he wrote to me 44 years ago, he does not dedicate songs to every woman, a kind, gentle, affectionate look, i will forever keep in my heart, nina-ninushka, my nina, i love you very deeply .
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we’ve been singing all our lives, all the birch trees are floating in a round dance, it’s not a good idea to approach the river, but aposhneya alyonushka brode, looking for, screaming for her beloved brass. ivanushka, ivanushka, call to reign, what kind of ruler you are, how talented.
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bravo, we continue our program, which is dedicated to the names of the seventies, performed by a vocal-instrumental ensemble of funny guys, alyoshkin’s song love appeared, which sold millions of copies on records, and today evgeny getmansky will perform this song for us, let’s welcome evgeny nikolaevich, yes , this will be a slightly different version of this song, we recorded it in the nineties. studio it turned out that in general, my friend and i were sitting, something like that, well, how the boys go there, they drink vodka, cucumbers, and he says: come on, let’s remember the songs of the seventies, write them down... we’ll then show them to our grandchildren in old age, well there are grandchildren, the song remains, alyoshka’s love, they say that
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it’s ugly, ugly, ugly, to take girls away from your friends, this... but you and alyoshka are unhappy, unhappy, and fate has tied the three of us tightly together, what to do, what to do , forbid myself to love you, i can’t do it, i can’t, it’s better for me to leave, but without sad, tender eyes of yours... and there will be no good path in life, to be with you often, but don’t dare to say, about the main thing, you won’t wish this on your enemy, but answer me no when
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you meet, so that your heart will feel lighter, i’m more i can’t live, believe me, i can’t, girls, i can’t still be together, how can i forbid myself to love you, i can’t do this, i can’t, it’s better for me to leave, but without your sad, tender eyes there will be no good path in life , the girls were sorted out, they didn’t even leave me to dance, but it was atmospheric,
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once again all together, what to do, what to do, i can’t stop myself from loving you, i can’t do it. i can’t, it’s better for me to leave, but without your sad, tender eyes, i won’t have a good life on the road, i won’t have a good life on the road. but what should i do, how should i forbid myself to love you, i can’t, i can’t do it.
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thank you very much, we remember this song, we love it, no, thank you, you really transported us into this atmosphere viya, and in which vocal and instrumental ensembles did you perform, the circle group was quite famous, well, we know that one. well, from the very beginning to the very end of existence in this group, i joined the original lineup as a vocalist, then i played as a keyboard player, and the group is a circle, this is karakum, this is you, this is karakum, kara-kara-karakun,
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we had a favorite song in sambart, this is kara-kara- kara, karak, this is kara-kara-kara. well, you’ve seen viknouch here and how he loves his wife, you’ve been married for over 30 years, what’s your wife’s name? irina, by the way, i’m trying to believe it now, but there are songs about irina that don’t come to mind either, you’re not the only one sitting now, this isn’t...
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the premiere, so i’ll cut it out alexander pankratov black, next time i won’t miss, alexander robok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort to apartment no. 20, okay, anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, i’m working for you all myself, will they kill you or will they kill you? maybe
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fyodor lavrov, well, look, what a beauty, and what a woman, where others give up, they grow wings, so, i ’m not direct, angels of the region, from monday on rtr. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in petwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add
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even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret one umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design. two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for just... veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth , fruit ripening and extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses 120x60 by 60 cm and 120 by 90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or
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of dumplings in just 5 minutes, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the machine with the most relish for only 4.95. whiskey. and i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands , when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday
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on rtr, sunday, how good it is that i have you, your friend... once again, good saturday evening everyone, friends, hello andrey on air, today the program is dedicated to names, and we couldn’t pass by this french song, it was very popular in the ussr, the song was in the repertoire of edita piekha and allashpa, and today this popular composition will be performed for us
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by the long-awaited guest in our program, zhenya lyubyach and her group, the song is called anton boris ivan imua. lorsque nous étions encore un pan sur le chemin de bruyer tout au long de la rivière on c est la mirabelle sous les net des tourterelle anton boris.
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the years of youth flew by and the problem was solved without difficulty, then it was as if the birds had flown from the nest somewhere? anton, andre, simon, marya, teresa, frenchman, isabé, rebecca,
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shak funciri. il nous vient ton enfant, le monde est trop grand, c'est d'appenes nos enfants et leurs parents, et moi, et toi, un don unment, france, isabel et moi, let everyone have their own family, but friends flock together, in our youth cut.
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pavel elyushin plays guitar in my project, we arrived today from st. petersburg by train, dmitry turyev on bass guitar and drummer roman nikolaev, this is the line-up we usually play at concerts, and today we were also joined by a wonderful ravo band, and the guys, of course, timur vedernikov, wonderful your alexander bardin, alexander bardin, amazing, yes. it was cool, thank you, bravo,
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zhen, do you remember when you first heard this song? you know, i probably don’t remember this exact moment, although my parents had a lot of records; including, i think, that the record with...
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was so loved by listeners that it was translated into russian and sung by the main pop stars of the seventies, simon, moya, teresa, isabelle and me. however. the ussr was familiar with the work of maril forev before, because it was she who performed the song, the tune of which was heard in every home immediately after the program. kino drove men crazy with just one look, and she was credited with having a relationship with the president himself.
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that i have beautiful eyes, they even call them golden, but they add that they are very sad, there is a reason for this, which i don’t really like to talk about, when i was only 2 and a half years old, i experienced violence, of course, i didn’t understand anything then, but from horror i lost my voice for a long time, maria could not survive this tragedy , treated men with distrust and was often disappointed in them, which is why, according to her admission, she was unhappy in her personal life. the biggest tragedy: i ​​was married five times and not a single marriage brought me happiness. the only thing i am grateful to god is that i became a mother. i have three children, i adore them, and
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of course, i live and am alive thanks to creativity. she lived by creativity until the end of her days, putting a piece of her soul into every song, and was so close to listeners that her songs did not need translation. laforet could explain everything with her eyes. toi, mon amour, mon ami, quand je chante, c'est pour toi, mon amour, mon ami, je ne peux vivre sans toi, mon amour, mon ami, et je ne sais pas pourquoi, we are talking today about names, you were named after one of your grandmothers, yes, i was named after my grandmother evgenia efremovna, interesting the fact is that she taught at the first media in st. petersburg, and... and one of her students was alexander rosenbaum, she was generally everyone’s favorite teacher, when he once signed a book for me with an autograph, so
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he left his autograph , he wrote there evgenia and the granddaughter of my favorite teacher evgenia, here efremovna, it ’s somehow so cool, it must be peaceful, how yes, well, today half of the editors screamed when they saw you, it’s her hit, now on the internet, everyone is doing rollers underneath yes, i think that without this we cannot do anything. i can’t do without it, i have a ushanka hat in my bins here, i can’t sing this song without it, so what, is this a fragment?
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bravo, well, sasha aivazov is sitting opposite you, i think that you tyroslaved him to gitli, and today all the lilies should now start dancing in front of the tv screens. another wonderful gift for all our women, wow, words from larisa rubalskaya, hello, let's sing, let's go, let's dance.
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the sky is crying to all the sad people, i will be frozen, i will share them, our entire beloved dacha village, i will come in late autumn, where the years of childhood floated, where i loved my neighbor, lily, and i was in the pond for lily, lily. lily picked three white lilies and picked the lily, and i tossed the lily, lily, lily in the evening, threw three lilies, i know time
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heals wounds. a new love enters, but i remember, oddly enough, i little little girl again, as if wings were growing when i heard the name lily, and in the pond for lily, li-li, li-li, three white ones burst in.
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yes, of course, i generally think that it’s a win-win option, so this is a song that is dedicated to the name, in my case , and of course, flowers, in my case that’s all it turned out two in one, this is also my case. yes, but your mother, galina, galina aleksandovna, she played a role in making this song a megahit, it seems to me, too, well, it so happened that i was born in... in such a musical family, yes, my mother, she graduated at one time, gnesenka was a conductor, a choir performer, but she didn’t work a day in her profession, she immediately went to work on the radio, and she liked it so much, she
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put this song on the air, that’s right, well, let’s put it this way, let’s put it this way, maybe this is not very correct, that is, it was a courtesy, but this is not very correct, but on the other hand, it’s honest, it’s luck, my friends, well, the song is good, good.
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says: listen, i’m on my way to the maternity hospital, my son was born, they named him martin, and he’s like, “what about me, or what?” i say what? and at the same time, i already know that philip kerkorov’s son martin, i think, they named the damn thing with an original name, i
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say, wait, how is it martin, and why did they name you martin, he says: well , in honor of his father , i say, what are you, martin martinovich? in general, i realized that this name was not the most original in that situation, but from now on we have martin timurovich vedernikov, hello to you, so here ’s the story! this is a very sore subject for me, because i have a grandson and his name is august, and that means my son, when dad said, well , he was born in august, august will be, it was a kind of shock in the family, because well, it’s not quite ordinary the name, i say, so, but what will they call him at school, and so on, what will stick, in the end we approved august, but gave me a promise that the next months will no longer be involved there will be, therefore august kirillovich getmansky. something, if i were a girl and born on may 1, september, there is a beautiful name that we will sing, sasha, what song today? i had such a not very pleasant situation, a few years ago - i participated in a musical
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project and perceived some moments quite painfully, i had a heart attack, in general, the first thing that i woke up, i saw a very beautiful girl, like that. .. fair, so it was written katerina, in fact, after this suspended animation i had my first words, these are spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, leaves above your head, with whom are you , dear friend, with whom do you go home, only back. there is no road, and i’ll tell you, remember, when they drew for me, i believe, i love and i’m waiting, katya,
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katerina, makha, color, without you i have no happiness in life, they’ll be confused if it’s not with you, katya, katerina, uh, soul, yes, why are you, katya, good, berry, raspberry, katya, katerina, so, thank you for being with us today, i want to say that take care of yourself and your heart, and be healthy. sunday losing weight with the guys we meet each other and go through life together.
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they say that you people know how to look straight into people's heads, this is a metaphor. look into his head, look in the app or on the website. once again, good evening everyone, thank you for spending this saturday with us, songs dedicated to your favorite names. today they are playing in our studio and, of course, we couldn’t ignore the girls named masha, that’s why.
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it’s a snowy night, but summer is in my heart, my tender wife, let him envy me for this, my thoughts alone, rather be alone with her, the dark night will cover everything. he won’t give us away and
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his daughter will be there, me and my masha at the samovar, it’s already completely dark in the yard, like a samovar. so the whale is our passion and the moon looks affectionately out the window, masha pours me tea, her review promises so much, having our paradise at the samovar, i ’ll pour some tea and drink until the morning. masha doesn’t pour tea, her review promises so much, at the sovar, me and my masha, you’ll get bored,
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we’ll drink until the morning. it’s a snowy night, but summer is in my heart, gentle little lady, let them envy me for this, let my thoughts be alone, to be rather, alone with her, the dark night will cover everything with her. if there is a daughter, masha herself, it’s already completely dark in the yard, like a samovar, so is our brush, and the weasel looks out the window for a month, and masha pours tea for me,
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her gaze promises so much, the yawning masha has gone to sleep.
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chaliapin has been a procor for 21 years now, and of course i no longer associate myself with this name, well, that’s how it turned out, but by and large, well, fyodor ivanovich is an idol for me, you see, i copy the costumes, i really like the image of being naughty, well, because it forever forever, you see, but also royal height, royal height, but fyodor chaliapin was even taller, imagine, i’m 94, he was 96 carrots, so, by the way, our correspondent visited with you in volgograd , visited the places of your childhood, come on. let's show you, my native volgograd, this is a sacred place for me, because my beloved grandmother anya is buried here, my grandfather vanya, my father lies right there. well, hello, my family, i came to you, my grandmother was a second mother for me,
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she died very suddenly, i think that my at that moment, childhood ended, my youth passed, and i finally became an adult. “my grandmother always prayed for me, my grandmother and today, i believe, my guardian angel sees from heaven, helps me, always when i sing songs, when i perform, i feel the warmth and love of my grandmother, that she is proud of me, that she loves me, my, my heart stands guard." i think that my grandmother would have lived at least another 10 years, if it weren’t for the hassle from my father, from mine, my father drank, mocked us, my mother, i ran to my grandmother, this is the house where i spent my entire childhood,
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my grandmother gave it to us, she earned it, i remember how it is now 12 thousand rubles, the house is small, modest, but this is my small homeland, which now lives here in my heart, the fence is original from my childhood. this is exactly what this fence was, this house, of course, it reminds me first of all of my grandmother, who loved me very much, now it’s very sad, of course, that this house will be demolished, that we’ll probably come back after some time . and here already this there will be no home, because this is the story of my family, my grandmother always knocked on the window like that, for me it was the happiest thing, lenka, open up, my mother, she came in like that, vovulechka never came empty-handed, of course, in so many years a lot has changed here, but some elements have been preserved in their original form, this is this shower that remembers me as a child, i washed myself here in the summer, here is that same wall, 30 years ago i painted it and... now there’s blue paint so everything on the street was preserved, dean, by the way, built this shower,
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how he built it to glory, all children, of course, in their childhood strive to have some kind of modest place, but in my childhood i had my own headquarters, i brought my girlfriends and friends here, here i cut an exit to the roof so that there was an exit to the second floor, and i remember my grandmother came, scolded us for gathering here, she was very afraid that we would start smoking, of course, from an early age my grandparents taught me everyday life... from my grandmother i remember this phrase: neither under no circumstances show your weakness, even to your closest friends, that’s where you will hit. my grandmother always told me that a folk song is the soul of a person. let's sit with her on the threshold and sing a song. she really liked the snow-white cherry tree, her grandmother sang it, a tear just rolled down her face, all her friends scattered around the parras in silence.
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well, at first yes, then when i became a prokhor, i changed my name officially in 2003, and my grandmother was already asking, asking, well, what is this russian name, my grandmother is from the village of boldina herself, prokhor somehow immediately stood up, you know, this is not some overseas name, it’s our ancient russian name, i believe that it suits me very well, because i sing folk songs, well, maybe we’ll remember something about andrey today, yes, this song, well , we all know an example and couplets, well , let’s all get together, oh andryusha, let’s dedicate it to andrey malakov this song.
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once upon a time, you and i took a photo, then
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we went our separate ways, but i won’t forget your tap dance, you danced it better than anyone, little guy, he runs away, he runs away, everything that... was like yesterday, it’s only in my memory that it’s a whirlwind, my dear friend, he whistles for me from the yard, it’s only a whistling light in my memory, my little friend, he whistles from the yard, but life goes on in itself... as it should be, sorrows and joys in half, but the girls
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don’t fall in love with us, they’re not in a hurry to go on dates with us, he runs away for joy, runs away for joy, that’s all , which was kind of like. yes, yesterday is only in my memory, my little friend will tell me, he will tell me. it’s only in my memory, my dear friend, the creation will change for me, maybe we’ll see each other in some wilted place, and such a day will come, and i’ll tell you from old
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memory, hello, tap dance, hello, breeze, runs away to school, runs away to school, everything that happened seems like yesterday, only in my memory, my dear friend, he whistles for me from the yard. only in my memory is my jaded friend, he whistles to me from the yard, once you and i took a photo, then we parted for everything in due time, but i won’t forget
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your tap dance. you danced it better than anyone, baby, it’s an image, a twist, not just a name, everyone has their own twist, that’s what tanich said when he gave me yes. everyone has their own branch, which is a real symbol of some childhood, nostalgia in general, for all the good things of the present. my husband was the kingdom of heaven, we worked together in combination, he was a sound engineer, he was a great musician, a very funny arranger , he really liked to give gifts, surprises, here’s just a song, right about him, well, i’m
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suggesting, since we’re here today in some memories, transport yourself to jurmala in 1986, where... you also captivated the audience with a song with a name, with a name, yes, attention, you and i are like two slugs rolling along the cheeks of the huge homeland of the earth, ivanna, ivana. yes, this song did a lot for me then, because you kind of melt the hearts that are hard, yes, a little, with your attitude towards a woman, name and so on, in general, it becomes as if everyone is pleased, it’s great, and you win good
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places at competitions and festivals. history, the elder roma, the younger ignat, here they are, by the way, ignat somehow just arose right away, because wife natalya, husband igor, ignat, it’s normal, and then they looked,
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change the name, yes, i’m just sitting here and thinking, prokhora, it happened so easily, now he will bless me, and we will do it right now, well, no, the train has already left, we need to think about it earlier, who did you decide to be as a result, i have such a story, well, just imagine, they called me, firstly, these are the names yes , even all the stories that are heard today, but most, yes, our parents give us names, i was named after my grandmother, grandmother lyudmila, disabled since childhood, she had a bad leg, but somehow ... in general so it went that i felt that i began to attract, i just began to attract, well, it’s like i’m filming a fall from the third floor, my grandmother, yes, but a fall from the third floor, at first i stopped taking this name,
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today i understand that i just worked it out, i just take it like that, lyudmila, and say, and now i’m asti, wait, you’re asti, in the end it’s asti, and asti svitova, first of all, there’s this asti in the surname, there are three letters left, why not change the name if you really want to, well, really, yes, yes. so we wish you good luck with what we will sing today, come on, what song have you prepared, well, about names, of course, well, naturally, about names battery, cold wind with rain, the goodness has increased, everything says one thing, that there is no way and back, that you are not my trap, and i am not... oh otleyka, that love’s battery has run out,
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friends, the program time is running out, time to eat delicious rubbish, have a nice evening, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen on the planet, the loudest premieres have flown. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party or what? what are you? oh, you don’t know bender well? for murder on the cunning man doesn't need a motive. what was that on
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the strip? i don’t know, dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever does not take risks, because luck does not smile, we will succeed, i will operate. i, i ’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance , you are a coach, i am a player, breathtaking shows and the best music, and you are generally a big part of you spend your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the blogger’s music, and...
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8:00 pm
through these doors everything you can’t imagine russia without, only on channel rtr planet. on the russia channel big news. in tatyana remizova's studio and the main topics of this saturday in our issue. during the shelling , there was a young pregnant girl on the street; unfortunately, one of the mines fell in
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close proximity, a pregnant woman. died as a result of shelling of the village novaya tavolzhanka in the belgorod region in another village.


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