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tv   46-i Moskovskii Mezhdunarodnii kinofestival  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 2:00am-3:16am MSK

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tell me, i see that something happened to you. elena, trust me, i want to help you without any left thoughts. i am very grateful to you, sergech, but i would not like to burden you with my problems. i understand you are a proud independent woman, but promise me you will ask for help if you need it. ok, i promise. goodbye, and sergeidmich, you know what? yes, i need your help, could you find out about one person, belyaev ivanovich, where he is, what he does, this is very important for me, of course, i will call you, thank you.
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sorry to scare you, who are you? artyom, dasha’s friend, and i’m elena, her stepmother, it’s very nice, mutual, oh, excuse me, where is dasha? and she ’s sleeping, you need to answer, yes, mom, you’re talking about the same thing again, i’ll call you later, well, in short, i don’t know that i’m here, i’m cooking, how are you, just great. i talked to
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dasha, as you asked, i hope she will make the right decision, leave you forever, yes, it would be nice, and you did well, as you tried for yourself, now it’s your move. and... “i don’t know what happened, i went to practice in medical center, i’m a medical student myself, and i saw her standing on the bridge, i immediately realized that she wanted to jump, god, what horror, i felt that something was wrong with her, but not to the same degree. i’ll probably go, artyom, i don’t even know how to thank you.” everything’s fine,
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just don’t leave dasha, she really needs your support now, of course, goodbye, thank you very much, goodbye. dashenka, you must know that no matter what happens, i will not leave you, i will do everything to help you, do you hear, well, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything.
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let me spend the night. come in, i’ll help, we’ll succeed, we’ll give birth, we’ll raise, children are happiness, a child is just a miracle, you’ll see, you don’t understand, all i can do for now is think only about him, i don’t see the point in living alone without... denis, i understand,
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dashenka, but you are not alone, you had and still have a meaning in life, very important. just don’t tell dad, okay, i’ll tell you later, of course, just promise me that you won’t do anything stupid again, something went wrong, call me right away, that very second, agreed, okay, i promise, good girl, everything will be fine, rest for now.
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who else is there? maybe dad? hello, denis. sorry for the early visit, my name is elena, i am dasha orlova's stepmother. well, hello. and what do you need? talk. and dasha and me.
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“i heard everything, honey, forget it, calm down, yes, well, come to me, as you say, oh, lord, “just think, i’m late, you’re the boss, you do everything as you want, you don’t understand, i ’m left without communication, what if my people come looking for me or semyon, they are all adults, you don’t have to be a babysitter, yul, these are mine
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close, dear people, i don’t want them to worry, you don’t want the truth, or vice versa..." you hope that your wife is finally worried about you. hurry up, or i'll leave alone. hello. hello. sorry, i somehow awkward. i really freaked out then. of course i’m grateful to you for all that. but why did you come, i just wanted to know how you were feeling, you don’t even know my name, hmm, why don’t i know, you, dasha, i. yesterday i met your mother, by the way, a good woman, yes, she will take care of me, so don’t worry, thank you again for not passing by, yes,
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you’re welcome, i’m glad that you’re feeling better today, goodbye, artyom, wait, i still want to know. what happened yesterday? why? do you care? no. since yesterday i have only been thinking about you. i think i like you. at first everyone says that, and then they quit. sorry, i'm not ready to talk right now. got it, sorry. bye.
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well, since this happened, maybe you can introduce us to vadim ivanovich? this is elena orlova, i told you about her. nice to meet you. lidia mikhailovna said that you took care of my girl, i am very grateful to you. i myself became very attached to her. vadim ivanovich, let's go. oh, listen, vadim. how did it happen that you didn’t know the existence of olechka? you are not required to report. well, why, it’s not difficult for me. i didn’t know that olya’s mother was pregnant, how... we separated, i left for a long time, when i returned, i learned from mutual acquaintances about katya’s death
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, that there was olenka, and now i want to take my girl, something is bothering you , you know, yes, it’s confusing, but i’m not ready to say what exactly yet, let me tell you, you you become attached to the girl and are afraid of losing her, then why didn’t you adopt her yourself, that ’s it, i don’t have the strength to watch this circus, i ’m calling security, listen, no security is needed. everything will be fine, everything will be fine,
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girls, i felt that everything would happen like this, and then he fell into the orchestra pit right on the kuruba... yes, yes, you won’t believe it, he hit such a high note that the audience just burst into applause and shouting, bravo, bravo, yes, yes, good afternoon, hello, and i’ve already said my prayers, mom! "mom, what are you doing here, and i was telling the girls about our
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theater show, ever since it closed in the theater, it became so boring, terrible, that’s why you came here, and can’t you guess why, let’s go, girls, that’s it, goodbye, mom is leaving, it’s wonderful, mom, it hurts, nothing, after the divorce it will hurt you even more, so get used to it, but there will be a divorce if you chew rubber instead of saving your marriage, lena, you’ll go to misha right now, or i, what are you , i’ll arrange a small charity recital here, you know, i have the necessary repertoire, in the program there will be songs, dances, recitation of political pamphlets, mom, you won’t do this. are you sure? well, please understand, i can’t leave, my shift is starting. yes, i
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agreed with your boss. he said that he would receive people himself. why did you do that? why didn't you consult me? i don’t want to be beholden to the shakhovites. but you want to while away your old age alone. mom, i'm counting to three. once. three. oh love vikashke.
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we we know everything about vacation. onyx.
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in the recent past, you were a well-known scientist and psychiatrist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator , it will hurt, saying that you people
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know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look, in the application or on the website, yulia, i already miss you, yulia, is that you? it’s you, the world is a small place, elena viktorovna, really? misha, what are you doing here? elena viktorovna, you’re not so nervous, i work here, and you don’t have
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to believe me, but i didn’t know that mikhail petrovich is your husband, and he doesn’t know anything. can someone explain to me what is happening here now? this is yulia nikonova, the sister of my deceased patient, who inundated the ministry of health with complaints and demands that i be punished for my alleged negligence. it was because of her that i quit emergency medicine, although the commission acquitted me. do you remember what you told the commission then? i wasn't myself. i'm sorry, that it all turned out this way. you're sorry. that is, not only am i not operating, but you decided to break up my family. it’s not true, i’m telling you, it’s an accident, misha, misha, okay,
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let’s say i’m interested in one question: why did the greeting aunt... your niece is in a shelter, why did you abandon olechka? this is none of your business, circumstances, circumstances, accidents have developed, you are well settled, dear, and there is no responsibility, i am not dear to you, and you have no right to say so, you know nothing about my life, who is vadim belyaev, who introduces himself as the girl’s father is trying to adopt her, i don’t know any belyaev, i don’t know anything at all... lena, we need to talk, no, besha,
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no. lena, lena, lena, calm down, you lied to me, how could you, how could you, listen, spit for three, he’s not serious with this profura, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me senya, and you too, what else i won’t let you drive in this state, let’s go, listen, every day. says that she loves only you, len, this is serious, you understand, katya replaced my parents, helped, solved all my problems, after her death... i just didn’t know how to live further. i wasn't myself. how olya ended up in
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the shelter. apika's organs were taken from the street, but i couldn't pull the child myself. but i wasn’t going to abandon her completely, i thought about helping when i got back on my feet. why didn't you tell me anything? well, what do you think? i thought you would judge me, but i ask you, believe me, i really accidentally ended up in your company, i really love you. please leave me alone, i need to think about what to do next. so we issued you sick leave due to a work injury, tomorrow you will come to elena viktorovna for a dressing. thank you, oleg pavlovich, i thought,
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if i touched my finger already, everything will be fine, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, oleg pavlovich, you are a wonderful specialist, do you think so, yeah, in any case, i’m already unused to practice, but before elena viktorovna is far away from me. i wish i could get to the cafe before lunch, or maybe i can come with you, checkbox, that is, galina vladimirovna, galina vladimirovna, i’m not blind, i see everything, you’re a smart, beautiful girl, so don’t waste your time and yours on me energy, i like the other one woman. and you, no, elena viktorovna didn’t show up, nelya andreevna showed up there again, making all my pregnant women laugh.
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elena viktorovna did not appear, she surrendered to you all. gal, what are you doing? nothing. it’s been a long time since they had a secretary since that very evening when you didn’t come to the restaurant, he then drank a lot and acted out of stupidity, they live together, i don’t know, probably just tapes... don’t make sudden movements, but he’ll come back, it’s an everyday thing, it’s easy to give advice when it doesn’t concern you, right? yes
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, i’m not sure what does not concern, in my opinion nat she brought some kind of boyfriend to her, oh, calm down, she didn’t take anyone in, make peace before it’s too late to adopt a child, there will be less time for all sorts of nonsense, yes, i already thought about it, only nadya didn’t want to adopt, so maybe maybe she... she just wasn’t sure about you, maybe we need to try again, semyon, maybe we should, okay, i’ll go, thank you for taking me, thank you. this is some kind of phantasmogoria, mom, olya, dasha,
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misha, this is yulia, i will never believe that she appeared in my life by accident, how can i cope with this, alone? len, you offend, you have i’m your stupid father, how... len, hello, i understand you ’re a little out of time for this right now, but i have a surprise, hello, oh well, yura, god, lenka, hello, hello, god, how you’ve changed. what a pity! mom, do you remember yura? she thinks i have dementia. and i don’t remember how the three of you stole
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silicone from the prop shop of our theater? a dummy to practice first aid skills, andrevna, it wasn’t stolen, it was owed, it wasn’t stolen, tell me, are you passing through or at all? no, literally for a couple of days, to visit my parents, to see you, and then back to magadan. well, girls, maybe we can hang out in a cafe this evening, like in the good old days, huh? lyanochka will be happy to join, rest, and switch gears, right? that’s great, girls, how glad i am to see you, girls, listen, tell me, come on, why didn’t you call, listen, over, maybe some tea, yes, come on, sit down, what can i tell you, hello, nelechka, victor, you tell me i need it, you finally admitted it, i don’t mean it that way, let’s stop these stupid jokes, we have to save the marriage
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our daughter, are you sure? that lina wants us to interfere in her personal life, just a minute, we are no better specialists in family matters, no matter how much worse it gets, less panic, more action, i understand everything, that’s it, i’m waiting for you, yes, dear, i’m running , i’m flying, untreated, please don’t worry, control yourself , you know me, i am calmness itself, i know you. good afternoon, hello, on what issue, on moral and ethical issues, dear, is our son-in-law at home, yes, at home, calmly, well, hello, mikhail, nelly andreevna, viktor valerievich, what do i owe, and because, misha, you traded our daughter. for
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some kind of professional paper, i hope this is not the misunderstanding that is sitting in your waiting room, the misunderstanding, dear neli andreevna, is mikhail’s marriage with your daughter, and your appearance here, because you have no right to meddle in someone else’s life, and what right do you, child, have to destroy someone else’s family, what kind of family, one name, it would be something to destroy, yulia, well, repeat it again, come on, crazy one, neli andreevna, hello, hello, they gave her a little, i would also like that added, we just came here to talk, yes, but as you can see, the conversation didn’t go well right away, well then another time, come to our cafe, we have wonderful herbal tea and relax, thank you semyon, we ’re in a hurry, we have a very important matter, i ’ll show you off , there’s an eclair, well, of course, then let’s go,
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wow, well, you had a mother-in-law, i sympathize, she didn’t, but she does, julia, why did you make her so angry? i just said what i thought, how did i know that this old woman was completely out of her mind? this old woman is just trying to save her daughter's marriage as best she can. i have always been an expressive person due to my profession, but she always treated me well, i will not allow her to be offended, i wanted the best, because i also love you and i will not allow anyone to wipe their feet from you, because
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i have. hello, lena, come on, maybe we can meet with you and talk like adults, why bother with parents, and what kind of kindergarten? mish, firstly, i didn’t kiss anyone, and secondly, i called you all evening yesterday because i needed you, and you just picked up and turned off the phone. i didn't turned it off, i accidentally broke it, by the way. call dasha immediately, she thinks that you left her too, i can’t talk anymore, do you have any problems? yes, you know, nothing unusual, it’s just that the husband left for a young woman, the other one decided to commit suicide because she was pregnant, her boyfriend left her. and
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i just can’t adopt a girl, a mother who died on my operating table, but otherwise, you know, everything is fine. you're okay, you're just tired, you need a little distraction, rest, take a walk, let's go, yes, let’s go, what are you worried about, you will be much better, it proceeds without pathologies,
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don’t worry so much, the pregnancy , the fetus is developing normally, the location is correct, but what about back pain, i would advise. don’t lie around at home, take more walks, sign up for the pool, excuse me, yes, semyon, hi, nat, hi, it’s here, we need to meet, talk, when this evening, i definitely won’t be able to tonight, i’m busy, busy, that means, yes, well... okay, bye, nadyusha, let's go!
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do you think they might arrest us, they shouldn’t, it seems he, oh, here he is, konstantin fedorovich, good afternoon. i apologize, but we really need to talk to you, mr. andreev, and i know you, you played gertrude in our theater, so you are aware of my sharp-character role? unfortunately, i 'm in a hurry now, but you come in the morning, i promise to see you without an appointment, just a minute, are you on
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work issues or personal matters? eh, for personal reasons, but not only for our own, for yours too, or rather your stepchild denis, our granddaughter dasha. what else has this bastard done? my friend from the organs dug up a lot of things interesting thing about your belyaev, a former
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drug addict, there was a period of storage, for a more serious crime of distribution, there was not enough evidence, he was released early, well , it seems like he’s trying to improve, he got a job... to the question, yes, why do you need this? you are young, beautiful, you can arrange a personal life with a person who will love and appreciate you, you can still have your own children, not everything is so
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simple, my husband is the only person i have loved and love to visit, and the girl has become like me dear, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of heredity. i just want her to be happy, really, i didn’t think that such women still exist, sometimes you... inspire hope, maybe you just better look around, i’ll try, sit here, dad, call me dad ? only when you do something, you don’t have
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to strain yourself, my father didn’t make sense out of me anyway, why didn’t he call, i called, but you’re apparently so busy that you don’t even have time to charge your phone, are you dasha? i'm varya, then leave us, please, the conversation will be men's. dad, it was her mother who complained to you, everything is wrong, what do you think, i’ll explain everything to you now. i ’m not going to bother myself with your adventures, but this girl has relatives, respected people, her grandmother is an honored artist, her grandfather is a well-known journalist in the past with connections, i did a lot for you, i gave you a surname that is respected in the city, and i i won't let you disgrace her. dad, i'll sort it all out, i promise you, i 'll sort it out, come on, be a man, finally, or
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you'll have to take the key to the car from this apartment, please, well, i'll give you a month, you understand me, i understand, i understand who the relatives are with this brew, i don’t know. it’s too bad, so we filed for divorce. sometimes it seems to me that this is the only right decision, and sometimes, maybe dessert, so the heart. listen, i was sure that i was the only fool who could refuse.
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well, just don’t say that this is your school friend, this is my university
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classmate, and who are you, what do you allow yourself, i’m still her husband, by the way, there are still questions, there are, i accepted the question, i answer, senya why are you like little children, katya already? we're having a fight, call the police, you're with i'm crazy, please call me, are you going home? yes, i wanted to stop by, but...
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okay, i’ll still go to my people, on the way back i’ll stop by, pack my things, move to a hotel, it will be better for everyone, but not for me, it seems that i... that i i understand that very little time has passed, but i have a delay and the test is questionable, i didn’t want to talk until i was sure, aren’t you happy at all? i'm sorry, i'm
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very tired, please don't leave me, misha. yes, egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right. the premiere is old, yes, but you are like a cucumber to us. you know i would be on you got married, but you are with us. hello. hello, what next? mikhail andreevich, light. and buy angels of the area from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but
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you need to relax where the sun and sea are, first. coastal, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world exciting adventures to ignite.
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ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will happen it’s clear, and dreams become reality, as you see, in the wild.
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“you and i fought a little, we said all sorts of bullshit, in general, i don’t want to lose you, i believed that you would come back, even though i’m here i almost went crazy, but wait, i didn’t finish, i don’t want to lose you, but i’m not ready for the birth of this child." i promise you, we will have many children, but only sometime later, okay,
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come on in go ahead, listen, but i’m not going to report him, there was a misunderstanding, i don’t have any complaints against him, well, in vain, you looked at yourself in the mirror, he only grabbed you with his fist, and if he grabbed the chair, well, no. i took it, well, let the restaurant pay for all the damage, we won’t even issue a slight bodily injury, i’m sorry that this happened, nad, you have it, of course, he’s crazy, but he loves you madly, that’s for sure. “take your bully, just don’t complain later, i
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’m sorry, in short, it was inconvenient, too much, oh well, it happens, i ’m returning to magadan tomorrow, and you are here, in short, stop suffering with nonsense, i’m for it. we ’ll try, yes, try.
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hello, dalin, you wanted to ask something, sorry, i got the wrong number, we ’ll meet tomorrow, yes, the old man in acesual is still alive, he looks good for his age, i gave him to you when he was very tiny. a kitten, yes, that's why he lives to spite me, to constantly remind me of you, and for that i am... very grateful to him. okay, we didn’t come here to chase anyone with nostalgia. nelochka, i am listening to you carefully. so that's it. pull up all your
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friends from crime chronicles. yes. i think they have garters in the police. let them know everything about this yulia, there is too much of her in our lena’s life. i am sure that all this is not accidental. why are you looking like that? hm. “i admire you, you haven’t changed, you’re just as beautiful as the day we met, good morning, good morning, sit down to breakfast, today it seems like, thank you, i don’t feel like it, i’m feeling nauseous, right? something like that. dash, let me take you to nadya, she is a very good doctor.
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oh, no, she’s your friend, it’s somehow inconvenient. why? well, i’ve already made an appointment at the medical center for today. yes. should i go with you? i need it, thank you. i'll call a taxi. do not worry. everything will be fine. yes. call me later, okay. yes. let's.
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understand that you are making a big mistake, and in general he could deceive you again, i am sure that after this he will stay with you, and then you will have to live with this for the rest of your life, you are all fine give advice, but now i don’t know. what should i do, it’s up to you to decide, well, please think carefully before you go back there. your
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coffee, please, thank you, hello, hello, you spoke with dasha, i couldn’t get through, i’ll visit her today, what happened, she has a problem in her personal life.
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why did this happen? i would really like to get everything back, but i'm afraid it will be difficult now. julia is pregnant. what? i think we should file for divorce. are you sure that she is pregnant from you? well, is she even pregnant? i do not know exactly. but to me it wouldn’t even occur to me to manipulate such things, i’ll figure it out myself, what we’ll do with the application, whatever you want, you’re the one who’s going to submit it? called?
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i didn’t call, but elena viktorovna invited me, sit down, tell me how you are doing? thank you, everything is fine, but you couldn’t tell, you ’ve changed a lot lately, i heard you had troubles in your family, your husband left, but what does this have to do with it? situation, reward you with a trip to a sanatorium, for example, i wouldn’t refuse a shift either , thanks for your concern, but i’ll refuse, you need unwind, elena viktorovna, take your mind off your thoughts, but you don’t want to go to a sanatorium,
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let’s go to the theater, oleg pavlovich. i ’ll probably go, elena viktorovna, elena viktorovna, i’m tired of walking around so long, don’t you understand anything, are you crazy, excuse me, you’re a scoundrel, your little guy vasiliev is not a scoundrel, he’s a fool. please tell me where is cable 316? don’t you understand the signs, on the doors, look, it’s just a problem brunette, wait, uh-huh, what is it, hello, sales, hello,
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ah, i understand, you’re great, thank you. i'm sorry, no i can come today, yes, i’m very busy, let’s call tomorrow, okay? yeah, that's it, come on, kiss me, so come on, sit down, varyusha, it seems to me that your plan worked. she had an abortion and i am a free man again.
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hello, hello, well, did your falcons dig up anything? you offend me, nelochka, it’s my school after all. sit down, you'll like it. then this came up, a cloak, oops, that’s what they dropped on me, so, yulia nikonova, her sister ekaterina, originally from the urban village of dolgovka, moved to the region for 5 years.
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i try to match my valkyrie, that's it, let's go, you were right, he deceived me, i'm very sorry, oh well, i'll get over it somehow, but i won't just leave it like that, i still yearn for him, but there's no need to take revenge on anyone. just try to forget him as soon as possible, you will start a new life, at 20 years old with a belly, what a life, no one needs me anyway, not even my parents, why shouldn’t anyone, mother, be with me,
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especially with my child, okay, i came to thank you, thank you, you are my guardian angel, and you will be a good doctor, because... you are a caring person, sales, wait, i wanted to say that you are a very good girl, and you will definitely be happy, we’ll wait and see, thank you for your kind words, i really need this now, listen, maybe i’ll accompany you, but i won’t jump from the bridge anymore, don’t be afraid, i know, i just don’t want to let you go, okay, let’s go.
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you can see for yourself, the results of an express paternity test, the probability is 99.9, so there are no doubts, well, there are no questions about this... they don’t have any questions, doesn’t it bother you that belyaev is a former drug addict and criminal? yes, we are aware that vadim ivanovich had problems with the law, but he atoned for his guilt, besides , he took the path of correction, leads a healthy lifestyle, earns good money, wants to take care of his own daughter , does everything for this, and does not fool the child’s head. i understand your sarcasm. tell me, are you sure that belyaev will not lose his temper? don't worry, the family will be properly supervised. and at the first sign of danger the child will be taken away, but what if he takes her away? ledia mikhailovna, tell me honestly, belyaev paid you for your protection, right? what?
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what do you allow yourself? present me with such accusations, and even in front of witnesses! yes, i will sue you for libel! ledya mikhailovna, we are already leaving. do you understand that you are selling a child? yes, thank god you won’t get this child, you’re not normal, do you see that? you understand viktorovna, calm down, you will ruin everything, wait for me in the corridor, okay, i see that you are provoking, so, ledia mikhailovna, since there are questions for the girl’s father, this story will be under the control of the administration, yes please, if the administration there are no more important things to do. bye-bye,
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hello, hello, thank you, good afternoon, hello, elena viktorovna, as i understand it, you are against my candidacy for olenka’s adoption, yes, i’m against it, so what? don't bother us, okay, no need, have a nice day, elena, you. you know, i think i understood what confused me about him last time, his pupils are dilated, no, there may be many reasons, but there is one most likely one, do you think he i think we need to get his medical certification, quickly so that he doesn’t have time to prepare, i want make sure that he doesn’t use again, it’s reasonable, let’s go, let’s go.
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i haven’t walked like this for a long time, thank you, it’s so beautiful here, calm, good, good afternoon, young people, good afternoon, what’s the matter, well , nerd, i walked with a chick, tell someone else, what, what, are you deaf or something, chick stays with us, are you getting out of here? yeah, now i’ll just iron the laces, denis sent you, yes, shut up, you fool, help, someone, hey guys, stop fighting, i’ll call the police now, don’t touch her, stop it, i ’m telling you, that’s it, vanya! yes i'm fine, yes
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call the ambulance to the central entrance, lyuba, the girls are bad, let's call an ambulance, that's it, i 'm already calling,
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hold on, and now you're pushing me away, i appreciated your impulse, but now is not the time to sort things out, my family needs me, damn it your family. lena, misha, i don’t know what happened to her, what happened, the doctor said that she was coming to her senses after anesthesia, but they couldn’t save the child, forgive me, i couldn’t save her. you
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remember them well, can you identify them? yes. for some reason, dasha decided that her ex-boyfriend could have sent them. this is something we never got to grips with met. and where to look for him? this is pasana konstantin andreev. yes, mish, the same one. and i know where to look for him, but i won’t tell you, because now you can ruin things. let the police deal with it. kill him or maim him, but you understand, if andrei intervenes, the police will release everything on the brakes, no, misha, lena, i will find him anyway, misha, konstantin fedorovich, mikhail orlov is worried, you and i met about the construction of... sorry for the late call, but it
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’s about your pasanka, yes, i’ll be there soon, yes . i didn’t kiss anyone, what are you talking about, dad, do you believe him or what? i’m not to blame for anything, it’s my fault, i forced you to solve problems with the girl, you decided to settle them this way, right? no, dad, i’m telling you, i’m not involved, you don’t care... dasha lost her child, and she could have died if it weren’t for that guy, you understand that this is a criminal case. “if you are guilty, then the investigator will find you very quickly, through calls, correspondence. dasha scratched the attacker, which means there is dna, and he will be found very quickly, and he’ll rat you out, but that’s okay, and dad will tell me off,
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you don’t want to lose your reputation as the father of the city, dad, do you, dad? no, why are you cheating." i’m so glad that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any the problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to
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earth, sunday, to rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely. switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best
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restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best. the choice for an unforgettable holiday. 40 years ago, the series “tas” was released on the screens of the country, i am authorized to declare. it is based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, also known as trianon spy, who was recruited by cia agents. our program features kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. mala. on monday on rtr, hey, the guy is far away, what do you care, man, let's get out of here, are you crazy, what do you need, now you and i
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will go to the police, where you will tell how you and your friends beat up a pregnant girl, her friend in the barge, do you understand me? what are you driving? why didn’t denis tell you that she was pregnant? the child, by the way, died, okay, okay, let me go, it hurts, i’ll go, don’t come near me, i’ll kill you, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it!
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okay, i’ll come now, artyom, please stay here with dasha for now, in case she needs anything, yes, i’ll quickly, of course, well, of course, we are very grateful to you for the prompt capture of the criminals, all that, but let's do something without homemade next time, good! i really hope that there won’t be a next time, well, thank you very much again, by the way, you don’t have to go to the hospital it would interfere, nothing, it will heal, yes, well, take care of yourself, thank you. misha,
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well, i don’t advise you to joke with such a wound, after all, you should go to the hospital, my god, you’re wounded, nonsense, a scratch, citizen, you’re lucky with your husband, with someone like that behind a stone wall, well, i’ll go, goodbye. but i’m very glad that you still care about me, well, of course i care about you, stupid, come to my clinic, there wasn’t enough infection yet, give me a jacket, it hurts a lot, no, okay, they bandaged the guys as best they could, well that's all, i've never seen you at work. at your place really golden hands, hello,
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hello, why are you, elena viktorovna, using your official position for personal purposes, and does n’t my official position oblige me to provide first aid to victims, or should i do this only by appointment. elena viktorovna, i was joking, as soon as you finish. please come to me, but things aren’t going as smoothly with him as i thought, it turns out i was jealous in vain, yes, not only is this thing in vain, i agree, i would give a lot to not have that terrible evening what happened after him. has the pregnancy been confirmed? misha, this is very
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important to me. why? what will it change? do you remember your examination after that accident in which you pulled the victims out of the river? you then had terrible hypothermia. i think you said that's it. there were no consequences, i collected you, your tests showed infertility, the doctor said that this could be a temporary phenomenon, or maybe forever, why didn’t you tell me about this, i tried, but i couldn’t, you’re so painful reacted to these conversations, i thought that this could be a blow for you, were you going to hide it? all life? no, i wasn’t going to hide it, i wanted
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to help you, do you think why all these pills, vitamins, vacation at the dead sea?


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