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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 3:15am-4:11am MSK

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misha, this is very important to me. why? what will it change? do you remember your examination after that accident in which you pulled the victims out of the river. you then had terrible hypothermia. i think you said there were no consequences? i gathered you. your tests showed infertility. “the doctor said that this could be a temporary phenomenon, or maybe forever, why didn’t you tell me about this, i tried, but i couldn’t, you reacted so painfully to these conversations, i thought that this might be for you be a blow, were you going to hide it all your life, no, i wasn’t going to hide it, i wanted to..." help us, you think,
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why all these pills, vitamins, vacation at the dead sea, the doctor said that this is not a sentence, which means you could get better, or julia deceived you, forgive me, please, i wanted the best, but hello, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, lie down, lie down, lie down. , be careful, be careful. dad, hello, daughter, are you
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okay, your head is a little itchy, what ’s wrong with you, yes, i’ll wait there, yes, go home, rest, yes, i’m not tired, come on, guardian angel, dad’s business, he says, you’ve already been on duty, i’ll come in the evening, yes, take your backpack, yeah, goodbye, forgive me, daughter, forgive me, that i didn’t save you, that i couldn’t become a good father to you, that ’s not true, dad, i know that my daughter is no longer a gift, but i love you very much, you forgive me. elena viktorovna, it seems
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that i have always been very loyal to you, i was ready to make any concessions, given the difficulties of your personal life, but there is everything limit, i can’t cover your negligence, it seems to me that you were blamed for this at your last place of work, i don’t understand you. read, you will understand everything: she behaved boorishly, repeatedly violated the rules for receiving visitors, so, do you believe in this anonymous denunciation, well, let’s say, not a denunciation, a signal to which i simply have to respond, because the next complaint may not come to my name, but directly to the ministry of health, of course, i will try to hush everything up. but on one
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condition, you yourself must meet me halfway. i will leave my resignation letter with the department frames. goodbye. misha, misha, how can this be, you’re gone all night, you’re not answering calls, i was so worried, misha, what, are you wounded? no, yul, i'm not wounded, i'm killed. get dressed, we ’ll go to the doctor now, i want to know how your pregnancy is going. misha, why, it’s too early.
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the period is very short, they won’t even register me . nothing, nothing, i just want to make sure everything is okay. well, okay, i 'll get ready now. “ it wouldn’t hurt for you to change your clothes too, yes, yes, the ribbons are fine, fine, i just quit my job, you're kidding, but what about the reception, don't worry, tick, the shakhovian will come now. will replace me, it's because of a complaint, right? how do you know about the complaint? it was i who wrote it, oh you idiot,
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why don’t you, look at her, she pretended to be a girlfriend, herself, i didn’t want you to be fired, i just... wanted oleg pavlovich to stop constantly praising you, then elena viktorovna, this is elena viktorovna, as if the color has come down on you like a wedge, and a toad has strangled you, yes, when you work , treat people like elena viktorovna, you will also be praised, nadya, that’s enough, elena viktorovna, dear , please forgive me, i already regretted that you wrote this complaint, i even wanted to go pick her up, it was already too late, i ’ll go now... i’ll tell you everything , no need to go anywhere, galya, no one fired me, i decided for myself, len, why, because i realized that this was not my place, it’s good that i realized in time, sit down, tick, everything is fine, okay.
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so what will you do next? how to live? i spent too much time working, damage to my personal life, apparently the time has come repaying debts is good, but you remember that senya and i are always close, yes, i know, and i love you very much.
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mrs. nikonova, you are talking to us about pregnancy, yes, very early with the threat of miscarriage. “i want you to indicate this in your conclusion, and then you will come to me for a certificate of spontaneous expulsion, i understand you correctly, everything is possible, i agree, well, that’s great, that means
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we’ve agreed, now we’ll do everything.” "sorry, uh-huh, yes, hi, hello, i found out, no, i don’t recognize, don’t turn on the fool, i didn’t recognize she, in short, we need to cross paths, if you don’t come to the park within an hour, i ’ll find you myself. in my opinion, here, i’m sure, yes, seventy -six, yeah, yeah, the owners, come on, there’s someone in the house, it’s locked, there’s someone in the house,
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the owners, yeah, why are you bothering, doesn’t live there anymore no one for a long time, oh, let's go. hello, hello, please tell me, maybe you know the girl who lived here, yulia nikonova, and this is the youngest, two sisters lived here, nothing more. i won’t tell you, it’s none of my business, but please, i see, maybe you still want to talk to us, okay, come on, come in, quickly, quickly, uh-huh, thank you, something doesn’t bother me... okay, maybe you can sit down for some water, don’t get some
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air, but let’s go , let's go, where are you going now? i’ll take you now, and then i’ll go to work. i wanted to take a little walk, i’m fine now, but you go, you have an important meeting today. it’s okay, semyon will carry it through. semyon, semyon. he will screw up without you, your semyon. you go, and i ’ll take a taxi and pick you up a little later. i 'll take a walk a little, i want to be alone. yul, you do you want to tell me anything? no. ok, bye. yes. onisho. and different ones, well, katka was a serious girl they had, and yulka,
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oh, a blast, oh, after college she got a job as a secretary, a kvass oligarch in these funeral services, well, she got mixed up there with some guy’s friend, he turned out to be a drug addict, well, he got yulka hooked, some kind of nightmare, and then what, what then, what then, thundered to fanfare? but yulia was left with a belly, it was already too late to have an abortion, she had to give birth, but only katya then took this girl to her took her away, quietly, and then took yulka away, said that she urgently needed to be treated before she completely collapsed, well, that’s it, we didn’t see them again, and why are you asking about yulka, in all this time she’ll only accept her ex asked, he came here once when he got out of prison, but no one else, what? again to the children of korolesit, right? thank you very much, tatyana vasilievna, all the best to you, please, don’t be too bad,
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goodbye, goodbye, drink, do you even understand what all this means, i understand, little girl, i understand everything, hi, hi, good outfit, settled in well, i'll take a look, you don't seem to be in poverty either, he started pushing nonsense again, it's none of your business, how did you find out about olya, from your neighbor, i came to ask about katya and everything came up there, so what you want. “i want you to forget that you have a daughter, and forget about me forever too, i’m adopting her,
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okay, just don’t say that you want to raise her yourself, i don’t, but there are people who want and are ready pay for it, well, what's the problem, the problem is your lover's wife, she has some kind of garters in the administration, they came from the commission to the shelter and started a search. and they want to send me for a medical examination to understand whether i’m clean or not, but of course you won’t jump off, but what’s the difference, i don’t have time to deal with this garbage, in short, i need to steal olya and you’ll help me with this, what are you you left prison a long time ago, you idiot, you still want to drag me in, fuck you, come here, sit down, that means you’ll come to the shelters as a... relative, take the girl for a walk, i’ll make an agreement with the manager, then turn away, buy a ticket there for the carousel or
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something else, then you run and go to the police, that’s all that’s needed from you, okay? you are a complete idiot, orlova is not a fool, she will understand everything right away, but for goodness sake, i don’t care, let him prove it, vadim, i won’t do this, you will, you will be so cute, and if... no, then your man will find out, that you are a former drug addict, you sent your daughter to a shelter, do you think he will like it, i’ll call. after all, alenka, she’s a smart woman, such men rub around her, what are you going to do, well, stepanovna, angels of the area with monday on rtr, they say: you need
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to prepare for a vacation, you need to know how to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex .
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big or small, well, in general , i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can it be beneficial be nice science fiction, can science be understandable? give me wishes, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s
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for sure, a food formula, on sunday on rtr. hello, victoria, hello, how good it is that you came, dashenka, hello, but what could i do when this happens to my child, so i had to drop everything and come, mom, don’t, don’t shut my mouth, i’ll tell you with misha the only child i trusted you, and you almost killed her. mom, stop, it’s all my fault. let 's not figure out who is to blame for what now. of course we won't. so, everything is clear. although what could i actually expect? how do you know what it's like to be a mother? tell misha that i'm taking dasha. mom, what, mom, will you finish your studies at our branch of the university? yes, listen to me, finally, you cannot blame elena for anything, because she is
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the only one who cared about me, she and artyom. i'm not going anywhere, i'm staying. here, if you don't mind, of course, what are you, i i’ll be only glad, yes, that’s what you call your daughter, you’re the same stubborn crazy person like your father, stay happy, it’ll be okay, make peace, don’t worry, she herself... nothing happened at all, yes i ’m worried about someone else, how you feel, well , it’s lousy, but i can handle it, well, of course, well , of course you can handle it, you know, i always thought that only work was important to you and i told dad that he was wrong when he chose you, and this i was wrong, you are very good, forgive
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me, nothing. "everything will be fine, come in" come in, well, here we are ready, come on, olenka, so, so, so, how pretty we are, how we grew up, remember, tel, i remember, you always shouted at me, and my mother felt sorry for me, my sister was very... “a gentle person, i often spoiled olya, i had to raise her somehow. why didn’t you come to me before? well, i was just gone for a long time, and now i’ll come and walk with you. ” that means mom will also come soon, no worry, post-traumatic syndrome, it will go away with time, well, olenka, go, uh-huh,
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thank you very much, we'll go, goodbye, goodbye." lena, oh, petrov, hello, hello, well, how are you, i quit again, but really, maybe come back to us, and what, everyone misses you, the manager constantly asks, he ’ll be happy to see you, ok, van, i 'll think about it, bye, bye.
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let me take a photo of you, maybe you want to ride on the carousel? no, i want to go to the park where my mother and i walk, we'll go there next time, let me buy you some cotton candy, would you like? ? i don’t want to go out with you, why? hello, what are you doing here? well, i came for a walk with you, i’m already walking with aunt yulia, and aunt yulia has to go to work, but do you want me to take you for a ride in the car? no, i don’t want to ride with you, i want to go to my mother, let me take you to my mother, let ’s go, that’s it, come on, my car is over there, now we’ll quickly get to her.
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“excuse me, please, we haven’t seen this girl, no, no, we haven’t seen, we haven’t seen what it is, you see what happens when children don’t listen, they disappear, daughter, lord, mom, what happened? listen, give me i’ll tell you without unnecessary emotions, in short, olechka is yulia’s daughter, not katya. wait, me? i don’t understand anything, yulia abandoned the child?
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no, of course it’s hard for you to imagine, but unfortunately, there are such mothers, and one such one is now going to take your husband away. yes, mish, what? how did you disappear? what do you mean missing? i'm going. dad, i'll call you, what, what happened? yes.
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not misha, it’s all just some kind of nonsense, misha, please take this crazy woman away from me, that’s right, a witness from the park, a dog walker, she saw a man with a little girl, according to signs, she seemed to be coming, she said, the girl broke away from him and ran across the roadway, he fell behind and it is unknown whether he caught up with her or not, this man, the girl’s father, vadim belyaev, please put him on the wanted list, he stole a child, he is a drug addict, belyaev, yes. 3330 write down the address, kuchsky building 10
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, building 10. apartment 37. lena, wait, do i know who to call? vasiliev, my patient, is some kind of bigwig in the administration. listen, maybe we can do without him, we can handle it ourselves. mishenka, any help is dear to us now. hello, yes, hello, serge, yes, yes, yes, i’m listening. hello, mikhail, this is from the clinic, the fact is that yulia did not pay for the certificate. i know what the certificate is. the pregnancy is fake and you won’t get any money, and you’ll also have to answer for falsifying documents, okay, thank you very much sergei denich, i’m very grateful to you, yes, thank you, now they’ll check the security cameras in that area, we need to wait a little.
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why didn't you leave me when you found out that i was infertile? how could it be different, mish, you saved a whole family from that damned accident, pulled them out of the car from the icy river, you knew that you could die, you could have simply called the rescuers. how i could have abandoned my beloved man, my hero, my good people, sitting here like two lovebirds, my guys from the editorial office in full force, posting orientation notes. the theater artists are also ready to get involved, they are waiting for your
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go-ahead, everyone wants it. help, well, well, what are you, what are you, what are you, mom, nothing, nothing, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, they didn’t promise a vacation back in the summer in july, but it’s already autumn, why, excuse me, but you haven’t seen the girl about five years old, in a blue jacket, a white cap with a doll in his hands, no, they haven’t seen it, the point is lost, not i can find it, here... lord, excuse me, it happens , well, i’m talking about, i signed the application, he still signed the signature, imagine, look, just a minute, citizen, show the documents, yes, now, stand, well everything,
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everything, it hurts, 1323, fourth floor, code 158, in general, belyaev confirmed that the girl ran away from him, he could not catch up with her because of the traffic on the roadway, he tried to look for her, well then, in fact, he was detained , excuse me, yes, please, yes, serge! what will happen to this bilyaev now? what will happen? well for attempting to kidnap a small child, and even for mercenary reasons, to put it simply, he gets five bucks, or even more. yes, good, thanks. vasiliev said that the girl was seen in the city, she approached adults, showed photographs and asked where to find the place in the photo, when they asked about her parents, she ran away. well, all that remains is to find out what kind of place this is? listen, i think i know where it is, this is the park where
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her mother walked with her. park, then we get people up and comb this place. i came to help. fine. lena. olya. olechka. olechka. chain, chain. stay focused. check out the northern alley. ring, look down at the tunnel, we are at the eastern exit, okay, we are at the western exit, olya!
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"olya, olenka, olenka, are you like the sun? i'm cold, now, lena, lena, we found her, now everything will be fine, now, now it will be warm, good, lord, olechka, scared, lord, aunt elena, i knew that you will find me, honey!"
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they could have simply asked someone from their circle at that time to watch for me in the gateway, there was no sophisticated place, i already told you, this is a coincidence, i don’t believe in such coincidences, katya and i had a big fight the day before, she knew that i had untied her again, she forced me into the car, she took me to the clinic, on the way we continued to scream, katya felt bad.
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ration table, she went to bed alive, she died under your knife, then i began to write complaints, but the commission acquitted you, i was left alone, without katya’s care, with a constantly crying child, i couldn’t cope with her, the neighbors called the social services, they took olya away, then i went all out when after... another attack, i woke up in intensive care and realized that this could no longer continue, i quit, went to courses, found a job, and ended up in the company where misha works. listen, when i came to arlov, i
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didn’t know that he was your husband, but then, over time, when i figured it out, i decided, this is a sign, fate itself wants... for me to take revenge, destroy your family, i shouldn’t even bother i had to, but you destroyed the family yourself, the family is not destroyed, i’m even grateful to you in a sense, our relationship with misha is now much more tighter, of course, you are all so perfect, but what do you want me to do, for me to fall to my knees? asked you for forgiveness? no, i don’t hold a grudge against you, you punished yourself very cruelly, i’m sorry.
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look what a beauty, well done, now nadya, look, but i’ll try, hello, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, don’t worry, what? nel, look how
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beautiful our years are, please look at her , i’ll go and find out, well, where is the photographer, i don’t understand, thank you, in my opinion, it’s time, well , what’s the operation, right? no, they came the results of the latest tests, and what's there? good prognosis. it seems that we will soon be able to become parents of another child. come on, gentlemen, i ask for your attention, let's take a group photo, please, please, that's it, we're all getting fatter, we're all sitting side by side, smiling, great.
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in general, it’s something like this, we’re flying out tomorrow morning, landing in paris, we can’t stand it, it’s an absolutely stupid airport, and the flight is long, like 9 hours, long. alla, it’s okay, i’m used to it, it’s okay, i’ll read a book, watch a movie, vaska will get drunk and fall asleep, everything is as usual, yeah, it’s the same for you usually, and beyond antalya there was nowhere, oh, okay, what age are you, look for a normal guy, you will be in the philippines, where i can find him, you’re so lucky with vaska, lucky is the one who is lucky, my dear, and vaska , no, of course, it’s good when you have money, but sometimes you want a strong young body.
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what are you talking about, well, the clock is ticking, and i know, i’m not getting any younger, so why stop it, but what about that guy over there, he’s at least 70, he even has a crooked braid, he has money, he’s got himself a young mistress , even though he’s such a good fellow, but i can't forgive me, please, yes, you could help me, i was studying here, but i’m not sure how right, you have a very correct plan, everything is right, everything is right, we should also come, that’s the same for you, yeah , you, what are you doing, i have a workout, you’re soon tired, i’m sitting in the car, you’re tired of sitting, but we’ll soon, let’s finish your physical training, and you want to eat , you want to eat, yes, then you go, we’re the driver will bring you, the guests won’t come soon, i’d better wait here. well, as you wish, vasya, you saw, he won’t
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let you take a step, he’s a jealous moor, okay, let’s go, i’m not in any mood anymore, excuse me, but you will have a lot of guests, 10-15 people, take a closer look, there are interesting specimens coming, you see, next year you’ll celebrate in your own cottage, let’s go study. then we drink to this creative
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lyolya, thank you very much, lyolya is our professional, personal designer, to you, well, the union that allowed us to enjoy the company of your wonderful family. wonderful, and you know, lelya, that your name is benedict, very nice, lelya, folk songs of the ancient slavs, no, i don’t came exclusively from wedding choruses , i know, and at one time i was engaged in the morphology of names, you know, i was lucky with benedict, and you, lol, as i understand it,
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work as a designer, well, yes, i do interior design, and i work in the field of scents , perfumery, well... well, perfumery, but not really, not some banal decolons or perfumes, i work with scents for rooms, interiors, toilets, vasya, why are you so dismissive of my work, every person is pleased live surrounded by good smells, lelya, tell me, yes, yes, yes, i agree. well, that's it , see you soon, come on, bye, thank you, fireworks, it looks like you had a good rest, great, yeah, not tired of it yet, you're jealous, why be jealous, pointless parties, thank you, i live the
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way i like, if you if you don't like it, it's your personal problem. i don’t forbid you to drive around in this wrecked car of yours around the clock, i’m doing what i love, what i love, what people need, i remember someone after school dreamed of becoming a neurosurgeon, and not telling drunks to binge drink that the dream of medical luminaries was shattered by the harsh everyday life of a doctor ambulance, who can’t even buy a car for himself, his colleagues give him a ride home, lolya, you were a normal girl, what happened to you, and we’ve known each other for so long that you didn’t even notice how i turned from a normal girl into. ..
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that’s why i was worried that you were hanging around with this nonsense, and you don’t meddle in my personal life, i myself will decide who i should communicate with and how, you ’re our family, and i’m young, free, this is your home, the kids work all the joys of life, silly, children are the greatest joy, that’s when you have your own, i’ll wait, life should be a holiday, and not an eternal struggle for survival, lol, the eternal holiday won’t get boring, it won’t get boring, okay, what’s the point of talking to you, i’ll go already, mom. have you forgotten about tomorrow? could it be a little later, at least 12 hours? no, you can't, i've already agreed. igor, a business man, will not wait. if you want this job, don't be late. what
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is the work? yes, there, our kipper-kincit store is opening. do you remember where the pharmacy was? here he carries materials sharply. mom, go to bed already, i’ll clean up the kitchen, calm down, but. well, finally, i thought you wouldn’t come. oh, i'm only 15 minutes late. i would n't be late at all. meet me, this is lelya i was talking about. very nice, igor. so, are you the same designer? yes, i graduated from the national institute
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of contemporary design. did you study in moscow? no, we have a branch at the industrial and art academy. it's clear. i'm flowerpots, tomorrow. i’ll try to pick it up and bring it back in the afternoon, okay, but i remember that the deadlines are running out, okay, lol, after four i’m with pasha irka from a consultation i’m meeting you, i can pick you up somewhere, take you home, okay, i’ll call, well, i’ll pick you up, let’s go, let’s look at the scope of work, bye, i designed the window display at the exhibition, i understand that this is all different, it’s just the level of work that can be adjusted ... we received a prize for the most original design, and i made several sketches, on the theme of a flower shop, so i understand. something, of course, i didn’t see the room, i didn’t know your wishes, so this is very approximate, well, i see the hand of the master, i think that we are
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we’ll work together, and there will definitely be a brother, they say that’s for sure, but how they scanned my mother, it’s like paper, when you hold a sheet of paper to a light bulb, you can see right through it, no, not really, they saw, and what is an ultrasound, well, it’s like locators on an underwater boat, so there's radar? standing, special sailors sitting in headphones, they even hear whales singing, i saw it on tv, that there are also such in the hospital, who are sailors, but no, radars, hello to the happy family, how have you grown, i haven’t seen you for 100 years , hello, aunt lelya, you are not at all you've grown old, we have a photo at home, there you and dad are still young, you haven't changed at all, a real gentleman, knows how to compliment ladies, and... son, hi, mom, hi, hi, you look great, thank you, how are you doing? well, okay, you know,
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i went with pavlik, it was worse, well, good, i’m glad, for now, i still have a lot of things to do, listen, we’ll give you a ride home, no, i need to stop at one more place, aunt lyolya is in business, almost, okay, what the doctors say is great, i couldn’t even imagine, thank you, tell me what you think about what if we... money, it feels like they have permanent days off, yes, i'll wait, yes, yeah, hello everyone,
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hello, hello, i hope i didn't interrupt, it's...
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