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tv   Nesmeshnaya lyubov  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 6:05am-8:01am MSK

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he takes everything into account, he cooks dumplings perfectly, bakes pies, eats food and even embroiders, a real man should be able to do everything that women do, and not forget what men do, and i know what i want and what they want from me , congratulations, not everyone can boast of this, but what about graduate school, candidate, doctoral, there are wonderful women nearby, is it bad, anyuta, in my opinion, she’s a bore to you, how can you charm? look what i got, it’s a bit weak in my opinion.
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i'm missing some details, okay? the details matter, yes shurik, the details are very important, hello, great, hello, bear, you're missing, how long have we not seen each other, release. well, turn around, turn around,
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i’ll look at you, i’ve grown up to be a luxurious woman, married, yes, ah, happy, yes, he’s the best, of course, bear, don’t be upset, but you ’re married, no, i’m trying it on, you see, i’m being persecuted, i on extradition, they choose me, but it’s clear, it’s clear, okay, tell me how you are, where you’re a hero, i work at...
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we need bathrooms of the highest aesthetic value, sergachev himself is building them, and, by the way, listen, new hotels will need stained glass windows, do you hear, our potappov is busy, a competition has been announced, and you had a passion for this, yes bear, maybe we can go, yes i’m going, i’m going, okay, excuse me, bye, bye, syaki, bye, mustache you know, it’s a funny incident, i met one of my classmates here, can you imagine what he advised me to love me, that’s not the only thing that will happen.
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so i’ve moved far away from all this, whether you like it or not, we’ll live without a hotel, but in general , advise one of your brothers to be a top talker there.
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no, this is nonsense.
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well, nikolai pavlovich, is that enough for today? yes, perhaps, anna alekseevna, it’s time to go home. “my husband is waiting for something, i’ll stay, work a little more for myself, yes, well, good luck to you, see you tomorrow, happily.
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where have you been? i was worried, you know, i was bored, what do you think, stupid! i’m waiting, i don’t know what to think, i vacuumed everything, washed the pots, i even polished the crawl, here, oh my dear, i just love you and i don’t want you to ruin my complexion at the stove, but my clings are burning , wait, i have news, what? i was at potapov’s, who is potapov, somehow, i’ve told you a thousand times already
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she said, this is my teacher at the institute, a wonderful artist, and why did you go to him, to say, you yourself wanted me to consult with someone, about what, you take it, take the leg, the most high-calorie part of the chicken, what a chicken, do you hear what i told you, i talked to him. and the stained glass windows, wait, you decided that this was not for you, yes, i still doubt it, but some thoughts came to me, unclear, really, so i went and told him everything, so what, he liked it, even very much , i really, he advised me to do sketches, no... hurray, then get dressed, let's go, i 'll show you something, it's so rainy, we'll catch
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a runny nose, nothing, we'll sneeze, there will be a hotel here, this is the south, this is the southwest, there will be a stained glass window covering the entire wall of a huge hall, you see, in our city there is very often bad weather, which means we need... to find such colors, such shades, it’s very difficult, churik, it’s extremely difficult, my dear, on the shore of desert waves it became the home of great people, i like it, once upon a time, and you know, sometimes it even seems to me that i have found a theme, do you remember our lake and water, water? was so heavy, almost like a tree, and then
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suddenly, you remember, why, i remember everything that happened in our first month, especially your face, and the heavy water too, yes, and such a wind, a strong wind, even a storm maybe not, well... damn, i don’t know how to say it, i’ll try to write, okay, okay, okay, that’s wonderful, that’s wonderful, but there’s no need to worry like that, although it suits you, let’s go home , you see, lian, if we’re talking seriously, then, just don’t be angry with me, but... blue sea, white passage, it’s happened a thousand times, no, not
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blue, not exactly blue, but it doesn’t matter, but you speak beautifully, even too beautifully, but what’s the idea here, no, i’m not saying that, but they might say that, and it will hurt you, but i would n’t want that, of course , i won’t interfere, i won’t, it would be disgusting, but i can’t help but warn, i just don’t have...
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elena vladimevna, dear, you can tell me, just without lying. you were lucky in life, how can i tell you, you know, i am a stenographer and an excellent one, for 30 years i have been invited to the most important meetings, if if you want to know, i am a humble witness to many important events of our century, here i was lucky, in personal affairs, well, just without lying. here i was less lucky, my husband died early, and i was left alone,
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well, the potap spent a whole hour on me. he went through every drawing with me, and so on, well, he tore some things to pieces, praised others, in general, we need to start working, i’m happy for you, this is great, this is wonderful, but you see, that’s your nature captivating. but this is art, everything is shaky there, well, okay, but did potap praise you? yes, yes, praised, well congratulations, i’m happy for you, but what next, you and i are not little children anymore, but you need to be able to balance your plans with your capabilities, but how do you know what my capabilities are, can you say with confidence, what am i
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like, i can, i saw your work, well, you have taste, you have subtlety, but here... mine, i have such an event, i will rush home to you, i want to live, i want to work, and you suddenly start grumbling, i’m your husband, i’m responsible for you, the worst thing in life is disappointment, and i, you know, i i really don’t want you to ever suffer, every person, he must be able to understand his own scale, it’s very difficult, it’s our destiny to do our job honestly, and watch tv in the evenings, by the way, by the way, there’s nothing in it bad, but you, well, okay, convinced, you are a genius, you are sirov, in the ruble, rossi, senior, and junior too, you even, the president of the academy himself will shower
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you with flowers, in the face of a cheering crowd. well , i was stupid, well, forgive me, well, it happens, well, well, well, well, well, sorry, well, no need, well, no cry, don’t, come to me, i’m not one of those mothers who is offended by their children, my new apartment is far away, and they have their own lives, this is natural, but i still have the key, so we have everything... family, on sunday we always have lunch together. listen, what news i will tell you: today i worked at a symposium of fashion designers. do you know what dresses they will wear? which? well,
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the feminine one will forcefully fall behind. oh, what a horror! do you know which color is the most fashionable? which? violet? that everything is purple, hair, eyelashes, and lipsticks? did you notice that neva is sometimes purple, haven’t you noticed, purple is a wonderful color, it’s calm and unobtrusive, and next to blue it gives amazing depth, i’ll order myself a purple suit, and i’ll order a blue dress to set off your depth, i also had a blue dress, from the fifties one engineer really liked me in him, he spent the whole day hanging out at construction sites, evening... kissed, with whom? with me, yeah, i still remember it, mom, a woman never forgets the person she kissed, and if she says she forgot, don’t believe it, anna, you...
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how do you live, mom, i live, but health, you’re not often interested in this, son, you’re swamped with work, dissertation. not yet, i wrote down some thoughts, i think they will be included in the dissertation, listen, shurik, yeah, i want to give you one piece of advice, what, mom, your anna is not an easy woman, there is something with her that you don’t understand , think about it, okay, mom. i’ll definitely think about it, yeah, we crashed,
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anya, m, anya, well, it’s time to sleep, anya, you won’t get enough sleep again, you’ll be broken again tomorrow, wait. shurik, don’t bother me, just a little more shurik, shurik, please look, i think it finally worked, how is it? well, okay, let's go to bed, i've been waiting for you for a long time, you
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don't really get along, you're not my age anymore, you should be elegant, elenavna, well, when the shorthorn grew up, he began to move away from me, then i got a puppy tuzik, but dogs live much longer. less than people, i was left alone again, i had to get a bug, bitches live longer, uh, yes, shurik, don’t worry so much, speak plainly, i was nervous, can’t sleep at night, well, i know, i know, you warned me. but when it comes, then be sure to call, uh-huh, uh-huh, annushka
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isn’t home from work yet, it won’t be lost, where we stopped, on a tuzik and knives, and then i got parrots, no need about parrots, no need, let’s talk about me, tanyusha, by -i think you are very attractive, do n’t men run after you, run, run, but not too fast? don’t worry, elena vadimovna, in fact, why the hell did my husband give up on me, i’m independently, absolutely, pursuing the academic part, they say i’ll go far, tanyusha, do you like dogs? no, well, well, then you have to marry.
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oh, shurik, my dear, damn, forgive me, it was me... i wanted to wake myself up, i had to finish something in the morning, well, what should you do if you got such a wife, understand me, let that be all mania, even if this is nonsense, even if nothing comes of it, i can’t live without it now, i can’t, well, forgive me, it’s okay.
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give me this pebble, this one, this one, no, this highlight, i think it’s better, look, yeah, who is she? artist? brother, then you are lost, you need to marry the most ordinary, simple ones, or even better, not at all get married, are you married? no, of course, an artist, it must be, everything was going so well, we lived like people, suddenly on you, i myself became a psycho, you see, the whole trouble is that i love her, these stained glass windows got in the way.
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doesn't see anything, mumbles something, maybe she really is talented? - what kind of talent is there? would n’t i really have seen it, wouldn’t i have been happy about it? deletantism, some kind of millet, some kind of wind, it twisted you, brothers, look what ’s happening! recently she seemed to be happy, she showed everyone, and then again it’s not like that, or you say talent is dying, life, yes, seven. and was supposed to come home at
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four, and he alekseevna yakusheva lives here? this is my wife, but she is not at home. yes. okay, boris ivanovich potapov asked me to look at her sketches. perhaps you will allow it? no, you can't live without it. why? she forbade. maybe you can wait? ask. it's not cleaned here. let's go to the kitchen. kastremina lyudmila pavlovna, artist. very nice. skvortsov, first class pilot. ask. thank you. a friend loves art, he is happy that he is married to talent, i understand him, however, sometimes he is overwhelmed doubts whether it would have been better to marry a coloratura sapran, but do they really choose the type of occupation? imagine, my friend does exactly this, albeit with a noticeable bias towards art, oh, how
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tired i am of all this, that you are shamanizing, people live, work, do business, but as soon as it comes to this damned art of yours, everyone starts to gasp , close your eyes, let them pretend, who is lying, why would you commit people’s lives, they climb into all your schools, destinies are broken, strength is destroyed, and then crowds of unfortunate people without professions, without of the future, yes, you are just a savage, a chimpanzee, tell me, the blanket has run away, i will already publish books about you so that it fails, this is your art, some kind of social disaster, yes, but i understand tolstoy pushkin, and now what, hamlet with a guitar , aphelia in sneakers, orchis, what kind of houses, look, round, like frying pans, and your painting, what a happy person, you consider yourself to have the right to judge everything, what is true, what is false, you have already comprehended everything in life, in morality ,
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the boots are being repaired, and your opinion, of course, should be the opinion of everyone, goodbye if you need me let him call your wife. public disaster, is that you? shurik, did you behave like a gentleman? what happened to you? you were different, you took off your headdress, shuffled your feet, you burst at the seam, in my opinion, it’s just time for you to be alone. if anything happens, run to me, i’ll hide it from art critics, from my wife, and from vozyarov.
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where were you,
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outside the city i wanted. to think, nothing is working out for me, nothing is working out for me, everything is wrong , it’s not working out, that’s it, that’s enough, i’m tired, i warned, asked, begged, endured as much as i could, you’ll be in trouble for the second week you can’t sew on a shirt, but our love, where is it, where is it, i ask you, everything goes to hell, dust, why should i just wipe off the dust, that i’m a woman or something, hand over these damn tever bottles, well, what can i do, forgive me, i work day and night, it’s very important for me to concentrate now, right now, you had a lot of time, my dear,
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that’s enough, wait for all this, let me finish, it ’s already over, that is, how was the lady from yours today sweaty, costrumina, and what did you say that this is all bad? she, she she said so, yes. so that’s what it’s all about, that’s why i’m suffering so much, does that mean it’s not given to me? well, you were right,
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throw it all away! closed footage of how not only russian, but also world politics is done. now they spoke in putin's words. but how long has it been? this is exactly what i warned about.
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our program is the answer to the question, well, this is how it will be, how did he know all this, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look at rtr today. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely
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switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lucshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and atmosphere. relaxation, immerse yourself in the world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, i 'm painting my nails, i have every right, the premiere, it's old, yes, but we have you like a chicken, you you know, i would marry you, but we have you. hello, hello, well, even, mikhail andreevich,
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buy flowers, angels of the region from monday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore . nature, mom, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your godfather, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest... profession in india, they say that a correctly
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made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, today on rtl. mother!
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elena vladimievna no, as you can see, maybe invite me to sit down, sit down, what? you are silent, ask me about my health, how is your health, great, i’m completely healthy, ask how i’m doing with my dissertation, how are you doing with your dissertation, great, i finished the second chapter, and now tell me how you are doing at work, great,
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i was offered the post of deputy minister, i hope you agreed, no, i decided to become a minister. and you know, you are very unpleasant to me, everything about you is unpleasant to me, your voice, and your hairstyle, well , everything, merci, and you, you are also terribly sympathetic to me, all the best.
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shurik, something happened, something happened. it seems like i just committed something mean, just mom, please don’t ask me anything, where is anna, where is anna, at home, why didn’t she come, what is she doing, she’s probably tearing up her art, i’m very happy about that, you , you gone crazy.
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anya, damn it! anka, wait, hello, what are you doing here, i’m going, um, and you, i’m sowing, reasonable, kind, eternal,
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teaching, uh-huh, he, my students are working hard, you know, i got really carried away. there are capable guys, all students, no doubt they’re head over heels in love with you, of course, yes, and you remember how he spent the whole course running after you, i remember, yes, that i’m all to myself, as they say, you’re taking part in a competition, already i’m not participating, i didn’t come out, i didn’t come out, what are you, you’re a capable woman, it’s a universal delusion, everyone must balance their plans. with your capabilities, what nonsense, wooden words, okay, bear, leave me alone, bye, it’s the boss’s business, mikhail andreevich, can i see you for a minute, i’m coming now, ah. do you want to see how the guys work? i can't, i'm rushing home. where did you go? you're in the other
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direction, but i like the long road to the house. anh, maybe we can go somewhere? let's go to the theater. we can go to the theater, or maybe to a restaurant, but we’ll have dinner, dance, let’s go, come on, just don’t want to change your clothes, well, look, that’s how it is. somewhat sluggish? it's okay, i'm not lethargic. everything is fine with us now, right?
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ok good. really, why do we need to go somewhere? walk? let's sit at home, the two of us. let's sit. i'll cook dinner, just like in the old days. oh, where am i going to shove them all? why did you invite so many? after my doctorate , i had five people, two of them mom and dad,
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really, it’s too much, half of them might not have been invited, but shurik needs it, today is his day, his proposal was implemented, well, okay, okay , we’ll sit down sometime, how do you like the dress that i made for myself, in my opinion, it’s too closed. and so open, oh, how i always forgot the bread, anya, seryozha, you are in leningrad, as you can see. and you have changed, it’s true, a lot of water
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has flown under the bridge, you are happy, yes, happy, but you, not very much, why, are you confused in your xv century, i figured it out, but the seventeenth has arisen, you live right there? old house near moscow, yes, i’m still the same, on the train to college, you remembered about me, yes, you remembered, but you remembered, not often, let’s go to the store in bulo. i need to buy some buns. elena vladievna, remember how we waited for shura and annushka after a troubled month. yes. yes, who could
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to think that their lives would get along so well. yes, it's god. so, the table turned out. thank you mother, well done. that's all, annushka. we know, we know. actually, the snack may not be enough. please, can i make scrambled eggs for 30 people? you will someday stop making jokes. a slap on the forehead, collided with a raster column, well, the column is intact, ruins, don’t worry, shurik, there’s still an hour and a half before the first guest arrives, mother, i’m calm, where do you work, in the workshop, making backgrounds for mosaics, and how are the saints, all in the past. forgotten, abandoned, in vain, you had talent, real talent, you can’t
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throw it away, you know, not everything works out in life. according to schedule, are you married? lonely, why? maybe because i once loved you too much, but you loved me too, yes, you loved me, and then you stopped loving me, it wasn’t easy for me, anna, if things get really bad. come, life is done, i went, bye, yes, i forgot, my wife, it’s very nice, finally, we met, defended myself, but no,
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not yet, i’m just having older luck. oh, this is tatyana, my wife’s friend, a very strict lady, trembling, so i’m in a barge, let’s go, i i’ll help, come on, good afternoon, hello, well, i see that now you have peace, yes, peace, comfort, yes, but as for artistic excesses, that ’s over, i forgot to think, i turned out to be right, well, rejoice, enjoy, yes, you know, after all , something is not right, but damn it, you
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know, now seryozha is in leningrad. he asked about you, yes, i know, so what, i met you, where? accidentally on the street, so what, nothing, we talked, well, we talked, about what? well, you were talking about nothing, if nothing, so nothing, leave me, that's it, that's it, i leave me, everyone leave me, tanya there are guests, please, “hello,
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hello, here we are, thank you, what a nightmare!” “ all evening i still couldn’t understand what you actually do, i’m a professor, who’s a professor, listen, this is very helpful, my nerves are completely out of whack,
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undress to the waist. breathe, sit down, stand up, i can’t cure you, why? because i’m not a professor of medicine, but of the department of rare metals. are you not wasting your time, friends? don’t be nervous, i’m prescribing it for you ? positive emotions, thank you. you can sing, you know, i preferred that you could dance with pleasure, please, where do you give lectures, professor tanya, at the institute of steel, comrade pilot, but outsiders are allowed there, no, that students will have to take an exam, i’ll cut it, but i’ll meet you, i’ll cut you off, hey,
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are you having a ball here? and you are a witch, professor, tanya, what are you, what are you, i’m sweet, kind, generous! well, are you happy with the evening? uh-huh, very much, you were magnificent, you were a queen, we all really liked it, you were tired, yes, something like that, a little bit, well, go and rest. stop, devils, listen, yesterday
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the results of the all-union competition of decorative and applied arts were summed up. the jury awarded the awards to nina baydachny feodosiya's gabilena, suran agovarenyan's service, yerevan, the highest prize. stained glass sketches by leningrad resident anna yakusheva, codenamed sails, were awarded. it was decided to implement anna yakusheva’s sketches for the construction of a new theater. what nonsense? how did this get into the competition? i sent sketches there. me:
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well, great, great, good idea color in different lighting conditions, there is the energy of the material, listen, you’re great, congratulations, well, who pushed you to do this, and you mish, you, you can’t even imagine how glad i am that you liked it. not everything, my dear, not everything, look, there the drawing could have been a little sharper, you know, here, uh-huh, you were scared for nothing, it could have been better, in
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general, it’s normal, normal, what are you saying, it’s just for me once already. “they said this word, it’s not the best word in the world, yes, okay, what are you talking about, i’m not a linguist, well, like a new order, it’s coming matter, no, there is not a single thought. “hello, yes, this is yakovsheva’s apartment, it’s impossible, unfortunately, she’s not at home, with her husband, from which
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editorial office, i’m listening to you, and she’s now working on sketches for a new stained glass window, yes, for the institute of the academy of sciences, interview, yes, of course , i’ll tell you. i remember, girl, the magazine was changed, yes, on the twenty-second, okay , yeah, definitely, thank you, too, yes, all the best, goodbye, i’m now, oh, finally, anna alekseevna, soon, i’m working, dmitry nikolaevich, yes, yes. it’s a good place for wind blowing, isn’t it? light, complete unobstruction, dmitry nikolaevich, yes, hurry up,
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hurry up, the object must be delivered on time, well, sash, have they arrived? yes, they brought it. oh, it’s aching again, it would seem, success, applause, shurik, a beautiful life, yes. and these tossing, these doubts, hesitations, insomnia, listen, i thought that you fell in love with art, yes, of course, but you need to be quieter, calmer, recently i was in an artists’ club, cozy, fun, no arguments, normal people, are you sure that they are not artists?
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"i'll put some tea on, don't go, what, something happened, you had a fight, no, everything is fine with us, why are you like this, what’s wrong with you, at least smile, i’m smiling.” how’s
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your new job? no way, why? i can’t do anything, everything’s wrong , wrong, everything is rude, incoherent, disgusting, but it was with you then, the first time, no, then it wasn’t like that, then it wasn’t like that at all, sometimes it seems to me that i already have it all in my head, and then again such melancholy. where are you going home, wait, i’ll take you, don’t, i myself, i beg you, don’t.
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well, fool, what do you want to say? they say that old people are wise, that’s nonsense, but i’ve lived my whole life, and what i know is how to help a person, i don’t know how to make him happy. i don't know, i don't know anything.
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sergey, siru! sorry, i misspoke, i'm very sorry. anna alekseevna, everything you said is interesting, but in our business, you know,
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maybe you could show something, um, some sketches, show me? there’s nothing yet, it’s a pity, but you know, the second work is very often more difficult than the first, you can’t imagine how much i suffered over the second book, but still i wrote it, and we we are expecting a lot from you, thank you, hello, good afternoon, hello, hello, discussing the exhibition, how do you like timashov, talent? original, i would say, wouldn't it? yes, i liked it, and now you’re an expert, if a man has such a wife, you have to be an expert, yes, i already visited you once at potapav’s request, i also wanted to see the sketches, but i wasn’t at home, yes, of course, that was on that memorable day, when you
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categorically didn’t like everything, why didn’t you like it, i didn’t see anything, like you didn’t see anything? quite naturally, your husband to me didn’t show anything, you forbade it, completely in vain, i think that in this case your work could have been carried out much earlier, perhaps, but what exactly happened, well, a little later, but it happened, because real talent always suffers , with difficulties he goes to success, but now it is true success, nevertheless, yesterday i read the newspaper, artists in the city, what did they name everyone? not a word, here in first place , as always, is your beloved chebaksarov, listen, chebaksarov is a talented artist, your wife too, and don’t counting who is mentioned how many times, arithmetic has nothing to do with it, i wish you success, anna alekseevna, i’m waiting for the call, goodbye, i ’ll see you off.
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now you will say that i was sneaky, yes, you are a scoundrel, that means then you didn’t show her anything, but you lied to me that she saw everything, that’s true, yes, then i was in despair, that’s... she was eating you up , i hated her, i cursed her, you could have become a psychopath, you know, you could have become a loser, oh my god, oh my god, why did you take the right to judge who you are, i'm a human being, you know, man, i want us to be happy, well
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, yes, but i didn’t believe in you, well, i was mistaken, it happens to everyone, well, a person has no right to make a mistake, what is a mistake, is it a crime or something, in the end, well, i'm sorry, well, i'm sorry, for god's sake, so what? now now, am i not your friend? and am i not a comrade in all your affairs? am i not helping you? yes, now, now it's not a trick. yes, she is not at home. well, what happened, tell me? what's happened? i have forgotten how to see only everything. well, what kind of stranger? i waited too long to get my hands on my brushes, and now i sit in the workshop for hours and nothing.
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i’ll help you, anh, everyone has a creative crisis, gogol burned dead souls, hagen escaped to taita, wangok actually cut his throat, which means i’m weaker than them, i can’t cut my throat.
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it's you, yes, you came, you told me to come, when? when it gets really bad.
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the main attraction of this country , in my opinion, is not at all on the streets of its cities, on... plates, here it is, steak,
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juicy, soft, aromatic, simply the best in the whole world. good morning, today we'll talk about the roots and origins of the true values ​​of argentina. argentina due to historical characteristics, waves of migration mixing. immigrants with indigenous peoples was formed under the influence of a variety of cultures, but because of this its cultural code seemed to only become brighter. for example, have you ever heard of mate? for argentines, this is not just a drink, but a whole phenomenon, a special philosophy, and what about specialized boutiques? essentially, mate is a plant that, when dried, is brewed much like tea, an invigorating drink. well, i must say, especially
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it doesn't smell like anything, maybe a little like hay. the aroma appears only when you fill the mote with water, and in general the main thing is not the drink itself, but the process of drinking it. this is literally a ritual that argentines can gather for almost every day, and a good excuse to meet someone. in argentina, even almost all kettles have a separate button with a brewing mode. it is called kolabasa, traditionally such a bowl was made from pumpkin, pumpkin retains the correct taste of mate and even slightly enhances the bitterness, in a wooden the kolabasa mate turns out to be somehow unsaturated, but these are like hooves , yes, just hooves with... with fur, yes, they used to brew it in the hooves, too, but this is already stylization, a tribute to tradition, let’s go, i’ll show you, off
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we go, kolabasa covered with leather, porcelain sausage, metal sausage, emerald and ocher, pink and mint, go ahead and make a choice, but if suddenly you have mastered this task, we move on to the second level of difficulty, selecting a straw with a filter through which they drink mate, it ... with a lot of grass dust and not all bombishes can handle this kind of mate, but if i lived in argentina, i would have a separate closet at home with different shapes and types of sausage, like handbags depending on my mood, today it’s red, tomorrow it’s plain, and the day after tomorrow it’s wooden with a special bombisha, well today... sofia and i are in a pumpkin mood, so we fill the classic sausage with leaves about 3/4 and
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shake it a little to remove excess dust, it will sit on the lid. then we pour the mate to one of the walls, pour a little cold water into the free space so that it slightly nail down the dust. it’s even strange that there is no special vessel for cold water. then we insert the tube into the same hole, closing it from above with a finger so that dust does not get inside and wait a little. this is art. and do not say. what are the rules for drinking mate? well, for example, in every company. the main pamate is removed, the person who brews it best, only he can touch the bombisha after it has been inserted into the colobas, but if you unknowingly touch the straw, those around you will quickly give it to you understand, they will begin to be indignant in chorus, because you can clog the straw with excess grass or destroy the slide, there are a lot of nuances, but it
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is the one who brews who drinks the first three times until all the dust is gone, only after that treats the guests, i am the only thing i understand it’s not difficult - it’s drinking. yes, that is right. in general, first sofia, according to all the rules , brewed matey for herself. three times, and the same number of times , she drank, ridding the guest, that is, me, of dust. and only after that kolobas passed into my hands. oh, as long as the bomb doesn’t move. you can immediately feel the bitterness, and there is a little sweetness, as if some kind of rounded taste. that's what i think. what does this mean, yes, when you try mate for the first time, it’s difficult to determine what it even tastes like, you feel like it’s a mixture of flavors, it’s a complex taste, but it’s very interesting. in general, many phenomena in argentina were born from a certain fusion of opposites. what's the phenomenon? this is how a whole people arose, the famous
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gauchos. initially, they appeared from marriages of spaniards with locals. women, and then made the cultural code of argentina completely unique. how do you imagine a gaucho? he's an argentine cowboy, isn't he? fearless, freedom-loving, who masterfully wields losso and can ride even the most obstinate horse. this is exactly the image of gaucho that has been formed in the mass consciousness and culture for years. however, today the word gauche has actually become synonymous in latin america. farmer, meet a descendant of one of the first generations of gaucho, adolfo. i ’m looking at you, you know, you’re just like a picture. this is a classic look, thick boots, pants, light and wide, so that to escape the heat, and a black tie, a sign of respect to all the gauchos who have passed on to another world. this is what the traditional costume of a gaucho or
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settler looks like. here's why: among the dons in spain at that time it was customary that the older brother inherited the entire fortune, and the younger ones received nothing. as a result, they had few prospects, then they went here to undeveloped lands to build their lives here from scratch. by the way, in many cases they chewed up even more wealth than those who remained in spain. in the first couple we literally survived, then they managed to bring cows here and gauchos began to breed them, the business immediately took off,
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judging by the endless fields, this is how the first gaucho business appeared, selling leather. to europe, over time they began to grow fruits, vegetables, raise chickens and pigeons, and later, when argentina gained independence from spain, the gauches also began to drive livestock to other areas, including for future breeding. cows and bulls are one of the main occupations of modern gauchos. i ask you to love and favor adolf's friend and partner, martin. well it’s very pleasant, it’s generally pleasant for me to be among such beautiful people. incredibly beautiful men, of course, it seems to me that you have embellished a little how handsome we are, but i want to tell you quite seriously, you are the most beautiful of all russian women that i have seen, well, now to the point, i think it’s not for you it’s a secret that argentina is famous for its delicious meat, so here we raise
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sire bulls for those very meat bulls, in general, this was originally an english breed, but it seems to me that we are in... enough formidable, not scary, eh, coward, they, of course, are not very fond of strangers, but here you just need to earn trust, well, feed them, what can we say, and also important rules in their breeding, in no case should you beat the bulls and keep there are dogs nearby, why can’t dogs be nearby, they make them anxious, stress, you go inside, there, i don’t know, i’m somehow worried, to be honest, so guys, i’m in good spirits, i’m in peace, so what are they like?
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huge, so they have 600 kg, 600 kg, and these are still small, they should grow to a ton, the little one says, kids, well, you know, when i’m standing among you, you surround me like this, it’s quite safe for yourself, but you don’t leave without me, olya found someone to trust, yeah, this beret, he’s even bad, remember, we are friends, that is, he is the same, if it weren’t for your husband he would have invited you to stay, he would run the farms, we will take him too, let him work part-time and feed the bulls and bulls, these kids are from one to 2 years old. is this a special whistle or any one will do? every farmer has his own sound, it could be or a whistle, they get used to it. and
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then he reacts only to him. but if i make any sound now, will they fit? they don't know your voice. and i am tenderness, i am tenderness, feminine. come to me, little one, come to me, pretty ones. “now your husband is more likely to come running to you than a bullock, you just need to take a bucket, wait, i understood what they need, from, look, one went, it seems to me that i’m just a born gaucho, but while martin was handling the bullocks, adolfo decided show me your house, yes, this is where adolfo spent his childhood, however, today in place of the kitchen and living room there are museum halls, the museum, of course, is dedicated to gauchos and bears the name of adolf’s grandfather,
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guarding . master class on traditional gaucho dance. toe, heel, toe. yeah. i
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’m trying, but i’m far from it. and now you mean, repeat, this will be a russian folk jump. , there we only have a heel, i believe that you and i well done, the friendship of peoples has taken place, but nothing brings people together, even from very different cultures, like a feast, specifically this is called a siege in argentina, this is the time of passing, the actual dishes, in general any parts can go into a siege, but the canonical version
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is pure form, without any recipes or other ingredients, how did you feel? and how to properly prepare meat for a siege, now i’ll get all the secrets from you, salt and more, here it is. that usually your men do the cooking or you can teach a woman a gouch, too, you can do this to say to allow her to touch the siege, it meant a lot, no, no, it’s just more of a gentleman’s story, when we want to woo our ladies, we prepare a siege for them, and they rest, in fact, the siege is tastier for women, but we didn’t check this, so adolf and martin.
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without music, can you imagine, even when someone passes away, we continue to play music, it can last all night, such a cure for sadness. that's all, thank you, it seems to me that i trampled all his feet, what will i learn? argentina is a country of traditions, there
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is a whole philosophy behind every drink. and behind every dish is the story of their ancestors, here they inherit a profession, they serve it zealously and diligently, it’s so good here that you want to finally have time to try everything, and of course, share these emotions and memories with a friend, i’m taking this with me, well, little girl , what about the hot donuts, yes oh, this is the only thing i haven’t tried yet, this is the national pie with jamon and quess. to our glowing broadcast, uh-huh, uh-huh, in general, you know, olya, i’m so happy, it was mine the dream is to get to argentina, i don’t have to talk about tango, because this is my whole life, to plunge into this atmosphere of tango here in buenos, this is, of course , absolute happiness for me, i also danced as a child, so i kind of like it too
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this, i had a lesson. listen, this is just incredible. firstly, i now understand what improvisation is, that it is, well, a kind of prepared set of specific steps. but still, this energy of dance, energy, i don’t know, the spirit of everything that is here around us, it’s all like as if concentrating in tango. argentina is tango, they live this life with the rhythm of tango. it seems to me that...
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they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest. you need to be beautiful, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax,
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anex, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leo reorts, elegant. details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! titanic deluxe hotel kolv belek, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort. by our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband. and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. the first podcasts we watch. today. it's good that i have you. your husband's friend. from the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, today on rtr, catch
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a fish, big or small, in general you chose a suitable place, yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure,
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the food formula, today on rtr, all our episodes you will find on the media platform, watch, download the application or go to the website, mm, agree, they are good, yes, very tasty, yeah. good morning, this is a food formula program and we have arrived north to the arkhangelsk region,
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you will have a pie, yes, wow, what does it come with, what does it come with, this is a northern pie, kulebyaka with fish, oh, yes, by the way, what do you think is the healthiest fish, well, red, i don’t know, trout. superfood or even a vitamin bomb, wow,
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well then you need to find out everything about it, of course, so i suggest going to the production and seeing how they make cod fillets, yeah, but still it seems to me, after all, that red fish will be healthier, let's check it out, well, today we'll figure out why cod in some cases is the best red fish loved by many, on the other hand, why sometimes it smells like ammonia and has a soapy taste, and how we can... sellers when we buy cod, and will also tell you why cod is good for our thyroid gland. just 100 g of cod is the daily requirement of iodine. what vitamin makes cod a must-eat for all older people? and without this vitamin, dementia sets in, unfortunately, very quickly. and we will prepare a dish from cod to prevent hypertension. it dilates blood vessels, and accordingly the pressure drops. well, we’ll check everything and recommend the best. begin. derive a food formula. let's go to the fish processing plant
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a company where cod comes directly from the sea. alexander, good morning, good morning, hello. alexander bokovikov, chief technologist. so it's cod, right? yeah, where do you fish? we catch it at the trading post of the barinsky sea, after which this fish goes to the factory for filleting. but we came here to help you, in general. and you will finally tell me why triska is useful. yes, here it is, cod, after cutting off the head we have the process of separating the humerus, we insert the knife under the fin, so we hold the fin and cut away from ourselves with a knife, it worked out very easily for both of you, but can you smell it, by the way, yes, of course, of course, it smells like the sea, fresh fish, of course it smells like the sea, yeah, sometimes you buy fish, it smells like ammonia, when you cook it, what does that mean, and you can flatter such a fish, ask: rospotrebnadzor experts. if
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the fish smells of ammonia, then most likely the conditions of its storage and transportation were violated. or, the fish spoiled even before it was frozen; microbes had already begun to actively multiply. the smell of ammonia comes from the food vital activity of these microbes. simply put, the fish have already begun to decompose. or maybe the second option is that it was treated with a preservative, which is a formaldehyde condensation product. and ammonia, in any case, fish that smells of ammonia should not be eaten. we return to work, after separating the head of the fins, the fish is washed and then sorted. what 's going on? yes, hello, hello, at this stage we look at the quality of the fish, external, what the fish looks like, we feel with our hands, if everything ok, we’ll send it for further filtration, so let me make you happy too. for example,
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there are minor damages, soft tissues, this fish is already going for another cutting, we also see small hematomas, which is also unacceptable for fillets, yeah, this is also not suitable, no, this is all washed off with water, and this it washes off like this, well, that means it’s normal, by the way, i wanted to tell you about the beneficial properties of cod, maybe let’s cover the fish with ice to preserve it, which means cod is indispensable for our thyroid glands, iodine a microelement that we constantly need, and yet, according to statistics, approximately every third person in our country experiences iodine deficiency, yeah, just 100 g of cod is the daily requirement of iodine, but in comparison, for comparison, only about a third of the daily requirement norms, okay, that’s it, yes, you see, so take care of your thyroid gland, yazhtetri said, by the way, taking care of the full... frozen, but it happens
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that chilled fish is found, yes it is, yes, it’s in those cities where cod is caught, where cod is not caught, chilled fish, well, theoretically it cannot be, since the shelf life of chilled fish is very short, plus it still takes time to catch this fish, otherwise... well, that is , it turns out that there is a high probability that what is called chilled - this is defrosted, most likely it is a defrosted fish disguised as chilled, such cod has probably been frozen and defrosted again more than once, which means it can be hazardous to health, be careful when purchasing, and in the meantime, using a special deskin apparatus, the skin is removed and we get triski fillet. so in this
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area we finish the fillet to a marketable state, our task is to remove this with you. soapy taste, this is due to the fact that the washing technology is quite complicated, it turns out that in order for us to wash our workplace, we first need to wash off all the organic compounds, then fill it all with chemicals, yeah, yeah, wait 20 minutes for the chemistry to work and kill all the bacteria, after that you need
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to rinse off the chemistry again, apply a disinfectant solution so that everything is clean and sterile, only then rinse again, is there any of the areas? skip it, the remnants of powerful products can remain on the fish, which actually gives a soapy taste, you’ll be stunned, that is , it turns out that the fish has a soapy taste - it’s just poorly washed, this is soap, this is pure soap, yes, it would seem, we can look at what do helminths look like, well, the gels that we are translucent are a small capsule with a worm, unfortunately, there are almost no fish without parasites, but fortunately they are detected at the factory and must be removed, after...
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this is one of the leading diseases, one of the main causes of mortality, it also affects other diseases, because people eat sweets all the time, no, it’s just because people eat all the time and move very little, but there is another reason, this is chromium deficiency , a microelement very important for our cells to be sensitive to insulin, yeah, so triska contains the daily requirement of chromium in 100 g, so it is used as a preventive measure. a remedy against type 2 diabetes mellitus and is also used in medical nutrition, take care yourself from diabetes, eat cod, seryozh, there is so much chromium in red fish, if in fact it’s about the same amount, the same amount, okay, what happens next, in this section, using cooled water, we apply a thin layer of glaze on our fish
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in order to maintain the quality of the shelf life, how much glaze on fish in stores should be according to the rules... an expert from rospotrebnadzor will tell you. ice on the surface of frozen fish is the norm according to russian legislation, but it should not be more than 5% of the total mass of the product, that is, it thin and barely noticeable crust. if there is more ice, the fish has probably already been defrosted and frozen several times, for example, as a result of improper storage and transportation, and could have spoiled. therefore, make sure that there is not too much ice on the fish. if cod. is sold in individual packaging, choose the one that shows the net weight, that is, the weight of the fish, excluding the glaze, this way you won’t have to pay for water, so, dear tv viewers, look at the packaging and read the net weight, but we’ll probably pack it , yes, come on, gentlemen, you know what occurred to me
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when you buy fish by weight, this is how much ice there is in it, this is how to understand it, can you break the tail a little? yes, and here you will see how thick the ice is, the thickness of the glaze should be about a millimeter and a half, no more, of course, but we can take a bi-pack with us, of course, we play cod, we are a trishka bardych, so thank you very much for communicating , thank you for coming, your fish is fresh and good, and to the eye, thank you, it’s very nice for good words, goodbye, happily ever after. if you are not watching our program from the very beginning and do not know how triska is good for the thyroid gland, i remind you that all episodes can be watched on the online media platform , watch, download the application, install on phones or tablets, or just go to the website, listen , here i read that arkhangelsk is called the city of boards, cod and melancholy. so, about
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triska, i understand. as for the melancholy, i don’t agree here, here are the boards. well, it’s obvious, there are huge forests around here, and of them there are still in distant antiquity, ships were built, fishing, trading and all sorts of others. seryozha, well, before there were wooden ones here, now they are metal, where can i find something like this in the 20th century, this is where this is, wow, wow, hello, hello, gleb pletnev, initiator and head of the shipyard, listen, this is big daily, yes, a ship, i don’t know, it’s from some century, it’s the 15th-17th century, when the pomors built their ships and went to their fishing grounds in the arctic, yeah. you seem to be paying tribute to the past, we are trying to revive this craft, start sailing
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go to the arctic, that is, somewhere you found in some libraries rare books that showed how to build sea boats, we found in the russian state archive of the navy a description of the pre-petrine ships of the pomeranian nomads, and since the drawings wasn't there before peter, we created electronic drawings. we organized a team of like-minded people and started building. construction of this amazing pomeranian koch began in 2019, and in a few more years the ship will be launched. will be able to take part in sea expeditions everyone is interested. dear tv viewers, imagine, in a few years you come to arkhangelsk, go out to sea on this boat, and you know that
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we will be pleased that we had a hand in it, and made a contribution, contributed, you still can’t pronounce it well , you need to strengthen your brains, eat more cod, yes, because it contains vitamin b-12, and this is good for the brain, vitamin b-12, what is it, it’s a means of preventing demets. by the way , only 100 g of cod contains 50% of the daily requirement, wow, but without this vitamin dementia sets in, unfortunately very quickly, well, along the way, i apparently clearly have a lack of cod, also take care of your brain, your memory and eat cod, and i can try, this is where the board will go? these lumber will be used for the hull of the ship and will be attached as firmly as possible to the frames, that is, this is a prestigious piece
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of wood, this is a very important part of the work in which you took part, thank you, thank you, we will go and yes, good luck if you are not watching our program from the very beginning and don't... know how much ice should to be on frozen cod, i remind you that all episodes can be reviewed on the online media platform, watch, download the application, install on your phones or tablets, or just go to the website, so, it’s time for us to cook in a restaurant, yes, that’s right, eh what to cook? we will prepare a very healthy snack to prevent hypertension, i like cod more and more. alyonka, don’t you recognize me or something, but this is transportation? well, your neighbor, vanka! angels of the area from monday on
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rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest - this is not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. look, love, this is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time two,
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three, sign up and look. let's see, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, please, introductions and roll call, maybe without further ado, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ people, how much is a secret? confessed, i, as a man , am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands , when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, today on рrtр.


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