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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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let's sign up, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, please, introduction and roll call, no formation possible, i'm very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in a white tuxedo and i begin, then the brood leaves mark anton and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how many everything is still ahead, i foresaw mine fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, today on rtr. dmitry, good morning, good,
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dmitry amelin, chef. how are we going to crack cod today? today we will have cod riet, we will need the cod itself, cottage cheese, herbs, dill, cucumbers, we will also need bread for serving and sesame seeds. the cod should be baked with salt. please tell me how to properly defrost triska, because... some people put it in hot water, others put it in the microwave they put it on the table, you can still, it’s better to take it out of the freezer and just put it in the refrigerator, oh how, that is, i need to stop the temperature from -19 to +5, yes, so, bake the cod - in the oven at 180° for 25 minutes, the triska is ready, what’s next, we’ll grind the cod, yeah, with our blender, and we’ll add cottage cheese there, then we ’ll... we’ll deal with the cucumbers and dill, that
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’s it, that’s all i have, then that’s it, now we put it in a bowl, add salt, pepper to taste, dill, and eat, that’s it, yes, then, oh, class, high-protein triska riet for prevention of hypertension, bake triski fillet in the oven 25. after the fish has cooled, grind it in a blender with cottage cheese, add chopped dill, salt and pepper to taste, mix until smooth , put on bread, decorate with sliced ​​cucumber and sesame on top, you can add a little balsamic vinaigrette, straight up a fitness sandwich. mm, twice fitness,
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beterobrod, so, because, because two beterobrods, no, not because of that, but then that it affects blood pressure in at least two different ways, which, well, firstly, it’s protein, there are studies that show that protein deficiency leads to a more malignant course of hypertension, that is, people’s blood pressure rises earlier, in general such people live , unfortunately, less, and there is also an amino acid called argenine in cod , which dilates the walls of blood vessels, that is. by the way, about the caloric content, which is more caloric, cod or red fish, red fish, of course, is almost twice as high in calories as cod, that is, it turns out that to some extent cod is better than red fish, it works, but it doesn’t work, okay. which are contained in the meat itself, and not
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in the liver, well, that is, in this sense, every fish, it will find its place on our table, that is, every fish is a little golden, yes, yes, you are a great fellow, you came up with and designed it so beautifully in general, all i can say is thank you, right? and i ’ll tell you thank you only when you tell me the formulas, it’s not difficult, but eat cod at least three times a week for health, thyroid gland, good brain function and normal blood pressure, thank you, ba napitilizami, that’s how much i underestimated cod, and this is a dietary fish, put in protein, put in iodine, and it’s also very tasty, i... buy some of it, thank you,
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yes, and also, also, arkhangelsk is true, the city of boards, cod, and melancholy, you know why, why melancholy, because the melancholy that comes ? once again, don’t be sad, don’t be sad, do n’t be sad, because other cities and other products are waiting for us, it was a food formula program on the russia tv channel. hello, we again have the main stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city and this is how our correspondents saw it. the man
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literally burned out over these 2 years, the raiders were in a cage, just as they neutralized him in moscow.
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dmitry blinnikov exposes that they later bought empty premises in cities or entire buildings. so, with the onset of warmth , construction workers and heavy equipment again appeared on moscow streets and in courtyards and public gardens. of course, they cause some inconvenience, but they always apologize and do everything to ensure that the work is completed as quickly as possible. big program the improvement of the city's public spaces is being resumed. they should be completely transformed by the fall.
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that means about 90,000 m2 for landscaping, 42.00 is the roadway, about 1,000 are sidewalks and lawns. there seem to be more municipal vehicles on the roadway than ordinary cars. as you can see, asphalt pavers, dump trucks, and, well, landscaping equipment are involved. we met with the residents, the residents asked that they do it faster, that is, they are ready, they say to be patient. a little, but to do it faster, they do it both day and night, i think it will finish quickly, they are laying asphalt on butlerov street, changing curb stones and creating new parking spaces, i spent about 15 minutes spinning around the house, it’s always good when there is free space, because that’s how it is to come, to spin, not to eat well, in
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the konkov area, comprehensive improvement has come to three streets, in the konkov area this year there are three streets for comprehensive improvement, obruchev street, oh, vedensky street, butlerova. and travel from obruchev street to butlerov street, which means also nine courtyard areas are being improved for the improvement program, the work period is spring-summer, the completion date is august 15, these streets will be completed there within 2-3 weeks. this year, the improvement work will be one of the most large-scale, it will take place in different areas of moscow, komsomolsky and nakhimovsky avenues, academician koroleva aviamotornaya streets will be updated. year we begin the season of improvement, about 2,500 objects, these are parks, squares, moscow courtyards and, of course, streets, this year we are changing the approach to street improvement, making them more comprehensive, so that not only in the city center, but in all areas of moscow
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they look decent. plans for 2024 include transforming 18 public spaces, for example, kodashovskaya embankment, over 700 streets and more than one and a half thousand courtyards. marina gromova, yuri zabolotnikov and artyom kuznetsov, lead. the trial in the case of the notorious clinic of dr. khaidarov begins in moscow. for a long time, his establishment had the status of an elite place. correct appearance, singers, producers and actors came, and only when one of the patients died there at the beginning of this year, the terrible details of the clinic’s work came to light, people were simply disfigured there, and celebrities, not wanting such fame, preferred to remain silent, but despite everything this, the medical center continues to work, why is it not closed, our anna balan tried to get an appointment with the doctors. the infamous clinic of plastic surgeon timur khaidarov.
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khaidarov. investigators seized expired medical products and identified violations in the activities of a medical institution. due to identified violations by the management of the clinic, at the initiative of the investigation , the provision of a number of services provided in the clinic of timur khaidarov was suspended. the operating room has been sealed and the investigation is ongoing. the reason for the inspections was the initiation of a criminal case after the death of the famous producer pyotr gavrilov. 2 months ago. in this very clinic he underwent surgery to reduce his stomach, but instead of an ideal figure, the thirty-five-year-old
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man received blood poisoning and died. if you think that we carried out some kind of, i don’t know, negligence, there, you are deeply mistaken, this is how khaidarov responded to every claim of his dissatisfied patients, among them popular performers, a butcher, he simply cut my hands, i had everything in scars and the stitches were not chewed. 72 people filed statements with the security authorities, as well as with the roszdravnadzor authorities. evgenia also suffered at the hands of the star surgeon. after the operation, when i woke up, i discovered that i had no breasts, and after 3 days i discovered that i was experiencing partial necrosis. the clinic offered to work on the mistakes and redo everything, but it only got worse. it turned out to be a fistula under the breast, and it took a very long time for it to heal. the little finger could go into the hole. like this under the chest. previously , roszdravnadzor came to iq plastic for an inspection.
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it turned out that at least 34 operations on patients were performed improperly, but despite everything, the clinic continues to operate. as soon as the journalists came here, the shutters were immediately lowered, but now we see indeed, the lights are on in the offices, patients are being received, and doctors are sitting here. if khaidarov is found guilty, the plastic surgeon faces up to 6 years in prison. ah... news. in the moscow region , the birch sap season ends these days. it is very short, lasting a little more than a week, but you can still catch this weekend , the last chance this year to enjoy the most natural delicacy with the taste of childhood by the very process of finding that very birch tree that will easily fill a three-liter jar without it's that simple. where is the best place to look for the right trees and where should you not do this? in no case did maxim oparin find the lush forests of the region without difficulty.
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the snow has not yet melted in the forest; lovers of birch sap, armed with drills and empty containers, are already looking for a succulent tree. choosing the right one is not so easy; there must be a lush crown and a minimum of dry branches. the ideal tree for sap extraction should be neither young nor old. there is a folk way to determine this. if you hug a tree and can take your elbow, it means this is... the very birch tree that will give the most delicious, sweetest sap. next , they substitute the container and make a hole where they place a metal tube, the juice flows down it, we note that it is a little higher than the level of the bottle, yes, we take it, drill it, the juice has already started running, the five-liter bottle is filled overnight, well, it’s like water it’s slightly sweetened, that’s how it is, you can also use a dropper, it allows you to make a hole at almost any height. and injures the tree less, we insert a dropper, the first drops have already begun. after the end of the collection, dendrologists say, in order not
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to cause irreparable harm to the birch, the hole must be sealed, do not use an ax or a sharp knife, some take machetes and begin to chop the plants, fungal diseases will appear and the plant will slowly but surely dry out, the miraculous properties of birch sap there are legends that it supposedly rejuvenates and is good for digestion, blood vessels and the heart. birch sap can be a great source of strength. doctors are skeptical about such statements, and also ask not to confuse the sap collected from the tree with canned from the store. from birch sap due to the fact that it spoils. almost always all manufacturers add a preservative, so instead of natural juice it turns out, you know, this kind of sad water with preservatives, but juice collected near large enterprises or near roads can be simply dangerous, for the sake of experiment we collected a small portion of juice literally a few meters from roadway, as a result , a harmful element - selenium - was found in a sample collected near the road, it can
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be assumed that selenium was contained in the fuel as an additive, and accordingly it was further released into the atmosphere with exhaust gases, these gases polluted the soil, all the substances contained there from the soil were absorbed into the thickness, into the mass of plants growing there, for some, birch sap is childhood memories, for others a symbol of soviet shortages, empty store shelves were filled with three-liter jars; it’s really not easy to try the drink fresh; it’s only collected for a few days in april. maxim aparin, anton dubnov, yaroslav. meanwhile in moscow another pyramid collapsed, the founder of which, in his own way, squeezed all the juice out of clients, looked for the wealthiest, presented them with his supposedly incredibly profitable project, the essence of which was the purchase of commercial real estate, and convinced them to invest all the money in the business. the scheme worked successfully more than
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once or twice. there were hundreds of clients, they were already rubbing their hands in anticipation of the promised profit, but there was a pyramid. the pyramid all ended with the disappearance of the clever businessman and mass bankruptcies. how did this investment company work, why is it willing to go there? carried millions , our dmitry blinnikov met with inconsolable investors. stanislav lost 2.5 million rubles. he claims that he was defrauded of money. of course, this is definitely a scam. and hundreds more people complain about st. petersburg businessman vadim vorentsov and the mentor spb company. they persuaded people to invest profitably in real estate, that is , we are talking about a cooperative where shareholders brought their money, and then used it to buy empty premises in cities or entire buildings, convert them into hotels, hostels, multi-storey buildings, they were planned to be rented out or sold, and the income was to be divided between investors, but the shareholders say they never received dividends, but they invested a gigantic amount for everyone, 30
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million, i know there are shareholders, in total there are 500 shareholders , as far as i understand, they bought, as far as i understand, a large apartment, divided it into small studios and implemented all this as a mini-hotel with five rooms, apartments, anton invested as much as 4 million in another project, with the money of shareholders they bought this whole building, this there was supposed to be an apartment building, they had to restore it, get documents for
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individual apartments and just sell it all, but after collecting money from people, the mentor st. petersburg company... constantly does everything fraudulent and sets people up, and not only shareholders complain, but and the residents of the houses where they were bought are in contact with part of the real estate, he premises, so they learned with horror on astradamskaya street in moscow. that they want to make a hostel on the ground floor, of course the basis of this organization is varentsov, the residents won the court and he decided not to go to the chelezka, but now there is another problem, they are secretly trying to sell the premises, the ad is hanging on the cyan, as before, where varentsov himself is is unknown, but judging by the videos on social networks, he is quite happy with life,
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the victims they are preparing to write statements to law enforcement agencies. they hope that a case will be opened against the businessman, and they will be able to return at least part of their money. dmitry blinnikov, andrey yurchuk, vladislav dubtsov, pavel letnikov, news. it's a week in the city and the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead. we have a very short advertisement, but there will be time to pour tea or coffee. you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest. where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except the head, we know everything about holidays, relax,
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anex, allow yourself a first-class holiday slezorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic
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lakshery collection bodrum. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring. warm, sunny. bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russian exhibition, you are in in the recent past, a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s under you...
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god forbid now beep, if you win, then 100 to one , today on rtr,
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premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov is black!
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from monday on rtr. this week in the city, the main stories that happened nearby. so, in moscow , large-scale road construction does not stop for a single day, including new highways, overpasses and interchanges are being built even where it would seem that there is no traffic jam at all for this place forever, but the designers are creating real engineering miracles, for example, in the area of ​​the moscow city business center alone it is planned to build about 40 km of new roads, and many works have already begun. the artery is by no means of regional importance, with their opening the busiest highways in the city will be unloaded, who will have a good time going where, marina
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gromova saw the outlines of the future road frame. the moscow river, skyscrapers, the third ring and even the metro line surround this the construction site from all sides, in a small plot of land, was able to be turned into serious construction. on the left side we have the metro, the metro was never stopped, although there were certain difficulties, on this patch we simultaneously built local treatment facilities, which discharge 17 cum in one hour, this is a very colossal volume. the overpass is only part of a large project new streets on... moscow, on the site of a former industrial zone, almost 4 km of road that will connect several metropolitan districts. using this overpass, cars will move from the third transport ring to the new embankment, and along the river it will be possible to get to big filevskaya street. the road surface is ready, only the top layer of asphalt is missing, it is just being laid, a lawn separates the road from the river, workers have already begun landscaping. the most difficult section in terms of backfilling is precisely because here we took away a little of the earth. near the
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moscow river, now we seem to be walking on water , we would be walking if we were walking with you for a year and a half back. public transport will also run here, builders are setting up stopping islands, a pier for electric river trams will appear on the water, this is the foundation for the future of the quarter, which is growing before our eyes. the houses have not yet been built, but the infrastructure is almost ready for them. yes, yes, yes, that is exactly what these roads are built for. the effect of the launch of this road will be noticed not only by future residents. new residential complexes it is much wider, districtilovo, felevsky park and presnensky travel faster, and this is more than 300 thousand people, plus it’s nearby the business center will also be more convenient for those who commute to offices; all this is part of the huge work to create a new transport framework for the big city. the road system of the big city continues to actively develop; last year we launched the bagradion toll highway, and now about 40 km
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of various facilities are being built. i’m telling you, one of the most famous raider groups in moscow failed to reduce his prison term, at the beginning of last year he was sent to a colony for 8 years, over the last few months the lawyers they tried to change the verdict of the fraudster, it didn’t work out, but the criminals’ case lives on, their microcredit office, with the help of which they appropriated the apartments of hundreds of muscovites, still issues loans secured by real estate, how is this possible, why
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are many victims of the raiders so... did not receive justice, for several years , our alexander karpov was literally on the tail of the swindlers. the judge read out one list of apartments stolen from muscovites for about 20 minutes. roman guselnikov directly directed or controlled the activities of a dozen fraudulent companies, including the international credit bureau, oh your broker, the moscow collateral company, involved in the massive seizure of real estate from the population. i lost my property, which was valued at... 7,200, as a result i received only 500.00, we lost all the civil courts and in 1717 i was thrown out onto the street, i was evicted, i remained homeless, many of the victims had already died and accordingly they will never wait for a verdict and will not return to their apartments, today the court lifted the arrest from the first ten apartments, they will finally return to their rightful owners, the verdict passed a year ago against the leader of the group has been confirmed, and
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punishment has been given to guselnik roman ivanovich. sentenced to a general regime colony for a period of 8 years. for 10 years, our program conducted its own investigation into the scam, we found victims of apartment raiders and time after time brought the police to their offices under the guise of credit offices. they misled citizens in need of funds and, through deception , concluded agreements for the sale and purchase of apartments. at in this case, citizens, believing that they had entered into loan agreements, transferred interest to the members of the criminal group for the use of money. funds, not suspecting that they are no longer the owners of the apartments. my, my husband took out a loan of 350,000, he was initially told to pledge his share, our four-room apartment ended up going for 1,100, your husband’s death is related to this case, well, of course, the man literally burned out over these 2 years, only in 2018 a criminal case was opened. searches were carried out at forty addresses so as not to
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let the suspects get rid of the evidence. seals, stamps, will be issued voluntarily or voluntarily, the scale of thefts of apartments hidden by investigators turned out to be such that the state duma adopted a special law for... prohibiting the issuance of microloans secured by housing, according to our data, several hundred citizens lost their apartments, everyone had to cope with this situation of the victims , it is absolutely impossible; only by combining their episodes in these criminal cases, it was possible to prove a criminal scheme. in january 2023 , guselnikov was handcuffed in the courtroom, his accomplices also received real prison sentences, but the moscow city court sent the case for a new trial. meanwhile, the raider scheme seems to be working as if nothing had happened today. here is a moscow collateral company, by contacting us, each client has a unique opportunity to quickly, without unnecessary problems, get a cash loan secured by real estate, don’t
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remind us of anything, just call. what are your percentages? private investors 3% per month, it turns out that i’ll immediately sign off on the apartment, or something? to a private investor? no, but it’s all the same, an agreement, a loan of collateral. roman, what can you say about the verdict? why do your offices continue to take away apartments now? the moscow collateral company is working. former general director of mzk alekseev was released right in the courtroom. taking into account the time in the pre-trial detention center, it is considered that he has served his sentence, while roman guselnikov himself has less than half left to serve, plus udo. obviously, he will be released as a wealthy man. alexander karpov, yuri zabolotnikov, oleg dobin. news. moscow falls asleep, wakes up patricks in the capital's district of the patriarch's ponds, a legendary historical, but at the same time party area, the season of great fun and sophisticated play on the nerves of local residents begins,
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who pay for the prestige of having apartments in the famous corner of moscow not only with money, but with sleepless nights, because in the warm season it is simply impossible to sleep in houses with windows facing, for example, a small armored building, confrontation. people flock here from all over the capital. random tourists are shocked. what has changed in 10 years? go for a walk in the evening. locals in the evening they try not to leave the house and close the windows tightly. even triple glazed windows do not allow you to relax peacefully at home.
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you can hear everything. ride on small armor so that you can hear all the special speeds up to the docibel limit at maximum and always with slipping. everyone who comes here to relax, eat delicious food and have fun. to spend time considers it his duty to declare himself to show plenty, i’m not sleeping, let the others also not sleep, while some are resting to the fullest, others are completely deprived of rest, local residents don’t even dream of peace, at night we are at half past four, a car stopped, the windows were opened, the music was on full blast, just to the end, i have a small child now eight months old, and this is impossible, there is simply no life, drivers of elite sports cars and tuned foreign cars are not embarrassed even by inspectors, especially noisy...
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residents hear, yes, you can reach 80 db, permissible standards in residential premises are 40 db, on the street 45 db. prohibit entry at night and allow entry only by registration, a radical method, but in practice ineffective, it’s not enough to block all the patrol passages, drivers still find loopholes, it’s as if you really want to have a flat tire, the nerves of the people are really on edge, for educational purposes all means are good, a bottle of kefir is like a weapon of retaliation, i think the girl bought kefir, in in the fight for the rights to a comfortable life, not only kefir, but also chicken eggs are used, but the score is so far in favor of the guests, and not the residents of the patriarchate. alexey knor, ekaterina cherushova, pavel vitrinsky,
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egor vozhletsov, mariana pepanyan, news!


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